riparian microtopography of shonai river by applying pole

Riparian microtopography of Shonai River by applying pole-camera method Ryosuke AKAHORI (Aichi Institute of Technology) 8/11 7/29 1 2 3 4 A B C A B C A B C 08/30/2017 11/18/2016 07/29 and 08/11/2016 A B C 02/20/2018 A B C 02/13/2019 40m N 40m N 40m N 40m N 40m N gravel surface region flow vegetated region gravel surface region flow vegetated region gravel surface region flow vegetated region gravel surface region flow vegetated region calculation area total discharge 1/3 of the total vegetated region 75m³/s for the boundary gravel surface region Depth (m) Velocity (m/s) The hydraulic mechansims of transporting the fine sediment were then evaluated by calculating the local flow structures (The DSM obtained by the proposed method was used as the topographic data). Observation site The sandbars 28 km upstream from the mouth of the Shonai River in Japan (figure 4). The sandbar were excavated in 2012 to obtain a flat surface. Several flood events changed the landscape (figure 5). Figure 2. procedure of the “pole camera” method Figure 3. Example of the surfece of the DSM Pole-camera method The “pole-camera” method was oroginaly proposed in the field of the active fault research (Goto, 2015). The operator needs to rotate the pole and himself while the co-operator stands beside and captures images using a remote controller (Sony, RM-LVR2) (figure 2). The RTK-GNSS (Sokkia, GSX2) was used to obtain locations of the the ground control point (GCP). The SfM-MVS software (Agisoft, PhotoScan Professional edition, Ver. 1.2.6) was applied to obtain the digital surface model (DSM) and the ortho-images of the site (figure 3). The obtained DSM was used as the topographical data for the calculation. Numerical calculation procedure Discahrge: 75 m³/s in the secondary channel (representing the small flood discharge illustrated by magenta colored arrows in figure 5). Topography: the DSM previously obtained Model: the customized version of Nays 2D of iRIC 2.1 ( (brief results are shown in figure 6) Remote controlled camera (Sony, QX-1) 7m telescopic pole (PromateE-4867) Operators must rotate themselves while shoot- ing. It requres about 20 images for each standing location. In a single survey, it must be repeated in 20 to 30 locations. co-operator using a remote controller (Sony, RM-LVR2) The SfM-MVS (Agisoft, PhotoScan Professional edi- tion, Ver. 1.2.6) technique was applied to obtain the DSM and the ortho-images of the observation site. Field observation Figure 5. Ortho-rectified images of the site derived by the proposed "pole-camera" method (the calculation area and conditions are illustrated in the image on 07/29 and 08/11/2016.) Figure 1. The “pole camera” method The particle distributions (at sampling locations on figure 7) were classified into two groups (figure 8); one being the fine sediment group (green) and the other being the coarse material (magenta). Figure 7. Sediment sampling locations on the ortho-image (8/11/2016) Figure 8. Particle distributions Calculation results The ratio of u vegetation (estimated flow velocity in the vegetated area) to w s (1mm particle settling velocity) was evaluated (figure 9) based on the calculation results. The colored areas denote the regions where the 1mm particles (relatively fine) were transported as suspended sediment (and not trapped). Most of the magenta markers (locations covered by coarse materials) were located in the areas of the colored contours. Figure 9. Contour of the ratio of u vegetation to w s u vegetation /w s region 1: wake zone region 2: mixing-layer zone region 3: log-law zone u vegetation u vegetation =(2gI e /(C D a s )) 1/2 I e : the local energy slope that was inversely obtained by the calculated result C D : the drag coefficient (C D = 1.0) a s : the degree of vegetated density (a s = nd/s 2 ) n: the number of vegetation d: its diameter s: the side length of an observed area) Figure 6. Calculated depth and velocity Conclusions An alternative method to capture images for the SfM-MVS was proposed. The DSM was applied to a numerical calculation reproducing the flow structures. The estimated regions (without fine sediment deposits) were relatively consistent with the location where coarse materials were sampled on their surface. Purpose This study proposed an alternative method (figure1) to capture images for the SfM-MVS. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP19K04625. REFERENCES: Goto, H. (2015). Mapping of Fault Geomorphology Using "Structure from Motion - Multi - Video Stereo" Photogrammetry with Old / Hi-view Aerial Photography, Active Fault Research, No. 42, pp. 73-83. (in Japanese) Harada, M., Nagayama, S., Oishi, T., and Kayaba, Y. (2015). Microtopography formation after flood-channel excavation Ibi-River, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), Vol. 71 (2015), No. 4, pp. I_1171-I_1176. (in Japanese) Background Excessive overgrowth of the riparian vegetation in Japan The early stage of the overgrowth is produced by the entrapment of the fine materials by the pioneering plant (Harada, et al., 2015). The UAV and the SfM-MVS They are widely used to study the micro-scale topography and the riparian vegetation. However, restricted areas for UAV are expected to expand. 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 d002 d003 d004 d005 d006 d008 d009 d010 d011 d019 d020 d007 d012 d013 d014 d015 d016 d017 d018 diameter (mm) cumulative percent passing Figure 4. Observation site of the study: 28 km upstream from the mouth of the Shonai River Flow Flow Gravel surface region upstream of the bar (maintained by the deposition of the gravel materials during flood events) Overgrown vegetational surface region downstream of the bar (not intensively disturbed throughout the flood events and the relatively fine materials had been trapped) a) b) a) b) Nagoya Nisshin Owari Asahi Kasugai Miyoshi Toyoake Inazawa 28km from the river mouth, Observatioin Site The Shonai River Esri, HERE, DeLorme, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user comunity km Tokyo Osaka Nagoya gravel surface region vegetated region

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Page 1: Riparian microtopography of Shonai River by applying pole

Riparian microtopography of Shonai River by applying pole-camera methodRyosuke AKAHORI (Aichi Institute of Technology)










11/18/201607/29 and 08/11/2016











gravel surface region


vegetated region

gravel surface region


vegetated region

gravel surface region


vegetated region

gravel surface region


vegetated region


total discharge

1/3 of the total vegetatedregion


for the boundary

gravel surface region

Depth (m) Velocity (m/s)

The hydraulic mechansims

of transporting the f ine

s e d i m e n t w e r e t h e n

evaluated by calculating

the local flow structures

(The DSM obtained by the

proposed method was

used as the topographic


Observation site

The sandbars 28 km upstream from the mouth of the Shonai River in

Japan (figure 4). The sandbar were excavated in 2012 to obtain a flat

surface. Several flood events changed the landscape (figure 5).

Figure 2. procedure of the “pole

camera” methodFigure 3. Example of the surfece of the DSM

Pole-camera method

The “pole-camera” method was oroginaly proposed in the

field of the active fault research (Goto, 2015). ・The operator needs to rotate the pole and himself while the co-operator stands

beside and captures images using a remote controller (Sony, RM-LVR2) (figure 2).

・The RTK-GNSS (Sokkia, GSX2) was used to obtain locations of the the ground

control point (GCP).

・The SfM-MVS software (Agisoft, PhotoScan Professional edition, Ver. 1.2.6) was

applied to obtain the digital surface model (DSM) and the ortho-images of the site

(figure 3). The obtained DSM was used as the topographical data for the calculation.

Numerical calculation procedureDiscahrge: 75 m³/s in the secondary channel

(representing the small flood discharge illustrated

by magenta colored arrows in figure 5).

Topography: the DSM previously obtained

Model: the customized version of Nays 2D of iRIC

2.1 (

(brief results are shown in figure 6)

Remote controlled camera (Sony, QX-1)

7m telescopic pole(Promate,E-4867)Operators must rotate

themselves while shoot-ing.It requres about 20 images for each standing location.In a single survey, it must be repeated in 20 to 30 locations.

co-operator using a remote controller (Sony, RM-LVR2) The SfM-MVS (Agisoft, PhotoScan Professional edi-

tion, Ver. 1.2.6) technique was applied to obtain the DSM and the ortho-images of the observation site.

Field observation

Figure 5. Ortho-rectified images of the site derived by the proposed "pole-camera" method

(the calculation area and conditions are illustrated in the image on 07/29 and 08/11/2016.)

Figure 1. The “pole camera” method

The particle distributions (at

sampling locations on figure 7)

were classified into two groups

(figure 8); one being the fine

sediment group (green) and

the other being the coarse

material (magenta).

Figure 7. Sediment sampling locations

on the ortho-image (8/11/2016) Figure 8. Particle distributions

Calculation results

The rat io of uv e g e t a t i o n

(estimated flow velocity

in the vegetated area) to

ws (1mm particle settling

velocity) was evaluated

(figure 9) based on the

calculation results. The colored areas denote the

regions where the 1mm particles

(relatively fine) were transported

as suspended sediment (and not

trapped). Most of the magenta

markers (locations covered by

coarse materials) were located in

the areas of the colored contours. Figure 9. Contour of the ratio of uvegetation to ws


region 1: wake zone

region 2:mixing-layer zone

region 3: log-law zone



Ie: the local energy slope that was inversely obtained by the calculated resultCD: the drag coefficient (CD = 1.0)as: the degree of vegetated density (as = nd/s2) n: the number of vegetationd: its diameters: the side length of an observed area)

Figure 6. Calculated depth and velocity

Conclusions・An alternative method to capture images for the SfM-MVS was proposed.

・The DSM was applied to a numerical calculation reproducing the flow structures.

・The estimated regions (without fine sediment deposits) were relatively consistent

with the location where coarse materials were sampled on their surface.


This study proposed

a n a l t e r n a t i v e

method (figure1) to

capture images for

the SfM-MVS.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP19K04625.

REFERENCES: Goto, H. (2015). Mapping of Fault Geomorphology Using "Structure from Motion - Multi - Video Stereo" Photogrammetry with Old / Hi-view Aerial

Photography, Active Fault Research, No. 42, pp. 73-83. (in Japanese)

Harada, M., Nagayama, S., Oishi, T., and Kayaba, Y. (2015). Microtopography formation after flood-channel excavation ㏌ Ibi-River, Journal of Japan Society of

Civil Engineers Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), Vol. 71 (2015), No. 4, pp. I_1171-I_1176. (in Japanese)


Excessive overgrowth of the

riparian vegetation in Japan

The ea r l y s tage o f t he

overgrowth is produced by

the entrapment of the fine

materials by the pioneering

plant (Harada, et al., 2015).

The UAV and the SfM-MVS

They are widely used to

s t u d y t h e m i c r o - s c a l e

topography and the riparian

v e g e t a t i o n . H o w e v e r ,

restricted areas for UAV are

expected to expand.












0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0


diameter (mm)





ent p



Figure 4. Observation site of the study: 28 km upstream from the mouth of the Shonai River



Gravel surface region upstream of

t h e b a r ( m a i n t a i n e d b y t h e

deposition of the gravel materials

during flood events)

Overgrown vegetational surface

region downstream of the bar (not

intensively disturbed throughout

the flood events and the relatively

fine materials had been trapped)






Owari Asahi




Inazawa28km from the river mouth,Observatioin Site

The Shonai River

Esri, HERE, DeLorme, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMapcontributors, and the GIS user comunity  km




gravel surface region

vegetated region