ring a bell

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Post on 07-Apr-2018




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  • 8/4/2019 RING A BELL


    Ring a Bell

    Stop tripping; YAH never made this, the world is a playground with just with little rules, Leviticus!YHWH is sad and furious; this world is delirious, ridiculous, no jokes but puremalicious, read Amos!We some lustful pagans wicked in our ways, liars and fornicators nicely feeding

    our flesh; will we ever think about the commandments in Exodus!Please folks turn back to your roots, stop the religious madness, and go to James 1:23-27, and read it for yourself; embrace Genesis.Prophecies unfold, calamity of slavery, a nation unknown, and a history untold.The massacre of European ships ride by Deuteronomy 28 so realize that you are living this prophecy and get real on the book of Titus.Like dogs we go back to our vomits, we struggle day by day trying to put a smileon HIS face, can't we just obey the Proverbs!

    Sinfulness sin, barking hell hounds, hears the trumpet sounds feeling lost and found in these oblivious rounds!We here banging and dancing, singing and chanting, demon loving being the sweetdevil's clowns

    A frown in HIS face, crying tears of blood, regretting Calvary and displeased invictory, we stole HIS glorious crown?Like the vulture we wonder and wander in anarchy proclaiming self-righteousnesswith full vanity.How about back in Numbers and Deuteronomy when the days and times were arrangedIn Genesis we see evening to morning as to sunset to sunset; we ignorantly obeyed sin flipping that script for sunrise to sunrise; you're still praising the Egyptian sun god!!!Sunday mass or Sunday service spiting on HIS name and sinning on Sabbath.You be clubbing through carnal love by Friday morning just bashing through the melody of erotically motions until Saturday night but rather instead of praisingHIS name in harmony of the beautiful Psalms.Now the works of the flesh which you manifest are these: fornication, uncleannes

    s, lasciviousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousies, wraths, factions, divisions, parties, envying, drunkenness, reveling, and such like. Read Galatians!!!By the images of Hollywood you are raised and by the laws of a renegade you arejudged, wake up and smell the coffee; at judgment day just please don't hold a grudge.We changed HIS words into venom spit balls; we changed HIS name and made a paganinstall, so do expect a serious hell in a cell brawl.

    In the center of HIS town hall, your name is not in the book of life, you went short on these 613 commandments, on the ground you fall and now you can't crawl.Defiling HIS nature, comparing HIM to them statues of stone and wood like HE didnot create you all

    Pick up this phone call, listen to the words of the Torah, return Israel and heychurch don't be a long haul!!!Come back quickly before it is too late; be free to this system of hate, make haste and don't waste, don't wait for Saint Paul but here are the four gospels; just stop think and recall.Why you looking for signs as to miracles when you are supposed to be that sign,you a Hebrew not a gentile, the head not the tail, supposedly the template of atrue worshiper to them all!The gospel is dead and bloody through our cell walls, operating not forestall.Some of us just pray for needs, only living by experience to avoid the oblivionhell yells.We don't love HIM for real; we don't fear HIS name, in fact we just kicking it until we hear those bells!

    Blasphemy is to HIS shame as for idolatry robbed HIS fame, Torah in our blood cells but camorra is foretell; so we deal with lady Babylon for a soft sell in anymotel!

  • 8/4/2019 RING A BELL


    The religious cartel of this illuminati dispel is generously working well.This is not DC or Marvel, it is your reality not a dream but a biblical lifestyle in which to compel.So why don't you go back home and run from this hard sell of sin to death, leavethis wealth yard sell!

    A call to you all HIS people, an earth, one language, and the beauty of YHWH, listen to the death knell.

    HE paid the price, praise and worship of YEHOSHUA (YHWH) is not a sacrifice!!!It is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control; against such there is no law. They that are of YHWH have crucified the flesh with the passions and this lust thereof, so please stop the love making with spiritual belle the tempting mademoiselle.Do let HIS love propel, do not be a rebel, obliterate sin and fill your blank shell with the gospel as well!I am sinner locked in hell for being a deceiving gazelle, these blazing flames are increasing therefore farewell.