rinas 2

GROUP V A R R A N G E D By: Rina Irawan Nasution Nurul Hidayani Lina Hardiana Mirwana Siska Rizka Tria Paramita Suci Ramadayanti Gulton Lecture: Mr. Yani Lubis PBI-5/ 2 nd Cemester THE FACULTY OF TARBIYAH AND DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH EDUCATION

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ARRANGEDBy:Rina Irawan NasutionNurul HidayaniLina HardianaMirwana SiskaRizka Tria Paramita Suci Ramadayanti GultonLecture: Mr. Yani LubisPBI-5/ 2nd Cemester THE FACULTY OF TARBIYAH AND DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH EDUCATION

THE STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES OF NORTH SUMATERA MEDAN YEARS ACADEMIC. 2014-2015CONTENTSForewordContentsUNIT I IntroductionA. BackgroundB. Problem FormulationC. DestinitionUNIT II DiscussionI. Word SpellingA. How does the English spelling system workB.Tips for Studying SpellingC.The Ways to Make a Good SpellingD.Vowel SoundsE.Kind of Vowel SoundsF.Consonant SoundsG.Kind of Consonant SoundsII.Variant SpellingA. British vs USUNIT III ClossingA. ConclutionB. Suggestion References

FOREWORDGratitude belongs only to Almighty God, who has given his affection to the author for taking the time to complete the paper English, titled Word Spelling and Variant Spelling on time. Peace be upon to our prophet Muhammad, who has moved our soul from the bad character to the good one. Who had guide us from the darkness to the lightness in this world as well as in the judgement.The paper is organized so that readers can add insight or expand existing knowledge about understanding adverb and adjective that we present in this paper an arrangement of a concise, easy to read and easy to understand. This paper was prepared by covering some important parts: Introduction, Discussion, and Conclussion.The authors also wish to express many thanks to his teammates and lectures supervisor who have guided the author and the all of members in order to make of scientific papers in accordance with the provisions in force so that it becomes a scientific paper is good and right.The authors and the all of members who have been cooperated on this making paper are aware that this paper is still far from perfect. Therefore, the authors and the all of members expect criticism and suggestions either in writing or orally in particular course to the English lectures, Yani Lubis, M.Pd, so that writers can develop science, especially English Grammar.

Medan, On March 18 2014


UNIT IINTRODUCTIONA. Back groundThe progress of the English tongue in our days is something wonderful. Emigration and the growth of English seems to have goneforth to the uttermost parts of the earth, and if not destined to become the universal language in the happy millennium dreamed of by some, it become one of the invention. It is becoming every year more and more a necessity for men of other tongues, taking the lead of other language which at on time bid fair to attain supremacy.The English tongue has been the subject of many eulogies from both English and foreign celebrities: but while commended for its excellent as languages. It is vain to try to lay down rules such diveraities of spelling the same sound as we find in the English Language. It is equally vain to give rules for reading differently spellings that are similar. Some attempt at classification is made in modern spelling. But this classification of words in spellin avails nothing to the learner. So we have to more than writing, reading, arithmetic only but also progress the spelling.Ok, to know about the spelling more in the explanation, let us see about our paper and the titled Word Spelling and Variant Spelling. Therefore, in this paper we will explain and help all of you how to spell, kind of word spelling, and variant spelling the English while undirectly we will translate it.

B. Problem formation1. What is the meaning of spelling ?2. How to progress the spelling and trick?3. What is the kinds of words spelling?4. What is the kinds of varients spelling?C. Destination1. To describe the meaning of spelling is.2. To inform the tricks of spelling ang how to progress.3. To explain kinds of words spelling, involved the vowel, consonant.4. To describe kinds of variant spelling like as British, Australias,etc.UNIT IIDISCUSSIONI. Word SpellingA. How does the English spelling system work?Before we need to know about the meaning of Spelling. Bases on Linguistics, spelling is the act or process of writing words by using the letters conventionally accepted for their formation; orthography; the actual way in which a word is spelt.When a person see the word photogravure, he or she will immediately recognize the root p-h-o-t-o and kow that this word is somehow related photograph, photography, photographic, even though the person has never seen the word before. We can use the example given above to demonstrate the adventages of this. The word sign could be more phonetically spelled as sine but reladness of these two words is not nearly so strongly indicated to the reader by the spelling sine and sign as it is by the spellings sign and signal.In the following section we will outline some basic features of the English spelling system. This will serve as a context and background for the rules which will be presented in section.[footnoteRef:2] [2: Philonema Ott. 2007. How to Manage Spelling Succesful. New York: Roudledge Press, page:16]

Feature 1The first feature hardly needs stating the English writing system is an alphabetic one. It follows the convention that there is a correspondence between letters and individual sounds. However, unlike the spelling system of some letter languages which use an alphabet. Several of the letters in English can have more than one sound value. So there is not always a strict one-to-one correspondence between sound and letter. Some letters do have only one value, they can be called singled value (d, p, and m are examples); some letters can have two or more values, they can be called multi valued (an example is c which can be represent the sound in cat or the sound city).Feature 2In the English system, a root or base is always spelled the same. For eample, in the pair sign and signal the root s-i-g-n is invariable; it is always represented with the same sequence of four letters even though in the first word the vowel I has the value /ai/ as in mine and the g is silent and in the second word, the vowel i has the value /i/ as in fit and the g is not silent but represents the sound /g/ as in go. Each root or base has an unique spelling.Feature 3Some of the symbols used in the writing system are combinations of the more letters from the alphabet. One could all them composite system. For example, -ph- represents the sound in /f/ as in fish (examples are phrase, physical, phone), -th- can represents two sounds: the one in thick or the one in there, -gh- can represents the sound /g/ as in go in a very small set of words like ghost and ghoul or it can have the value of silence as in through, thorough or /f/ in cough.Feature 4Some of the symbols are used to signal something about another symbol. They have no sound value themselves when they are functioning in this way. The clearest example of this is the letter e at the end of a word; it tells the reader something about the value of preceding vowel letter. This is the so called silent e. in the word pet it signals that the preceding e is pronounced as /i/ as in feet (compare e in pet). Final e is also used to signal something about a preceding consonant: in the word cage it indicates that the g has the value of /d/ as in jet, not /g/ as in go. In ice it signals that the letter c is pronounced as /s/.B. Tips for Studying SpellingIn the English language, if you simply wrote words the way they sound, youd come up with some very peculiar spellings. If you tried to sound out every word and pronounce it exactly the way its written, youd come up with some pretty odd pronunciations too.Here are some general multisensory tips for studying spelling: Use your eyes. Look at words carefully.With a marker or pen, highlight the part of the word that is hard to remember. Visualize the word with your eyes closed. Use your ears. Listen for the sound of words you hear in conversation or on the radio or television. Listen to the sound of the spelling of words. Ask someone to dictate the words and their spelling, and listen as the word is spelled out. Use your hands. Write the word several times, spelling it in your head as you write.There are two main stumbling blocks to spelling by sight and sound. One we have already identified the fact that English is both phonetically inconsistent and visually confusing.[footnoteRef:3] [3: Junior Builders Skill. 2009.Spelling In 15 Minutes a day. New York: Learning Press, page: 15]

C. The Ways to Make a Good SpellingThere are two main stumbling blocks to spelling by sight and sound. One we have already identified the fact that English is both phonetically inconsistent and visually confusing. Here are four strategies that can guide your way through a difficult system and give you some ways to make good spelling a part of your life.1. Learn the rules, but expect some exceptions. The lessons that follow point out both spelling rules and their exceptions.2. Use mnemonics (memory tricks) to help you remember how to spell unfamiliar or confusing words. The most common type of mnemonic is the acronym. An acronym is a word created from the first letters in a series of words. Another type of mnemonic is a silly sentence or phrase, known as an acrostic, which is made out of words that each begin with the letter or letters that start each item in a series that you want to remember.3. Write it down. This book provides you with helpful exercises that require you to write your vocabulary words in a blank space. This act will help your hand and eye remember how to spell the word. Make sure to spell the word correctly as you go along so you dont have to relearn the words spelling later on. After you are done with this book, you can teach yourself to spell new words in the same way. The simple act of writing words down several times will help you cement their spellings in your mind.4. Referring to a pronunciation chart in any dictionary will help guide you through pronouncing the words in our book and also familiarize you with pronouncing other new words you encounter in everyday life. You can also access pronunciation charts online. The following is a list of a few online resources:[footnoteRef:4] [4: Skill Buiders .2006.Vocabulary & Spelling Succes in 20 minute a day. New York: Learning Express, page:15]

D. Vowel SoundsThere two types of sounds: short and long. Think about the five vowels and the sounds that make. If you pronounce words slowly, youll notice that the vowels make different sounds. The letter a, for example, makes one sound in the words game and late and another sound in the words cat and lack. In the first pair of words, the sound is a long a and in the second pair, it is a short a. We use the terms short and long to describe the length of time the vowel sounds spend in the throat. A short a spends less time being sounded than a long a. The following list gives some examples of words with long and short vowels.[footnoteRef:5] [5: Mary Elizabeth. 2006. Painless Spelling. Canada: Barrons Eduvational Series, page: 72]

Short Vowels Long Vowelsacid gamerat tamefelt sceneset flightbit pinewig honehog musemonster unifyE. The Kind of Vowel Sounds1. The SchwaThe schwa is a vowel sound that is neither short nor long; it can be made by any of the vowels. Because all vowels can make the schwa sound, it is the root of many spelling errors. The schwa is defined as an unstressed and toneless vowel sound. The dictionary shows it as an upside-down e; like this: . Words that contain the schwa include fir, major, butter, burr, calendar, about, the, pencil, bishop, supply, adult. As you can see from that list of words, the schwa makes a kind of uh sound, and all the vowels can represent it.[footnoteRef:6] [6: Junior Builders Skill. 2009.Spelling In 15 Minutes a day. New York: Learning Press, page: 89]

2. Vowel CombinationThis handy mnemonic helps you to remember which letter to write first intwo-vowel combinations. In words with two-vowel combinations, the first vowel usually will be pronounced with a long vowel sound, while the second one will remain silent. If you know that a particular word has a vowel combination, but you arent sure which vowel comes first and which one comes second, this rule can be useful. Following the rule, you would pronounce the word brain, for example, and by hearing that the long a is pronounced, but not the i, you would know to spell the word using the ai combination. Here are a few examples of words with two-vowel combinations that contain either a long a, e, i, o, or u sound: chaise, train, sustain, etc. Using of ie and eiAs we coverd the mnemonic in the vowel combination, we have to learn about the using of ai, ia, ie, and ei . there is a clever mnemonic that outlines how and when to use the vowel combinations of ie and ei: i before e, except after c or when sounding like -ay as in neighbor or weigh.This mnemonic covers the rule fairly well. There are, of course, some exceptions to the rule, which we will cover in this lesson. But first, lets review the basic rule. In most words that have the letters i and e grouped together to produce a long e sound, the i will come before the e. This holds true except for words having a c immediately before this combination. For example, in the words piece and lien, the i comes before the e. In the words conceit and receive, the e comes before the i because the combination is preceded by a c. In words where the i and e combination produce the sound -ay (as in neighbor or weigh from the mnemonic), the order is reversed. Other examples are reign, rein, beige, and vein.Luckily, there is a mnemonic that can help you to remember the exceptions. In this case, the mnemonic is a silly sentence: Neither leisure foreigner seized the weird heights, either. All of the words in that sentenceexcept for theare exceptions to the rule.[footnoteRef:7] That sentence might just be strange enough to stick in your head and to help you remember the exceptions! If not, you will have to memorize the words, because if you try to spell them according to the ie / ei rules, you will end up spelling them incorrectly. [7: Ibid]

ExceptionsSometimes, the ie combination has other sounds: It can sound like short e, as in friend It can sound like long i, as in piety, fiery, quiet, notoriety, society, scienceSometimes, you will simply have to memorize words that use the ei combination because they dont follow the rule. In some words, ei is used even though it sounds like ee: either, seize, weird, sheik, seizure, leisure Sometimes, ei sounds like long i: height, sleight, stein, seismology Sometimes, ei sounds like short e: heifer, their, foreign, forfeit As you learned in the saying on the previous page, after c you use ei, even if it sounds like ee: ceiling, deceit, conceited, receive, receipt. Using of ai and iaMuch as with the ie / ei vowel combinations, the combination of ai or ia can be confusing. If you reverse the correct order of the vowel combinations, you will end up with an incorrectly spelled word. But there is an easy way to remember when to use ai and when to use ia. In fact, if you are tired of rules that seem complicated or full of exceptions, you are in luck with the rules for this vowel combination.The rules for using ai and ia are simple: There are two situations when you should use ai and two when you should use ia. You should use ai: 1. when the vowel combination makes the uh sound. Words like villain, fountain, and captain use the ai combination.2. when the vowel combination makes a long a sound. Remember the mnemonic covered in Lesson 2: When two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking. With words that have the long a sound, the combination is always ai and not ia. Words like train and abstain use the ai combination.As we can see, we need to think about pronunciation in order to determine proper spelling in most situations. If you pronounce words with the ai and ia combinations incorrectly, you could set yourself up to spell them incorrectly as well. There are several exceptions to this rule, which you will simply have to recognize by sight rather than by sound.ExceptionsPorcelain, beauty, hearty, healthy, hearsePay attention to how words are pronounced and you will be more likely to use ai and ia correctly.ai Words ia Wordscontain familiarcurtain guardiandetain immediateentertain Indianfountain judicialmountain Martianpaisley medianF. Consonant SoundsAlthough most consonants have only one pronunciation, there are six that can be pronounced two or more ways. In this paper we will learn about consonant pronunciation, what the various sounds are, and how to remember the correct spelling of tricky words, even when their pronunciation throws you off. however: c, g, q, s, x, and y. In pronunciation, consonant sounds are created by blocking the flow of air from the throat using the lips or tongue.[footnoteRef:8] Six mouth positions are used to produce consonants; you can feel the different positions when you speak. Try reading parts of this lesson aloud, paying attention to how your tongue or lips move with each letter and sound. You will notice that each letter requires your mouth, lips, and tongue to move in certain predictable ways. Here is a quick refresher on the sounds that each consonant makes, example: [8: Mary Elizabeth. 2004. Correct Spelling. New York: Barrons Educational Series, page:74 ]

b boyh howc place, casejjumpd dogl aloudf effortm moneyg agent, agree n nailOf the 21 consonants, there are only threec, q, and xthat do not make their own unique sounds; that is, other letters can make the same sounds. The letter c can make two different sounds, both of which are also made by other letters. C can sound like s, as in nice and advice, or it can sound like k, as in coward and cry. To further complicate the issue, there are some words, such as accent and succinct, where c makes both sounds. The letter q is another anomaly.In English, the letter q is almost invariably followed by the letter u. (The few words in the dictionary in which q is not followed by u are mostly words that have been borrowed from other languages.) The English q + u combination can be pronounced either as kw, as in queen, or as k, as in unique.Lastly, the letter x can represent three different sounds. When it appears at the beginning of a word, it usually sounds like a z, as in xylophone. When it follows the letter e at the beginning of a word it usually makes a gs sound, as in exact. In all other cases, x makes a ks sound, as in box or taxi.G. Kind of Consonants1. Soft and Hard C & GThe letters c and g can be pronounced in two distinct ways: soft or hard. A soft c is pronounced like an s and a hard c is pronounced like a k. A soft g is pronounced like a j and a hard g is pronounced with a guh sound. Two rules will help you to determine whether to pronounce these letters with a soft or a hard sound.a. When the letter c or g is followed by an e, i, or y, it will almost always be soft.b. When the letter c or g is followed by an a, o, or u, it will almost always be hard.c. When the letter c or g is followed by a consonant, it will almost always be hard.Example: (sounds like s) (sounds like j) (sounds like k) (sounds like guh)central genius case gamblecircle giant cousin gonecymbal gym current gumptioncircus gentleman cloud guesscent generous carton girl2. Consonant CombinationsConsonant combinations Can be very confusing. There are no hardand- fast rules for the combinations. The best way to learn how to spell words with tricky combinations is to memorize them. There are ways to make the memorization easier, however there are two case about the consonant combinations, and there are: Digraphs & TrigraphsMany consonant combinationscalled digraphs and trigraphs are pronounced as one sound. Digraphs are two-letter combinations and trigraphs are three-letter combinations pronounced as one sound. Lets take a look at the most common digraphs and trigraphs.[footnoteRef:9] The sound that each makes is noted in parentheses, example: [9: Junior Builders Skill. 2009.Spelling In 15 Minutes a day. New York: Learning Press, page: 17]

Digraphs Trigraphsbb (b) ebb dge (j) pledgebt (t) debt tch (ch) latchcc (k) accurateAs you can see, some of these combinations create sounds that are quite different from the way they look. In fact, some of the combinations are pretty strange! The combination mb, for instance, can be tough to remember because the b is completely silent. A word like plumbing is often incorrectly spelled plumming for that very reason. Consonant combinations such as sh and th are easier to remember because there are no other letters or combinations that produce those sounds.You can familiarize yourself with the most common consonant combinations by committing them to memory. Use the preceding list as a guide to memorize the combinations. Learning which combination makes a particular sound will help you to remember the correct spelling of the words that contain the tricky combinations. Consonant BlendsIn the previous set of consonant combinations, the two (or three) letters created one new sound. Another set of combinations, called consonant blends, keep the original sounds of each letter. Here is a list of the most common consonant blends; the blended sound that each makes is noted in parentheses. For example: bl (bl) blend sm (sm) smartbr (br) break sn (sn) snailcl (kl) clean sp (sp) sportcr (kr) credit st (st) stampdr (dr) drive sw (sw) swing Silent ConsonantSometimes a consonant appears in a combination but makes no sound. Most of these silent consonants do not follow consistent rules, which can make it difficult to spell the words that contain them. Since there are few tips and rules todefine when silent consonants are used in words, its best to memorize those words.[footnoteRef:10] [10: Talivar. 2011. Complete Book of Spell. tk: Talivar Press, page: 299]

Some words contain silent letters because their pronunciation has morphedover years of usage. For example, the compound words clapboard and cupboard were both probably originally pronounced as they are spelled, but over the years, the pronunciation changed so that they are both pronounced with a silent p. Sneaky silent consonants call for you to employ some memory tricks. Here is a list of common words that contain silent consonants. Each of the silent consonants is set in boldface. Practice this list of words using flash cards or by creating mnemonics to learn the tricky words.[footnoteRef:11] [11: Bingo. tt. Phonic Spelling. page :8 ]

aisle handsome psychologyalthough high raspberryanswer honor reignautumn indict rhetoricalblight island rhymecalf kneel rhyme

II. Variants Spelling This is a collection of variant spellings, categorised by how they differ from their partner. By variant spellings, I mean those words that can be spelt more than one way and still be 'right'.Many of these are differences between British & US spelling (for convenience, I've used "British" to refer to non-US usage. Most of the Commonwealth countries, including Australia, lean towards the British usage). However, despite what some websites will have you believe, this is not the only reason for variant spellings.I've tried to keep this page simple. Its original purpose was to be a place for a quick check before 'correcting' supposed misspellings. However, sometimes clarification is needed or I came across something interesting while investigating a pair. [footnoteRef:12] [12: W.A Craigie. tt. The Pronunciation of English. New York: Oxpord University press, page: 18]

British vs US variationsBritish VariationUS Variation

re vs erCentremeagremanoeuvremetreCentermeagermaneuvermeter

our vs or]]BehaviourcolourflavourhonourablelabourerneighbourhoodBehaviorcolorflavorhonorablelaborerneighborhood

ise vs izeanalyse civilisation emphasise immortalise organised realise specialise analyze civilization emphasize immortalize organized realize specialize

ll vs l


ce vs se


e on the endFuroreAnnexeFurorAnnex

Othersartefact aluminium carburettor/carburetter catalogue cheque chequer cosy disc gaol gramme grey kerb maths moult moustache nett pyjamas plough prologue programme sceptic sulphur tyre artifact aluminum carburetor catalog check checker cozy disk jail gram gray curb math molt mustache net pajamas plow prolog program skeptic sulfur tire

Other spelling variations Not necessarily US vs otherBritish VariationUS Variation

t vs edspelt leant spilt spelled leaned spilled

-tion vs -xion

connection deflection reflection connexion deflexion reflexion

and amoeba archaeology aeon encyclopaedia faecal manoeuvre ameba archeology eon encyclopedia fecal maneuver

in vs eninclose inquire insure enclose enquire ensure

Miscellaneous: either unclassified or awaiting further research

Abridgementacknowledgementadvertiseadviseralrightambienceaxebannisterbarbequebarquecallipercauldroncarrouselcollectableconjurercypherdescendentdispatchdraftenrolepauletteflyerfulfilglycerinjudgementmannikinmonikernoughtomeletprophecyquayracoonserjeantskilfulspecialtystoreysupercedeverandavicewagonwhiskyabridgmentacknowledgmentadvertizeadvisorall rightambianceaxbanisterbarbecuebarkcalipercaldroncarouselcollectibleconjurorcipherdescendantdespatchdraughtenrollepauletflierfulfillglycerinejudgmentmanikinmonickernaughtomeletteprophesykeyraccoonsergeantskillfulspecialitystorysupersedeverandahvisewaggonwhiskey

UNIT IIICLOSSINGA. SummaryThe purpose of this assignment has been to help you understand and implement strategies that will aid you in your quest to be more successful in spelling. Spelling is writing or stating the letters and diacritics of a word. Words generally have accepted standard spellings which can vary regionally or nationally. In the sense of a standard, spelling is one of the elements of orthography and a prescriptive element of alphabetic languages.Spellings attempt to transcribe the sounds of the language into alphabetic letters, but phonetic spellings are exceptions in many languages for various reasons. Pronunciation changes over time in all languages, and spelling reforms are irregular in most languages and rare in some. In addition, words from other languages may be adopted without being adapted to the spelling system, non-standard spellings are often adopted after extensive common usage, and different meanings of a word or homophones may be deliberately spelled in different ways to differentiate them visually. The emergence of an accepted standard spelling is a natural phenomenon. Standardized spelling establishes whenever a writing system develops in order to exhibit less variation and streamline written communication.B. SuggestionSimilarly, we can describe the material that is the subject of this papers. Of course, there are still many shortcomings and weaknesses. Author much hope dear readers, providing constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfect proposal to the author in the writing of the papers in the next opportunities. Hopefully this paper is useful for writers in particular are also dear readers in general. Such review this time, may be useful for you and also inspire.

REFERENCESJunior Builders Skill. 2009. Spelling In 15 Minutes a day. New York: Learning Press.Laurel. 2009. Spelling step 2. America (US): Saddleback Publishing Press.Bingo. tt. Phonic Spelling. Op.ct.Craigie, W.A. tt. The Pronunciation of English. New York: Oxpord University Press.Skill Buiders .2006.Vocabulary & Spelling Succes in 20 minute a day. New York: Learning Express.Elizabeth, Mary. 2006. Painless Spelling. Canada: Barrons Eduvational Series.Ott, Philonema. 2007. How to Manage Spelling Succesful. New York: Roudledge Press.Talivar. 2011. Complete Book of Spell. tk: Talivar Press.Elizabeth, Mary. 2004. Correct Spelling. New York: Barrons Educational Series.