rights of god

NYRON MEDINA The An Exposition of the doctrine of the Rights of God being the source of the Rights of Man

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the doctrine of the rights of God




An Exposition of the doctrine of the Rights of God being the source of the Rights of Man


Nyron Medina Associate Director

The Thusian Institute for Religious Liberty

The Thusian Institute for Religious Liberty 2007

This booklet was published by the Thusian Institute for Religious Liberty in the year 2007. It is not copyrighted.

Introduction The knowledge of the Rights of God is a most impor-tant understanding to all humanity, because it explains the just and legal claims of God over all of His universe. Especially does it explain why governments and Islamic and Communist nations have no authority to be judge of the thoughts, beliefs, opinions, religious beliefs and choices of men to the point of legislating penalty that go contrary to the free consciences of men. Only God has the Right to be the Judge of all, thus only God, who knows the hearts of all, can judge men ac-cording to their religious beliefs, thus to penalize false religion, blasphemy and false doctrines. When Islamic and Communist societies pass and carry out such anti-Rights and anti-Freedoms legislations to punish men of conscience, they in fact play God to people, thus they are false gods. These religious legislations indeed in-fringe upon the divine Rights of God as verily as they transgress the Rights and Freedoms of man. The concept of “the divine rights of kings” is therefore also proven to be false because no human king is di-vine, not one of them is God. God’s divine Rights is His absolute sovereignty over His creation, which He always exercises, and which must be recognized by all and be submitted to without the least objection. They are the divine claims of the Law of God upon all mankind to-wards God and ultimately towards his fellowmen. The light of the Rights of God is the light of the fourth an-gel’s message which shall flood the world in the end be-fore the second coming of Jesus Christ. May all learn the sense of the real meaning of the Rights of God and their extension Rights and be blessed by the Latter Rain. Amen.

1. The reality of the Rights of God was expressed many years ago by Hugo

Grotius (1583-1645). “For many things in it proceed from the

Free Will of God, which yet is never repugnant to the Law of Nature itself;

and so far an Argument may be rightly drawn from it, provided we carefully distinguish the Rights of God, which God sometimes exercises by the

Ministry of Men, from the Rights of Men among themselves.” Hugo Grotius, quoted in, Verna M. Hall, The Chris-tian History of the Constitution of the United States of America, p. 260.

2. The fact that we are told that God will

bring every work and every secret thing into judgment shows that God has

certain claims upon man, thus certain Rights to be recognized by men.

Ecclesiastes 12:13,14. 3. The Rights of God are the following: i. The Right to be worshipped alone

by all. Matthew 4:10.

The Rights of God


ii. The Right to be the Revelator of all. Isaiah 43:11,12.

iii. The Right to be the Judge of all.

Psalm 75:7. 4. The Ten Commandments being the

claims of God upon all men, expresses God’s Rights. Exodus 20:1-



The Right

to be worshipped alone by all

i. Thou shalt have no other gods before Me, ii. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, iii. The Seventh-day is the Sabbath of YHWH, iv. Thou shalt not commit adultery, v. Thou shalt not steal, vi. Thou shalt not covet.

i. Thou shalt not take YHWH’s name in vain, ii. Thou shalt not bear false witness.

i. Honor you father and your mother, ii. Thou shalt not kill.

The Right to be the Revelator

of all

The Right to be the

Judge of all

5. Thus while the Ten Commandments reveal the duties of man to God …

Psalms 40:8; Mark 12 29,30. 6. And whilst the Ten Commandments reveal the duties of man to man …

Mark 12:31; Romans 13:8-10. 7. The Ten Commandments also reveal

the attitude and recognition men should have toward God, as to why He should be submitted to. Deuteronomy 4:5-9,13; Deuteronomy 8:5,6.

8. The Rights of God are thus divine

Rights because they express what are God’s due from all His creation, and His authority over all. Leviticus 22:31; Leviticus 24:22.

9. Thus Divine Rights are explained to

be: The Sovereignty of God over all His creation which is always exercised by

Him. 10. These Divine Rights of God means the

following realities. a. God has absolute authority over all.


Isaiah 45:21-23. b. God’s authority is always exercised

by Him over all. Deuteronomy 32:7,8; 2 Chronicles 16:9.

c. All creation is to recognize God’s supreme authority and submit to it.

1 Kings 8:60,61. 11. The Divine Rights of God are also seen

in the Spiritual Law.


The Right

to be worshipped alone by all

First Right: 1. God is God 2. God is Glory 3. God is Creator 4. God is Eternal 5. God is Grace 6. God is Righteousness

Second Right: 1. God is Will 2. God is Truth

Third Right: 1. God is Life 2. God is Savior

The Right to be the Revelator

of all

The Right to be the

Judge of all

12. The Rights of God are what they are because He is Love, the Spiritual Law. (Romans 7:14; John 4:24; 1 John 4:8,16).

13. The fact that the Rights of God are

really His due is seen in these Rights themselves.

a. The Right of God to be worshipped

alone by all is clearly seen in Scripture. Revelation 19:10; Revelation 14:6,7. b. The Right of God to be the Revelator to all is seen by the fact

that only God can reveal Himself. It takes God to reveal God. Isaiah 45:21.

c. The Right of God to be the Judge of

all, is shown in the Scripture. God alone is the supreme Judge of all, Who will judge all. Psalms 82:8; Romans 14:10,11.

14. The Rights of God can be described

as: a. Solely Divine. b. God-Practiced.


c. Submissible. d. Non-Violable. 15. To say that the Rights of God are

solely Divine means that they subsist in God alone. They belong to Him and to Him exclusively. (Psalms 3:8; Psalms 62:11,12; Daniel 9:7,9).

a. Thus anyone that claims to be God,

attributes the Rights of God to themselves. Ezekiel 28:1,2.

i. Such creation seeks to be worshipped. (Isaiah 14:12-14; Matthew 4:8,9). ii. They kindle their own sparks as

self-revelator when God did not reveal anything to them. Isaiah 50:11.

iii. They act as judges of men’s consciences to place penalty

upon men for their practice of their religions. Acts 5:26-28,40,41.

16. To say that the Rights of God are God-

Practiced means that God in His sovereignty always relates to His


creation according to His Rights. Malachi 3:5,6. a. This means that God always commands worship from His Creation to Himself. Psalms 29:2;

Psalms 66:4. b. It means that He shows Himself to

be the sole Revelator of Himself. Isaiah 43:11,12.

i. Jesus is God in human flesh.

John 1:1,14; 2 Corinthians 5:19.

ii. Jesus is the only revelation of

God. John 1:18. iii. Thus Jesus is God revealing

God. Matthew 11:27. c. God always judges in human affairs,

He always shows Himself to be the final and ultimate judge of all. Psalms 58:11; Isaiah 2:4; Psalms 50:6.

1. No man must act as judge over

the consciences of men to put penalty upon them for their


religious beliefs. Acts 9:20-25. 17. To say that the Rights of God are submittable means that they must be

submitted to by all creation. James 4:7.

a. This means that all creation must

submit to worshipping God/YHWH alone. Isaiah 66:23.

1. Thus no other god or gods must

be worshipped under any cir-cumstances. Exodus 34:14.

b. This also means that all must submit to the Revelation that comes

from God alone. (Revelation 1:1-3; Revelation 19:10).

1. Any alleged revelation that comes

from anyone else except God must be rejected. Deuteronomy 18:20-22.

c. This means that all must submit to

the fact that God will judge them. Psalms 7:8; Psalms 35:24.

1. People must live in obedience to

God’s Law mindful of the fact


that they will be judged by God with His Law. James 2:8-12.

18. To say that the Rights of God are Non-

Violable means that the Rights of God are not to be violated by all. Ezekiel 28:6-10.

a. This means that the Rights of God

are not to be assumed by man as if they are his Rights. Acts 12:1-3,21-23.

b. To assume the Rights of God is to

say that creation must be wor-shipped as God. Exodus 32:1-8.

c. The worshipping of creation is idolatry. Acts 17:16; Psalms 97:7. d. No one must presume to be the light

or the source of the Revelation of God. Jeremiah 29:22,23; Jeremiah 23:21,22.

e. No man must presume to be judge

over the beliefs and consciences of men to the point of inflicting penalty upon them. Revelation 20:4.

19. The Three basic Rights of God each


have extensions; that is, each Right being explained in its divine implica-tions which are Rights themselves. The height and depth of God’s Love/Nature determines these extension realities, or Extension Rights. Romans 11:33,34.

20. The Right to be worshipped alone by

all; that is to say: a. The Right to be Idealized or exalted

as God alone. Psalms 86:10. b. The Right to centrally occupy every

one’s mind continually. Psalms 10:4; 2 Corinthians 6:16.

c. The Right to be religiously obeyed at

all times. Romans 6:17,22. 21. The Right to be the Revelator of all;

that is to say: a. The Right to be the lone Source of

Self-revelation. Isaiah 45:19. b. The Right to be the Source of Faith

for all. Revelation 2:13; 2 Peter 1:1. c. The Right to be the Source of


Science for all. Isaiah 40:25-28. d. The Right to give Commandments/

Law. 1 John 3:23; Psalms 147:15. 22. The Right to be the Judge of all; that

is to say: a. The Right to be the supreme governor of the universe. Psalms

110:2; Revelation 5:11-13. b. The Right to be the Source of Forgiveness for all. Daniel 9:9. c. The Right to be the executive

Judge of the Thoughts, Beliefs, Opinions, Consciences and Choices of all. Deuteronomy 8:19;

Revelation 22:15. d. The Right to execute penalty upon

all. Revelation 20:11-15; Revelation 21:8.

23. God’s Rights relate to Man’s Rights in a

particular way. The Rights of God show His Sovereignty over the Rights of Man in the following way:

a. The Rights of God.


i. The Right to be worshipped

alone by all. ii. The Right to be the Revelator of

all. iii. The Right to be the Judge of all. b. The Rights of Man. i. The Right of Religious Liberty. ii. The Right to Life. iii. The Right to Private Property. c. The Rights of God are the Source of

the Rights of Man. It is the Rights of God that endows the Rights of Man upon him. Romans 13:8-10.

24. God’s Rights can never be passed on to

any of His creation, to assume so makes the creation into a God. Daniel 4:30-32; Daniel 11:36,37.

25. Since the Rights of God shows God’s

authority over the Rights of Man, the following points are clearly seen:

a. The only Manager over the Rights of


Man is God. Man can only protect the Rights of Man. James 4:12.

b. Our recognition of God is that He

alone has the Right to give human beings Rights and Freedoms. 1 John 5:2,3.

26. Divine Rights show what is creation’s

duty to God because of His divinity. Deuteronomy 4:39,40.

27. Divine Rights show how God is expected to relate to His creation. 1 John 1:1-10. 28. God’s Right to execute penalty upon all

is sometimes delegated to human agents under certain circumstances. Genesis 9:5,6; Numbers 35:31,33.

29. Even the Right to execute penalty upon

followers of false religion is given under a theocratic setting. (Exodus 24:1-12; Leviticus 20:1-7; Leviticus 24:10-16).

30. But never is man presented with the

Right to be the judge of the thoughts, beliefs, opinions, consciences and choices of men, this is the Right of God alone forever. Acts 12:21-23;


Matthew 25:31-46.








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