riddle poem powepoint

What is a Riddle Poem? I like to feel it Firm and cool- And Round beneath my feet It’s one of hundreds shouldering A long-enduring street. I like to muse who felt it first- And why They trod, and when, To fit in patterns-edge to edge- The paths from Now to Then. Ruth Tenzer Feldman Cobblestone

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Riddle Poem- Thanks Mr. Maine for making this and allowing me to copy this and edit!


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What is a Riddle Poem?

I like to feel it Firm and cool-And Round beneath my feet

It’s one of hundreds shoulderingA long-enduring street.

I like to muse who felt it first-And why They trod, and when,To fit in patterns-edge to edge-The paths from Now to Then.

Ruth Tenzer Feldman


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What am I?

Writing a Riddle Poem

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Getting Started Choose an answer Brainstorm Use a thesaurus Think like the object Use figurative language

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Step 1: Begin with your answer or topic

Your topic can be concrete like a desk, a car, or even a person. You can also choose something abstract

like happiness or peace

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Step 2: BrainstormCreate a list of words and ideas related

to and associated with your topic.Think with all your senses: where do you see, hear, smell, taste and touch things

related to your topic?

Example: waterClouds, wet, rain, liquid, fish, stream, river,

lake, pool, pond, swimming, ocean, ice, glacier, steam, snow, boats, sailing

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Also think of words or ideas that are

opposite or opposed to your


Example: WaterEarth, fire, dry, air

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Choose some words you brainstormed and look up their synonyms in a

thesaurus. Look up synonyms for your topic

tooUse a rhyming dictionary

to look up words that rhyme with the ones in

your list

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Think like the object: Try describing the world from the object’s point of view. What do

you see, hear, feel? What do you do? What do you like?

What would a river think?I run downhill

I make canyonsFish live in me

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Try using figurative language:

Describe your topic using figurative language to give

cluesSimile: Pools that reflect like mirrors

Metaphor: Streams are fish roads

Personification: The rain played a steady beat

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DraftingOnce you’ve gathered your notes, you’re ready to begin a draft. How should weStart?

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Let’s start with the ideas of water cutting canyons

and reflecting like a mirror

I am like a mirror when I’m still

I am stronger than stone when I move

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Sounds good but bland. Try playing

with the word orderStill, I am like a mirror

Fast, I’m stronger than stone

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Now use your brainstorm to add different poetic

elements like personification,

metaphors, and maybe even rhymeTry different line and word

combinations. Sometimes even the slightest change can make

a big difference. Read your poem aloud and play with the words and order until it makes

sense and sounds right.

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Publishing Your Final Draft

Publish your poem in a creative wayUse form and shape the poem like

its topicUse a creative background that

doubles as a clueDraw a picture to go with your poemMake an audio recording of your


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Have students generate a rubric for the assignment. Include an explanation of

the poetic elements in their poems and how they

used them

Have a poetry reading and invite parents, administrators, other classes and outside guests. Have the audience try to guess the riddle. Display the poems in your classroom and school building

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Thoughts and Questions

Should students work independently or in groups?

What are some other follow-up activities?How should I differentiate the lesson for

students at various levels?How can I integrate this lesson to other

subject areas?How can I introduce different types of

poetry into the lesson?How can I use this with different genres

of literature?

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 Feldman, Ruth Tenzer. “Guess What” Cobblestone, March 1995, 24-25 Claggett, Fran, Louann Reid and Ruth Vinz. Daybook of critical Reading and Writing. Wilmington, Massachusetts: Great Source Education Group, 1999 Writing Riddle Poems. NCTE/IRA, marcopolo. 2003; cited July, 2004 http://www.readwrtiethink.org Zemelman, Steven and Harvey Daniels. A Community of Writers. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1988 Caravia, Lori. Riddle Poem. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, November 6, 1997; cited July, 2004 http://www.ed.uiuc.edu/YLP/97-98/97-98_units/97-98mini- unit/LCaravia  Miller, Carol Rawlings. 50 Writing Lessons That Work. New York: Scholastic Professional Books, 1999 My Students and My Collegues. Western Hills Middle School. Cranston, Rhode Island: 1999-2004

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Thank You!

The End