richmond dispatch.(richmond, va) 1884-10-23. · 2017-12-20 · hvslldn. far above ll.e level of the...

THKOIGH THE STATE. PETERSBURG AND VlCINIlW h I.Or'y B. rakll. an I'lr-lSlr-A BaaaMiir H ibe (nine Itastliis* (earl I' tin ,.. lt n..|. dr iee of the Ltehmoad Di.isal-li.i rKiixsi)n:iiv October tt, l***jf> The Roi liblicsn tweeting at the Act l.-inv f ¦vale Bal tu,-hi nm one of tho liveliest I oiiii. >1 J...--I s helli la ||,ls oltv for sim*. Hine. 1 v (. v, Hioi Alinzn llsit.of Ohio, one of H.. ii i n from .abroad who has boen ImptMtiil into Virgtnis, wai the *Sr*t *-ieak*r. Ri BaB itaaBJiUtl ts stiontlvolv aitrrsn ti.Motlueiion by deners! Mahme. Ile ts a iitillenun of liiltilllrjcnco aid eui* Hvslldn. far above ll.e level of the sudi- int. tic odtlf-sied, compiaotl tn a Wore denice a.* il w««. of ui-Kruci. A protec¬ tive Du ni fiirrucil the burdon of his Btveeoh. Mr. Hsrl iv: * foPii.Teii by i, atiBiliT of roloied vi (ilst rs, who undo nook to di*.';i*i hiall-olit rs. Hero Hie ftm bcfin. sir! tb* Ohio , x(... innf aa- ircstt-.l to a ipeeU- .Tc in lei'tlnrn polltla** ina! fichu! prol.a. liv Baan I" ka** v?ltne**otL If ie hsrl ever tli'i-sinul of ll. A lark." unrulier nf Evans mon were pre- teni In lt*c audiene*'. They are so nume- ,i.ii<iv.ii vv I li a I it BlaBBl that no K*- I iiblicsn 'e. .tine: can >.e held without then". Tflef listened respectfully to all (li*ni-*i(.n of national issues, but when thc I.-cal erma-* BBB touched upon they made Ihenisrlvr- herd in a manner alto¬ gether unmistakable. * Ron*mun, a col- arrsj enter of Richmond, Mmwed Hart, sn,! bis first reference to jMilitics in tho Foirtlh district was met with Inst? «i io* f.r .. Evans." Ho met with repasted nilen viptn bj* of Hilt c'laraoter, aa wai also l'i of,-or " Mitchell. " Colonel" John T. II ils.ii, of Norfolk ; Eldo, of WtlHaniaOiiri*, ind olhd*. Some of these sjieakars admin- i-t. net H vt n- rel.ekes to tho colored men who w«K cheering mid bm lint: for Evans esli.-iovd llr.idy's Bttsa tnt mentioned. Put their runirks w, re without ctreit. :>. .c. io - af confusion were al time* wild ml sin t 't uncontrollable. The -*"*"a*aBfls* excitement pievailed. however, darla** tba s|"<(h of .. (oloncl" Wilma, vi flMas* a btatcmeiit in r.fei.n-o Bjfl .!, ti pb I*. Evsus, and challenge! the Ialtei to a denial of it. Evans was seated in tl.e j/alb i>. There were loud ales for bira, bi naper aa fro which lie anno, aaaai itovvii lUtirs, and amitl jrrual eonfusioi and 11 terir.K marched to the iti«e. He pro- u IV,Item's stiiement to Ire a lie*, aud wi cn Wilson said bo could piovejit Evans ..em *sid lt wss a lie, and declircd ba v.,inkl k:ite Wilson one hundred dollar* to :,oe wb.t he had charged. Tlie acne st Ills petal could bardi? ba (loaoribetl. It v, is oi of intense confusion, and it i* irit.'l'li if tiny aaow of jorei or vlott nco Iud beSB med tin- ni, cuni' would have teinunit-d in a riot. Tba in,, nt k'- wi'h it- continue l interru-e. Imu!-, vis- k- pl up until near 1 o'clock lin* ¦sntM- R is retarded si fortunate thal thc original plan Oaf holding the aTMefaaa in lin oprfl nir wa* cliaiieed. The fet'lin*; be¬ tween Ibe tare Rt -punH-an factionsis "row- ins more lirer ind intense each day. Ill --TISBMrorif! IT.OOEEIiIMi!. In the Hutt ini;* Court to-day the r-rantl Jury foiiad a true 1.111 against Thomas Wllvtc. late cnliicr of tho l'lanten and Me.,« sasab, cbarrrtflf Bin witti being bbsuessaery ta W. W. wbjte, tho teller, i i ulakine: ci rtaiu fraudulent cntri-i in tho i,i'* hook, whereby tlie said Thain., Whyte was credited with thi.LiO as a*"***a> r.'..,iv is, |BJB1 afld -5.1,V» a* de- is'tiled Jun nary ll, K's.!, winn, in truth. ii,i tin b ilt -msils were mule. Thc grand .n *-; lurtliiy liaviit-j found the indict- in, ni aga ii-t Mr. Jobi ReclsWitb "not a iii. " a- a mat lor of course the same .|,*(0-itit ii was to-dav tunda- ,,( the in lii-t- ni. it <b. rRlBg Tlioti.'s Whyte wi;h beiug rs lo tbe (ti mc ebarged in tbi, ta". Toe principal Iratflg innocent, tba . r. of'"'ins.. wald not ba legally Tba trial ol lae nae* of w. w. Whyte n,,l "1 liobub H bv Io was set for thc Tt li d'iv ,,f Son mtier. til lit .'ny Ininti tin* (,uiii ldc r-i-niid ,i rated tba IMefabaiB Railroad ( onpani for a nuisance committed by the .einpanv in a'h.wini; (bo rail- of its track !¦, ,.i.-iii,t that portion of Waablagton bctweel sycamore and Jffffcrson «'i. - te, tin r.iis and croai ttea of tba Uaek a ? this ('iii! li in*r considerably above tbe .urfare b eel of ".the street. To-dny thc gnai jur? preeeated th ci'y of Petersburg Iflff titi, nuisance. Al the mil iBg of tba laiiioad ease icvoT'.i! (1. tbe bbb*, l fer tba company stated timt fae i-ilroatl <. n,*mny could not properly rein- . !.. tbe dlflefllty without the cooperation ol Hie cite authoritifs. BIM pt at ure it e\- .. afld Ibfll it is nady tn **o0f*e**ate a i'i tbe ' i:> in abatiasi tba Bflbraaee. Thi* ii"'.-'i bai -."ti '¦¦'inpinie il o.' limo aad Ti.- c s, ,,t Tbomai -t. Davis, ehai-fe. wlia ti..- nurder of Jobn Oitm.u-. waa . sin d op to-day, bal i y reason of tba il »- .f ibe willi,-se. for tbe defeod- Mut it aa.tinned until tee Jandar*, lena. SI.-. tl.l.AVK.'r NATTII8, lt ls nd known wln-tlnr Un' -mts in c.,u- nrctloa w th tba I'l mt. r< innd Mechanics I'.itll' W.l! lu ntlitil lip at thi-. tenn of the i !. Tbe"" all depead u;>-iii '-ui-'iii i y tbs 9ta1 t tesl i tlldltj of tba tin d of t "asl raade "r-. nnd this lott can ai thia i nil .1 np I.v IT" -tito. No ii 'ni i i be :, I-- rived tba* ibis iv I o ti ii Ml -i ii vvlill.- tba Uk.'- iitnoiiti! f Dp in v in t'ue lmnils of the ti i-i ii af the i|!iistion li i- di wiled io bank wi;!...ut Iflterest. At Hm bal t-mi of the din.ctif.n* wire l'lu to ascertain v. tx rc tin- money c..old be pol mit to beal i'iiuiit.ij.o. ii.ii bo report bas rel baal A iiiiini er el insiii'iiiiie-moii, repreeeat- .i'1'ini's lo-in. l.y tn- re¬ tell t tia M 1 A. -I ackson iv < ii. '* toll, ic i n tbe city. a Ita tba view of .. tbe :o-s.s. n j- thought there " -lilv*o;e. Tbe lint--' of Dinwiddic coiinlv yt siei- div »| j oil t.-ii eoraiabstssaen la bibi . tba certs!a land- in tbe county, r tbe ptupose* ol tbe Vitaftan sin! larollaa Rsilroad ( oinpany. Thc . r of the ci,npinv mot tb* ( oiiiinit'.ic of our ('numil to-dav, willi i!,c view al lii-citssiii'; tn,. ,i)..*t prac- f'.r Um road tluou^h tlii- eily, tbioi tb ti ii rt* M is :u- iv cd nt. 'I lie ii -.Iii' eu, ,. r.f the -ad accident tl Vi. E. O. FlUjrewl.l, in voiir lily, was ¦*> brre with atBcere rsturow, lb-has rn-mis an,i relstivn in l**lonbarg ant! Lim, hillie eounlv. sotnc of whom. Willi b. I,,ls,.me brid jo.-ont- iii laen ti. in-, nd' tl to go over lo bi- w-ti* < .1 v lin- i'.ernooii. I.'.-.IN Al'Allt. LY.Sf HUI ;.'.. li. oi ii ul" a TarriuBM-Merrielle. ;i oin.i.'.ia*ace ol un Rlchmourt Dlipa'ch.l it, roan tt, Ifs**. Mr. Lena Kiflf, "f Wllllsniport, fa . vu. roi aa-reral lae fsToatlaa- borsee, ti, Sorrel Hooae i:t*t nioht from H .ti.,'- f fever **OBUa""ted ct R-.tnoke. oran wi rt rntere I il tbe LdraebburR i ad ' I- liri-t money in several raoea. V.i. IV. L. Moriiion. it "pr.>iii!iis-i>.i t*bfle> coiiist . wa* liiurrlc:' t.xl.iy to l iii E. Ford al tbe re-'uleii"- "f lb* in!.'-t i.i. nt-. Ber. W. R. L. smith, ot t l; iptr-t ciHircli, oi.ien.t-"!. v. Ai Bia M. H. yi. tlic BlBctcen-year- < ld daurhter of .faun - Royd, I vvoll-s.iiovvn -'. Om .I K -tia*, of a lincerin'.' illi).".*. Rn.ecviDM. Ti i.i I F«>mI|miiiim| Hain. l-l i>e.l al'h.l Li min BO, Vi., Oetol-cr ..'.'. ls,-l. Of QfcOrfS I'oituue, indicted i let ETSOd jury or .\inlier*t coiinlv for tn mu!elir of Saaaael Mit'-heii, lia- bbb*. p..sip.,ti. o until th. nevi t. rui of the < ..un¬ iv ('unii. sad the prisoner remanded IO jail in lies ,ji>. Alexander!* ci. .1 willi bein-; act."rv before th'- .ed. 'ibo fir.; i-.'in sine ibo lilli of -opt. ni¬ ls Mell I'.-. SUKI"LE I'sliil. si Bia Deaieeraiic Met-ou«. 'i-ieeiai taaaasan nanlBBBatsrav] ¦faBTflii. Va.. October tt, VMM. TlBbjJbl tin- Demos rat* Of l'ort-inoinh Li id sn open-air u a»-menin;;, and fwl'v IB* thou.snd |MOple were BB Hie streets at the liilcrmctlon ol Midd.** sad South *tneis; Boa. John ('(M/de, Colonel Rb hard Lcaellyn. aud other local B***BtBB**| ad- hu snit tba i^opic Tbe Oi iolos, of Rallimore, boat the Nor- f'lks fer thc second time at (iymnasluiii I'mk tbi* afterooon, about twelve hundred 1* opie l-rltio pu xiii. Tlie Dual game will ie pli.ved io inorrow. A ll.'i.Mtl, 111-llliHTUlie lill Utile. toiilH l a.i tit slid coronation b-ll is a e-atnpaisn fol. mir viiuoune-sse/l** »ake plsec at I'rinoea* lune teitiitl-ou*-ete**-(iV)riJiw. .Anaitl-I.lbliev n*e*»-*iB*etiiiy on Mtrkel \uaie all! take pHm bero lo-norrow r*l«t- droiis,'!)! of over two taont'i* wu to-invht by . refresblDt, shower o'clock, with indications of an , rsiu. Tbe last nio, sad that not wet tbe gi-ouad to a depth of MSB (han au Ineh, wi* on Aueuit Hil July. ** .n Ml «^Wm55 TiVA- BYNODQP riRBIlfiA. Rlarti-ftaveaM. BmbI.*-Ob*,,,. *,,.,,_ llBtln, ti ,r Flrwl Oat. (Special i.-lnrrsm ,. Sta li,.,,,, .. j WVTIIEVILLR, Vt., Ot3tobs,r J! jo.,. Thc of Vlrelnli convene I hep* fast ..Uh. in Its nlneiv-sevcnih'^* !,. 1 bc o|venlnK sermon tv.,* praaebed by lt?,", retiring inotlcralor, the Re* VV t a .,. l». D. af Lyneht,.rK. Tia Srwad «. llusicniisHurcdHiaiiimver. * *' Owing Hi the late arrival of the tr*! i fn-m ibe Knit, tvhlcb |,rotlirht .,<.,. ,. Bera ll c>. »!,c oreanUsUon w.* no! aft ,.,.-,| iirlllth.smornlnir, as Ibcre wera but taw members i.rrsent al ibo SBSBlaa of fie Tbs Rev. W. Jt. MiirklaiwL D. D. of was elected ,,.n,or , * ns,mu. am! Rev. Alexander Murun! tt.l Ebler E. M. Crutchfleld were "elected clerks. A highly intcresfiur. i,.ttr,. wat rt-ccli-o I noa thc Riv. William Brosv,,. D D a ii cul cr af Hie body, nov* ratdtnr'le Flori,!.. Tbs I'reibyicrlansof your eily es well es throughout Hie Synod and 8 >nt'i rn d limns ni bera, will bo pained Ui lesrn Hist Dr. Brown lias been smitten svithlotti liliiidticss. A con.mlHce, consist mr of Rev. Dr*. Armslron;:, I'rsor. nnd Preston was appointed to prepare a reply Mab .dv- IniC tbs eympilhy and rfh-c, innate re -ir,! of tlc Synod. Tie Hiv. , . IL Vaughn, D. I) , prcirh-Tl » s. I limn Hii* naswtBg from Hie lex, .. My Times ure lu Toy ILinils." ||j« Hiern* was ..Conf. unify to His Will Hie OalyQnnr- untii oj Human safety untie, Ibe Law af cliaii,',..'' The aaaarM <vas a very able lin) couTotfitie- one. Tim r((|iict-t v-:u made ol (he Synod by the community that tpecitl pr.iyur shaabj bs oller, tl by (lie Synod for rain. Two aaren wen* o(Tcre(I this morning, natl Ix fore recas st 12 o'clock s very refresh inn lulu Ix icnn to fall. Hts. T, Prior. I>. Ds, introduced,he-fol- liiwiui; rcoilltli'lis Hist. I lint the Synod of Vireinia tikes gient ptaaare in expressing tbs fattest confidence In Hie Hiorouirli nrlliodoxy and soundness In Hie faith of all the prnfestore in Ihe 'I heolngical Seminary, tin ler thc Joint eas of this and Hie lister Synod of Not th Cnrotiua. Si conti. That a* such tin* Synod earne*'. ly rr-commend*. and ns f.-ir as lt rich,ly may enjoins, that nil candldaU's for lbs gospel ministry resident within Its bound* pursue th- ic theological studies at this a, ii ii::,i s under Ihe aforesaid synod*., This unsent wu* made thc n>ocial order o( ,t)e day for to-morrow morning. Tie ii., ii tl is s sf the state of religion inlbe houndsof Cue several presbyteries in Hie bounds of Hie Synod were reid and fave an n> .-utri-in; account of tbe health sr.d nrorricas of the Christian religion in thc Ss nod. Considerable time Wa* consumed to-day in Ila usual muline business ol thc first day of its annual sessions. ESSEX COUSTY. t tart-Uai -liieidrno- ITas-Raliins-PeHt,- . ni Vlertlng. |Cofre»iifiidetireof tbe Rirhmnml rajaBBSta.1 OlTORKR If, lRRL Monday tba '-.orb instant Iseinir court- dny, anti a poMtwrnl discussion expected, qitKe a crowd svas in attendance. Enrly in ll.e morning thc Democrats lind 8 (braising to Cleveland anil Hendricks anti Cri'Xtr B. Tho flair I* a very handsome one, 1 Ox J'i fe! iu dimensions, lt faf, uti Crest ciedil Upon thc Lisle ttnd artistic skill of Hie f.'itr donors. ll hail lu n iiiinoiiiieei! bv tba Democratic ( n,un,,ce tba! Hie Hon. A. M. Kciley, tbe sifted son (( your city, svould address tbs In ii ti rues, rmi many nf our people were anxious to bar him. but Mr. Kelley belan absent in New York hi* place wa supplied bf Major .!. M., o( Gloucester, svho. Ir t. forcib c. clear, and teilta*' ipeecb on tbs BViBsfi i>( tbs eaaraes, held tin-attention of lbs niiiii iu e (ur more than an hour. Colonel M::J0, the Hepul.licau candida!* (or Cohltos. In this district, was re/cant, and a proposition was nmde to bini by Mr. A. R. Mitaiu. chairman ot lbs Densoaatlc ( i mmiilte, fer a discussion, which he dir- (lined. After the speech of Major Stuhl)., Mr. Micon proj-.o-dl tiwi tbe eonrt-bona be »ni reuii( rad lo i' done! Mero, nnd tbsl tbs I it nu. ruts | i,-, nt adjourn to thc Ratal, irom tbe porch of tralee etba soaker, SV( nhl .-ullin as Ctn,. Tbi* OCCSBttoBOd a .iin*id. rallc bul,bull for a time, but BOtb- inp serious rasBlted. Co'oiKi Maro tttl(lre*.(-d tim uearas and a fess wbRraln tbe courMmtise. Ile ws* follosved bj a negro (Gilchrist) from vTab- Ington eii.s. who orated in a -ivie which i(minded mc of thc .*Theatre (5onrk|nt.'' The DenMcrata, a* aborc stated, r.-tired from the conrt-botia le tbs troot et thc hotels when they were addressed iv Mr. WiHie Baird. Mr. II. R. Pollard.Mr. A. K. Micon. and Mr. TaRHMU* E. Blakey. OSTBOA. TAZEWELL COI STY. Pullut H TBS Itriaista 'iiiiiuiinl Church lledlealrd. i(, rrr,re nd.a ic of Hie L'n Inion., Di.; :U!i 'll. KIVLI.I. Ctn TH lin! BB, / inii.ii, r 18, 1884. , Our |,, pl, ure in rood -pints, jud rosily and truly feel moro jubilant over Hie pms- pe, i ofeertala vletery, a foratatlowed hy red IH < Vt Ht*. I Ililli VS lu li BS broke forescr II e 1 OW, r td Milindie Inst N'nt ember. Tin- droiioiit eoatlaaa, aad tbonfh "ie .. lints, n* bs M "( !'i:i."s." yet our hopeful larmer! do nol cotmplaln, bul say that thi, la tbe ven *':i*i'ii wben it would injure I Ililli ll.lsi. A ilistn s-iiir,' er.til nindi -I le ni, tn- evening wa* the lertoui psjelyaUof tbe estimable wife of Csptiln L. s. Camp¬ bell, of 8tnith, she wa b Mi-* Harlan, and l.eli,iioed to one of our must proiui- ii. nt Ia/' sst ll (iimiiies. Case sim any res.h rs ssh., has. nu! hear! of Al,d'* Vailc'v* I tillie .,iv they arc few. int Baa lo tiie'i'i ii will be interesting to Icara last lo-day i **aemorlsl church" ssas d, (ii. nt, il t. tlieuieniiirvof Iboie brave ph Ik .1* svlm perished in tb" Shawnee mas time iu 17S(i. Tsvo yeti's tier, e a centeiLiiv cclcbrsttOB svill occur willi suit¬ able raemortal services. The bsjildln< ol lbs cliiirch is due to Ibo i>i)|iularity and lmiiiine. enere) of mr renersble friend. Willi in T. Moore, lbs insMfaon ..( thal .bli,I* M'tue, ssl,ii sh, p.. Ilosv WbSFS lie fell ill llefelic" of Iii* hctlthslOII'- aeeiitiuv mun. ^^ Mtx. PAGE COUNTY. 1 nini iris,,, ,,, tie Sbrnaurleab-ViiHry ftalliaH sTontaiai Kiiini. |-l,e.lal irletriain IO OMI Hl»|-*,'T:.| LiiiY. Va.. October BJ, 1884. V,-!,ifh'S es.-nine. aiiont li o'clock a al- li-Hiii (ii'cuiTfd OB IBS s'.ieiiauilosli-Valley rsilroi.d at Kimbell, in this aunty, four mil.* north of Loray, between a stock- train and a local freight lain. The former ssa* sttWdlBf on Ibe malu tra-k ueir thc .;. ,"t. ss I,, ii Hie freiftrl esme round th. uise jii-i beyond lbs dtrpfit, ami rna ia! the *,..'ck train with a lei rill' eissl). Tlu , lieinr* lind ear- W. i'e |.ibd tujfCttlcr in t BBtaeloBii tbe track. . .ff, W. JonaeaB, tbs ngloea "f lb, fn i-.'!d int'ii. was instantly killed, hit bods l, inj,'neeily cul in I wo. Tin* (Irem-n 01 iii. (n'.'ii.e w** tbrowa some dsitaaa lab BB Utljoiniiii; feld, but (crUinutely e-cap,-,, is lihou! tarana injury. '1 he engineer sd tir'-sssn on thc othci train asvad tnanahra by IbbbpIbr. Tbs ii^iu banns sseajeed with s (ev biimes nnd a considerable shalte'Bp. Tin two enjclua Vtttt rery much d-mured. Tbs i."i*-' of tba collision battiibutsM lo the nt^gllfienaBa tlie condu."or of Sf-c Hon 1 "f tb'' ISjOCk ir^in. wlm li wa* IRBO] nm in tWO tsfOtkMtat in fatllltR to delive oi-,,ei-en'iti*ted to liiiii for tb.- aad .f flretftbl nun. amt talae^vei lo tbs ititi r ss Bl n til.ii 1 and thc fl li nh '.Ihcr north of Kimbull. A All' KENT. Th, ,c ssill I..- a barbecue and irram raliv af lbs licinocrae.v ut Dtaaeoo Brldsi St ss Kaal <t unis. on Hie S5tb day o( o. lober. Hon. dcirr-T' D. Wi-e mid id M s|M-ukc!» still address IU- pa pie on Hist occasion. Load Kolas In tba Daaville Nacl los [gpa 1*1 irlrsrain bi UTI Hl.inlrh.) Dasvii.i.b, Va.. October 'Jr.'. IS84. Rain has bern faliinif here ahoul tw boin;-, sud tbe wire* tay it ha* been tallia In ell this rtgion.a good rain at <ascadi tills 11,uni v. and a tova rain st Reids*Ult N. C lhere ls s tall ol rain bIso at I ¦ nen' boro. B. c. Tbe Is-t rjlu here wa* on th 12th .>( -september, and that was light, an a ion,-interruption sf the drought. Th rain will help on turnip-lots and eucb land ni have cen sown in wheat and *oim (BS pasture-lands on the creeke and river Barnett's 4aeaaln* rofleoi Ibe hslr whoa borah sod dr* sootbes the Irrilated ailp; afferde -I richest lualre; parent! (be hair from fal lng off; proiuola iu heallhy, yijorot: growth. ARCTIC HORRORS. . UFFERINUS OFtiRhELY'S PARTr. (immaiifrr Hebley'* Kr psi rt at ibe nalia* at the *urvt,ar>. I Hy I.|li to the Dttpetohl WAIM'<.**¦ I). C., (ctolier li..The t (..«.! i of ( oiiimodoro ¦eba)'. of the cx|M(lilion tinder hl« command for Hie icliof of tho (i:cly parry h*s lieonsiili- mllte.l l<i Hie Sforelnr*' of the N:lW. ll (H.* Hie under which lbs r\|M-di- lion wu oiL'ini'. ii, ,,,,,i then onteri upon a pnpble ni.rr.aivo ol tho events of the yoe sgc Tho un aler portion of the rorort .* niven up to a iption of thc finding of (ireely sud his party-nd th- rescue of thc survi¬ vors. ( omni,.doro si. lil, y ,1o.<-rilio* us f .1- low* Ihe in.prtailvo *,ono Insideol Orooly's tent Lieutenant Oroely wu* fo'ind in hts .lorjilnir-lia.', hi* body liiclinod forward sr.d lils Lind rest inc upon bl.* left baud- Thr Rook of ( oianioii Rr aver ams op.'ii Bfld In bl in his righi bund. Ho ap!-"ired to lie 11 s.iing prayer* to i'm.tb Connell, winn- "tn loee was moil i.'osi orate and < utioil. Ile was edd to the waist, till sensatl ni of ho-o-ger gone, and was speechless and Bb ii ¦' -I i'l( ss. His (-yee were fl vol ead * l::-sy. Indeed his wt .ikne-* iv is mi -li that it was with diftleiiltf ho MtaRoared st'mu- Isnt* given him by Doctor* oroom and A nos. HU Jaws had droped, bbl hes.t wm biroty pulsating, and his body t .r.ipr- .lure wis very low. This tender scene of s helpless, aim i*t famished officer, consoling a dying com- pu'dioii, wai In itself ono that, bri it-lit to irs lo ll.i oyriof tho strongest and stouteit who stood about them on tho merciful er¬ rand of relief. Sergeant* llraim-rd and En derick* ind Hospital-Steward ilrioder- teek were extremely weak au hardly Bah (o stand ; they were no longer aide lo ven¬ ture away from their camp to seek food, nor prepare Ihrlr simple diet of boiled seal¬ skin, nor to collect 'coolie*, aaa lo eit'li shrimps, upon which they Ind tel depend I a Licit extent, to lustsin life. Their f ne. hunds, and were swollen to such an extent that tiley could not be nvog- iliad. Tali indicated that tho entire party bad Lilt a short le»»e of life, pr >!>tbly not more than forty-eight hours al most. This fief was recognized liv them all, and had '.onie to them from tin ir experience during Hitit loni-ind desolate winier iu watching their dying oompanloiis, as one after in- other nasal away fi om them forever. Roi r Sergeant Ellison was found in his sh (-ping-bug, where Bobed lain helpless and In, p.-l. m..lilli- nilli hands and feet fiozm eat St raf.tied to one of the -i imp. wr.s found B spoon which sonic oompanion bril sirapjied there to enable him to feed himself. His physical condition otherwise appeal**] lo Ire tba lieat of all the survivors, and tbi* may So attributed lo tho ta.-t tint each of bis companion* hud doled out to film from their small allowance of fjod ko.nclhing to help him on account of his complete helplessness to add anything to hi* own Ly hunting about the rooks for liol,ins ot eatehiB,* shiimp. Ho suffered no tiLste of strength liv excition Incident th. rein. This case of Ellyson wai inch .ii only brave and generous men, suffer¬ ing with eich other mdet inuit de., ponde circumstances, could think of. Sergeant Long wns very much reduced, though in somewhat better condition than aonio of tho other*. Hil oflice of hunter of Hie starving parly made it necessary to increase slightly bis pittance of fool to maintain his strength, that he might con¬ the baltic for food and lifo for lb* in ipa-s. in his eaae, however, tho effect of this continuum effort had told its slory in Iii-* wasted form. Shorter and shorter Journeys were made in food weather, while in the frei|uent bad weather of that reirion his stn nelli wns so inn,Ti impair:*! tint when Hie joyful signal of tho irhl.stiV w.t. hurd lie had only enough left to stagger to the rocks overlooking tito water t . aaa if tha signal* heard had proe-eded from-hi] - in rdflats Hi* first visit whs a bitter dlaip poiBtment. a* he MB untiling. A sec ni virit, f.fleen minutes later. LveoturW within fifty yunis af tb* Pin**! fr*trail imf fer, anil in view of tba relief shliw HMfliBf ironed Saltine. When the steam-cutter lt-n into tbe Istm-h where Loni? was seen lie rolled down Ibe ico-oovored cliff sud WU t-dvon Into the cutter. He bjfonfled Lieutenant Colwell that lb* location of thc camp was just over the cliff. In the larool Sergeant Ellyion He med¬ ical oilier rs were feaj-fu) from tho first that his chance for life was very small. Ai loon ai ht ult!.till food wa* available snd the tli- »e»tivo fiiBction* should be rei'-itablishod nilly a h. ilihfiil round of blood cir.-fll*- lion would I eeji, (ia di,I, jin,if/on af new life to tba injured parti, and inflammation a (Mild nsniraliy occur. If Ellison's itrragtb kboald increase more rapidly than tl.c inflammation impution of the in- lured part* would per hap* save his life. .-(v. rsl dais after his rosene 'Juuo '..StlO Dr. oreen reported thal Rllyaea wa* threatened with congestion of thc brain. Tlc try ti pb,in- inertaxd rapidly until the poor fellow kaahlsfaaBOO. Al dod Haven hit condition was -o critical thal the sur¬ geon of tho expedition, fiftd'consultation. dt tennint d toainpiitate holli feet above the ankle ia tho only clunie of life left Um -lil¬ li rt r. Tbedaaaae,flowerer, triumphed, ami amid the bleak WCflei Hint hat! -tu¬ ll inuit tl him for three feen In bia heroic .'lillico anti within tin- desolate solitude of IbfU **i-**IOB of voil.'sting in-mid snow, -urn.undo,' bf Iii- sorrowing comrade-, hr pa--, ,i awe**. Lieutenant Greely was physically Ibe vv: I,' at 1.1,1 ii,,¦i:ta!ly the u.o-t rigor NH "I his party. Ba had ni iu i *leepio"*-ba| for Wei ks on uorolllit nf Iii* grui nally |Bfl stlell'rtll. He Wt,s linallie to af 111.I BtOBe for any leastl of time and iraaalfltoal helplrM eieept li siitim; poatflres. All tho p. tigs of iiuneer bid ceased; Iii* Hp- penance waa Wild; liis hair was lon? ant! iiiik. l.ipi : bis face ind bund- wore cov¬ ent! with sooty, basel dirt: bi* body -.aid? c.,?.-,.-I willi worn-out clothe-; In* form wns Iiis joint- were iwrl'on. and his eye* were sunken. His flr-t intpiiiy was if they were not English- in, n. l-ut when ba waa told that wo iv ore li * own countrymen he pained for ft mo¬ ment »s if reflecting, finn said "and 1 am L-lad to see you. " The condition ol his camp was in keel - lag willi lb* scene inside the tent des. pe.'Bte ind desolate. The bleak bareness of Ihe spot, over willoh wild thc Antic l.ird would not fly ; tba mw of urav.- efl the little liil-e KU feet away, with the pro¬ truding Ik ids and foot (if tbOM lately I uriel--a nu! but silent wittie*- lo tb* daily licreaeiBg wea**a*aa el tb* Utile bud of ipnrlrora; Ibe deteried ""flirter* i|iii:iti,s iii the hollow bolmv, witli ii* broken wall invaded bj Bater from n Ti',- snow and le* above il. Tho lieidbstif Hie two companion* WW* stn Mn'I on tba lee-fool that lenmined: Hie wi. ul ed apology foroOOktaf tit-nsils. iup'ovised Ly tlitin iu ttit ir sore di-tre.. lundi? dis.-rving the name: tba scattered and woin-.nit clothe* anti -leeping-iec- Of lb* (loud: lae of .ill food ?..v. ;t f,w cup* full "f b***-d sealskin ¦crape; tba wild aad tn ini -ene of mow, icc, and -"laden overlooking anil over- hsi'irg ibis iJeeobite camp, etaaplated i picture its stu Hill: us ii W::s inipr.-.-tve. I hope inver agata in my life Ul look upon sucli wretch, di:.-- and *flch rtestltit- Hoc. Thc picture wai more itali lina snd more deeply patln-tie than I had evrr dreaned eouM b* powible. Ii beholding R. I Stood fur a iiionient alnm-t linn .tinned, am! linn nali/cl tba! if tba (.pesjlltoa bad doiiifii-trited ray one thing more than another it that an hour had its raltM IO nt least one sf tint party. * touter bents llian mine felt full OS r-Off- row. Eyes Hist bid not w pt for Btiv moistened willi lour* la the solemnity of that precious hour in tbe live- of tbsl heroic lillie bund of sufferer*, until tba* II olin nt so hopeless ull'l helpless. In prepri-lni: tho bodies ol the'letti tot tiansporiaiion In n!cohol te Bf* JobBi ll aa* lound ihut six of tin ni Lu nb nant Knliflfbfljy. Sergeants Jewel' Bfld HuMun. Privates W'hisilei', Henry. BBd Elli.Basl linn mt nm! thc leahy put- r***ao**d ta I greater or los extent." All tbe other botlie- welo found intact. commodore lebley eoacludei hi* rt pori ly commending In "the ble*bast lt rm-the conduct of nil the officer* Bfld nun of his Il.lil.llll!. Ike I osses and Insurance li? (ha (ar- iIibbi- .(¦> [Hy Iel. aral'i lo Ila D.-i'il'I'l I'm a, H, Y.. October tl..Tho lo-- bl the iBriburo tire is ifsjoo.iMKi. Tbe in- siiisiico is ?l.i1..'.iK'. divided nniontr tlc following companies: London and Lan- taablre, 11,975; Hartford of Hartford, |l.*tete*7i Ersnklin of I'lnladolplnn. .*.* BIT; Hanover of N',yv York. |l*sa__i Eire Assoi¦latloii of Phlladelplini, |5,90tt* (onlinental of New York. fls.Mt); Llver- lool. London and Olobe. f»o-2,0<M): Royal of Liverpool, .10,0*i0; Wt st (hester of New York.|l«.-.2.*i; Nlasaraof New York, . M.(¦..»,.; i'litenix of Hsrtforo. fl.400; Hiiinbiilg-Rremen. $1,100; M tnuf e tor ,* of Rotioo. f-l.iKM); New Ito were. IL TOO. Time were "Jo** buildings "burned, of which 108 were dwelling*, four churches, two schools, one oiiera-h-iiise, one store, one tillage-ball, one wagon shop, one hot?!, and Ibe remainder uunulictorift and barns. The principal losers are Meyers* Ross & co.. f«.).000. no Insurance: il. O Fnrer * Son, "*M,060, no insurance; Kred. IL1'r,0.!' r'0C0,' no ln!"innee; J. V. Oorot, I. Mills, ttl,ifni, insurance 88,701. Tue I reshvlcnsn Bapii... r;pJM. »** , ,,,«. cfphs churche* sstre'bnm'ed tig-th'.' with Hieop, ra-house, town-hall, and school- !!'(*' . / ^ li:,H ¦"¦"-.'ribed 8IO.1**, ;oldetI:,'tOWn*'°0,)- -^rfsmidcsare V'»/.7/7 CAROLINA. Oetoaeilvt Fir* ai I .r^y Rfc.n-Kila. l-iwriitl telemon to u,e |,|,, llrh | ClIAKIOTIE. N.C.Oetoln.rii.-Purtlnii. sr* of Hie di* ,si on, |jrp jesUlBBJ a' tue omrany simps on thc North Carolan dill¬ doll <f thc Richmond and Danville railroad a«bed herc lo-day. The fl,,. ,|e*tr.ycd ilx stores. Thc parties burned out sra r rei man A Zsclmra, dnurgists; Thom* Ltsjeb's r. BtaarsBt, wben tba tire orlri- .aled; John Sharp. Charles Hnwhitrt, sn*l mc not known. The *t.r* of Freeman k .Uchara was fully insured. Total losi esii- neied ct a.Tn.Ofr,). Rain comnieueed felling herc tiela ere- ilng, ceding Uta protracted drsBBbl of wo n onrh*. lire Cd Tin mn ( nutcm,nu |h» tlon. |S|.e, |,| l.;,.er..| ,.,|.. I)-,,,^,,.' , Rah mn, N. c., October 22.-The Slate Pn liilition Convention BSSStabted at Hie slide Rv position ground* to-dvy. Thc at- e.idanee was elim, and tlicic wis little or 10 enthusiasm shown. Iiiivid -ehetitk snd D, VV. c. IP nbiw, ioIIi ot Guilford rnunly, were sboaa M sR*etorvaMerae. The following arc thc lectors for Eba dUtrieU: Firsi, Dari 1 ffbltej ccond, Robert E. Ballard; Third. I'-' M,.,ie; Fourth, Henrv M. Ray: f'idh, Willbm A. < able; Mxth, -luhn M. Illili; Seventh, Nevena C. English: Eisbtb, Franklin W. Brady; Ninth, J.J. lill. Ta Bsrf Wa I grand day at the State | te .ositlon; Hunty thousand person.* were ircscnt. Tliis evening s, B o'clock :i Hiln crowd- d willi pBaaws*era rm off Hie track near bc cly. When put SB the rail* lt again an nlT. George Scott (colored) fell fi un tic platform nod was cut entirely in two in be Bf a great BBSBxtar o( speed. ors. Kiln beean falling Ibis evenl.ig at 9 )Vlin k, ending thc fears about the drought. Hajorlllcs ol Ohla*a (.meres*.,mn. Fleet. IHv(r|r«nii!b to the OUnaich.) Ci 1.1 vims. OcL-ilier 22..-Thc following nc Hie majorities In thc eevcral cotigrc-,. ,i,dial di*,;it 1- First district Benjamin Butterworth Rep.). IrBBB imijority. S, conti dist rici: Charles E. Brown (Rep.;, I,,NBJ majority. Third district: James E. Cemjihell (Dem.), 112 majority. Fourlh district: C. M. Anderson (Dcm.), lin majorlly. Fifth district Benjamin Lefcvre(Dcm.j, "i.lU niiijority. Slxlhdistiict: W. D. Hill (Dem.). Mil tjiejoriiy. Sci erithtlistrid: OeorgoE. Seney (Dcm.). I,n, <i iiinjoiitv. Eighth disiriet: John Lottie (Rep.), r.'elS nisjorilv. Nm,li district: W. C. Cooper (Rcji.). I,s.'lu nrajorify. Teat! district: Jaeofa BawaM (Rep.), !2amnJori!v. Eleventh' di-trie,: W. W. Ell-biuy Ibm). 410 majority. Twi lilli district A.C.Thompson (Rep.). 1,884 Bwrjority, I hil,eenlh' district: .1. II. outlisvait" Dcm.). MM mnjority. Font lei nih district: C. II. Grosvenor Rep.). :,,i;it asforlty. Fifteenth district: B. Wilkin- iD.'m.y, 'i,V\H Hi: jorilV. tbstaalh district : George W. Geddes [Di m.), 721 Hiajol itv, >i sett ci td h disinct: A, .1. Warner ;D».n.). 217 natality. Elghlemtli district: ,1. II. Taylor (Rep.), i.l.",:: uiajoritv. district: E. B. Taylor (Sep. 1. 18.087 majority. Twcatlrth district: William MeKunVy R.p.), l,2;il miijorliy. Twiitly-llr*t di-tii. 1: M. A. Fatwa [Drat.), 1,270 majority. Terrible li,ol or a lle*iperailn. Ht 'eli »iai.n tn the UtaBOMB.] Cnn ttio, Octnl er 22.- A dispatch ,0 Hie Daily Ar irs from I liio say- ¦ .. A p (-ten¬ ter jn>t 111 repoitsi IricbKn! oeciirreurc an lbs I'adiu ali and Memphis train Sunday nigh!. Herman Marshall, of Hyenhiu-rh. Tdir.. sva* mi thc train drunk, and weal 1 1 nd down the nilli--, willi knife in hand. Hneatening 1 very one, i-.nd indulged lu tbe meit ftighlful nnd obeans ni-riinu ¦. Finally he insulted a gcntleni'in mimed Boob Hui-ictt;.*. of Mayallte, Ky., svho linn k liim. Marshall cu' nnd slashed Hiilsfeiiics's need. f'ti''*. and ibontders in s lichening aanner. aad tbe ititi- nt teal turned sad ran ont upon tbs platform, where Mar-hull followed bili'. plunged tba knife into i,i* bowel*,ead threw lbs brad- lac n.riii from lbs Hain as it pa-atd over Ibe bridge, tbs rlctba talban, lift, en f, et, 11.,- train bs, ked up and lbs wonnded nun ssi's,akin up I.univ alive. Marsh ill¬ lli m.,I h:s pr, nu undi' Uiroogh tte ears, daring any one to loach bias, ead noon dared. Ht- sva- rot arrested." Vt nilet Aaalnst Hie Cincinnati -.. ntin rn Hallway. illy l.-li-.-raith I > UM PtHBRIB I , Ut, INNS ll. Ct,,Lei 22. A Verdict W.I* rendered for Ibe platatifl > >-,<r.!av in the *uit ,r lbs Third Batons! Bank of Up bann, Ohio,a 'i'"1 "i''( Btefanatl Bontbcrn Ballway (*oapany t" recover i mm "f s ss billi tbe 'muk hid lorim 'I I" tbs ( reentar] of the rnlirond eompeayi Gur'.'e Doughty, ssli.i i- now thad, for which be di p il'ti d ss eollati ral arUfl ates id it,cb ol ii"' * inetnnatl B^onthern rall- svtv. svhich, vince Iii. (leith. Iinse liei-n ¦bown p. oe an ' vcr baa "(si ,ck artthoni Ibe Approval sad raw ral o( tbs din-.tor* o( he rad, m ide clandestinely by Dna ibty. Tbr viTiict giies the jilalntirl'tbe principal lanes) OB Hie collateml eertilleates and lu¬ len at thereon to dais. A (Tinier aa w«i» brough! la the nperiorCourt snd re,ulled in a alssftre, BbTBI ol tbs jury. Tbls our ,,f the m.meron- Mil'- Bivolvins claims B8> ".-. int ing -..'tOU.noo. ' i- lhe tint cate in wilie h a decBloii ba brea ttajeaes-I. The c. s. ss ill bs Liken to a higher court. A Tacnlj-TltoiisaiiU-IMiHar Mare- Robliery. (Rv tclcsrai ti lo ll.e l)l-pa'rh.| Ht stun, october iB..A IVoonsoeb*! (B. I.) (Uspntcb suv*: Tlie local olliee of Hie Adams Bsaras Compans wa rdstarod some- lime during la*t niabt bj burglars. -Ah., rilled the safe f 811.008 In eonBoos and bond*. -j-lo.IKRi m bat** hills, both pnekakts belonging lo tbe Woonsocket In¬ stitution for savings. The BOBr/eas BBd Lends sse,e lett with thc Expr.-s I oinp.- i:s's agent t,, l,e foisvanled to thc First National Bank of Ness York and tln-bil!- |0 le fri warded tn lin Maseru--. Bank. P"** m. The packaee- WITS tun open, and thc nappers wbteh awteltad i1' bonds iind bills were found lying on the floor heroic the safe. The doors of Ute ol- Bes wtn Bil ff nnd lo-ked tbi- nioriiiii.:. i.nil lbs '!¦ a "f the -afc. wbleb *n oll- fahtened one. ss;- found ttiasdi b t net |.<k(d. _ tmvft.i lor Allaaed Frnnd. Hr tcWurtipli to Hie Di.i>ali-li.| IHAi-iMi. l's., Otiolx-r 22..Thia mom- IB| Ddeetisc William Y. Lyon- swore on! nts fer Hie itirest nf Marlin Luther I ind-, a well-kaoWB Rerormed-1 burch minister snd ebaptatn nt thc eouoij sla»s- ill ,«I Stiiiiu (i. VVenrieh, a ss-ul h'. .- ,tt!,-(hover, wbn lind lien fmalihina mi*i,ona wit'n brejc raaslR0014 -]l~ "' callie. Tidy are charged nilli briber* Hint iTiisjiiracy In connection svitli th- Blmsnoaa fraodsaaw Iksbsg lart-ail bys cu millee of ili/eii-. 'ITie ai-H-i ei.i.inl bail for trial, oilier iirre-l- will ft,ill sv. _ . tu. tn nu .VtlsBlanary Ae-nieliiOon. (Ly irlesrapli tu Ibe Hls,«l''ii lin. ros.October 22..Thc ABMTkan Mn- -loiiiiv Assiui-dicn Ingall *'*¦ sion ut Salem satSTftay. Tba Association a* (I In Hie Tabdliacle chill'' h. w Inr* lbs tii*t (oreik'ti missinnarb* BM*t in I81-- L\-,ioveriior Wusl,burne ptoBidcd. Thc Ireasurei's report showed receipts during lae yeal ol 82*7.->!i4 : ewpen*iitnrM, f-Wl.- fjtj ; dellcit osrr, t>14,0CO. The I¦olUlliU''- asked for 8100 a day during tbe ciniuig vear. Sis new churches baa ban atab- Babes] in the spilth in the past year. Bia lleirnM-rultc V Irlory In ltalllin»r«' | Uy tele'ia,ih lo lb* Olspatcli., Ital TmorR. Qntaber ti..The teeni* stinusl ried ion of memliers nj Ibe Bot branch of the City Council took ptoa to¬ day. The brsneb consists ol one member dom rich ol thc twenty wards of the city- The Dewocrati elected eighteen rocmbert sud the Rrpublicaua two, Hm Iieiii"''"ti1' mnji'i itv on thc total rote in the elly ,,,'*n>j 8,587. Thc preaen( branch. Uh* term ol iihlch eapltcs with (he ssjReol monin, conePte of ten DdiiocmO snd len lu-lon- lets, enmnosed ol six Republican* n"1' ¦ol r Indipondrnt Democrste. Tbi*D'.r*1"' msjorlly !ben was 8,470, which shoal Dcmocrntlc gain ol over 0,OCO. BLTLER'S MASQUERADE. BBVVntATED BY HOBEINUMEN. tue Ratteael Later rarit'* neaaaelailea a* Bel! n,.,., Trlrbr Way* aad Balae Hr- team. ID? leierrapb to the Dtipaiebal Nsw Yobs, October ll..Oefleral Rutter irrived I,, |,|, apedal ear In Jonev city thia morning. He wa* driven ovpr to Hie Eiftli-Av. noe Hotel, In this city. wh"c li" remained during tbe forenooi. At 1 o'clock Ibis sit, moon he Hurled for Hol¬ ton. He will return the latter pirt of thi. Beek ind resume hi* tour of the State. AaeaanHus from Ita nanami labor party Ru* morning, filled lt lb* Denim walli Nstlon.'l li(n(b|ii»rlers and pri-sento.I io tho "rational Conntttoa tba fuBeabie iaeab> Hons adnp.ted hy them nt a meeting bald ll (*sr. nd. m Rill last ni/h*: Wb. i. as llenjamin E. lintier is travel- ling thrniirrh this suite na-SjflcndlBf as a I'rntectionlst ind friend of tbe Working" ; lu- it Ueoolted, That Bra call thc att»nihn of IBB workingm,n ami an'i-ninnn|M>li*ts 10 t1 c followii,.. fact*, tint prove him to bo a mom polist and enemy of labor I 1. Hi* whole career in Congi ll wi. I T.i' of a greedy, unscrupulous tool of rn -n.i,i r ly, aislary-isralibir. and I railroa I, ba-ik. unii eorporaUoB advocate. i. Be Ofll) lat tho old parlle, am! .ter ipi. ni thc noiiiiniiiion of thc Oreeabeek sad AriH-Voiit p< ly piiriics when he had out¬ lived nil bonn rf reward from Ri ann rafi snd Ri j.uhiii -ms, sud coming int i the I ilmr moy. mont at tho olevontli hon.- ti reap the nwtinl of other men's I,!, .r. 8, Ho is not a Protect ion let. as ho r.n for (Iovernor nf M ts«acl mott- and vv ag oloci sj ss a revenue reformer ea a free trade pl it* form. All hii letters and speeches ta thal campaign were in favor of tree tr;ule. ai hf* mana^t r. Colonel plympton, and his co-n f. riiitr, Orady. are zenloin free¬ trader*. 4. Winn tl e (iovernorof Mii«*achu*ctt* he sigm d a lull to . mploy searsaki at hit- mukii'g in tba face of an earnest protest from lie butter* of that siam, aad vtoed a bill to limit tho hours of the lu bur of c'ril- (Inn in mines and factories. I Io sl*o cm- plojed Baan r labor.Italians-cleaning the slrreLs of Boater), and OB other public work" of riiiit Mata to thc injury of laboring tl fla* *. ind in other ways injured tie work¬ ingmen of Msssscliiisetts when he Int J po¬ litical power instead of rot oniiii-ndl'ig mensures in their interest, which he now claims should bc pflfflfld for tba tx-aetit of workingmen. fi. ('en, ral lintier attni.1. >l tbe Demi- el alic Nstionnl CoareattOfl as Democrat .nd plettged lils delegation to siip|M>rt Hie i andidaOs nominated there, and personally ¦tated that he would iiipiwrt Riv ard or Thurman (both Ereo-Tnulers' if either was ru -minuted. Ile bilked the Convention (whin he could not dictate) on the I v ti lg pret.-xt that the Di-moe ratio party refused to adopt a tailor plunk in tho platform, in thc face of th" Mot thal RBt Committee OB Ri lolutiniis placed in tho platform every plunk asked lor by the labor party. Rt sr Ind, Thst wo denounce Ren'un in E. Huller si a fraud nnd'Impostor, and Ba* v i-o nil workingmen to -uppoit the cindi- dales nf the Di-inscraHc imrtv. [signed] Jabbb a. Taofsraox, Piesideal of Ibe Cur-Drivi r-' Coi m. Chairman ; John .1. CataBABB, Rn-sidi nt el Hie Engineers' inion, *ioere- taiy. ('(.vernor ('li'velaaU'a Astin Ham ins- charge-tl. nt} iiBaiBBh t.itti" Plural uk | Ai nisv \. Y.. Oct il" r tt..Boobs, tho Baaaltant Bf Oovcrnor Cleveland, was ur. rslgnt .1 before loatiee (Jittnan at tho Police ('.'int st .*i o'clock this afternoon. Tlio was thronged l.y a rurioua ciowt!. Booae, abo looketl careworn, ai kt d and ol.! lim tl permission to iiiukc a Matt mont. UeaaMlnhadbeea .naPy wor- iii d over his brother's case, and had scarce Iv -li 11 tar se-vt nil night-. Ile admitted hi- ((.minot hud bc. u hasty, and ntd ka ara* lorry fer what he bad done. Ile also in- «i.-tiil that be never Intended doing tho (.. i, raer any hana. Jottlee fintonn saul fsa Lad receive,I :i Inter (rom (iovernor ( l.veliiitl tinting that he had no desire to i-' ute thc pii-oni i. and roconimerulin;' jeni. ney. BOOM Hie then iliscbarct ,|. He, with his wife snd father-in-law, h ft lin* evening for hon.e. Ai banv, N. Y . October "tt..Three phy- *i.. i..11-i examined Roone, (Iovernor Cl.-ve¬ lum!'* assailant. Un. mon.nie, ns to his sanity. Tbe* tnclaw he is tine, hut is laboring tudor leven nervous oxoitoniont, ami is li.ililo to do violent a :-. w saasaaajaaa itaee*. |L? 1,1'imh lo ihe l)|s|.ateli.| u i.-iiim les. (ictoicrtt..Tbh Bm tbe das of tba fall mooting of tbe Na- (ional -lt okey (Tub. Weather cloudy, with B -till breens Mowiflg : good track, c.xeol- lent ntl. Bdanco. Eirs; ruo*.dash of one mile, till aga - wi n iv Rica; Uaiiinioiisi sti-ii'i, i:ii/i- beth third, 'limo. 1:11. -,,onii; rmi.AflflCOSta si.ikes. one and i ne i-islith miles.won by UaUsetti Vista ,t ond. Richard L. third, 'lime, jm, 'Iliird lift autumnal handicap, all I '. MM Mitt a half mil's.War Eeg! a on Drake i Biter second. Oem ral Monroe iliini. Time, J::::!. iintii race.ailing race, one nile ead half a fm loin. won bj Joe Mitchell; Fare¬ well ecoiid. Rossie tl ir,I. Time. I'M. Lest nee.there quarter nile h ate.won iv Lady 11 ml; Roy 9. duke second Tin e. 1:17: UMP, line of the III 1 ti X t.i.. n. linke wea the first heat, but pull, d np Ume In tbe last, mid died shortly after II in_ tin-,rilill*«1. lleiKlriels* ut rnlltiisin mid ffnlflaajfl ll? leleyrai li la IB* I'Ivjui, it.) tiiii'Aiin, October tt..Hob. TIbmbm v. IN r,,li:, kn speke bi te tonight on the Inri, tatton of thi trad.- iiii'l i,i'"i'unions. He kirlved st PbRbmb this "norning. At not aboul ihi'e thousand residents of thai suburb a-(I tin- neigh bonn rt towoi ol Kennington and Roaelaad a---niii!- -1 In froi t cf bis hold, and Ooit iiior ll.-ti- diiik- addreaard then briefly fran tbe balcony, irltoafteiaoon i rsunnittae fr in (le lal.el unions wont to I'lilliiuin ami ,s,i ried bin t') this eily, arriving ll "ul") 1*. M. The linn of hi- arrival iras not gene- iain, known,and eoneeqoently there wa* io di ministration al the depot* He en* tered i carriage with tb* eomrnittee and aa* t'liv, ii!,. the hotel. TbeVreaf Uraiikciii I'.ikIo-I. |By te'err-i li io Hie In.i.noll.| An ania, iii,, Octobei M..The greal di,,light tntled at noon to-day. A "*00d nil is falling. tmirsisoasa. Al.. 0-*tober 23..A no- plOBS iain ft I! here li,-dav cadia*- lb vu drought. This i* tho Int rain line* Aflgust nih. The s!,,..,,,,, in ibis vicinity havel:'.; ;.iciis,, low for many year-, ami lhere h.,-1, en cns, aaeatt) much rfUfferinrt to livestock. Fortunately a good, provision cn ;. ha- |., ,.| made. iiui Beet-flea*. I Uv n lonni!.;, i" UM in BBlSB.l Jbbibt ( itt, *f. J., Octal er OL. A dis* ii., tl -tat-:- suddenly eollapaed this nora, lng, and three hoya engaged in tearing up ihe doora for bewood were buried in tbe iiiir.*. Michael buUlvan, aged IS, waa lo- -lanllv killed, h's brains being da-hod out .milli,t!y terrible- I,nit red. Tin- Other* wi ie *( riouily Injun ¦!. <o-il.rc--.onnl Nominations. It Ii Ii gtSOt IO Hie IM-imli Ti. Jabaica, L L. October tt..The Pira! ., n's.i.,mil iii-tii'T I), uiocr.its taO-day renonlflsted Perry Reimnnt. Miaou .'twN. S. Y.. Octob. i- ¦:: Prtaoerats of thia dtstrtel t..-uav reniml- naled ti arb Bbek fer Cbflgreaa. *.: m-oiiic frill, s,. |B] 1. Itt-rit; .an l)l-|i:ileh.l l.ii-iii.iK. Ky., October M..At to* i - -,-,.jon of thc Omud Lodge of M u n- i.iVr.d Print Euri, .gh rirnrously refuted tn. -tat. iu'ut ..f R(.|>j Leo tba! Maaonri sad for i's otieet boetltR] I « brlitiamty, and piirii'iilarly lo the CStboll fait'i. t.o\« rtiiueiil |-r..|.< ri r at llarper'a Kerry. iBv lelearupli (wilie Ill-put. h.I WAsi.'ixtiTos. October il. -Al tba _"._». tho Oovernmrnt propertv at Hupor'* IT nv to-dsv Ihe-jl'oloina.' walcr-povvcr -"Id'for Itt, 100, and the Sliemindoah Watti t-power for IM10. A rn alni a (hara*' or Murder. By lelecrai'li t<> Hi* lilsr*itoh.| i mt tho. Oolol'ei tt. C. C.B. Price was arr Med heir Isst night on B telo.r.m from Naihvllle charging bin with murder, ne dmles any knowledge of any such crime. He is a ion ol John L. Price, depoty slicnfl ol Naibville. i ".renteMelt Biaadarfl Dallar-i. M? trlrsrsph tr, the l)l»|>»leb.i Rosyox, october M..Counterfeit siiiud- ard dollar*, well calculated to deceive even ex peril, are In circulation here. Do not be deceived; wk for ind tike only B. II. Dougliis A Sins' Capsicum Cough-Drop* for Cough*, t'olda, and Sore- throats, p. f*. aud Traue*Mark on every drep. Nrteart* Blanea aSsajtsst. (Rram tick (i>.| T.t't-xrsrth, OCteBer 17.f On Hie Bath of October, 1840. persons pre«eDl nt lhe JJorthport wmpa-efotind. In Waldo e,iiirt, y, aaw a meteorite fall into tbs water i.err the camp. Ai it fell lt burst into fragmenH, nj (hst was tbe condini m drawn by those who wltncMed lt* aacaqt. Brarcb wa* made at (he time for frairm''nt*, lint none were then found, thc tile at all niles covering Ute sped where thc nTett-ir- Ile struck the w..ter. Two yara ago one who tvitne**e(l Hie fall ag du made aseareli, r.nd stnie ania!) (rn*, tnents were r-eovered. From lim* to time the search Ins been enn- tinned, and other fragments hare Imen brought to ligbl, one ol which we* con- RdttStety sent to Priiferuor F. C. Roblni Sf, of Bowdoln College. More recently (julie i Istrs muss, weighlnsr perhaps twenty trade, svas recovered, and thi* mas* .'ro¬ fe*-ir Itol,in-on lina now in hi* possession, BJOcb to bi- gratllhadon. Ile will proceed io airy aa it. I li or instil I'lnnnrf* Illy cable to lhe liitr*-trh.| Lukiitiol, october 22..Tim fjRrasaa: l'i >l. irferrlng to thc statement concerning Livi rpcol rlnanco prospects in thc Ananda! column of tcaim!:.)'.. London Standard, jdsise* London Journals to ascertain tbs lilith liefer* i.uhllshiiig such unfounded IxiBeriB. It add* tbat the troubles In lbs -ligar 11 aiket ceased three weeks ago. and lind thors is not the slightest ground fir IWili IIIndlBB tbs impending bankruptcy II liny one of the American steamship linc*. Stiled ,hc Liverpool papers hive heard anything about Hie large failure in Hint city, sngue Kneels ol svhich hive been cir dilated in some .planers. I rnneo-1 li in est- AtTair*. ly -hi" lo the IHiualrli.l Puts. Oetnhei- 22..A majority o( thc (TTiiinilfce on tbs Tonttuin credit arc iu fa¬ vor o( (Uci-ive action, and they are will¬ ing to vole i yen larger credits *o at to en¬ able the Government to bring thc di fileul ty to s spicily conclusion. The 'I', in j, v and tbs Caris urge Hie Gov- crntr.i nt to blockade the port of PnrkhoL, (brough sihich Hie Chinese svh arc in- invading Tot'ipim i,blain their supplies. The Te'n/raphe. utlirin* ,hc report that at Hie ronni il >i st, n. iy thc Cat.Hie, dSeMsd lo send ,o Tonguin (he reinforcement i wlc.i ii Gt neral Bran de Lisle r, noires. 1 tie i'oiiiicu: Ferment in Balalnm, Hy rab* bi th-) Dimairli.i Bhisski-. oeolier 22.-Tbe puli, leal fer¬ mi -nt i old innes to develop serious out- brinks. At OOMtlSt, .it Hasselt, snd at other place collision* have occurred be¬ tween tbs Clericals and Llbasll. and riot¬ ing iias bet n Hie eonseijuence. Shots were fin d into a crowd near M.iline*, which took demil* < lied. One pe mon wu killed out¬ right arti (our others wounded. The KtoUt I>li/e declare* that Hie Cor. -. rsalivcs ute seeking to tiring back tbe »iiil*tc period of 17S!i. i The l(neen'ti V-ts-veli. Illy rable to Ute Di-iiitn h.! LoNiHis, october 22..The Queen's ipeecli st lbs opening ot l'arliament to¬ morrow svill consist o( only eight para- .isphs. It begins hy regretting (he nSMS* -Hy of convoking Parliament. It discusses Ibe franohl-o bill, and expresses the Imp' ibat Ibe measure will shortly lie passed. Be mcbtltin it made of redistribution. I'hiie is rcttrencelo i, ll a irs at the Cape and lo Egypt, and (isarral (laxton i* stilogtsed la hi* gallnni dclena of Khartoum. lin- Congo Couterence. (Hy .aide to the llt«ii-i(rh.| oeoin r 22..The repiesenti- Itra from ABStris, Russia, md Haly will .itt. ml Hie :i|iproa"hlng Congo eonfel'eilec ujinii tbs same footing as repwantsUraof Hi.- other Rower*. IVI'ium svill proliably idvoests the interests o( tbe African later- national Asa rial ton, of which King Less. I old w president. Prince RtsBBarcfc I* here at tia ispital linking reparations for the cootel ena. 'the Nt ss wm|,,.| Oacea. II y Bahia la tbr (RBBOlca.J l., mion, Oetober Xl.Al lbs Bet? Mer- ke, ni'T ling tn.dar the ma for lbs Desvhur*t pla,'- for Isvo-vcar-old* MM iv.m Ly (apLiin C. Bo wi In g's buy colt by >!i-rliiigni.t of Casuistry ; Vic. M.-tinley's bay lilly Cora se, omi. and M. Lupin's chestnut colt Xaintraillc* Ihird. There were tea ¦tarter*. S Hi,i,m Plot Inearthed. |Kv rahlelo lie MaaOMB. st. I'ltkhsi-' in;. October 88..-Tbs polia sci/, d s secret prlaUne-prrtaa on tbe 18th instant. They discovered documents with Ihi-piiss which iboWed tin, arrangement, vst-ie it mg 11 rf, .-t'-tl to nubs au attempt on tbs Caril's life. Nilinenilli snesta have in en made. e- Tlie Prince or Vt uli-s'a Rmi Contine: le A merlea. IB* r.n'i!.¦!..til" Hi.patch.I l,i'\|tiv, (letnl-cr 22. .I'l'ince Albert Victor, <( Wales, svill visit the United stud* ni si lummer. Hic( holeru in italy. I Hy eal,!" I, Hi" Hi-oai'-h. I RoBR, Octoba 22..During tits i' 1-1 twenty-fair bonn there ware nu fresh ;,*!>(,( cholera and ill death* throughout It; ly. _ C. ..'¦'¦ ri. tn Visit Parla. lilt to the Hlsiiltch.l I'd li! is-. Octolier 22..There are rumor- Hutt Piit ce Btiraarek contemputes s risil to Paris._ Alt Alissa Beag Verdict lor RJ.V.OOO. Uv lelrirrnn.i BS Hie Dl-|,alTi.| Kaw Yon, October 22.- Mis, Minnie Cumminas, ti:,1 actress, to-dav obtelM 1 ¦ verdict for Bxo.000 against Police OfBar William B. Dares, and MIm Delis Mur¬ phy, a drt-amska, In an notion brought fi i i';i!-c am -t and iiiipris'inm-ur. Ont driving near Kfllarney a short Ubm ago the Bari "I li. nmart lound by tbe road¬ side s destitute family thal ind been ateted from their rabin on iii- estate by nae ot kia agenti. Ile bad nol beard of their erietloo fore, and, on learning of their condition from theil- own Hp*, be bide them conduct bim to th, ir late bona. Then hs tore .1 ern tbe notice ol dlSPSMCmlOB, broke open tilt' door with a hatchet, ami told thea to re¬ enter and Iii'1 thea, insured tint they would not be disturbed agate. l.t. Weather Report. [spei lal n kana* ia nat lRasteB.J WASiiisiiTiiN. Octoba 2:i-l:.i4) .1. M.- 1'i.r Mic Middle Atlantic Mites, lo al raina, art ly tinnily ss eather, followed bv clear¬ ing weather in the ..tiitlicrn portion, de¬ cidedly folder. Btxtbwaterfy nindi, brisk a;,il high ol', the con-!. For the South AUsattc Sate*, local rei,* mid pertlyeloudy watbsr, followed by fair wi allier", ssind* shifting tn iiirtli- ss. *ti riv. lower lni,|>cr*ture. TBB wea i hit: TKSTKRDir was fleur in Hu nu,ming, cool, ami rainy In thc cs cuing. Tulumi.mi.tfi: Ta*ST88BAT : O A. H., 88; u A. M., 7i: neon, 80; s l*. M., W; I P. M., "SJ midnight, 80. Mean tempenture, "Oi. a BPE< !.\l. BEAST HAS ITS raCPAIKO rills WKKK 1 OR HU LITTLR FOLKS. LtlTM.V KILT slTTS. 1 LU. SSI (SH DI TIAIILK liM.K-1' SS 1* Hills. Lt,Ss' I'S KltCAT-. SS,- T, r lii-ilty a ii um ber Sf nev ,,:, nf tl, >,i eel um r-iu BOYB'UVBB, ml-. ova unis stock rrphle will, >| |T8 FOR PLAY, .si ira roi h bool, mis nm . nt l:. i I'nlT LAH I'RICS-s.WLLL-MAlir. I LOTHISt.. MLS s llfcl'ARTMr-Vi. Votliw Ui-lamino. BBS aii-rasonalily warm wei llir. .lit -nie of QVaTBr-tBABMBBTB hat oe, n n-i eitellrul. Von tiara.1 How ran tlial 1st We'll tell you. (mr asanrlinenl il -<> teleri lsd a nar Ure, to Iimui a-mai'lv superior la Uti ordinal ready-made trash (whlrh I* deeral say |irlci .sr isriiients III' st) PLRfECTLY, sad tn irina ar* A I. W AYS to reasonable (Kyle ai i,milly rmi 'dried' Ibu >>a* RAH SLY Sta 8* out nf tn t»U!.i: lu.irnt mi 'y-litt d. d. Webs' not only the VERY FLBBBI i.VSIHOATS, b esrry traa wartb kasorag. UtS - HI *ilM>el SLITS, MFX'b liHKt-r- illlji. A. > liv- 8 CO., nine ii.vo\r:i'BH.i: clo riHKR», tel, MAIS STUK.LT, OPI'O-IIF I'DiaT-OVr'HK. KR" Bli. WANCIAL A«.UlWMEKi;i.TL. NEW YOEE STOCK MAREET. Nra Yobs, October M.-The atrtek mar¬ ti was strong on an early sdrane*, alien noes rose Ja ly. After nldday "/auder- lit brokers wera consplcuont sellers nf tink lines. Tito -kales were said to be for -count of thc Vanderbilt partv, sltliousr'i i sore Quartrn lt waa staled that leading ian . mpioyed Vanderbilt broker* for tTe firpoti- ot creating Ibis impression. Tba .port that Lake 8hon' was to Issn-* new finds ass agiin revived, an t tills h ul * erv unfavorable elect on the stock, wlilcb ro'rped f. New York Centrs! sold itown !. H. Haul 21. NortbwMt I. Mi-raotrrl aciMc SJ. Jersey Central *, f,it*kaivann* i. I Dion pjelBe SJ, ana Western Cition |. In tho rln.1l deeltnga lhere erne a ralty r Iel. Canada Southern and Michiirin cnti"l'were also weak. Compered with i*t night's closing, prices are tait lower. shs. ..sii.ihii lilarea. Aeon.. Moerk* vinsettled and weak. Monev, .2 per cent. Exehanae.Long, 4*t»i SI; short, *>.''|s4M*. (roverninents dull. late* tirm. Evening..Exchange, sBJOI, Money. Hal er cent siil>Trcsi*urv lalanecs.Gold. lgN.til7 ; enrnmo?, "JIO.hko. (iorernuirnt, liaBBJ l | er cent*. Ml; 3 per cents, PW id. state llind* itoiilv. "A." Ito *,. T'» ..ll." Vt, small. ttt leoiiriafl**.(Hld) M boinia T's. morlgsge.(bid) H-3 .'crib Carolina'*.(bblI DJ orih Carolina's, now.(bid) ls lOftb' arolina funding.(bid) 10 oiith Carolina Proven c.instils. Lill 'enne-soe (is...(bid) BBJ irKinia (Ti.(hld) :",7 'Hninia consols.(bid) .17 liossricakc andohio. ft- l)!."ig.) and Nu th western. 811 liic.g.) and Northwestern p't'd.121 louver and Rio ('rando. Oi "lie. 13 .n.-l Tt one safe |(.Ml road. 44 asks "aban.SH eulaville unit Nashville.Ml ri. mphil and Charleston. 2" dobile and ohio. Hf -ashville and Chattanooga. .1) vow orleans 1'noific 1st mort. -vi vow York (entral. WI v'orfolk snd Western pref. Il fort horn Pantie. 17J i(oithorn l'ai'itic preferred. Ill 'acitie Mai!. ft2| teatiing.21 tichmon.t sud Alloghany. 21 li. Iiiiioi-.d nnd linnvtlle.(bid) 32 ii '. ml and VVe-l Point Tot rai Itel., lu tock Uland.I Un] ^. Paul. . it. Paul preferred.MM lexas Pacilic. llSjs inion Pacific. .Vii ll ii, i-li Pat-Hie. ft .Vatiisli Pacitlc |ireforrod. 10f Western Union. . BALTIMORE. I'n nm,ii-, October 22..Tlrginli cui- tois. ttl psat-due coupons, 321; new lt:-40's, :;|J. Hld to-day. RICHMOND STOCK EXCHANGE. WKIiSEIUAr. O toller 2*. ISSI. Roinn..10 share* Peters- liing railroad ut iii. KTiTi* sect kittm. Rid. Ashed. Virginia RV lu*.*. 31 Virginia consol-. .'t.i Tlrgtnta pselail. -17 Vu new Ts. 511 III North Carolina 4**. H NorU) Carolina ti's, i x int_In.", (ITT MBN. Ri.liiiioiiil city 8*i.132 132. Ivicl.inond city (V*.1121 Uie.hmoiid city, 107 Petersburg cay c's.lim Petersburg city a**B,e*'**a***flt(*.JI'J .. BflflssT*, V,. A Tenn. M mort. 8\....12.) I ol. and Greenville Uta**.... Bi) tulumi,ia et: (..2d li'*, ex int.. tte! Ml Virginie Midland Income (i's., .ic ill. Pl, ilioont stallrofld 1st .s's. ...l.ii ». s. lt. N mort. pref. «'*».... lol* I't te,.I,mg lal Va. (lass A.... ill Pot. 2d «'». Clan lt. fia int_ SO. lt.. V. lt. it« heiapcake S's.... Ill* IDS R. and D. consol .i's. 18**,"*_101 R, am! D. consol (j's. 18lH)....l,ij B. and I), gold O'*. .'" Ba BBd D. debentures. 47 ftO II. and A. 1st mortgage 7'-.... 5il ill Atlanta ami Ciinrlotto 7-.lill HW A. BBd C. Income il'* 77* 7')( ('.. C. ind A. 1-t morttrsge7'>-.»J| 101* Weatera North Carolina 7'*... 1184 (lr, ruin Panta* I-f o'. 82S ST ItAII.K.'Al) STOl'ES. Par. I.'nlini..nd anti r.(.i.long IOU 7b Tn Petenbarg NJ ttl Atlanta snd Charlotte_UKI ja. .i:i4 BINK--. Merchants A Phntu-. M .. H IN-l It.l.M'K < oMe.lMKS. Virginia State. -".i 33-J N CHAIN AND (Di ION r.Xl'RANGE. KiHiiioM., Va.. Oofoboi- il. VMM. Oi.-citIN,,*. Wbbat..White, iii .'ii-li'-:-. Mixed, 2,880 nain ls. Bed, 3,170 busbel*. Tot il. ."..iTti I'lt-I, ls. Corn.-White. 3 cu; bushels. Mixed. 500 bushels. DAIS.-HUD I,lishe!,. liv c.-so bitebeis, . Ai.i'*i UT*OHM to sn nETitir. Ti uk vt.. While, lin busbeb verj at tie. Mixed, t.s io bushel* .1! S31 ')", Ked. 1,183 hllallt ll coilKUti'.l t I prune Ling- bony tit 89 to fi7e.; 2",2 bushels conrnon to vt rv good Shorthorn at 11 ta M L'OBI..Wbtt*. l)7n liii-h-l- fair to very good at BJ to !,(.. ('ats.. SM I,ii,hoi, vciv ;,,i.i alflter, on prtrafj terns. V l.n I" B. We anete: Ebie. (*9ff#*!.*"*); luperrfhae, |A*a*aj|; extra, ""l.rfl.'g.i; family, ft.2." (Vt*-*): l'atcut family, countrv, Si.'ij 13.7*.. Market very dull. RH BMOlfD Tohaci o MARKET. WaaslBBDAT, October 22, IS-I. Market t. -day abowed some strength ea good io tine faners, utfotaga mostly rae. (limn |00ds, the Int!, r v. it hoi it immediate demand. There ***yc some sun:! (raosac ti,.ns in vvi-apperaWil minker*. I'AIIS I.IIIAI"). LaCBi < t'i)!Iiloli.t-l..i()t-i."el: good, fd i|7, Leal: Connon, *; good, I B lim lae, fllafll ICS-l I KI.!'. Lflgl: I iiniiion, fsiatc ; sound, |t;..V.)i"JS Leaf: ( onini"ii, friifli ; BMSlllin. BBAVt til : good, fl llii|lr'; Hue, f-t):i|3o. mu;ut HBJIUP BIBI III HIIIBM Sn.civil'.* Common, f l0.i-"i:>; good, *?11; ? 17; line, tJMBMflM, Killers: < oin non rad, $7a$S; irood BOS* oiy, fvalll: good bright, a*T_#I.T; seri st.. .1 to allic. |ltWBJBB* Wrapperi: ( oinmoti, $l.!i?U'; good Uicdiiiin. tl7aff0>; gootl to eery goo! nu- Ingall?. I-'-' ionf:it'; ginni bright, f -T2 .iii) f;i7.iii: very good bright to gae,fHallo, MARKETS RY TBLBOUAPB. NEW YOLK. Nkw Yobs, October H. OrdlOB vv ik nba. 422 hain; upland-, bie-i orleans tote.* net con*olid:iteil laeeipta, .n.nj I'sle*: (ireat Itrit-iin, 17.Df) balee; lo the ciifltia. at, i«s.i;-sei baba Elour.Southern dull and weak coiumoi to lair extra. f:s 2uh|4.2.); good lo cholc do.. B4.iiaf.i.7i. Wheat..-pot I*. hlfbM lesli:.- with a reaction of jijc,; tia maafl n-il. nT.iWo.: iiitgraded white 77c: No. 2 red. Mi"attie.: Cara Baa mm: BBgraded, ttatta \ No. 2 Noveinb-i BSjaBtstC* Oils 4 ii''- higher and fairly flt tivo; Na. 2, Be, Hopi illili ami uomins Coti'ec-Spotjfair, lti'odull st lftle.; tf< 7. Rio spot . \%JM\ october. *f.S..'",ia|S 4' Sugar steady ami rear* (pilot: fair to goo relining, 9 l-lct-i 3>llc.j n lined ("MbbTI < 4is.i|c.; extra C. frfaflte.; white extra ( Bf*e.; mould A. BS"*.; ootifee-tioiior'* A «,('.: powdered, UK- 5 ci.,,,-, i;,c Moli¬ na unchanged. Rio* brm. Cotion-ser oil. lia:Ne, crude; lea****, refined. Ki*, steady. Turpentine steady. Huies sic td' Wool" dull and dopres-ed. Pork flnr lilt -s spot, f li:,7.ia|17. M ililli e i,..IMIUa I long clear, !,'<.. Lard laCc higher, eaoffla w ith son.r naction; western stcatn «pi I7.7u; neaaber, I7.5.*iat7.«i); Xavenbe |7.4:"a7.sIsS. FreiKbUtliai. RAl.TlMORik. Raitiboii. Oeiober 24.Flour "iirle lloward-slreetand western tttperflne, l*J. 1*2..*.; exile, f2.!**As|4."i<); family. |3.7, 14.75; City Mill* superfine, |2.'iiii'l2.7 exin. f-lalo: Rio brand*. ?l.«2it7..1 Wheat.gesaaasfri quiet and steauy; wc ern linn and higher; soullieis re i.SOaHV amber, 92s9Ck. ; Ne. I Maryland. Ss*). No. 2 western winter red, spot, H'aSJl (urn.Southern Urtu sud (pnet; west*' dull anil nominal; southern white.Matti yellow, tta. oul- lintel and stead?: son! un. SlsftV.; western white, :tli"M'.; il Allied, MkiiW;,; l'eiBiyW*llU, !Jlo. Pi vision* tin!! and easy. Me«*-pork, $ UiiUk-i-icut*.»iii)i:L>r» and cleaMlsi ittl barratrf, Tf bbm aa ... .. EasgbtadBH. (.Wf-nrBaTltt CIBCIBRATI, changed. Wieta ft Corn dull: Bo. Bari. ,e»alar. Mn. 8 mixed. at BltetltLoO. Ijard ni sis scarce md u changed. Whither .ttofgesr; ben), rrflin leeas. .*¦««>. Ilcsrs eater; esmmou BM light. (tSlagst.OO; r«4^MigaBd btsttrtMsra*. 84.f0s88.10. Lot (.-.V (LLB. Uiivin ir, October ti.. Wbrattteody; Nw. 8 red. TAe, Corn Mo. 8 white, (Kia.; Riixrd. 'etc. Oata-No. 1 white. Bte.; mixed. *!*... 1'iovlalons steady. Mea t oik. 817. Bull-mewls s'ioidderi.BB.BSI i clear rm and side*-, f |0..V) H-r., itil- '!m*. 8Ts*7.2.'i; *i .t.xHI ;7i**ll..V»; rime Oh, |IL ,:. rn*-Mii'ar cTte.i. Mils*]1*- laid- I'rirr.c leal, IB 90. If, LOCI*. St. Lons. October 23. Flour urichsnred. When, inceulr.r; No. t rest, TrtiTeilc. caa* : 7S4a7.-Je. Novein ls r. ( ,irn lower aaa .U,w; ide. cash snd OafatMB** 88*0, Ho- Timber. o*u and -low; ttisBHc. catii and all thc tear. Wlii.'.-y iteody at BLI*!. Tork dull; lobbing. Bib. Bulk¬ il cir weak; long clea. (Kef..; ahat rib, |M.7.i; clear, fJAO. Bacoa i-iwrjr; liittt clear. BIO.?.,' short nb. BU: caa. 811 IA nf. 11 8?f. Lard Unit and nominal st BL Itl. ( IIH'AGO. (tm itin. 'htobcr tl..Floiw nnchsiiired. Win *, stresjj Barty, but cl.stetf svesker aad tc. ovir yeelerdev : Oetnbcr, T-'l**71fe*.; Nav.nilMr, TllaT.V.e. (urn unsettled sad lower; caah, *"ij iib (e. ; Oi'toher, I'liOife. i r,i, |, neil -tn.iir;. cloted ntiumiailr ira- changed; cash, 'lol'. : Ostaba. liiitftV. I', is ,,niii and declined ft* IO.'., clciststt steady: a-b. BL--7.V. Lard si.-ady; eaah. ST.Lta»7 SO; OeuilnT.e7 2ixtF7.i2t. Hulk- meals lu fair dd.ucl: ahoirMr-r*, fte'.J; short rib, 8jR.50: short dear. BRl.iV Whis¬ key ile-mvai fl.LL MILWAUKEE. Milwacrrk. Oetober 21.-Flour na¬ il, n... I. IV beal lirni. So. 2, .silt and Octoter, 7.1c: Xovcmli*r, 74.-. innnis- hanged. Onie ea-ier ara. 2, BBB,: while, trie. Provisions ileadT. Me*a rmrk. eata, OcIoIk-i-, and Novenitxr. 813.75. Lard. Prime slam, ca*!i snd Oetolser (is*, e,-(Tickled liami firm st 11s(te. II-ga firmer at 84.V1. wilmington. Wu sflvnii.v, urtoiirr 2L .Turii-snUae quiet at tlie. Rosin dull; tdr-tioed. irSfc.; good eWaincd. 87|c. Tnr Arm av (111. , mile ttirpenttne ttesilf; bard. Bl ; yel¬ low dip. 8L10: virgin. 8i.i>". COTTON M AUK KTs. NoBniLS, Va.. Octolier ti.. Citteo ijuici ; middling. Bte, Ne, n-ceioU, C.H'jm lulea; grots res-el,,'-). ,1.8'U balea; ti, k,'.iHnilra; .iles. t,3Uf) bales; a- ports. ciHtstwIse. 1,710 bales. V. BUBBBJtVBR, B. tL Octntiei' IL-CodaB steady; middling,9Vibe. Netrccel|>ta,!H8 balee; gross recei|sts, S12 lisles: sale*,..; S.CyCtt. tii.t.Vi Laic*. Savannah.' Ga.. Octolier K.. Cb-SBRB dull ; middling. 0 .Vl'ic. Ret i, cai pta. 8,848 bibs; gross ree, Ipta, «.V40 bales; estes. ,"i,i;i(i bale*; s,eck. S4,7"i2 Issles; cx|sirta. eoniimnl, Its*lf8 I"!'*, coastsvitc, :.,.»J:i bale*. At ni si a, Gs .Octolier 22.-Colton dull : middling, ti l-l,,'. Rec.-,'*.. 1.7:1*-! lisles; sbi| nu nie-.-; *ale*, i,:,us twl.-s. , HSIILKSTOS, S. C., (Moller 22. -C.ltUll easier: middling, tfe, Net receipt*. ,i.2to bela: gross reeeip.*. .i,2<!.l lui,:*; sales, 8,708 I'itle. sdi k, RO.etCO bales. NEW yo BK COTTON Fl'I'I IRK*. Nbw Yuki. OsatBBf M.-Ctton- Ne, re-> aias.321 b.slr*; gro»t leceipts, 7.54.! bales. Fiilure* closet! OBtet »i"l; *alet. 7Lissi bs!.*. October, f!».7.ii*».7«: No- vcmier. Bj8.ns8jB.T8j PltiBMiT, 88.71a t0.7»; IBBBBTT. fW.K7ss*.».-s.; Februiry, |10B8)I8j.01: Mire!,. 810.1 tnflO.LI; April. fl.'.2.'ts8l0.2!i: Msv. 8li'.txiBH».4.1: .lune, tl ".'e.-.-in. .7: July, 8H).ti7*8l0.iirt. Mil:* (ILK I'I'ANI I' MARKKT. !l(ri,"it.d for Ih'llisnawii.l Ni'i.HU.K. Va., october 22..Best hsnd- pick"d, .la.Ttc per (mund; farmers'goods, new, uutlt. per pound: old. .It ile. par Irouml. Mica, BJ b.yii (new), at lc. ncr pound. Market BjBBatt ANOTHER EDITORIAL CD A NU E. Tb* I*, nu ld i, rm Clitut of a S-is 1 r. y Il -i'. r Haul. tbr maine li. k.i. I*|.erlal lo ile Wotbl.t I'.i.SeAt.. B. -L. October 2d..The Pas. -tic J),,ih/ Thmtt ba hauled down Ui*> ni.iii, Lonni Hcket fruin the hoad of its eoliimni .ind conn's uni mildly for Cleveland iud Hendricks. The IbBsBJ ls diti d ly Mr, .1. I .Vlorris, uni has hither¬ to be, n .1 s,.i.,ie|, |;,pii I, lie in BtBJt-r, in a h ailing editorial nnnoun, ing the ehaiu* of tn alt the 7irBtCJ lays : F"l tin- 1,1st tsso year* we liaVc, " ill sci- ron mid out "( «ci«')ti," ./itiiDiit piMii! nf is vp,. Lt,hui of any, ttetdfa-Hv ami aiar-atiy ranported Republicaa p:in.i|ilew nnd Hepuhlienn andldatas. raBbegesaJ BBd unify ..( lbs porty ore have on srv.ritl oteMBJoai iwaUowed our scruples agalBBt certain candidiiti* amt supported men WhOM Bl IMW1 s ss-,.l>le.!ei|t.. but, I bongil sse cn,, ssa,ye ni,i MllipiM. TTSriBBBt itlfle, i ur i oiivn lioiist.r il I ll l his them. Ami B0W|Oaa more, the Republic tn pally rrrarnl tn ns thr rillrmaa nf yoting for a man who our Julgmeul hat ileclded j- ui,s.|iii, ly nuiji I,, I'ep.vsent lilbtf lbs murali,y or tbs princlpl:« of lbs Am -n -.tu I . opts ri- Hieir Cbl ( Magistrate, whoa* po- religion ls founded ea dfiii, sad (i|iialiiy, tba reili/ili .ii and BB> ii si.ii-nt of wlibh demand li.iii'**l>. ilB> nus. , virtu*, the very throe nquiattei ss, 1| r. Minne is fitiiily and etei'iiilly Im king, and wini fails seriously to BSjafBB* In r.d then- utility or neeetslly. A man whose political iiini-altiy is gov. | e, uctl rind bounded by official dulcinea'*, the horiaon o( whoa ixiiuicsl eibics i,,- in- j tineii to Use circle of the simight* dollar. for thc leipiiililou of WHieh be ba- prottl- luted one o( tbe highest .iffier-* in tBeUaBRBa .-tiitt. to the bsa le»el pf a Wal I-street j coin s-vrnitl.e.. A min who l.iirleso,iiea a attaa's wo.- bs Basanaadlaa te tlie man- tie nf a tainted pi,riot, extorting ixdiHcvl cspilat Irom Ihe triiir nf our murdered 1'irsidi nt. A bags fi tu I who would tte- | airs un milli,ma of men and women willi unholy aud liing promise* ol Impossible i.siiii, i( they will vol* f.r Bl tin* of Vlatne..niDiTgagin- iii* orlice of President by forged promissory notr. af wjr lo iud. Hobs cf intelllgtnt irishmen, who happily do i,(I believe him. 1 such anne we arv ei'b.l Upoa to supp irt. tn woik, to vot- f,,r. a min desert *d sad ilenoiimed by aBM sf tbe greatt-tt mi ni i las party, .md by aeaef Ute brightes, snd l,igh.*t'iiitelli.t* in the whole country. Can we do rbi-. Om ."mst lenee ans wei's, No. ibis ls tba arest saan**! asl weeterdi'i I iierform. but, in tba itarn presence .»( our . eoitviclions. duty, in-tini I. -en*,- ol right, event liing but interest, (or. e u* ti »triIto tba lia.' and lease tin- ship.'* Australian house leeper*, l-ecoming des- peiate over tin ir sflUeti <ns at the ImwkI* nf Hui;- tl,nu, st:,-., have been trying BBB mild Hindu, I he Bxp, .lim ut. however, proved BSVaal failure. Tba siT'ssnts wert' cure- (lllly selceled, sud at tir<! hell tv cd si well Hindu domes',:,-, BSJ8BJB8 -BBBsl til* ras in Metbedtrae. Bal gtad ireit'ueat speedily tpnlled thein. and lin V toni SBBRB to Cad "on, thal «e. vunts had li.'ht* In Ans- they never dsasseslaf tn their nstlre land. One tveoi in ter whiskey, would get drunk ami d' |*ielt li luise If ai full stretch ci; the ilrawiug-i'oom sofa; an- ollli-r SlleiTed bunt*. SSjd SVent ill (of de,- cerate lirtattoas, SjbIsB unmin.llul »( lice ! u«ii.< «s. The entire batch nave now Ikvu >l:i| I. <l a,k to Madras. ll A Kl Ht ISlMllbtVII *" ?. i.« I RS sLNAbAc-is roers 21. «,»R4L> -in i's*-.firm, il lt!ti lina. Sow twit. .. !- M'.iti'M-. II? lev* ¦».. s .,) ireulas. f:Vi roRTuI R.CMMO!«ll.(lt fOBBB ii. ISSI. eslLBP. Sltasair Arl,!. i.iSord. Sui .1 t'dtej SsalM ¦BSll, satif Siaai ,. aaa naatwu*t*rs. L. U. Talaat, *'" itbiis* MiiUiew ransJ, laroe,. Rio M Jsoetrs.Bet*! venal., -nut a Parker. v«|. er.,-1 ' --" Am*: sheri.,a,i. BayBBM (BBtt Stwt'k.tiivr.ted raiail sssli »**.«.>. (arti* A **' I s'.'t,,' y. H. a. Rrook*. Ri*.**. ( b.sS»h*B,lBy rl*er la .wad Be*a*ai wv*dft>r WttaHB(toti: te-^at, tu,-* A f*-.. ¦!. s,t.*,,i er t i niel,ii* Sea I lit. Huntley. 1; B«i*:ntiit to ead pla* wand far Raw Vaia. --.! rtii:i cv siwrtiRiw «. ieee. I By leletjrn.B.1 ABBI* Bl'. Mtion BM IM..B.,, Bul*. Sea Tori., aad tailed ia wm r> .ni. aaiLBii. -,etv...inp I1.'ait t,'el. Serf IV .ie*t*thl|i>.i,rlaauliass Url l*b!,l.iv. hie- ii frw'"'!' a. l..s'B*r H. H. Hsai.H. Hi.t-ts-l. Ml lai.-v. *rb« < ai r Ifyiag Vsd. siraasiB». Wt ia I aa aa, I)*,., is-'piar RtasaV_ .*Vas-aaaBBBBje«B^^ B DOK -tV^D JOB WOBB RCATLY KXfCUTtU oiArAUB ri^Vt-s-itiv-^*^

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Page 1: Richmond Dispatch.(Richmond, VA) 1884-10-23. · 2017-12-20 · Hvslldn. far above ll.e level of the sudi- ... ut Iflterest. At Hm bal t-mi of the din.ctif.n* wire l'lu to ascertain


h I.Or'y B. rakll. an I'lr-lSlr-A BaaaMiir Hibe (nine Itastliis* (earl I' tin ,..

lt n..|. dr iee of the Ltehmoad Di.isal-li.irKiixsi)n:iiv October tt, l***jf>

The Roi liblicsn tweeting at the Act l.-invf ¦vale Bal tu,-hi nm one of tho liveliest

I oiiii. >1 J...--I s helli la ||,ls oltv for sim*.Hine. 1 v (. v, Hioi Alinzn llsit.of Ohio,one of H.. ii i n from .abroad who has boenImptMtiil into Virgtnis, wai the *Sr*t*-ieak*r. Ri BaB itaaBJiUtl ts stiontlvolvaitrrsn ti.Motlueiion by deners! Mahme.Ile ts a iitillenun of liiltilllrjcnco aid eui*Hvslldn. far above ll.e level of the sudi-int. tic odtlf-sied, compiaotl tn a Woredenice a.* il w««. of ui-Kruci. A protec¬tive Du ni fiirrucil the burdon of his Btveeoh.

Mr. Hsrl iv: * foPii.Teii by i, atiBiliT ofroloied vi (ilst rs, who undonook to di*.';i*ihiall-olit rs. Hero Hie ftm bcfin. sir! tb*Ohio , x(... innf aa- ircstt-.l to a ipeeU-.Tc in lei'tlnrn polltla** ina! fichu! prol.a.liv Baan I" ka** v?ltne**otL If ie hsrl ever

tli'i-sinul of ll.A lark." unrulier nf Evans mon were pre-

teni In lt*c audiene*'. They are so nume-

,i.ii<iv.ii vv I li a I it BlaBBl that no K*-I iiblicsn 'e. .tine: can >.e held withoutthen". Tflef listened respectfully to all(li*ni-*i(.n of national issues, but when thcI.-cal erma-* BBB touched upon they madeIhenisrlvr- herd in a manner alto¬gether unmistakable.

* Ron*mun, a col-arrsj enter of Richmond, MmwedHart, sn,! bis first reference to jMiliticsin tho Foirtlh district was met with Inst?«i io* f.r .. Evans." Ho met with repastednilen viptn bj* of Hilt c'laraoter, aa wai also

l'i of,-or " Mitchell. " Colonel" John T.II ils.ii, of Norfolk ; Eldo, of WtlHaniaOiiri*,ind olhd*. Some of these sjieakars admin-i-t. net H vt n- rel.ekes to tho colored menwho w«K cheering mid bm lint: for Evansesli.-iovd llr.idy's Bttsa tnt mentioned.Put their runirks w, re without ctreit.

:>. .c. io - af confusion were al time* wildml sin t 't uncontrollable. The -*"*"a*aBfls*

excitement pievailed. however, darla**tba s|"<(h of .. (oloncl" Wilma,vi flMas* a btatcmeiit in r.fei.n-o Bjfl.!, ti pb I*. Evsus, and challenge! theIaltei to a denial of it. Evans was seatedin tl.e j/alb i>. There were loud ales forbira, bi naperaa fro which lie anno, aaaaiitovvii lUtirs, and amitl jrrual eonfusioi and11 terir.K marched to the iti«e. He pro-

u IV,Item's stiiement to Ire a lie*, audwi cn Wilson said bo could piovejit Evans..em *sid lt wss a lie, and declircd bav.,inkl k:ite Wilson one hundred dollar* to:,oe wb.t he had charged. Tlie acne st

Ills petal could bardi? ba (loaoribetl. Itv, is oi of intense confusion, andit i* irit.'l'li if tiny aaow ofjorei or vlott nco Iud beSB med tin-ni, cuni' would have teinunit-d in a riot.Tba in,, nt k'- wi'h it- continue l interru-e.Imu!-, vis- k- pl up until near 1 o'clock lin*¦sntM- R is retarded si fortunate thalthc original plan Oaf holding the aTMefaaa inlin oprfl nir wa* cliaiieed. The fet'lin*; be¬tween Ibe tare Rt-punH-an factionsis "row-ins more lirer ind intense each day.

Ill --TISBMrorif! IT.OOEEIiIMi!.

In the Hutt ini;* Court to-day the r-rantlJury foiiad a true 1.111 against ThomasWllvtc. late cnliicr of tho l'lanten andMe.,« sasab, cbarrrtflf Bin witti beingbbsuessaery ta W. W. wbjte, tho teller,i i ulakine: ci rtaiu fraudulent cntri-i in tho

i,i'* hook, whereby tlie said Thain.,Whyte was credited with thi.LiO as a*"***a>

r.'..,iv is, |BJB1 afld -5.1,V» a* de-is'tiled Jun nary ll, K's.!, winn, in truth.ii,i tin b ilt -msils were mule. Thc grand

.n *-; lurtliiy liaviit-j found the indict-in, ni aga ii-t Mr. Jobi ReclsWitb "not a

iii. "a- a mat lor of course the same

.|,*(0-itit ii was to-dav tunda- ,,( the in lii-t-ni. it <b. rRlBg Tlioti.'s Whyte wi;h beiug

rs lo tbe (ti mc ebarged in tbi,ta". Toe principal Iratflg innocent, tba

. r. of'"'ins.. wald not ba legallyTba trial ol lae nae* of w. w. Whyte

n,,l "1 liobub H bv Io was set for thc Tt li d'iv,,f Son mtier.

til lit .'ny Ininti tin* (,uiii ldc r-i-niid,i rated tba IMefabaiB Railroad

( onpani for a nuisance committed by the.einpanv in a'h.wini; (bo rail- of its track!¦, ,.i.-iii,t that portion of Waablagton

bctweel sycamore and Jffffcrson«'i. - te, tin r.iis and croai ttea of tba Uaeka ? this ('iii! li in*r considerably above tbe.urfare b eel of ".the street. To-dny thcgnai jur? preeeated th ci'y of Petersburg

Iflff titi, nuisance. Al the miliBg of tba laiiioad ease icvoT'.i! (1.tbe bbb*, l fer tba company stated timt faei-ilroatl <. n,*mny could not properly rein-. !.. tbe dlflefllty without the cooperationol Hie cite authoritifs. BIM pt at ure it e\-

.. afld Ibfll it is nady tn **o0f*e**atea i'i tbe ' i:> in abatiasi tba Bflbraaee. Thi*ii"'.-'i bai -."ti '¦¦'inpinie il o.' limo aad

Ti.- c s, ,,t Tbomai -t. Davis, ehai-fe.wlia ti..- nurder of Jobn Oitm.u-. waa. sin d op to-day, bal i y reason of tba il »-

.f ibe willi,-se. for tbe defeod-Mut it aa.tinned until tee Jandar*,lena.

SI.-. tl.l.AVK.'r NATTII8,lt ls nd known wln-tlnr Un' -mts in c.,u-

nrctloa w th tba I'l mt. r< innd MechanicsI'.itll' W.l! lu ntlitil lip at thi-. tenn of the

i !. Tbe"" all depead u;>-iii'-ui-'iii i y tbs 9ta1 t tesl

i tlldltj of tba tin d of t "asl raade"r-. nnd this lott can ai thia

i nil .1 np I.v IT" -tito. Noii 'ni i i be :, I-- rived tba* ibisiv I o ti ii Ml -i ii vvlill.- tba Uk.'- iitnoiiti!

f Dp in v in t'ue lmnils of the tii-i ii af the i|!iistion

li i- di ;¦ wiled io bankwi;!...ut Iflterest. At Hm bal t-mi of the

din.ctif.n* wire l'lu to ascertainv. tx rc tin- money c..old be pol mit to beali'iiuiit.ij.o. ii.ii bo report bas rel baal

A iiiiini er el insiii'iiiiie-moii, repreeeat-.i'1'ini's lo-in. l.y tn- re¬

tellt tia M 1 A. -I ackson iv < ii. '* toll, ic i

n tbe city. a Ita tba view of.. tbe :o-s.s. n j- thought there

" -lilv*o;e.Tbe lint--' of Dinwiddic coiinlv yt siei-

div »| j oil t.-ii eoraiabstssaen la bibi . tbacerts!a land- in tbe county,

r tbe ptupose* ol tbe Vitaftansin! larollaa Rsilroad ( oinpany. Thc

. r of the ci,npinv mot tb*( oiiiinit'.ic of our ('numil to-dav,

willi i!,c view al lii-citssiii'; tn,. ,i)..*t prac-f'.r Um road tluou^h tlii- eily,

tbioi tb ti ii rt* M is :u- iv cd nt.'I lie ii -.Iii' eu, ,. r.f the -ad accident tl

Vi. E. O. FlUjrewl.l, in voiir lily, was ¦*>brre with atBcere rsturow, lb-hasrn-mis an,i relstivn in l**lonbarg

ant! Lim, hillie eounlv. sotnc of whom.Willi b. I,,ls,.me brid jo.-ont- iii laen

ti. in-, nd' tl to go over lo bi- w-ti*< .1 v lin- i'.ernooii. I.'.-.IN Al'Allt.

LY.Sf HUI ;.'..

li. oi ii ul" a TarriuBM-Merrielle.;i oin.i.'.ia*ace ol un Rlchmourt Dlipa'ch.l

it, roan tt, Ifs**.Mr. Lena Kiflf, "f Wllllsniport, fa .

vu. roi aa-reral lae fsToatlaa-borsee,ti, Sorrel Hooae i:t*t nioht from

H .ti.,'- f fever **OBUa""ted ct R-.tnoke.oran wi rt rntere I il tbe LdraebburR

i ad ' I- liri-t money in several raoea.V.i. IV. L. Moriiion. it "pr.>iii!iis-i>.i t*bfle>

coiiist . wa* liiurrlc:' t.xl.iy tol iii E. Ford al tbe re-'uleii"- "f lb*

in!.'-t i.i. nt-. Ber. W. R. L. smith, ott l; iptr-t ciHircli, oi.ien.t-"!.

v. Ai Bia M. H. yi. tlic BlBctcen-year-< ld daurhter of .faun - Royd, I vvoll-s.iiovvn

-'. Om .I K -tia*, of a lincerin'.' illi).".*.Rn.ecviDM.

Ti i.i I F«>mI|miiiim| Hain.l-l i>e.l al'h.l

Li min BO, Vi., Oetol-cr ..'.'. ls,-l.Of QfcOrfS I'oituue, indicted

i let ETSOd jury or .\inlier*t coiinlv fortn mu!elir of Saaaael Mit'-heii, lia- bbb*.p..sip.,ti. o until th. nevi t. rui of the < ..un¬

iv ('unii. sad the prisoner remanded IOjail in lies ,ji>. Alexander!* ci.

.1 willi bein-; act."rv before th'-.ed.

'ibo fir.; i-.'in sine ibo lilli of -opt. ni¬

ls Mell I'.-.


I'sliil. si Bia Deaieeraiic Met-ou«.'i-ieeiai taaaasan nanlBBBatsrav]

¦faBTflii. Va.. October tt, VMM.TlBbjJbl tin- Demos rat* Of l'ort-inoinh

Li id sn open-air u a»-menin;;, and fwl'vIB* thou.snd |MOple were BB Hie streets atthe liilcrmctlon ol Midd.** sad South*tneis; Boa. John ('(M/de, Colonel Rb hardLcaellyn. aud other local B***BtBB**| ad-hu snit tba i^opicTbe Oi iolos, of Rallimore, boat the Nor-

f'lks fer thc second time at (iymnasluiiiI'mk tbi* afterooon, about twelve hundred1* opie l-rltio pu xiii. Tlie Dual game willie pli.ved io inorrow.A ll.'i.Mtl, 111-llliHTUlie lill Utile. toiilH l

a.i tit slid coronation b-ll is a e-atnpaisn fol.mir viiuoune-sse/l** »ake plsec at I'rinoea*lune teitiitl-ou*-ete**-(iV)riJiw..Anaitl-I.lbliev n*e*»-*iB*etiiiy on Mtrkel\uaie all! take pHm bero lo-norrow

r*l«t-droiis,'!)! of over two taont'i* wuto-invht by . refresblDt, showero'clock, with indications of an

, rsiu. Tbe last nio, sad that notwet tbe gi-ouad to a depth of

MSB (han au Ineh, wi* on Aueuit HilJuly. ** .n Ml«^Wm55TiVA- BYNODQP riRBIlfiA.

Rlarti-ftaveaM. BmbI.*-Ob*,,,. *,,.,,_llBtln, ti ,r Flrwl Oat.

(Special i.-lnrrsm ,. Sta li,.,,,, .. jWVTIIEVILLR, Vt., Ot3tobs,r J! jo.,.Thc of Vlrelnli convene I hep*fast ..Uh. in Its nlneiv-sevcnih'^* !,.1 bc o|venlnK sermon tv.,* praaebed by lt?,",retiring inotlcralor, the Re* VV t a .,.l». D. af Lyneht,.rK. Tia Srwad «.llusicniisHurcdHiaiiimver. * *'

Owing Hi the late arrival of the tr*! ifn-m ibe Knit, tvhlcb |,rotlirht .,<.,. ,.Bera ll c>. »!,c oreanUsUon w.* no! aft ,.,.-,|iirlllth.smornlnir, as Ibcre wera but tawmembers i.rrsent al ibo SBSBlaa of fie

Tbs Rev. W. Jt. MiirklaiwL D. D. was elected ,,.n,or ,*

ns,mu. am! Rev. Alexander Murun! tt.lEbler E. M. Crutchfleld were "electedclerks.A highly intcresfiur. i,.ttr,. wat rt-ccli-o I

noa thc Riv. William Brosv,,. D D aii cul cr af Hie body, nov* ratdtnr'leFlori,!.. Tbs I'reibyicrlansof your eilyes well es throughout Hie Synod and 8 >nt'irn d limns ni bera, will bo pained Ui lesrnHist Dr. Brown lias been smitten svithlottililiiidticss. A con.mlHce, consist mr ofRev. Dr*. Armslron;:, I'rsor. nnd Prestonwas appointed to prepare a reply Mab .dv-IniC tbs eympilhy and rfh-c, innate re -ir,! oftlc Synod.Tie Hiv. , . IL Vaughn, D. I) , prcirh-Tl

» s. I limn Hii* naswtBg from Hie lex, .. MyTimes ure lu Toy ILinils." ||j« Hiern* was..Conf. unify to His Will Hie OalyQnnr-untii oj Human safety untie, Ibe Law afcliaii,',..'' The aaaarM <vas a very ablelin) couTotfitie- one.Tim r((|iict-t v-:u made ol (he Synod by

the community that tpecitl pr.iyur shaabjbs oller, tl by (lie Synod for rain. Twoaaren wen* o(Tcre(I this morning, natlIx fore recas st 12 o'clock s very refreshinn lulu Ix icnn to fall.

Hts. T, Prior. I>. Ds, introduced,he-fol-liiwiui; rcoilltli'lis

Hist. I lint the Synod of Vireinia tikesgient ptaaare in expressing tbs fattestconfidence In Hie Hiorouirli nrlliodoxy andsoundness In Hie faith of all the prnfestorein Ihe 'I heolngical Seminary, tin ler thcJoint eas of this and Hie lister Synod ofNot th Cnrotiua.

Si conti. That a* such tin* Synod earne*'.ly rr-commend*. and ns f.-ir as lt rich,lymay enjoins, that nil candldaU's for lbsgospel ministry resident within Its bound*pursue th- ic theological studies at thisa, ii ii::,i s under Ihe aforesaid synod*.,This unsent wu* made thc n>ocial order

o( ,t)e day for to-morrow morning.Tie ii., ii tl is s sf the state of religion

inlbe houndsof Cue several presbyteriesin Hie bounds of Hie Synod were reid andfave an n> .-utri-in; account of tbe healthsr.d nrorricas of the Christian religion inthc Ss nod.Considerable time Wa* consumed to-day

in Ila usual muline business ol thc firstday of its annual sessions.


t tart-Uai -liieidrno- ITas-Raliins-PeHt,-. ni Vlertlng.

|Cofre»iifiidetireof tbe Rirhmnml rajaBBSta.1OlTORKR If, lRRL

Monday tba '-.orb instant Iseinir court-dny, anti a poMtwrnl discussion expected,qitKe a crowd svas in attendance.Enrly in ll.e morning thc Democrats lind

8 (braising to Cleveland anil Hendricksanti Cri'Xtr B. Tho flair I* a very handsomeone, 1 Ox J'i fe! iu dimensions, lt faf, utiCrest ciedil Upon thc Lisle ttnd artistic skillof Hie f.'itr donors.

ll hail lu n iiiinoiiiieei! bv tba Democratic( n,un,,ce tba! Hie Hon. A. M. Kciley, tbesifted son (( your city, svould address tbsIn ii ti rues, rmi many nf our people wereanxious to bar him. but Mr. Kelley belanabsent in New York hi* place wa suppliedbf Major .!. M., o( Gloucester, svho.Ir t. forcib c. clear, and teilta*' ipeecb ontbs BViBsfi i>( tbs eaaraes, held tin-attentionof lbs niiiii iu e (ur more than an hour.Colonel M::J0, the Hepul.licau candida!*

(or Cohltos. In this district, was re/cant,and a proposition was nmde to bini by Mr.A. R. Mitaiu. chairman ot lbs Densoaatlc( i mmiilte, fer a discussion, which he dir-(lined.

After the speech of Major Stuhl)., Mr.Micon proj-.o-dl tiwi tbe eonrt-bona be»ni reuii( rad lo i' done! Mero, nnd tbsl tbsI it nu. ruts | i,-, nt adjourn to thc Ratal,irom tbe porch of tralee etba soaker,SV( nhl .-ullin as Ctn,. Tbi* OCCSBttoBOd a.iin*id. rallc bul,bull for a time, but BOtb-inp serious rasBlted.Co'oiKi Maro tttl(lre*.(-d tim uearas and

a fess wbRraln tbe courMmtise. Ile ws*follosved bj a negro (Gilchrist) from vTab-Ington eii.s. who orated in a -ivie whichi(minded mc of thc .*Theatre (5onrk|nt.''The DenMcrata, a* aborc stated, r.-tired

from the conrt-botia le tbs troot et thchotels when they were addressed iv Mr.WiHie Baird. Mr. II. R. Pollard.Mr. A. K.Micon. and Mr. TaRHMU* E. Blakey.



Pullut H TBS Itriaista 'iiiiiuiinl Churchlledlealrd.

i(, rrr,re nd.a ic of Hie L'n Inion., Di.; :U!i'll. KIVLI.I. CtnTH lin! BB, /

inii.ii, r 18, 1884. ,

Our |,, pl, ure in rood -pints, jud rosilyand truly feel moro jubilant over Hie pms-pe, i ofeertala vletery, a foratatlowed hyred IH < Vt Ht*. I Ililli VS lu li BS broke forescrII e 1 OW, r td Milindie Inst N'nt ember.

Tin- droiioiit eoatlaaa, aad tbonfh "ie.. lints, n* bs M "( !'i:i."s." yet our hopefullarmer! do nol cotmplaln, bul say that thi,la tbe ven *':i*i'ii wben it would injureI Ililli ll.lsi.A ilistn s-iiir,' er.til nindi -I le ni,

tn- evening wa* the lertoui psjelyaUoftbe estimable wife of Csptiln L. s. Camp¬bell, of 8tnith, she wa b Mi-* Harlan,and l.eli,iioed to one of our must proiui-ii. nt Ia/' sst ll (iimiiies.Case sim any res.h rs ssh., has. nu! hear!

of Al,d'* Vailc'v* I tillie .,iv they arc Baa lo tiie'i'i ii will be interesting toIcara last lo-day i **aemorlsl church"ssas d, (ii. nt, il t. tlieuieniiirvof Iboie braveph Ik .1* svlm perished in tb" Shawnee time iu 17S(i. Tsvo yeti's tier, e a

centeiLiiv cclcbrsttOB svill occur willi suit¬able raemortal services. The bsjildln< ollbs cliiirch is due to Ibo i>i)|iularity andlmiiiine. enere) of mr renersble friend.Willi in T. Moore, lbs insMfaon ..( thal.bli,I* M'tue, ssl,ii sh, p.. Ilosv WbSFS liefell ill llefelic" of Iii* hctlthslOII'- aeeiitiuv



PAGE COUNTY.1 nini iris,,, ,,, tie Sbrnaurleab-ViiHry

ftalliaH sTontaiai Kiiini.

|-l,e.lal irletriain IO OMI Hl»|-*,'T:.|LiiiY. Va.. October BJ, 1884.

V,-!,ifh'S es.-nine. aiiont li o'clock a al-li-Hiii (ii'cuiTfd OB IBS s'.ieiiauilosli-Valleyrsilroi.d at Kimbell, in this aunty, fourmil.* north of Loray, between a stock-train and a local freight lain. The formerssa* sttWdlBf on Ibe malu tra-k ueir thc.;. ,"t. ss I,, ii Hie freiftrl esme round th.uise jii-i beyond lbs dtrpfit, ami rna ia!

the *,..'ck train with a lei rill' eissl). Tlu, lieinr* lind ear- W. i'e |.ibd tujfCttlcr in t

BBtaeloBii tbe track. .

.ff, W. JonaeaB, tbs ngloea "f lb,fn i-.'!d int'ii. was instantly killed, hit bodsl, inj,'neeily cul in I wo. Tin* (Irem-n 01iii. (n'.'ii.e w** tbrowa some dsitaaa labBB Utljoiniiii; feld, but (crUinutely e-cap,-,,is lihou! tarana injury.

'1 he engineer sd tir'-sssn on thc othcitrain asvad tnanahra by IbbbpIbr.Tbs ii^iu banns sseajeed with s (ev

biimes nnd a considerable shalte'Bp. Tintwo enjclua Vtttt rery much d-mured.Tbs i."i*-' of tba collision battiibutsM

lo the nt^gllfienaBa tlie condu."or of Sf-c

Hon 1 "f tb'' ISjOCk ir^in. wlm li wa* IRBO]nm in tWO tsfOtkMtat in fatllltR to deliveoi-,,ei-en'iti*ted to liiiii for tb.- aad.f flretftbl nun. amt talae^veilo tbs ititi r ss Bl n B« til.ii 1 and thc fl li

nh '.Ihcr north of Kimbull.

A All' KENT.Th, ,c ssill I..- a barbecue and irram

raliv af lbs licinocrae.v ut Dtaaeoo BrldsiSt ss Kaal <t unis. on Hie S5tb day o( o.

lober. Hon. dcirr-T' D. Wi-e mid id M s|M-ukc!» still address IU- papie on Hist occasion.

Load Kolas In tba Daaville Nacl los

[gpa 1*1 irlrsrain bi UTI Hl.inlrh.)Dasvii.i.b, Va.. October 'Jr.'. IS84.

Rain has bern faliinif here ahoul tw

boin;-, sud tbe wire* tay it ha* been talliaIn ell this rtgion.a good rain at <ascaditills 11,uni v. and a tova rain st Reids*UltN. C lhere ls s tall ol rain bIso at I ¦ nen'

boro. B. c. Tbe Is-t rjlu here wa* on th12th .>( -september, and that was light, an

a ion,-interruption sf the drought. Thrain will help on turnip-lots and eucb landni have cen sown in wheat and *oim

(BS pasture-lands on the creeke and river

Barnett's 4aeaaln*

rofleoi Ibe hslr whoa borah sod dr*sootbes the Irrilated ailp; afferde -Irichest lualre; parent! (be hair from fallng off; proiuola iu heallhy, yijorot:growth.


(immaiifrr Hebley'* Kr psi rt at ibe nalia*at the *urvt,ar>.

I Hy I.|li to the DttpetohlWAIM'<.**¦ I). C., (ctolier li..The

t (..«.! i of ( oiiimodoro ¦eba)'.of the cx|M(lilion tinder hl« command forHie icliof of tho (i:cly parry h*s lieonsiili-mllte.l l<i Hie Sforelnr*' of the N:lW. ll(H.* Hie under which lbs r\|M-di-lion wu oiL'ini'. ii, ,,,,,i then onteri upona pnpble ni.rr.aivo ol tho events of theyoe sgcTho un aler portion of the rorort .* niven

up to a iption of thc finding of (ireelysud his party-nd th- rescue of thc survi¬vors. ( omni,.doro si. lil, y ,1o.<-rilio* us f .1-low* Ihe in.prtailvo *,ono Insideol Orooly'stentLieutenant Oroely wu* fo'ind in hts

.lorjilnir-lia.', hi* body liiclinod forwardsr.d lils Lind rest inc upon bl.* left baud-Thr Rook of ( oianioii Rraver ams op.'ii BfldIn bl in his righi bund. Ho ap!-"ired to lie11 s.iing prayer* to i'm.tb Connell, winn-"tn loee was moil i.'osi orate and < utioil.

Ile was edd to the waist, till sensatl ni ofho-o-ger gone, and was speechless and Bbii ¦' -I i'l( ss. His (-yee were fl vol ead* l::-sy. Indeed his wt .ikne-* iv is mi -li thatit was with diftleiiltf ho MtaRoared st'mu-Isnt* given him by Doctor* oroom andA nos. HU Jaws had droped, bbl hes.twm biroty pulsating, and his body t .r.ipr-.lure wis very low.This tender scene of s helpless, aim i*t

famished officer, consoling a dying com-

pu'dioii, wai In itself ono that, bri it-lit to irslo ll.i oyriof tho strongest and stouteitwho stood about them on tho merciful er¬rand of relief. Sergeant* llraim-rd andEn derick* ind Hospital-Steward ilrioder-teek were extremely weak au hardly Bah(o stand ; they were no longer aide lo ven¬ture away from their camp to seek food,nor prepare Ihrlr simple diet of boiled seal¬skin, nor to collect 'coolie*, aaa lo eit'lishrimps, upon which they Ind tel depend Ia Licit extent, to lustsin life. Their f ne.hunds, and were swollen to suchan extent that tiley could not be nvog-iliad. Tali indicated that tho entire partybad Lilt a short le»»e of life, pr >!>tbly notmore than forty-eight hours al most. Thisfief was recognized liv them all, and had'.onie to them from tin ir experience duringHitit loni-ind desolate winier iu watchingtheir dying oompanloiis, as one after in-other nasal away fi om them forever.Roi r Sergeant Ellison was found in hissh (-ping-bug, where Bobed lain helplessand In, p.-l. m..lilli- nilli hands and feetfiozm eat Straf.tied to one of the -i imp.wr.s found B spoon which sonic oompanionbril sirapjied there to enable him to feedhimself. His physical condition otherwiseappeal**] lo Ire tba lieat of all the survivors,and tbi* may So attributed lo tho ta.-t tinteach of bis companion* hud doled out tofilm from their small allowance of fjodko.nclhing to help him on account of hiscomplete helplessness to add anything tohi* own Ly hunting about the rooks forliol,ins ot eatehiB,* shiimp. Ho sufferedno tiLste of strength liv excition Incidentth. rein. This case of Ellyson wai inch .iionly brave and generous men, suffer¬ing with eich other mdet inuit de.,ponde circumstances, could think of.Sergeant Long wns very much reduced,though in somewhat better condition thanaonio of tho other*. Hil oflice of hunterof Hie starving parly made it necessary toincrease slightly bis pittance of fool tomaintain his strength, that he might con¬ the baltic for food and lifo for lb*in ipa-s. in his eaae, however, tho effectof this continuum effort had told its sloryin Iii-* wasted form. Shorter and shorterJourneys were made in food weather, whilein the frei|uent bad weather of that reirionhis stn nelli wns so inn,Ti impair:*! tintwhen Hie joyful signal of tho irhl.stiV w.t.

hurd lie had only enough left to staggerto the rocks overlooking tito water t . aaa iftha signal* heard had proe-eded from-hi] -

in rdflats Hi* first visit whs a bitter dlaippoiBtment. a* he MB untiling. A sec ni

virit, f.fleen minutes later. LveoturW h.niwithin fifty yunis af tb* Pin**! fr*trail imffer, anil in view of tba relief shliw HMfliBfironed Saltine. When the steam-cutterlt-n into tbe Istm-h where Loni? was seen

lie rolled down Ibe ico-oovored cliff sudWU t-dvon Into the cutter. He bjfonfledLieutenant Colwell that lb* location of thccamp was just over the cliff.In the larool Sergeant Ellyion He med¬

ical oilier rs were feaj-fu) from tho first thathis chance for life was very small. Ai loonai ht ult!.till food wa* available snd the tli-»e»tivo fiiBction* should be rei'-itablishodnilly a h. ilihfiil round of blood cir.-fll*-lion would I eeji, (ia di,I, jin,if/on af newlife to tba injured parti, and inflammationa (Mild nsniraliy occur. If Ellison'sitrragtb kboald increase more rapidlythan tl.c inflammation impution of the in-lured part* would per hap* save his life.

.-(v. rsl dais after his rosene 'Juuo '..StlODr. oreen reported thal Rllyaea wa*

threatened with congestion of thc brain.Tlc try ti pb,in- inertaxd rapidly until thepoor fellow kaahlsfaaBOO. Al dod Havenhit condition was -o critical thal the sur¬

geon of tho expedition, fiftd'consultation.dt tennint d toainpiitate holli feet above theankle ia tho only clunie of life left Um -lil¬li rt r. Tbedaaaae,flowerer, triumphed,ami amid the bleak WCflei Hint hat! -tu¬

ll inuit tl him for three feen In bia heroic.'lillico anti within tin- desolate solitudeof IbfU **i-**IOB of voil.'sting in-mid snow,-urn.undo,' bf Iii- sorrowing comrade-, hrpa--, ,i awe**.

Lieutenant Greely was physically Ibevv: I,' at 1.1,1 ii,,¦i:ta!ly the u.o-t rigor NH "I

his party. Ba had ni iu i *leepio"*-ba|for Wei ks on uorolllit nf Iii* grui nally|Bfl stlell'rtll. He Wt,s linallie to af 111.IBtOBe for any leastl of time and iraaalfltoalhelplrM eieept li siitim; poatflres. Alltho p. tigs of iiuneer bid ceased; Iii* Hp-penance waa Wild; liis hair was lon? ant!iiiik. l.ipi : bis face ind bund- wore cov¬

ent! with sooty, basel dirt: bi* body-.aid? c.,?.-,.-I willi worn-out clothe-;In* form wns Iiis joint- wereiwrl'on. and his eye* were sunken. Hisflr-t intpiiiy was if they were not English-in, n. l-ut when ba waa told that wo iv ore

li * own countrymen he pained for ft mo¬

ment »s if reflecting, finn said "and 1 amL-lad to see you.


The condition ol his camp was in keel -

lag willi lb* scene inside the tent'Bte ind desolate. The bleak barenessof Ihe spot, over willoh wild thc Anticl.ird would not fly ; tba mw of urav.- eflthe little liil-e KU feet away, with the pro¬truding Ik ids and foot (if tbOM latelyI uriel--a nu! but silent wittie*- lo tb*daily licreaeiBg wea**a*aa el tb* Utilebud of ipnrlrora; Ibe deteried ""flirter*i|iii:iti,s iii the hollow bolmv, witli ii*

broken wall invaded bj Bater fromn Ti',- snow and le* above il. lieidbstif Hie two companion* WW*stn Mn'I on tba lee-fool that lenmined:Hie wi. ul ed apology foroOOktaf tit-nsils.iup'ovised Ly tlitin iu ttit ir sore di-tre..lundi? dis.-rving the name: tba scatteredand woin-.nit clothe* anti -leeping-iec-Of lb* (loud: lae of .ill food?..v. ;t f,w cup* full "f b***-d sealskin¦crape; tba wild aad tn ini -ene of mow,icc, and -"laden overlooking anil over-

hsi'irg ibis iJeeobite camp, etaaplated i

picture its stu Hill: us ii W::s inipr.-.-tve. Ihope inver agata in my life Ul look uponsucli wretch, di:.-- and *flch rtestltit-Hoc. Thc picture wai more italilinasnd more deeply patln-tie than Ihad evrr dreaned eouM b* powible. Iibeholding R. I Stood fur a iiionient alnm-tlinn .tinned, am! linn nali/cl tba! if tba(.pesjlltoa bad doiiifii-trited rayonethingmore than another it that an hour hadits raltM IO nt least one sf tint party.* touter bents llian mine felt full OS r-Off-row. Eyes Hist bid not w pt for

Btiv moistened willi lour* la the solemnityof that precious hour in tbe live- of tbslheroic lillie bund of sufferer*, until tba*II olin nt so hopeless ull'l helpless.

In prepri-lni: tho bodies ol the'letti tottiansporiaiion In n!cohol te Bf* JobBi llaa* lound ihut six of tin ni Lu nb nant

Knliflfbfljy. Sergeants Jewel' Bfld HuMun.Privates W'hisilei', Henry. BBd Elli.Basllinn mt nm! thc leahy put- r***ao**d ta I

greater or los extent." All tbe other botlie-welo found intact.commodore lebley eoacludei hi* rt pori

ly commending In "the ble*bast lt rm-theconduct of nil the officer* Bfld nun of his


Ike I osses and Insurance li? (ha (ar-iIibbi- .(¦>

[Hy Iel. aral'i lo Ila D.-i'il'I'lI'm a, H, Y.. October tl..Tho lo-- bl

the iBriburo tire is ifsjoo.iMKi. Tbe in-siiisiico is ?l.i1..'.iK'. divided nniontr tlcfollowing companies: London and Lan-taablre, 11,975; Hartford of Hartford,|l.*tete*7i Ersnklin of I'lnladolplnn. .*.*BIT; Hanover of N',yv York. |l*sa__iEire Assoi¦latloii of Phlladelplini, |5,90tt*(onlinental of New York. fls.Mt); Llver-lool. London and Olobe. f»o-2,0<M): Royalof Liverpool, .10,0*i0; Wt st (hester ofNew York.|l«.-.2.*i; Nlasaraof New York,. M.(¦..»,.; i'litenix of Hsrtforo. fl.400;Hiiinbiilg-Rremen. $1,100; M tnuf e tor ,*

of Rotioo. f-l.iKM); New Itowere. IL TOO.Time were "Jo** buildings "burned, of

which 108 were dwelling*, four churches,two schools, one oiiera-h-iiise, one store,one tillage-ball, one wagon shop, one hot?!,and Ibe remainder uunulictorift andbarns. The principal losers are Meyers*Ross & co.. f«.).000. no Insurance: il. O

Fnrer * Son, "*M,060, no insurance; Kred.

IL1'r,0.!' r'0C0,' no ln!"innee; J. V. Oorot,

I. Mills, ttl,ifni, insurance 88,701. TueI reshvlcnsn Bapii... r;pJM.

»**, ,,,«.

cfphs churche* sstre'bnm'ed tig-th'.'with Hieop, ra-house, town-hall, and school-!!'(*' . / ^ li:,H ¦"¦"-.'ribed 8IO.1**,;oldetI:,'tOWn*'°0,)- -^rfsmidcsare

V'»/.7/7 CAROLINA.Oetoaeilvt Fir* ai I .r^y Rfc.n-Kila.

l-iwriitl telemon to u,e |,|,, llrh |ClIAKIOTIE. N.C.Oetoln.rii.-Purtlnii.

sr* of Hie di* ,si on, |jrp jesUlBBJ a' tueomrany simps on thc North Carolan dill¬doll <f thc Richmond and Danville railroada«bed herc lo-day. The fl,,. ,|e*tr.ycdilx stores. Thc parties burned out srar rei man A Zsclmra, dnurgists; Thom*Ltsjeb's r. BtaarsBt, wben tba tire orlri-.aled; John Sharp. Charles Hnwhitrt, sn*lmc not known. The *t.r* of Freeman k.Uchara was fully insured. Total losi esii-neied ct a.Tn.Ofr,).Rain comnieueed felling herc tiela ere-

ilng, ceding Uta protracted drsBBbl ofwo n onrh*.lire Cd Tin mn ( nutcm,nu |h»

tlon.|S|.e, |,| l.;,.er..| ,.,|.. I)-,,,^,,.' ,

Rahmn, N. c., October 22.-The SlatePn liilition Convention BSSStabted at Hieslide Rv position ground* to-dvy. Thc at-e.idanee was elim, and tlicic wis little or10 enthusiasm shown.

Iiiivid -ehetitk snd D, VV. c. IP nbiw,ioIIi ot Guilford rnunly, were sboaa MsR*etorvaMerae. The following arc thclectors for Eba dUtrieU: Firsi, Dari 1ffbltej ccond, Robert E. Ballard; Third.I'-' M,.,ie; Fourth, Henrv M. Ray:f'idh, Willbm A. < able; Mxth, -luhn M.Illili; Seventh, Nevena C. English:Eisbtb, Franklin W. Brady; Ninth, J.J.lill.Ta Bsrf Wa I grand day at the State | te

.ositlon; Hunty thousand person.* wereircscnt.Tliis evening s, B o'clock :i Hiln crowd-d willi pBaaws*era rm off Hie track nearbc cly. When put SB the rail* lt againan nlT. George Scott (colored) fell fi untic platform nod was cut entirely in two inbe Bf a great BBSBxtar o( speed.ors.Kiln beean falling Ibis evenl.ig at 9

)Vlin k, ending thc fears about the drought.

Hajorlllcs ol Ohla*a (.meres*.,mn.Fleet.

IHv(r|r«nii!b to the OUnaich.)Ci 1.1 vims. OcL-ilier 22..-Thc following

nc Hie majorities In thc eevcral cotigrc-,.,i,dial di*,;it 1-First district Benjamin Butterworth

Rep.). IrBBB imijority.S, conti dist rici: Charles E. Brown (Rep.;,

I,,NBJ majority.Third district: James E. Cemjihell (Dem.),

112 majority.Fourlh district: C. M. Anderson (Dcm.),

lin majorlly.Fifth district Benjamin Lefcvre(Dcm.j,

"i.lU niiijority.Slxlhdistiict: W. D. Hill (Dem.). Miltjiejoriiy.Sci erithtlistrid: OeorgoE. Seney (Dcm.).

I,n, <i iiinjoiitv.Eighth disiriet: John Lottie (Rep.),

r.'elS nisjorilv.Nm,li district: W. C. Cooper (Rcji.).

I,s.'lu nrajorify.Teat! district: Jaeofa BawaM (Rep.),

!2amnJori!v.Eleventh' di-trie,: W. W. Ell-biuyIbm). 410 majority.Twi lilli district A.C.Thompson (Rep.).

1,884 Bwrjority,I hil,eenlh' district: .1. II. outlisvait"

Dcm.). MM mnjority.Font lei nih district: C. II. Grosvenor

Rep.). :,,i;it asforlty.Fifteenth district: B. Wilkin- iD.'m.y,

'i,V\H Hi: jorilV.tbstaalh district : George W. Geddes

[Di m.), 721 Hiajol itv,>i sett ci td h disinct: A, .1. Warner

;D».n.). 217 natality.Elghlemtli district: ,1. II. Taylor (Rep.),

i.l.",:: district: E. B. Taylor (Sep. 1.

18.087 majority.Twcatlrth district: William MeKunVy

R.p.), l,2;il miijorliy.Twiitly-llr*t di-tii. 1: M. A. Fatwa

[Drat.), 1,270 majority.Terrible li,ol or a lle*iperailn.

Ht 'eli »iai.n tn the UtaBOMB.]Cnn ttio, Octnl er 22.- A dispatch ,0 Hie

Daily Ar irs from I liio say- ¦ .. A p(-ten¬ter jn>t 111 repoitsi IricbKn! oeciirreurcan lbs I'adiu ali and Memphis train Sundaynigh!. Herman Marshall, of Hyenhiu-rh.Tdir.. sva* mi thc train drunk, and weal1 1 nd down the nilli--, willi knife in hand.Hneatening 1 very one, i-.nd indulged lu tbemeit ftighlful nnd obeans ni-riinu ¦.

Finally he insulted a gcntleni'in mimedBoob Hui-ictt;.*. of Mayallte, Ky., svholinn k liim. Marshall cu' nnd slashedHiilsfeiiics's need. f'ti''*. and ibontders in s

lichening aanner. aad tbe ititi- nt tealturned sad ran ont upon tbs platform,where Mar-hull followed bili'. plunged tbaknife into i,i* bowel*,ead threw lbs brad-lac n.riii from lbs Hain as it pa-atd overIbe bridge, tbs rlctba talban, lift, en f, et,11.,- train bs, ked up and lbs wonnded nun

ssi's,akin up I.univ alive. Marsh ill¬

lli m.,I h:s pr, nu undi' Uiroogh tte ears,daring any one to loach bias, ead noon

dared. Ht- sva- rot arrested."

Vt nilet Aaalnst Hie Cincinnati-.. ntin rn Hallway.

illy l.-li-.-raith I > UM PtHBRIB I, Ut, INNS ll. Ct,,Lei 22. A Verdict W.I*

rendered for Ibe platatifl > >-,<r.!av in the*uit ,r lbs Third Batons! Bank of Upbann, Ohio,a 'i'"1 "i''( Btefanatl BontbcrnBallway (*oapany t" recover i mm " s ss billi tbe 'muk hid lorim 'I I" tbs( reentar] of the rnlirond eompeayiGur'.'e Doughty, ssli.i i- now thad, forwhich be di p il'ti d ss eollati ral arUfl atesid it,cb ol ii"' * inetnnatl B^onthern rall-svtv. svhich, vince Iii. (leith. Iinse liei-n¦bown p. oe an ' vcr baa "(si ,ck artthoniIbe Approval sad rawral o( tbs din-.tor*o( he rad, m ide clandestinely by Dna ibty.Tbr viTiict giies the jilalntirl'tbe principallanes) OB Hie collateml eertilleates and lu¬len at thereon to dais. A (Tinier aa w«i»

brough! la the nperiorCourt snd re,ulledin a alssftre, BbTBI ol tbs jury. Tbls i» our,,f the m.meron- Mil'- Bivolvins claims B8>".-. int ing -..'tOU.noo. ' i- lhe tint cate

in wilie h a decBloii ba brea ttajeaes-I.The c. s. ss ill bs Liken to a higher court.

A Tacnlj-TltoiisaiiU-IMiHar Mare-Robliery.

(Rv tclcsrai ti lo ll.e l)l-pa'rh.|Ht stun, october iB..A IVoonsoeb*! (B.

I.) (Uspntcb suv*: Tlie local olliee of HieAdams Bsaras Compans wa rdstarodsome- lime during la*t niabt bj burglars.-Ah., rilled the safe f 811.008 In eonBoosand bond*. -j-lo.IKRi m bat** hills, bothpnekakts belonging lo tbe Woonsocket In¬stitution for savings. The BOBr/eas BBdLends sse,e lett with thc Expr.-s I oinp.-i:s's agent t,, l,e foisvanled to thc FirstNational Bank of Ness York and tln-bil!-|0 le fri warded tn lin Maseru--. Bank.P"** m. The packaee- WITS tun open,and thc nappers wbteh awteltad i1'

bonds iind bills were found lying on thefloor heroic the safe. The doors of Ute ol-Bes wtn Bil ff nnd lo-ked tbi- nioriiiii.:.i.nil lbs '!¦ a "f the -afc. wbleb i« *n oll-fahtened one. ss;- found ttiasdi b t net|.<k(d.


tmvft.i lor Allaaed Frnnd.Hr tcWurtipli to Hie Di.i>ali-li.|

IHAi-iMi. l's., Otiolx-r 22..Thia mom-IB| Ddeetisc William Y. Lyon- swore on! nts fer Hie itirest nf Marlin LutherI ind-, a well-kaoWB Rerormed-1 burchminister snd ebaptatn nt thc eouoij sla»s-

ill ,«I Stiiiiu (i. VVenrieh, a ss-ul h'.

.- ,tt!,-(hover, wbn lind lien fmalihinami*i,ona wit'n brejc raaslR0014 -]l~ "'

callie. Tidy are charged nilli briber*Hint iTiisjiiracy In connection svitli th-Blmsnoaa fraodsaaw Iksbsg lart-ailbys cu millee of ili/eii-. 'ITie ai-H-iei.i.inl bail for trial, oilier iirre-l- willft,ill sv.


. tu. tn nu .VtlsBlanary Ae-nieliiOon.(Ly irlesrapli tu Ibe Hls,«l''ii

lin. ros.October 22..Thc ABMTkan Mn--loiiiiv Assiui-dicn Ingall *'*¦

sion ut Salem satSTftay. Tba Associationa* (I In Hie Tabdliacle chill'' h. w Inr*

lbs tii*t (oreik'ti missinnarb* BM*t in I81--L\-,ioveriior Wusl,burne ptoBidcd. ThcIreasurei's report showed receipts duringlae yeal ol 82*7.->!i4 : ewpen*iitnrM, f-Wl.-fjtj ; dellcit osrr, t>14,0CO. The I¦olUlliU''-asked for 8100 a day during tbe ciniuig

vear. Sis new churches baa ban atab-Babes] in the spilth in the past year.Bia lleirnM-rultc V Irlory In ltalllin»r«'

| Uy tele'ia,ih lo lb* Olspatcli.,Ital TmorR. Qntaber ti..The teeni*

stinusl ried ion of memliers nj Ibe Botbranch of the City Council took ptoa to¬

day. The brsneb consists ol one memberdom rich ol thc twenty wards of the city-The Dewocrati elected eighteen rocmbertsud the Rrpublicaua two, Hm Iieiii"''"ti1'mnji'i itv on thc total rote in the elly ,,,'*n>j8,587. Thc preaen( branch. Uh* term ol

iihlch eapltcs with (he ssjReol monin,conePte of ten DdiiocmO snd len lu-lon-lets, enmnosed ol six Republican* n"1' ¦ol r

Indipondrnt Democrste. Tbi*D'.r*1"'msjorlly !ben was 8,470, which shoal -«

Dcmocrntlc gain ol over 0,OCO.


tue Ratteael Later rarit'* neaaaelaileaa* Bel! n,.,., Trlrbr Way* aad Balae Hr-team.

ID? leierrapb to the DtipaiebalNsw Yobs, October ll..Oefleral Rutter

irrived I,, |,|, apedal ear In Jonev citythia morning. He wa* driven ovpr to HieEiftli-Av. noe Hotel, In this city. wh"c li"remained during tbe forenooi. At 1o'clock Ibis sit, moon he Hurled for Hol¬ton. He will return the latter pirt of thi.Beek ind resume hi* tour of the State.AaeaanHus from Ita nanami labor

party Ru* morning, filled lt lb* Denim walliNstlon.'l li(n(b|ii»rlers and pri-sento.I io tho"rational Conntttoa tba fuBeabie iaeab>Hons adnp.ted hy them nt a meeting bald ll(*sr. nd.m Rill last ni/h*:Wb. i. as llenjamin E. lintier is travel-

ling thrniirrh this suite na-SjflcndlBf as aI'rntectionlst ind friend of tbe Working" ; lu- it

Ueoolted, That Bra call thc att»nihn ofIBB workingm,n ami an'i-ninnn|M>li*ts 10t1 c followii,.. fact*, tint prove him to bo amom polist and enemy of labor I

1. Hi* whole career in Congi ll wi. I T.i'of a greedy, unscrupulous tool of rn -n.i,i r

ly, aislary-isralibir. and I railroa I, ba-ik.unii eorporaUoB advocate.

i. Be Ofll) lat tho old parlle, am! .ter thc noiiiiniiiion of thc Oreeabeek sadAriH-Voiit p< ly piiriics when he had out¬lived nil bonn rf reward from Riann rafisnd Ri j.uhiii -ms, sud coming int i the I ilmrmoy. mont at tho olevontli hon.- t i reap thenwtinl of other men's I,!, .r.

8, Ho is not a Protect ion let. as ho r.n for(Iovernor nf M ts«acl mott- and vv ag oloci sjss a revenue reformer ea a free trade pl it*form. All hii letters and speeches ta thalcampaign were in favor of tree tr;ule. aihf* mana^t r. Colonel plympton, and hisco-n f. riiitr, Orady. are zenloin free¬trader*.

4. Winn tl e (iovernorof Mii«*achu*ctt*he sigm d a lull to . mploy searsaki at hit-mukii'g in tba face of an earnest protestfrom lie butter* of that siam, aad vtoed abill to limit tho hours of the lu bur of c'ril-(Inn in mines and factories. I Io sl*o cm-

plojed Baan r labor.Italians-cleaning theslrreLs of Boater), and OB other publicwork" of riiiit Mata to thc injury of laboringtl fla* *. ind in other ways injured tie work¬ingmen of Msssscliiisetts when he Int J po¬litical power instead of rot oniiii-ndl'igmensures in their interest, which he nowclaims should bc pflfflfld for tba tx-aetit ofworkingmen.

fi. ('en, ral lintier attni.1. >l tbe Demi-el alic Nstionnl CoareattOfl as Democrat.nd plettged lils delegation to siip|M>rt Hiei andidaOs nominated there, and personally¦tated that he would iiipiwrt Riv ard orThurman (both Ereo-Tnulers' if either wasru-minuted. Ile bilked the Convention(whin he could not dictate) on the I v ti lg

pret.-xt that the Di-moe ratio party refusedto adopt a tailor plunk in tho platform, inthc face of th" Mot thal RBt Committee OBRi lolutiniis placed in tho platform everyplunk asked lor by the labor party.

Rt sr Ind, Thst wo denounce Ren'un inE. Huller si a fraud nnd'Impostor, and Ba*v i-o nil workingmen to -uppoit the cindi-dales nf the Di-inscraHc imrtv.

[signed] Jabbb a. Taofsraox,Piesideal of Ibe Cur-Drivi r-' Coi m.Chairman ;

John .1. CataBABB,Rn-sidi nt el Hie Engineers' inion, *ioere-

taiy.('(.vernor ('li'velaaU'a AstinHam ins-

charge-tl.nt} iiBaiBBh t.itti" Pluraluk |

Ai nisv \. Y.. Oct il" r tt..Boobs, thoBaaaltant Bf Oovcrnor Cleveland, was ur.

rslgnt .1 before loatiee (Jittnan at tho Police('.'int st .*i o'clock this afternoon. was thronged l.y a ruriouaciowt!. Booae, abo looketl careworn,ai kt d and ol.! lim tl permission to iiiukc a

Matt mont. UeaaMlnhadbeea .naPy wor-iii d over his brother's case, and had scarceIv -li 11 tar se-vt nil night-. Ile admitted hi-((.minot hud bc. u hasty, and ntd ka ara*lorry fer what he bad done. Ile also in-«i.-tiil that be never Intended doing tho(.. i, raer any hana. Jottlee fintonn saulfsa Lad receive,I :i Inter (rom (iovernor( l.veliiitl tinting that he had no desire toi-' ute thc pii-oni i. and roconimerulin;'

jeni. ney.BOOM Hie then iliscbarct ,|. He, with

his wife snd father-in-law, h ft lin* eveningfor hon.e.Ai banv, N. Y . October "tt..Three phy-

*i.. i..11-i examined Roone, (Iovernor Cl.-ve¬lum!'* assailant. Un. mon.nie, ns to hissanity. Tbe* tnclaw he is tine, hut islaboring tudor leven nervous oxoitoniont,ami is li.ililo to do violent a :-.

w saasaaajaaa itaee*.|L? 1,1'imh lo ihe l)|s|.ateli.|

u i.-iiim les. (ictoicrtt..Tbh Bm das of tba fall mooting of tbe Na-(ional -lt okey (Tub. Weather cloudy, withB -till breens Mowiflg : good track, c.xeol-lent ntl. Bdanco.

Eirs; ruo*.dash of one mile, till aga -

wi n iv Rica; Uaiiinioiisi sti-ii'i, i:ii/i-beth third, 'limo. 1:11.

-,,onii; rmi.AflflCOSta si.ikes. one andi ne i-islith miles.won by UaUsetti Vista,t ond. Richard L. third, 'lime, jm,

'Iliird lift autumnal handicap, allI '. MM Mitt a half mil's.War Eeg!a on Drake i Biter second. Oem ral Monroeiliini. Time, J::::!.

iintii race.ailing race, one nile eadhalf a fm loin. won bj Joe Mitchell; Fare¬well ecoiid. Rossie tl ir,I. Time. I'M.

Lest nee.there quarter nile h ate.woniv Lady 11 ml; Roy 9. duke secondTin e. 1:17: UMP, line of the III 1 ti Xt.i.. n. linke wea the first heat, but pull, dnp Ume In tbe last, mid died shortly afterII in_ tin-,rilill*«1.

lleiKlriels* ut rnlltiisin mid ffnlflaajflll? leleyrai li la IB* I'Ivjui, it.)

tiiii'Aiin, October tt..Hob. TIbmbm v.IN r,,li:, kn speke bi te tonight on the Inri,tatton of thi trad.- iiii'l i,i'"i'unions. Hekirlved st PbRbmb this "norning. At notaboul ihi'e thousand residents of thaisuburb a-(I tin- neighbonn rt towoi olKennington and Roaelaad a---niii!- -1 Infroi t cf bis hold, and Ooit iiior ll.-ti-diiik- addreaard then briefly fran tbebalcony, irltoafteiaoon i rsunnittae fr in(le lal.el unions wont to I'lilliiuin ami,s,i ried bin t') this eily, arriving ll "ul")1*. M. The linn of hi- arrival iras notgene-iain, known,and eoneeqoently there wa*

io di ministration al the depot* He en*tered i carriage with tb* eomrnittee andaa* t'liv, ii!,. the hotel.

TbeVreaf Uraiikciii I'.ikIo-I.|By te'err-i li io Hie In.i.noll.|

An ania, iii,, Octobei M..The grealdi,,light tntled at noon to-day. A "*00dnil is falling.

tmirsisoasa. Al.. 0-*tober 23..A no-

plOBS iain ft I! here li,-dav cadia*- lbvu drought. This i* tho Int rain line*Aflgust nih. The s!,,..,,,,, in ibis vicinityhavel:'.; ;.iciis,, low for many year-, amilhere h.,-1, en cns, aaeatt) much rfUfferinrtto livestock. Fortunately a good, provisioncn ;. ha- |., ,.| made.

iiui Beet-flea*.I Uv n lonni!.;, i" UM in BBlSB.l

Jbbibt ( itt, *f. J., Octal er OL. A dis*ii., tl -tat-:- suddenly eollapaed this nora,

lng, and three hoya engaged in tearing upihe doora for bewood were buried in tbeiiiir.*. Michael buUlvan, aged IS, waa lo--lanllv killed, h's brains being da-hod out.milli,t!y terrible- I,nit red. Tin- Other*wi ie *( riouily Injun ¦!.

<o-il.rc--.onnl Nominations.It Ii Ii gtSOt IO Hie IM-imli Ti.

Jabaica, L L. October tt..The Pira!., n's.i.,mil iii-tii'T I), uiocr.its taO-day

renonlflsted Perry Reimnnt.Miaou .'twN. S. Y.. Octob. i- ¦::

Prtaoerats of thia dtstrtel t..-uav reniml-naled ti arb Bbek fer Cbflgreaa.

*.: m-oiiic frill, s,.

|B] 1. Itt-rit; .an l)l-|i:ileh.ll.ii-iii.iK. Ky., October M..At to*i - -,-,.jon of thc Omud Lodge of M u n-

i.iVr.d Print Euri, .gh rirnrously refutedtn. -tat. iu'ut ..f R(.|>j Leo tba! Maaonrisad for i's otieet boetltR] I « brlitiamty,and piirii'iilarly lo the CStboll fait'i.

t.o\« rtiiueiil |-r..|.< ri r at llarper'aKerry.

iBv lelearupli (wilie Ill-put. h.I

WAsi.'ixtiTos. October il. -Al tba _"._».tho Oovernmrnt propertv at Hupor'*IT nv to-dsv Ihe-jl'oloina.' walcr-povvcr-"Id'for Itt, 100, and the SliemindoahWatti t-power for IM10.

A rn alni .¦ a (hara*' or Murder.By lelecrai'li t<> Hi* lilsr*itoh.|

i mt tho. Oolol'ei tt. C. C.B. Price wasarr Med heir Isst night on B telo.r.m fromNaihvllle charging bin with murder, nedmles any knowledge of any such crime.He is a ion ol John L. Price, depoty slicnflol Naibville.

i ".renteMelt Biaadarfl Dallar-i.M? trlrsrsph tr, the l)l»|>»leb.i

Rosyox, october M..Counterfeit siiiud-ard dollar*, well calculated to deceive evenex peril, are In circulation here.

Do not be deceived; wk for ind tikeonly B. II. Dougliis A Sins' CapsicumCough-Drop* for Cough*, t'olda, and Sore-throats, p. f*. aud Traue*Mark on everydrep.

Nrteart* Blanea aSsajtsst.(Rram tick (i>.| T.t't-xrsrth, OCteBer 17.fOn Hie Bath of October, 1840. persons

pre«eDl nt lhe JJorthport wmpa-efotind. InWaldo e,iiirt, y, aaw a meteorite fall into tbswater i.err the camp. Ai it fell lt burst intofragmenH, nj (hst was tbe condini mdrawn by those who wltncMed lt* aacaqt.Brarcb wa* made at (he time for frairm''nt*,lint none were then found, thc tile at allniles covering Ute sped where thc nTett-ir-Ile struck the w..ter. Two yara ago onewho tvitne**e(l Hie fall ag du made aseareli,r.nd stnie ania!) (rn*, tnents were r-eovered.From lim* to time the search Ins been enn-

tinned, and other fragments hare Imenbrought to ligbl, one ol which we* con-

RdttStety sent to Priiferuor F. C. Roblni Sf,of Bowdoln College. More recently (juliei Istrs muss, weighlnsr perhaps twenty

trade, svas recovered, and thi* mas* .'ro¬fe*-ir Itol,in-on lina now in hi* possession,BJOcb to bi- gratllhadon. Ile will proceedio airyaa it.

I li or instil I'lnnnrf*Illy cable to lhe liitr*-trh.|

Lukiitiol, october 22..Tim fjRrasaa:l'i >l. irferrlng to thc statement concerningLivi rpcol rlnanco prospects in thc Ananda!column of tcaim!:.)'.. London Standard,jdsise* London Journals to ascertain tbslilith liefer* i.uhllshiiig such unfoundedIxiBeriB. It add* tbat the troubles In lbs-ligar 11 aiket ceased three weeks ago. andlind thors is not the slightest ground firIWili IIIndlBB tbs impending bankruptcyII liny one of the American steamship linc*.Stiled ,hc Liverpool papers hive heardanything about Hie large failure in Hintcity, sngue Kneels ol svhich hive been cirdilated in some .planers.

I rnneo-1 li in est- AtTair*.ly -hi" lo the IHiualrli.l

Puts. Oetnhei- 22..A majority o( thc(TTiiinilfce on tbs Tonttuin credit arc iu fa¬vor o( (Uci-ive action, and they are will¬ing to vole i yen larger credits *o at to en¬

able the Government to bring thc di fileultyto s spicily conclusion.The 'I', in j, v and tbs Caris urge Hie Gov-

crntr.i nt to blockade the port of PnrkhoL,(brough sihich Hie Chinese svh arc in-invading Tot'ipim i,blain their supplies.The Te'n/raphe. utlirin* ,hc report that at

Hie ronni il >i st, n. iy thc Cat.Hie, dSeMsdlo send ,o Tonguin (he reinforcement iwlc.i ii Gt neral Bran de Lisle r, noires.1 tie i'oiiiicu: Ferment in Balalnm,

Hy rab* bi th-) Dimairli.iBhisski-. oeolier 22.-Tbe puli, leal fer¬

mi -nt i old innes to develop serious out-brinks. At OOMtlSt, .it Hasselt, snd atother place collision* have occurred be¬tween tbs Clericals and Llbasll. and riot¬ing iias bet n Hie eonseijuence. Shots werefin d into a crowd near M.iline*, which tookdemil* < lied. One pemon wu killed out¬right arti (our others wounded.The KtoUt I>li/e declare* that Hie Cor.

-. rsalivcs ute seeking to tiring back tbe»iiil*tc period of 17S!i. i

The l(neen'ti V-ts-veli.Illy rable to Ute Di-iiitn h.!

LoNiHis, october 22..The Queen'sipeecli st lbs opening ot l'arliament to¬morrow svill consist o( only eight para-.isphs. It begins hy regretting (he nSMS*-Hy of convoking Parliament. It discussesIbe franohl-o bill, and expresses the Imp'ibat Ibe measure will shortly lie passed.Be mcbtltin it made of redistribution.I'hiie is rcttrencelo i, ll a irs at the Cape andlo Egypt, and (isarral (laxton i* stilogtsedla hi* gallnni dclena of Khartoum.

lin- Congo Couterence.

(Hy .aide to the llt«ii-i(rh.| oeoin r 22..The repiesenti-

Itra from ABStris, Russia, md Haly will.itt. ml Hie :i|iproa"hlng Congo eonfel'eilecujinii tbs same footing as repwantsUraofHi.- other Rower*. IVI'ium svill proliablyidvoests the interests o( tbe African later-national Asa rialton, of which King Less.I old w president. Prince RtsBBarcfc I* hereat tia ispital linking reparations for thecootelena.

'the Nt ss wm|,,.| Oacea.II y Bahiala tbr (RBBOlca.J

l., mion, Oetober Xl.Al lbs Bet? Mer-ke, ni'T ling tn.dar the ma forlbs Desvhur*t pla,'- for Isvo-vcar-old* MMiv.m Ly (apLiin C. Bowi In g's buy colt by>!i-rliiigni.t of Casuistry ; Vic. M.-tinley's baylilly Cora se, omi. and M. Lupin's chestnutcolt Xaintraillc* Ihird. There were tea¦tarter*.

S Hi,i,m Plot Inearthed.|Kv rahlelo lie MaaOMB.

st. I'ltkhsi-' in;. October 88..-Tbs poliasci/, d s secret prlaUne-prrtaa on tbe 18thinstant. They discovered documents withIhi-piiss which iboWed tin, arrangement,vst-ie it mg 11 rf, .-t'-tl to nubs au attempt ontbs Caril's life. Nilinenilli snesta havein en made.e-

Tlie Prince or Vt uli-s'a Rmi Contine: leAmerlea.

IB* r.n'i!.¦!..til" Hi.patch.Il,i'\|tiv, (letnl-cr 22. .I'l'ince Albert

Victor, <( Wales, svill visit the Unitedstud* ni si lummer.

Hic( holeru in italy.I Hy eal,!" I, Hi" Hi-oai'-h. I

RoBR, Octoba 22..During tits i' 1-1

twenty-fair bonn there ware nu fresh;,*!>(,( cholera and ill death* throughout

It; ly._

C. ..'¦'¦ ri. tn Visit Parla.lilt to the Hlsiiltch.l

I'd li! is-. Octolier 22..There are rumor-

Hutt Piit ce Btiraarek contemputes s risilto Paris._Alt Alissa Beag Verdict lor RJ.V.OOO.

Uv lelrirrnn.i BS Hie Dl-|,alTi.|Kaw Yon, October 22.- Mis, Minnie

Cumminas, ti:,1 actress, to-dav obtelM 1 ¦verdict for Bxo.000 against Police OfBarWilliam B. Dares, and MIm Delis Mur¬phy, a drt-amska, In an notion broughtfi i i';i!-c am -t and iiiipris'inm-ur.

Ont driving near Kfllarney a short Ubmago the Bari "I li. nmart lound by tbe road¬side s destitute family thal ind been atetedfrom their rabin on iii- estate by nae ot kiaagenti. Ile bad nol beard of their erietloo

fore, and, on learning of their conditionfrom theil- own Hp*, be bide them conductbim to th, ir late bona. Then hs tore .1 ern

tbe notice ol dlSPSMCmlOB, broke open tilt'door with a hatchet, ami told thea to re¬enter and Iii'1 thea, insured tint theywould not be disturbed agate.

l.t. Weather Report.[spei lal n kana* ia nat lRasteB.J

WASiiisiiTiiN. Octoba 2:i-l:.i4) .1. M.-1'i.r Mic Middle Atlantic Mites, lo al raina,art ly tinnily ss eather, followed bv clear¬

ing weather in the ..tiitlicrn portion, de¬cidedly folder. Btxtbwaterfy nindi, briska;,il high ol', the con-!.For the South AUsattc Sate*, local

rei,* mid pertlyeloudy watbsr, followedby fair wi allier", ssind* shifting tn iiirtli-ss. *ti riv. lower lni,|>cr*ture.

TBB wea i hit: TKSTKRDir was fleur in Hunu,ming, cool, ami rainy In thc cs cuing.

Tulumi.mi.tfi: Ta*ST88BAT : O A. H., 88;u A. M., 7i: neon, 80; s l*. M., W; I P.M., "SJ midnight, 80.Mean tempenture, "Oi.






Lt,Ss' I'S KltCAT-.

SS,- T, r lii-ilty a iiumber Sf nev ,,:, nf tl,

>,i eel um r-iu BOYB'UVBB, ml-.

ova unis stockrrphle will,

>| |T8 FOR PLAY,.si ira roi h bool,

mis nm . nt l:. i


MLS s llfcl'ARTMr-Vi.Votliw Ui-lamino. BBS aii-rasonalily warm wei

llir. .lit -nie of QVaTBr-tBABMBBTB hat oe,

n n-i eitellrul. Von tiara.1 How ran tlial 1stWe'll tell you. (mr asanrlinenl il -<> teleri lsd anarUre, to Iimui a-mai'lv superior la Uti ordinal'¦ ready-made trash (whlrh I* deeral say | isriiients III' st) PLRfECTLY, sad tn

irina ar* A I. W AYS to reasonable (Kyle ai

i,milly rmi 'dried' Ibu >>a* RAH SLY Sta 8*out nf tn t»U!.i: lu.irnt mi 'y-litt d. d. Webs'not only the VERY FLBBBI i.VSIHOATS, besrry traa wartb kasorag.

UtS - HI *ilM>el SLITS,MFX'b liHKt-r- illlji.

A. > liv- 8 CO.,

nine ii.vo\r:i'BH.i: clo riHKR»,tel, MAIS STUK.LT,


KR" Bli.



Nra Yobs, October M.-The atrtek mar¬ti was strong on an early sdrane*, aliennoes rose Ja ly. After nldday "/auder-lit brokers wera consplcuont sellers nftink lines. Tito -kales were said to be for-count of thc Vanderbilt partv, sltliousr'ii sore Quartrn lt waa staled that leadingian . mpioyed Vanderbilt broker* for tTe

firpoti- ot creating Ibis impression. Tba.port that Lake 8hon' was to Issn-* newfinds ass agiin revived, an t tills h ul *

erv unfavorable elect on the stock, wlilcbro'rped f. New York Centrs! sold itown!. H. Haul 21. NortbwMt I. Mi-raotrrlaciMc SJ. Jersey Central *, f,it*kaivann*i. I Dion pjelBe SJ, ana Western Cition|. In tho rln.1l deeltnga lhere erne a raltyr Iel. Canada Southern and Michiirincnti"l'were also weak. Compered withi*t night's closing, prices are tait lower.shs. ..sii.ihii lilarea.Aeon.. Moerk* vinsettled and weak. Monev,.2 per cent. Exehanae.Long, 4*t»iSI; short, *>.''|s4M*. (roverninents dull.late* tirm.Evening..Exchange, sBJOI, Money. Haler cent siil>Trcsi*urv lalanecs.Gold.lgN.til7 ; enrnmo?, "JIO.hko. (iorernuirnt,

liaBBJ l | er cent*. Ml; 3 per cents, PWid. state llind* "A." Ito *,. T'»

..ll." Vt, small. tttleoiiriafl**.(Hld) Mboinia T's. morlgsge.(bid) H-3.'crib Carolina'*.(bblI DJorih Carolina's, now.(bid) lslOftb' arolina funding.(bid) 10oiith Carolina Proven c.instils. Lill'enne-soe (is...(bid) BBJirKinia(Ti.(hld) :",7'Hninia consols.(bid) .17liossricakc andohio. ft-l)!."ig.) and Nu th western. 811liic.g.) and Northwestern p't'd.121louver and Rio ('rando. Oi"lie. 13.n.-l Tt one safe |(.Mlroad. 44asks "aban.SHeulaville unit Nashville.Ml

ri. mphil and Charleston. 2"dobile and ohio. Hf-ashville and Chattanooga. .1)vow orleans 1'noific 1st mort. -vivow York (entral. WIv'orfolk snd Western pref. Ilforthorn Pantie. 17Ji(oithorn l'ai'itic preferred. Ill'acitie Mai!. ft2|teatiing.21tichmon.t sud Alloghany. 21li. Iiiiioi-.d nnd linnvtlle.(bid) 32ii '. ml and VVe-l Point Tot rai Itel., lutock Uland.I Un]^. Paul. .

it. Paul preferred.MMlexas Pacilic. llSjsinion Pacific. .Viill ii, i-li Pat-Hie. ft.Vatiisli Pacitlc |ireforrod. 10fWestern Union. .

BALTIMORE.I'n nm,ii-, October 22..Tlrginli cui-

tois. ttl psat-due coupons, 321; new

lt:-40's, :;|J. Hld to-day.

RICHMOND STOCK EXCHANGE.WKIiSEIUAr. O toller 2*. ISSI. Roinn..10 share* Peters-liing railroad ut iii.

KTiTi* sect kittm. Rid. Ashed.Virginia RV lu*.*. 31Virginia consol-. .'t.iTlrgtnta pselail. -17Vu newTs. 511 IIINorth Carolina 4**. HNorU) Carolina ti's, i x int_In.",

(ITT MBN.Ri.liiiioiiil city 8*i.132132.Ivicl.inond city (V*.1121Uie.hmoiid city, 107Petersburg cay c's.limPetersburg city a**B,e*'**a***flt(*.JI'J .. BflflssT*,V,. A Tenn. M mort. 8\....12.)I ol. and Greenville Uta**.... Bi)tulumi,ia et: (..2d li'*, ex int.. tte! MlVirginie Midland Income (i's., .ic ill.Pl, ilioont stallrofld 1st .s's. ...l.ii». s. lt. N mort. pref. «'*».... lol*I't te,.I,mg lal Va. (lass A.... illPot. 2d «'». Clan lt. fia int_ V. lt. it« heiapcake S's.... Ill* IDSR. and D. consol .i's. 18**,"*_101R, am! D. consol (j's. 18lH)....l,ijB. and I), gold O'*. .'"Ba BBd D. debentures. 47 ftOII. and A. 1st mortgage 7'-.... 5il illAtlanta ami Ciinrlotto 7-.lill HWA. BBd C. Income il'* 77* 7')(('.. C. ind A. 1-t morttrsge7'>-.»J| 101*Weatera North Carolina 7'*... 1184(lr, ruin Panta* I-f o'. 82S ST

ItAII.K.'Al) STOl'ES. Par.I.'nlini..nd anti r.(.i.long IOU 7b TnPetenbarg NJ ttlAtlanta snd Charlotte_UKI ja. .i:i4


Merchants A Phntu-. M .. HIN-l It.l.M'K < oMe.lMKS.

Virginia State. -".i 33-J N

CHAIN AND (Di ION r.Xl'RANGE.KiHiiioM., Va.. Oofoboi- il. VMM.

Oi.-citIN,,*.Wbbat..White, iii .'ii-li'-:-. Mixed,

2,880 nain ls. Bed, 3,170 busbel*. Tot il.."..iTti I'lt-I, ls.Corn.-White. 3 cu; bushels. Mixed. 500

bushels.DAIS.-HUD I,lishe!,.liv c.-so bitebeis,

. Ai.i'*i UT*OHM to sn nETitir.Ti uk vt.. While, lin busbeb verj

at tie. Mixed, t.s io bushel* .1! S31 ')",Ked. 1,183 hllallt ll coilKUti'.l t I prune Ling-bony tit 89 to fi7e.; 2",2 bushels conrnonto vt rv good Shorthorn at 11 ta ML'OBI..Wbtt*. l)7n liii-h-l- fair to very

good at BJ to !,(..('ats..SM I,ii,hoi, vciv ;,,i.i alflter, on

prtrafj terns.

V l.n I" B.We anete: Ebie. (*9ff#*!.*"*); luperrfhae,

|A*a*aj|; extra, ""l.rfl.'g.i; family, ft.2."(Vt*-*): l'atcut family, countrv, Si.'ij13.7*.. Market very dull.

RH BMOlfD Tohaci o MARKET.WaaslBBDAT, October 22, IS-I.

Market t. -day abowed some strength eagood io tine faners, utfotaga mostly rae.(limn |00ds, the Int!, r v. it hoi it immediatedemand. There ***yc some sun:! (raosacti,.ns in vvi-apperaWil minker*.


LaCBi < t'i)!Iiloli.t-l..i()t-i."el: good, fd i|7,Leal: Connon, *; good, I B

lim lae, fllafllICS-l I KI.!'.

Lflgl: I iiniiion, fsiatc ; sound, |t;..V.)i"JSLeaf: ( onini"ii, friifli ; BMSlllin. BBAVt

til : good, fl llii|lr'; Hue, f-t):i|;ut HBJIUP BIBI III HIIIBM

Sn.civil'.* Common, f l0.i-"i:>; good, *?11;? 17; line, tJMBMflM,

Killers: < oin non rad, $7a$S; irood BOS*oiy, fvalll: good bright, a*T_#I.T; serist.. .1 to allic. |ltWBJBB*Wrapperi: ( oinmoti, $l.!i?U'; good

Uicdiiiin. tl7aff0>; gootl to eery goo! nu-

Ingall?. I-'-' ionf:it'; ginni bright, f -T2 .iii)f;i7.iii: very good bright to gae,fHallo,


Nkw Yobs, October H. OrdlOB vv iknba. 422 hain; upland-, bie-i orleanstote.* net con*olid:iteil laeeipta, .n.njI'sle*: (ireat Itrit-iin, 17.Df)balee; lo the ciifltia. at, i«s.i;-sei babaElour.Southern dull and weak coiumoito lair extra. f:s 2uh|4.2.); good lo cholcdo.. B4.iiaf.i.7i. Wheat..-pot I*. hlfbMlesli:.- with a reaction of jijc,; tia

maafl n-il. nT.iWo.: iiitgraded white77c: No. 2 red. Mi"attie.: Cara Baamm: BBgraded, ttatta \ No. 2 Noveinb-iBSjaBtstC* Oils 4 ii''- higher and fairly flttivo; Na. 2, Be, Hopi illili ami uominsCoti'ec-Spotjfair, lti'odull st lftle.; tf<7. Rio spot . \%JM\ october. *f.S..'",ia|S 4'Sugar steady ami rear* (pilot: fair to goorelining, 9 l-lct-i 3>llc.j n lined ("MbbTI <

4is.i|c.; extra C. frfaflte.; white extra (

Bf*e.; mould A. BS"*.; ootifee-tioiior'* A«,('.: powdered, UK- 5 ci.,,,-, i;,c Moli¬na unchanged. Rio* brm. Cotion-seroil. lia:Ne, crude; lea****, refined. Ki*,steady. Turpentine steady. Huies sic td'Wool" dull and dopres-ed. Pork flnrlilt -s spot, f li:,7.ia|17. M ililli e i,..IMIUa

I long clear, !,'<.. Lard laCc higher, eaofflaw ith son.r naction; western stcatn «piI7.7u; neaaber, I7.5.*iat7.«i); Xavenbe|7.4:"a7.sIsS. FreiKbUtliai.

RAl.TlMORik.Raitiboii. Oeiober 24.Flour "iirle

lloward-slreetand western tttperflne, l*J.1*2..*.; exile, f2.!**As|4."i<); family. |3.7,14.75; City Mill* superfine, |2.'iiii'l2.7exin. f-lalo: Rio brand*. ?l.«2it7..1Wheat.gesaaasfri quiet and steauy; wc

ern linn and higher; soullieis re i.SOaHVamber, 92s9Ck. ; Ne. I Maryland. Ss*).No. 2 western winter red, spot, H'aSJl(urn.Southern Urtu sud (pnet; west*'

dull anil nominal; southern white.Mattiyellow, tta. oul- lintel and stead?: son!un. SlsftV.; western white, :tli"M'.; il

Allied, MkiiW;,; l'eiBiyW*llU, !Jlo. Pivision* tin!! and easy. Me«*-pork, $UiiUk-i-icut*.»iii)i:L>r» and cleaMlsi ittl

barratrf, Tf bbm aa ... .. EasgbtadBH.(.Wf-nrBaTltt

CIBCIBRATI,changed. Wieta ftCorn dull: Bo. Bari.,e»alar. Mn. 8 BltetltLoO. Ijardni sis scarce md uchanged. Whither.ttofgesr; ben), rrflinleeas. .*¦««>. Ilcsrs eater; esmmou BMlight. (tSlagst.OO; r«4^MigaBd btsttrtMsra*.84.f0s88.10.

Lot (.-.V (LLB.Uiivin ir, October ti.. Wbrattteody;

Nw. 8 red. TAe, Corn Mo. 8 white, (Kia.;Riixrd. 'etc. Oata-No. 1 white. Bte.;mixed. *!*... 1'iovlalons steady. Meat oik. 817. Bull-mewls s'ioidderi.BB.BSI iclear rm and side*-, f |0..V) H-r., itil-'!m*. 8Ts*7.2.'i; *i .t.xHI ;7i**ll..V»; rimeOh, |IL ,:. rn*-Mii'ar cTte.i. Mils*]1*-laid- I'rirr.c leal, IB 90.

If, LOCI*.St. Lons. October 23. Flour urichsnred.

When, inceulr.r; No. t rest, TrtiTeilc. caa* :

7S4a7.-Je. Novein ls r. ( ,irn lower aaa

.U,w; ide. cash snd OafatMB** 88*0, Ho-Timber. o*u and -low; ttisBHc.catii and all thc tear. Wlii.'.-y iteody atBLI*!. Tork dull; lobbing. Bib. Bulk¬il cir weak; long clea. (Kef..; ahat rib,|M.7.i; clear, fJAO. Bacoa i-iwrjr; liitttclear. BIO.?.,' short nb. BU: caa. 811 IAnf. 11 8?f. Lard Unit and nominal stBL Itl.

( IIH'AGO.(tm itin. 'htobcr tl..Floiw nnchsiiired.

Win *, stresjj Barty, but cl.stetf svesker aadtc. ovir yeelerdev : Oetnbcr, T-'l**71fe*.;Nav.nilMr, TllaT.V.e. (urn unsettled sadlower; caah, *"ij iib (e. ; Oi'toher, I'liOife.i r,i, |, neil -tn.iir;. cloted ntiumiailr ira-

changed; cash, 'lol'. : Ostaba. liiitftV.I', is ,,niii and declined ft* IO.'., clciststtsteady: a-b. BL--7.V. Lard si.-ady; eaah.ST.Lta»7 SO; OeuilnT.e7 2ixtF7.i2t. Hulk-meals lu fair dd.ucl: ahoirMr-r*, fte'.J;short rib, 8jR.50: short dear. BRl.iV Whis¬key ile-mvai fl.LL

MILWAUKEE.Milwacrrk. Oetober 21.-Flour na¬

il, n... I. IV beal lirni. So. 2, .silt andOctoter, 7.1c: Xovcmli*r, 74.-. innnis-

hanged. Onie ea-ier ara. 2, BBB,: while,trie. Provisions ileadT. Me*a rmrk. eata,OcIoIk-i-, and Novenitxr. 813.75. Lard.Prime slam, ca*!i snd Oetolser*, e,-(Tickled liami firm st 11s(te. II-gafirmer at 84.V1.

wilmington.Wu sflvnii.v, urtoiirr 2L .Turii-snUae

quiet at tlie. Rosin dull; tdr-tioed. irSfc.;good eWaincd. 87|c. Tnr Arm av (111., mile ttirpenttne ttesilf; bard. Bl ; yel¬low dip. 8L10: virgin. 8i.i>".

COTTON M AUK KTs.NoBniLS, Va.. Octolier ti.. Citteo

ijuici ; middling. Bte, Ne, n-ceioU,C.H'jm lulea; grots res-el,,'-). ,1.8'U balea;ti, k,'.iHnilra; .iles. t,3Uf) bales; a-ports. ciHtstwIse. 1,710 bales.

V. BUBBBJtVBR, B. tL Octntiei' IL-CodaBsteady; middling,9Vibe. Netrccel|>ta,!H8balee; gross recei|sts, S12 lisles: sale*,..;S.CyCtt. tii.t.Vi Laic*.Savannah.' Ga.. Octolier K.. Cb-SBRB

dull ; middling. 0 .Vl'ic. Ret i, cai pta.8,848 bibs; gross ree, Ipta, «.V40 bales; estes.,"i,i;i(i bale*; s,eck. S4,7"i2 Issles; cx|sirta.eoniimnl, Its*lf8 I"!'*, coastsvitc, :.,.»J:ibale*.At ni si a, Gs .Octolier 22.-Colton dull :

middling, ti l-l,,'. Rec.-,'*.. 1.7:1*-! lisles;sbi| nu nie-.-; *ale*, i,:,us twl.-s.

, HSIILKSTOS, S. C., (Moller 22. -C.ltUlleasier: middling, tfe, Net receipt*. ,i.2tobela: gross reeeip.*. .i,2<!.l lui,:*; sales,8,708 I'itle. sdi k, RO.etCO bales.NEW yoBK COTTON Fl'I'IIRK*.Nbw Yuki. OsatBBf M.-Ctton- Ne, re->

aias.321 b.slr*; gro»t leceipts, 7.54.! bales.Fiilure* closet! OBtet »i"l; *alet.7Lissi bs!.*. October, f!».7.ii*».7«: No-vcmier. Bj8.ns8jB.T8j PltiBMiT, 88.71at0.7»; IBBBBTT. fW.K7ss*.».-s.; Februiry,|10B8)I8j.01: Mire!,. 810.1 tnflO.LI; April.fl.'.2.'ts8l0.2!i: Msv. 8li'.txiBH».4.1: .lune,tl ".'e.-.-in. .7: July, 8H).ti7*8l0.iirt.

Mil:* (ILK I'I'ANI I' MARKKT.!l(ri,"it.d for Ih'llisnawii.l

Ni'i.HU.K. Va., october 22..Best hsnd-pick"d, .la.Ttc per (mund; farmers'goods,new, uutlt. per pound: old. .It ile. parIrouml. Mica, BJ b.yii (new), at lc. ncr

pound. Market BjBBatt


Tb* I*, nu ld i, rm Clitut of a S-is 1 r. y

Il -i'. r Haul. tbr maine li. k.i.

I*|.erlal lo ile Wotbl.tI'.i.SeAt.. B. -L. October 2d..The Pas.

-tic J),,ih/ Thmtt ba hauled down Ui*>ni.iii, Lonni Hcket fruin the hoad ofits eoliimni .ind conn's uni mildly forCleveland iud Hendricks. The IbBsBJ lsditi d ly Mr, .1. I .Vlorris, uni has hither¬

to be, n .1 s,.i.,ie|, |;,pii I, lie in BtBJt-r, in ah ailing editorial nnnoun, ing the ehaiu* oftn alt the 7irBtCJ lays :

F"l tin- 1,1st tsso year* we liaVc, " ill sci-ron mid out "( «ci«')ti," ./itiiDiit piMii! nfis vp,. Lt,hui of any, ttetdfa-Hv ami

aiar-atiy ranported Republicaa p:in.i|ilewnnd Hepuhlienn andldatas. raBbegesaJBBd unify ..( lbs porty ore have on srv.ritloteMBJoai iwaUowed our scruples agalBBtcertain candidiiti* amt supported menWhOM BlIMW1 s ss-,.l>le.!ei|t.. but, I bongilsse cn,, ssa,ye ni,i MllipiM. TTSriBBBt itlfle,iur i oiivn lioiist.r il I ll l his them.Ami B0W|Oaa more, the Republic tn

pally rrrarnl tn ns thr rillrmaa nf yotingfor a man who our Julgmeul hat ilecldedj- ui,s.|iii, ly nuiji I,, I'ep.vsent lilbtf lbsmurali,y or tbs princlpl:« of lbs Am -n -.tu

I . opts ri- Hieir Cbl ( Magistrate, whoa* religion ls founded ea, sad (i|iialiiy, tba reili/ili .ii and BB>ii si.ii-nt of wlibh demand li.iii'**l>. ilB>nus. , virtu*, the very throe nquiatteiss, 1| r. Minne is fitiiily and etei'iiillyIm king, and wini fails seriously to BSjafBB*In r.d then- utility or neeetslly.A man whose political iiini-altiy is gov.

| e, uctl rind bounded by official dulcinea'*,the horiaon o( whoa ixiiuicsl eibics i,,- in-

j tineii to Use circle of the simight* dollar.for thc leipiiililou of WHieh be ba- prottl-luted one o( tbe highest .iffier-* in tBeUaBRBa.-tiitt. to the bsa le»el pf a Wal I-street

j coin s-vrnitl.e.. A min who l.iirleso,iiea aattaa's wo.- bs Basanaadlaa te tlie man-

tie nf a tainted pi,riot, extorting ixdiHcvlcspilat Irom Ihe triiir nf our murdered1'irsidi nt. A bags fi tu I who would tte-

| airs un milli,ma of men and women williunholy aud liing promise* ol Impossiblei.siiii, i( they will vol* f.r Bl tin* ofVlatne..niDiTgagin- iii* orlice of Presidentby forged promissory notr. af wjr lo iud.Hobs cf intelllgtnt irishmen, who happilydo i,(I believe him.

1 such anne we arv ei'b.l Upoa to supp woik, to vot- f,,r. a min desert *d sadilenoiimed by aBM sf tbe greatt-tt mi ni

i las party, .md by aeaef Ute brightes, sndl,igh.*t'iiitelli.t* in the whole country.Can we do rbi-. Om ."mst lenee ans wei's,No.

ibis ls tba arest saan**! asl weeterdi'iI iierform. but, in tba itarn presence .»( our. eoitviclions. duty, in-tini I. -en*,- ol right,

event liing but interest, (or. e u* ti »triItotba lia.' and lease tin- ship.'*

Australian house leeper*, l-ecoming des-peiate over tin ir sflUeti <ns at the ImwkI* nfHui;- tl,nu, st:,-., have been trying BBB mildHindu, I he Bxp, .lim ut. however, provedBSVaal failure. Tba siT'ssnts wert' cure-

(lllly selceled, sud at tir<! hell tv cd si Hindu domes',:,-, BSJ8BJB8 -BBBsl til*ras in Metbedtrae. Bal gtad ireit'ueatspeedily tpnlled thein. and lin V toni SBBRBto Cad "on, thal «e. vunts had li.'ht* In they never dsasseslaf tn theirnstlre land. One tveoi in ter whiskey,would get drunk ami d' |*ielt li luise If aifull stretch ci; the ilrawiug-i'oom sofa; an-ollli-r SlleiTed bunt*. SSjd SVent ill (of de,-cerate lirtattoas, SjbIsB unmin.llul »( lice! u«ii.< «s. The entire batch nave now Ikvu>l:i| I. <l a,k to Madras.

ll A Kl Ht ISlMllbtVII*" ?. i.« I RS sLNAbAc-is roers 21. «,»R4L>-in i's*-.firm, il lt!ti lina.Sow twit. .. !- M'.iti'M-. II?lev* ¦».. s .,) ireulas. f:Vi

roRTuI R.CMMO!«ll.(lt fOBBB ii. ISSI.eslLBP.

Sltasair Arl,!. i.iSord. Sui .1 t'dtej SsalM¦BSll, satif Siaai ,. aaa naatwu*t*rs. L. U. Talaat,*'"

itbiis* MiiUiew ransJ, laroe,. Rio MJsoetrs.Bet*! venal., -nut a Parker.

v«|. er.,-1 ' --" Am*: sheri.,a,i. BayBBM (BBttStwt'k.tiivr.ted raiail sssli »**.«.>. (arti* A

**' I s'.'t,,' y. H. a. Rrook*. Ri*.**. ( b.sS»h*B,lByrl*er la .wad Be*a*ai wv*dft>r WttaHB(toti: te-^at,tu,-* A f*-.. ¦!.s,t.*,,i er t i niel,ii* Sea I lit. Huntley.

1; B«i*:ntiit to ead pla* wand far Raw Vaia.

--.! rtii:i cv siwrtiRiw «. ieee.I By leletjrn.B.1

ABBI* Bl'.Mtion BM IM..B.,, Bul*. Sea Tori., aad tailed

ia wm r> .ni.aaiLBii.

-,etv...inp I1.'ait t,'el. Serf*t*thl|i>.i,rlaauliass Url l*b!,l.iv. hie-

ii frw'"'!'a. l..s'B*r H. H. Hsai.H. Hi.t-ts-l. Ml lai.-v.*rb« < ai r Ifyiag Vsd. siraasiB». Wt ia Iaa aa,

I)*,., is-'piar RtasaV_.*Vas-aaaBBBBje«B^^


oiArAUB ri^Vt-s-itiv-^*^