richard dawkins vs. stephen jay gould:

Pioneering Thoughts in Evolution and Natural Selection RICHARD DAWKINS VS. STEPHEN JAY GOULD:

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Richard dawkins vs. Stephen jay Gould:. Pioneering T houghts in Evolution and Natural Selection. Acceptance of the theory. Gallup Polls from 1980-2000s Only 55% of people in America accept the theory of evolution as true - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Richard dawkins vs. Stephen jay Gould:

Pioneering Thoughts in Evolution and Natural Selection



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Gallup Polls from 1980-2000s Only 55% of people in America accept the theory of

evolution as true 45% agree that a higher power “created human beings

pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years or so.”

“Evolution could easily be disproved if just a single fossil turned up in the wrong date order. Evolution has passed with flying colors”

- Richard Dawkins


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The Theory of Evolution: Scientific theory based on fact and observation that

explains the biological change in populations over time.

Natural Selection: Process in which specific traits become more or less

common in a population. This results in evolution (survival of the fittest)

Four components: More offspring are produced that can survive Offspring exhibit variation – some of which is inheritable Competition for access to resources Variation leads to differential survival and reproduction


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Richard Dawkins Evolutionary

Biologist,Ethologist, Advocate for Atheism, and Author (The God Delusion, Climbing Mount Improbable)

Believes that natural selection explains every observation in evolutionary biology


Stephen Jay Gould Paleontologist,

Evolutionary Biologist, Historian of Science, and Author (Ever Since Darwin, Ontogeny and Phylogeny)

Believes there are are more theories other than natural selection that explain evolution.

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“Gould and God” by Jerry A. Coyne

Observes the personal views of both Richard Dawkins and Stephen Jay Gould

Focuses mostly on Gould’s beliefs and work Gould believes that evolutionary processes today are

different than the evolutionary processes that gave rise start to the rise of life on Earth

Coyne, Jerry A. “Gould and God.” Nature 433.6934 (2003): 813-4. ProQuest Research Library. PROQUESTMS. 14 Nov. 2012


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“Evolutionary Thought in America” edited by Stow Persons Collection of lectures delivered at an undergraduate conference

of the American Civilization Program at Princeton University Used to get a better understanding of evolution and natural

selection Includes articles such as “The Rise and Impact of Evolutionary

Ideas” by Robert Scoon, “Evolution in it’s Relation to the Philosophy of Nature” by F.S.C Nothrop, and “The Genetic Nature of Differences Among Men” by Theodosius Dobzhansky.

Persons, Stow. And Princeton University. Program of Study in American Civi l ization. Evolutionary Thought in America /[Edited for the special program in American Civi l ization at Princeton University] Yale University Press, New Haven: 1950


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“Dawkins Vs. Gould: Survival of the Fittest” by Kim Sterelny

Looks deeper into the differences in Dawkins’ and Gould’s ideas and past the main controversy

Examines the impact of both biologists’ deep-rooted personal beliefs and the influence they both have on society

“Can selection happen for a species as a whole or does it only affect individuals?”

Gould’s invention of “extrapolationsim”

Sterelny, Kim. Dawkins Vs. Gould: Survival of the Fittest. New York: Totem Books, 2001. Print.


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How do the ideas of Richard Dawkins and Stephen Jay Gould differ, and what influence do they have on the scientific community?


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Thank you for listening.
