rhythm in act 2, scene 2

Working out the rhythm of Shakespeare’s lines. This is how you work out the rhythm of the lines in Shakespeare and the EFFECT of the rhythm. 1. In pairs, read these passages out aloud. 2. Work out what the lines mean using the 5Ws: who is speaking? What are they saying? What is the situation at that moment? 3. Re-read the lines and work out where the soft and heavy stresses come in the line, and write a – above a soft stress and a X above a heavy stress. 4. Try and work out what the effect of the beats in the lines are; is there a rising beat? Or a falling beat? Is there a regular pattern of beats or an irregular rhythm? Think about the effect of the rhythm and the words that the rhythm makes you think more about. All literary techniques are there to DRAW ATTENTION to key ideas, thoughts, feelings. 5. There are two main types of rhythm, RISING and FALLING. RISING rhythms are created by iambs (di- DUM) and anapests (di-di-DUM) and often indicate a positive attitude or mood, an optimistic outlook, a sense of hope, FALLING rhythms are created by trochees (DUM-di) and anapests (DUM-di-di) and often create a sense of things being irregular, things being uncertain, possibly worried and anxious. 6. Work out what important words or images that the rhythm draws attention to. Discuss why the rhythm draws attention to these words. 7. Mostly Shakespeare wrote in iambic pentameter (di- DUM FIVE times, ie FIVE rising beats and ten syllables) but he does vary his rhythm quite a lot to create interest in certain words, or to create certain moods. You have to work out what the rhythm makes you FEEL and THINK… In a nutshell: read the lines, work out the rhythm, and discuss the EFFECT of the rhythm like I’ve done in answer for MODEL 1. 1

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Post on 01-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Rhythm in act 2, scene 2

Working out the rhythm of Shakespeare’s lines.

This is how you work out the rhythm of the lines in Shakespeare and the EFFECT of the rhythm.

1. In pairs, read these passages out aloud.2. Work out what the lines mean using the 5Ws: who is speaking?

What are they saying? What is the situation at that moment? 3. Re-read the lines and work out where the soft and heavy stresses

come in the line, and write a – above a soft stress and a X above a heavy stress.

4. Try and work out what the effect of the beats in the lines are; is there a rising beat? Or a falling beat? Is there a regular pattern of beats or an irregular rhythm? Think about the effect of the rhythm and the words that the rhythm makes you think more about. All literary techniques are there to DRAW ATTENTION to key ideas, thoughts, feelings.

5. There are two main types of rhythm, RISING and FALLING. RISING rhythms are created by iambs (di-DUM) and anapests (di-di-DUM) and often indicate a positive attitude or mood, an optimistic outlook, a sense of hope, FALLING rhythms are created by trochees (DUM-di) and anapests (DUM-di-di) and often create a sense of things being irregular, things being uncertain, possibly worried and anxious.

6. Work out what important words or images that the rhythm draws attention to. Discuss why the rhythm draws attention to these words.

7. Mostly Shakespeare wrote in iambic pentameter (di-DUM FIVE times, ie FIVE rising beats and ten syllables) but he does vary his rhythm quite a lot to create interest in certain words, or to create certain moods. You have to work out what the rhythm makes you FEEL and THINK…

In a nutshell: read the lines, work out the rhythm, and discuss the EFFECT of

the rhythm like I’ve done in answer for MODEL 1.



nothing. WHAT of THAT?

Her eye discourses. I will answer it.—

I am too bold. 'Tis not to me she speaks.


Page 2: Rhythm in act 2, scene 2

MODEL answer for line 1:

“Notice how this first line has a very irregular pattern. Romeo starts the line with an iamb, she SPEAKS; he begins with a sense of hope, but the next part of the line has a pause in it, created by the comma, followed by a trochee – YET she – which creates a falling, anxious mood, which underlined by the dactyl that follows “SAYS nothing”. His question that follows “what of that?” is irregular in rhythm too. Overall, the line is very irregular – it is hardly iambic at all; the line mirrors his uncertain, anxious mood. He is looking up at Juliet and seeing her speaking to herself, but can’t work out who or what she is talking about. The line is full of dramatic pauses and uncertainly. The rhythm of the line reveals his worry about whether she is really thinking about him.”


See how she leans her cheek upon her hand.

Oh, that I were a glove upon that hand

That I might touch that cheek!


O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?

Deny thy father and refuse thy name.


What man art thou that, thus bescreened in night,

So stumblest on my counsel?


How camest thou hither, tell me, and wherefore?

The orchard walls are high and hard to climb,

And the place death, considering who thou art,


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If any of my kinsmen find thee here.


With love’s light wings did I o'erperch these walls,

For stony limits cannot hold love out,

And what love can do, that dares love attempt.

Therefore thy kinsmen are no stop to me.


Dost thou love me? I know thou wilt say “ay,”

And I will take thy word. Yet if thou swear’st

Thou mayst prove false. At lovers' perjuries,

They say, Jove laughs. O gentle Romeo,

If thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully.


Lady, by yonder blessèd moon I vow,

That tips with silver all these fruit-tree tops—


What shall I swear by?


     Do not swear at all.


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Or, if thou wilt, swear by thy gracious self,

Which is the god of my idolatry,

And I’ll believe thee.


O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?


What satisfaction canst thou have tonight?


Th' exchange of thy love’s faithful vow for mine.


My bounty is as boundless as the sea,

My love as deep. The more I give to thee,

The more I have, for both are infinite.


If that thy bent of love be honorable,

Thy purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow

By one that I’ll procure to come to thee

Where and what time thou wilt perform the rite,

And all my fortunes at thy foot I’ll lay

And follow thee my lord throughout the world.