r?housing development finance corporation ltd, · for housing development finance corporation ltd....

- I 2- OCT- ^^i fP Regd. Wt^^fRammH<Hi se,^ ' t ogetherwilh fur ther int er est ^ 18% p. a. as applicabl e, i nci dental expenses, costs,harges etc. i ncurred up t ot he date of paymentand/ or reali sat ion ther eof. To t oe best of knowl edge and i nf ormat ion of t oe Aut horized Offi cer of HDFC Ltd, ther e ar e no encumbr ances i n r espect of the above i mmovable proper t ies Secured Assets save and except f or the proper t y/l oan account ment i oned at S. No^ 14 2 above, wherei n the borrowers/occupants have removed t in t ennect i ng/common wall between both the f iats/proper t ies ment i oned at S. No. 1 &2 ( bot h Rat s/pr oper t i es bei ng adjacent / adjoining each other), f or proper tymenti onedat S.No.3 abovecer t ain amount i s payabl e to the buii der UAnsa! Lot os Mel ange Pr oj ect s Pvt Ltd ( t owards Basi ccost) and t hesameshall r epai d to the Buil der by HDFC Ltd out of t oe sal e consi deration recei ved underthe present Tender Sal e Notice. Any other dues/ charges i ncludi ng but not limited t o Transfer /Regi st rat i on Charges wi ll have t o be borne/ pai d by t oe purchaser herei n. f or property/ l oan account mentioned atS.No.4above, t he Legal Hei rs/ Repr esentati ves of t oe deceased borrower(Lat e.Sh. Sat pal ) have ff leda Civil Suit ( CS No. 1432/ 19^ Moni ka & others vs HDFC Ltd & others) i n t oe Distr i ct Court at Kama! . The sal e herei n shall be subj ect to fi nal outcome and/or order s / dir ect i ons etc as may be passed by t he Hor i bl e Court . As on dat ethere i s no order r estrai ni ng HDFC Ltd or i ts Aut horized Officer fr om sett ing/alienat i ng t he pert i nent pr oper ty. Last datefor submi ssi onofSeal cdTendersi s13.11. 2Q19 bef or e05: 15PM. quer i es, l nt er e5tedbuyer5maycont act Mr. VaibhavSinghTar aat0172- 6761040or Mob.No.97B0516300 For Housing Devel opment Finance Corporat i on Ltd. Date: 13.10. 2019Sd/- 3l ace: ChandiaarhAut hor ised Off i cer Khewal No. 929/ 885, Khatoni No. 1113 as per Jamabandi f or t he year 1998- 99, __ Jundi a, Tehsil & Di stri ct Kama! regi st er ed i n the name of Sh. Sat pal S/o Sh. Dharam Singh vi de Sal e Deed dat ed 14. 05.2008 bear ing vasi ka no. 1248.The propert y can al so be ident ified as House No. Smt . Reena Dew W/o Late Sh. Satpal ( Co- borr ower and al so l egal hei r/representati ve of deceased borrower i/ .e Lat e Sh. Satpal ), Smt . Moni ka D/o Late Sh. Sat pal , Kumar i . Ri ya Devi D/o Late. Sh. Satpal (thr ough Smt . Reena Devi/Smt Moni ka} , Mast er. Ntshant S/o Late. Sh. Satpal (t hrough Smt . Reena Devi/ Smt. Monika), i n t heir capaci t y as thej gga! hei rs/ representati ves of Late. Sh. Satpal, All Rs/o^ Vill age Jundfa, Di stri ct Kama). Al so f or the at tent ion of ot her known & unknown l egal hei rs / representatives / assi gns/ successors of Late. Sh. Sat pai. A/ c Nos 615000441, 6150033658615003640, s out to 6- 18/30 Marias ( appr oxi mat ely 197.79 Squj 18 Marias, kitt e 6, whi ch c Rs. 14.11. a) 250000/- 1 at 12: 30 Pl ot al ong with constr uct i on thereon, Physi cal I Rs I both present and fut ur e measuri ng |2500000/-| 197.79 Squar e Yards i. e 6-18/30/618 Shar e of t otal l and n KARNAL REGION it No. 904 ( aiong wi t h construct i on Physi c^^T Rs. thereon, both pr esent and fut ure) ,| 2S000Q0/ -| 2 9t h Root, Tower No. 5 measuring 1324 Sg (approx and subsequent l y i ncreased to 1405 Sq. Ft) Ft in buil ding call ed Orchard County (Ansal Lot us Melange) , situated at Kharar- Landran Road Seet or-115, Mohali, Punjab all otted in favour of Smt. Gaganji t Kaur W/ o Sh. Gurpr eet Si ngh S/o Sh.Manmohan Singh vide all ot ment l ett er dated 23.12. 2011 Rs. 2372358/- Smt . Gaganjit Kaur W/o Sh. Gur preet Singh ( Borrower ) and Sh. Gurpr eet Si ngh S/o Sh. Manmohan Si ngh ( Co- Borrower) R/o; House No- 2470, Phase 10, Mohaii -140301 A/c No: 603209265, MOHALI REGI ON Sector -20, Panchkuiai n t he name of Sh. Kuideep Soni S/o Sh. Ram Chander Soni Rs. 14.117013 I 770000/- j at 11: 00 Ml Fl at No. 603, The T^rupati Co- Op Physical! GroupHousingSociet yLtd, GH- 104G, U Sh. Kuldeep Soni S/o Sh. Ram Ghander Soni (Borrower) Smt . Sanj u Soni W/o Sh. Kul deep Soni ( Co-Borr ower ) C/o:K Soni Buil ders & Promoters Pvt . Ltd SCF No. 6, Merri gold Compl ex, Opposit e Sunny Encl ave Chajj umaj ra Road, Khar ar- 140301 Af c No: 600890161". ' Rf i. 4709746/- Housing Soci ety Li mit ed, GH-104-G, Sect or 20 Panchkuia i r Radhey Sqni S/o Sh. Ram Chander Soni Sh. Radhey Soni S/o Sh. Ram Chander Soni (Borr ower) and Sh. Ram Chander Soni S/o Sh. Mani Ram Soni ( Co-Borrower). C/o: M/ S Soni Hi tech Bui l ders Pvt Ltd. SCF No. 6, Merrigol d Complek, Opposit e Sunny Encl ave Chajjumajra Road, Khar ar -140301 A/ c Nos: 602513484& 608359079 PANCHKULA REGION Not ice i s hereby given t o Borrowe^s) / Mor tgago^s) / l egal hats, l egal repr esentatives (whether known or unknown) , execut o^s) , adr oi nistrat or f s), successor^ and assi gn( s) of the respect ive Bonower( s) 7MQrtgagor(s}(since deceased), as the case may be, indicat ed i n Column ( A) under Rul e 6( 6) of t oe Security I nteres (Enf orcement ) Rules 2002. r? HOUSI NG DEVELOPMENT FI NANCE CORPORATION LTD, "f BRANCH: SCO 153- 155, SECTOR 8-C, MADHYA MARG, CHANDIGARH- 160008 Tel: -0172-6761000 CI N L70100MH1977PLC019916 WEBSITE: www.hdf c. com TENDER SALE NOTI Tender Sal e Noti ce f or sal e of I mmovabl e Assets under t he Secur i t i sat i on and Reconst ruct i on er f Fi nancial Assets and Enf orcement of Secur ity I nter est Act 200: read with pr ovi so to Rute8( 6}off oeSecur i ty Interest ( Enf orcement ) Rules. 2002. Not ice is hereby gi ven t o t oe public i n general and i n pa rticui ar to t oe Borrower( s) /Mor tgagor ( s) / legal hei rs, l egal represent at i ves (whether known or unknown) , ( t or t s) , aamlni str atorf s) , successo^s) and assign(s) of t oe respect ive Botr ower f s) / Mor tgagorf sHsi nce deceased), as t oe ease- . may be, indi cated in J-^-J =^ '"--' -- =- - =-^> ^A ^ar aed t o tne 6cured Cr edi t or, t oe const ruct i ve/ Li mited Corps, conveying his appr eci a ti on and compli ment's t o al l ranks for t heir pr of essi onali sm and steadfast dedi cation t o duty in the service of the nation, " the spokesper son sai d. " tary st at i on t o pay tri butes t o t he soldier s who have made supr eme sacr i fi ce for t he nat i on, he sai d. Sangha al so addr essed t he t r oops of t he Whi t e Kni ght Lt Gen Paramji t Si ngh Sangha ( l ef t) hands over t he charge of Whit e Ni ght Cor ps t o Lt Gen Harsha Gupta in Jammu on Sat urday, ht photo prs^pid l ways o^ coniDa t hwart t he nef ar i ous desi gns of enemy andinimi cal f or ces wit h excell ent syner gy bet ween the army, ci vi l admi ni str at i on and t he par ami l i tar y f or ces, sai d defence spokesperson Lt Col Devender Anand. Earlier , bef or e relinqui shing t he command, Lt Gen Sangha l ai d a wr eat h at 'Ashwamedh Shaurya St hal ' in Nagr ota mili - 8pmonbriaayalt er tnen)aawas cleared for one- way traff i c but a f resh landslide again forced t he closure of the highway this mom- ing. " Ef f ort s ar e underway t o restor e the hi ghway, the off icial said, addingthatno vehi cles were str anded on the hi ghway. The road cl earance operationis going on in full swing and the hi ghway is expect ed t o reopen for traff i c later in the day. ht c

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Page 1: r?HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION LTD, · For Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd. Date: 13.10.2019Sd/-3lace: ChandiaarhAuthorised Officer Khewal No. 929/885, Khatoni

- I2-OCT-


'togetherwilh further interest^ 18% p.a. as applicable, incidental expenses,costs,€harges etc. incurred up tothe date of paymentand/or realisation thereof.To toe best of knowledge and information of toe Authorized Officer of HDFC Ltd, there are no encumbrances in respect of the above immovable propertiesSecured Assets save and except for the property/loan account mentioned at S.No^ 14 2 above, wherein the borrowers/occupants have removed tintennecting/common wall between both the fiats/properties mentioned at S. No. 1 & 2 (both Rats/properties being adjacent/adjoining each other),forpropertymentionedatS.No.3 abovecertain amount is payable to the buiiderUAnsa! Lotos Melange Projects Pvt Ltd (towards Basiccost) and thesameshallrepaid to the Builder by HDFC Ltd out of toe sale consideration received underthe present Tender Sale Notice. Any other dues/charges including but not l imited toTransfer/Registration Charges will have to be borne/paid by toe purchaser herein.for property/loan account mentioned atS.No.4above, the Legal Heirs/Representatives of toe deceased borrower(Late.Sh. Satpal) have ffleda Civil Suit (CS No.1432/19^ Monika & others vs HDFC Ltd & others) in toe District Court at Kama!. The sale herein shall be subject to final outcome and/or orders /directions etc as

may be passed by the Horible Court. As on datethere is no order restraining HDFC Ltd or its Authorized Officer from setting/alienating the pertinent property.LastdateforsubmissionofSealcdTendersis13.11.2Q19 before05:15PM.

queries, lntere5tedbuyer5maycontactMr.VaibhavSinghTaraat0172-6761040orMob.No.97B0516300For Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd.

Date: 13.10.2019Sd/-3lace: ChandiaarhAuthorised Officer

Khewal No. 929/885, Khatoni No. 1113 as per Jamabandi for the year 1998-99, __Jundia, Tehsil & District Kama! registered in the name of Sh. Satpal S/o Sh. Dharam Singh vide SaleDeed dated 14.05.2008 bearing vasika no. 1248.The property can also be identified as House No.

Smt. Reena Dew W/o Late Sh. Satpal (Co-borrower and also legal heir/representative ofdeceased borrower i/.e Late Sh. Satpal), Smt.Monika D/o Late Sh. Satpal, Kumari. Riya Devi D/oLate. Sh. Satpal (through Smt. Reena Devi/SmtMonika} , Master. Ntshant S/o Late. Sh. Satpal(through Smt. Reena Devi/Smt. Monika), in theircapacity as thejgga! heirs/representatives of Late.Sh. Satpal, All Rs/o^ Village Jundfa, District Kama). Also for the attention of other known & unknown legal heirs / representatives / assigns/successors of Late. Sh. Satpai.A/c Nos 615000441,6150033658615003640,

s out to 6-18/30 Marias (approximately 197.79 Squj18 Marias, kitte 6, which c

Rs. 14.11.a)250000/-1 at 12:30

Plot along with construction thereon, Physical I Rs Iboth present and future measuring |2500000/-|197.79 Square Yards i.e 6-18/30/618 Share of total land n


it No.904 (aiong with construction Physic^^T Rs.thereon, both present and future),|2S000Q0/-| 29th Root, Tower No.5 measuring 1324 Sg (approx and subsequently increased to

1405 Sq. Ft) Ft in building called Orchard County (Ansal Lotus Melange), situated at Kharar-LandranRoad Seetor-115, Mohali, Punjab allotted in favour of Smt. Gaganjit Kaur W/o Sh.Gurpreet Singh S/oSh.Manmohan Singh vide allotment letter dated 23.12.2011

Rs. 2372358/-Smt. Gaganjit Kaur W/o Sh. Gurpreet Singh(Borrower) and Sh. Gurpreet Singh S/o Sh.Manmohan Singh (Co-Borrower) R/o; House No-2470, Phase 10, Mohaii-140301A/c No: 603209265,


Sector -20, Panchkuiain the name of Sh. Kuideep Soni S/o Sh. Ram Chander Soni

Rs. 14.117013•I 770000/-j at 11:00 Ml

Flat No. 603, The T^rupati Co-Op Physical!GroupHousingSocietyLtd,GH-104G,USh. Kuldeep Soni S/o Sh. Ram Ghander Soni

(Borrower) Smt. Sanju Soni W/o Sh. Kuldeep Soni(Co-Borrower) C/o:K Soni Builders & PromotersPvt. Ltd SCF No. 6, Merrigold Complex, Opposite Sunny Enclave Chajjumajra Road, Kharar-140301Afc No: 600890161". '

Rfi. 4709746/-

Housing Society Limited, GH-104-G, Sector 20 Panchkuia irRadhey Sqni S/o Sh. Ram Chander Soni

Sh. Radhey Soni S/o Sh. Ram Chander Soni(Borrower) and Sh. Ram Chander Soni S/o Sh.Mani Ram Soni (Co-Borrower). C/o: M/S SoniHitech Builders Pvt Ltd. SCF No. 6, MerrigoldComplek, Opposite Sunny Enclave Chajjumajra Road, Kharar-140301A/c Nos: 602513484& 608359079


Notice is hereby given to Borrowe^s)/Mortgago^s)/ legal hats, legal representatives (whether known orunknown), executo^s), adroinistratorfs), successor^and assign(s) of the respective Bonower(s)7MQrtgagor(s}(since deceased), as the case may be, indicated in Column (A) under Rule 6(6) of toe Security Interes(Enforcement) Rules 2002.


Tel:-0172-6761000 CIN L70100MH1977PLC019916 WEBSITE: www.hdfc.comTENDER SALE NOTI

Tender Sale Notice for sale of Immovable Assets under the Securitisation and Reconstruction erf Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act 200:read with proviso to Rute8(6}offoeSecurity Interest (Enforcement) Rules.2002.Notice is hereby given to toe public in general and in pa rticuiarto toe Borrower(s)/Mortgagor(s)/ legal heirs, legal representatives (whether known or unknown),

(torts), aamlnistratorfs), successo^s) and assign(s) of toe respective Botrowerfs) / MortgagorfsHsince deceased), as toe ease-.may be, indicated inJ—-^-J =^ •'"--' —--=•-- =-^> —^A ^araed to tne 6cured Creditor, toe constructive/Limited

Corps, conveying his appreciation and compliment's to allranks for their professionalismand steadfast dedication to dutyin the service of the nation," thespokesperson said. "

tary station to pay tributes tothe soldiers who have madesupreme sacrifice for thenation, he said.

Sangha also addressed thetroops of the White Knight

Lt Gen Paramjit Singh Sangha (left) hands over the charge of WhiteNight Corps to Lt Gen Harsha Gupta in Jammu on Saturday, ht photo

prs^pidlways o^ coniDa

thwart the nefarious designs ofenemy andinimical forces withexcellent synergy between thearmy, civil administration andthe paramilitary forces, saiddefence spokesperson Lt ColDevenderAnand.

Earlier, before relinquishingthe command, Lt Gen Sanghalaid a wreath at 'AshwamedhShaurya Sthal' in Nagrota mili-

8pm on briaay altertne n)aa wascleared for one-way traffic but afresh landslide again forced theclosure of the high way this mom-ing." Efforts are underway torestore the highway, the officialsaid, addingthatno vehicles werestranded on the highway. Theroad clearance operationis goingon in full swing and the highwayis expected to reopen for trafficlater in the day.htc

Page 2: r?HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION LTD, · For Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd. Date: 13.10.2019Sd/-3lace: ChandiaarhAuthorised Officer Khewal No. 929/885, Khatoni
Page 3: r?HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION LTD, · For Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd. Date: 13.10.2019Sd/-3lace: ChandiaarhAuthorised Officer Khewal No. 929/885, Khatoni



1.The particulars in respect of the Immovable Property(ies) / Secured Asset(s) specified hereinabove have beenstated to the best of the information and knowledge of the Authorised Officer/ HDFC Ltd.

2.However, the Authorised Officer / HDFC Ltd shall not be responsible for any error, misstatement or omissionin the said particulars. The Bidders are therefore requested in their own interest, to satisfy themselves withregard to the above and all other relevant details / material information pertaining to the abovementionedImmovable Property(ies) / Secured Asset(s), before submitting the bids.

3.Statutory dues like property taxes / cess and transfer charges, arrears of electricity dues, arrears of watercharges and other charges known and unknown in respect to the secured assets being sold, shall beascertained by the Bidder beforehand and the payment of the same shall be the responsibility of the buyerof Secured Assets.

4.Wherever applicable, it is the responsibility of buyer of Secured Assets to deduct tax at source (TDS) @ of 1%of the total sale consideration on behalf of the resident owner (seller) on the transfer of immovable propertyhaving consideration equal to Rs.50 Lakh and above and deposit the same with appropriate authority u/s194 I/A of Income Tax Act.

5.Sale is strictly subject to the Terms, Conditions and Disclaimers stipulated in the prescribed TenderDocument, Offer Acceptance Letter, Public Notice , terms and conditions mentioned hereinbelow and anyother related documents.

6.The Tender Document can be collected / obtained from the Authorized Officer of Housing DevelopmentFinance Corporation Limited (HDFC Ltd) having his office at SCO No. 143-144, First Floor, Sector 8-C,Madhya Marg, Chandigarh on any working day during office hours.

7.The Tender Document will also be available at site on the respective date fixed for inspection of theImmovable Property(ies) /Secured Asset(s).

8.Property(ies) / Secured Asset(s) shall be available for inspection on 05.11.2019 between 11: 00 A.M and05:00 P.M.

9.For any assistance related to inspection of the property, or for obtaining the Tender Document and for anyother queries, please get in touch with Mr. Vaibhav Singh Tara at 0172-6761040 or 9780516300.

10.Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) amount as mentioned above shall be deposited by the Tenderer throughDemand Draft / Pay Order in Favour of "HDFC Limited" payable at par in sealed envelope along with theTender Document and shall be submitted at SCO No. 143-144, Sector 8-C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh.

11.The offer amount (to be mentioned in Tender Document) shall be above Reserve Price.

12.The last date of submission of Tender in prescribed Tender Document with all necessary documents andEMD in stipulated manner is 13.11.2019 before 05:15 PM.

S.C.0.153-155, Sector-8C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh 160 008.Tel.: 6761000. Fax: 0172-2724860.Regd. Office: Ramon House, H T Parekh Marg, 169, Backbay Reclamation, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020.Corporate Identity Numbet: L70100MH1977PLC019916

Page 4: r?HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION LTD, · For Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd. Date: 13.10.2019Sd/-3lace: ChandiaarhAuthorised Officer Khewal No. 929/885, Khatoni

S.C.0.153-155, Sector-SC, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh 160 008.Tel.: 6761000. Fax: 0172-2724860.Regd. Office: Ramon House, H T Parekh Marg, 169, Backbay Reclamation, Chnrchgate, Mumbai 400 020.Corporate Idendty Number: L70100MH1977PLC019916


www.hdfc.com13.Incomplete Tender Document or inadequate EMD amount or Tenders received after the date indicated at

Sr. No 12 hereinabove shall be treated as invalid.

14.Conditional offers shall also be treated as invalid.

15.The Tenders will be opened on the date and time mentioned hereinabove in Column (G) In the presence ofthe Authorised Officer at HDFC Ltd. SCO No. 143-144, First Floor, Sector 8-C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh.

16.The Immovable Property(ies) / Secured Asset(s) shall not be sold below the Reserve Price.

17.On sale of the property, the purchaser shall not have any claim of whatsoever nature against HDFC Ltd or itsAuthorised Officer.

18.It shall be at the discretion of the Authorised officer to cancel the Tender proceedings for any reason andreturn the EMD submitted and HDFC Ltd will not entertain any claim or representation in that regard fromthe bidders.

19.The Authorized officer has the absolute right to accept or reject the highest and / or all Bid(s) or postpone

or cancel the sale, as the case may be without assigning any reasons thereof and also to modify any of theterms and condition of this sale without prior notice.

20.The sale shall be conferred on the highest bidder subject to confirmation by Secured Creditor i.e. HDFC Ltd.

21.EMD of successful tenderer shall be adjusted and for all other unsuccessful tenderers , the same shall berefunded within 10 days from Tender opening date. The Earnest money deposit will not carry any interest.

22.Along with Tender Document the Bidder(s) should also attach his/her photo identity proof such as copy ofthe Aadhar Card (UID), passport, election commission card, ration card, driving license, copy of the PANcard issued by the Income Tax department etc. and the proof of residence countersigned by the bidderherself/himself.

23.The successful bidder shall be required to pay 25% of the offer amount (including the amount of EMD)immediately i.e. on the same day or not later than next working day, as the case may be (as per theamended provisions of Rule 9(3) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002) on confirmationofoffer acceptance by HDFC Ltd, failing which the EMD amount remitted will stand forfeited. The balance75% of offer amount shall be paid within 15 days of confirmation of sale by the Authorised officer. If thebalance amount is not remitted within stipulated time the amount of 25% will stand forfeited as per theamended provisions of Rule 9(4) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002.


Page 5: r?HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION LTD, · For Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd. Date: 13.10.2019Sd/-3lace: ChandiaarhAuthorised Officer Khewal No. 929/885, Khatoni

S.C.0.153-155, Sector-8C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh 160 008.Tel.: 6761000. Fax: 0172-2724860.Regd. Office: Ramon House, H T Parekh Marg, 169, Backbay Reclamation, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020.Corporate Identity Number: L70100MH1977PLC019916

Date: 13.10.2019Place: Chandigarh

For Housing Development Finan^e Corporation Ltd.IC



To the best of knowledge and information of the Authorized Officer of HDFC Ltd, there are no otherencumbrances / claims in respect of the above immovable property / Secured Asset save and exceptwhat is disclosed hereinbelow.

1. For property/loan account, mentioned at S.No.3 (Hindustan Times) & S.No. 1 (Rozana Spokesman),above, certain amount is payable to the builder i.e Ansal Lotus Melange Projects Pvt Ltd (towardsBasic cost only) and the same shall be paid to the Builder by HDFC Ltd out of the sale considerationreceived under the present Tender Sale Notice. Any other dues/charges including but not limited toTransfer/Registration Charges will have to be borne/paid by the purchaser herein.

Successful bidders / purchasers shall not have any recourse against HDFC Ltd. on any groundwhatsoever including but not limited to the above. Hence, it will be in the interest of theprospective purchasers / bidders to apprise themselves of all material facts which mayinfluence their decision before submitting tenders and/or making offers.


Prospective Purchasers at large are hereby informed that HDFC Ltd and its Authorized Officer does not deal incash transaction with respect to Immovable Properties mentioned in the Tender Sale Notice.

The name and contact details of the agency / broker, if any, authorized by HDFC Ltd to deal with sale ofImmovable property can be obtained only from the office of HDFC Ltd at the address mentioned above.