rhe daily dispatch. daily dispatch.diallyinvite the co-operation of tlios« musical smi-ttart who n...


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Page 1: rHE DAILY DISPATCH. DAILY DISPATCH.diallyinvite the co-operation of tlios« musical smi-ttart who n ay hedi»possd to unite with u* from the i j.-imidiceni n' of our next session



tr Tl>e PnliT O!? patch U*erv«d to nMbm.77* ako a cmtraMta whi,myn.HU toiL Carrier Prle* for »4 ? year, or

£1 *> for six months 1* advanaa."

Th« Wfehly Dltjmtrh tilane* mij W»4>T mailed t«> rabneriber* at ?! perunn

watcheb and jbwblry

u >i(Tl('li...Thesnbsrrlbrr wouldjfl\ r»»r»ctfully inform hi* cn«tomer» and1 (j,p pnKic generally. that he hs* jn»t re-

A .*fa<?rwei< fr#-r> the North »Uh a beautiful »?-*" -'cf W \TCHE* (Gold and Silver) ami J KW.

!R> ( ''very d-scription, which can he bought on\u25a0 onable term* a» atanyo:her establishment in

rjr I'.. *»<\u25a0 ca'l and exam'no.. i) \ aIH> KERSEY. No. 16 Wert Main at,

A few doors below the St Chailes Hotel.

-s tr»l. .1. HAK I' II « » OiUKW,VRACTIOAL WATCH MAKER, oomer

Djy , f Eleventh snd Main *»reeta. requests theo( s!"<o*er* vuiti»g th* cify. to

. (hit. lie g! v/>« hi« entire attention to RE-\ i RIX O , e*«lu»'velv Every description of

. i lock* and Jewelry. repaired as well and.-i rate terms as any other house in theciiy.

ni V 1 over twentyyeareexnerienceat hi* trada,> \u25a0 i, F'«i*nii and the United Sta'e*. he i« war-

\u25a0 inss'urtng aatisfac ion to ail who maf patronAU he »sks isa trial.

WM J. BARTHOLOMEW,\\ »!c'' r.r. i Clock Maker, cor. Main and lltli s's.,

H-.-t* iiesriy opposite the American Hotel.

*j > KW J KVVlil.lt\ f- ?tiSTORK SI:*N OK THE

3 (SOLD EAGLE. No.AL&Msin Sraer-T.?UILL k WKIDEMEYER' " . rederick*burg. Va.. have just received a new

.1 rtoid and Silver WATCHES; Breast Pin*;\u25a0e; K'.nits: Ladies' Chatelaius; Gentlemen*' Fob

til id and Silver Pens and Pencils; Gold and-

-r Thirch'es; Gold. Silver end Steel Spectacles;v . s. u: Cups; Spoons; Butter Knives; PortV #: (. S liOases; Match Boxes and every article\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' ? ?'\u25a0« Jeweiry and Silver line, for si.!e on reasona-

terms. a«d warranted as represented.\ WATCHES of ail kinds repaired and war-

ts:- - fit to peiiorm well; also. Jewelry of every de-?r. repaired at short notice.



piS J watches and jewelry,JxsJjfa (Wholesaleand retail, No. SR Main street,);< l v. receivings large end elegsnt assortment of? « 'a v rve articles, and will offer this Kail the greatest

. . ? s that ba* ever been offered :n this city; aod. ~\u25a0) antswho wish to purchnss, he would inform

n»t articles can be had in hi* establishment as, u *? sty hense in the Northern cities.

Gold ftetached Levers, 13 Jewel*, $21 00Gjld Hunting do do SO 00

r>o do Patent do do 4-5 00SilverLever*, 11 00Gold Guards, 10 00(J ,d Prncils; Silver Table and TeaSpoon*(Jolfl Neck,Fob and Waist Chains of various pat-

ternsGold Lockets, and Jewelry of all kinds

Tu be had cheap, at the old established store ofLEWIS HYMAN,

se S?lra No. 98 Main st.


rjMIE UEVKKE 1101/SB, corner ofFran-I in ana 3d streets, will be opened on ibe Ist of

(;_'o'.er next, under the superintendence of Kir.Wharton.

- ,-re*and day boarder* can be comfortably ac-cermiodated. »e 2S-2w'»(IAKDIXJ.?:U«B. JIOKTOJi will take

!i:e two tenement*, on Main street, (formerlyk' »ri !-.s the Edjjemont House.) onthe Ist October,r . i.u prepared t° accommodate families or single, -is >i s by tb; year, on reasonable tern.*.

se I'll? Iw'

\ 'll'K't.-Stveriil ptiMimißt room*, withBo*:v! r;<ay bo had at the B.iar.iiDg House of the

M - s MCS.ft.AY. on Grace, between sth and 6ths'.re-j-.a iliev i:avinjr concluded to remain at their pre-c m rrf.dence A few gentlemen cm be accomao-d-!"d aedav boarders. *e 9?t*

?*»TWT\ Fit i-T-Ti ixVUfOKTKDtV*W FALL OOODS.I&r 1856

WM. F. BUTLER,7i) iHnin Street,

? S now receiving per ship Pepperell, at th'» port,» an. J by the ships Progress and Aluscongus, via NewI n, bis usual full suppiy of

CHINA AND EARTHENWARE,of the larest styles and patterns; and from tbe mean-:KCturer* of tins country, a heavy stock of GLAS3W*Rf!. Looking Glasses, Castors ami Fancy Guod*.if treat \ariety, which he oflers to the Trade at lowprices tor Cash, or on the usual credit t.o punctualpat-rs.

fcvery effort will be made to induce the merchantsct \ iri.nia. North Carolina and Tennessee, to maketneir purchases in this market.

ilichmond, Augnst, 1856. su 25?lm' <« IJ N S \\ U,iH,

kk**#s)t 60 Main street, Impoiter of tineGuts, Dxion's Powder flasks Shot

'\u25a0 >». Beds and Pouches; Ely's Cats, Cat-and Wads tine Game Bags, Diinking Flasks

and Lrdtber Cups. Knglisli Gun Powder, and ailspur!:? z goods. German, French and fcngiiah Gnns<\u25a0- ' nice# and qualities Depot for Colt's, Allen's.*1.-. VYbinf's POCKET REVOLVKB3.

GU >s. PISTOLS, AND RIFLES atthe very 1ow-es- ?:I.< »rtii)B and mi-nufacturin* prices. sa 18?2w

? f" K SALli?One fine secondhand TOP BUGGY in good order, which

\u25a0" will be sold low. Enquire atHITCHCOCK & OSBORN'i,

Carriage Repository,_

lw* No. Main street.I AKUIAWES.

I ~>.-Vs<v- The subscriber hason hand, at his Coach?? inkingEstablishment, on Lombard Ai-irj. between Mam and Cary, 'v lStli ttnd I4th street!,)

ii t tha Columbian Hote;. COACHES, CHARIO-ri ,*IS IS AROUCH KS, BUGGIES with and without'? "f - uud SULKIES, all of h:s own make, »f the bestr :a.l«ri*l» and workinanship. All of which will bea. i'las low as good work of the kind can be in thecitj! f Richmond; ujiq I respectfully ask a call from thosein wantof any article in ti:o Carriage lin®, as 1 ain de-ter-Jiiued to make to order and sell at the lowestpnce« possible, and ail work (old, that is new, war-runted.

fe*6-d9m MICA.IAH MANGUM.! lir.KbllV .ifPOINT uud coualiluie* JOHN A. FOSTER, my Agent to transact busi-

i for uie, exclusively fur cash, in thaci'y of Rich-i) in,dor county of Henrico. A.T. BURit

" chmond. Aug 23<1. !>\u25a0*<!. «n ifi ? lm«ri i (i t |. f> I N <J e> , IIKKMKD AMJ U.N.

? !iH K.s>i:i) LL'MBhR.?Beividere Pisnina Mills,<>:\u25a0 '< I; went, south of the Basin, in rear of the Pe-

Dipot.?Pinning. of «ll kinds of lumber,Tuajtuing aod Groving done in the b*-st manner?

Flooring, 8-4,8 4, 5 4 and 4-4 inch thick; Shelv-ing, Partition and Car stuff on hand and for gale.A su, K. auis Timber, Oak Fencing, and building ma-terial ceuerally

buiicers' Moulding?, sixty different patterns, al-w tty« on hir«i.

.'i - 3,a 8. C. ROBINSON.»»' 11, Uis.NOOMiuslui'sale (>UO tiniuirl*v ? led Grates Fenders and Summer Pieces, emi rucine Square Topped, Circle and £.!eptic Patterns'! i. -i<e giu'es are ut my own manufacture, and shallbe sold at the lowest prices, Orders from town andc 'Uuiry promptly a'teaded to. Tin Virginia Met:;ioics' j'tistitute awarded asilver tnedal,the highestI'lemium, to Ham'l I* Denoon for the best speci-mensof Grates and Kenders. Also, for sale a large\u25ba Ik of Bells brass Brick "oulris, ic. ApplyatmyBril and Brass Foundry, No. 225 Main street, be-tw eea Bth and 9th, west side Richmond, Va.

jy.JO?3m' I (he HiiUrioiMiifd, ineui-».r. of the RICHMOND INBTRUMKNTAL

fa l SiCAi, CLLT B, which baa now been in successful< T>"rmi mah at ene suasion under the direction ofw.r V. Bi'sch. feeling much gra;ilied tit his abilityi« t! Coudii-tor and Arranger,take great pleasure ia'eo'.u.uimdiughim to the public,and we hereby cor-dially invite the co-operation of tlios« musical smi-ttart who n ay he di»possd to unite with u* from thei j.-imidiceni n' of our next session. (the l*t of Octo-ber,) and »i*a later, in oraer to make t.hia Club per-manent atd worthy -lie countenanceof a refined andiu'-tMgect cocctiiunity.r?" Apply to Mr. E. Gibbs' AmbrotypsRooms.Coiintbiaa Hall.W. Lkigh Ut'RTOH, Violino Primo.


Khol*C "ADA*' } Vialini Secondi.

?i wo J buy, Viola.P. H (iIBBS, VioU>DCill9.f. S' 1" 1' ,rt"L"V,.H"""O. A. Lkicssgk, Ciarinetto Solo.V. BUSCH, Conductor.

In sddition to the above card, I take pleasure in in-fuiui:n« the i üblic that n Hi"jmj t/oiirly of Am'ri-»\u25a0?»» gentlemen ia about lo le, formed, which, after bav-irs hern sufiicienlly drilled by m«. if going to belir.iteit with the *? Ktclinond Instrumental Muiic< i.ih," «-j that both are lo be considered aa a Pooirty,'twisting of on* Instrumental nod one Vocal sec-tion.

(irntleraen wishing to join the Vocal division, willp ' jsecal! for information at Mr. P K. Glbbs'Am-b/'-'jpe Koottia, Corinthian Hall; at Messrs. Har-lo'.a it Murray's Book and Made Store; and at my'?-» flence, 01 Bank, corner of 1 Ith streets, opposite<>\u25a0 .ddiiT. Hall. OLOf A. fcftlCMOM.se iH ? |in

|/Ott !NAl,t.a Kj.ijoo city of Richmond 6 par cent, loag andshort dates10,wvi liute tit Virginia 6 par e«nt, longand abortdatesl«,UfeO Contra) Bonds

6 viiit Houth Mide Bonds.ii ii-M C. W. fIIRCJSLL 4 CO.

VOL. X--NO. 74.THE DAILY DISPATCH.Vt e«lara<t uy .ilornin«, September iJ4, ISWMi

I.vniAH Massacre o.t the Pi.aixs ? A LadyTake* CoyttPA?The Council Bluff* (Iowa) Bugleha* the following account of a tragedy In themurder and robbery of Col B. W. Babbitt'* trainof governmentproperty, by the Cheyenne ladianaon the Plain*:

On Monday night, the 35th of August, the littletrain with Alexander Nichols, (one of ourcitizens)a* captain and conductor, and Mr*. WiUon and infant, from St. I<oui*, a young man named Orren1 arrinh, a man from Pennsylvania, and another,nameunknown, accompanying, were encampedupon Prairie creek, ten miinaeast from Wood river. neither fearful or dreaming of danger whenthey were suddenly attacked by a band of Cheyennes, (which for some cause bad been attackedaud driven by the soldiers at Kearney.) Orrenl'arrish only escaped uninjured to the fort, whilstthe other young man received a dangerouswoundfrom a bullet in tho leg.

Some day* after, a detachment wa* *ent fromthe fort, (tweuty miles,) who found the dead bodyof Mr. Nichols some tweuty yards from tho wa-gon, also the dead body of the gentleman fromPennsylvania close by, and the dead body of thechild, with its brains dashed out and horribly mu-tilated. The pillow where the child and motherslept was bloody, and a portion of the torn wardrobe of Mrs Wilson on the ground, bnt her bodywas nowhere to be found. The oxen (ten yoke)and all the mules were gone, and the wagonsrifledof much of their contents.

It seems, however, that a band of Omaha hunt-ers happened near just after the murder, and intime to stop the pillageand recover the money andsome other valuables stolen, which were honestlyturned over to the Colonel iu command of thecorps.

Mrs Wilson has doubtless been wounded, andthen carried away captive. The young man whoescaped with a wound, is in the hospital at thefurt; aud the wagons, and what property remained,were also taken to the fort These are the particu-lar?. as far as we cangather them. Ia a fewdayswe Khali, however, no doubt get a full detailed ac-count of the matter from the pen of Mr. Babbitthimself, which we will lay before our readers.The Cheyemies are a warlike and cruel race,numberingseveral thousand, who inhabit a jme ofthe wild aud almost impenetrablevalliea lu thefastnesses of the ltocky Mountains, southwestfrom Fort Lsramle, and seldom comeout except torob, plunder,or go to war with other tribe*. Ouremigration willnever be safe until these mercilesspirates are exterminatedThe same tribe of Indians recently attacked themail between Oregon, Mo., and Fort Kearney ?

For this they were pursued by Captaiu Stewart'scompanyand a detachment under Lieut. Wheaton.Ou the 23d ult they caiae upon them in camp,charged upon and killed ten of them on the ground,captured twenty-five head of ponies, a great manylances, shields, and nearly everything they had incamp.

The Collins Line ?It is stated that since thegovernmenthas decided to reduce the pay to theCollins line, on account of the aiail contract, thecompany has resolved to reduce their rate of speed,thereby avoiding an increased ratio of wear and'ear, diminishing the consumption of fuel, andlessening the size of the crews?arguing that if thegovernment caunot afford to pay for great speedprivate individuals cannot do it. The New YorkJournal of Commerce says :

? The greater economy of the new arrangementis apparent from the fact that the average con-sumption of coal per day at high speed is eigh-ty-five tons; at low speed fifty-five tons.?This is a difference equal to $4,000 per voy-age, and it is a calculated that the saving in wearand tear of machinery will equal this amount; sothat the total saving on twenty-sixround trips, asrequiredby contract, will exceed $200 000 per an-num, or more than compensate for the loss of pay.It is claimed that there is nothing in the contractbinding as to speed, but simply that the vessels"bball be built for high speed."

The ELSSLERS ?It is not Fanny Elssler, as sev-eral journals have anuounced, but Thereae Els-sler, her sister, whom Prince Adalbert of Prussiamarried morgacatically in 1852. Fanny Elsslerresides in Vienna, aud has done so since her retire-ment from the stage in 1853?N. ¥. Post.

Death from theBursting of a Soda-waterBottle?Au inquest was held on Tuesday at theManchester Royal Infirmary on the body o.f JohnDay, of Ooulden street. Henry Cheetbam statedthat he and the decease were working for Mr.John Skerratt, ginger beer manufacturer. Ashewas filling a glass bottle with soda water from amachine which fills the bottle and corksit, it broke,and apiece of the glass struck Day on the side ofhis face. He bled very much, and was takpn tothe Royal Infirmary, where he died.?Manchester{Eng.) Guardian

Personal.?A personal altercation took placeat the Kirkwood House, in Washington, betweenthe Hon. John S. Pendleton, and B. M. DeWitt,Esq After satisfactory explanations, the difficultywas adjusted.

AMUSEMENTS-?Miss Charlotte Wyette hasbeen starring in Detroit. Chaafrau and Miss Alberlhie are in Boston. Miss Kimberly is at Troy.Mr. and Mrs. Florence closed an engagement oflonr weeks at Chicago, on Saturday. Mr andMisg Richings ate in St Louis. Mrs Farrrn is inCincinnati. Miss Laura Keene and company areplayinga successful engagement at Baltimore ?

Oxford Hall at Portsmouth, is filled everynight to witness the performance of a dramatictroupe under the management of Kunkel & Co.Miss Marian, styled the "America Enchantress,"is exhibiting in Liverpool Thalberg, the pianist,was about to leave Paris for the United States atlast accounts. His piano has precededhim.

Destruction oe Free State Arms?Thelowa City Reporter, of the 10th, says that on thenight of the itth.i.n that place, the warehouse ofDaniels &. Co. was entered and several boxes ofmuskets, ammunition, &c., destined for the use ofthe free state men iu Kansas, were taken out anddestroyed.

The Dutchman and the Milkman ?ADutchman, in Albany, some time back, went outto his milkman in the street, with a dish in eachhand, instead of one, as usual. The dispenser ofattenuated milk asked if he wished him to fill bothvessels. The Dutchman replied, suiting the action to the word,?"Dis for de rniiluk and dis f«rde water, and I will mix them so as to shute my-self'

Tom Thumb and Baknum.?A private letterfrom Paris says that M. Vattemare has received aletter from Baruum, in whichthe letter asks V'sadvice about the project of his bringing TomThumb to Europe agaiu on a speculation, whetherbis autobiogropby has not injured any specula-tion. &c. Vattemare replied tfcat, on the contrary,he had now more reputation than ever, so muchso that be would, perhaps, make more money toallow Tom Tbumh toexhibit him

An English cockney at the Falls of Niagara,when asked how be liked the Falls, replied:?"They're 'andsomc?quite so; but they don't quiteban: ner my hexpectations ; besides, I got tho-roughly vetted, and lost me 'at I prefer to lookat 'era ia an hlngraving iu 'ot weather, and in the'oase."

The Camden and Am boyRailroad Companvarelaying a dotiblo track from Dean's Pond to NewBrunswick, a distance of sevenmiles.

Only seventy-three deaths in Boston last week ;of consumption thirteen, cholor* Infantum ten,scarlet fever ten.

THE Tort Pike ?Seeing mentionof the Cbar-t®r Oak a few days *l*ce, brought to our mind theremembrance of the-Tory Pine- I* the lowerpart of Sampaou County, N 0., almost la aight ofPreadwell ? Cre*4 Road*, stands a large pineknown a* the "Tory .Pine." Thl* notable treestands In a swamp surrounded by a very denseundergrowth, and can only be aeen by the exerciseof aorne trouble and patience, and the endurance ofa few brier teratches. During the RevolutionaryWar there were a few Tories In that region ofcountry lying between Black River and Moore'sCreek. These Tories found themselves at onetime in so critical a condition as to make conceal-ment necessary, so they encamped in the swampand built their fires by the side of this large pine.There they concealed themselves for months, andlived by what game they could capture in thewoods, and the assistance "oftheir femalerelatives,who met them at stated times. The "Tory Pine"is doubtless the monarch of many centuries, andstill looks green and flcuriiblng. It i* 30 feetid c'ucumference at the ground, and 27 feet in cir-cumference 3 feet above the ground. The scar madeby fire is five feet broad and 7 feet high, and thishollow has often served as a shelter for huntersand persons working in the adjacentwoods. Longmay the old tree live, as a testimony that tho To-ries of the Revolution found it more expedient tohide than to fight?C7/nto»(.Y C; Independent.

Melancholy Affray at Baltimore.?ashocking affair occurred Sunday nigbt, on Lou-denslager's Hill, eastern extremity of BaltimoreTwo Italian organ men were found secreted in anice house on the premises of Col. Maberry Turner,by that gentleman and Thomas Woolen, a neigh-bor Supposingthat the Italians designedrobbingthe bouse, Col Turner treated them accordingly,when one of the Italians drow a dirk and stabbedTurner, tbe weapon penetrating the lungs andcausing a wcund that will probably prove fatal ?

Woolen also received a serions wound, and anotherfriend of Turner was wounded in the arm Theaffair occasioned intense excitement among theneighboring residents, who were with difficultyrestrained from lynching the Italians on the spot.They were both arrested and sent to jail. It issupposedthat the Italians had gone ioto the ice-house for lodgings. Turner and Woolen are notexpected to survive

More Excitement in Alabama ?The citizensof Livingston, Alabama, held a meeting on tho 3dinstant, to take into consideration the propriety ofnotifying a man named Samuel Sharood to leaveSumter county forthwith, in consequence of bistampering with slaves He was heard before themeeting, said be had been an Englishman?thathe ha<l been an abslitionist, but was so no longer;that he was a tailor by trade, and a Methodist, andhad been bnt five months in tbe country. lie wasordered to leavu within three day*. Some calledfor tar and feathers, but no violence was offeredhim.

TRAVELLING ?A correspondent of the Savan-nah Republican says: "I have thought it well toadd a memorandum about travellingin Europe, asit may be of advantage to some of yourreaders.?My impression is tbat the traveller who wouldspend $100 a dozen years agi, would, nnder thesame circumstances, spend $150 now,and in somecases $'J(>o. Those who cannot move about mayconsole themselves. as I have done, by pleasantquarters, but they who expeet to travel genteellywithout a full purse will be previously disappoint-ed I haveoften paid from $7 to $8 for a day'*travel, and for the twen<y-fourhours by rail andpost chaises from Vienna to Trieste I paid $19 forover weight of luggage, the quantity allowed toeach person beiDg 20 pounds! For my apartmentI paid $75 * month, and others who came later totown paid $100 for others far inferior."

Miraculous Escape.? Ou Fridayof last week,as two Indies, one named Barton, the other hersister, were attempting to cross to Goat Inland,NiagaraFalls, by meansof some planks tempo-rarily placed upon the new bridge, the supportsgave wsy, and they were both precipitated fromthe bridge. Mrs B. fortunately seized an iron rodconnected with the bridge, while her sister, aftervain attempts to sustain herself by grasping Mrs.B's dress, was thrown into the raging waters be-neath. The plankfell with her, and after severalattempts Bhe grasped it. By the mercy of Provi-dence the plank was thrown into the water diag-onally with the shore, and the current, which wasbearing her so furiously to destruction, drew thelower end of the plant against tbe bank, whenseveral persons seized it, and after great exer-tions finally drew her ashoro in a fainting condi-tion. It was a miraculous escape. Mrs. Barton,aft«r clinging to the rod for some time, was liftedfrom her dangerous situation by some personswho hadrushed to the spot.

Mr. Crampton?A London letter states thatMr.Crampton is named as the successor of Mr.Bligh aa British Envoy to Hanover. This favor isby nomeans a promotion; and may serve to showtheexact estimate the British government has ofMr. Crampton. The post is only a secondary Con-tinental mission.

Great Boat Race.?The great boat race be-tween tbe St. John and New York Clubs, for$1,000 a side, took place on the Charles river, atBoston, on Saturday. The contest resulted in thedefeat of the New Yorkers. The distance rowed(six miles) was performed by the winning boat inforty-two minutes, the New York boat losing byabout one minute. During the race the wind blewwith great violence, accompanied by adrivingrain.

Explorationsin Akrizonia?An attempt isbeing made by several citizens of Marshall, Texas,toorganise a company under the command of Major W P. Laae, an e!d camj a gner ia the war withMexico, to visit and explore mat part of our Ter-ritory acquired from Mexico under the Gadsdeutreaty, which is knownas Arriz >nia. This Terri-tory is represented as being extremely fertile andabounding in mines of gold, silver and copper.

Decimal Weights and measures?TheLondon International As-ociation recently held ameeting, and prepared an address to the FreeTrade Congress, whichmeet at Brussels to day,(the 223 inst.,) approving of the decimal systemof measures, weights and coin, and urging itsadoption throughout the world. If the UnitedStates Congress, at its recent session, had endeavored to perfect such a system, it wouid havedone something infinitelymore to its credit thananythingit did effect.

Salute and Serious accident.?ln Boston,Saturday, the Boston Liiiht Artillery were ingag-el in firing a salute of 6uogun» en the Common,iu honor of the nomination of Millard Fillmore bytbe Whig Convention. One of tbe gunners badhis band shattered by tbe premature discharge oftho gun.

Prize Fight near Boston?Tbere was aprize fight Saturday afternoon at Spot l'ond. aboutsix miles from Boston, between Scotty, of Brook-lyn, N. Y-, and Murphy, of Portland After thepugilihtf. got to work the police interfered, whena miscellaneous melee ensued, during which a po-liceman was wounded bya pistol shot. The fight-ing party made good their escape

The Dead Child.?Few things appear sobeautiful jw a young child in it* .shroud ihe lit-tle innocent face looks so sublimely simple and coa-ddifig amongst tbe old terrors of death. Crimelessaad fearless, that little mortal has passed alone un-der tbe shadow, 'i here is death is ita sublimeatand purest image?no hatred, no hypocrisy, nosuspicion, no care for the morrow, ever darkenedthat little face. Death has come lovinglyupon it?there is nothing eruel or harsh in its victory?

The yearning* of love, indeed, cannot be stifled; forthe prattle and smile?all the little world ofthoughts that were godelightful?are gone forever.Awe too, will overcast us in its presence for tbelonelyvoyager; for the child has gone, simple andtrusting, into the presence of an all wise Father?and of such, we know, is the kingdom of Heaven.

A few days ago onehundred head of mules wereaold in Scoit county,Kentucky, at aa a verag» of$177 30 each.

Lt J. 8. Diddle, of the Navy, has resigned LtOeorg« T. Sinclair Las been ordered to the frigateYVabaah as lit Lieutenant.

The New York State Fair will be held at Wa-tertown, to commence on the 30th September, andcontinue till the 4th of October.

Upwards of 4000 naturalists and physicians arecxpccted to atten4 the congress to be held atVienna.

It Is estimated that there are now eighty thou-sand Mormons in Utah-

TheFemale Medical College in Jloston has nowthirty-eight students.

Richard Crockeron. Fsij, an old and wellknown merchant of New York, died Sntiday eve-ning at Fort Richmond, Stateu Island.

Theshipment of coal from Richmond, Fa , (orlast week, reached 33,395 tony, of which UOO tonswere sent to Richmond, Va., and ISO to Alexan-dria, Va.

The Americana of Baltimore hare nominate 1Thomas Swan for the Mayoralty.

The OCTOIiKK ELECTIONS ?The State election*in Pennsylvania, Ohio, ludiaaa and South Caro-lina, will be hHd onthe same day, October 14th.?Florida, on tbe 6th of October.

The Accident at Chicago?G. H. Elton, abrick mason, James Gleeson, Jamea Oa<«ey andjobn Smith are four of the ten persons drownedat Chicago on tbe 18th inst, lythe upsetting of tbeferrv boat The boat at tbe time of tbe accidentwas filled with passenger*, principally workmen,and the calamity created great excitement through-

out the city until it was ascertained bow manyand who were

Banking in Australia.?There areeight char-tered banka in Australia, having an aggregatecapital of $23,000,000. Tbelr profiu have beenenormous, someof tbem having paid dividends ashigh as 30 per cent last year, and most of them ashigh as 'JO per cent.

Vessels in Pokt?On the auth instant therewere in the port of Boston 191 veaeels; at NewYork 749; at Philadelphia47; and at Baltimore 84;and on the 13tb instant at Charleston J9; Seven-th 18; Mobile 21 and New Orleans 1J0; makingaltogether quitea formidable uavy.


.9R i, T̂ Rnn.fo ox a Locomotive "Pi-LCbit'l|o Tribnae gives this thrilling

!r*t a *l-V-enger ear. entered theman wankeyfe, a day or two since, acatchTr "

"**" th* Pll ** or«a!w h. iTi ,locomotive. When, wherethat dangeron* porition, wa* tojtStT myrtery. On removing hira it wasirlr 01 bl '!eg* brok'n H^Jwemnplaiut, and was unable or un-,4?! ./ .' *ny Question put to him He

J f ,i,eoF «'. except when any oneoffered to touch a small box In which be carried asmall sun of money. He would then commandthem not to touch it It was concluded tba? theman was crazy. In one of his pockets were foundtreasures ouSmind-togetherwith a piece of bone wbieh he hadpulledfrom the wound inki* teg, while occupyinghis seat on the pilot. Tho man was taken inchargeby the poor agent in Lake county, the fracture inhis leg was reduced, and he would doubtless reco-ver. He appeared to be aa Irishman, but wouldgive no name or other particulars concerning him-self, or his perilous trip on the "cow-catcher."Ravages of Cholera in Madeira?Feart ofaFamine.?The cholera, which at last advice* was

subsiding, ha? created great distress at Madeira?A letter from there, dated August 21, says;

It seems to be gradually creeping round the Is-land in a westerly direction. Funchal is decidedlythe worst place. For seme days,I cannot ventureto say how many have died, but perhaps not lessthan 150 per day, near the beginningof this month.On Sunday, the 3J of August,about 150lay unbtiried on the buryingground and nobody to do tbework. The soldiers were obliged to compel thepeople to do it, whilst they burnt tar in great quan-tities to stifle tbe tfflavia.

At Canico the disease has been dreadful?thepeople dying right and left, without any one togivo the slightest assistance or advice.'.I his epidemic has chiefly been among tha work-ing classes and poorest people, but many ot a better class have perished. Medicines and mustardfor plasters havefailed. For the latter turpentineplasters have been substituted.

Another letter says theamountof sufferingthatmust ensue from the sweeping pestilence is fear-ful to contemplate; apart from its present ravages,being at a season devoted toagricultural pursuits,want and famine must follow in its train. Manywomen left widows, and children left fatherless,are thrown upon their own resources, in an im-poverished Island, formerly so flourishing andbeautiful. Medicines acd doctors have been sentto the Island by the Portuguese andEnglish governments.

Several gentlemen in New York, as we learnfrom the Journal of Commerce, are engaged inobtaiuingjrelieffor tbe sutlerers.

Dancing and Science.?The London Chron-icle aays:?ln tbe matter of English pensions wefind tbat the fortunate darcing master, who wasprobably well paid for the highly important ser-vice of teaching her most gracious Majesty to hop,skip and jump,is put on a par with Adams, tiediscoverer of the planet Neptune.

Kansas Election.?On the Ist of October anew Territorial Legislature is to be elected inKansas. The National Kaunas Committee in arecently published statc-pieut, estimate the realFree State inhabitants of theterritory at the pre-sent time at 30,000, and tbe Pro-slavery settlers at5,000 The number of Free State inhabitants is*io doubt put down much too high.

Another Political Biot.?a few days aeo,ust after a political discussion at Bourbon, lud ,between the Hon. Mr. Colfax and Judge Stuart, a

seiious row occurred, resulting in several-personsbeing badly beaten. Mr. John Lefler, it is feared,was mortally wounded.

Bread and Butter?Among thepremiums tobe awarded by the Maine State Agricultural Society are a number for the best specimens of breadajjd the best ten pounds of butter, to be made bygirls under 18 years of age. The idea is a goodone.

The National Intelligencer of yesterdayexpresses its high respect for the recent WhigConventionat Baltimore, its concurrence in thespirit and tenor of the resolutions, and give*in its adhesion to the nomination of Mr.Fillmorewith the qualification made in one of the resolu-tions of the Convention?viz: That they endorseMr. Fillmore without "adopting or referring to thepecv liar doctrines of tbe party which has alreadyselected him'' as its candidate.

Accident.?Mr. Joseph Miller of Millersport,Va , on the Ist of the present month, in attempt-ing to lift the lid olf the threshing machine,had hisarm caught in the thresher, which instantly toreoff his hand and dreadfully mangledthe lower partof his arm, which was immediately amputated.

Runningthe Gauntlet ?Duringthe progressof an extensive tire on the line of the Watertuwnand Rome Railroad, New York, caused by theburning of several thousand cords of wood, thefreight train due at Rome at 5 o'clock had as muchas it could do, for the tire and smoke, to rushthrough; thehands, engineers and firemen aboardwere obliged to seek shelter iu doors, or as bestthey could, whilst the train thundered through thefiery element.

Methodist Conference - The annual confer-ence ot the Methodist Episcopal Church South, ofWestern Virginia, has just closed its session inGuyandotte, Virginia, ibe presiding Elders wereauthorized to act as agents for Marshal Academy.The first Friday in May next was sot apart as'aday for fasting and prayer. After making the ap-pointments, the Conference adjourned to meet at

Charleston, Kauawha county, onthe 24 of Septem-ber next.

Forty two young men left Milwaukie on the16tb, as free State recruits for Kansas.


Dates from Rum Key (.Bahamas) are to the 13tbinst. Salt was scarce and very dear

German papers announce that the Poles whoreturned to Russia on the faith of tbe Emperor'samnesty, have been arrested.

The Daltimore Catholic Mirror estimates tieCatholic populationof that city at 80,814.

IF you would be cured ol kheumnttein, tryFOLtiAKL'J i IMM&NT.

If it is a full head of liair youdetire, try WOOD'SHAIK. KifitvTOttATlVE.

1f you have aCousb thatcinuot ba cured, try LEO-NARDS INSTANT RELIKK.

If veu are troubled with Hoarienenor Sore Throat,try RICHARDSON'S COUOH CANDIT.

If vou are affiict-jd with Ague and Fever, try OS-GOOD'S INDIA CHOLOQOOUE.

Aod if you wantaovo*" theabove Medicines. by allmeaDs try J. VV. FOLLA&D, Druggist,

\u25a0e It) 17th »t.iJJfKAM CAMUIt ».--- U USSIKt'X'SC 5 CANDIES are tbe very best manufactured.?Thii is a matterbeyead doubt or question And howcan it be otherwise ? He uiri nonebut the very beststandard Crushed Sugars, and his workmen are regu-lar professors of tbe art?n»ne of your pick up work-man, who work as hetpers fur a tew weeks and [henset themselves up as journeymen, but who have regu-larly learnt their traae and nave worked withsuccessfor 15 or 20 Years. Call and look at it, at

LOUIS J BOSSI KUX'SSteam Candy Manufactory,

\u25a0e 18 il'7 Main street.P H. COOH Ac CO.. AUI'TiJNCiCUH

NO. 70 MAIN STREET, offer their services tothe publicas Auctioneers for the sale of Real Estate,furniture, Groceries, Dry Goods, Horses, Cattle, fcc.,at the shortest nstiee and upon the moat reaeoeableterms.

Having larce and oommedlous rooms they will re-ceive goods for sale ttprwaUsol* witfcsul the chargeof storage.

Out door sales ef every description attended to ap-on reasonable terms.

E. B. COOK. WM. NOT*.no 7?ta

Ir,Allilt01l#lSKll£».?Jimbraldered CrapeJ Dresses

French wrought Cambric and Mnslin RobesInfanta' Frock Waists and RobesMuslin andCambric Flomeings

Do do Edging* and Inse- tingsDo do Collars and dleeves

Thresdand Vsllencitnoes Habits and SleeveaEmbroidered Caps ?

Do HandkerchiefsBlon 4 Uef BerthasThread and Vallencieneee LacacMechlin and Brussels doEmbroidered Swiss Muslin, he.PAKKER NIMMO It CO.,

ee SO No. 113 Eagle Bqeare.

EKHLCTION IN COlUl^FrMitUfdaiaotii the let of September neat, 1 wIU dehverHARD COKE, ef the beet quality, at FIVE DOLLARS per load. At this price, it iicheaper than anyother feel for beating ft mace* in cburebee, Htoree,

Tobacco Factories, end private dwelllnga,ac well a*

for conking ranges and stovesSOFT COKE will continue to be delivered at ?WO

pet toed for lump, aad 06 for heil-tbe fast grade be-ing unsurpassed as a fuel for grates aad open stoves

Bjrd tni,*TC?" d*-*U,

JllO.1. WESTH, Alc.t.

LOCAL MATTERSItnld ffoitoxy.?Four negro fellow i?Rob t DunnRobert Weila. Preston Hawlinr* Sod Jupfiar?inthe service of John D. Qaarles, were arraigned

before the Mayor yesterday, to answer the cbargeof assaulting, besting ua robbing a negro nunnamed Joe, in the service of A Tbrnnas, last Satur-day night Joe. it seems, baa a wife in Manches-ter, ana after hia getting throngbbis labors of theday bad gone to the Second Market, procuredsomething to eat and started home, bat beisgstopped on the wayside several times to " nibble "

didnot reach the railroad bridge till after noon.?Fearing to attempt to walk that causeway in anunsettled condition, he laid himself out on a largestone to take a nap, and whilst there, snuglysleeping, was aroused by a clip on the bead, whichbrought him to his knees in an instant. On look-tagaround he soon discovered that he was in thepower of fire black spirits, bent on mischief; andBob Wells declared that he would kill him andlifl° W

« ?u ini0lbe r 'ver' Joe begsn to beg for hisme bod had then armed himself with a «tick ofwood, and to hide tbe fact that he and Jupiter badstolen Joe s coat, vest, hat and #4.42 in money,would probably have earned out bis threat, bnt'« hon of Bob r)anß - Raw-

bav nntn r T hokpP' bimand Jupiter ata f coald make hia escape.

JuniYnr-», partial Robert Wells andih« «fw ? remanded for another hearing andtheother two boysdischarged.

IJ? ? r *JZ. lntanperT(*~ on Mor,d »y eveningiMt, a young raan from Lvnchbure calledWTestmP by the« hfn H 1 the cs*e - ,0 answer thecharge of fighting in the street, and resistingan officer. \ esterday morning he before the Mayor with a black eye a»d swollen Hpsw?? inX" "araia/ fit>«- Four witnesses werSsworn in the case, and testified that Timberlake£.TT P*Uy WUh tWO oth*r P-rsons, called.atWheeley s restaurant in Locust Alley, took adrink or two, ordered slipper, and then started forav,alk On their return, Timberlake provoked aqnarrel with the bar keeper, William 80/e drewa pistol on him several times, and afterwards bvway of forcing him into a fight, gave him three oil-four blows over the head with a cane, whilst stand-ing in the street door. Boze, as a matter of courseresented this conduct, and whilst the two were en-gaged in a fight, officer Morris stepped up and separaied them. Boze immediately returned to hisplace of business, and whilst in tbe enstodyof theofficer, Timberlake again struck him. The officer

then seized Timberlake, but was struck for so do-ing, and in order to secure bis prisoner, had tothrow him on the floor and tie bim. Timberlakeoffered as au apology for his conduct his extremeintoxication, and declared that he did not knowwhat he wa3doing The Mayorinformed him thatbeing drunk wai itself a breach of good beha-vior, punishable by fine, and instead of being anexcuse, was really an aggravation of the offence.He therefore required the accused to give bail forhis future good behavior in the sum of $150, andrequired security foi a like amount for his appearanceat the next Grand Jnry term of the HustingsCourt to answer an indictment.

Breeding a Mu.«s.?John Wade of HanovergaveB. Frieshcorn a terrible tongue las'aiog yesterdaymorning, and then talked largely about introducinghis knuckles to F'a eyes without provocation, furwhich F bad him called before the Mayor, andheld to bail for liis good behavior. John, in all probability, had no idea of carrying out his threats,and even if he had felt disposed to attempt it, wouldhave got more than he bargained for, but the com-plainant being* peaceable roan, did not care to runthe risk, and therefore called on the law to b3ckhim.

City Water must be paid for when used, and thosewho attempt to borrow it will often find that ite-osts more than its value. A free woman, namedKesiah Scott, was convicted before the Mayor yes-terday, of using hydrant water in violation of anordinance, and only got out of the scrape by fork-ing over$5 in cash.

mistered ?A member of the ebo shin family,calling himself Granville Jackson, and owned byFleming I'arrish, had ten blisters drawn on his ex-terior yeste'day morning, to cure him of the dlsease of drunkenness. When found the night before, Granville's skin was so full of the essence ofpine top, tbat be imagined himself a locomotivewith a full head of steam on, and but for the watch-men putting down the breaks on him, would haverun off the track or burst his boiler.

Increased in Value.?Real estate along ShockoeCreek, has trebled in value since the Central Headwas constructed, and in some instances propertythat cannot be bought now at $25 per loot couldhave been purchased before the commencement ofthat improvementat $5. Most of the buildingsinthevalley are small and generally occupied by la-boring persons, at heavy rents. But the time willome when these wiii have ta give place to largestores and warehouses, to accommodate the vast,trade that is to flow down the line of that greatState improvement£Complimentary Dene jit.?We understand that anumber of gentlemen in this city design givingMrs. Lizzie Weston Davenport acompiimentary benefit at the theatre next Thursday night,and will request her to select the ''Heir at Law"as one of thepieces for the eniertainment. MrJefferson, the comedian, will be sufficientlywellby that time to appear in his favorite character,and we have nodoubt that Mrs. D. will take greatpleasure in yielding to the request of her nume-rous admirers on that particular occasion.

BloomingBeauty.?John RoaV walked into tbewatch house last Monday night and asked for lodg-ings. declaring that he whs ont of money and outof clotlien ?out of friends and out of doors, and ifnottaken care of, must lodge in the street or rooston a lamp po-it. Not feeling inclined to have thestreets obstructed at night by a mountain of badwhiskey and old rags, John was caged for tbenightand yesterday morning joggedby tbe Mayorpreparatory to being handed over to commanderPerrin'of the street force.

THE DAILY DISPATCH*f> tt&HMS OF ADVEafrIMINO.isapkr.s1...1» MlM(i|o>l2*«**lO»t*t 179 Ii\u25a0if fitfMtali If

??m . | ?** * *«? L_jm _WW PVVUMC Dw MVHLWW If

rtiiliHlwMi par mmii of taa Hnea for toa Antinsertion. aad Ml neat* for aaah milihm ?

Fo/m Pretence ?Henry P. RHekie TO Ifliribefore Justice R. B Tyler, «f Henrieo Muty,yesterday, oa the eharge of obtaining mmwy byfalse pretence*, aad to Jal tor tolkrtexaminational the aexttonaof tktCoHtyConiThe evidence proved that the prtaoaar M ktaaIn the employ of Jama* Rubineoa, aa aatt teller,and tbat he had collected Money from variousper-sona. in Mr. Robtason's name, aad appropriated ittohis own m Some short time siaee ha nailadupon Mr. 8 R EggUston, to wboaa Mr. RoMaanafurnished milk, and informed Mr. E. that Mr. R.had a note to pay that day,aad that be had beenseat to E. to (ret $5, to enable him tomake theaaaineeded. Mr Eggiestoo, supposing thatRitchie badbeen aent by Mr Robinson for 45, fare him thatamount,which he pocketedand appliedto hla ownuse. The prisoner iadwarfish in appaaraaea, aadmany who know him, suppose ha ia partMly idiot-ic He waa sent to the penitentiary a few year*ago for felony, from Lynchburg,and altar earringeat his time, sought employmentin Henrico r?*aty.

Dangerovt?As the Fillmore proeeeeioa paaaedop Main street last Monday night, arocket waafired off opposite Mr H Dues berry's store, aadpassed directly overthe heads of persona on thesidewalk through the window giaaa. Luckily itdid nodamage.

Theatre?The great p'ay of the "Aetraas ofPadua" is to be enacted to night, Mrs. Davenportperforming the remarkable character of "LaTisbe." Thepiece is one that she has often playedin before, aad judgingfrom the eoeominma lavished on her personations by the Northern preea, sheaiast prove a high tramp in It before oar people.The entertainment will conclude with "The TonngWidow," when Mr Davenport will appear la hiawonderful character of "Splash."' We would sag-gest to those who wish to see Mr. D. in a repre-sentation admirably salted to his line af acting,that now ia the time to do so. As ''Splash" he ianot surpassed by any eccentric comedian oa thastage, as all will admit who aea him.

Dock Street i* notyet paved,and the consequencewitl be that teamsters will bare to palltheir stockto death this winter, hauling to aad from the ship-ping


C/(uMciated'«rith i!lin*"hustaese PLEaZANTS. The business will hereafter be eondaotodaider the firm of VAN-LEW, TAYLOR k CO.July 1. 1856?jy 3 VAN-LEW k TATLOR| 'O FAHTNtK(sUIP- The anrt«ratc»e«tvy hare formed a Co-perrnership onder the flraaad style of JOHNSON * HAftWOOD for the par-pose of conducting a Wholesale andRetail Dry Goodbusiness.They have taken the Store now undergoing athorough repair. No. 77 Main street, onder Mr.Wbiteburst's Daguerrean Gallery, where they wUIin a few lays, open a large and choice stock of Sta-p.e and Fancy Dry Oooda, select** with great ear*from the Northern markets, and adapted to the beatclass trade, to which they invite theattention ot theirfarmer patrons and the public generally.


INSTRUCTION UN I'UKHnglgl PIANO.? A young lady,who has badI J B n n considerable experiencela teaching,II ' \u25a0 II ' andean produce papile that, in oneinuter, can play and sing most any ordinary piece ofmusic, wishes a few more scholars. Aa she herselfreceived instructions from the principal pianist offanny Lind, W. M. Hoffmann, Esq., feels confidentahe can give satisfaction to thoee who encourage her.Terms 4> 15 per quarter of 20 lessons Address M. 8.K . box 557. post office Jy 22? ta'|<u llit. klve it large mm--1 sortmentof Faoey Articles, 80s pa and Perfume*ry,wbich I will sell at prices a little over cost to re-duce the stock Among them I would enumerateLubin's and other Extracts; French aad Americanaoaps; Pomades ef best quality; Hair Oils: Hair andTooth Brushes?English and American; Combe ofall qualities; Port ftfonaies, fee

W. C. BATTAILE,I Druggist,\u25a0» 15 corner 4th aid Bread eta.

ECONOMY IN mjjth~TO holrk-KEEPER3.?Pine Wood, which haa been cat

and corded up for csme time, can be bad at the SawMill, on Mayo's Island, abont half way aeroee thebridge. In order to clear it oat of the way of thegeneral business of theMill,it will beaold at the lowprice of two dollars per cord. Purchasers can haveit hauled to their houses for from &H to 75 coats percord?the whole costing them considerably less thanihe ordinary prise of pine wood. «o 19-eod3tIXM'KKT AM) TABLE CUTL,*KY?

t. We have no *instore, received per steamer Per-sia, about

500 doxen POCKET KNIVES,embracing a full assortment, of 1, 2, 3 aad 4 blades;amongst which are a number of new aad beantifuipatterns, and admirably adapted to the wholeealetrade.

ALSO,Received by same steamer, abont

200 dozen Wostmholm's POCKET KNIVES,embracing trany varieties, of 1, 2. 3 and 4blades, partof which axe bf hue quality and finiab.

ALSO,Received by (hip Great Western,

2000 dozen TABLE KNIVES and FORKS,embracing tome two hundred pattern*, of wood, com-mon Riid v. hite bone, cocoa, buffalo, bock, and ivoryhandle*.rr An importation of CUTLERY, altorather sodesirable and particularly wall adapted to lha coun-try trade, if rarely mat with,and wa rcapectfully in-vite merchant* to examine it, before makinc theirpurchases. W 8. k. li. DONNAN,

Importer* of Hardware,Cutlery, Ae.te 18?eo3t * No. 19 Pearl *t., Richmond, Va.

O tAUPKNTKHS AND MHICKIiAY?£RS.?lhe undersigned will receive prepoeaie

antil 12 o'clock, M, on WEDNESDAY next, the24'b iußt, for the erection of k Work Houae, in theea*te>n yard of the City Jail.

Proposals will he recrived for the entire work inth*a*gregate, (with the exception of the Brick*,which will be fnrni«hed at the old Oaa Work*,)or forthe laying and hauling of the brick* and carpenter*work separately

It -* important that the above work should be exe-cuted without delay. Bidder* will therefore atatethe time which they will require to complete thework bid for. Ample security will be required forthe prompt and faithful compliance with the termeof the contract. Plans and (peeification* of thework can be s-en at the office of the undersigned,where all further information ean be obtained.

Bv order of the Committee on tke City Jail,se 19? td W. OILL, City Engineer.

Church Hill continues to improve and is nowmore invitingas a place of residence than ever ?

Duringthe present yeara number of neat bouseshave been put up by our citizens, and not a fewof our business men are searching for lots in thatsection of the cityon which to erect private edi-fices. On Frank.ia street, east cf 25th, three orfour beautiful reeidenc* s have gone up within thopast summer and others are to be built in a aborttime.

ALIAIIIiKKAK.U fUK. BAbk.-J ?*( rfor *ale privately my FARM, "Level Meadow,"

situated in the county of Cheeterfield, four roileefrom M*nche*te% and one and a half west of UmBroad Rock Race Course, containing MO acre*?ire open and ina highstate of improvement Therei* alio a large piece ofrich meadow land. The ba-lance is wooden larte portion beavily timbered

The improvement* consist of aa excellent dwell-Ing-housn, negro quarter*, stables and bans. Thebarns are wefi supplied with water from a branch,by mean* of a email water wheel. There le a eteam

engine, about eight hor*e power, which drtvea thethreshing machine; aleo a steam *aw, griet and plae-

tßThe" place i* well supplied with good water, m4ha* two fine young orchard*, peach and apple, and M

one of the moat healthy location* In lb# State.The tern* will be made sccom nods'lnt- yr far-

ther particular*, apply to myself, cmw Thomas Taylor, of the Srm of*. Co , Ricnmond. ,

J- WHITEHEAD.My post office is Mancbeeter. se ll?4k»lm

' Tiu Manufacture of Stores has grown to bo alarg', and we hope lucrative business in this city,within tbe past year or two. But a short timesince, Messrs. Bowers tc Snyder opened theirstove manufactory near the Tredegar iron Works,and fcoi succeeded in attracting the attention ofthe trade. They are now employinga large force,are getting stoves of every variety, and tbusfir have giv«n such universal satisfaction intheir work, that they find it difficult to supply thedemands upon them Tbe South ahonld take prideiu mstainiugher manufacturers by purchasinglib-erally of them, instead of going to theNortb; andif she were to adopt this plan, not many yearswould roll by, ere all ber wants would be suppliedat bcr own doors.

Fall Goods are attracting the attention of tieladies, and tbe consequence is, that the retailersare driving a brisk business throughout the city.?Every dry goods store Las ita *core of visitorshourly, to examine the fashions, and as all are sail-ing cheap, tbe dear little creatures are bayinglargely for their immediate want*.

tienu and toenccaMful tr?Unwt ofKawi2ss. ,:^S==s=f»all pwieatrfplaoad M^^hgjr.«hw.Colon* *J ?? *!?*?WWm 7fc.lt "

Private mMii^Hlw.a.....?? y

lMfc rtrMC,Tr. C*»UEMAH, M. D,

A""*' A,'""UM'" * "tScUUMD, T*.


Krs.."..^^^rt»aAis«fr.ilht, %tfij to rAMUEE *CtOFtOII.?»»?w .

CSSSsSSSSSSSfu^Sd.lieiOM KiU H k«a, pU «? ta MHt w4pint Uoulm. for fcmUj ?i ?*» ?? k«»J?to^No. ** p wtUACBHU

The Weather, yesterday, was damp, cheerless sodraw, rendering thick clothe* and a blazing firequite comfortable.

Outrage.?We understand that youngMr. Hard-grove was set upon by a gang of rowdies laat Moo-day night, while passing along Broad street, andat* badly beaten that be had to be carried borne and? physician called in to attend him Efforts wi Ibe made to discorer the perpetrator* of tbU deedand bring them to Justice.

The Olatt ffmrks, at Boekett*. seem tobe attracttag large number of visitor* who have never bailan opportunity of witnessing the interesting pro-cea* of blowing and moulding glaaa ware of allshapes an-1 kinds. The managers are very ac-commodating to all who call, aid, it is eald, canfurnish the country trade on belter term* thansimilar article* eanbe purchased at tbe North.

Out of George Daatry fell Info tbebauds of the police last Monday night, and ae behad no register to prove faU freedom, was lockedup lor safe keeping Yesterday morning the re-quisite document *11 proceed, and George wasdischarged.

XtMMKwy ?Last Monday night the poßee cap-tared George, alave to ST. G. Mann who was ru» !away, and yesterday retonwd him to bl* Master

Blood lMu*g.?On Monday afternoon a traderin tbe second market,known as Jeremiah Conklia,wit takiug with a profuse bleedingat the noaeand nearly bled to death before tbe hemorrhagecould be stopped Yesterday morninghe waalytag In a prostrate condition from the great low of

i blood.