rfid report 2016 - fung business intelligence rfid report by... · rfid: has its time finally come...

MARCH 15, 2016 Radiofrequency identification (RFID) is a 70yearold technology that many retailers previously avoided due to concerns about cost and others factors. The global RFID market—for tags, interrogators, systems, services, networking and software—is estimated to hit approximately $13.9 billion this year and to grow at a 17.0% CAGR through 2018, according to IDTechEx. We think that trends such as accelerated shipping and omni channel operations are finally encouraging retailers to overcome their concerns about RFID, and we have seen a significant amount of RFID activity in the retail industry over the past five years. RFID can also serve as an enabling technology for the Internet of Things (IoT), which bodes well for the technology, as an estimated 50 billion devices will be connected by 2020. RFID: Has Its Time Finally Come for Retail? DEBORAH WEINSWIG MANAGING DIRECTOR, FUNG GLOBAL RETAIL & TECHNOLOGY [email protected] US: 646.839.7017 HK: 852.6119.1779 CHN: 86.186.1420.3016

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MARCH  15,  2016  

DEBORAH  WEINSWIG,  MANAGING  DIRECTOR,  FUNG  GLOBAL  RETAIL  &  TECHNOLOGY  [email protected]    US:  917.655.6790    HK:  852.6119.1779    CN:  86.186.1420.3016  Copyright  ©  2016  The  Fung  Group.  All  rights  reserved.  

• Radio-­‐frequency   identification   (RFID)   is   a   70-­‐year-­‐old  technology   that   many   retailers   previously   avoided   due   to  concerns  about  cost  and  others  factors.  

• The   global   RFID   market—for   tags,   interrogators,   systems,  services,   networking   and   software—is   estimated   to   hit  approximately  $13.9  billion  this  year  and  to  grow  at  a  17.0%  CAGR  through  2018,  according  to  IDTechEx.  

• We  think  that  trends  such  as  accelerated  shipping  and  omni-­‐channel   operations   are   finally   encouraging   retailers   to  overcome   their   concerns   about   RFID,   and   we   have   seen   a  significant  amount  of  RFID  activity  in  the  retail  industry  over  the  past  five  years.  

• RFID   can   also   serve   as   an   enabling   technology   for   the  Internet   of   Things   (IoT),   which   bodes   well   for   the  technology,   as   an   estimated   50   billion   devices   will   be  connected  by  2020.  


RFID: Has Its Time

Finally Come for Retail?

D E B O R A H W E I N S W I G M A N A G I N G D I R E C T O R ,

F U N G G L O B A L R E T A I L & T E C H N O L O G Y d e b o r a h w e i n s w i g @ f u n g 1 9 3 7 . c o m

U S : 6 4 6 . 8 3 9 . 7 0 1 7 H K : 8 5 2 . 6 1 1 9 . 1 7 7 9

C H N : 8 6 . 1 8 6 . 1 4 2 0 . 3 0 1 6



MARCH  15,  2016  

DEBORAH  WEINSWIG,  MANAGING  DIRECTOR,  FUNG  GLOBAL  RETAIL  &  TECHNOLOGY  [email protected]    US:  917.655.6790    HK:  852.6119.1779    CN:  86.186.1420.3016  Copyright  ©  2016  The  Fung  Group.  All  rights  reserved.  

RFID: Has Its Time Finally Come for Retail? EXECUTIVE  SUMMARY  RFID   is   a   70-­‐year-­‐old   technology   that   involves   bouncing   radio   waves   off  antennas   in   order   to   locate   and   identify   objects.   Retailers   are   showing   a  renewed   interest   in   the   technology.   A   few   early   attempts   at   deployment  were  not  successful,  as   the  technology,  viewed  by  many  as  too  expensive,  was  often  imposed  on  suppliers  against  their  will.  Why  has  RFID  picked  back  up   in   recent   years?   We   think   three   trends   have   been   driving   adoption:  accelerated  shipping,  omni-­‐channel  operations  and  the  IoT.  

 It   has   become   imperative   that   retailers   know   precisely   where   their  inventory  is,  as  many  are  now  following  Amazon’s  lead  and  offering  two-­‐day  (and   up   to   one-­‐hour)   shipping.   It   is   no   longer   sufficient   to   take   inventory  once   a   week   or   once   a   month;   retailers   now   need   to   know   where   their  inventory  is  in  real  time,  and  in  which  hub,  in  order  to  be  able  to  guarantee  delivery  within  a  specified  time  period.  

Omni-­‐channel   operations   can   benefit   from   RFID   for   similar   reasons.   To  successfully   fulfill   an   online   order   or   allow   in-­‐store   pickup   of   it,   a   retailer  must  be  confident  that  the  product  ordered  is  close  to  the  customer,  or  that  it  can  reach  him  or  her  within  the  promised  amount  of  time.  For  brick-­‐and-­‐mortar   stores   to   take   on   the   function   of   shipping   hubs,   retailers   need   to  know  precisely  what  inventory  is  on  the  shelves  at  all  times.  

Finally,   there   has   been   an   explosion   in   the   number   of   things   that   are  connected   to   the   Internet   as   part   of   the   IoT   trend—and   the   identity   and  location  of  each  of   these   things  must  be   tracked.  The   IoT  has   spurred   the  development  of  new  applications  and  services,  such  as  grocery  tracking  and  medication  adherence  tracking,  and  RFID  is  one  technology  that  can  enable  such  functionality.  

With  RFID  tags  now  costing  only  pennies  apiece,  cost  no  longer  seems  to  be  as  big  a  concern  for  retailers  as   it  once  was.   Installation  of  an  RFID  system  could  still  cost  a  couple  of  hundred  thousand  dollars  or  more,  most  of  it  in  software   and   services,   but   since   e-­‐commerce   companies   are   continually  setting  the  standard   in  terms  of  convenience,  shipping  times  and  certainty  

RFID  is  a  70-­‐year-­‐old  technology  that  involves  bouncing  radio  waves  off  antennas  in  order  to  locate  and  identify  objects.  Retailers  are  showing  a  renewed  interest  in  the  technology.  



MARCH  15,  2016  

DEBORAH  WEINSWIG,  MANAGING  DIRECTOR,  FUNG  GLOBAL  RETAIL  &  TECHNOLOGY  [email protected]    US:  917.655.6790    HK:  852.6119.1779    CN:  86.186.1420.3016  Copyright  ©  2016  The  Fung  Group.  All  rights  reserved.  

that   goods  will   arrive,   retailers   cannot   afford   to  wait   any   longer   to   adopt  RFID.  

RFID  technology  does  have  its  limitations:  humans  must  still  be  involved  in  the  process,  which  means   that  data   is   sometimes  entered   incorrectly,  and  systems  are  sometimes  unable  to  read  tags  due  to  interference  from  other  signals.   There   are   some   concerns   about   privacy,   too,   but   overall,   the  technology  continues   to   improve.  During   the   last   five  years,  we  have  seen  several   major   brands   and   retailers   move   forward   with   RFID   installations,  suggesting  that  the  technology  has  finally  hit  its  sweet  spot  in  retail.  

WHY  RFID  NOW?  Although   RFID   dates   back   to   discoveries   during  World  War   II   and   saw   its  first   patent   filings   in   1973,   its   use   in   the   US   has   been   sporadic.   It   has  promised  much   for   retail:   an  accurate  view  of   inventory  and   the  ability   to  track   what   is   in   the   storeroom   and   what   is   on   the   shelves   in   real   time.  However,   until   recently,   retailers   have   generally   shunned   the   technology  due   to   fears   that   it   is   too   costly   to   install   and   too   difficult   to   manage.  Moreover,  many   retailers   that   have   dabbled  with   RFID,   such   as  Walmart,  have  ended  up  deploying   it   in  a  more   limited  way  than  originally  planned.  So,   what   is   different   today   that   could   drive   retailers   to   part   with   their  precious  dollars  and  adopt  a  new  technology?  We  think  a  key  driver   is  the  shortening   of   shipping   times,   led   by   Amazon.   The   need   to   offer   faster  shipping   has   led   many   other   retailers   to   implement   omni-­‐channel  operations  as  quickly  as  possible,  and  RFID   is  one   technology   that  enables  this.  

Accelerated  Shipping  Amazon  launched  its  Prime  service  in  2005—with  free  two-­‐day  shipping  on  selected   items—and   it   has   set   the   standard   for   all   other   e-­‐commerce  companies   and   operations.   Since   then,   Amazon   has   introduced   one-­‐day  shipping   (for   an   extra   fee)   and   accelerated   shipping   times   of   one   or   two  hours  through  its  Prime  Now  service.  Many  brick-­‐and-­‐mortar  retailers  have  had  to  offer  faster  shipping  in  order  to  compete,  and  some  have  partnered  with  local  delivery  startups  to  offer  same-­‐day  delivery.  




Source:  chicagotribune.com  

We  think  a  key  driver  is  the  shortening  of  shipping  times,  led  by  Amazon.  The  need  to  offer  faster  shipping  has  led  many  other  retailers  to  implement  omni-­‐channel  operations  as  quickly  as  possible,  and  RFID  is  one  technology  that  enables  this.  



MARCH  15,  2016  

DEBORAH  WEINSWIG,  MANAGING  DIRECTOR,  FUNG  GLOBAL  RETAIL  &  TECHNOLOGY  [email protected]    US:  917.655.6790    HK:  852.6119.1779    CN:  86.186.1420.3016  Copyright  ©  2016  The  Fung  Group.  All  rights  reserved.  

Omni-­‐Channel  Although   more   and   more   companies   have   moved   into   omni-­‐channel  retailing   over   the   past   several   years,   the   reality   is   that,   even   today,  most  retailers   operate   their   brick-­‐and-­‐mortar   and   e-­‐commerce   businesses  separately,   each   with   its   own   inventory.   But   the   traditional   method   of  operating   a   central   distribution   center   is   insufficient:   it   does   not   allow  retailers   to   get   goods   to   customers   fast   enough   in   an  environment  where  those  customers  all  expect  accelerated  shipping.  Retailers  must  bring  goods  closer  to  customers  in  order  to  be  able  to  deliver  them  faster.  

To   do   so,   some   retailers   have   turned   their   brick-­‐and-­‐mortar   stores   into  distribution  centers.  In  order  to  guarantee  two-­‐day  (or  one-­‐hour)  shipping,  a   retailer   must   be   certain   that   the   goods   are   in   close   proximity   to   the  customer  and  can  indeed  be  delivered  within  the  specified  amount  of  time.  Retailers   risk   customers’   ire   if   they  accept  orders   that   they   cannot  deliver  within  the  promised  amount  of  time.  This  requires  an  accurate  view  of  the  inventory   on   the   shelves   and   in   the   storeroom.   If   the   closest   distribution  center,  whether  that   is  a  warehouse  or  a  brick-­‐and-­‐mortar  store,  does  not  have   a   particular   item   in   inventory,   then   the   retailer   needs   to   be   able   to  locate   it   in   the   next-­‐closest   center.   This   requires   an   accurate   view   of  inventory  across  the  distribution  network.  

Figure  1.  Omni-­‐Channel  Retail  Supply  Chain  

Source:  Wilson,  Perumal  &  Company  

The  IoT  While  there  is  much  hype  surrounding  the  IoT,  it  is  a  fact  that  an  increasing  number  of  intelligent  electronic  devices  in  our  lives  are  being  connected  to  the   Internet.   It   is   not   just   PCs,   smartphones   and   wearable   technology  devices   that   are   connected;   our   houses   and   automobiles   have   started   to  become  connected,  too.  And  Cisco  Systems  forecasts  that  50  billion  devices  will  be  connected  to  the  Internet  by  2020.  All  of  these  things  will  need  to  be  tracked  and  accounted  for.  Specifically,  things  belonging  to  the  IoT  need  to  be  tagged  somehow  with  an  automatic   identification  technology,  and  RFID  can  serve  this  purpose.  For  example,  RFID  chips  can  be  used  to  tag  grocery  items   in   order   to   help   grocers   monitor   consumption   and   expiration.   And  

Cisco  Systems  forecasts  that  50  billion  devices  will  be  connected  to  the  Internet  by  2020.  All  of  these  things  will  need  to  be  tracked  and  accounted  for.  



MARCH  15,  2016  

DEBORAH  WEINSWIG,  MANAGING  DIRECTOR,  FUNG  GLOBAL  RETAIL  &  TECHNOLOGY  [email protected]    US:  917.655.6790    HK:  852.6119.1779    CN:  86.186.1420.3016  Copyright  ©  2016  The  Fung  Group.  All  rights  reserved.  

RFID   tags   on   prescription   bottles   can   help   companies   ensure   prescription  adherence  and  monitor  expiration  dates.  

MARKET  SIZE  According   to  market   research   firm   IDTechEx,   the   global   RFID  market—for  tags,   interrogators,  systems,  services,  networking  and  software—will  reach  approximately   $13.9   billion   this   year   and   grow   at   a   17.0%   CAGR   through  2018.  

Figure  2.  Breakdown  of  Global  RFID  Market,  by  Type  (USD  Bil.)  


Source:  IDTechEx  

In  the  graph  below,  we  see  that  the  industrial  sector  is  currently  the  largest  global   RFID   market,   followed   by   transportation,   retail,   healthcare   and  education.  

Figure  3.  Breakdown  of  Global  RFID  Market,  by  Sector  (USD  Bil.)  


Source:  Frost  &  Sullivan  

Within   the  above  categories,  RFID   technology   is  used  most  extensively   for  the  following  applications:  

• Industrial—Asset  tracking,  such  as  of  equipment,  tools  and  inventory  

• Transportation—Ticketing  

• Retail—Apparel  item  marking  

• Healthcare—Asset  tracking  of  medical  equipment  and  instruments  

• Others—Government  mandates  for  the  tracking  of  livestock  

$0  $2  $4  $6  $8  

$10  $12  $14  $16  $18  $20  

2012   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   2018  

Acive  RFID/  RTLS    Systems  

Passive  RFID  Services,  Networking,  Sokware  Passive    RFID    Interrogators  

Passive    RFID    Tags  






23.9%  Industrial  






According  to  market  research  firm  IDTechEx,  the  global  RFID  market—for  tags,  interrogators,  systems,  services,  networking  and  software—will  reach  approximately  $13.9  billion  this  year  and  grow  at  a  17.0%  CAGR  through  2018.  



MARCH  15,  2016  

DEBORAH  WEINSWIG,  MANAGING  DIRECTOR,  FUNG  GLOBAL  RETAIL  &  TECHNOLOGY  [email protected]    US:  917.655.6790    HK:  852.6119.1779    CN:  86.186.1420.3016  Copyright  ©  2016  The  Fung  Group.  All  rights  reserved.  

The  graph  below  shows  the  global  RFID  procurement  market  by  geography.  Market   Info   Group   predicts   that   the   fastest-­‐growing   regions   will   be   Asia  (predicted   to   grow   at   a   63%   CAGR),   followed   by  North   America   (at   45%),  Europe   (at   41%),   and   then   Africa   and   South   America   (both   at   24%),   for   a  total  CAGR  of  47%  during  2013–2020.  

Figure  4.  Global  RFID  Procurement  Market  (USD  Bil.)  


Source:  Market  Info  Group  

Chinese  Market  China  has  been  an  enthusiastic  user  of  RFID  tags  in  smart  cards  and  transit  cards.   Lux  Research  estimates   that   the  Chinese  RFID  market  will  be  worth  about   $719  million,   comprising   nearly   1.8   billion   units,   this   year.   The   firm  forecasts  that  the  Chinese  market  will  grow  at  a  12%  CAGR  in  dollar  terms  and  at  a  19%  CAGR  in  unit  terms  during  2012–2017.    














2013   2016   2018   2020  

North  America   Asia   Europe   Africa   South  America  




41%  24%  24%  

Source:  globalsources.com  

Market  Info  Group  predicts  that  the  fastest-­‐growing  regions  will  be  Asia  (predicted  to  grow  at  a  63%  CAGR),  followed  by  North  America  (at  45%),  Europe  (at  41%),  and  then  Africa  and  South  America  (both  at  24%),  for  a  total  CAGR  of  47%  during  2013–2020.  



MARCH  15,  2016  

DEBORAH  WEINSWIG,  MANAGING  DIRECTOR,  FUNG  GLOBAL  RETAIL  &  TECHNOLOGY  [email protected]    US:  917.655.6790    HK:  852.6119.1779    CN:  86.186.1420.3016  Copyright  ©  2016  The  Fung  Group.  All  rights  reserved.  

RFID’S  BENEFITS  Below,   we   list   some   of   the   revenue   enhancements   and   cost   savings   that  retailers  can  expect  to  achieve  by  implementing  RFID.  

Revenue  Enhancements  

• Eliminating   Out-­‐of-­‐Stock   Situations.   A   Harvard   Business   School  study  found  that  8%  of  all  retail  items  are  out  of  stock  at  any  given  time,   which   costs   the   industry   more   than   $69   billion   per   year.  Consulting  firm  Kurt  Salmon  estimates  this  figure  at  8%–15%.  Using  RFID  reduces  the  likelihood  of  an  item  being  out  of  stock  by  60%–80%,  according  to  ABI  Research.  

• Sales   Lift   from   Inventory   Management.   Kurt   Salmon   cites   an  example  of  a  retailer  that  saw  a  4%  sales  lift  from  using  RFID,  which  amounted  to  a  $2.5  billion  revenue  increase  across  the  company’s  entire  store  fleet.  

• Inventory  in  the  Right  Place.  Inventory  also  gets  “lost”  at  retailers.  In   one   pilot   study,   only   30%   of   merchandise   was   located   in  sufficient   time   to   transfer   it   to   the   clearance   rack.   Kurt   Salmon  estimates   that   finding   inventory   in   time   can   result   in   a   3%–5%  increase  in  net  sales.  

• Reduce  Theft.  According  to  the  University  of  Florida,  retailers  lose  more  than  $37  billion  per  year  due  to  shrinkage,  or  theft.  RFID  can  also   serve   as   an   electronic   surveillance   tool   to   prevent   theft.  American  Apparel’s   120   stores  using  RFID   run  at   99.8%   inventory  accuracy  and  shrinkage  has  been  cut  by  55%,  on  average.  

• Omni-­‐Channel   Opportunities.   Having   an   accurate   view   of  inventory  enables  retailers  to  offer  services  such  as  ship-­‐from-­‐store  and   click-­‐and-­‐collect,   which   also   allows   them   to   save   money   on  shipping  costs.  Nordstrom  claimed  that  the  integration  of  its  online  and  in-­‐store  inventories  resulted  in  a  39%  sales  increase.  

• Better   Customer  Experience.   RFID,   along  with   intelligent   displays  and   smartphone   apps,   can   be   used   to   offer   customers   additional  information   on   the   products   they   are   viewing,   to   enable   magic  mirrors,  and  to  offer  individual  promotions  and  discounts.  

Cost  Savings  • Better   Planning.   Companies   that   have   an   accurate   view   of   their  

inventory   can   better   manage   inventory   replenishment   and  increase   inventory  turns.  These  result   in  better  cash  management  and  reduce  the  need  for  markdowns.  Kurt  Salmon  cites  one  retailer  that   estimates   using   RFID   can   reduce   inventory   by   1%   while  boosting  sales  by  4%–5%.  

Applications  in  Apparel  Manufacturing  Using   RFID   tags   can   provide   additional   value   to   apparel   manufacturers,  enabling   them   to   track   garments   throughout   the   entire   manufacturing  process,   from   the   factory   to   the   distribution   center   to   the   retailer,   as  depicted   in   the   figure   below.   RFID   tags   can   also   be   used   to   verify   the  custody   chain   of   luxury   garments,   enabling   retailers   to   vouch   for   their  authenticity.  

A  Harvard  Business  School  study  found  that  8%  of  all  retail  items  are  out  of  stock  at  any  given  time,  which  costs  the  industry  more  than  $69  billion  per  year.  



MARCH  15,  2016  

DEBORAH  WEINSWIG,  MANAGING  DIRECTOR,  FUNG  GLOBAL  RETAIL  &  TECHNOLOGY  [email protected]    US:  917.655.6790    HK:  852.6119.1779    CN:  86.186.1420.3016  Copyright  ©  2016  The  Fung  Group.  All  rights  reserved.  

Figure  5.  Use  of  RFID  Tags  in  Apparel  Manufacturing  


Source:  Japanese  Ministry  of  Internal  Affairs  and  Communications  

THE  COST  OF  RFID  When  Walmart  piloted  a  program   in   the  early   2000s   that   required   its   top  100  suppliers  to  implement  RFID  systems,  prices  ranged  between  $500,000  and  $1  million—and  a  $500,000  figure  has  thus  stuck  in  the  minds  of  CFOs  ever  since.  However,  that  figure  is  largely  inaccurate,  and  higher  than  what  some   companies   would   pay   to   implement   an   RFID   system.   According   to  Joseph   Leone,   a   consultant   with   RFID   Global   Solution   who   worked   on  Walmart’s  implementation,  RFID  implementations  can  run  from  $15,000  for  small  vendors   to  $400,000   for   larger  vendors.  Most  companies   that  spend  conservatively  can  implement  RFID  for  less  than  $250,000  per  facility,  Leone  says.   Steve   Halliday,   President   of   High   Tech   Aid,   a   consulting   firm,   said,  “Quotes  of  $200,000  to  $300,000  are  more  common.”    

 Source:  news.mit.edu  

A  $500,000  figure  has  stuck  in  the  minds  of  CFOs,  however  most  companies  that  spend  conservatively  can  implement  RFID  for  less  than  $250,000  per  facility.  



MARCH  15,  2016  

DEBORAH  WEINSWIG,  MANAGING  DIRECTOR,  FUNG  GLOBAL  RETAIL  &  TECHNOLOGY  [email protected]    US:  917.655.6790    HK:  852.6119.1779    CN:  86.186.1420.3016  Copyright  ©  2016  The  Fung  Group.  All  rights  reserved.  

In  the  figure  below,  we  see  that  the  relevant  hardware  comprises  less  than  half  the  cost  of  an  RFID  installation;  the  majority  is  made  up  of  expense  for  integration,   changes   to   supply   chain   applications,   and   data   storage   and  analysis.  

Figure  6.  Breakdown  of  Total  Cost  of  Ownership  for  an  RFID  Installation  over  a  Three-­‐Year  Time  Frame  


Source:  Entigral  Systems  

Below,  we  list  the  cost  of  the  components  of  an  RFID  system,  according  to  Atlas  RFID  Store,  a  US-­‐based  seller  of  enterprise  RFID  equipment.    

• Tags  

− Low  Frequency:  $0.50–$5.00  

− High  Frequency:  $0.23–$0.10  

− Ultra-­‐High  Frequency  

§ Active:  $25–$100+  

§ Passive:  $0.13–$0.25  

• Antennas:  $100–$1,000+  

• Readers:  $450–$4,000  

There   are   also   integrated   RFID   readers   available,   which   contain   both   a  reader   and   an   antenna.   Other   kinds   of   equipment,   such   as   RFID   printers,  RFID   portals   (which   read   the   tags   that   pass   through   a   doorway),   and   a  variety  of  cables  and  adapters  are  available,  too.  


How  RFID  Works  An  RFID  system  consists  of  two  main  parts:  

• A  tag  

• An  antenna,  which  is  connected  to  a  reader  (or  interrogator),  which  is  then  connected  to  a  computer  or  a  network.  

Sofware,  37%  

Services,  23%  

Hardware,  18%  

Tags/  Sensors,  12%  

Support,  10%  

Prices  for  passive  RFID  tags  can  run  as  low  as  $0.13  each.  



MARCH  15,  2016  

DEBORAH  WEINSWIG,  MANAGING  DIRECTOR,  FUNG  GLOBAL  RETAIL  &  TECHNOLOGY  [email protected]    US:  917.655.6790    HK:  852.6119.1779    CN:  86.186.1420.3016  Copyright  ©  2016  The  Fung  Group.  All  rights  reserved.  

Each   tag   consists   of   two   parts:   an   integrated   circuit   (i.e.,   a   chip)   and   an  antenna.  The  chip  holds  data  such  as  the  serial  number  and  the  electronic  product   code   that   the   host   uses   to   determine   information   about   the  product  that  was  tagged.  The  antenna  is  used  to  collect  the  energy  needed  to  turn  on  the  chip  and  transmit  information  back  to  the  reader.  

Tags  can  be  either  active  or  passive.  An  active  tag  supplies  its  own  energy,  while   a   passive   tag   captures   and   briefly   stores   small   amounts   of   energy  from  the  reader.  The  energy  is  used  to  produce  a  response  by  the  tag  in  the  form   of   information   that   is   transmitted   over   a   radio   frequency.   That  information  is  then  captured  by  the  reader  and  interpreted  by  the  host.  

The  diagram  below  illustrates  the  operation  of  an  RFID  system.  

Figure  7.  Diagram  of  an  RFID  System  


Source:  AtlasRFIDstore.com  

Different  tags  operate  using  different  frequencies,  so  readers  must  be  able  to   pick   up   specific   frequencies   (although   some   readers   can   read  multiple  frequencies).  The  three  most  common  frequencies  in  use  are  low  frequency  (LF),   high   frequency   (HF)   and  ultra-­‐high   frequency   (UHF).  UHF   is   the  most  common  frequency  used  for  retail  applications.  

Figure  8.  RFID  Frequencies  and  Applications  Name   Frequency  Band   Range   Applications  

LF   30–300  KHz,  typically  125  KHz  

Up  to  20  inches   Access  control  and  livestock  tracking  

HF   3–30  MHz   Up  to  10  feet   Ticketing,  payment  and  data  transfer  

UHF   300  MHz–3  GHz   3–20  feet   Inventory  management,  pharmaceutical  anti-­‐counterfeiting,  wireless  device  configuration  

Source:  Impinj  




MARCH  15,  2016  

DEBORAH  WEINSWIG,  MANAGING  DIRECTOR,  FUNG  GLOBAL  RETAIL  &  TECHNOLOGY  [email protected]    US:  917.655.6790    HK:  852.6119.1779    CN:  86.186.1420.3016  Copyright  ©  2016  The  Fung  Group.  All  rights  reserved.  

RFID  COMPONENT  AND  SYSTEM  VENDORS  Market   researcher   IDTechEx   tracks   more   than   1,000   RFID   companies  globally  and  classifies  them  by  RFID  revenues,  as  shown  in  the  figure  below.  

Figure  9.  Classification  of  Selected  RFID  Companies  by  Revenue  


Source:  IDTechEx  

Selected  RFID  Suppliers  Zebra   Technologies   is   a   global   leader   in   enterprise   asset   intelligence,  designing  and  marketing  specialty  printers,  mobile  computing,  data  capture,  RFID   products   and   real-­‐time   location   systems.   The   company   claims   to   be  number   one   in   RFID,   and   its   product   portfolio   includes   RFID   handheld  readers,   fixed   readers,  antennas  and  printers.   Its  RFID   readers  use  passive  UHF   to   provide   high-­‐speed,   non-­‐line-­‐of-­‐sight   data   capture,   reading   data  from  RFID  tags  in  near  real  time  using  the  electronic  product  code  standard.  Zebra   also   offers   mobile   computers   that   support   HF   near-­‐field  communications  (NFC)  and  LF  radio  technologies.    



Taiwanese   conglomerate   Yuen   Foong   Yu   (YFY)   has   a   subsidiary   in   its  Technology   Group   called   Arizon   RFID   Technology.   The   company  manufactures  antennas,  chip  packaging  and  inlay  bonding,  and  designs  and  

Source:  zebra.com  

Market  researcher  IDTechEx  tracks  more  than  1,000  RFID  companies  globally  and  classifies  them  by  RFID  revenues  



MARCH  15,  2016  

DEBORAH  WEINSWIG,  MANAGING  DIRECTOR,  FUNG  GLOBAL  RETAIL  &  TECHNOLOGY  [email protected]    US:  917.655.6790    HK:  852.6119.1779    CN:  86.186.1420.3016  Copyright  ©  2016  The  Fung  Group.  All  rights  reserved.  

manufactures   HF   and   UHF   transponders   and   tags,   plus   complete   RFID  solutions.  Arizon  claims  to  be  the  largest  manufacturer  of  RFID  technologies  in  China  and  Taiwan  and  the  second  largest  in  the  world.  

Catalyst,   a   Li   &   Fung   company,   offers   an   end-­‐to-­‐end   RFID   solution   for  retailers;  the  company  provides  solutions  for  tagging,   inventory,   improving  the   customer   experience   and   security.   The   company   offers   a   range   of  customer  experience  products,   including   the  Catalyst   Smart   Screen,  which  allows  customers  to  interact  and  engage  with  a  simple  touch  screen.  When  a   customer   takes   a   garment   to   the   screen,   the   system   automatically  displays   a   completed   look   and   other   product   information.   The   Catalyst  Smart  Fitting  Room  triggers   content  on  a   screen  when  a  garment   is   taken  into   a   fitting   room.   When   a   customer   product   is   placed   on   the   Catalyst  Smart   Tray,   it   reads   the   RFID   tag   and   automatically   displays   additional  product  information,  features  and  benefits  via  images,  video  and  audio;  the  tray  has  been  used  for  both  cosmetics  and  footwear.  Finally,  Catalyst  ePay  integrates  with  point-­‐of-­‐sale   systems   to  enable   the   simultaneous   scanning  of  multiple  items.    


Other  RFID  product  vendors:  

• AiRISTA   offers   identification   and   track-­‐and-­‐trace   solutions   using  passive,   active   and   semi-­‐active   RFID,   real-­‐time   location   systems,   GPS  and  other  technologies.  

• Alien  Technology  offers  UHF  passive  RFID  transceiver  chips,  tags,  inlays,  labels,  fixed  and  mobile  readers,  and  related  services.  

• CenTrak  offers  healthcare  facilities  real-­‐time  location  systems  that  use  infrared  and  RFID  technology.  

• Ekahau  offers  Wi-­‐Fi-­‐enabled  RFID  tags,  badges  and  sensors.  

• Impinj   offers   RAIN   (derived   from   Radio-­‐frequency   IdentificatioN—a  standardized  version  of  RFID)  solutions.  

• Mojix   offers   fixed-­‐infrastructure   sensor   networks   that   collect,   store,  analyze  and  interconnect  data  from  RFID  and  other  sensor  devices.  

• PLUS  Location  Systems  offers  real-­‐time   location  system  hardware  and  software  components.  

Source:  catalyst-­‐direct.com  

Catalyst,  a  Li  &  Fung  company,  offers  an  end-­‐to-­‐end  RFID  solution  for  retailers;  the  company  provides  solutions  for  tagging,  inventory,  improving  the  customer  experience  and  security.  



MARCH  15,  2016  

DEBORAH  WEINSWIG,  MANAGING  DIRECTOR,  FUNG  GLOBAL  RETAIL  &  TECHNOLOGY  [email protected]    US:  917.655.6790    HK:  852.6119.1779    CN:  86.186.1420.3016  Copyright  ©  2016  The  Fung  Group.  All  rights  reserved.  

• Smartrac   offers   products   that   enable   businesses   to   identify,  authenticate,   track   and   complement   product   offerings   with   digitally  based  services  and  that  link  objects  to  customers’  IT  systems.  

• TeleTracking  offers  RFID  tracking  solutions  for  hospitals.  

• ThingMagic,  a  division  of  Trimble,  offers  RFID  reader  modules.  

• Ubisense  offers  a  real-­‐time  location  systems.  

• Versus  Technology   offers  an  RFID-­‐based   real-­‐time   location   system   for  use  in  healthcare.  

There  is  also  a  wide  spectrum  of  companies  in  China  supplying  various  RFID  components  and  systems.  The  figure  below  classifies  several  of  them.  

Figure  10.  China’s  RFID  Value  Chain  



















Source:  Lux  Research  

RFID  IMPLEMENTATION  CASE  STUDIES  Many  retailers  have  experimented  at  one  time  or  another  with  various  RFID  implementations.  In  the  last  five  years,  we  have  seen  many  major  retailers  implement  the  technology.  

Walmart’s   early   experience   with   RFID   is   well   documented,   and   it   likely  resulted   in   the   rest   of   the   retailing   industry   resisting   the   technology   for   a  number   of   years.   In   2003,   the   company   began   requiring   that   its   top   100  suppliers   attach   RFID   tags   to   pallets   and   cases   of   goods   sent   to  Walmart  distribution  centers.  Many  suppliers  resisted,  believing  the  technology  had  

• CEC  Huada  

• Datang  Microelectronics  

• Fudan  Microelectronics  

• Huahong  Integrated  Circuit  

• Nationz  Technologies  

• Quanray  

• Tongfang  Microelectronics  


UHF:  • Aerospace  Innotech  • Chedu  Pushi  • Meritag  

HF:  • Ask-­‐Tongfang  • Global  Magnetic  Cards  • Huaguan  

LF:  • Smartchip  

Others:  • Arizon  RFID  • Genvict  • Mulan  • Zhejiang  Junmp  


• Jinhon  Cekong  Technology  

• Market  Trace  

• Module  Technology  

• Nanjing  Sanbao  

• Nationz  Technology  

• Sage  Intelligence  

• Shenzhen  Decard  

• Shenzhen  EP  Intelligent  

• Weihai  Beiyang  

• Xiamen  Unitech  


• Asino  

• Beijing  Timeloit  

• Dongfang  Electronics  

• Guangzhou  Connectech  

• Huada  Jicheng  

• Kingdee  

• Ningbo  Boigle  

• Shenzhen  Seaever  

• Suzhou  Digican  

• Tongfang  R.I.A.  

• ZTE  


RFID  Chip  Design  


RFID  Card/Tag  Packaging  


RFID  Read/Write  Equipment  


RFID  System  Integration  


Raifu  Technology,  Super  Electronics,  Sense  Technology  




MARCH  15,  2016  

DEBORAH  WEINSWIG,  MANAGING  DIRECTOR,  FUNG  GLOBAL  RETAIL  &  TECHNOLOGY  [email protected]    US:  917.655.6790    HK:  852.6119.1779    CN:  86.186.1420.3016  Copyright  ©  2016  The  Fung  Group.  All  rights  reserved.  

high   costs   and   few   benefits.   In   the   face   of   this   resistance,   Walmart  reconfigured  its  strategy  in  2007.  

Since   then,   a   number   of   retailers   have   returned   to   the   technology,   and  companies  that  have  recently  deployed  RFID  include:  

G-­‐Star  Raw,  which  took  part  in  a  “magic  mirror”  demonstration  with  Impinj  at   the   National   Retail   Federation’s   Retail’s   Big   Show   in   2016.   The   mirror  offers   product   information   on   a   large   screen  when   a   shopper   approaches  the   screen   with   a   tagged   item   in   hand.   Kenneth   Cole,   L.L.Bean   and   New  Balance   are   also   reportedly   testing   versions   of   this   technology.   Impinj  claims  to  have  shipped  3  billion  RFID  chips  in  2015.  

Inditex  plans  to  use  RFID  technology  for  inventory  management,  which  will  be  in  place  in  more  than  2,000  Zara  stores  by  the  end  of  the  year.  

Kohl’s,   in   partnership  with   Checkpoint   Systems,   launched   a   pilot   program  testing  RFID  in  2012  and  has  since  expanded  the  program  to  cover  strategic  apparel   items   that   include   footwear,   denim   and   men’s   basics,   such   as  underwear  and  T-­‐shirts.  

Levi’s  was  an  early   adopter  of  RFID  and  uses   the   technology   to  help  both  customers   and   associates   locate   specific   sizes   of   jeans,   which   can   look  similar  when  stacked  on  a  store  shelf.  

Lucky   Brand   opened   two   stores   in   the   summer   of   2015   outfitted  with   an  RFID  system  from  Catalyst   that  enables  customers   to  view  how  a  garment  looks  on  a  model,   learn  more  about   the  garment  and   find  out  which  sizes  are  available  in  the  store  or  online.    

Macy’s   began   pilot-­‐testing   RFID   technology   in   its   SoHo   Bloomingdale’s  location.   Following   initial   testing   on   fashion   apparel,   the   company   began  putting  RFID  tags  on  items  such  as  social  occasion  dresses  and  men’s  jackets  in   late   2014.   Most   recently,   Macy’s   launched   an   RFID   system   from   Tyco  called  Pick  to  the  Last  Unit  (P2LU)  for  omni-­‐channel  fulfillment.  

Marks  &  Spencer   tagged  about  80%  of   its   items   last   year  and  aims   to   tag  100%  of  its  items  by  2017.  Currently,  100%  of  the  clothing  the  retailer  sells  is  RFID  tagged,  as  are  half  of  homeware  items,  such  as  bedding,  bathroom  products  and  soft  furnishings.  The  company  uses  tags  from  Avery  Dennison.  

Ralph  Lauren   launched  eight  RFID-­‐enabled   interactive   fitting  rooms   in   late  2015  at  its  Polo  Ralph  Lauren  flagship  store  in  New  York  City.  In  partnership  with  Oak  Labs,  the  technology  offers  a  smart  mirror  with  a  touch  screen  and  a  built-­‐in  RFID  reader  that  identifies  the  RFID  tags  on  garments  brought  into  the  fitting  room.  Following  pilot  testing,  the  company  plans  to  install  these  types  of  fitting  rooms  in  additional  stores.  

Rebecca  Minkoff’s  store  in  the  SoHo  district  of  New  York  City  uses  RFID  tags  from  Avery  Dennison,  along  with  technology  from  eBay  and  other  vendors,  to  identify  garments  brought  into  the  changing  room,  where  they  activate  a  magic  mirror.  

Salvatore   Ferragamo   is   embedding  microchips   in   its   bags   and   shoes   in   an  effort  to  combat  counterfeiting.  The  company  initially  inserted  RFID  chips  in  the   left   soles   of   women’s   shoes   starting   in   2014   and   has   subsequently  



MARCH  15,  2016  

DEBORAH  WEINSWIG,  MANAGING  DIRECTOR,  FUNG  GLOBAL  RETAIL  &  TECHNOLOGY  [email protected]    US:  917.655.6790    HK:  852.6119.1779    CN:  86.186.1420.3016  Copyright  ©  2016  The  Fung  Group.  All  rights  reserved.  

expanded   its   tagging   program   to   include   men’s   shoes,   women’s   leather  goods  and  luggage.  

In   2015,   Target   announced   the   launch   of   an   RFID-­‐tagging   program.   The  company  planned   to   start  with   a  dozen   stores   and  expand   the  use  of   the  technology  to  all  1,795  of  its  stores  in  the  US  in  2016.  

ALTERNATIVE  TECHNOLOGIES:  RFID,  NFC,  BLE  OR  QR?  There   is   much   discussion   and   confusion   as   to   which   identification  technology  is  the  best.  We  believe  the  appropriate  technology  depends  on  an   individual   retailer’s   budget,   range   and   application.   Companies   seem   to  be   adopting   technologies   as   follows:   RFID   appears   to   be   the   most  appropriate   for   inventory   management   (as   compared   to   NFC)   due   to   its  greater  range  (a  whole  shelf  of  garments  can  be  scanned  by  a  reader).  NFC  is   being   deployed   in   smartphones   and   payment   terminals   to   facilitate  electronic  and  mobile  payments.  Bluetooth   low  energy   (BLE)   is  a  variation  of  the  Bluetooth  technology  present  in  most  smartphones  and  tablets:  it  is  enabling   wearable   technology   and   the   IoT.   Finally,   quick   response   (QR)  codes  are  2D  barcodes  that  are  best  used  to  guide  visitors  to  product,  news  or  other  websites.  

Figure  11.  Overview  of  Identification  Technologies     RFID   NFC   BLE   QR  

Technology     Actively  or  passively  reflects  radio  waves  

Actively  or  passively  reflects  radio  waves  

Bluetooth  low  energy  wireless  

2D  barcode  

Distance   300  feet   4  inches   300  feet   Line  of  sight  

Hardware  Required  

RFID  tags,  scanner  

NFC  chip,  terminal  

Bluetooth  chip  

Camera,  software  

Cost  per  Tag   $0.10   $1.50   $3.00   Negligible  

Applications   Inventory  management,  smart  cards  

Mobile  payments,  smart  cards  

Wearable  technology,  IoT  

Scannable  codes  for  retail  products,  websites  

Source:  AtlasRFIDstore.com/Unitag.io/Fung  Global  Research  &  Technology  

NEGATIVE  VIEWS  OF  RFID  In  addition  to  concerns  about  the  cost  of  implementing  RFID,  there  are  two  other   key   areas  of   concern   that  make  many   retailers   hesitant   to   embrace  the  technology:  privacy  and  accuracy.  

Privacy   is   a   natural   concern   with   any   technology   that   can   be   used   for  identification  purposes,  and  many  fear  that  RFID  technology  could  be  used  for  tracking  individuals.  However,  these  fears  may  be  overblown.  RFID  tags  have   a   limited   range,   so   individuals   can  be   tracked  only  when   they   are   in  the  range  of  a  reader.  Also,  the  vast  majority  of  applications  are  for  tracking  objects—the  tags  are  readable  only  by  a  corresponding  type  of  reader.  We  are  not  currently  aware  of  any  initiatives  to  use  RFID  technology  for  tracking  people.  

Another   concern  about  RFID   tags   is   their   accuracy.   For  example,   even   if   a  tag  is  scanned  and  read  by  the  reader  correctly,  the  information  may  not  be  

In  addition  to  concerns  about  the  cost  of  implementing  RFID,  there  are  two  other  key  areas  of  concern  that  make  many  retailers  hesitant  to  embrace  the  technology:  privacy  and  accuracy.  



MARCH  15,  2016  

DEBORAH  WEINSWIG,  MANAGING  DIRECTOR,  FUNG  GLOBAL  RETAIL  &  TECHNOLOGY  [email protected]    US:  917.655.6790    HK:  852.6119.1779    CN:  86.186.1420.3016  Copyright  ©  2016  The  Fung  Group.  All  rights  reserved.  

accurate.  That  is  because  the  code  is  tied  to  information  that  was  probably  input  by  a  human  and  is  therefore  subject  to  human  error.  Also,  readers  are  not   able   to   read   every   tag   every   single   time,   so   some   tags   are   missed.  Moreover,   interference   from  other   electromagnetic   signals,   such   as  Wi-­‐Fi,  microwaves   and   Bluetooth,   can   also   impede   accuracy.   Companies   are  dealing   with   interference   by   using   special   signal-­‐blocking   paints,   and  evolving   RFID   standards   are   steadily   improving   readers’   ability   to   receive  the  correct  signals  from  tags.  

CONCLUSION  RFID   is   an  old   technology   that   finally   seems   to  have   found   its   sweet   spot.  Many   retailers   have   begun   to   overcome   their   fears   about   the   cost   of  implementing  the  technology.  During  the  past  five  years,  the  need  to  offer  accelerated   shipping   and   seamless   omni-­‐channel   operations   has   driven  many   companies   to   begin   deploying   RFID.   And   as   the   number   of   devices  that  are  part  of  the  IoT  grows  over  the  next  several  years,  we  are   likely  to  see  even  further  adoption  of  the  technology  in  retail.    


 Deborah  Weinswig,  CPA  Managing  Director  Fung  Global  Retail  &  Technology  New  York:  917.655.6790    Hong  Kong:  852.6119.1779  China:  86.186.1420.3016  [email protected]    John  Harmon,  CFA  Senior  Analyst  Ross  Beroff  Research  Intern    HONG  KONG:  10th  Floor,  LiFung  Tower  888  Cheung  Sha  Wan  Road,  Kowloon  Hong  Kong  Tel:  852  2300  2470    LONDON:  242-­‐246  Marylebone  Road  London,  NW1  6JQ  United  Kingdom  Tel:    44  (0)20  7616  8988    NEW  YORK:  1359  Broadway,  9th  Floor  New  York,  NY  10018  Tel:  646  839  7017    FBICGROUP.COM