rf calculator spectrum analysis

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    Spectrum Analyzer

    This section covers the functions of Spectrum Analysis and Spectrum Analyzer measurements.

    Power Input

    This function is used to determine the total power input into a spectrum analyzer, radio or noise figure meter.

    It is used to make sure that the receiver is not overloaded with noise power and operating outside its

    dynamic range. Input the Temperature in Kelvin, Bandwidth in Hertz, ENR Excess Noise Ratio of Hot/Cold

    noise source, PreAmp Gain, DUT Device Under Test Noise Figure in dBF and Gain in dB. Press Calculate

    to compute and display. Clearto reset and reenter value to retry and Closeto Quit.

    Figure 90 Spectrum Analyzer Input Power


    This function is used to determine the Threshold or Minimum Detectable Signal MDS. It is used to make surethat the signal is detectable. Input the Temperature in Kelvin, Bandwidth in Hertz, Noise Figure of Receiver in

    dBF, Singal Level in dBm and Noise Level in dBm. The output is the Minimum Detectable Signal in dBm.

    Press Calculateto compute and display. Clearto reset and reenter value to retry and Closeto Quit.

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    Figure 91 Spectrum Analyzer Threshold/ Minimum Detectable Signal


    This function is used to determine the Eb/No to Signal to Noise Levels. Input the Eb/No ratio or the Signal to

    Noise S/N ratio, the Data Rate in Bits/Sec and the Channel Bandwidth. The Eb/No or the S/n ratio that is not

    input will be calculated. Press Calculateto compute and display. Clearto reset and reenter value to retry

    and Closeto Quit.

    Figure 92 Spectrum Analyzer Eb/No to S/N

    Swp Time

    This function is used to get a rough estimate of the Spectrum Analyzer sweep time for a trace to complete.

    Enter the RBW- Resolution Bandwidth, the VBW Video Bandwidth, the Span all in Hertz and the constant

    of choice. The output is an approximate sweep time for the spectrum analyzer. The constant can be

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    determined for a spectrum analyzer by estimating backward to refine the value. I defaulted to the one most

    used for Agilent Analyzers. Press Calculateto compute and display. Clearto reset and reenter value to

    retry and Closeto Quit.

    You can also calculate the Spectrum Analyzer Sweep Coverage. That is it determines if the sweep

    parameters of the Spectrum Analyzer must be sufficient for RWB of each receive frequency point must totalequal to or greater than the total span bandwidth. This insures that each frequency bucket covers every

    window needed to cover the entire band without any missed coverage for the point to point bandwidth. Enter

    the Resolution Bandwidth and the Span of the sweep as well as the number of points in the sweep. Press the

    associated Calculate button and the coverage Pass/Fail and percentage of coverage. Less than 100% means

    that there are gaps in the point to point bandwidth coverage thru the span.

    Figure 93 Spectrum Analyzer Sweep Time

    Pwr Avg SN/N

    This function set is to calculate the Power Average of Signal and Noise to Signal/Noise. There are two

    functions, one absolute and the other relative. For the left one add the Signal + noise level and the Noise

    Level all in dBm/Hz. In the other function, enter the signal Delta (i.e. Signal and Noise to Noise Level delta).

    In either case it will figure the signal error due to the added noise contribution. Press Calculateto compute

    and display. Clearto reset and reenter value to retry and Closeto Quit.

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    Figure 94 - Spectrum Analyzer Power Average SN/N Error

    Log Avg SN/N

    This function set is to calculate the Logarithmic Average of Signal and Noise to Signal/Noise. The function

    requires the Signal and Noise Level in dBm, the Delta Signal + Noise to Noise Level. It will figure the CW

    Corrected signal level and CW signal error due to the added noise contribution. Press Calculateto compute

    and display. Clearto reset and reenter value to retry and Closeto Quit.

    Figure 95 - Spectrum Analyzer Log Average SN/N Error


    Intermod Order

    This section is used to calculate the appropriate Inter-Modulation Level. Select the desired Inter-modulation

    order that you wish to calculate and enter the Fundamental and IM Product levels in dBm. The Intermod level

    of that order is calculated for the device. Press Calculateto compute and display. Clearto reset and reenter

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    value to retry and Closeto Quit.

    Normalize Unequal Power

    This section calculates the Normalized power of two unequal level signals used in the adjoining Intermod

    Level calculations. Enter signal levels 1 and 2 and Press Calculateto compute and display. Clearto resetand reenter value to retry and Closeto Quit.

    Figure 96 Spectrum Analysis Intermod Order and Normalize Unequal Power

    DANL/NF + BW

    This function set calculates the Noise Figure in dBF, the DANL/ANL Displayed Average Noise level or

    Average Noise Level and the Tangential Sensitivity. Enter the Temperature in Kelvin, the bandwidth in Hertz

    and one of the three values of DANL, Noise Figure or Tangential Sensitivity. It will compute the missing


    Displayed Average Noise Level

    If the DANL/ANL check box is checked it computes to/from DANL and unchecked it computes to/from

    ANL. In the case below I entered the temperature, bandwidth and checked the DANL box and entered the

    DANL of 88dBm/Hz. It calculated the Noise figure and Tangential Sensitivity of the receiver. Press

    Calculateto compute and display. Clearto reset and reenter value to retry and Closeto Quit.

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    Figure 97 - Spectrum Analyzer DANL/NF and TSS

    Average Noise Level Calculation

    Here I entered an ANL of 120dBm/Hz, 290K, 1KHz Bandwidth and unchecked the box. It calculated the

    Noise Figure and TSS. Also could have entered in either the TSS or the Noise Figure instead of the ANL

    and it would have figured the other two.

    Figure 98 Spectrum Analyzer ANL/NF and TSS

    Crest Factor

    Crest factor is a measure of the signal cresting due to random modulation variations and the probabilities of

    them adding Fourier series manner to product above average peaks of instantaneous peaks in the signal

    range. Enter any two of the three values and press Calculate to compute the remaining value. Press

    Calculateto compute and display. Clearto reset and reenter value to retry and Closeto Quit.

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    Figure 99 Spectrum Analyzer Crest Factor


    Line Spectrum

    Pulse De-sensitation Factor or PDF is the determining of or using the pulsed duty cycle power average offset

    that can be applied to help determine signal measured levels from pulsed signals. For the line spectrum enter

    any two of the three values Time On, Time Period and/or PDF to calculate the missing component. The PDF

    is the decibel offset that can be added to a CW signal level to correct to what it would measure in a power-

    integrating sensor as the pulsed average power.

    Envelope Spectrum

    This one uses any three of the four inputs to calculate the missing value. It will take the Time On, K constant

    factor, the Bandwidth and/or finally the PDF. Enter any two of the three values on the right function and/or

    any three of the four inputs on the right side function and Press Calculateto compute and display. Clearto

    reset and reenter value to retry and Closeto Quit.

    Figure 100 Spectrum Analyzer PDF

    Two Tone

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    This screen helps the operator to compute all the second and third order Intermodulation components of

    mixed signals and the mixing products. Enter Fund1 and Fund2 values in Hz, KHz, MHz, GHz etc. The units

    on the calculator being Hz, will scale units to whatever you wish. Press Calculateto compute and display.

    Clearto reset and reenter value to retry and Closeto Quit.

    Figure 101 Spectrum Analyzer Two Tone

    Bandwidth Correction

    Channel Power RBW

    This calculator screen has several functions. The first is to calculate Span, Points and/or RBW Resolution

    Bandwidth. Using the Spectrum Analyzer constant of computation (bandwidth integration factor) it will take

    two of the three variables Span, Points and/or RBW Resolution Bandwidth and compute the missing variable.Press the Calculatebutton on the left to compute this function. Clearto reset and reenter value to retry and

    Closeto Quit.

    Bandwidth Correction

    This function can be used to compute either the bandwidth offset or the converted signal integrated power

    based on the signal and the bandwidth of integration of that signal. Note assumes flat bandwidth frequency

    response of the range of integration. Press the Calculate button on the right to compute this function. Press

    Calculateto compute and display. Clearto reset and reenter value to retry and Closeto Quit.

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    Figure 102 Spectrum Analyzer Bandwidth Correction