rezwan's model test

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  • 8/8/2019 Rezwan's Model Test


    BBA Admission Test

    Section A: English Language and Free-hand writing(7 Questions, 50 Marks)

    01. Rewrite the following sentences using the right form of verbs: 05a. The man (to hang) for murder.b. (To be) wise, he got the prize.c. He said that he (to go) the next day.d. If she had been hungry, she (to eat) something.e. The dark assertion will (to illuminate) later on.

    02. Fill in the gaps with appropriate preposition: 05a. Do not jump _________ the offer.

    b. Jenny is very particular _________ her health.c. The young man came ________ a noble family.

    d. He was condemned ___________ death for murder.e. He died not _______ cholera but _________ poison.

    03. Correct the following sentences: 05a. He has taken admission in Khulna University.

    b. Character is more preferable than intelligence.c. Please credit this sum to my name.d. He is comparatively better today.e. Nobody will come, will he?

    04. Change the following sentences as directed: 10a. Every rose has thorn. (Make negative)

    b. Their glory can never fade. (Make interrogative)

    c. He was ill and so he could not play yesterday. (Simple)

    d. It was raining at the time of his waking up. (Make complex)

    e. Pen through the sentence please. (Make passive)

    f. What is looted1 can not be blotted. (Make Active)

    g. I learned to read sooner than most children. ( Make Positive)

    h. The forbidden book lasted longer than all the rest. ( Make superlative)

    i. Let her sing a song, ___________________? (Tag Question)

    j. She was indifferent to hard work. She shone in life. (Combine it using Despite)

    05. Make a sentence with each of the following words: 05

    a. Acquirement:Acquisition:

  • 8/8/2019 Rezwan's Model Test


    b. Childish:Childlike:

    c. Dependant:Dependent:

    d. Weak:Wick:

    e. Eminent:Imminent:

    06. Write five pairs of dialogue between you and your friends regarding SIDR. 10

    07. Write a paragraph of ten sentences on Present Care-taker Government. 10

  • 8/8/2019 Rezwan's Model Test


    Section B: Analytical Ability(10 questions 2 marks = 20 marks)

    1. Azmal is the son of Zahid. Asma is the daughter of Saiful. Sheela is the wife of Saiful.Masum is the son of Sheela. How is Asma related to Masum?

    (a) Sister (b) Aunt (c) Mother (d) Sister in law

    2. Two days before day before yesterday was Sunday. What will be the day aftertomorrow?(a) Friday (b) Saturday (c) Monday (d) Tuesday

    3. If COW is coded as 358, WORD is coded as 8571 and DRAW is coded as 1708, thenhow would you encode the word COWARD?(a) 385071 (b) 358071 (c) 530817 (d) 058317

    4. Most people who eat fatty foods get heart disease. If Alam does not eat fatty foods, he

    will not get heart disease. The argument assumes that(a) Heavier people are most susceptible to heart disease than lighter people.(b) Cholesterol is the major cause of heart disease.(c) The major cause of heart disease is eating fatty foods.(d) Alam has enough will power to control his intake of fatty foods.

    5. Superior teachers are relatively inspiring. However, some superior teachers are alsoirritable and irritable teachers are frequently disturbing to others.Which of the following conclusions may be drawn from the statements above?(a) Irritable teachers are often superior teachers.(b) Superior teachers are generally disturbing to certain students.

    (c) Most inspiring teachers are disturbing to certain students.(d) Some inspiring teachers are frequently disturbing to certain students.

    6. Supply the next missing two numbers in the series: 3 , 5 , 10 , 12 , 24 __ , __ .Ans:

    7. If I go 5 miles to west, I will be 1 mile away from my house and if I go 3 miles to theeast, I will be 7 miles from house. Where am I at the moment?(a) 2 miles west of house (b) 4 miles east of house(c) 8 miles west of house (d) 6 miles east of house

    8. If a person reads a lot he will increase his vocabulary. In doing so he will increase hisspeaking and writing power.Which of the followings would weaken the argument?(a) Only a well-read person can make proper use of English language.(b) Those who passed vocabulary tests could not write well.(c) Educated people can express their thoughts better.(d) None of those.

    9. The biggest problem in Bangladesh is the lack of polite, law-abiding behavior. Allyou have to do is to go to Mothijheel and observe how many people are illegally

    driving through red lights to see how bad things are.The argument above would be most persuasive if it were true that

  • 8/8/2019 Rezwan's Model Test


    (a) The behavior of auto-drivers at Mothijheel is indicative of the general state ofaffairs in the nation.(b) Driving through red light is impolite as well as illegal.(c) Traffic is worse at Mothijheel because of rudeness of many drivers.(d) People who run red lights are responsible for the general state of affairs in the


    10. 3 7 2 FH 4 G7 4 8 8 G

    If F, G & H each represent a different digit in the correctly worked multiplicationproblem above, what digit do F, G & H represent respectively?Ans:

    Section C: Mathematical Problems(10 questions 2 marks = 20 marks)

    1. How many days are there in w weeks and w days?Ans:

    2. A triangle has a base b and an altitude a. A second triangle has a base twice thealtitude of the first triangle and an altitude twice the base of the first triangle. What isthe area of the second triangle?Ans:

    03. If 54 percent population of Khulna town received the first two polio shots but 10percent of those did not receive the third, what percent of the town took all the threeshots?Ans:

    04. A student responded to all of 22 questions on a test and received a score of 63.5. If thescore were derived by adding 3.5 points for each correct answer and deducting 1 pointfor each incorrect answer, how many questions did the student answer incorrectly?Ans:

    5. Six quarts of a 20% solution of alcohol in water are mixed with 4 quarts of 60%solution of alcohol in water. The alcoholic strength of the mixture is what percent?Ans:

    6. Car X and car Y traveled the same 80-mile route. If car X took 2 hours and car Ytraveled at an average speed that was 50 percent faster than the average speed of carX, then how many hours did it take car Y to travel the route?Ans:

    A E D7. AD = 14, EF = 6, BC = ?


    45 F 45B C

  • 8/8/2019 Rezwan's Model Test


    08. A worker is paid d taka an hour for the first 8 hours he works in a day. For every hourafter the first 8 hours, he is paid c taka an hour. If he works 12 hours in one day, whatis his average hourly wage for that day?Ans:

    9. In country X a returning tourist may import goods with a total value of $500 or lesstax free, but must pay an 8 percent tax on the portion of the total value in excess of$500. What tax must be paid by a returning tourist who imports goods with a totalvalue of $730?Ans:

    10. A merchant wishes to price a certain item so that when it is placed on sale he stillrealizes a profit of 12.5% of the cost of the item. If the cost of the item is Tk. 32 andthe sale price will be 25% less than the usual selling price of the item, then whatshould be the usual selling price of the item?Ans:

    Section D: General Knowledge

    (10 questions 1 mark = 10 marks)

    01. SAPTA stands for .?Ans:

    02. What is the name of central bank of Malaysia?Ans:

    03. Where is the head-office of ADB?Ans:

    04. What is the currency of Egypt and Mexico?Ans:

    05. When did the SAFTA sign?Ans:

    06. BEPZA stands for?Ans:

    07. Which is the greatest donor country of the world?Ans:

    08. Whish is the only Muslim country of EU?Ans:

    09. What is Wall Street?Ans:

    10. Who got the Nobel Prize in Economics this year?

    Ans:--------- x ---------