revisions midexam 3prim e term1

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  • 8/2/2019 Revisions MidExam 3Prim E Term1


    airo Governorate Nozha Directorate of Education

    Nozha Language SchoolsIsmailia Road Branch

    Weekly Distribution for 3rd

    Primary Syllabus , 2009

    Weeks Macmillan Fluency The Wishing Fish Young Hand Writing 1 Dict.

    19 / 9 - - - 2 Pages 4

    26 / 9 1 1 Part 1 2 Pages 4

    3 / 10 1 - Part 1 2 Pages 4

    10 / 10 2 2 P. 2 2 Pages -

    17 / 10 2 - P. 2 2 Pages 4

    24 / 10 3 3 P. 3 2 Pages 4

    31 / 10 - - P. 23 2 Pages 4

    7 / 11 4 4 P. 4 2 Pages -

    14 / 11 4-5 5 P. 4 2 Pages 4

    21 / 11 5 - P. 5 2 Pages 4

    28 / 11 6 6 P. 5 2 Pages 4

    5 / 12 6 - P. 6 2 Pages 4

    12 / 12 7 7 P. 6 2 Pages -

    19 / 12 7 1

    26 / 12

    2 / 1 Rev.

  • 8/2/2019 Revisions MidExam 3Prim E Term1



    Macmillan English

    Unit 1

    New Vocabulary :* professor ( n ) :a teacher at a college or university

    e.g. She's a professor of English at Cairo University .

    * telescope ( n ) :you look through it to make things that are far away appear

    bigger and nearer .

    e.g. I saw the stars with a telescope .* shed( n ) :a small wooden building used for keeping things or animals in .

    e.g. I put my bike in the shed .

    * smoke( n ) :the grey , white or black gas that you see in the air when something is

    burning .

    * whir( v ) :to make a continuous low sound like the parts of a machine moving.

    e.g. The noise of the fan whirring kept me awake all night .

    * machine( n ) :it has moving parts and is used for particular job .

    e.g. A sewing machine A washing machine .

    * dial( n ) :the round part that you turn to change something .

    * buttons( n ) :the small part that you press to start a machine.

    * handle( n ) :the part used for holding or opening something .

    e.g. She turned the handle and opened the door .

    * screen( n ) :the glass surface of a TV or computer , where you can see pictures .

    * switch( n ) :the small button that you press up or down to turn on electricity .

    *space( n ) :the area which surrounds the planet Earth and the other planets and


    Cairo GovernorateNozha Directorate of Education

    Nozha Language SchoolsIsmailia Road

    Department : English

    From : 3rd primary

    Macmillan English

  • 8/2/2019 Revisions MidExam 3Prim E Term1



    * spacesuit( n ) :a suit with an air supply which you wear in space .

    * planets ( n ) :very large round objects in space that move round the sun .

    e.g. The Earth is a planet .

    * hood ( n ) :the part of the coat that you pull up to cover your head and neck in

    bad weather .

    Complete using the suitable preposition :

    at above below on the front of with beside over

    under to in into on

    * She looked carefully .. the picture .

    * Our plane flies .. the clouds .

    * Dont write .. this line .

    * The traffic lights turned .. red.

    * Write your name .. the book .

    * The girl .. red hair opened the door .

    * Omar sits .. me on the bus .

    * The plane flies .. the mountain .

    * The cat is .. the table .

    * She pointed .. her house .

    * There is a bird .. the tree .

    * My father came .. the house .

    * Help ! The machine is .. fire .

  • 8/2/2019 Revisions MidExam 3Prim E Term1



    Grammatical Structure

    1. The Past Simple Tense

    Used for :actions that started and finished in the past.

    Key words:yesterday in the past last ago in 1975 -

    when I was young Once upon a time .e.g. I played tennis yesterday .

    Form :

    A) Regular Verbs :

    They form their past simple by adding ed .

    Notice the following :

    1. If a verb ends in " e " , just add d.

    e.g. like liked

    2. If a verb ends in a consonant after a vowel , double the last letter , then added.

    e.g. stop stopped

    3. If a verb ends in a consonant + y , change y into ied.

    e.g. study studied

    B) Irregular Verbs :

    e.g. go went

    see sawring rang

    Negative :

    Use did not/didnt +main verb in the base form .

    e.g. He didnt play football yesterday.

    Questions :

    A) Yes /No questions :

    Use Did + subject + the main verb in the base form .

    e.g. Did he play football yesterday ?

    Yes , he did . No , he didnt .

    B) Wh questions :

    Use Question word + did + subject + the main verb

    e.g. Where did he play yesterday ?

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    Present Past Present Past

    - buy bought - leave left

    - blow blew - make made

    - bring brought - meet met

    - build built - put put

    - burn burnt - rise rose

    - begin began - write wrote

    - break broke - feel felt

    - cost cost - feed fed

    - come came - forget forgot

    - catch caught - fly flew

    - cut cut - fall fell

    - choose chose - grow grew

    - draw drew - go went

    - drink drank - get got

    - dig dug - get got- drive drove - give gave

    - eat ate - hit hit

    - fight fought - hurt hurt

    - know knew - hold held

    - lose lost - keep kept

  • 8/2/2019 Revisions MidExam 3Prim E Term1



    Past tense ( irregular verbs )

    Present Past

    set set

    sleep slept

    think thought

    teach taught

    tell told

    take took

    understand understood

    wear wore

    win won

    ring rang

    ride roderead read

    run ran

    say said

    sell sold

    see saw

    steal stole

    sing sangsink sank

    swim swam

    speak spoke

    shoot shot

    send sent

  • 8/2/2019 Revisions MidExam 3Prim E Term1



    Adjectives & Adverbs

    A) Adjectives :

    * They describe nouns or pronouns . They have the same

    form in the singular and the plural .

    * They come before nouns . e.g. This is a poor family .

    * They can also be used alone after these verbs be feel seem sound touch

    ook taste .

    e.g. They are poor .

    B) Adverbs :

    They describe verbs . They usually come after verbs .

    e.g. Old men walk slowly .

    Notice :** The verbs ( look , smell , sound , feel and taste ) take an adjective not an adverb

    e.g. They look happy .

    He feels terrible .

    ** Some adverbs are irregular .

    e.g. fast fast

    late late

    hard hardearly early

    good well



    I.Choose the correct answer from between the brackets

    1. Adam woke up because of a bad dream ( at on with ) a start .

    2. " Its time to go " said Dad , looking ( for at after ) his watch .

    3. The cow is in the ( house garage shed ) .

    4. She heard a strange whirring ( light sound flash ) .

    5. I have been running around ( after at to ) the children the whole day .

    6. Nick ( steps step stepped ) forward and then stopped

    7. Do you know the people who live ( next out next to ) door ?

    8. He ( stood understood stand ) under the tree .

    9. The bus has a number on the ( roof front wheels ) .10. We have a house ( in by with ) a garden .

    11. He turned the ( dials handle switch ) of the radio .

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    12. A mug has a ( button handle screen ).

    13. At the cinema , we had seats in the back ( line column row ) .

    14. You cant see him today , hes ( free busy noisy ) .

    15. Hes here ( in to at ) last .

    16. The teacher said , " Come here ( on at in ) once .

    17. My mother ran ( into on onto ) my bedroom .

    18. When did you go shopping ? ( Tomorrow Yesterday Everyday ) .

    19. The building was ( on in at ) fire .

    20. Our holiday was very short . The time went ( quick slowly quickly ) .

    21. Sidney ( helps helped is helping ) me with my homework last night .

    22. I ( get up woke up got up ) at nine o'clock on Sundays

    23. The babies ( was were have ) all asleep .

    24. Did Sam have a bike ? Yes , he ( did have had ) a bike

    25. This book isnt yours . It's ( mine me my ) .26. Salma can ( fries fry frying ) chips with her mum .

    II.Re-write the following sentences using the words in brackets :

    1. It snowed heavily three days ago . ( How )

    2. Richard could swim very well . ( not )

    3. Your parents were on holiday in June . (Were.? )

    5. He wrote a letter yesterday . ( now )

    6. The baker sold good cakes . (what)

    7. Tennis is my favourite sport. (what)

    8. Mrs. Bell bought some sandwiches. (any)

    9. Read . We can't hear you . (Adverb)

    10. Ann (did) well in the exam last month. (not)

    11. My brother washes his face every morning . (not)

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    12. Tom is a careful driver. (carefully)

    13. She doesnt usually get up early . (never)

    14. Ahmed went to the club yesterday . (Who?)

    15. Jack is a very fast runner. (can)

    16. She teaches us English this year. (last year)

    17. Dad drove his car yesterday. (not)

    18. He spells English words correctly. (How?)

    19. Women carry umbrellas in winter. (A woman)

    20. There were no biscuits in the kitchen. (any)

    21. Do you watch TV everyday ? (Does ?)

    22. Mum cooks delicious food . ( smell )

    23. He is a gentle man . ( speak )

    24. This girl looks nice . ( behave )

    25. He studied carefully . ( be )

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    VI. Complete using verbs from the box in the correct form :

    1. My friend and I . to the cinema last Saturday .

    2. The little boy was tired , so his father him .

    3. I my hands ten minutes ago .

    4. The children were hungry and .. all the cakes .

    5. It was cold yesterday , so we didn't the windows .

    6. The cat climbed the tree , but the bird away .

    7. Jenny stayed at home and her mother .8. My father ten pounds for this book .

    9. Sally up very early this morning .

    10. The policeman saw a thief and after him .

    Sample Test 1

    I) Use Of English :

    A) Underline the correct word in brackets :

    1. I jumped out of bed when I ( sees see saw ) the snake .

    2. There was a ( whirring bright flashing ) sound in the room .I

    could here it .

    3. Whats dad doing ? He ( is painting painted paints) the bathroom" .

    4. She bought a computer three days ( yesterday ago last ).

    5. There is a bridge ( on over under ) the river .

    6. Jack opened the heavy door ( slowly slow quick ) .

    7. ( What How often How ) does he behave in class ? Badly .

    8. We saw nice pictures ( in on at ) the screen .

    9. They ( had have has ) a black dog , but now they dont

    10. This sweater feels very ( softly soft happy ) .

    11. We love our teacher and she loves ( her them us ) .12. No , they ( hadnt didnt have didnt had ) a car .

    Wash open help pay go carry wake run eat fly

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    B) Supply the missing letters :

    1) t el--s--ope . 2) for----rds .

    C) Re-write the following sentences using the words in brackets :

    1. Philip is a good singer . ( well )

    2. They had a party last week . ( When..?)


    3. Lisa didnt take any chocolate with her . ( some )


    4. He brushes his teeth everyday . ( not )


    II) Language Function :

    Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue :

    Sam :Grandpa , did you have a TV when you were five ?Grandpa :No , people .TVs at that time .

    Sam : ?

    Grandpa :They had radios .

    III) Reading Comprehension :

    Read the following passage , then answer the questions :

    Omar was going to bed when he heard a loud noise in the kitchen . He was

    alone in the house at that time and the noise made him afraid . He went to the

    kitchen and opened the door. Omar turned on the lights to see what was in thekitchen .

    He saw a broken bottle of milk on the floor and a big black cat . It jumped out

    of an open window and ran into the street . That will taught him to close the window

    before he went to sleep .

    A) Answer the following questions :

    1. What did Omar feel when he heard a noise ?

    2. What did Omar learn ?


    B) Choose the correct answer :

    3. When Omar heard the noise , ..

    a) his family was asleep. b) his sister was in the kitchen. c) he was alone .

    4. The cat was

    a) drinking milk. b) asleep. c) eating a mouse.

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    IV) Pictorial Composition :

    Write a sentence under each picture describing it :

    yesterday hotel fire firemen saved

    . ..


    kitten first floor hotel destroyed

    . .

    V) The Link Reader : ( The Wishing Fish )

    A) Answer the following questions :

    1. What did Omar always forget ?

    2. What did Omars father tell him when he was twelve ?

    B) Complete the following sentences :

    3. Omar lived in a .. house in a small

    4. Omar didnt like

    VI) Handwriting :

    Good pupils go to bed early and get up early .

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    Unit 2

    New Vocabulary :

    * building ( n ) :that has a roof and walls , such as a house , a shop or a school .

    e.g. There are a lot of old buildings in the street .

    *gate ( n ):the part of a fence or a wall that can be opened to let people in or out .

    * horns ( n ):the hard pointed things on animals heads .

    e.g. A goat has two horns .

    * bull( n ) :a male cow .

    * scales( n ) :the small , hard pieces that cover the body of fish and some animals .

    e.g. A fish has scales on its body .

    *paws( n ) :the feet of animals that has nails or claws , such as the dogs paws .

    * claws( n ) :the curved nails on the end of animals or birds foot .

    e.g. Take care the cat's claws are sharp

    * eyebrow( n ) :the line of hair above your eye .

    * Fierce (adj ) :angry or frightening or strong .

    * throne( n ) :the chair where a king or a queen sits .

    * wise ( adj ) :to understand and do the right thing and can give good advice .

    e.g. Hes a wise man . We always ask him for advice .

    * whiskers( n ) : the hair grows near the mouth of some animals

    * spines( n ) :the row of small bones that are joined together in the middle

    of your back .

    * eyelashes( n ):the hair that grows on the edge of your eyelids.

    * spots( n ) :the small round marks on something .

    e.g. I have a blue skirt with red spots on it .

    * thorn( n ) :a small sharp point grows on plants and bushes .e.g. There are thorns on a rose bush .

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    Choose :

    1. She told us a story [ for about on ] Chinese children .

    2. It's a book [ for on by ] children .

    3. The Eiffel tower is [ in on at ] France .

    4. The dragon has the ears [ of off on ] a bull .

    5. There is a green spot [ on in over ] the back of the book .

    6. There was mud all [ on over in ] the floor .

    7. That ring belongs [ by to at ] me .

    8. There are many kinds [ off of with ] dragons .

    New StructureConjunctions

    A conjunction is a word used for joining other words or sentences :

    * and : used to join two words or sentences of the same type .

    e.g. I eat with a knife and a fork .

    e.g : I traveled to Italy .I traveled to France

    I traveled to Italy and France

    * or : used to join two negative sentences .e.g. She didnt phoneher friend . She didn't send an e-mail

    She didn't phone her friend or sent an e-mail .

    * but : used to join two words or sentences that are different or opposite .

    e.g. Jack doesnt have a car , but his sister does .

    Ali plays tennis well , but he never wins a game .*******************************************************

    ExercisesI)Choose the correct word(s) from between the brackets

    1. He was born in China . He is (English Chinese Japanese) .

    2. Yesterday , I bought a book ( about at for ) dragons .

    3. People thought that dragons came from ( mountains rivers Africa ) .

    4. Dragons brought ( presents food water ) for people and animals .

    5. There are black spots ( on at in) my dress .

    6. The king of dragons isnt weak . He is (strong fat tall).

    7. A dragons head looked like a ( camel's lizard's lion's ) .8. A dragon had the small ears of a ( cat bull goat ) .

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    9. A dragon had the ( claws paws body ) of a tiger .

    10. This knife isnt ( strong long sharp ) . It cant cut the meat .

    11. He wrote his name ( on over in ) the back of the paper

    12. Dad drove his car ( at in under ) the side of the road

    13. I cant find my glasses . Ive looked ( all over all over ) for them .

    14. He pushed the letter ( underneath on backwards )the door .

    15. She has ( sharp bushy fatty ) hair .

    16. Chinese emperors had dragons on their ( heads thrones thorns ) .

    17. Dont take anything that doesnt ( belong have is ) to you .

    18. Only the ( Chinese dragons emperors ) family had a yellow colour on their

    clothes .

    19. Ive got a present ( for to at ) you .

    20. There is a cat on the roof ( of for on ) the house .

    21. Last week , I ( meet met eat ) my friend at the cinema .22. Yesterday ( were is was ) a holiday .

    23. They listen ( careless careful carefully ) to their teacher .

    24. I like swimming , ( and or but ) I dont like riding bikes .

    25. He didnt go to Italy ( and or but ) Spain .

    26. They sang ( and or but ) danced all evening .

    II) Re-write :

    1. Shes a good player . ( well )................................................................................................................

    2. They spent their summer holiday in Alex. (not)


    3. He cant read . He cant write . ( or - and )


    4. Old men walk slowly . ( How )


    5. Im happy , because I have many friends . ( not )


    6. When ( you do ) your homework ? ( yesterday )


    7. On the shelf there were ................... , but there ......... ( Fill in the blanks )

    8. This cats run after a mouse . ( these )


    9. Please , be quiet ! ( quietly )................................................................................................................

    10. The sun is very hot today . ( yesterday )

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    11. He had fish and rice for lunch . ( What ................?)


    12. This flat is narrow . ( wide )


    13. They understood the lesson well . ( not )


    14. She watched TV yesterday . ( everyday )


    15. You werent at home last night . ( Sam )


    16. Emma goes to the library because she likes reading . ( Why...........?)


    17. This is my book . ( mine )................................................................................................................

    18. He feeds his parrot twice a day . ( How often ...........?)


    19. The bird flies in the sky . ( Look ! )


    20. Ahmed went to America . He stayed there for three years . ( and )


    * Join the following sentences using or , but or and :

    1. The elephant is big . The mouse is little .

    2. The doctor got into his car . He drove quickly to the hospital .

    3. The sun is shining . Its still very cold .

    4. She didnt have a ball . She didnt have a bike .


    5. He puts on his hat . He puts on his coat .

    6. Polly doesnt like cakes . She likes chocolates .

    7. The sailor jumped into the sea . He swam to the ship .

    ..8. It wont be hot . It wont be sunny .

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    9. These games are easy . Those games are difficult .

    10. Mary isnt short . She isnt fat .

    11. Fred can sing . He can play the piano .

    12. The farmer is a strong man . He cant lift that heavy sack .

    VII) Correct the verb :

    1. When the teacher came into the room , the pupils up .2. The boy jumped into the river and . across it .

    3. Tom a long time for the bus this morning .

    4. Jack usually goes to school by bus , but yesterday he .

    5. The baby was hungry and .. last night .

    6. Sam a lot of homework yesterday evening .7. Mary was ill yesterday and ... at home .

    8. The old man .. down and broke his leg .

    9. I my shoes this morning .

    10. Ann .. her new dress last week .


    cry stay wait wear stand do walk clean swim fall

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    Sample Test 2

    I) Use Of English :

    A) Underline the correct word in brackets :

    1. A goat has ( scales horns wings ) .

    2. He is a ( wise wide stupid ) man . He always does the right thing .

    3. Grandma told us a nice story ( at in about ) the three bears .

    4. We werent ( late early lately ) . We arrived early .

    5. ( Does Do Is ) Tom get up at six everyday ?

    6. Yesterday I ( fall fell fill ) asleep in the school bus .

    7. There are two horses here now , but there ( arent were werent ) any horses

    a year ago .

    8. These flowers smell ( nicely nice beautifully ) .

    9. They ( has is didnt have ) a robot , when they were young .

    10. They have many books . These are ( they their theirs) books .11.This pupil ( never doesnt dont ) studies his lessons well .

    12. Karim ( likes doing likes is doing ) his homework everyday .

    B) Supply the missing letters :

    1) b rete . 2) m p e r r.

    C) Re-write the following sentences using the words in brackets :

    1. Some pupils work hard . Others are lazy . ( but )

    2. We didnt go out because of the heavy rain . ( rained )


    3. They counted the money very carefully . ( How..? )


    4. The boy rang the bell . ( not )


    II) Language Function :

    Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue :

    Mother : Hello , Anna .

    Anna : Hi , Mum .

    Mother :.the supermarket ?

    Anna : No , I didnt , but I went to the bakers .

    Mother : Thats all right . What did you buy ?

    Anna :

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    III) Reading Comprehension :

    Read the following passage , then answer the questions :

    Pets can be great fun , but they can also be a lot of work . You have to feed

    them . They need care and love . They take up a lot of time , but they make people

    happy . Fish are easy pets to care for . You may put them in a tank or even use a big

    bowl . You have to give them food everyday and keep their water clean , if you want

    them to live for a long time .

    Many people also have birds as pets . Some birds are kept in cages all the

    time Other birds can fly around the house . Some birds can also sit on your fingers

    Also you can teach some birds to talk .

    A) Answer the following questions :

    1. Why can pets be a lot of work ?

    2. Are all birds kept in cages? Give example.

    B) Choose the correct answer :

    3. We can put fish in

    a) boxes . b) bowls . c) cages .

    4. Birds can learn to

    a) talk . b) write . c) ride a bike

    IV) Pictorial Composition :

    Write a sentence under each picture describing it :

    One day dragon village mouth eat people



    banged the drums noise frightened ran away - happily

    .. ..

    .. .

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    V) The Link Reader : ( The Wishing Fish )

    A) Answer the following questions :

    1. What happened when Omar slept ?

    2. How can Omar be a good shepherd ?

    B) Complete the following sentences :

    3. Omars and the .. are better shepherds than him .

    4. thats what Omar always said .

    VI) Handwriting :

    A good book is a good friend .

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    Unit 3

    New Vocabulary :

    * The Aztecs (n.) :people who lived in America in the past .

    Ex : The Aztecs built pyramids in America .

    * Aztec (adj.)

    Ex : Most of the Aztec people lived in small houses .

    * Central America :the middle land between South America and North America .

    * empire (n.) :a group of countries ruled by one person .

    Ex : The Aztec empire was in Mexico .

    * first people :people who lived in a particular place in the past .

    Ex : The Pharoahs were the first people in Egypt .

    * Asia :one of the seven continents of the world , which are Africa , Asia , Australia

    Europe , South America , North America and Antarctica .

    Ex : China and Japan are in Asia .

    * tent (n.) :a large piece of cloth stretched by ropes for people to stay in .

    Ex : The children slept in tents when they went camping last summer .

    * move on (v.) :to move from one place to another .

    Ex : This city became very noisy and crowded . I think we should move on to

    another one .

    * lake (v.) :an area of water surrounded by land and usually fed by a river .

    Ex : Yesterday , we took a boat across the lake .

    * fresh water :water of rivers and lakes , not the saltwater of the sea .

    * bridge (n.) :something built over a river or a lake to carry people from one of its

    sides to the other .

    * aqueduct (n.) :a kind of bridge used to carry water to a city or a village .

    * palace (n.) :a large house for kings , queens and important people to live in .* mud (n.) :soft , wet earth .

    Ex : In some villages , people still use mud to build their houses .

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    * roof (n.) :the outside covering on the top of a building .

    * stick (n.) :a thin piece of wood .

    Ex : Dad beat me with a stick , because I broke the vase

    * special Stones :small expensive pieces of rock used to make jewels like diamond

    and emerald .

    * cut out of (v.) :to get something out by cutting .

    Ex : She always cuts pictures out of the books .

    * feather (n.) :a thin stick with soft , hairlike material , that covers the birds

    bodies .

    * jewels (n.) :expensive stones used for decoration .

    * jewellery (n.) :decorative objects which are worn on ones body or clothes and

    are usually made of expensive jewels .

    Ex : The queens jewellery is expensive .

    * headdress (n.) :something worn on the head for decoration , or for fun .

    * ladies (n.) :women . Singular : lady .

    * sandals (n.) :light opensided shoes that you wear in warm or hot weather .

    *sweep (v.) :to clean by brushing .Past : swept .

    Ex : Mum swept the floor last Friday .

    *ordinary (adj.) :usual , common , not special or important .

    Ex : Ordinary Aztec People lived in small houses .

    * hard (adv.) :with great effort .

    Ex : You should study hard to get high marks .

    * capture (v.) :to take as prisoners .

    Ex : They attacked the city and captured all the soldiers

    * powerful (adj.) :very strong weak .

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    Grammatical Structure

    Singular and Plural

    * Singular : only one thing .

    Ex : a desk a book an apple

    * Plural : more than one .

    Ex : desks books apples

    * Generally , to change singular nouns into plural , we add s at the end of the

    noun .

    Ex : a car cars a goat goats

    * When the noun ends in ( ch , sh , ss , s , x , o , z ) , we add es to the endings .

    Ex : a fox foxes an ostrich ostriches

    a bus buses a tomato tomatoesNote :Some nouns that end in o , add only s to form the plural .

    Ex : a photo photos a piano pianos

    a zoo zoos a radio radios

    * If a noun ends with a consonant followed by y , change it into i and add

    es to form the plural .

    Ex : a baby babies a lorry lorries

    a fly flies a country countries

    * But if a noun ends with a vowel followed by y , only add s to form the

    plural .

    Ex : a key keys a toy toys

    a boy boys a donkey donkeys

    * If a noun ends with f or fe , change it into v and add es to form the

    plural .

    Ex : a shelf shelves a half halves

    a knife knives a wife wives

    But :a roof roofs

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    Notice the following :

    a) Some nouns have no singular form :

    trousers shorts glasses clothes trainers jeans scissors .

    b) Some nouns have irregular plural form :


    mena man

    womena woman

    childrena child

    micea mouse

    teetha tooth

    geesea goose

    peoplea personoxenan ox

    sheepa sheep

    deera deer

    c) When changing a sentence into plural , notice the following changes :



    TheyHe / She / It



    aream / is


    have gothas gotourmy

    theirhis / her / its


    themhim / her

    Ex : The big brown fox lives in that hole . ( singular )

    The big brown foxes live in those holes . ( plural )

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    Choose the correct answer from between the brackets :

    1. The Aztecs had their empire in ( South West Central North ) America .

    2. The Aztecs people came ( to in from at ) Asia .

    3. ( Aren't Was Are Were ) there enough grass for the sheep ?

    4. Mr. John traveled to Russia ( in at for about ) ten months ago .

    5. We didn't like the life in the country , we are going to move ( on to out of ) .

    6. Last year , the boys went camping and they slept in ( houses caves tents

    palaces ) .

    7. I want to buy some sweets ( to in out for ) that nice day ?

    8. At last , Nina learned to ( made make makes making ) a cake .

    9. Farmers ( build grow make learn ) plants .

    10. The island we are going to visit is ( in on at of ) a lake .

    11. Sam learned ( of to about on ) art .12. The boat moves ( over through across around ) the river to the other side .

    13. ( Bridges Aqueducts stones feathers ) carry fresh water to the villages .

    14. Important people lived in ( tents pyramids palaces small houses ).

    15. The poor Aztects' houses were made of ( gold mud jewels feather ).

    16. The Aztecs built floating ( gardens farm pyramid house ) in the lake .

    17. The Aztecs looked for(headdresses sticks special stones coloured feathers


    under the ground .18. The Aztecs' books didn't have any ( words pictures information stories ).

    19. Women like gold ( skirts jewellery sandals sticks ).

    20. It's important to build ( a palace a farm an aqueduct a bridge ) here to

    cross the river safely .

    21. There were palaces ( on in across around ) the pyramids .

    22. They could travel between the floating gardens in ( cars boats trains ships


    23. Sue looked ( at for after out ) her ring everywhere , but she couldn't find


    24. Meg is excellent in English , ( or and but so ) her brother isn't .

    25. Aunt Sally wears a nice bracelet with beautiful jewels ( in by of on )

    26. These are the ( babies babies' babie's baby's ) socks . They belong ( for

    to by at ) them .

    27. Girls don't like ( a mouse mouse mice the mouse ).

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    Re- write the following sentences using the words between the brackets :

    1. The Aztecs were strong and powerful . " weak "

    2. She drew a nice picture last month . " often "

    3. He always answers correctly . " correct "

    4. Paul came late . Jane came late too . " and "

    5. Dad drove very fast to the airport . He didn't catch the plane . " but "

    6. The children are fighting together now . " two days ago "

    7. They ware funny headdresses in the party . " What ..? "

    8. My tooth hurts me . " hurt "

    9. The Europeans captured the king of the Aztecs . " the Aztecs' "

    10. At school , the boys learn about reading and writing . " learn to "

    11. He can't play tennis . He can't play football . " or "

    12. Oxen have got horns . " has got "

    Change into plural

    1. The wolf eats the big white sheep .

    2. The mosquito is a small insect .

    3. Her baby always cries at night .

    4. There is a child , a man and a woman in the party .

    5. An ostrich runs quickly , but it can't fly .

    6. Is there a copybook on the shelf ?

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    7. The monkey is swinging on the branch of the tree .

    8. The cat chases the mouse .

    9. She learns to play the piano .

    10. I need a strawberry , a cherry and a peach to make fruit salad .

    Sample Test 3

    I) Use Of English :

    A) Underline the correct word in brackets :

    1. Where ( were do did are ) they live in the past ?2. She wears nice trainers ( in on at of ) her feet .

    3. Meg is a clever girl . She can read ( or and neither but ) write English stories

    4. He always comes ( late lately later latest ) .

    5. I often help my mum ( on with at by ) the housework .

    6. People put their shopping in ( lorries machines trolleys sticks ) .7. Fresh vegetables keep you (ready ugly healthy noisy) .

    8. Aunt Mary wore gold ( feathers sandals skirt jewellery ) in the party .

    9. Nina always ( carries sweeps fights builds ) the floor on Fridays .

    10. Grandma ( tells told is telling tell ) me a story every night .

    11. This book is really useful . It ( has gives carries learns ) us lots of

    information .

    12. The poor Aztecs didn't ( lives lived live living ) in palaces .

    B) Supply the missing letters :

    1) auedct . 2) Thrd .

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    C) Re-write the following sentences using the words in brackets :

    1. Tom never does his homework . ( yesterday )

    2. Sally sings beautiful songs . ( beautifully )


    3. This is the boys toy car . ( These )


    4. Those girls are Russian . ( Russia )


    II) Language Function :

    Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue :

    Ben :Why were you absent yesterday ?


    Ben :Really ! Did you visit the dentist ?Sam :

    Ben :Youre welcome . Get well soon .

    III) Reading Comprehension :

    Read the following passage , then answer the questions :

    At the end of the year , our class put on a play . It was called The Princess

    and the Lion . Our teacher , Miss Bell wrote it . All the children in the class acted

    n it . Andy was the king . Sue was the queen . Kim was the lion . He wore a lion

    costume . And I was the princess ! My costume was beautiful . I wore a long bluedress .

    Lots of people came to see the play . Mum , dad and my brother were there .

    It was a lot of fun . Everyone enjoyed it . After the play , dad said you were a

    beautiful princess , Alice !

    A) Answer the following questions :

    1. Who is the narrator of this story ?

    2. What did Alice wear ? Why ?


    B) Choose the correct answer :

    3. wore a king costume .

    a) Kim. b) Andy. c) Sue .

    4. Alices didnt come to see her .a) father. b) mother. c) grandmother .

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    IV) Pictorial Composition :

    Write a sentence under each picture describing it :

    Aztec lady bake learn to baskets


    king jewels pictures tell a story


    V) The Link Reader : ( The Wishing Fish )

    A) Answer the following questions :

    1. What did Omars mother give him ? Why ?

    2. Was Omar an obedient boy ? Why ?

    B) Complete the following sentences :

    3. At the market Omar saw ............................................................

    4. The fishing rod was , because .


    VI) Handwriting :

    The Aztecs were very clever people .

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    Unit 4

    New vocabulary :

    desert ( n ) : a large sandy land , where there is little rain and there isn't many

    plants .

    Gobi Desert : a large , famous desert in Asia .

    herd animals : groups of animals of the same kind which live and feed together

    herdsman ( n ) : the man who looks after a herd of animals .

    yak : a very strong , long haired ox . It lives in central Asia .

    valley ( n ) : the land between two lines of hills or mountains , often with a river

    running through it .

    oad ( v ) : to put heavy things on or in something .

    bushy ( adj ) : used for hair that grows thickly .

    eyebrow ( n ) : the line of hair above each of the two eyes .

    row ( n ) : a tidy line of people or things side by side .

    eyelash (n ) : the hair on the edge of the skin covering of the eye .

    nostril ( n ) : one of the two openings at the end of the nose .

    hump. ( n ) : a round part on the camels' back to keep fat in .

    store ( v. ) : to keep something to use in the future .

    fat ( n ) : something under human's and animals' skins to keep them warm and give

    them energy .

    keep out ( v) : to let something or someone stay outside .

    ive off ( v ) : to get food from .

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    fill up with ( v ) : to make something completely full with something .

    thorn ( n ) : a hard sharp point on same plants .

    spiky ( adj ) : having sharp points .

    bactrian camel : a camel with two humps .

    coat ( n ) : a covering of animals ' bodies . It can be fur , wool or hair .

    drop off ( v) : to become fewer .

    wild animals : animals which have no one to look after them . They find their food bythemselves .

    eap ( v ) : to jump through the air to a different place .

    adult ( adj ) : grown up .

    fur ( n ) : soft,thick hair that coveres the body of some animals like birds,rabbits....

    whitish ( adj ) : almost white .

    balance ( n ) : to keep parts of something equal to move easily , without falling .

    hunt ( v ) : to catch animals or birds for food or sport .

    bush (n ) : a small low tree .

    attack (v) : to use power to hurt someone or something

    protect ( v) : to keep save .

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    Adjectives : are describing words . They come :

    1. before nouns to describe them .

    e.g : It's a beautiful dress .

    2. after verbs :be , look , feel ,smell , taste , sound

    e.g : Monkeys are funny .

    3. after nouns that show measurements .

    E.g : Sam is ten years old .

    - If two people / things are similar (equal ) in a certain adjective , we use as as

    to express this case , as follows .

    as + adjective + asEx : Ahmed weighs 30 kgs .Mona weighs 30 kgs too

    Ahmed is as fat as Mona

    Negative : Tilly isn't as tall as Nina .

    It means that : Nina is taller than Tilly.

    Comparison of adjectives

    To compare two things / people that share the same adjective ,we use the

    comparative form of adjective . It's formed as follows :1. Short adjectives :

    Add " er " at the end of the adjective followed by the word " than "

    Adjective + er + than

    Ex : Meg is faster than her sister .

    Notice that :

    a- If the adjective ends in " e " , we only add "r "

    arge larger than

    nice nicer than

    safe safer than

    b- If the adjective ends in " a " consonant followed by " y " , we change " y "

    nto " ier "

    easy easier thanheavy heavier than

    pretty prettier than

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    c- If the adjective ends in a vowel , followed by a consonant , we double the

    last letter , then add " er "

    hot hotter than

    big bigger than

    fat fatter than

    But of course there are some exceptions :

    deep deeper than

    new newer than

    slow slower than

    d- Some adjectives are irregular , they are changed completely ;

    good better than

    bad worse thanfar farther than

    2. Long adjectives :

    Comparative form of long adjectives are formed by putting "more " before the

    adjective and " than " after the adjective .

    more + adjective + than

    Ex : Lio

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    Exercises :

    I- Choose the correct answer ;

    1. ( Firemen Policemen Herdsmen Fishermen ) look after sheep and goats .

    2. ( Sheep Yaks Goats Leopards ) aren't herd animals .

    3. That donkey carries heavy loads ( at in over on ) its back .

    4. Camels live in ( forests deserts jungles rivers ).

    5. Camels have ( narrow small big wide ) nostrils and bushy ( beard eyebrows

    humps fur ) .

    6. Mum covers the food to keep the insects ( in out at on ) .

    7. Don't forget to take your baby brother ( at with by over ) you .

    8. ( Yaks Lions Sheep Leopards ) aren't as strong as camels .

    9. Camels have humps to ( hunt alone keep sand out carry heavy loads store fat

    and water )

    10. He can drive his car ( in about for at ) three hours .11. Bactrian camels have thick hair in ( summer spring autumn winter ).

    12. I always fill ( in up on over ) my flask with cola .

    13. Yesterday , he finished his homework ( on in for within ) four hours .

    14. She always travels to Alex . ( on at in by ) summer .

    15. These flowers ( in on with at ) colourful leaves are ours .

    16. Desert plants have sharp ( hooves knives thorns horns ).

    17. Leaves drop ( on in off of ) in autumn .

    18. Camels have ( hair fur coats eyelashes ) in their ears to keep sand out .19. Rabbits live ( in off out at ) carrots and lettuce .

    20. In ( summer spring winter autumn ) herdsmen take their animals to the new

    grass .

    21. ( Domestic Wild Herd Zoo ) animals find their own food .

    22. ( Sheep Yaks Camels Gazelles ) are faster than leopards .

    23. A ( two hour two day two week two month ) old gazelle can't jump.

    24. It's a fast horse . It can leap ( on in across at ) 40 kph .

    25. Lions hunt ( on of for to ) gazelles and zebras .

    26. ( Gazelles Leopards Camels Yaks ) have thick soft whitish fur .

    27. Snow leopards have long strong legs to ( hide among the rocks keep them

    warm jump quickly hunt wild sheep ).

    28. Hunter catch elephants ( to with by for ) their tusks .

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    Re-write using the words between the brackets :

    1. The policeman catches the thief . [ catch ]


    2. Mary isn't as fat as Tom . [ Tom ]


    3. He visited his grandma twice a week . [ How ]


    4. Mum cooks good food . [ Mum's ]


    5. He never does his homework . He never studies his lessons .[ or ]


    6. Monkeys are one intelligent than donkeys . [ Donkeys ]


    7. The school is nearer than the hospital . [ The hospital ].

    8. We can see some women carrying white geese . [ I ]


    9. These apples are good . [ taste ]


    10. Billy has some work . [ not ]


    11. The children are singing loudly . [ loud ].

    12. John isn't as good as his cousin . [ better ]


    13. The leaf falls from the tree . [ fall ]


    14. Omar isn't watching T.V now . [ never ]


    15. Gorillas are uglier than gazelles . [ more .than ]


    16. Ali and Mona are seven years old . [ as as ]


    17. He's a good footballer . [ well ]


    18. Can I have a strawberry , please ? [ some ]


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    19. Hani has no brothers or sisters . [ any ]


    20. Tilly slept at 10 o'clock . [ When ?]


    21. Sally's mother is taller than her . [ shorter ]


    22. The children eat four loaves of bread . [ one ]


    23. My dress is more expensive than yours . [ mine ]


    24. Leopards are faster than yaks . [ as as ]


    25. These socks are smelly . [ smell ]

    .26. Mary studies English on Saturdays . [ last ]


    27. They are polite children . [ politely ]


    28. Grandpa walks slowly . [ How .?]


    29. Sally goes to school by bus , but Billy goes on foot . [ farther ]

    .30. Is there a knife next to the box of matches ? [ Are ]


    31. Their car is old . our car is new . [ than ]


    Complete using words from the box in the correct form ;

    1. The children are singing

    2. Tom always studies ..

    3. Rabbits are than tortoises .

    4. They .the bus . They went by taxi .

    5. Monkeys are ..than donkeys .

    6. Dally is as .as her sister . They wear the same size .

    Catch ride funny happy fast intelligent give good hard fat run walk

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    7. He his bike three days ago .

    8. We the moment .

    9. He to school every morning .

    10. Dad .me a nice present last month .

    11. clowns are . .12. David is ..than his cousin . He always gets the full marks .

    Sample Test 4

    I) Use Of English :

    A) Underline the correct word in brackets :

    1. Camels store fat in their ( hooves humps eyelashes coats) .

    2. Herdsmen look ( in by at after ) sheep and goats .

    3. Sue isnt as clever as her cousin .She is ( worse better cleverer bad ) thanhim .

    4. ( Leopards Yaks Bactrian camels Gazelles ) have soft woolly hair .

    5. Did you phone your friend ? No , I ( phoned didnt phone didnt did ) him .

    6. Snow leopards have light grey fur to help them ( hide protect jump hunt )

    among the rocks .

    7. His schoolbag always looks ( heavily heavier heavy heaviest ) than it really is

    8. Are there any ( knives loaves shelves halves ) of bread on the table ?

    9. Gazelles are ( longer faster heavier stronger ) than leopards .10. Tinas dress is more ( cheap nice expensive new ) than mine .

    11. There are only 7000 snow leopards left in the world . We should ( hunt hide

    protect eat ) them .

    12. Snow leopards live in ( valleys rivers mountains jungles ).

    B) Supply the missing letters :

    1) hrdmen . 2) lpard.

    C) Re-write the following sentences using the words in brackets :

    1. English exams are easier than maths exams . (difficult)

    2. Bactrian camels carry heavy loads on their backs. (camel)


    3. Rita wakes up early every morning . (last)


    4. Her baby sister is pretty . (looks).

    II) Language Function :

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    Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue :

    Dani :Hello , Ben !

    Ben :Hello , Dani !

    Dani : ?

    Ben :Im going to the library .

    Dani :Why ?

    Ben :

    III) Reading Comprehension :

    Read the following passage , then answer the questions :

    Once upon a time , there was a turtle who loved to talk . One day , it heard

    two hunters say that they wanted to catch a turtle .The turtle was worried , and

    went to ask two birds for help . It told them to hold a stick between their beaks ,then it will hold onto the stick with its mouth . The birds then can carry it away

    from the hunters . The birds liked the idea so much , but they told the turtle You

    must remember to keep your mouth closed tightly around the stick " .

    As the birds were flying up , the two hunters saw them . One of them said :

    Those birds are carrying a turtle . How clever they are ! The turtle heard themand became angry . Its my idea , it called out .But as it opened its mouth to

    speak , it fell to the ground , at the feet of the hunters !!

    A) Answer the following questions :

    1. What did the hunters want to do ?

    2. How did the turtle run away from the hunters ?


    B) Choose the correct answer :

    3. This turtle is ..

    a) funny b) fool c) intelligent

    4. The . helped the turtle .

    a) hunters . b) turtles c) birdsIV) Pictorial Composition :Write a sentence under each picture describing it :

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    Last Friday circus clowns funny


    put water buckets banana skin fell down


    V) The Link Reader : ( The Wishing Fish )

    A) Answer the following questions :

    1. Why was Omars mother disappointed ?

    2. What was Omars wish ?

    B) Complete the following sentences :

    3. Omar went to the river , because .


    4. The fish wasnt It was ..


    VI) Handwriting :

    An apple a day keeps the doctor away .

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    Unit 5

    Vocabulary :

    race : a competition to see who can run , swim , walk .the fastest

    massive : very large , huge , enormous

    festival :a) a time when everyone has a holiday from work to enjoy something such


    a religious event .

    b) a period of time when there are many special events of a particular type


    film festival , a festival of music .

    set off : to start a journey

    crowd : a large number of people .

    hooves ( pl ) : hoof ( sing ) the foot of a horse , cow , sheep or a goat .

    toss : a) to throw b) to move about or up and down .

    gallop : used about a horse to run very fast .

    snort : to force air strongly out through the nose .

    eap ( v ) : past leapt : to jump very high or a long way

    ex : The dog leapt over the fence .

    disappear : to go away or go out of sight suddenly .

    dust ( n ) : dry dirt carried in the air

    ex : My desk is covered with dust , I have to clean it .

    valley ( n ) : the land lying between two lines of hills or mountain , often with a river

    running through it .

    ex : The Nile valley .

    proudly (adv ) : ex : She kissed her son proudly because he came the first .

    perhaps ( adv ) : possibly . ex : perhaps our team will win .

    get to ( v ) : reach or arrive at .

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    ex :They got to the club before us .

    remember (v ) : don't forget

    ex : Remember to bring your dictionary tomorrow .

    stamp ( v ) : to walk with noisy , heavy steps .

    hold ( v ) past held

    a head of : at a distance in front of someone or something

    ex : She is only about 5 steps ahead of me .




    -We use adjectives in the superlative form to compare more than 2 people things or

    animals .

    Form :

    1) Generally : Add est at the end of an adjective and put the before it .

    ex : The Nile is the longest river in the world .

    Tilly is the youngestof all the children .

    2) If the adjective ends in e add only st .

    large The largest

    ex : My room is the largest one in the house .

    3) If the adjective ends in y change it to i + est

    pretty the prettiest

    noisy the noisiest

    ex : Cairo is the noisiest city in the world .

    4) If the adjective ends in a vowel + a consonant double the last consonant+ est

    fat the fattest

    thin the thinnest

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    ex : Your sister is the thinnest in her family .

    5) If the adjective is long , put the most before the adjective :

    The most beautiful

    The most expensive

    The most wonderful

    ex : My sister is the most beautiful girl in the family .

    6) Irregular adj should be studied as they are :

    good the best

    bad the worst

    far the farthest


    Choose the correct word :

    1. The big family live in a ( massive waved happy ) house .

    2. When we came back , we found the chairs covered in ( trees dust moment )

    3. There was snow on the top of the hill but not in the ( games desk valley ) .

    4. They were lost in the ( desert house school ) for nine days .

    5. They went out to look for the dog which disappeared in the ( storm cart tree


    6. Computers are getting ( tossed faster older) all the time .

    7. Please , speak ( proudly excitedly quietly ) ; the baby is asleep .

    8. Tell the children to put all their toys and ( desert stamp games ) away .

    9. I ( waved smelt disappeared ) to her but she did not look at me .

    10. Parachuting can be very ( more exciting exciting most exciting ) .

    11. The school ( festival flag exam ) will be held on the playground next

    Thursday . Every one will be happy .

    12. A ( cart festival moment ) is used for carrying goods and is pulled by a horse .

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    13. " Stop ( stamp stamps stamping ) your feet Marya ! " said Moira .

    14. The teacher will come at any ( valley moment desert ). So , finish your work .

    15. I'm very ( proud waved angry ) of you , Ahmed . Your composition was great .

    16. He read the letter and then ( raced storm tossed ) it into the bin .

    17. The horse was ( galloping eating sleeping ) through the woods .

    Correct the adjectives :

    1. Tom got the ( bad ) mark in the exam .


    2. I had the ( little ) time to finish .


    3. Your dictation is the in the class . ( good )


    4. He is the ( bad ) boy in the class .


    5. Chicken soup is ( good ) than tomato soup .

    .6.The school is ( far ) than the club .


    Re-write the following sentences using words in brackets :

    1. No other horse is faster than my horse . " fastest "


    2. The other stories are not as interesting as my story . " the "

    ..3. Tom took his umbrella . " not "

    4. Suzy has no homework today . " not "


    5. They ate five sandwiches . " How "


    6. She always watches cartoons . " now "


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    7. She dressed beautifully . " dress "


    8. Tom is not as tall as Ben . " Ben ."


    9. We went to the party in my father's car . " How "


    10. The sheep has a big hoof . " have "


    Fill in the blanks with these words .

    1. Their friends to them and called out greetings .2. The other horses .their hooves and .their heads .

    3. His father was ..because he had two winners .

    4. His horse strongly .

    5. My horse snorted with .

    Sample test on unit 5Choose the correct word :

    1. His eyes were fixed [ on in to by ] the massive rock .

    2. Yesterday 's news was the [ more most much ] interesting one .

    3. Ann [ rides ridden riding rode ] her bike a week ago .

    4. I watched the [ worse bad boring worst ] film in my life yesterday .

    5. He leapt [ into under onto in ] his horse and disappeared quickly .

    6. The children are singing [ happy happily lovely friendly ] .

    7. What [ do were did are ] you study last night ?8. He looks sleepy . He is [ coughing yawning loving crawling ] .

    9. Dad never [ smoking smoked smokes smoke ] .

    10. Dad set [ on off at of ] on a journey round the word .

    Supply the missing letters

    d i s a p e r g a l o

    Stamped proud waved tossed galloped excitement

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    Re-write using the words in bracket :

    1. Sloths are slow animals " crawl "


    2. The boy's race was first . " were "


    3. Mona is drawing a picture now . " yesterday "


    4. Marry always studies her lessons well . " How..? "


    Supply the parts in the following dialogue :

    Tom :..when I phoned you yesterday?

    Ben : at the shops with mum .

    Tom : ?Ben : We . a taxi , we walked to the market .

    Tom : ..?

    Ben : Yes , we bought vegetables and meat .

    Tom : ..?

    Ben : We paid 59 pounds for these things .

    I- Comprehension

    Read and answer the following questions :

    Yesterday at school our teacher told us a story about a friendly dinosaur .

    His name was Dino and he lived in a cave near a forest . The other animals didn't

    ike Dino because most of them were afraid of him . They thought he wanted to

    eat them . But Dino could only eat vegetables and fruit . Poor Dino was the only

    dinosaur in the world and he didn't have any friends to tell secrets to .One day

    Dino was whistling the music to a beautiful song when suddenly he saw a fire

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    burning in the forest . He saw the birds flying , the rabbits running , the frogs

    jumping and all the little animals and insects trying to get away . It was horrible !

    Dino felt very sad but he knew that he was the only one who could do

    something to help .He quickly ran to the river and drank as much water as he

    could Then he walked to the forest and threw the water onto the fire . The

    forest wasn't burnt and all the animals were happy . So they knew Dino wasn't

    dangerous and thy wanted to be his friends . Dino left his cave and went to live in

    the forest with the other animals .

    1. How did the animals know that Dino wasn't dangerous ?


    2.Why didn't the other animals like Dino ?



    B. Choose the correct answer :

    3. The animals were running because they saw ..

    a- Dino b- a fire c- a lion

    4. Dino left his cave and went to live with .

    a- other Dinosaurs . b- other animals. c- birds.

    5. Dino didn't eat the animals because ..

    a- he couldn't catch them . b- he couldn't eat meat .

    c- he couldn't animals to eat

    6. There .in the world .

    a- was one dinosaur . b- were many dinosaurs. c- were no dinosaurs .

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    Dad Mum home six a walk by river

    . .


    eight have dinner TV living room

    . .



    Answer the following questions :1. What did father ask the boys to do ?



    2. What happened as the weather was getting hotter ?



    Complete the following sentences :

    1. Omar knew it was his ..that the sheep

    2. They had very little to buy

    Handwriting :

    Terry never gets up late .

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    Unit 6

    New vocabulary :

    bone (n) :one of the hand parts of the body that is covered with muscles

    upside down (adv) : having the part which is usually at the top turned to be at

    the bottom .

    branch(n) : part of the that carries leaves .

    roll up into (v.) : to form into a tube or and round by curling round

    saber(n) : curved knife .

    giants : (adj) very large b) noun a very large strong man in children's stories

    cave (n): A hollow place under the ground or in the side of a mountain or rock .

    wooly ( adj ) : made of wool ( wool = the hair of the sheep )

    curved (adj ): not straight .

    tusks ( n ): a long pointed tooth which grows outside the mouths of some animals .

    e.g : the elephant tusks

    attack (v ) : to fight against someone or harm them .

    crawl ( v ) : to move along the floor on your hands and knees .

    sloth ( n ) : an animal with long arms which moves slowly .

    spike (n ) : a narrow thin shape point at one end .

    ex : some dinosaurs had sharp spikes on their backs .

    hunt ( v ) : to chase and catch and kill an animal or bird for food .

    names of some animals .

    glyptodont armadillo wooly rhino saber tooth cat .

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    Choose the correct word :

    1. A [ saber hunter rhino ] is a large animal . It has a very thick skin .

    2. A [ dolphin mammoth leopard ] is a sea animal . It is large , smooth and grey .

    3. Can anybody live in a [ house chess cave ] now ? No , they can't

    4. Cats like to [ hunt leaf run ] mice and birds .

    5. [ Tigers Monkeys Armadillos ] are beautiful animals but very fierce .

    6. The baby is learning to [ break cry crawl ]

    7. A [ leopard tiger lion ] is smaller than a tiger and it has spotted fur .

    8. A [ mammoth tiger leopard ] is a large hairy elephant .It lived a long time ago .

    9. [ Cows Lions Elephants ] eat meat not leaves .10. The [ mammoth dolphin armadillo ] can curl itself into a ball when it is

    attacked .

    Rewrite the following sentences :

    1. Ali met Hany at the club yesterday . [ Who?]

    2. My mother went to the market yesterday . [ not .]..

    3. Omar doesn't play tennis . [ never ]

    4. This story is not interesting . [ is ]


    5. Jana is 30 Kilos . Rana is 40 Kilos . [ is not ]


    6. Sarah usually drinks tea . [ now ]

    7. The blue whale is bigger than the seal and the other sea animals . [ the ]

    8. Sally is the most beautiful girl in our class . [ more ]


    9. This is our house . [ ours ]

    10. Today is Monday . [ yesterday ]


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    Sample test on unit 6

    Choose the correct answer :

    1. [ Stoth Tiger Dolphin Lion ] is a very lazy animal .

    2. The wooly mammoth had long [ tail ears tusks fur ]

    3. The giant sloth was as big as a [ mountain bus car bike ].

    4. [ Rhinos Giants Elephants Tigers ] appear only in children's stories .

    5. The saber- tooth cat used its [ teeth head legs tail ] to kill quickly .

    6. The [ blue whale elephant lion sloth ] is the biggest land animal .

    7. A saber is a curved [ tusk knife tail nail ] .

    8. Reem is the [ bad worse good worst ] girl in our class .

    9. You are so thin that I can see your [ giant bones teeth clothes ].

    10. People hunted woolly mammoths with [ knives spears guns sticks ].

    Supply the missing letters :-

    e n r m o s s c l s

    Re-write the following sentences :1. The English test is easier than the maths test . " The maths test "

    2. The armadillo has hard scales on its back . " What ? "


    3. She dances well . " is "


    4. Sarah usually helps her mother . " last night "


    5. Dad bought some sweets yesterday . " any "


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    Complete the dialogue

    Polly : Do you like this colour ?

    Molly : ..very nice .

    Polly : I paint it every year .

    Molly ; I think you need a new brush .

    Polly : No ,

    Molly ; When are you going to finish painting it ?

    Polly :

    Molly : Good Luck .

    Comprehension :Read then answer the questions :

    A dam is a wall built across a river or a stream to control water . Dams are

    built to make a reservoir . A reservoir is a man made lake in which water is stored

    and sent across the country in pipes so that people can use it for drinking , washing

    and cooking . Dams are also built to store water for irrigating fields in the dry

    season when there is no rain . In the past , dams were built to force water into

    narrow channels . Today very big dams are built to use the force of water to get

    electricity .

    1. When do we need water from Dams ?


    2. How can we get electricity from water ?

    Choose the right answer :

    1. Water is stored and sent across the country in .........................

    a. canals b. balloons c. pipes d. cartoons

    2. Dams were built to force water into .channels .

    a. big b. great c. wide d. narrow

    3. A dam is a wall built ..a river or stream .

    a. above b. around c. across d. under

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    Pictorial composition :

    Write a sentence under each picture describing it :

    Yesterday leave bag A man see bag

    . ..

    . .

    shout give thank money

    . ..

    . .


    Answer the following questions

    1. How did Omar feel when he reached the river ? Why ?..


    2. Was the wishing fish dead ? Why ?



    Complete the following sentences :

    1. Omar and the river .up with his .

    2. Omar made bad use of his luck because .

    Handwriting :

    I always visit my grandparents .

    Unit 7

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    New vocabulary

    flight : a journey made by air .

    eap : to jump high

    float : move with moving liquid or air

    rooster ; male chicken

    perching : sitting

    glows ; to shine but not brightly


    Future ( be + going to )

    Is used to express future plans and arrangements .

    ex : I am going to travel to London next week .We use these words with : future - tomorrow next

    Form :

    I am


    She is going + to + base form



    You are



    Am I


    Is she

    It + going to + base form


    Are We


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    Choose the right word ;

    1. There is a [ herd flock bunch team ] of sheep in the field .

    2. I bought a [ herd team bunch swarm ] of flowers yesterday .

    3.The birds fly [ by into on through ] the air .

    4. Did you [ play played playing plays ] tennis yesterday ?

    5. There is a [ team library herd swarm ] of bees in the cave .

    6. I [ travel am going to travel traveled am traveling ] to London tomorrow .

    7. I'm going to travel to Paris [ in at for to ] a holiday .

    8. There [ is are were be ] a library of books on the shelf .

    9. The birds fly [ in on over of ] green trees .10. I am going to post a letter to my friend [ now every week yesterday

    next week ] .

    Re-write the following sentences using words in brackets ;

    1. I buy a new car every year . " next year "


    2. I paid 70 pounds for the skirt . " How ? "..

    3. The old man walks slowly . " How ? "

    4. A cat runs after a mouse . " cats "


    5. Hany intends to play tennis . " going to "

    6. A bike isn't as fast as a car . "A car ".

    7. This is your book . " Yours "


    8. Women carry their babies . " A woman "


    9. I had a party yesterday . " not "


    10. I 'm going to study hard . " promise "


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    The Wishing Fish

    Part One

    New Vocabulary :

    - Parents : father and mother .

    - hates : doesn't like at all .

    - nap : a short sleep .

    - shepherd : a man who takes care of the sheep .

    - disappoint : to fail to do something that someone asks from you .

    - wander off : to walk away .

    - lazy : not active

    - feed : give them food

    - look after : take care of

    Questions on pages 4 and 5 :

    I- Answer the following questions :

    1- Where did Omar live ?


    2- Whom / who did he live with ?..............................................................................................................................

    3- What did Omar hate ?


    4- What did his father tell him when he was twelve ?


    5- Who is Karim ?


    6- Why was Omar lazy ?


    7- Was Omar a good son ?


    8- Why did Omar's family lead a good life ? How do you know ?


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    II- Fill in the blanks :

    1- Omar lived in a

    2- Omar's parents worked very .. but he was very ..

    3- Omar never . his parents .

    4- Omar's brothers were good .

    5- Karim said to Omar " Do not me "

    6- " I'm .. . I'm going to sit here for a while " Omar said .

    Questions on pages 6 and 7 :

    I- Answer the following questions :

    1- Why wasn't Omar a good shepherd ?


    2- Did Omar keep his promise ?


    3- What is Hassim ?


    I- Put (T) or (F) :

    1- Omar was a good shepherd . [ ]

    2- Omar's father was very happy with him . [ ]

    3- Omar's brothers did most of the work . [ ]

    4- Omar sat for a while because he worked a lot . [ ]

    II- Complete the following sentences :

    1- The was a better shepherd than Omar .

    2- Omar's father was .

    3- Many of Omar's sheep off .

    4- Omar thought that the sheep can themselves .

    5- Omar as always said that he was

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    Part two

    New Vocabulary

    - spices : powders that give taste to food .

    - snake charmer : a person who moves a snake by playing music .

    - magician : a person who makes magical tricks .- strange : something that you don't see all the time unusual .

    - fishing rod : a long thin stick of wood to catch fish .

    - boring : not exciting .

    - special : different .

    Questions on pages 10 and 11 :

    I- Answer the following questions :

    1- Where did Omar go ?


    2- What can you buy at the market ?


    3- Did Omar love going to the market ?


    4- Was Omar an obedient or disobedient boy ? Why ?


    II- Complete the following sentences :

    1- Omar's mother gave him money to buy . only .

    2- At the market there were . things to buy .

    3- At the market Omar saw a man .

    4- . and .. are very interesting people .

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    Questions on pages 12 and 13 :

    I- Correct the error :

    1- The man was selling fishing nets .


    2- Omar thought that fishing is interesting ...............................................................................................................................

    3- The strange man had an ordinary fishing rod .


    4- Mother gave Omar the money to buy a fishing rod .


    II- Answer the following questions :

    1- What did the strange man look like ?


    2- What did he sell ?


    3- What does the wishing fish do ?..............................................................................................................................

    4- Did Omar do what mother told him ? How ?


    5- How did the man convince Omar to buy the fishing rod ?


    Part Three

    New Vocabulary :

    - suddenly : something happens quickly and at once .

    - wonderful : very nice .

    - disappear : can't be seen any more .

    - granted : given

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    Questions on pages 16 and 17 :

    I- Choose the correct word :

    1- Omar's mother was [ disappointed happy ] .

    2- The next day Omar went to the [ market river ] .

    3- Omar felt something [ eating pulling ] on the line .

    4- The fish was very [ big small ] .

    II- Answer the following questions :

    1- Why was Omar's mother disappointed ?


    2- What did Omar want to show his mother by going to the river ?


    3- What did Omar think when he saw the big fish ?..............................................................................................................................

    Questions on pages 18 and 19 ;

    II- Fill in the blanks :

    1- The fish wasn't an .. fish . It was a . fish .

    2- The fish will make Omar's . come true if he .

    3- The fish said " your wish is . " .

    4- The fish . into the water .

    II- Answer the following :

    1- What kind of fish did Omar catch ?..............................................................................................................................

    2- What will the fish do to Omar if he let it go ?..............................................................................................................................3- What was Omar's wish ?..............................................................................................................................4- Why did Omar have this wish ?..............................................................................................................................

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    Part four

    New Vocabulary :

    - excited : very happy .

    - herd : collect in a group .

    - sick : ill .

    - announcement : to say something loudly .

    - starve : having no food to eat .

    - fault : mistake .

    Questions on Pages 22 and 23 :

    I- Put (T) or (F) :

    1- The next day the sheep were gone . [ ]

    2- Omar had to look after the sheep . [ ]

    3- The weather was getting colder . [ ]

    4- Omar thought that his wish didn't come true . [ ]

    II- Fill in the blanks :

    1- The next day Omar was very

    2- Omar thought that he didn't have to ..

    3- The only thing that changed was the .

    4- It was so and Omar wanted some

    Questions on pages 24 and 25 :

    I- Answer the following questions :

    1- What happened as the weather was getting hotter ?


    2- What happened to the sheep ?


    3- What did father ask the boys to do ? Why ?


    4- How did Omar feel ? What did he decide to do ?..............................................................................................................................

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    II- Complete the following sentences :

    1- The . didn't come and it was getting each day .

    2- As the sheep were sick the family could no longer in the

    3- They had very little .. to buy .

    4- If the boys didn't work the family would ..

    5- Omar knew it was his . that the sheep .


    Part Five

    New Vocabulary

    - hope : wish .

    - shocked : fell sad and angry about something bad .

    - dry : without water .

    - tears : drops of water from the eyes .

    Questions on pages 28 and 29 :

    I- Choose the correct word :

    1- At the river Omar was [ shocked excited ] .

    2- The river was [ dry dead ] as a bone .

    3- The [ fish rain ] stopped and the river dried [ in up ] .

    4- The wishing fish was [ there gone ] .

    II- Answer the following :

    1- What did Omar do the next day ? Why ?


    2- Why was Omar shocked ?


    3- Why were all the fish dead ?

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    4- What did Omar do then ?


    Questions on pages 30 and 31 :

    I- Fill in the blanks :

    1- Omar . and slowly the river was filled up with his

    2- Omar wanted the fish to him .

    3- The fish said " you didn't want to . any more . I made your

    wish come true ."

    4- Omar was and .

    II- Answer the following questions :

    1- What happened when Omar filled the river with his tears ?


    2- Why was Omar lucky ?


    3- What did Omar ask the wishing fish to do ?..............................................................................................................................

    4- What did Omar learn ?


    5- What were the circumstances of Omar's wish ?


    6- Omar proved to be a silly, narrow- minded and self - centered boy . Discuss


    7- Some people learn their mistakes only by experience . Discuss..............................................................................................................................

    8- Omar was lucky , but he made bad use of his luck . Discuss


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    Part Six

    Questions on pages 34 and 35 :

    I- Arrange the following events :

    a- Omar's family was proud of him . [ ]

    b- The sick sheep grew strong . [ ]

    c- Omar never used his fishing rod or made a foolish wish again . [ ]

    d- It rained and the grass started to grow . [ ]

    e- Omar learnt to be a good shepherd . [ ]

    II- Correct the error(s) :

    1- It was hot and the grass started to dry .


    2- Omar learnt to be a good fisherman .


    3- The family had enough fish to sell at the market .


    4- They were all disappointed in Omar .


    III- Answer the following :

    1- What did you learn from this story ?


    2- Do you like Omar ? Why ?..............................................................................................................................

    3- If you catch the wishing fish what will your wish be ? Why ?


    G d L k