revision of hpseb schedule of electricity tariff.. - co of hpseb schedule of... · copy. above is...

- ,.' " HIMAQ1AL PRADESH STATE ELECTRICITY BOARD . . NJ HPSE B/ a;: ( OJMM)/3-2 ( Tar if f) /95.;. 11()38-l2C>88,' Dt: 30/10/95 ' To ':: ." ' ..> .. .. .. The O1ief Engine.e,r(OP) . . ; , DharmshCiL3/Snimla(with Te,n " '. spare c,oRie s) .... " : ' -\ . " .. .::. . . " .. . ' ; ", , .: " . All the Svperint-endinc;J Erig'ineers, . . ; Undet Operation Wingslwith 4 Ten ·· ' Q- ' spare oQpfes). '. . ," , ', ; ' " .. oU . with five .. , ,_, . .' - . . \0. .. .. " ...... ". . .,lo ••. , »;" .. ;':! Ati 'th'e, Asstt .. Ex. ecutive Engineefs/' ...· " . ;E.ngirlee Off ice-rs, , ; ' . r.! .. (wlth·; b'ne spa re C opyt, . ,. .. 'I .. _. :--\ .. .. '" .• . .\ . t, '. . . ' ",:;f ' . ... ' . .. . : .. ELECi.rnIQITY " 0 ': t .:: ,' , r •. :.' .. . ..• ' ! . .. ... ..... # . ... ' ...• l . .. _ .•'. .. :i,1:y , pleased "':to reVise the , tar ifi . _. ' . . , ' . ... .. . .. . .. . . . .' ... ' . . ' categbries of Ddmestic • . .' .' . -' .' •., ., . r. . ' .,,'. " " " . c aM ' 'Agr!cui-ftire . .. e. l; 1/1, 1/1995. I •. " . ,. -. . . . " . . # . ' 4; >.-' A . 36/10/199 5 • . . . .. f ':... •. '. . .. ; . . ., .• :., ', ' . ... , , .. >: , revl.::ang , the , of taI;'iff I- y.hich is self-explanatory, fer ' inf'ormatlo 'n j3Iid " for ·· that imp1emente-ci ·,i;the \ $.ta.t ,e .. .with: . e.f·f act · 'f; Fom ' . " " . .' ..' -, . .. . 3. ", ' re Dome.;ticSU RP1Y(.ro), Indu, str£a.l(SP) and Agri ,cuJ,t.llral;' SuPP1y(APY' . . . '. . .: ! 4 .. . The ' study the pr ov isioI1 s l s notlf led ' vide , th is .. o.t' _ der. ·tO- erisu re correct b • 11 . -- ... . .,,': :tng. . :' ... .. ;. '. . .. .. .. _ ... . -,. ...... '-. "r'.' ... .. .. ,'. . . . ..;:-. .. ... 6, The followed impleme nt the revis€d tariff ' in resPect pf the categories · the rates have . ,'.J ' a) .. . S:t,DC,e , .it · is not possible to take special meter readings of all th 'e cQnsUmers ' concurrentl\Lr it , has been decided that spccj.:! l:x,e';:jrl of <'lll !>u c h (';olnlCct.i Oil S \\Ih1.;h are covered •••• 211 •• : . ", ·· ·co

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  • -,.' " HIMAQ1AL PRADESH STATE ELECTRICITY BOARD . . NJ ~ HPSE B/a;: ( OJMM)/3-2( Tariff) /95.;.11()38-l2C>88, ' Dt: 30/10/95

    ' To ':: ." ' ..> .. .. .. : .'~ " '"

    The O1ief Engine.e,r(OP) Nor:th/Sotith~ . . ; , ~HPSEB, DharmshCiL3/Snimla(with Te,n "

    ' . spare c,oRie s) .... " : '-\ . " .. .::. . ~. . " .. . '

    ; ", , .: " . All the Svperint-endinc;J Erig'ineers,

    . . ; Undet Operation Wingslwith4 Ten '

    Q- 'spare oQpfes). '. . ," , ', ;

    < Al~>, th.~f ,E~t6ti,,~: Erl\'inee~s,. : ' " ..oU

    . Unde,tr'_ ,Ol?~J;a1.-i'bn ::Wii1gs( with five ..

    ~'. ; : >":sp~reiiop'~e~L ,,_, ..' - . .

    ~ \0. .. .. " ...... ". . .,lo ~ .~

    , ;" .. ;':!Ati 'th'e, Asstt .. Ex.ecutive Engineefs/' ... "

    . , ~s.s:istaf1l9. ;E.ngirlee rs/Sub~Divi.s ional~ Off ice-rs, ,

    ; ' . e;rtd~r.! q~) :~'V1ng.s .. (wlth;b'ne spa re C opyt, . ,. ..

    'I .. ~"' : _. :--\....~ '" . . . \ ~ . t, '. . . ' ~ ",:;f ' . ... ' . . . , ~ .

    :sy~: .. : 'J~EVI.? r6N.,QF.HFSEBS&tEroL~QF ELECi.rnIQITY T~IFF. " 0 ~'" ': t .:: , ' , r . :.' ..: . \.~.: . .. ' ! . .. ... ..... # . ... ' ... ' ~.,.. l . .. _

    .~i. .'. .. ' : \H~p:Sti{t:~ :i,1:y : ts , pleased "':to reVise the , tar ifi . _ . ' . . , ' . ..... ... . .. . . . .' ... ' .

    .:Ln;ir~s"ect ~ '

    9'f . . al.l.. the categbries of con5ume.s(~icceptilig- Ddmestic . .' .' . -'.' ., ., . r. . ' .,,'. " " " .

    S ,~ppty" ~m,all , ~o\VE?:; caM ' 'Agr!cui-ftire . qQ.l'tsUm~rs-) \w..e. l; 1/1,1/1995.I . " . ,. -. . . . ~ t " . ~ . #

    . '4; > . - ' A ,c"opt ., .or ;t'h~: ~\~~h~i ;?r~~sb : .Sta.te ' ~iect~icity 'B~ard . notitic:a~tio~tJ~o~HP?EBfa:fmMM')3~2(Ja.tff)1951217 dat~d ' 36/10/1995

    . . . .. f ':... ..~ . '. . ..; . . ., . :., ' , ' . ...

    , , .. >: ,revl.::ang , the, H~SEB~ ,:Sdred~le' of taI;'iff I- y.hich is self-explanatory,

    i~(se,nt .here~ith fer 'inf'ormatlo'n ~nd cWid'~nce j3Iid "for ensl!t~ills.~d'.:t(lrii(ls. imp1emente-ci ,i;the\ $.ta.t,e.. .with: .e.ff act 'f;Fom ' . ~st ~~v~mge,r,. 19?~. _.: " " . .' ..' ~ ' :" .:~' ; ' " t:~">~""-"": - ,

    . .. . 3. ", ' r,t : ~~Y- ~e"; ,~oted : 1;.h~t' ~h~' r~ ' is '~ I)(Y-' ~han'g~~ :itt \ th~' ' i'~t'e's ' ;in " re ~pectof Dome.;ticSU RP1Y(.ro), ,s;ai),;i.PQ.~r!. Indu,stra.l(SP) and Agri,cuJ,t.llral;' Pump;t~'g ' SuPP1y(APY' cons~fu~~s"" ;'r ~ . . . '. . .: ! 4 .. ' : ~ . The ' f~~~d ::Qficer~ l'~ay ~ie;~sH ' ~horO!J'~hlY ' study the prov isioI1s l .rat~ s notlf led 'vide ,th is notifi~atio~in. ..o.t'_der. tO- erisu re correct b 11 . -- ~ ... .".:' ~ ' .,,':

    l.~ :tng. . :' ... ..;. '. . .. .... _....-:-~ .~.;-: ~ -,.......

    ~,. /~ . : ~ - '-."r' . ' ... ..~ f:~ .. ,'. . . . ..;:-. .....~-.

    6, The .fQllgWih9 .9ur.d~.:iine s ~;iDe followed ~o implement the revisd tariff' in resPect pf the categories f~r,>Vhich the rates have

    . ,'.J '

    a) .. .S:t,DC,e, .it is not possible to take special meter readings of

    all th'e cQnsUmers' concurrentl\Lr it ,has been decided that spccj.:! l:x,e';:jrl of

  • :: 2 ::

    Under the affected cate-gories ' and have . connected load of

    1eeKW and ~ove,. sha'll b~ .taken ~referatHy on' .1/11/95 .itut 1atesti'>v'- 5th Nove-rmer, ,199"5. Field Of.ficers have ~een

    informed ~\Jt , th.~s' ~ei.i.&oniciallYit~.teg:r~!)hical1Y.; !be, consum~tioft recorded upto th~ special. ineter .read Ing as per the above ~rog-r~m1M.', shal~ be k~pt: on rec9td~y the Field

    . ' . " , . , . '.' 'T ' ' ; ' . ,

    Units without ehangin9 ' the bil1ing :!~yc~e '.~As .-am whe n the ". . '. ," .. .' . , : .. : "-

  • :: 3 ::

    COPY. above is rwa ed for ormation and necessarY


    1. The F.C 9 -cum-Sec ry(MPP &. Power), H. P. Govt, Shim

    2. All C1l f Eng rs/Ch Purchase Off r,HPSEB, other n (OP) Wing.

    3. cretary/ Add 1.S ecretarY/Dy .Sec ry /Under e ry

    in HPSEB.

    4. The Ch Accounts r, B, Sh

    5. Dy.Finane I Advisor/Dy.a, Auditor B, Shiml

    6. The peetor neral(V&S), HPSEB,Sh a-4.

    7. All the Super nding Engineers( including Directors)

    in the Board other t nation Wing.

    8. The Ch Elec ieal Inspector, H.P .. Govt, shi Cotta , Long Wood, Sh imla.

    9. All cutive t:.ngineers in the Boa other than Ope ng with spare e -d isions.

    10. Direetor(PR)/LAa/LWO, HPSE 11 The s nt Audit Officer, Shimla with fourl'


    12. The Accoun icer{ l~. HPSEB. imla with four re coo

    13 The Senior Private ere ies/P.S. to Chairman" of the Boa for information of Cha n/Membo ['SA

    All the EXQoat.ive EugilleA't:z in this office .. \.

    ~,,,~/ Sd/CJ\X

    .' . O1ief Engineer( rcial}, B. Vidyut Bhawan,Shimla-4.

  • '

    . ~' : - ,\ ..


    . . .HlMAQ1AL PRADESH STATE EU:CTRICi1. BbARD ' " . . 10 ' No. HPSEB/CE( alMNI)SS-3-2( Tariff) /95:'2f, Dat~d:.L30- .

    95"!>PTI~~CATION" '_ I

    In exercise' of the powers c o';,fe rred by Section 49 'a rd 59 of the Elect:ricitYlSupply)Act,; 1948 arrl all other enabling provisions in in this behalf, theH.P. stat~ Electricity Boa'rei is pleased to notify . the following ~Sche"dule of Tariffs ~. and t}:le gener'.al conditions of tariff for su poly of '.eiec.tflcity to the various categories pf consumers in H. p. w. e. ,f. ".1/+.,1/ i995. . ,- . . . .'

    I. .. . . ~ I . ,:.... . .

    PART- I-CE UER.AL ' " ' . . a) . ' ~7r;is " m~V pe ' oalled the Himachal 'Pradesh state Electricity Board

    Schedule 'of ,f l.~ctricity 'Tarif f , 1995. It) Thi~ ~ch;~~le : of tariif. shalrtome.:int~force with effect from

    1/),l/199,~ . and will be 'a' pplicablathr;Ou..~ "~u~ha.tge .on the unpaid amount of (i~e ."SP" ., "MS","LS-l" the bill ' for ' each 30 days success

    . nJ.s-2~ " "WIP", "AI''' ,~BS"'~ ive per-iod or part thereof . "SL"' a~ "PA" . . ;.' , . ... ""C exclud' ~ ElectriL.:,i. ty dut~) ..' ' ,(,r-'./ startins from the date of .lssue

    . C~:/ .of _bi~l.ulltil the amount lS

    .' ~ .

    ., V .' .pN~d l.n full.

    , ,"


  • .' . f) The-per K'hHra~es mentioned in various schedules represent eriel:'gY charge.s unless soec if ied othetwls~~ ' ... \ ... , :,'. .

    .' :.Jhi~. tar.!ff :will auton;at:~caut.~~.liJt>e"rsed~ .' '1, ' .-,th~e~1stiOg ~ariff , whlCh wasj,n force

    - w~~{1 , ;ef~E}G1:J~~,;[/1/~994( ,~~xO~.p~~e~e . . :sl?~f~al a,~r~emei1\~ Lhave ~thel1Y~~'\l?een '

    . '''e~f~d .1nt~ for!.a .;: fixed . ~r~9d;.S~reet ; . LJ..'lt.l 80ree_ilts .~ii1l hOv.&:ve.t:~ :not~1e :;: :' .. .::. c~~t.deredas special a,r~fem.e~nt$ ; f,~r- th~.: ._ ~ '- ' . pu,:'pose an;:! therevlseci ta~tff : as:perJ)C(~-: . ~ '...

    ....:: . . ; dule "SL't sha 11 ile applicable in ~a~ case ' . . . : '. al.s,~~ : . . . . " ;::":, c ... .:: ; . " "'~~"r< :" I~~~~~~~ "::- :'-:;i1.~ ~~

    , . ti): : . -c .:. Jhe.-.e .t~rlfis arl ' $ub1~e~~ . ;tO' ;t~~:;~f6X.~sions .. ::. .;.()~ ~Itt : .~~~!d9e'd !~Con(Ut~cS,~ . ,of. "SuR'lY~"a nd

    ..Schedule .' .' 'of"-,&neul,::~pci~:~~~~~\ ~~arge5" i t. .:.... is sued by tt)e- ~.ard or' ,any : a~ltttiieJ1ts .

    :tbt~of .. as' are .enforced %rOm tiine"-



    In case 9f curtailment, ' st~gqeringor cessation Jf supply by the Board to the consumers due to reas ons not attributable to the

    . c~msuners, the monthly minimum charges for the period,of such ',' 'cuita1lm~nt, stc?ggering or cessation shall be l?roportionately

    r~duced, if the oer iod of such curta ilment, sta gge ring or ces sati on or supplye xceed sthe Of 011 01,l\.'in9 ,_imits; i) If the sUPl)ly to ~n 2rea rem(3:i[lS of~ ' f'):;:- 1T:0i.'e th

  • ::. 4 ::

    am ~uch other factories ., as may : It~ atJproved by the Board .fran tlrne't::> ,tin:le. Seasonal IndlJStFi.essnall be . go~erned under the following c-:>nditions:- ..' ,"' . ' . " c

    i) The .'consumer shall ' intimate in writing to the concerned

    sub~iv isibnal Off icerof 'the Boaid one month in advance,

    .the, months or the period of . off-season 'during ' \:..nicb he ~will

    close down ,his plants. " " . ,. .

    :1:1) the minimum. working oeriod f8'C ~ :. ~ ~:~cc r ,: J,::":It;:15tryin a year ~hall be taken as 4 inonths

    liJ) 'Puiing t~e ' off-season, the e :it ire c !"',:-' :-~~ '.' and the power ;' utilised for maintenance ane! over-hcl.:J:i i19 of-:he plant and the" fa,ct9tY , lighting wi-J_l j

  • : .~.. " .

    t ',

    . J :

    :: 5

    , , In case of def ective trivectbr meter/bi-vectJr meter/two part tariff meter, power fact':)r will be assessed on the basis of monthly average D~wer factJr rGc::lt'ded during last three

    > , Gonsecutiv-e monthsYAie nt he meter was in ')roer. In c cse no r " such l"eaqi-ng,s, are avlalb Ie then the JllJnth~y av.erage ' powe~ f

  • ::'-::

    x) As per schedule of Ta..riff!> in force w.e.!' 1st June, 1994, it LCChSt.ltllUS SMtt wa s incumbe nt upon the Agr icultura land Indu strial consumers

    br:.. ligatory on th part of the co nsurrer to rna iota j n the capacigors in healthy conditi:ms and in the event of it becoming burnt/tamaged he shall have to inform the Assistant EnginGer concerned immediately in writing and also to get the defect rectified within a minimum period of 000 month from the date of capacitor has gonedefective.

    iv) If at any ~aint of time the power factor of the installation is found to be les s tha n 0.90 1agg ing, a su::-c har ge of 10% on the amount of energy charges of the bill shall be charged per month from the da~ of inspection/checking, till the power factor is brought to prescribed limit of 0.90 lagging by installation of the additional shunt capacitor!'

    Sh ou Id the powe r factor fall s be low 0.85, it mu st be brou ght uoto minimum of . ~.90 by the c~nsumer by meth~s approved by the Board within a period of three months faiiing vklich without prejudice to r igh t to collect surcharge the connect ion shall be d is connected u nle ss DOwe r f actor is improved to 0.90 by the consumer to the satisfaction of the Board~

    v) The amount of said surcharge shall not count tQlAlard s the . amount of m~nthly minimum charge (MMC). The amount of power factor : ,surcharge as oer above shall accordingly bE' recovered in addition to ,the WMC, vkler-ever applicable.

    vi) The amount of MAC shall not be taken into account for working out the amount of p~wer factor surcharge which sha 11 be le~d on the amount of em rgy charges only. In respect of "Temnorary metered supplyfl ~onnections the said surcharge sha 11 be worked out Itoth on energy

    ~ . 7 C~


  • 4

    :: 7 b

    charges and 10Q%surcharge y,here ap:>licable as per clause 3 of schedule "T.M." qf this t cJ iH:.

    vii) As oer schedule of tariff in force w.e.f. 1st June, 19~4, it


    ""as incumoont upon the Agricultural and Irr' ustrial consuners(including WIP) to ~aintain power factor of not less than O~85in respect of their installations. Bow on account of stipulation of minimum power factor limit of 0690, the existing consume~shall be allowed a period of te n week 5 fur inst a 11 at ion of .add it iona 1 capac it ors( if required)

    ,\ to bring . the r .ower factor of their installatio.ns to 0,,90 Power Factor ~ ',urcharge f If .applicable may ~ therefore, w.t levied on such ~onsumers

    ..:onside:ring theininimu'!l I?ower factor limit as ~.A5 till 3~st January 1996. whereafter

    . t of 0.90 shall come l.nto operatl.on. . , . .


    In case . sh",mt cat;>Clcitor(s) i~/a~e found to~e missing or' inoperative or damaged, 15 days notice sl1all be issued t o the consumers for rectificati on of the defect' and setting right the samr..In ,case the defect lVe caoac it ort s) islare hot rer.laced/reetified within ,15 days of the issue of notice a surcharge ' @10% per m:>nth on bill amOunt ~hall .e levied ~.e. f. the date 'Jf ' insp:?ction to the date 6f replacement of d e '':ect iv' e/d,-ama ged/mis s irlQ ca pac itors ..:: . : .. '

    a) These tar,iff rate s do not take into a c c ount any liability on account of interest :m security deoosits/adv.ance

    .cor:su~ption ,DelJosits. In case of liability ac.~rue..s to the Board on thl.s account at any sta!]e due to ' anY reasQl'ls . ' whatsoever, the corresponding amount of liaJ.ility shall .e

    .recovered from the consumer as a pa-r,t 'Jf tariff in addition to these tariff rates.

    1J) . In Case any disDut"" regarding applicatil:ity of this tariff arises, th,*ecisiohof the Board will t"e final and binding on the consumers.


    L ACT: sha 11 meah Indian electric.ity Act; 19.lP. and clectricity( $uboly) Act, 1948 ~s c3tT\enqed frotn time to t ime ~ . . .

    2. RULES~ shall m~an Indian Electricity' Rules, 1956 as amended from time to time.

    3. SUPPLIER- shall mean the Himachal Pradesh state Electricity Board.

    4. PREMISES: shall mean land or building o r part thereof in res pect "Jf wh ich s e para te mete r or metering a rra ngeme nts

    have been made ~y the B ~ard for supply of electricity_

    ... ~.


  • :: 8 ::

    5 .. OOMESTIC PREMISES: shall mean the -premises being used for bonafide rlt amperes during any 30 consecutive minutes r eri'od . o-f . the . month. . . ' ,

    . . 1.k3'1 . 13. AVERAG: POWER FACTOR: shall mean the average . .. f factor and

    shall be tai

  • d " , ,-, . ". ~-~ -~ i:,:,,~ ; . ; ,~...., , " ". " !

    '" , "'>'j "~;~:'~;>! ~~;> ~: t; ~. . , ~:- - . ,. ' 'f '

    _ '.' , '" 'i:~ , s~kb'~~f1;itif; ;;{~" ':" ~; A. S. E'rnJLi{~~ ~~ ;" ,:_ 00-'" tWPLY ." ", . , , ~Jl; .~~:: ':1 ' .'j

    ) Alb .. ' '~i ; 't " f ~' '. ,' ' . " :" " "~ , c.

    l vaiA:a~~!:ie 'toconsumers'tJsing el'ect;id~~""~~~:r~~ ;';~ ~'~bi;i,~ fans, heaters, cooking,ranges, ovens, refregerat:>rs, Air-c~'ij:it'lioners stereos, rad.i.9S, televisions, mixers, grinders, electric iron, sewing/embrdlf'deIi'/knitting machines" d~estic pumping~ sets and other domestic aDPlicancesin the following prmises: ' ' ,.

    (a) Single private housesiflats qr aoy 'pth~~-ie.~de:nti~'l ' o~rriises. . " , . I .. . .

    ,(b} GdYiIGovt_.racogn'i~edl;ducational Institutions viz. ~chJols, ;.' Universities'~ III" s tl9s~~ls. and- quarters attached

    .r " te> ' the Educ,~tiOfla 1 Insi:lfu.j:lons. ' " '. ,' . , ', .,' " , , . ' .

    (d 'Rel:lgibu~ ' Pl~c~ :s!,,~LSht; a$.~,.t~p~.a-s:; } ,~g~,qr,a$~ Mos~.~~:L., O1tJrches etc.; : .,~ ;;! ?l- ,~:~ :.: tt;:JJ'iJ ju~ )"j l ' \~;.tt;fj);' ;;. ,f ''':'~~ .:i

    " _', . " .lbis sch.e~J. ~~n 'a~~bQ:em'a'a~ -' ~t?n~ it'ap~:'~

  • .... . , " - ,

    :: 10 ::

    Resale and' sl,l~-meteringof ~u~plY 'to tenant!>, other flats-- -Q.o .ls strictly 0tohibited exceot, with the permissl~n of ~p~lier in which case the b~ocks of ~ar~ff shall not be cOffip,puOded.

    A hostel sl,;aJ.l t>e constdered as Ofle unit and billed 'Inde r domestk ~upoly tariff without C OOloovnd ing.The supply for ref'idential q4.arters/f lets ()ttachao. to the eduoational in~it;..i:~ions for staf f members 'Shall be suitably cOlTII'ounded where more tflfan op? premises are supplied through a single metering point.

    2. QJatacter ofS~rvic;q.

    , , 1h.t-4 ,

    A.C, OOC/S, . $ingle phase, 230 volts orL~ase ,4IO' volts. In case of large' loads, suoply may"at the discretion ' of the " supnlier, he given at llKVor' allove. ' '

    ~ ., . .- ' .

    3.rar~if ' . l

    50 oaise per &o.hfor the first 5b Kv.h per month.

    '0 paise par I

  • . " , ...... .. . "; -.'

    , '

    , '. :. " , .:..,. , . .

    . > t' "

    ".- ' '''- ' . .... ~ ...~ .; .

    . -_:. ..:. . . :..... ' :: 11 ::

    '.... . " : 4. ~BE8AtE ' , ' ' ( .~. : -:' .:' '.A ";~bat~" ~f 7i% w:dl be aliq~e,d ifthe 'supply at th'~' dTscr'et ion

    df 'lthe: sur1Dlier, , is given:at l"lKV or'.abbve.This rebate , sh~ll be subject to the ,icel'nritLm thatthe .. Qf:;t amount p'ayable' after all:)wing tl rebate shall n:)t be l"ess tnan: the-amount ,,')fmelotnl'y' minimum charges.

    .. ' J' ' ,: .'..: .

    ~ .. . 5f ..:' ,M6hth'lv Minimum O1argeh , " , 'MontfiiY ' Mijhi~~rn'Ch ,'rgeS' wgl be a-plicable . ~:' t!1e following rates:,

    (i) u., t 0 5 KW c ;h~ected I o~d' Rs; lsi - DG'r month f)er,.500 watts or pCl rt thereof of theconnec.ted load subj ect t c minimum of Rs-30/- ' perm:)nth. Fraction elf half and ab:JVe(of 500 W2ttS) will,

    , ,be taken as 500 watts and fraction be . . : ... -. ,-; iow. ..hal~~ will be ignoted~

    - ',:.:"

    (1i) Ab ove 5 KIN ' c:)nne~te_d "lo2d RS. 36/-per month per KW or part . there:) f of the connected load. Fracti c

    " ....... ...,. ,. 'of ' WaIf.- arid 9bove e>f a KWwill be t.ak( - ... ''-a s ~Qn~ KW 'ari(j-fraction belC)~v ha lf wil:

    '. ~' >.be ign9.r:ed~:' " -'. _

    C. ~OiEIXJLE IIS.J)ii ";'Siv~LL ;IND,LETRIAL tiiowlR SUPPLY _ 1. Ayailability .. .'.

    ~' ,

    , '. , . ' AV3il,319leto: industd.e s . inc:l~ding ~umos( otl::;~; than ll-riqn. PU mping) Whe a t threshe:rs, t :Jk a s, pou I try farm~'" and - sh~ds, ca ne crushers, Atta Olakkies and l:je,lding sets etc. with the aggreg?te cnnnected , \oad not exceeding 20 KW. ,


    2,Gh '" ra c te r of Service A\ C50 CIS, 3 Dh ."'ISG 460 volts ' or single ohas e 230 volts ..

    3. Tariff

    . 90 Daise ner KINH fbr entire consu~tion. " ,

    4. Caodcitorsurcharge , Caoac itor surcharge shall: be levied as ~p~r t he or Qvisions undo "Part~I GeJ"lC' r21" of this n Jtification.

    ~. Peak IQad exemDtion charges(f'LEC)

    The C ems ~Jmers availing special dispensation or exemotion du) - ,~,... F"lpak load hJurs stioulated underPart-I-Gen~ral of this

    '-: 1 1 r.>ti at extra charges of Rs.1/- lIer unit Lt.:~_ F"l111:'00S8, time of the

  • '. ': ~

    .' .. .I , : .~ '"

    ' .. i ~'. : .. ,: ~; :

    , , , . ~ .' .. . .. . -. \ . ,. ,. 1 :

    . '~ " .. - ; . . ,". ,.';- '- .

    G. Factory Lighting:

    Al~ , consumption for b.onafide factory lighting in case of IndDstrie~ i.e; energy consumed in factory premisesincl~ding factory building, its offices, stores, time keeper office, cantee! librc?ry, staff dispensary, \o\lf are centre and factory yard lighting shall he charged under this tariff schedule.


    1. ~vailability

    , Avaiiabl";e'- to , I oous tr ial con s uners with connected Ired (Jf more than ,Xl KW Dut~not . exc.eeding 500 KW~ The industrial type ",f , Agricultural loads 'and :.water DUl1l:)ing wit,h connected load _ .;

    ;: . ih the ab'ove ' mentioned ' range a'nd notcove ;redbYschedule "A.P" or schedule;"W;.I,P"$hall also be chat~d " \lnder th~s schedule. ,

    . '. - .


    2.. Character of servic~ ' 1 . . , ,

    A~C, '''.r:) cis 3 Pha~e, 400voltsor ., 11000 . ;voltso:~

  • ... ....

    . .13 :: .. .' ..

    . th istatfff shall re charged a surcharge @ 10% on the amount Jf enervy ChClI',g5.. of l~O r.iaise oer unit 'as per cLau-i:ie":'3. aboye. 'J -' The a mJunt 6f this. surcharge-' shMl";'not c ount . towa~,rd~ .the m:Jnthly ,m~ni~ m . charge~~ ,

    7~ Peak load Exemptiyn",Q1arges . (PU~.C} . Th;-o:e~~-l~~ciexermtio~ ch'arg'~ ' c'la~ie~ as ' applicable to '~mall p::>wer c:)ns~~rsc, ~fJder _StheduHi' "SF "~~.!ll, __a Is:>: ' ,e appl~ca bl~ to c:)hsume1;'s bvere-du ncer Meaium I-nctl strial_'?ower SUP?J':Y 13 '

    ..1.ScheduleM}S~" ; . ~~" '.. ' , . _,c'-:: -, .. ,,:--, _\ ' :.; : ':.< .~. ,' f .

    8. FACTORY L lGi.TING& . CDLGNY, '-SUPPL-~. c .....,,-, .. : , . ~ , .. :

    i) Factory Lighting " ,.,-:'~;:


    All c ')nsumoti:)n f:)r ban2f ide factory 1 ighting in c Ci se Qf .~

    Industries'i . e. ellergy c")nsumed in factorY pr,emises including

    factory bu ilding t its 6ff ices, sto'resr '1-::i:me ke:~per :Jff ke,

    canteen, library, staff dispensary, : welfare centre and

    factory yard lighting shall he charged under this tariff

    sc hedu Ie. . .

    .7""'- .

    ii) COLON{ SuPpLl The cQnsumpti::m for bonafide use of residential/s-taff quartes anq.-street lighting of colony shall alsQ, be charged at the reie''{ant inclustrial tariff. . . .' ~ . ..')

    E. SCHEDULE "L.S: -It; 'LARGe lNUJSTRIAL POWER ~UPPLY FOR MINI STESL MILLS: . . . . ::;;c:;:::~" , . .. ........-: ' .

    1. Availability ~ . Available to Industrial c~nsumers w.ith conn~c~ed IJad ~a:Aceed-lng 500 KW and having Mini Steel Mills/Steel Rolling and He-rolling/ Calci~m Carbide/Ferro-silicon un,its and 'ARC!Induc'tion FUrnaces .

    ,- ,

    2. O1ara-cter ~f '-S}.Jobly ; . AC,' 50 cls, 3 r->hase. 1100,0 volts or a:bQve a1:ltlhe. di_~cretion

    ::lfsunplier.."' ,'. ," - .' . - . ,.

    3. Jariff ~ ". .' ..

    Energy charges ,

    280 pal1s-e pe r KWH

    without prejudic~

    . to' monthly minimum

    charges under :Clause

    4 01 th is Schedule.

    ! ." :4. 1b nthly Minimum QJarges.

    Monthly Minimum charges shall bE;. ,q~plic-able @Rs.'200/- per KVA of the c:)nnected l:)ad. Fraction 6l a KVA less than,O.5 will heignDr~d and that :::>f 0.5 CJnd above will be taken as one ' KVA. ~~~L9" . .. . 14


    ' - ,

    .. ... .


  • " " :~114 ' ::

    5. 5. O~1ER FACTORY.-S-MRa-JARGE

    Power fact.or ..surcharge sl1!all ~E levied as per the provisions l?nd e r . "" ':5f th is n Jtif ica:tion.

    , , .' . . . ' . ' . .: ," '.REBATE FOR SUPPLY AT HIG14VoLTAGES.

    " N

    ;~ c~nsuklers who take suonly . under thi;s Schedule at higher voltages shall get t e re&ate at the following percentages on the amoun'tof energy char~es. No re.ate shill1. hQweVer be given

    'on monthlyminirrum ch.;lrges. . !jup)jlyvolta'g~ ' . ' %rebate '

    33KV .' . ' 1.5% 66kv , . 2% .... - ", 13'Z1-V ". '. ' .". .'_. :. " ;-" . 2~ 5% 22._ 0 .KV .-. . .' .' ; " 30/. _ .. '-"'7 \ ' - 10

    'lhe peak l:)ad exempti-:>n charges clause as applicable to Small power c'onsume rs under Schedu Ie "S ~ F" will als') be ap plica bl e t o consume rs, covered under Large Industrial Power Supply S ch e dule


    8. FactorY liohting.a.,[ld colony supl)ly;

    i) Factory Lighting

    All consum~tion for banafide f a ctory lighting in oase of Industries ' i~e& energy c onsumed in factory premises including factory building, its offices. stores. time keeper office. canteen, library, staff dispensary, welfare centre and f a ctory yard lighting shall De charged under this tariff schedule


    The c')nsumption for banafide Use of residential/staff quarters and street lighting of colony shall also be charged at the relevant industrial tariff.


    1. Availability

    Available to all ~her Industrial Power Consumers including water pumping, resistive furnaces electric ovens, heat treatment plants where nrocess does not involve melting of ITY2tal/mineral am does not cause wIde fluctuations in load with connected load exceeding 500 KW and not covered by SGhedule "L.S-l" .. Scherlule "W.LP" or Schedule "A.P"

    . . . 15...


  • :: 1~::

    2. Character of syrply

    AC,~ cis, 3 phase. , 1 lOCO volts or ' above , a:t the discretion c:f supplier

    3. Tariff .. .. ," ...... ..~ f.~./~ ; ~ . - .~ Energy charges without prejudice 'bt monthly' " minimum charges under cl ause 4 ' of , this schedule

    4. Monthly Minimum Charges

    The monthly minimum charges @ Rs. 701 - per KVAof the

    150 paise per KV~

    connected load shall ~e applicable. Fracti~n of KVA less than 0.5 will be ignored.

    nd that of ' 0.5 and above will be taken as one KVA..

    ~. Rebate for supoly at higher volta~es.

    The consumer who takesll pg ly under this Schedule at h ighe r voltage shal~ get the rebate at UI'e 'followlD9 percll:.ntages on the amount of

    ,energy. No rebate shall however be ' glve,n in monthly minirrum ch a rges.

    Sy Poly vol tage

    ,,33KV 66 :Kv 132 Kv 220 KV

    6 .. Power Factor Surcbatae


    1.5% 'do 2.5% 3%

    Power factor surcharge shall be levied asper the provis ions under "Part.I-General" of this notifi a tion.

    7. Peak load E.xemtion charge 's( BLEC) ,

    The p~ak load. expemtion ch?rge.. clause as ap)PtiCR.b~~.. .J.6:.\.&~all Povve r onsume r s under Sctle du Ie "$. Fe t~~iJ 1, ~:lS.2~:l;S-~at1pr~cable to .c.onsume r s

    under Large I ndustrial ," ,oo~e.t ~:$upp~-1Y-

  • 1 i 10 i t


    1. Ava ilabil1.ty , "

    Available fo~ GOV'ernnen~ connections_ for wa1::er and irrigation p'urnping w.ith connected load exceeding 20 KW.

    , , .-'. -......- ,,:,, : :..: :...~ .2. Q1arac.ter of, servi~

    AC," '50C/s;3 Phase, 400 Volts :or 11000 volts or above at the d isCi'E!tion bf supplfe r. Su pply at 400 volt~ sha!l ,pe given normally. for loads uoto 100 KW6nly. . , i

    3. Tariff ..__.. '. " '

    105 'nais'e perKW1 f~rentire cons~rnption.

    ii)For supplies atUOOO volts arri,above.,

    95 paise pil,r KV\H for ,entire conSl.lIlption. . ... . '.

    , : 1', ,-- QJ.r"t "1'l~~9f C:hrtya.! ~t. ~.-v~~"t_~l(a"lUte-{tl M~r.''lJ1Mil'l i1l'~~ : Cho.l'tT~, 4. Monthly MlnirrtJm ",gharges '

    Mohth ly minirnurtltharges@, Rs.40/- Pe r k !lowat~, or,patt', ~he~epf of the connectad load will be applicable'. 'Fra'c~ion-;'f , a KW

    :' less') than' 0.5 will be:: ' ignor~ ' a'i'Jd t~a:t oJ 0,0 'am ::above,; will be taken as one KW. ' - ' ': ' " ,... ,',

    5. Pump House Lighting. ' ,. , " t ..... : ', . ____ ' " " A. .

    ~l c0n~unPtion for ,., onafide. Pump ,H 'rus~ l.~9h~in~ -,i -sh,~~1 be , J.,ncluded for charge under theabove ' tarJ.'-ffs blrtwll.l~beNetered


  • ' ..


    .:.... . , ) . .;;i7 ::..

    ,' , . l'If)TE .. i) For ~ther Ind,":st:ial t y'l)e ' qf .Ag.r:-i9.ultruaI loa~is. s.uc.h

    as. A~ .t: ~J""d l+ :tonJ.lIg -for grOWJ.H9" tllf '~I~h).uorT\!S et-.0, threashers, heaters f~r defrost~ng '.in-'-orchards or . Pi:'Jvidingflood lights for sCQr'ingaway. .the birds and iilnirrials and snraying etc in thE field, the relevant industrial tariff shall anply.

    ii) Agricultural aumping consumers in rural areas are allowed to run chaff cutters, threashers a~ cane crushers on their motors u8(le'r'this'schedule SUbj~Bt to the c orid i tio n that' the tota I C')nnectec le>ad does not exceed20' KW.HJNe~er, in case of separate c::innection f or the : abjve~ purpose the relevant industrial tariff applicable. Also in case of any other irdustriallood Being

    *nm c31:>.[1gwith" the '!A. P" supply, the entire supoly 'sha 11 ~e billed under re leva nt indus trial

    ~.,:~ tp:t;'iff~ ,~:; ' : . 2. Cha:-ac te r ' 'o f S~~Iv ic :.,

    . ; . c c,..

    'A. c.~ cis, $ih.9i~ ,ph~se230v ?lts .or .~ r.has0-dO

  • : : 18 ::

    Central P.W.D., construction power for hydel projects, institutions Hospitals, Deptt.Col:,mies, AIR installations, aerodromes and other similar establishments where further distribution to various residential and N::m-residential buildings is to ee undertaken

    by the consume r. ' , 2. O1aracter Cif Service

    AC, :0 CIs, 3 nhase, 400 volts or 1lKV or above, may be given at the Ciption of the supplier.


    a) For supplie~ aivpltages less than 11 KV

    'f' - .... .;. . .',' ';

    170 paise per K\\H f6rJhe- entire consumption;

    ,,) Fl)r sU"I"Ilies at 11KV or abl)ve'.

    " 165 paise per' KWH forthe entirec9nsumntion.

    " J ' Hi e~'~(3'1 C}cl\'"fJ c .a~f!~":"lj.'/\L.J- p\~dU"'U. +... Mt.1~, 4. M"nthly Minimum Charges "

    Monthly Mi nimum chaiges'/ 6f 'Rs. 50/ - k il ~~t't oi P?l;"t' th-e re off) er 'of the connected load will be applicable, Fracti6nof half 'aJ:rl above of a KW will be taken as one KW and fraction ~elow h~lf ' will ~e ignored. ~ '

    J. Sa-IEUJLE I'SsL" - STREET [email protected]; SU?'l)LY

    1. Availability~'

    Available for street lighting system including traffic control sigQal system em roads and ?ark lighting in Municipalities,Panchyat! and Notif ied Area committee areas.

    2. Character of service

    A.C. 50 C/~, single phase, 230 volts or 3 phase, 400 volts.

    , Tariff

    90 paise per KV'vH for the entire consumption.

    4. Line Maintenance am Lamp Renewal charges, Line Maintenance and lamp renewal charges shall be charged in addition to the energy charges.

    Bu!1. These dharges shall be charged at the following rates: ,;

    1. all wattage s Rs.12/- pe r point t)er month 2. Tv'ercury vanor lam~s u!JtQ 125 W Rs.35/- per point per month.


  • "'. :: 19 ::

    . . "-, 3. Werc~ry vapar lamps

    120 W to 400 ;~ Rs.80/ - r er point per m:>nth

    4. Fluorescent' 2ft 20 watt single Rs. 18/- per point month. tube fixture

    5. Fl1Jorescenet 2 ft 20 watt Rs.30/- -dodblJb Ie tyb e fixture

    ...... Fluorescent 4 ft single tuqe Rs. 30/- -d J~ . . . fixture . . .

    7. F lU'Jrescenet 4 ft double Rs. 42/- -do. tube f ixtu re "

    ~. .

    8- FciisP~ci~1t/Desof ixtures like S.odium am 'N on Vanor lamps, fitting ' orany other fixtures not covered ab.:we, the material for mai.Blt.enanc.e . '~o( the; fixtures and the lamps for replaeementshall be provid~d. by th~ ~ublic Lighting consurnl?rS themselves and only replaceme nt 'cha.r ges sha 11 -.e lev ied. . .... ", .,: . ,' . ....', ", ,. . . ,

    . ....,~- ....... . " , " --.~ ..

    ~) Vthen the bulbs/~rcl.Jry vapor l3rop:s/.tubes and other a~~e ss 'J'ries are prov ided by t rle Street Light ing c cmsume rs a nd only repldcemer(t~s to ~ bed:>ne by the Board. Line maintenance and

    renewal ch-arg2sshallbe as 'unde!:-_

    1~ BUlbs . , ~~"I- o~rpoint per month 2. -Tubes ' and M\lLetc . Rs.10/-:- -do~ 3. Scdium/Neon vapor lamp!:?

    . , ora ny . other spec ia 1 f ix- _Rs.'15/ - .per. point per month ture not -covered above

    K. SQ-lEDULE "ToM." TEMPORARY l\).ET~REDSUrTLY .. . ... .. '

    1- Ava ilab il i ty

    Av.ailable to all categories of consumers, like Cinema, Touring Talkies; Circuses, Fairs, Nelas,Marriages, Festivals etc and oth

  • :: 20 :: 3. Ta ri ff

    Corresp.nding Dermanent supply rates Dlus lOOYo surcharge without prejudice to m:jnthly minimum charges under Clause-4 of this

    schedu le 0,

    N:)TE: i) C:)nsumoti :m for less than a m::mth shall be ' billed at sa.

    tariff /rates as a!Jplicable for mClnthly c :>nsumption!billing ....

    ii) TellTlorary supp1.ytaken separately .for wheat threshing connecti')ns shall b e charged at relevant no.rmal irrlustrial supoly tariff.

    tii) Temporary connections for industrial projects CDnstr~,tio n load s such .as c.oncrete mixtures. weld ing sets, dewatering pumps. lift pumps and Marble grinding mach.ines etc will be

    . charged on re levant temoora ry industira 1 su Po ly t

  • .... 21 ....8. sPECIAL CONDITION3

    In case Where sUP~ly is sought in the name of Management/Local Bodies/r.Aela Q-fficer etc for further re-!lale:

    i) the sU~t)ly will be given only vJiere it is not practicable to ~ive senar ate co nnecti ons for d iffere nt sta lIs a rd where the sub-div isional Off icer is ~ . . satisf ied th :-> t the re a re no ?hances of abuse am it will be given" for a period of 30 days or lesS only.

    ii) SUDo1y for table fans will lJe given where the sub-clivis ional :)f f icer is satis if ed tha t the olugs insta 11 ed by the C onsu me r for C::mnecting the table fans, will not be used for connecting the appliances of high~r capacity.

    iii) before any ex~enditure is incurred on giving sup~ly cash deposit covering orobable cost Jf supply charges and service connection charges sh au Id be take n.


    POwer factor surcharge or caoa-citor surcharge, whichever is applicable shall be levied {or Agricultural am Industria~ (including W/.}..ter am IrrigatiJn Pumping) supply, under th1s Scheclule - as per nravisions under tlPart-I-General" of this nat if i cat ion.


    Sd/Chief Engineer (Comm) HPSEB,Sh imla-4.


    ( ' .,,-') \... " .: .- ..... ~:'- ,. Executive Engineer(Sales-II)

    0/0 Chief Eng~nG2r(Corrrnercial),

    HPSEB, V~d)~t Bh0wan,Shiml&-4.



  • -I

    '. Hli:;:,Cbi-.,L F :1. T.ime p.:::riod of ten weektS upto 31st Jnn . #1996 ,,11m/ed . ~.


    to the inci.ustricl # pgricu. .urc:l

  • -2

    ~" ,.> I';

    81C1c::use 5 unG:;!r "s.rr .. ~ :....... '

    CL",use 7 under Sch~dulc:! "H.S';,.., r.''',.-M.;:acliJJ,1n.ln

  • 1 the provi sians cont


    No.HPSEB/CE(Comm)/T&S-1/96-97~19605-20205 Dated:- 8.2.97


    The Chief Engineer(Op.)North/South. HPSEB, Dharamshala/Shimla

    . (wit~ ten eopies). .

    All the Superintending Engineers,

    under Operation Win9~'

    (With t~n spare copies).

    . ,

    All the Executive ~ngin~ers, under Qperation Wings, (With five spare copies).

    All the Asstt.Exec~tive ~ngine~rsl A5sistan~ Engineers/Sub~Divi~ional , Offi~ers, under (O,,) WiT)gs (wi th one sp~re ' copy> ..

    SUBJECT: REVISION OF HPSEB SCHEDULE OF ELECTRICITY TARIFF . -.\-----~"""":'------.--------:...;..---;..-.--,------------------

    1. H~P. State Electricity Board is plea~ed to r~v .. ,"

    the tariff in respect cd a) I the categories of co,nfiumer's ,

    (Ij?xcept Damest. ic -Supply and Agriculture Cc.nsumers' w. e ~ f'.

    -10.2.97. ' .. 2. A copy of the Himachal Pradesh St,~te ;:'1ectriclty


    Board notification No.HPSEB/CE(Comm. )/S&T- -1/96-'J--"-~/97 dated

    8.2.97 revising the HPSEB Schedule o( tariff, ~hich is self

    ex~lanatorf" is Sen~herewith for inf~rmation, ~d g~idance and

    pnsuringthat the revised tariff is

    State with effect ' from 10.2_Q7.

    3. It may be' noted that therei s. ,.~ c~ange in the

    rates in respe~t of nomestic Supp~y (OS ) and Agricultural

    Pumping Supply (AP) cosumers.

    4. The field Officers may please t,hOr()Ughiy study the

    provisi6ns/rates H6tified vide ~his nbtiffcation in orde~ to

    ~nsure correct billing .

    5. The follDwing guideljnes may bi follow,rl to imple

    ,. ;1. :.... ~ 2/...


  • ,-2- i

    ment the revised tariff in respect of the categories for which

    the rates have been revised.

    a) Since it is not possible to take ~pecialmeter

    , "

    readings of allthe consumers concurrently, it ha,s

    been decided t~at special readings of all Sl,lch

    connections which are iovered under the affected~

    categories and have ,:onnected load of 100 KW and

    above. shiH 1 be taken preferably on 9.2.97 but

    latest by 14th Feb., 1997. Field Officers. haY-eo ..

    been infcirmedabout this telephoni cally/telegraph--~.

    ically. The consumption rec~rded upto the special, ', , .

    meterre~ding a~ per the above programmesh~ll ~e'

    kept on recbid by the FieldUhits without changi~g ", ,, ',

    the billing cycle. As and when the next bill j~' ~,~

    ~ . - . ...

    r.;iised on the basis of normal

    consumption fo~ the period upto 9.2.97.

    to be bi 11 ed at old tariff. may be work~d out :

    proportitinately oh the, basis of the consumptio,n ~:;- " .,

    m,eter reading. The h~1,:lnfe .; ; : " " . - .: ;' .', \ -. .

    consumption for' the current billing 'cycle ~hich ,-~I ",

    lIJ.Ould represent the consumption from 10.2.97

    ~ f . I"wards shall be cl,arged at new rates.

    - ',

    b> Incas~ of a~l ot~er connections. the meter read~,'

    '. ing5 should be taken on normal meter reading d~te~

    bu t t.he consumption uptti and after 9.2.97

    he worked out on prorata basis and charged at

    and newtarif~' respectiv;ly.

    6. It is also intirriated that there ;is'no change 'in.

    rates of electricity duty as notified by H.P ..:lovt. vide Notifi-:" , ' cat~~t1 No.MPP-A(4}4/75-IlI dated 28.5.1994 ,;Ind further commun'i~

    C::mted P. ~ .3/

    , .

  • /

    .: .;.3..;:. cated vide this office Sales Circular No.197/94 sent vide

    letter No .t-WSEB/CE (Comm. ) 13-2 (Tad f") 194-2227-3026 dated


    In case of any douht on w~ich any furthercla~ifi~

    cation is required. sam~ may be referred . to this of"f"ice.

    Encl: As above

    BY ORO~RS. . OFT BOARD .:'\..;. .(\. "'\ . -~.J..#) , . . ---"Q"-'f "' ,

    Cbief" Engine~r(Commercial) . H. P.S .l~?-B., ~ Vid yu t Shawan.

    ~~IMLA~4. . ' . .

    Copy of.bove is forwarded f"orinf"or~ation and necessary ac~ion to:

    '1 The 5ecretary(MPP& Power) H.P~Govt. Shimla~2 his of"f"ice le~ter No.MPP-C(3)-3/90-II1 Dt.7.~.97. 2. All th~ Chief Engineers other than rop.) Wing. 3. Th~ S~cr~tary/Addl.Secre~ary/Dy.Setret~ries/Under

    Se c t era" 'i E! sin' HPSEB. 4. The Chief Accounts Officer HPSEB. Shimla-4.p 5. The Dy. Financial Advisor/Oy.C.A. HPSEB.Shimla-4. 6. The Inspector General(V&S). ":PSES.Shimla-4. 7. All th~ Superintending Engirieer(i/c Directors)

    in the B~ard other than Operation Wing. . B. , The Chief Elect~ical Inspect6r. H.P.Govt.Rhimla. 9. All the E:{ecutive Engineers in the Board. " other

    than Operation Win';} wi th" .~par~ c~pi esf'o r: . S/Oi vns .. 10. The Director(t:P..')/LAO. L ....w..). h?S.eB, Shimla. 1'1. The R.A.O~ HPSEe7Shi~l~ with tpn spare copies. '12. TheA.O.(C6mm.) Shimla with f"orty ~pare copes f"or

    aud i t . .par ties . 13. ~h~ Sr.P.S~/P.Ss to Chai~man.Members 'of" the Board

    f"or infor~ation of"Chairma~/Me~b~rs. 14. All the Executive E~gineers i7 this Office.

    , . I . IL- .Enc:l: As above. /1 ..,.,._..-1"" , .... , ~~,. , ,. . _-. (j"J ,......,." .

    Ch~e.Eng~n~er(COmmerCial). H.P.S.~B ... Vidyut Bhawan .. ft~~HIMLA-4.

    Hem Raj I B .2 en .




    No.HPSEB/CE(COMM)T&S-II96-97- ' . 1/97 Dated:- 8.2.97

    In exercise of thepo",!ers ~ c ,onferred ~y Section 49 arid 59 ~fthe Electricity (Sup~li) Act. 1948 and all other enabling provisions in this behalf. the Himachal Pradesh Stat~

    \ El.~tricity Bo~rd is pleased to notify thefoll~wing ' Schedule of Tariff~ and the general conditions of tariff for supply of ~lectricit~ to various categories of consumers in Himachal pradesh with effect from 10.2.1997.


    This may be called the , Hima~hal Pradesh State Electricity Board Schedule of Electricity Tariff~ 1997.

    this schedule o~ tariff shall come into force with .ffect rom 10_2.1997 and will ,be ~pplicable throughout

    , '.', the, State of Himachal Pradesh.

    , c) , ~h, ratet mentioned , jn this schedule ex~usive of Electric~ty Duty. taxes and ,lr~ady levied o~ a~ ~ay~~ ' levied by

    , ~nd/or Board from time to.time. , .~' / . . . ..,' . .

    of tariff are other charges

    the Governmen~

    d) I~~ IIIotlthi y minilrlu~ charge9 specified in various sche~u~~s are exclusive of various surcharges specifi~d 'd , , this tariff as' iiielias' of the rentals, electrici t'y ~ty. taxes etc. Thes~du~ies/tax~s/rentals/surC~a~ges

    . ~c. shall not count ttiwards th. monthly ~~rges. This i~ howev~~'not applicable ' in iti~charge @ 100% f~ftpmp~r~fY supplies.

    e) ~e various lie bill is

    , ~;; tl- b ' ll" .., lie 1 ~i leyied. ~,

    i ) 1:. , f schedule aJd "NRS "

    , " , '\


    rate~ ~enti~nid in the tariff are hot 'paid in full within the tirne

    ' 'u"-cl-arg'e at , the ,fo110"'l'ng rates ...hall as, II, "" r


    i i ) ~r 'all other chedules (i.e.

    , ,sP". ','MS" .LS- '1". ' :S-2.~' "WIP"."AP 7 "

    'as" "SL" and "TN")


    m1nlmum case ~f

    net. If specifi~d

    '10'1.. surch~ige on th( ' ~n' paid amount of the ;~rr~ en~ bill(excludin~ prev1o~s ~onth's arrefrs and electricity duty1.


    ' 2'1.. surcharge Wi the ury.:;- paid amount 0'; the)ri.! 1" for a 1T,0nth 0) par'r. '" , the I' e 0 f (e x cfu d j .{I gEl e~tricit~ duty) s~artinr from the date pt issl'J of bill unO I, 'lhe~unt is paid in fur'" ~'

    ,. . d ' ' dhed;les 'repre-. '-,'

    f) n per ' KWH rates mentlone In varIOUS se~ , t!nergy charges ' unless specified O.~1er'W/Je.


    CO:Z.s:.) .. .. .-Y:. r ~,.-.: ./

    , ' , /'

    -. -~-


  • g) This tariff \lIill automatically , supersede the exsisting tariff which was in force with effect from 1.11.95. ~xcept where' special agreements have otherwise been ~ntered into f~r a fixed period. Street light agreements will however. not be consideted as special ~greements for the purpose and the revised tariff as per Schedule "SL" shci.l1bp applicable in that case also.

    , tl) This schedule of tariffs is subject to the provisions ,l1f the"Abridged Conditions of, Supply" and "Schedulp of ~erieral and Service Charges" issued by the Board or any ' ~~ndments ther~o~ as are enforce1 from t{me to time ~dthe rules and regulations made or any orders issued jhereunder. These tariffs are also ~ubj~ct to revision Sr.,d/or levy of surcharge as may be decid,ed by the Board

    " tom time to time .; ,

    is:NGLE POINT SUPPLY . ", ~e variol's tariffs referred in this schedule are based Irl the supply being given through a single deiivery and *tering point and a single voltage. Supplj : at pthpr oints or at other voltages. if any. shall besepar~te~ metered ~ndbilled.

    j)~CE MAJEURE ,CLAUSE , ~the event of ,re or any other circum~~~rices consi~ered by the Board beyorid , the tontrol p \ ' (.~ consumer. he shall be el'ltitle

  • .,. . , : ,,,, ', , .. .. ,"

    " :'" ',J>:

  • S-4-;

    v) All the season~l industrial consumers shall be required to deposit the Advanie Consumption Deposit at the tirTle of releas'e of' connection at double the norm rates for different ~ategories of Industrial Con*umers. In case the consumer fails td " cl~ar his ener~y bill at the time of start of "off-season",th.e Advance Consumptiori Deposit shall be ~urther doubled before he is allowed to run his industry at the time ' of st~rt of next season.


    In case of HT irins~m~rs (11KV~~d above) where' the maximum d~~and and ~nergy consumption . is recorded on lower volt~ge side o~ consu~er~s transformer instea~ of higher voltage side on . account of non-a~~ilability of H.T.meter or its . un-he~lthy 6pefatiDn, the pnergy consumed for the purpose of biltfng should be . computed by adding 5'/. extr~ to ' the energy. consu-'4nption recorded by theL.T. met~r. . .


    UThe Ag~i'culturaI7Industrial and Water & Irrigatjon Pumping .col,sumers . ha'ving connected load exceeding 100 KW shall maintai~ an, average pOlAier fa~torof not Ijss .than 0.90inre~pect of their inst~llations. If the mohthly a~iiage power "tactor r~lls b~low 0.90, ~heconsumer shal1 ' paya ~~rcharge of 10'/. on the amount or en~rgy charges Df "the hill.

    ii) The monthl~average power factor will b~ calculated on. readings nf tri~ector meter/bi-veetnr meter/two part t.r{ff meters as p~r formula ~iveri below and shall be ~ound~d upto second deiimal place .

    Power Factor. . KWH/KVAH

    I .n case of' tiefecti,ye ' triv.ector meter/bi-ve .ctor:" . meter/two par.t tar"iff m-eter;power fa.~tor w:ili be" a~sessed on the basis uf mo~thly aver~ge power factor r .ecorded during . lqstthree consecutive mpnti swhen the meter ,was : in order. 'In case no suchreadin ~':;' are available then the ~onthly average power ~~ct GF of thre~ months obiained afte~ installation or correct trivector/bi-vector/two part tariffrneter shall he taken " for

    '. ttle purpose of power f'actor surcharge,during ' the period the trivect~~~eter/bi~vector meter/two part tariff meter ~e@ained defective.

    iii) In re~pe~t . of consumers where trivector . met~r/bivecto~ meter/twopart tariff meter is net installed, , if, .a~ any time po~.. er factor'is checked by any m.eans and found to be IO\l.'er than 0.90 lag9J ng; a surchage a . 10'/. on the amount of energy cha c 9C's irrespective of voltage of supply. shall be" ch."rged from the consu~ef from the month of' checking ani ~ill con~ tinue to be levied till such time the c ~nsumer ha~ i tTl pro v e d ti 1. s p ci ..... e r f :a c tor a t ~ I e a s t toO .1.' 0 1 a 9 gin 9 by

  • -5suitable means .unde r: intimation to the concerned Assistant Enginee... ~ho shall immedidately get it checked.

    iv> Should the monthly' powe ... factor falls below must be b ... ought uptominimum of 0.90 by consumer by suitable mean~ wit~in a period of three m~nths.failirig which. without p ... ejudice to ... ight to collect . su ... cha ... ge the connection shall be disconnected unless monthly ave ... age powe ... factor i~ imp ... oved to 0.90 by'the consume ... to the satisfaction .'Of t .heBoard.

    v> For the imp ... ovement o'f the powe ... f~cto ... the consumer shall in~tall ~hunt capacito ... r manufactured by the standa ... d men~factu ... e ... s and duly ma ... kedwith 1.5.1. specifica~ions.

    ~i) It will be obligato ... y on the pa ... t tif the consume ... to maintain capacitors in healthy conditions~

    vii) The amount of Powe ... Facto ... su ... ~hBr~e5hallno~ ~a~nt towards. the amount of monthly . minimum charge~ (MNe). The amount of this surcharge as pCI' abov~ ~hal1 accordingly be ... ecovered in addition to the MMC wherev - . e .... applicabl~. j

    ~iii> The ama~nt of MMC shall not be take~into AicJunt fa... wo r..k i rigou t the . amount of powe ... fact6 ... sur~ha ... ge . . Whi cn shall b~ levied on the amount Of e~e ... g~cha ... ges only. In ... espeLt of "Te'TIporary .l'1ete ... ed Supply connections. the power facto ... 5u ... ~ha ... ge s~all be ~orked out

    _hoth on enerrv cha ... ges and 100% su ... cha ... au where .p or . '\licable ' as pe ... -clause ' 3 of the Schedu:Le ".TM" of this


    ~APACITOR SURtHARGE, . i> The Agricultur'aL Industrial and )JatfH 8. lr ... igation ~mping 'consumers. having corinecte~load up'o 100 KW

    \h1\11 iJ.'l .stall shunt cr?pacitors of ;;\de(Tl.Jat~ rating It.alluf'actured by the sta.ndard . ' fTlanufactur~r5 and c1 H (Y n,,, ... ke,1 by 1.5.1. specif'i'cat.ions tomaint)in . . a p~~r .

    . ~"Ltor of .notless than 0.90 in respEct of ~ ,"' e"r ,iristrtllations. f

    :;} . No new' supply to LT 'instaila.tion,; /'with in},ic;ti~n 'otor(s) ofcapa.cit. y 'above 3 HP and ;'orwe'ldinr trilnSt\.fmers 'above 2.0 KVA shall be given unrv~s shunt ci."""citors of app ... opricjte rating

  • ..:: G ..

    . q)




    iv) If at any point of time the power factor of the installa~ion is found to be less than 0.90 lagging. a surcharge of 10% on the amount of energy charges of the ~ill shall : be charged per month from the date . of inspection/checking. till the power factor is brought to prescribed limit of 0.90 lagging by installation of the additional shunt capacitor(s) of adequate rating~

    ~hould the power factor falls . below 0.90. it must be !)rought upto minimum of 0.90 by the cons'ume-r by methods \pproved by the Board within a period of three mon~hs. 'ailing which witho~t pr~judice to right to collect \ur~harge (he connection .shall be disconnected unless ~Qwer factor is iITLproved to 0.85 by the consumer to t..he ~~tisfaction of the Board.

    ~ The amount of cap~citor surcharge shall not count 1pwards th.e amount of monthly minimum charges (MMe '). ~e amo~nt of cap~citorsurchage a~ above shall ~c-!Prdingly ' be ,.ecovered in addi tiD"": to the MMC. ~erever applic~ble.

    ,,; ) The aITlount of MMC shall not be taken into acjount

    f' b:r working out the ,:amount ~f ca.pacitor surchargs ' which

    f.~ll be 1 ev i ed on . the aHlOl,mt of ene 'rgy charg~) anI y.

    1", ' tes pe c;t 0 f "Tempo rar y Mete red Su p pI y" cOJine ct ions

    he c~pacitor surcharge shall be worked ~ut both on

    ~ergy . charges and 100i~ surcharge where aPFicabl e as

    .;r clause 3 of schedule "TM" of this tarif:!"


    .~;: case shunt "capaci(or(s) is/are fouod' to . be mi~S:ing ..>r,.:.1:>, inoperative or damaged. 15 days o.otice shal)b( . ikued to the consumer for recti'icatidnof the ~efec\ . ~~ settin,g . right the same. In cas~ the defcti~~,~)acit 0 r ( s ) i .s I are not rep Is c e d / r e c U fie d wit f, i n 15 \.:jIS of the issue of the notice a s.u r charge @10% pdr h\~th on bill .amouilt shall be levied w.e .. f'. the Jat.~ of i1pectionto the date of replacement. ~f defect) v:'/J~1iJ-a~d/ITIissingcapaci tors.

    :h~'." tariff rates do not take into a-cc('un '-' ~ny l~",bit,- . ' ty 'l"1 account of interest on securit.y dE ,;[J5 1 "ts/ar. Vctn r:e ' .

    , . . '" b' l " .. ';""CU r"J"S to

    ;0 n s 1i, ~P t i 6 n d e p 0 sits. Inca sean y 1 1 a 1 - 1 ".- . .. ~ . " .:" . . t'" t t t - - c.ue to any,!: e ~?ardon " 1 sac c 0 una a n ~ s ~:~ IIn t 0 f 1 i ::\ b 1 1rasol;, whatsoev .er. the . correspondlng " . t . f

    :\ jl s ,\~ll be recovered from the consl:~r as a par 0 biff ;In addition to these tariff r"'/~s~ \

    , , 't d . ani , , .d'D 1 j t y of" this ' cas:~ any ,:'lSPU e ,.egar 109 I- . ~ ' d '~ ll . .be final . 'ff ' . ... ... declsl.on of the )" " 1,: 1 _ ..I r 1 .{ ,.. 1 s .es " ... ; I e

    6d biT),i,.:ing on the consumers.


    ~ t 1910 ....."ITd. Elecf..'7: shall IT'P-an Ind { an Electri ci tt' c , . , :i from t p ,e to time. :~~ity (Supply) Act.1948 as amen~' , ."

  • 2.





    . 7.


    9. ,



    '" "." r-. , ... ' . " '. v \o J .

    . ''''''1' '''.V'




    RuLES: shall mean Indian Electricity Rules.1956 as

    amended from time to time.

    SUPPLIER: shall mean . the Himachal Pradesh Stat.e

    Electricity Board.

    PREMIsES: shall mean land or buildin9 or part

    '. he r .eof. in r~spect of which s~parate meter or

    Rl~te ring arangements have been made by the Board for

    su ppJ Y 'Jf electricity.

    \/ OOMESTIC PREMISES: shall mean t.he premises being used

    'or bonafide residential p~rp~se where the resident is

    tntitled to~ave ration card from Government. of

    r).machal Pradesh.

    )NDUSTRIAL PREMISES: shall mean premises including

    ~e precincts therebfin any part of which manufa~tuf-:ng process . is carried on wi th t.he aid of power.

    \ . . 'p'N 'DOMEST I C

  • ,-8-1




    Available to consumers using electrical energy , for iights. fans. he~ter~. cooking ranges. ovens, reffigerators. Air conditioners. stereos; radios. televisions. , mixers. ,rinde~s. el.ectric iron. sewing/embroidery/knirting machines. Comestic pumping sets and other domestic ~ppliances in the (ollowing premisei:

    :a) Single private hou~,/flat or any ~ther residential .~~remi ses ~

    (b) Govt./Govt. recognised Educational Institutions viz. kh,ools,Universities. I.T.Is. Hostels and Residential q~arters ~tachedtnthe Educational Institutions.

    ;c) Religious places s~ch as Temples. Gurudwaras. Mosques r . ' ~hurches etc. Ii'

    ~) This sched~le can alsri be made appliciable t l the ~llowing categories of consumers by the con~ern~ Sub..,. \.ivisional Officers after duly verifying the g.enuines ; of the Ji~-commer cia las pect of the particular case .

    A i) Orphanages, SainikRest Houses. Working ~men Hcst~, ; 5. Anganl>,'ari workers training centres ar.d Houses,5fr desti

    . \., tie and old .people

    l~ ; ii) Free Hospital and Leprosy Homes ~un b Ch~rity and ~a:ded by the Governmerit.

    iii} Sarais and Dh~ramshalas run by anchayats and .~1cipal Committees or on donations and tho~ at~ahced with r ' l, gious place::;, subject lothe condition tl4~ only nominal 81 . token amount to meet the bare cost of JIKt!ep and majntena,:__ of the building etc. is being recevf/d and no rept as suc:'\7 charged~ ,


    ., ) Private dwellings in which ,,,ace is occajionIly \ t'd for the conduct aT busine~ by a person,:esiding ~rein shall also be served un ~ r this tariff.

    i. Where a pOl"tion of the d",p: ~ing is ui;ed ' ~gularly f~, the conduct of a husiness /':ne consl:' IT,ptl~lln t.hat P{; '~-nn shall be sepi', ratel' /,etpred and ,1:-., . ed under

    . " 1 fhdvcr1altll~ "prol-,t'iate Non-ReSld~,; t, a Dr .,- , powert f ,, " If ; ~D

  • 2.

    va th


    .~. \ : . .~ .:':

    .~'\< '" . ,~ 'Q-:

    -- '.


    pumping .sets. ceritral air conditioning plants. lifts.:ke


    :i ons. .ntal fivate

    aters . . embroidery machines. printing press. power press and motors' in all now-residential premises such as shops.

    siness houses. cinemas. clubs. banks, offices. hospitals.. pumps. hotels/mo~els. servicing stations. nursing home~;

    ~st/guest houses, research institlAtions. coaching institumU5~ulTle5.dry cleaning. ,' garages and auditori~ms, depart-stores. restaur"nts. lodging and boardin.9 (houses. un-recognised educational ins.titutions. panchaypt ghar

    n~ patwar kh~nnaetc. ~

    This schedule will also include all other~ategories are not covered by any other tariff schedule.

    NOTE: Resale and sub-metering to tenant~: ,adjoining ~uses and to o~her p~rtiesis strictly prohibi1eJ ex~ept with ';,he permission. of supplier. in which cases bl.Dcks of tariff jha!l not be compounded.


    3 phase 400A.C 50C!S. single phase, 230 volts or descretian ofYO 1 \s. In c'ase of large loads. .su ppl y' may .,~c. the

    the ;upplier .begiven at 11 KV or above.

    3. TARIFF

    180 paise per KWH ~orthe first 203 KII.h per lTIont}'

    215 paise per KWH for the next 300 Kwh per ' monP'

    c;DO KWH per meith.240 .paise per KW~ for all a b ove _ I

    . . .

    , '-"~ : "/ '1 L~y-,., ... o"'1-"'~"""" "' ~ -...... ,' .,1:1 ..

    ",':.: .:1,

    iii) Resale and sub-metering of supply ~otenants. other flats etc~ is strictly prohibited except with the permission of supplier in which case the blocks of tariff shall not be compounded.

    iv) A hostel shall be' considered as one unit and billed under domestic supply tariff without comp.ounding. Th~ supply for residential quarters/flats for staff-members ' shall be suitably compounded where more than one prem.ises are s~pp'iedthrough a single metering point.


    A.C. 50 GIS. single phase. 230 volts or three phase 400 ts. In case of large load~. supply may. at the discretiori of supplier. be given at 11 KV or above.


    50 paise per Kwh for the first 50 Kwh ~er month. 60 paise 'per Kwh for the 'next 100 Kwh per month. 70 paise per Kwh for all above 150 Kwh pe~ month .



    Available to consumers for lights. fans. appl.iances

  • .-10-1 4. REBATE

    A rebate of \ 7.5% will be allowed if ihe supply at the

    discretion of the supplier, .. is given at -11 I

  • :: 11 ::

    Following loads shail be excluded while quantifying peak loads and n~ peak load e x emption charges shall be leviable qn ttlese loads:

    i) ,Lighting lpad of Industry. ii) Yard lighting load of industty.

    iii) Coloriy lighting loads of Industrial quarters.


    All consumption for bonafi~e factory ~ ighting in case of Industries i.e. ener~y . consumed in factory ~remises including factory building. its offices. stores. time k~ep~~ office. canteen. library. s~a" di~perisary. welfare c~ntre and factory yard lighting shall be charged ~nder this"tariff schedule.




    Available to Industrial consumers with c9nnected load of more than 20 KW bu~ not exceeding 500 KW. The Industrial typ~ of Agricultural loads ' and Water pumping with connected load falling in the above mentioned range and not covered by schedule "A.P." or Schedule "W.I.P." shall al$o. be charged under this schedule.


    A.C;.50 CIS. 3 phase. 400 vol ts ' Dr 11000 volts or ab 0 v eat -t h e dis c ret ion 0 f sup p 1 i e r . Supply at 400 volts shall be given normally for loads 'upto 100 KW only.

    3. TARIFF

    " i ) For supply at 400 volts. 170 pais~ per KWH for entire consumptjon.

    ii) For supply at 11000 volts '~nd above.

    165 p~ise per KWH for entire consumption.

    The above energy charges shali be without prejudice to the Monthly Minirm.1/T1 Char.Jes under clause 4 of this schedule.


    Monthly minimum charges at Rs. 80/- per kilowatt or part thereof of ' the connected load will be a 'pplicable. Fraction qf a KW less than 0.5 will be ignored ~ndthat of 0.5 and above will be taken as one KW.


    Power factor surcharge or capacitor sur 1arge.whicheve r is applicable shall be levied as per the "P ' ' ;.5ions under "Part-I-General" of this notification.

    contd. ,r,> U .

  • : s 12 ::


    Steel Rolling and Re-rollirig Mills gi~en supply at L.T. under this tari~f sh~ll be ch~rged a surcharge a 10% on the amou~t ofener~y charges of 170 paise per unit as per Clause-3 above. The am6untof this surcharge shall not c~unt towards the monthly minimum charges.


    .. ... The peak lnad exemption charge clause 'as appljcable to

    Small Power consumers under Schedule "SP" will also be applica- ' ble . to consumers covered under Medium ' Industrial Power Supply Schedule "MS".


    ';} Factory Ligh'ting

    , All tonsumption for banafide factory lighting o ~ Industries i.e.' energy consumed in factory premises ir:~. factory building. its offices. stores. time keeper

    " .:,:.

    can\ een. library. staff dispensary. welfar-e c.entre and

    in case includoffice. factory

    yar~ lighting shall . be charged under this tariff schedule.

    ..... i i) ." Colony Supply

    , The . consumption for bonafide use of residenti'al/staff ~a~teis and street lighting of colon~ shall also b~ charged ~de~ t~is tariff schedule. .!. . . '




    ~. Ayail~ble t6Ind~5trial CO~5umers wi ~ h cunpected loa~ 7 ~' }"'-,~ding 5 '.!>,-) ~~vJ and havi r'9 I";~ ni Steel r:: ~115/Gteel i!olling :p .J:1d ~e-~.11 i ng ICdl c il,!IT! Car b id ~ IFe r 1"'0-5 iii con . uni ~~C1. Fld AR~lj-!ldu c~ ; )rioT"', rnaces~ I . .....:.!



    :~" f: .~

  • I: 13 s: will be ignored and that of 0.5 and above .will be taken as one KVA.


    Power factor surcharge shall be levied as per the provisions under "Part - I - General" of this notification.

    , .


    The consumers who take s~~ply under this Schedule at higher voltage shall g~t the rebate at the follo~ing percent~ ages on the a~oun~ of energy charges. No rebate shall however be given on monthly minimum charge5.

    Supply Voltage , Rebat41

    33 ~V 1.51.

    66 t


    AC, 50 CIS, 3 e. 11000 volts Dr above at the discretion of supplier.

    3. TARIFF

    Energy charges 195 se per KWH without prejudice to monthly minimum charges under clause 4 of this schedule.


    The monthly minimum charge~ a Rs.90/- per. KVA of th connected load shall be applicable. Fraction of & KVA less than 0.5 will be ignored and that of 0.5 and above will be taken as one KVA.


    The consum~rs who take supply under this Schedule at higher vol e shall get the rebate at the following percentages on the amount of energy charge5. No rebate shall however be given on monthly minimum char

    Supply Rebate

    33 KV 1.57.

    66 I

  • ii} con on for bonafide use of r~sidential/staff

    quarters and street lighting of colo~y shall also be charged under this tariff sch~dule.



    Available for Government connections for Water and Irri ion Pump wi th connected load e>:cef:dittg 20 KW.


    AC. 50 CIS. 3 phase. 400 vol or 11000 volts or above at the discretion of suppli~r. Supply at 400 volts 5 I be given normally for loads upto100 KW .only.

    3. TARIFF

    i) For supply at 400 Volts . paise per KWH for entire consumption.

    ii) For supplies at 11000 .volts and ve. -120 paise per KWH for entire consumptieJ!ll.

    The above energy charges are without prejudice to Monthly Minimum Charges under clause 4 of this SChedule.


    Monthly Minimum Charges a Rs.50 per Kilowatt or part thereof of the connected load will be applicable. Fraction of a KW less than 0.5 will be ignored and that of 0.5 and above will be taken as one KW.


    All con sum ion for bonafide Pump House Lightin~ shall b. included for charge under the above ~i~f but ~ill be metered separately.


    Power factor surcharge or capacitor surcharge. whichever is applicable shall be levied as per the provisions under "Part-I - General" of this notification.


    Peak 1.Ad exem ion charge (PLEC) as applicable to "SP" will alsosmall ,power consumers under Schedule be Irrigation Pumapplicable to consumers unde r Water G ng

    Schedule "WIP".

  • a: , 1&; :,



    Available to the Irrigation Pumping loads with connect~ ed load not exceeding 20 KW. Private Irrigation loads in individual names above 20 KW shall also be cov~red under this tariff.

    NOTE i) For other Industrial typeofAgricuitu~~1 loads such as Air conditioning for growing 01 mushrooms etc threshers. heaters for defrosting in orchards or providing flood lights for scaring away the birds and animals and spraying etc. in the field. the relevant i ndustrial tariff shall apply.

    ~ i) Agricultural pumping consumers in rural areas are ~llowed to run chaff cutters. threshers and cane crush~rs on their motors under this schedule subject to the ~onditiori that the total conn~cted load' does not exceed ~O KW. However. in case of separate c ~nriection for the above purpose the relevant industrial tariff shall be ~ppli~able. Also in case of any gther ' iridustrial load ~eing run alongwi th the "A.P." Supply. the enti re 'upply shall be billed under relevant industrial "t,ariff.


    .c..c. 50 CIS, Single phase. 230 .volts or 3 ph~p2 400 \lolts.


    '. 3. TP!~IFF

    50 Paise per KWH for' entire (.onsumptio ~-'

    s. PUf'lP HOU~E LIGHTING / j Only one bulb of not more than .\~O watts S,hall be

    aHowed , "or pWTlP house lightin.;) and consJ-lrf,tion for lighting Shall also be charged at the above agricyt~ura,l tariff but w~ll b~, metered separately. '


    P~er factor surcharge or capa J to r C s~r~harge ' whic~ever l~ applica,jl e shall be levied as per t~e wOV1Slc,ns under 'Part - I GenE-al" of this notification.

    . ~.


    a pp11 cat, e to , Pei., Load Exemp~ion Charge (~EC) &S C wili' :. : so be

    S1fla I I PC,W!> r Consumers under Sche,:u ie "SP" Pump-i TV Su ppl ya?pl i cabl!, ~o consumers under AC",i'cultural

    s ch~du I e "!'}P " ,, . j , C :;.rr i!:!'. p,. .~"r

    ,r, ,r



    Available for general or mixed loads exceeding 20 KW to M.E.S. and other Military establishments Railways. Central P.W.D. Institutions, construction power for hydel projects. Hospitals. Departmental Colonies. A.~.R. Installation~. Aerodromes and o'ther similar establi;hments where further distribution to various residential and non-residential buildings ' is to be undertaken ,by the consumer.


    A.C. 50 C/S. 3 phase 7 400 volts or 11 KV or above may be given a~ the di~cretion of the supplier~

    3. TARIFF

    i) For. supplies at Voltages l~ss than 11 KV 250 paise per KWH for the entire consumption.

    ii) For supplies at 11KV and above. 230 Paise per KWH for the entire consumptio~.

    The energy charges are witho~t prejudic~ to Monthly ~inimum Charges under clause 4 of this schedule.


    Monthly Minimum charges of Rs. 70/- per kilowatt or part thereuf of the connected load will be applicable. Fraction of half and above of a KW will be taken as one KW and fraction below half ~ill be ignored.



    Available for street Lighting system including traffi( control ~ignal systems on roads and Park lig~ti-g in Municipalities. Panchayats and Notified committee areas.


    ~ A.C.. 50 CIS. single phase. 230 vol ts or 3 phase. 40' ~, ,~u)d7 , .... . . '-~ ')01 ts. , ,.;. ':l TARIFF

    210 paise per KWH for the entire con,;umptj.D;I~-!


    c.harae5 shall tLine Maintenance and lamp renewal ~harged in addition to the energy charges.

  • i

    These charges shall be charged at the following rates:

    a) Where the bulbs. tubes etc. are to be provided and replaced at the cost of the Board. the line maintenance and renewal charges shall be levied as under:

    1. Bulbs all wat e Rs. 14/- per point per month.2. Mercury vapou r lamps Rs. 40/- per point per month. u 0 '125 W.

    3. Mercury vapou r lamps Rs. 95/ per point per month.126 W to 400 W

    4. Flourescent 2 ft.20 Watt Rs. 21/- per point per month. single tube fixtUre.

    5. f:'louf"escent 2 ft.20 Watt Rs. 35/- per point per month.

    double tube fixture.

    6. Flourescent 4 ft.single Rs. 35/- per point per month. tube fb:ture.

    7. Flourescent 4 ft.double Rs. 48/- per point pet month.

    tu fixture.


    For special types of fixtures like sodium and Neon Vapour lamps. ~itting or any other fixtures not covered above.

    e material for maintenance of the fixtures and the lamps for eplacement shall be proved the Public Lighting consumers ,~hemselves and only replacement charges shall be levied.

    b) When the bulbs/Mercury vapour lamps/tubes and other ~ccessories are provided the Street Lighting consumers and

    lyreplacement is to be done by the Board. Line Maintenance lnd lamp renewal charges shall be as under:

    ,. Bu lbs Rs. 7/- per point Rer month. Tubes and MVL etc. Rs.12/- per point per month

    Sodium/Neon Vapour lamps Rs.1 per point per month.

    Dr any other special fix

    ture not covered above .



    This type of power supply shal] be lable to fol10wtype of loads:

    :) Exhibitions. Touring Talkies. Circuses, Fairs, Melas, friages. Festivals and ether similar purpr~es for temporary

    leeds only. This tariff wilJ be applicable whether connecti ~ given to the individual booths and shQP~ in a fair/or Me a :r a common sing:

  • NOTE

    Tempora ... y supply to above type of loads will ,be given fo... a pe ... iod not exceeding one month in the fi ... st instance, which can be e:: ceed twelve Irronths.

    iii) Tempora ... y powe ... supply for construction pu ... poses

    Tempora ... y connection fo... const ... uctionpu~poses including civil works by all consumers including Govt. Departments ihall be given for a maximum period of on~ year in the first instance and catego"'ised unde ... corresponding schedule of permanent supply. Howeve .... whe ... e constructi6n wo ... ks with long gestation pe ... iod are involved and consumers have been sanctioned pe ... manent load. a temporarycbnnection period may be e~tende~ beyond one year by ~easonable period by the Chief Engineer concerned provided all liabilities fbI' the past period are discharged by the consumer.


    A.C. 50 CIS single phase, 230 volts or three phase. 400 Volts or 11 KV and above.

    3. TARIFF

    Tariff applicable in case of all the temporary connections under . category "k" shall be corresponding permanent supply rates plus ~OOX surcharge without prejudice to monthly minimum charges under Claus~-4 oft~~ Schedule.


    i) Consumption for le~s th~n a month shall be billed at same tariff/rates as applicable fo... monthly consumption/ billing.

    ii) Temporary supply shall b~ distinctly wired and on seperate circuit.

    iii) The cOnnection for construction power and that fo ... main supply ar~to be treated as two independent supplies.

    iv) It may be ensured that temporary connection released for the constru~tion of buildings in the ~rea covered under Town and Country Planning is not utilised for construction of buildings which are not authorised and extending this connection for un-authorised use.

    ,;Y:' II t :J. p . 2 0

  • n 21 ::

    iii) .Before any expenditure is incurred on giving supply. cash deposit tovering probable cost of supply charges and service connect,ion c't;,arges should be taken;,



    Power factor surcharge or capacitor surcharge whichever . is applicable shall be levied for ~gricultural. Industrial and Water & Irrigatiori Pumping consum~rsunder this . 5cheduleas per previsions unde-r "Part-I-General" of this notification.


    \. . ~ . , ,e- . . '

    ~. 1 'V'..r-..~ C "f'\.. t~:l . CHIE.'P . ENGINEER (C(JM""f'RC1'ALJ . H.p.S.ErB.. VIOYUT BHAWAtJ. ~\(J~4IMLA'-4 (,01-, ~ \ J...'~f.r ' .

    Hem Raj/8.2.97 . . __ / \ v\ .


    ~ .. ' ."



    , '- .'


    , .




    No.HPSEB/CECComm)T&S-1/98- .U/~r~

    In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 49

    and/Sc) of thf~ EI~~ctr' icity (Su~'ply) (H:t,1948 and

  • 50ecial agreements for the [Ill r' p n s' Eo:', n d as pe~- bchl?dule "SI_" sh ,,;.. J.l b 'i'! ,;:\ (I P :I. i C

  • hours. The duration of oeak lo ad hour s in summer and tA,1 i TI t E' II" sh.=.,11 .lor.? i"~.' und.f'r:

    . \J. , Summer (April to October) 6 PI'1 toe; Pt"j

    :i. i L.-J :i. n t (~I' Pl'l to 1:":'.. :3() Pl",

    However, where the above cateaories of consumers want to avail dispensation or exemDtion during the peak load hours for any special reason, a separate sanction of the Board is nece ssary, which shall be issu e d at the request of the consumer and subject to availability of power in the area. Where sanction for running of unit during peak load hours is already issued, no further sanction would be required .. Such consumers shall be billed for additional charge as specified in the relevant schedule of tariff.


    In thIS schedule unless the context otherwi se orovides, seasonal industries mean the Industries which b y virtue of their nature of production can work only during a part of the year. continuously or intermittently upto a maximum of 7.5 month s in a year, such as Alta Chakkies, Saw Mills, Tea Factories, Can~ trushers, lrriQ.~tion Water Pumping. Rice Husking / Hullers, lee Factories, Ice Candy Plants and such other factories, as may be approved and declared as ~:~ ~? .::'.~. ";::. 0 n ,;?, :I. by the Board from time to time. Seasonal lndustri es ,:; h c( 1 1 .I:) f:~ governed under the following conditions:

    il The consumer shall intimate in writing to the con C f.' I' 1""1 ". cI. ~:; u ):.1 - . D i 'v' i

  • of billing should be computed by adding 5% extra to the energy consumotion re[Qrd~d by the L.T. meter.


    i) The Agricultural.Industrial and Water & Irriaation Pumping consumers having connected load exceeding 160 KW shall maintain an average power factor of not les5 than 0.90 in respect of their installations. If the monthly average power factor falls below 0.90. the consumer shall pay a surcharge of 10% on the amount of energy charges of the biil.

    ii) The monthly average power factor will be calculated on readings of trivector meter/bi-vector meter/two part tariff meters as per formula given below and shall be rounded upto second decimal place.

    1( WHlKVAH

    In case of defective trivector meter/hi-vector meter/two Dart tariff meter, power factor will be assessed on the basis of monthly average power factor recorded during last thre~ consecutive months when the meter was in order. In case no such readings are available then the monthly averag e power factor of three months obtained after installation of correct trivector/bi-vector/two part tariff meter shall be taken for the purpose of power factor surcharge during the period the trivector meter/bi-vector meter/two part tariff meter remained defective.

    iii) In respect of consumers where trivector meter/bivector meter/two part tariff meter is not installed, if at any time Dower factor is checked by any means and found to be

    . ;" ,'lower than 0.90 laq']i.nq, ,;;\ . surchar,;:)& @ 10Y.: on the 2:l.fTlount of ,/ energy charges irresp~ctive of voltage of supply, shall be

    charged from the consumer from the month of checking and will continue to be levied till such time the consumer has improved his power factor at least to 0.90 lagging by suitable means under intimation to the concerned Assistant Engineer who shall immediately get it checked.

    iv) Should the monthly power factor falls below 0.85, it must be brought upto minimum of 0.90 by consumer by suitable means within a period of three months, failing which without orejudice to right to collect surcharge the connection shall be disconnected unless monthly average Dower factor is improved to 0.90 by the consumer to the satisfaction of the Board.

    v) For the improvement of the power factor the consumer shall jnstall shunt capacitors manufactured by the standard manufacturers and duly marked with 1.S.I. spEcifications.

    It will be obliQatory on the Dart of the consumel" to maintain capacitors in healthy conditions.

    vii The said power factor surcharge shall be irrespective of \',:'I:,i:'IC}P of sllpl:,ly.

    'ri. . : . . , ",e c:\ITtount of powr-~r factor' f.>lJI"charge shall not count tc w? rti s the amount of monthly minimum charges (MMe) .



  • Th ,-, " t f . .' ." anloun. 0: tl-ns 5urchr.:.t"I.i ~'c':lnufacturers ,~nd duly rTli:\rked . hy : l .S. l.'. specifications t~ maintain ~ power factor afnot ~e~s ~' i~~~ o . t70 in" res pee t 0 f t t"i e j,,,. ins t a). "l at i " 0 n s ~..... " "

    ii> No nel.c.' supply to LT t :ionswith "induct:i:clTi " motor(s) of' capacity above 3 HP and/or welding tran5f~rm~t~ above 2.0 kVA shall be given unless shunt capat~t~~5~ 6~' ~:q)propl'ic,~te rat in,] ,~re installed t.o the:: entire ' satf~fac 1;.iOnof the Board.

    iii ) 1 t will be 0 b 1 i (I a tor V on the p c:\ r tei f' the ' co n '5,ltme i ." . to ma{ntain the capacitorlsi in ~ e althY cOl1ditiQnand ~n ~th~ event of its becom.i.nq burnl/d':lIT,aqed' ~;" ::.-hall have -to -' ,infornl the Assistant Eri';:Jine~r cOilcern'E'd- . imm(~di i:.,t!?ly in ' writ.log ., ,aild a lso to get the defect rectified withiriminimum period of ~ne month from the date the capacitor h as go~e d~fective. i' ~ '

    . t. .. ;'; ~

    iv) If at any poirct of time the power fac .t~Ir. ' .;'ds the amount of montrtly ml. nimuITI charges (MMC) . '. The amount of this surcharge as above shall atcordingl~b~~ecov~ ered in additibn to the MMC, wherever apolicable.

    vi) The amount of MMC shall not be taken intri ' ac~ouht for ~'Jorkin,::! out t:H' amount of ' c:ar.:,acitclr surcha.rc;:le which' sn-all be levied. on thE) ;"mount of ener:9Y char9E~s onl'Y' - ~n" respect of "Tempor',,:\ry Meter(o'd Supply'" connections, the ' cape-cit,PT surChEl r':1eshr.:1.ll be '.


    In case shunt capacitor(s) is/are found to be missina or inoperative or damaged. 15 ~ays notice shall be issued t~ the consumer for rectification-of the defect and sf?ttin'J right the 5~me. In case the defect,J.'~ . ~') lS/~.. t- e

    y", Capc.\Cl"Or~s _ = not replaced/rectified within 15 days of the issue o( the notice a sUl'"chc:~r'::\e @_ 101. per month on bill arTiount shall be I e vie d w. e . f. the d ate 0 f _ins pee t ion t 0 .t h e d. ate 0 f rep 1ace --.. ment of defective/damaged/missing caoacitors.

    r These tarif~rates dD not.take into accDunt any liabil~ ity on ~tcount of on security deposits/advance consumption debosits. In case any liability sccures to the Board ~n this a~countat any~tage due to ~ny reasons whatsoever, the corresponding amount of liability shall be recovered from the consumer as a part of tariff in addition to these tar~ff rates.

    5 In ' case any disDute regarding applicability of th :i ~ tariff arises, the decision of the Board will be final ,~,nc.l binding on the consumers.

    ~'{)EF INI T IONS

    1. ACT: shall mean Indian Electricity Act, 1910 and.Electri city (Supply) Act, 1948 as amended from time -to time.

    2. ~ULES: shall mean Indian Electricity . Rule~,1956 as amended from time to time.

    ::1. SUPPLIER: shall mean the H irna c ha.l Prac(esh

    Electricity .Board.

    4. PREMISES: shall mean land or building OF part thereof in

    respect of which sep~rate meter or metering arrangements

    have been made by the Board for s~Dply of electricity.

    c;._.' . DOr1ESrrC PREMISES: shBll m!?an the premises .bein.;! used. f:H

    bonafide residential purpose where the resi~ent is enti

    t -led to h,;,ve ri'ltion card from GO'JernmE'nt of Himacha:l


    6.INDU~TRIALPREMISES:5h~11 mean premises including the precincts thereof in any part of which ~anuf~cturing process is carried on with the aid of power.

    7 . . NON DOMESTIC (RESIDENTIAL) PREMISES: shall mean all .oremises oth~r than iridustrial prernis~s, domestic P~emises and agricultural premises unless specified othBrwise~

    8. ENERGY CHARGES: shall mean the charges ftir energy Rctuallv taken by the consumer and is applicable to the units con 5urned by him in any month.

    9. MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGES: shall mean the charges payable by t}e consumer in a month ~n case his total electriCity bill excluding surcharges. penalities. taxes meteY rent etc. is lESS than the ~uch charges as prescribed.

    le)" THE:~ CClrJl"IECTED LOAD: sh.311 mf,',-"In the sun, of all the l'ate,.J capacities of all the energy consuming devices/apparatus at the consumer's tnst~!lation. This shall not include the st ~ndbv or spare energycon~uming ~pDaratus in s tallEd t i, :'. OU q i , t h"~ (I-,.'? n '.:J la 0'1 e r s wit c h p r () '., :i. (:1 f~ Ii r e q i . .1 i s :i. t e c'r- i Cl r oe r mis s ion has been accorded bv the ComoetenL authorit v . @

  • 11. SANCTIONED LOAD: ~;hall mean 1 oc~d in KltJ f 0 I" W h :l c h th E Board ha agreed o supply fr~m time to time ubject to the governing term and c nditlons. The total connected

    load is requi Ed to b got san tionsd from the competent ",\'.1 tho r it y "

    12. MAXIMUM DEMAND: for any month hall mean the highs t a0erage load measured in kilovolt amperes during any consecutive 30 mInute period of the month.

    13. AVERAGE POWER FACTOR: shall mean the average energy f ctor' c.\nd shall be taken c:\~, tl-,e ratio of thE.' kilO-"'JJa,.tt

    our';' O



    Avail~ble to consumers ustno electrical energy for liqht

  • 11. SANCTIONED LOAD: shall mean load in KW for which the Board has agreed to supply frrim time to time subject to the governing terms. and conditions. The total connected

    load is required to be got s anctioned from th~ competent ",ILl. tho r' :i t Y

    12. MAXIMUM DEMAND: for any month shall mean the highe s t a0erage load measured in kilovolt amperes during any consecutive 30 minutes period of the month.

    13. AVERAGE POWER FACTOR: shall mean the average energ y factbr and shall betaken as the ratio of the k ilo-watt .hQut- ~" O(t'JH) to ' th,,' "kj lo-volt-ampere flour-" (1-

  • be suitably c ompounded ~


    Monthly minimum charges wlll be applicable at the f0110wirllJ rates:

    i) Upto 5 KW connected ~s.25/- per month per 500 watts load or part thereof of th~ connected

    load subject to minimum of Rs.50/- per month. Fraction of half aMd above of 500 watts will b~ taken as 500 watts and fraction below half will be ignored.

    ii) Above 5 KW connec Rs.50/- per month per KWor part ted load thereof of the connected load.

    Fraction of half and above of a KW will be taken as 1 KW and fraction below half will be igno~ed.


    The monthly minim~m charges shall not be leviable on central heating load of the consumers with effect from 1st April to 31st October, each year. The cent~alheating load shall be separate1ymetered ~nd bliled. In case the consumption is found recorded durin~ these months the monthly minimum charges (MMC) shall be taken into consideration while working out the energy charges .

    ..... .



    Available to industries including pumps (other than irrig a tion pumping), wheat threshers, tokas, poultry farms and sheds, cane crushers, Atta Chakkies, Welding sets etc. and Govt. Water & Irrigation Pumping loads h a ving aggregate connected load net exceeding 20KW.


    A.C., 50 CIS . 3 phase, 400 volis or 1 phase, 230 volts .

    3. TARIFF

    150 paise per unit for the entire consumption.


    Capacitor surcharge shall be levied as per the

    sian '::. undf,,:r "Part '-' l-C;f~neral" of thlS notifi.c :,:;.tion.


    TM e con s umers availina soecial dispensation or e x emp

    tion d uring evening peak load h~ur5 5~ipulate~ under

    "Pa.r t -I - Cien 2 r"".1 " of this notification sho~l.l. be bIlled at

    e x tra c~ arg e5 @ Rs.8S/- per KVA per month of the

    e ~ emp t iGn/r e l ax ation sought. Such con s umers sh a ll however

    . t"1 t, hu. T.O. D. meters for as sessing their ma x imum demand.1 n 5 , d.l.. _

  • Following loads shall be excluded while qUf.!.nt i f '/- inq peak loads a~dnc Deak load exemption sha,ll ,:' leviable on these loads:

    i) Liqhting load ~f Industry. ii Yard lighti,ng load of Industry.

    iii) Colony lighting load of Industrial quarter


    11 consumption for bonafld fa tory lighting in case of Industries i.e. energy consumed in factory premises inc:ludin'~ fa,c:tory buildj,no;J, its officf?S,!C.tors, t:i,me keec.,;.ir office, canteen, libr,:"ry, staff disr..ensal'.V, welf,;:>,re cent.rE' and factory yard lighting shall be charged under this ari f scheduJ.e.



    Av~ilable to Industrial cDnsume~s 'IJtth connected load of more than 20KW but not e~ceeding 500 KIrJ. The Indus trial type of ricultural loads and ,Water Pumping wi th connected load falling in the above mentioned I'ange and n t covered by Schedulf~ "A.P" at" Schedule "W.l.P" shall also be charged under this schedGle.


    A.C . 50 cis, 3 phase. 400 volts or '1'10ell) v [) 1 C sen'i:1.btive at the discretion of ~upplier. SUDply ," 1:. . 401) v (~ }. t. ,~;' sh:\ll be 'Jiven nonna.lly for loads upt6. '100 f(W only.

    3" TARIFF

    i ) FClr

  • Th~? am unt of this surcharge 5ho,11 rtot CDun towards the monthly minimum ch,~,v-ges "


    Th~ peak load exemotion charge cl se as apolicable to Sma.1l PO!'

  • _~cl~y cnarges. No rebate shallflowe'v'er he qiven Con mon 'th!y minimulTlcharges.

    Su pply Va 1 tage Rebate

    , :B3KV 1 .5Y. 66KV 2%

    132 KV 2.5% 220 KV 3%


    " The . pe~k.. foad.. e:':errlpt i on tharges" .dause .as'.appl ~ 'ca. hIe 1..0 ;smal;1" p'o'wer ' ccinsumer.-s und~r.SC:h-e.du:le .iIS.p.." wi 'l!., , also

    be , a PP licab1'e . : to' .c ortsJJll'le i"'5':' c ;) v ~:r:'ed , i~undet', ' 1.4 I"ge.. "< Indu,s't rj:a 1 , Powe r 'SiJ:p:P.1 !y" 'scheduie- ' ''L.S.':';'C~. " . ' ". , - " : .' ; .. ., ' ?-. ', . .

    . '."" . . .. ~.;;.... 't' .!


    .. Fa..cto.r 'y .Light i :ng ' , .

    ~ .~ . - # '.,.

    ... 1 , .

    ',' l' .~ ", ' ,' : ~H . :c~n:Su-mptiC!n , fo.r " : ~onafide, fa~.tor:y light;1l9 ' 'in .: cils~ , ~Ot: .):ri4u~tr'i.e~/~~:e;. " ene,i"gY , COT1 .f;um~d' ~ i" ::r~c~t:or:y em"i-ses ',< .

    ~ . ,~, in,tludi;ng :: f..~ ctcir.Y ';build)ng~: i1. S.;dffH:es 1: 5 t;'6re!;i , ;(~,~'me ki:!eper ;:o:" , '. ' of f i ce~.. c:an:tee!l ~ ., 1 i .bra ...\Si:.:, ..$ taff .dis pe,isa r y .. .. weli'~I",e cRnt rEo; ,

    '., ~nd f ac \,~.()'= .Y~:r'cj ,~~~ :ght:i ng .." ' :;~ :._.. ,' ..' -.'t:\ j~: ~ " ....~,: '.. '. .: .-~~ . ....-.... ~_ ',: ,'. . .i ' ; .: .. .. ' : : :: ;, """': -: ' , - ::' , . ' : ~ .

    , '. ",1 . ,< .. ' --Th.e ' ? 'c~'Cans!J'mp.~ti'on 't .'. f.o ...:< ',;..,..tio'ri"if',;-y ,~,:use. '

    . . 7 . ;tes,rden~i~-il.siA'f;t:'/ 'qu~~i'~"i"~;:~ ~~nd , ~1.'~.e~~t '.;it-ilwt:i.:n\(l ~ 'f' ,;.';,'Cc" lon'y

    , . ,." s .hall ~at~o . be ,charg ed::u.nder 'itH. s t.rif f . s c..heduHt; .: " ,.

    ; ~j~,tl~ ~CHE.~V~~ " ~'L~~-S . :~ ;; .- . l-A~G~ .~ND0~nH,.~L ': '~liw~~ , : ~~'~~~V' ,oO" v . , ~ _ ", . _ "-. " "! ._


    _ J

    . Ene~gy cha ... ~e. ~i~"out ~~I"ej~dice . . 230 'pld,s e IUn it.. ~' . ..:~ ~ .~ ...:'. ~-~ :"\ , , ' to '!'mo iii h 'ry,lmf;, 'i 1Jl4m..';chf\'r ge .~ . ,u'nde ...";';'

    .: , 'ctku;e ~4\.~:o { ' th.i,s , s'cned :l~: ~ >;' ,.

    ~' . ~~~fHLY ~'I'~tM~~:' ~~~~~E~ : ' ~'; ". -; -.


    The consumers who take supply under this Schedul e at higher yoltageshall get the rebate at the following percentages ontheamo~nt of energy charges. No rebate shall however be ' given on m6nthly minimum charges.

    Su ~,pl Y Rebatf~

    33 KV. '1.51.

    66 KV . 2i:

    '132 KV 2.51.

    220 KV 31.


    Power factor 5urcharge5h~11 be levied as per th e !=,roYisionsunder "Part '-'l-G-eneral" of' this notification .; \


    The peak16ad exempti.oncharge clause 5 S ,')c'I::olicatJleto Sma.ll Pbwer Consumers under S.chedule "S.P" will also be applicable to con~umers unde~ Large InjustrialP~we r Supply