revision guidance

Exams and Revision Guidance What learning style are you? What resources have you got to help you? Hints and tips for revision (This power point can be found attached to Mock Exams on key dates on the school website).

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Page 1: Revision guidance

Year 11 Mock Exams and Revision Guidance

What learning style are you?

What resources have you got to help you?

Hints and tips for revision(This power point can be found attached to Mock

Exams on key dates on the school website).

Page 2: Revision guidance

Your FFT data will be out this week

You MUST give it to parents Also in the letter is EXAM rules!


Important Notices

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1. Remember all exams will be in the sports hall

2. You MUST abide by the rules (these have gone out with your T&M and they should be displayed in your form room).

3. You need to have ALL necessary equipment e.g. calculator, black pen etc!

Mock Exams

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Be on time! If it says 9am on your sheet- that is what time the exam STARTS so be there at least 15 minutes before!

If you are running late or have overslept please contact school as soon as you can and let us know you are on your way!

Ensure you know you candidate number (4 digits) 

Ensure you know your seat number- always check the exam board down the science corridor the day before and on the morning of the exam (sometimes they can change from what is on your exam timetable). The board is located by S1 (blue notice board “examination information” and opposite Miss Slacks office).

Exam Preparation

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No paper in your pockets No writing on your hands Clear pencil case only Clear water bottle with no label on All electronic goods (USB, i-pod and phones) must be

handed in at the start BLACK PEN ONLY Calculator case will be put on the floor If blazer is taken off it must go under your chair Do not TALK, LOOK at others or turn around once

entering the hall or once seated. No form of communication must happen with anybody! If you have a question for the examiner or you are missing equipment raise your hand.


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This is so vital in Year 11 that YOU and YOUR PARENTS look at this for information such as:

Mock EXAM TIMETABLE (under key dates) Key dates (Mock exams and parents

evening) Exam Boards (under each department) Information about your course Past papers

Use the School Website and FROG!!

Page 7: Revision guidance

  Mon 11 Tue 12 Wed 13 Thu 14 Fri 15 Mon 18 (week 1)REG

1RE (1hr 30min)

(all students)

History (2hr)

All other students normal lessons.

Maths Paper 1(all students)

External Science exam for 25 students:

9.30 - 10.30am

All other students normal lessons.

Separate Science: Physics (40 min)

Dual Science (1hr)Applied Science (1hr)

All other students normal lessons.

Art (2hr)

All other students normal lessons.


Separate Science: Biology (40min)

All other students normal lessons.


3English Language

(1hr)(all students)

Drama (1hr)

Media Studies (1hr)

All other students normal lessons.

Separate Science: Chemistry (40min)

All other students normal lessons.

French, German and Spanish:

Reading paper (45min)

All other students normal lessons.

English Literature (1hr)

(all students)

Normal lessons for all students



Sports Science (1hr 30min)

One student taking Ft

Lesson 5: Music (1hr)

All other students normal lessons.

Geography (1hr)

All other students normal lessons.

Business Studies (2hr)

Economics (2hr)

BCS (1hr) - back to lessons when


All other students normal lessons.

Food Technology (2hr)

Product Design (2hr)

Engineering (2hr)

All other students normal lessons.

Maths Paper 2(all students)

Music (1hr)

All other students normal lessons.


French, German, Spanish:

Listening paper (45min)

All other students normal lessons.

End of Mock ExamsNormal lessons for


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Have you got the revision guide you need (many can be purchased from departments). YOU need to ask your teacher to buy one!

Have you got all the relevant notes in your class book

Is there any websites that could help you? (bitesize)

Have you got past papers? Go onto the examination board website

and download them!!

What do you need?

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Use the link below to see the research! There is a good article here about revision

techniques and the fact that the two best methods are:

testing yourself spreading out your revision over time.


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You should try to do at least two hours of revision an evening

You should plan for half term (example below):

1. Produce a revision timetable





6-8pm (if missed a session)

Saturday Maths Maths History History Free time

Sunday Science Football Football Football Science

Monday RE RE Sports science

Sports science

Free time

Tuesday Shopping

Shopping Shopping French French

Wednesday English English Maths Maths Cinema

Thursday Day out With family Science

Friday History History Sp Sci Sp Sci Film night

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The week of the exams the revision should relate to your MOCK EXAM TIMETABLE






6-8pm (if missed a session)



Monday 5-6History 7-8 Geography8-9 French

Tuesday 5-6 Maths 7-8 Business8-9 Science

Wednesday 5-6 French 7-8 Spanish8-9 Food Tech

These timings will change depending on which topics you know best.Also how much revision you have already previously done!

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9.30-11 could be learning just one topic or maybe two!

9.30-10 could be learning the key terms to a topic and being able to remember them

10-10.30 could be learning definitions to a topic 10.30-11 could be practise answering past paper

questions OR 9.30-10- produce a mind map on components of

fitness and fitness tests (2 topics) 10-10.30 learn the main components and test yourself 10.30-11 learning the fitness tests related to those


How can your break up revision?

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Knowing your learning style will mean you know how you would prefer to revise!!

Use the link to access a questionnaire to complete:

What learning style are you?

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Use coloured highlighter pens to mark your revision notes. You should identify key words (these may be names, dates, places, etc.) You could even use different colours for different types of information.

In the margins of your subject note-book, draw sketches or cartoons that relate to that particular topic or paragraph. These will not only help you to locate that particular section but will also make it more memorable.

Learn to MindMap Pay attention to the layout of your revision notes. You might

find it useful to use flow-charts (in science, history, English and other subjects to keep track of events) or diagrams (in science, geography , maths and other subjects.)

Use the "Roman Room" memory system.

IDEAS for VISUAL learners

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You might find it helpful to play soothing music as you revise. Experts suggest that some types of music (particularly that with a tempo of 58-60 beats per minute) can help to generate relaxed-but-alert Beta brain-waves - which can help you learn more effectively. However, music at a faster tempo or music with a strong lyric can have a distracting effect.

Record key points on tape and play them over, especially just before going to sleep.

Having identified key points from your revision notes, try making these into a rhyme, rap or song. This will make them more memorable.

Explain what you have learned to someone else, perhaps to your parents. They usually go on about how important it is to revise properly - so why shouldn't they suffer as well!

IDEAS for AUDITORY learners

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Learn the "Body-pegs" memory technique and use it to learn key points.

Use the "Sticky-notes" memory technique.


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You need to know key terms and definitions so produce a glossary of terms for subjects

Make revision notes that help your style of learning (lists, mind maps or tape recording information).

PRACTISE past exam papers- this is crucial TEST YOURSELF is the best way to learn Asking somebody to test you also helps Try explaining information to somebody (this really

tests your understanding- write key terms or words on pieces of card and ask your mum/friend etc.. to pick a card- then you have to describe it or explain it).

Key Revision Tips for Every Style!

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Work in pairs now, one of you turns your back to the board!The other person describes what they see on the board- do not say what it is though!

For example:

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