revised sampling and analysis plan (sap) addendum ... · "site") and presents our...

130 Research Lane, Suite 2 Geosyntec'^ Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G5G3 PH 519.822.2230 consultants FAX 519.822.3151 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM TO: Gerardo Millan-Ramos, US EPA §ijperfunci Records Center SITE; ^t7tn£yJi<vif/'tV Jan . FROM: Tom Krug and Suzanne O'Hara, Geosyntec Consultants •Ir»^^;T^ ' AK. kM OTHER: ^^"-^^"^ DATE: November 3 2010 SUBJECT: Revised Sampling and Analysis Plan Addendum - Sampling Plan for Total Metals and Additional Data Collection to Evaluate Potential, Vapor Intrusion Pathways at the Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfiind Site, Somersworth, New Hampshire SDMS DocID 475393 This memorandum has been prepared by Geosyntec Consultants (Geosyntec) on behalf of the Work Settling Defendants (WSDs) for the Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfiind Site (the "Site") and presents our proposed plan for sampling groundwater for total metals analysis and for the collection of additional overburden groundwater data in the vicinity of well B-12R. The sampling discussed in this memo was requested by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the Second Five Year Review Report (EPA 2010a). For the evaluation of potential vapor intrusion pathways, Geosyntec prepared a letter summarizing the historical Site data in the vicinity of B-12R, which support the conceptual model that the VOCs in the vicinity of well B- 12R are present in the bedrock but there is no complete pathway for potential vapor migration to the surface. These data, along with the scope of the sampling for totals metals analysis, were discussed during a conference call with EPA on September 17, 2010. Sampling is being conducted at the request of the EPA. This Plan includes the purpose and scope of the sampling, a map of the proposed sampling locations and the sampling procedures. 1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1.1 Total Metals The purpose of the sampling of groundwater for total metals analysis is to fulfill the EPA's requirement to confirm that metals concentrations in groundwater at the Site are consistent with background concentrations. The groundwater samples for analysis of total metals need to be collected using low flow sampling techniques since there are concerns with the representativeness of the available historical metals data for the Site which was collected using bailers. As per New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) and EPA's request, we are currently sampling 10 wells at the Site in the fall of 2010 (0B-7R, 0B-16U, 0B-17U, CTW- engineers I scientists I innovators

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Page 1: REVISED SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN (SAP) ADDENDUM ... · "Site") and presents our proposed plan for sampling groundwater for total metals analysis and for the collection of additional

130 Research Lane Suite 2 Geosyntec^ Guelph Ontario Canada N1G5G3

PH 5198222230 consultants FAX 5198223151



TO Gerardo Millan-Ramos US EPA sectijperfunci Records Center SITE t7tnpoundyJiltviftV J a n

FROM Tom Krug and Suzanne OHara Geosyntec Consultants bullIrraquo T AK kM

OTHER ^^-^^^ DATE November 3 2010

SUBJECT Revised Sampling and Analysis Plan Addendum - Sampling Plan for Total Metals and Additional Data Collection to Evaluate Potential Vapor Intrusion Pathways at the Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfiind Site Somersworth New Hampshire

SDMS DocID 475393

This memorandum has been prepared by Geosyntec Consultants (Geosyntec) on behalf of the Work Settling Defendants (WSDs) for the Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfiind Site (the Site) and presents our proposed plan for sampling groundwater for total metals analysis and for the collection of additional overburden groundwater data in the vicinity of well B-12R The sampling discussed in this memo was requested by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the Second Five Year Review Report (EPA 2010a) For the evaluation of potential vapor intrusion pathways Geosyntec prepared a letter summarizing the historical Site data in the vicinity of B-12R which support the conceptual model that the VOCs in the vicinity of well Bshy12R are present in the bedrock but there is no complete pathway for potential vapor migration to the surface These data along with the scope of the sampling for totals metals analysis were discussed during a conference call with EPA on September 17 2010 Sampling is being conducted at the request of the EPA This Plan includes the purpose and scope of the sampling a map of the proposed sampling locations and the sampling procedures


11 Total Metals

The purpose of the sampling of groundwater for total metals analysis is to fulfill the EPAs requirement to confirm that metals concentrations in groundwater at the Site are consistent with background concentrations The groundwater samples for analysis of total metals need to be collected using low flow sampling techniques since there are concerns with the representativeness of the available historical metals data for the Site which was collected using bailers

As per New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) and EPAs request we are currently sampling 10 wells at the Site in the fall of 2010 (0B-7R 0B-16U 0B-17U CTW-

engineers I scientists I innovators

Gerardo Millan Ramos Page 2 of 4 GeOSyTlteC November 32010 consultants

21U CTW-41U CTW-24U OB-24R B-6R OB-IOIU and OB-IOIR) using low flow purging techniques and analyzing the groundwater samples collected for the Waste Management Division (WMD) Full List of VOCs The 10 wells selected for the sampling and analysis of the Full List-of VQCs include upgradient (background) near source and downgradient wells and both bedrock and overburden wells We propose to sample these same 10 wells for total metals to satisfy the EPAs requirement for inorganic sampling This will provide data from across the Site including an upgradient or background location to compare the metals concentrations to

background Figure1 shows the locations of the 10 proposed wells

12 Potential Vapor Intrusion Pathways Data

The purpose of the additional groundwater sampling is to fulfill the EPAs requirement to provide additional overburden groundwater data to confirm that the potential vapor intrusion (VI) exposure pathway to residents near well B-12R is not complete

A review of the historical Site data supports the conceptual model that the VOCs in the area south of Blackwater Road are in the bedrock that the shallow groundwater in the overburden does not exhibit elevated concentrations of VOCs and therefore there is no complete pathway for potential VI into residences Historical data indicate that VOCs have been present in the bedrock groundwater at concentrations up to 9144 micrograms per liter (|igL) Low concentrations of VOCs were observed in the 1990s in monitoring well B-13L (currently abandoned) located over 800 feet to the west of the homes The highest concentrations of VOCs observed in the area are in bedrock well B-12R Despite the lack of recent data from overburden monitoring well B-12L which is nested with B-12R and is now used for water level measurements samples collected concurrently from the two wells in 1989 1990 and 1992 showed non-detect concentrations of VOCs in samples from well B-12L If no VOCs were present in the overburden groundwater in the late 1980s and early 1990s when concenfrations were highest in B-12R then it is unlikely that VOCs are present in the overburden groundwater now that the concentrations in B-12R have diminished significantly since that time (601 )agL TVOCs in 2009 compared with up to 9144 |agL in the 1990s)

In addition the overburden is continuous in the area and the water table is positioned in the overburden across this entire area (confirmed by well B-13WT and soil gas probe (SGP) 1 2 and 3 which are all screened across the water table) corroborating that the a continuous clean water lens exists between the deeper bedrock groundwater and the ground surface

Groundwater samples will be collected from the available overburden wells in the area of B-12R (B-12L and B-13WT Figure 1) to confirm that this conceptual model is accurate The samples will be analyzed for the VOCs of concern at the Site (tetrachloroethene trichloroethene cis and trans-12-dichlorethene 11-dichloroethene and vinyl chloride) In addition groundwater samples will be collected and analyzed for VOCs from the two soil gas probes (SGPs) that are located in this area SGP-9 and SGP-10 (Figure 1) if there is sufficient groundwater present in these probes

engineers j scientists I innovators

Gerardo Millan Ramos Page 3 of 4 GeOSyTlteC ^ November 3 2010 consultants


Bedrock and overburden monitoring wells sampling will be conducted in accordance with the EPA low stress protocol (EPA 2010b) Prior to collecting groimdwater samples for chemical analysis using the low sfress sampling procedures the stagnant water in the well casing will be removed (purged) to allow sampling groundwater directly from the subsurface thereby minimizing the potential for the collection of chemically-altered water The water level in the well will be measured immediately before purging starts during purging and after sample collection using the standard procedure provided in Attachment A With this protocol a well is purged at a rate of less than 500 mLmin with field parameters being measured at 5 minutes intervals or greater (after at least one subsequent flow-through-cell volume has passed through the flow-through cell) Monitoring wells will be purged imtil the field measured parameters pH temperature specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity have stabilized such that 3 consecutive readings taken at 5 minute intervals are within the following limits

bull pH(+-01 unit) bull temperature (3) bull specific conductance (3) bull ORP (+- 10 millivolts) bull DO (10 for gt05 mgL and if three DO readings are less than 05 mgL consider stabilized)

and bull turbidity (10 for values gt5 nepholometric turbidity unit [NTU] if three readings are less

than 5 NTU consider stabilized)

Samples for turbidity are collected before water enters the flow-through cell These water quality parameters are used to indicate that the well has stabilized before a sample is collected

For wells with screen lengths longer than 10 feet the method above shall be modified such that three times the volume of the water contained in the screened interval of the well will be purged from the well prior to collecting groundwater samples using the low stress sampling procedures Purging will be conducted at a rate of less than 500 mLmin with field parameters being measured at 5 minute intervals or greater The screen lengths of the wells are shown in Table I

Groundwater samples will be collected by discoimecting the pump tubing from the flow-throughshycell (before the T-connectbr for the turbidity sample see Figure 2) and collecting the sample directly from the pump tubing by pumping the water from the dedicated pump tubing directly into the sample containers once the field parameters have stabilized within these limits Care shall be taken to ensure that the tubing is not oscillated during the purging and sample collection and that the tubing remains water filled to minimize the risk of aerating the sample

Samples containers for analysis of total metals and VOCs will be pre-preserved (where required) and filled with minimal turbulence and with no headspace remaining in the container The

engineers I scientists I innovators

Gerardo Millan Ramos Page 4 of 4 GeOSyntCC^ November 3 2010 consultants

groundwater samples will be placed in a sample cooler immediately following collection and stored on ice in accordance with the sample handling and custody procedures The samples will be sent to Columbia Analytical Services (CAS) for analysis for the parameters listed in Table 2 and using the methods shown

21 Field QAQC Samples

Field quality assurance and quality control (QAQC) samples consisting of one equipment blank a trip blank matrix spikematrix spike duplicate samples and a field replicate sample will be collected to monitor sampling and laboratory analytical performance with respect to the groundwater samples All samples will be submitted blindly (ie without the well identification or sample location included in the sample number) to the laboratory

Any activity related to this sampling event not covered in this addendum will be conducted in accordance with the existing Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP Geosyntec 2010) This includes but is not limited to such things as field documentation instrument calibration sample custody procedures sample transport to the analytical lab sample ID numbers analytical reporting limits field sampling and fixed laboratory quality confrol acceptance criteria and data validation

If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to call Tom Krug or Suzanne OHara at (519) 822-2230


Geosyntec Consultants International Inc (Geosyntec) 2010 Updated Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) for Groundwater Monitoring During Preferred Remedial Action Part 1 Field Sampling Plan Part II Quality Assurance Project Plan Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfund Site Revised Report

United States Environmental Protection Agency New England (Region I) 2010a Second Five-Year Review Report for the Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfund Site Somersworth New Hampshire

EPA 2010b Low Stress (low flow) Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells EQASOP-GW 001 Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 3 January 19 2010

Attachment Figure 1 Site Map Figure 2 Sampling Set Up Table 1 Well Construction Details Table 2 Analytes and Quantitation Limits for Analyses Attachment A - Low Flow Sampling

engineers I scientists I innovators

TABLE 1 Geosyntec Consultants

WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Somersworth Sanitary Landflll Superfund Site New Hampsliire

Total Type of Depth Pump

Screen Screen of Used to Monitoring Date Well Depth Length Boring Sample Well

Well Installed Type (ft bgs) (ft) (ft bgs)

B-6R Jun-85 Bedrock 55-78 23 78 Peristaltic B-I2L Oct-86 Overburden 104-20 10 20 Peristaltic B-I3WT Oct-86 Overburden l()-9 9 9 PDB CTW-21U Jan-01 Overburden 81-231 15 24 Peristaltic

CTW-24U Aug-05 Overburden 10-25 15 253 Peristaltic CTW-41U Jan-01 Overburden 82-232 15 236 Peristaltic OB-lOlU Mar-07 Overburden 12-22 10 23 Peristaltic OB-lOlR Mar-07 Overburden 72-82 10 83 Peristaltic 0B-7R Oct-90 Bedrock 53-63 10 675 Peristaltic 0B-16U Jan-92 Overburden 25-45 20 45 Peristaltic OB-17U Jan-92 Overburden 30-50 20 505 Peristaltic OB-24R Jan-01 Bedrock 2545-4545 20 459 Peristaltic

Notes () - previous consultants reports provide insufficient detail to confirm this information ft bgs - feet below ground surface ft - feet PDB - Passive Diffusion Bag

TR0057 Table 1 Well Construction Details 20101029

Geosyntec Consultants

TABLE 2 ANALYTES AND QUANTITATION LIMITS FOR ANALYSES Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfund Site New Hampshire

Groundwater VOCs 8021 Compound

benzene methylene chloride tetrachloroethene trichlorethene 11 -dichloroethene cis 12-dichloroethene trans 12-dichioroethene vinyl chloride

Groundwater VOCs 8260B Compound

Acetone Benzene Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene tert-Butylbenzene Carbon disulfide Carbon tetrachloride Chloroethane Chloromethane 2-ChlorotoIuene 4-Chlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane Dibromochloropropane Dibromomethane Dichlorodifluoromethane Diethyl ether 12-Dichlorobenzene 13-Dichlorobenzene 14-Dichlorobenzene 11 -Dichloroethane 12-Dichloroethane 11 -Dichloroethylene cis-12-Diohloroethylene trans-12-Dichloroethylene 12-DichIoropropane 22-Dichloropropane 11-Dichloropropene 13-Dichloropropene (mixed isomers) Diisopropyl ether (DIPE) Ethylbenzene Ethyl Tertiary-butyl ether (ETBE) Hexachlorobutadiene 2-Hexanone Isopropyl benzene p-Isopropyltoluene Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) Methylene chloride Methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) Monochlorobenzene Tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME) Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene

Reporting Limit USL

Reporting Limit ugL

50 5 5 5

06 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 5

02 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

05 10 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5

TR0237 20101020 Table 2 Analytes and quantitation limits for analyses Page 1 of2

Geosyntec Consultants

TABLE 2 ANALYTES AND QUANTITATION LIMITS FOR ANALYSES Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfund Site New Hampshire

Groundwater VOCs 8260B (contd) Compoimd Styrene Tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA) Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) 1112-Tetrachloroethane 1122-Tetrachloroethane Tetrahydrofiiran Toluene 123-Trichlorobenzene 124-Trichlorobenzene +135-Trichlorobenzene 111 -Trichloroethane 112-Trichloroethane Trichloromethane (Chloroform) Trichlorofluoromethane Trichloroethylene (TCE) 123-Trichloropropane 124-Trimethylbenzene 135-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl chloride Xylenes (mixed isomers)

Groudnwater VOCs 8011 Compound

Ethylene dibromide (EDB)

Groundwater VOC 8270 LVI Compound

14-Dioxane Metals 6010C Compound

Arsenic Iron Selenium Cadmium Chromium (Total) Copper Lead Antimony Silver Thalium Zinc Beryllium Nickle [Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium Dissolved Iron Notes |igL - micrograms per litre mgL - miligram per litre

Reporting Limit 5 30 5 5 2 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 5

Reporting Limit ugL 005

Reporting Limit ugL


Reporting Limit mgL


TR0237 Table 2 Analytes and quantitation limits for analyses Page 2 of2 20101020

^ ^^t^^

Boundary of Groundwater Management Zone

Full-scale chemical treatment wait

Landfill gas venting trench

City of Somersworth property boundary

Approximate extent of waste area

Color Key

bull bull Wells to be sampled in November 2010

Symbol Key


A Staff gauge

bull Overburden piezometer

O Overburden well




Overburden bedrock well

Bedrock well

Extraction well

-6-Soi l gas probe CTW-20 ^ - ^ CTW monitoring transect

iDo 0 100 200 soon

SKe Monitoring Network Somersworth Landfill Superfund Site Somersworth NH

Geosyntec Figure

consultants 1 November 2010

Water Quality Meter + Flow-Through-Cell

r 1

Pump Graduated Waste Container

Water Level ^ Z Groundwater Meter Elevation

Pump Intake Screen Interval

Low-Flow Setup Diagram Somersworth Landfill Superfund Site Somersworth NH

Geosyntec Figure

consultants - 2

Guelph November 2010



Section Page


11 Overview 1

12 Objective 1

13 Equipment and Supplies 1


21 Pre-Mobilization Activities 2

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures 3

Inventory 3

222 Calibration 3

223 Well Inspection 3

23 Well Purging and Sampling 4

231 Set-up 4

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol) 4

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol 5

234 Field Measurements 5

235 Sampling 6

236 Observations During Sampling 7

237 Storage and Shipping 7

24 Documentation 7




11 Overview

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was prepared to provide instructions for groundwater sampling using the USEPA low-flowminimal drawdown well purging protocol (EPA 2010) Included in this SOP are field forms for sampling and meter calibration instructions and directions for documentation

This SOP will be implemented in accordance with the following governing documents

bullHealth and Safety Plan (HASP) which identifies all physical chemical and

biological hazards relevant to each field task and provides hazard mitigators to

address these hazards

bullField Sampling Plan (FSP) which provides details for field sampling locations and

procedures and which will be most frequently used by field staff on-site and

bullQuality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) which is written to establish protocols necessary to ensure that the data generated are of a quality sufficient to ensure that valid conclusions are drawn from the site characterization

12 Objective

The objective of low flow sampling techniques is to collect a representative groundwater sample from a monitoring well

13 Equipment and Supplies

Pump and probe selection may differ depending on the well diameter groundwater constituents and depth to groundwater but generally sampling will require the following equipment

bull Peristaltic bladder submersible or Waterra pump capable of a flow rate between 50 and 500 mLminute and appropriate power supply including compressor if needed The pump type will principally depend on the depth to water and well diameter Bladder or submersible pumps are preferred peristaltic pumps are acceptable only for wells where the depth to water is less than about 25 feet and Waterra pumps are only recommended for narrow diameter wells that caimot be sampled using a bladder or peristaltic pump

bull Field parameters except turbidity will be monitored using an YSI Model 600XL water quality instrument or equivalent Groundwater will be monitored in-line using aflow-through cell Turbidity will be measured by collecting grab samples before theflow-through-cell while purging each well Each grab sample will be analyzed using a Lamotte 2020 turbidity meter or equivalent

Water level tape (Solinst)

Teflon-lined tubing coimections and tools as appropriate sufficient tubing to dedicate to each well

Graduated cylinder or 1-liter bottle and stopwatch

5-gallon bucket and funnel for purge water

Field forms for meter calibration and groundwater sample collection (included in SOP)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (as specified in the HASP)

Air monitoring equipment as specified in HASP

Decontamination supplies as specified in FSP and QAPP

Sample containers and cooler

Clean plastic sheeting paper towels and miscellaneous supplies

pH paper


21 Pre-Mobilization Activities

bull Obtain the construction diameter depth material screened interval and map showing location for each monitoring well to be sampled

Obtain a listing of the parameters that will be measured in the field or laboratory bull as part of this sampling program including the required analytical method sample volume and holding time for each parameter The parameters that will be measured in the field are the low-flow stabilization parameters including temperature pH specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity These parameters will be recorded during low flow purging and immediately prior to collection of samples for laboratory analysis Remaining parameters will be measured in the laboratory

Verify that all equipment on order is being shipped to the site

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures

Several steps are required before sampling any of the wells These steps ensure that instruments are functioning and properly calibrated and that the necessary equipment has been supplied for efficient and accurate sampling

221 Inventory

Verify that the correct equipment has been received by the field site and that it is clean (decontaminated) Inventory sample containers to verify that the laboratory has provided the correct number of containers of the proper size and containing the correct preservative if required To the extent possible pre-labeltag and bundle sample containers for each well to avoid confiasion during sample collection

Verify that the appropriate PPE and ancillary supplies (eg paper towels decontamination solution) have been received by the field site The appropriate protective equipment as specified in the HASP will be reviewed during a morning tailgate meeting Contact the field manager or project manager immediately if there are discrepancies

222 Calibration

Calibrate the field probes consistent with the EPAs SOP for calibration of field instruments (EPA 2010b) before sampling and at the start of each field day Check the calibration at the end of each day Record the calibration data on the field calibration form provided in this SOP A check of the calibration shall be performed at least once more during the field day Instruments will be recalibrated as necessary (eg when calibration checks indicate incorrect operation) to ensure accurate measurements and all checks and recalibrations will be recorded on field calibration forms Calibration will also be checked if any readings during sampling are suspect

223 Well Inspection

Inspect the well for the presence of lock and cap surface seal integrity obstructions evidence of tampering debris or surface water collecting in flush mounts Note any irregularities in the groimdwater sampling field form included with this SOP The sampler must call the project manager if any irregularity is encoimtered in the inspection that compromises the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

23 Well Purging and Sampling

Sampling is performed using a five-step procedure that will be followed upon arrival at each well

1 set-up

2 purging

3 measurement of field parameters and field testing

4 sampling and

5 clean-up and decontamination

Detailed procedures for performing each of these steps are provided in the following subsections

231 Set-up

All necessary equipment for purging sampling and storage will be brought to the well before the well is opened Equipment will be placed on a clean plastic sheet near the well General parameters describing the well and field condition (eg well identification depth weather date and time) will be documented on a field data sheet PPE as required by the HASP will be doimed prior to opening well and air monitoring will be performed per HASP requirements while opening well Sampling begins by opening the well and measuring the depth to the water table The tubing field probe and reservoir for purged water are then set up

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol)

Wells are purged using the low flowminimum drawdown protocol as described by the

EPA (EPA 2010a) and summarized below The general procedural requirements for

low-flow purging are listed below

bull Minimize disturbance of the water column in the well by initiating pumping at a low rate (see below) Dedicated tubing (left in-place between sampling events) is also recommended to minimize disturbance to the water column before and during sampling

bull Begin pumping at a steady rate of 100 mLmin and measure the depth to water frequently (eg every minute for the first few minutes) to ensure that less than 01 ft of drawdown occurs The pumping rate may be increased if drawdown is less than 01 ft but the pumping rate will not exceed 500 mLmin

bull Field parameters and depth to water will be recorded on field data sheets at five minute intervals or greater (after each flow through cell volume has been

removed) while purging Purging will continue until pH temperature specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity stabilize (three consecutive readings) which is defined as follows

bull pH(+-01 unit)

bull temperature (3) bull specific conductance (3) bull ORP (+- 10 millivolts) bull DO (10 for gt05 mgL and if three DO readings are less than 05 mgL consider

stabilized) and

bull turbidity (10 for values gt5 nepholometric turbidity unit [NTU] if three readings are less than 5 NTU consider stabilized)

Samples for turbidity are collected before water enters the flow-through cell These water quality parameters are used to indicate that the well has stabilized before a sample is collected

In the case that the above criteria for stabilization are not met before three well volumes have been pumped then a maximum of five well volumes will be pumped before samples are taken Also if stabilization has not occurred after two hours of purging regardless of well volume status samples will be collected at this point and an accurate account of the attempts made to achieve stable parameters will be recorded on the field forms

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol

For wells with screen lengths longer than 10 the method above shall be modified such that three times the volume of the water contained in the screened interval of the well will be purged from the well prior to collecting groundwater samples using the low stress sampling procedures Purging will be conducted at a rate of less than 500 mLmin with field parameters being measured every 5 minutes

234 Field Measurements

Field parameter measurements will be recorded following parameter stabilization

(purging) and before sampling The pumping rate and sampler intake location in the

well are not to be adjusted after purging The field parameters measured are pH

temperature specific conductance DO ORP and turbidity

235 Sampling

Samples will be collected after field parameters have stabilized and measurements recorded The pump rate and sample intake location will not be adjusted between purging and sampling Samples are to be obtained from the influent line (prior) to the flow-through cell (ie field parameters carmot be measured during sampling) The following sampling strategy is to be followed at each location in its entirety prior to beginning a new location (

Sampling Methods by Analytical Group

Sample containers are to be filled in the order listed below and on the field data sheet using the following protocols Note that many sample containers contain preservatives hence it is necessary to fill each container carefully enough to avoid or minimize overfilling which may dilute the preservative to unacceptable levels For each analysis one of the corresponding containers will be tested with pH paper to confirm that the pH meets the corresponding limits stated in this SOP

1 Volatile organic compoimd (VOC) samples will be collected first Sample containers are to be completely filled so that a meniscus forms over the opening of the container The container lid will be moistened with groundwater and screwed to the container body The container is then turned upside down and inspected for air bubbles If air bubbles exist in the container then it is topped off to eliminate bubbles This procedure is repeated until there are no entrapped bubbles in the container Filled samples are stored at 4degC (+2degC)

2 Geochemistry-related parameters are to be sampled in the following order and with the following procedure

a) Alkalinity ferrous iron and sulfide measurements will be collected in the field per the field kit manufacturers instructions

b) Major anions (sulfate orthophosphate) - water will be dispensed into two 500 mL plastic bottles sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn2degC)

3 After all of the geochemistry-related parameters are collected the following samples are collected

a) Metals -Unfiltered water (for total metals analysis) will be dispensed directly in to a 500 mL wide mouth plastic bottle with HNO3 as a preservative to achieve a pH below 2 sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn 2degC)

236 Observations During Sampling

Field sampling staff will identify and log any observations that may be considered unusual into a field notebook or on the groundwater sampling field form for each well These observations include but are not limited to excessive bubbling within the tubing or in the sample containers as they are filled odors such as sulfide excessive turbidity solids or formation of precipitates in the samples color changes in the water and unusual sounds made by the equipment In addition sampling personnel will note the condition of the well upon arrival and inspection If the well casing is damaged and there are anomalies in the calculated water level at the well then the casing damage may indicate compromised sample quality

237 Storage and Shipping

All samples will be immediately placed on ice (preferably double-bagged wet ice packs)

to remain at 4degC (+2degC) prior to and during shipment to the laboratory The sample

containers will be stored in a cooler until further processing

24 Documentation

Field documentation includes completed calibration records groundwater sampling

field forms and other field notes deemed relevant It is essential that field data sheets

be filled out completely and legibly at each location and that entries are consistent for

each location and among different personnel As referenced above groundwater

sampling data and calibration forms are provided with this SOP The following

infonnation will be recorded

job site date and sampler

well identification and description

depth to water

casing volume calculation

depth of pump intake during purging and sampling

equipment used (field probes tubing model and serial numbers)

purge rate field parameters (temperature conductivity DO ORP pH and turbidity) and depth to water recorded every 5 minutes

sampling parameters

stabilized field parameters

V ^shy

identification time container types preservatives and analytical methods for samples and

space for comments


EPA 2010a Low Stress (low flow) Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells EQASOP-GW 001 Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 3 January 19 2010

EPA 2010b Standar Operating Proceedure forCalibration of Field Instruments EQASOP-FieldCalib Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 2 January 192010

RE Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event SOHara to Gerardo Millan-Ramos 11042010 1144 AM Cc bbelmore davelwest edwardjamison nieclerc TKrug twillis

History This message has been replied to


Attached is the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum that includes the edits you requested for items 2 and 3 below For item 1 below the reference in the first sentence of Section 2 is correct - it refers to the references in the main body of the sampling plan and not to the attachment


Original Message From Millan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov [ mailtoMillan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov] Sent Thursday November 04 2 010 1011 AM To Suzanne OHara Cc bbelmoresomersworthcom davelwestgecom edwardjamisongecom nleclerccomcastnet Tom Krug twillissomersworthcom Subject Re Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event


I have reviewed the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum Overall it is well written I only have minor commentsrequests

1 On page 3 the first sentence of Section 2 seems to have the wrong reference (EPA 2 010a ) Please correct 2 On Table 1 please add a column indicating the type of pump that will be used at each well 3 On Section 223 please add a sentence indicating that the sampler must call the project manager if shehe encounters any irregularity compromising the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

Please resubmit the Addendum with the edits aforementioned as soon as possible (NLT Friday Nov 5 at 200 PM)

Gerardo Millan-Ramos Remedial Project Manager Office of Site Remediation and Restoration US EPA Region 1 - New England tel (617) 918-1377 fax (617) 918-0377

From ltSOHaraGeosynteccomgt

To bull Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUSEPA

Cc ltbbelmoresomersworthcomgt ltedwardjamisongecomgt ltdave1westgecomgt

lttwillissomersworthcomgt ltnleclerccopycomcastnetgt


Date 11032010 0528 PM

Subject Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event

Gerardo Please find attached the revised sampling plan addendum for the sampling of metals and potential VI issues that are scheduled to take place next week The attached addresses your comments from your October 29 2010 letter


Suzanne OHara Hydrogeologist

130 Research Lane Suite 2 Guelph Ont NlG 5G3 Phone 5198222230 ext 234 Fax 5198223151 wwwGeosynteccom

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is or may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY IN NATURE OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE and (b) is intended only for the use of the Addressee(s) named herein If you are not the intended recipient an addressee or the person responsible for delivering this to an addressee you are hereby notified that reading using copying or distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited If you have received this electronic mail message in error please contact us immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system

[attachment Revised Sampling and Analysis Addendum Memoll032010pdf deleted by Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUS]

Page 2: REVISED SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN (SAP) ADDENDUM ... · "Site") and presents our proposed plan for sampling groundwater for total metals analysis and for the collection of additional

Gerardo Millan Ramos Page 2 of 4 GeOSyTlteC November 32010 consultants

21U CTW-41U CTW-24U OB-24R B-6R OB-IOIU and OB-IOIR) using low flow purging techniques and analyzing the groundwater samples collected for the Waste Management Division (WMD) Full List of VOCs The 10 wells selected for the sampling and analysis of the Full List-of VQCs include upgradient (background) near source and downgradient wells and both bedrock and overburden wells We propose to sample these same 10 wells for total metals to satisfy the EPAs requirement for inorganic sampling This will provide data from across the Site including an upgradient or background location to compare the metals concentrations to

background Figure1 shows the locations of the 10 proposed wells

12 Potential Vapor Intrusion Pathways Data

The purpose of the additional groundwater sampling is to fulfill the EPAs requirement to provide additional overburden groundwater data to confirm that the potential vapor intrusion (VI) exposure pathway to residents near well B-12R is not complete

A review of the historical Site data supports the conceptual model that the VOCs in the area south of Blackwater Road are in the bedrock that the shallow groundwater in the overburden does not exhibit elevated concentrations of VOCs and therefore there is no complete pathway for potential VI into residences Historical data indicate that VOCs have been present in the bedrock groundwater at concentrations up to 9144 micrograms per liter (|igL) Low concentrations of VOCs were observed in the 1990s in monitoring well B-13L (currently abandoned) located over 800 feet to the west of the homes The highest concentrations of VOCs observed in the area are in bedrock well B-12R Despite the lack of recent data from overburden monitoring well B-12L which is nested with B-12R and is now used for water level measurements samples collected concurrently from the two wells in 1989 1990 and 1992 showed non-detect concentrations of VOCs in samples from well B-12L If no VOCs were present in the overburden groundwater in the late 1980s and early 1990s when concenfrations were highest in B-12R then it is unlikely that VOCs are present in the overburden groundwater now that the concentrations in B-12R have diminished significantly since that time (601 )agL TVOCs in 2009 compared with up to 9144 |agL in the 1990s)

In addition the overburden is continuous in the area and the water table is positioned in the overburden across this entire area (confirmed by well B-13WT and soil gas probe (SGP) 1 2 and 3 which are all screened across the water table) corroborating that the a continuous clean water lens exists between the deeper bedrock groundwater and the ground surface

Groundwater samples will be collected from the available overburden wells in the area of B-12R (B-12L and B-13WT Figure 1) to confirm that this conceptual model is accurate The samples will be analyzed for the VOCs of concern at the Site (tetrachloroethene trichloroethene cis and trans-12-dichlorethene 11-dichloroethene and vinyl chloride) In addition groundwater samples will be collected and analyzed for VOCs from the two soil gas probes (SGPs) that are located in this area SGP-9 and SGP-10 (Figure 1) if there is sufficient groundwater present in these probes

engineers j scientists I innovators

Gerardo Millan Ramos Page 3 of 4 GeOSyTlteC ^ November 3 2010 consultants


Bedrock and overburden monitoring wells sampling will be conducted in accordance with the EPA low stress protocol (EPA 2010b) Prior to collecting groimdwater samples for chemical analysis using the low sfress sampling procedures the stagnant water in the well casing will be removed (purged) to allow sampling groundwater directly from the subsurface thereby minimizing the potential for the collection of chemically-altered water The water level in the well will be measured immediately before purging starts during purging and after sample collection using the standard procedure provided in Attachment A With this protocol a well is purged at a rate of less than 500 mLmin with field parameters being measured at 5 minutes intervals or greater (after at least one subsequent flow-through-cell volume has passed through the flow-through cell) Monitoring wells will be purged imtil the field measured parameters pH temperature specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity have stabilized such that 3 consecutive readings taken at 5 minute intervals are within the following limits

bull pH(+-01 unit) bull temperature (3) bull specific conductance (3) bull ORP (+- 10 millivolts) bull DO (10 for gt05 mgL and if three DO readings are less than 05 mgL consider stabilized)

and bull turbidity (10 for values gt5 nepholometric turbidity unit [NTU] if three readings are less

than 5 NTU consider stabilized)

Samples for turbidity are collected before water enters the flow-through cell These water quality parameters are used to indicate that the well has stabilized before a sample is collected

For wells with screen lengths longer than 10 feet the method above shall be modified such that three times the volume of the water contained in the screened interval of the well will be purged from the well prior to collecting groundwater samples using the low stress sampling procedures Purging will be conducted at a rate of less than 500 mLmin with field parameters being measured at 5 minute intervals or greater The screen lengths of the wells are shown in Table I

Groundwater samples will be collected by discoimecting the pump tubing from the flow-throughshycell (before the T-connectbr for the turbidity sample see Figure 2) and collecting the sample directly from the pump tubing by pumping the water from the dedicated pump tubing directly into the sample containers once the field parameters have stabilized within these limits Care shall be taken to ensure that the tubing is not oscillated during the purging and sample collection and that the tubing remains water filled to minimize the risk of aerating the sample

Samples containers for analysis of total metals and VOCs will be pre-preserved (where required) and filled with minimal turbulence and with no headspace remaining in the container The

engineers I scientists I innovators

Gerardo Millan Ramos Page 4 of 4 GeOSyntCC^ November 3 2010 consultants

groundwater samples will be placed in a sample cooler immediately following collection and stored on ice in accordance with the sample handling and custody procedures The samples will be sent to Columbia Analytical Services (CAS) for analysis for the parameters listed in Table 2 and using the methods shown

21 Field QAQC Samples

Field quality assurance and quality control (QAQC) samples consisting of one equipment blank a trip blank matrix spikematrix spike duplicate samples and a field replicate sample will be collected to monitor sampling and laboratory analytical performance with respect to the groundwater samples All samples will be submitted blindly (ie without the well identification or sample location included in the sample number) to the laboratory

Any activity related to this sampling event not covered in this addendum will be conducted in accordance with the existing Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP Geosyntec 2010) This includes but is not limited to such things as field documentation instrument calibration sample custody procedures sample transport to the analytical lab sample ID numbers analytical reporting limits field sampling and fixed laboratory quality confrol acceptance criteria and data validation

If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to call Tom Krug or Suzanne OHara at (519) 822-2230


Geosyntec Consultants International Inc (Geosyntec) 2010 Updated Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) for Groundwater Monitoring During Preferred Remedial Action Part 1 Field Sampling Plan Part II Quality Assurance Project Plan Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfund Site Revised Report

United States Environmental Protection Agency New England (Region I) 2010a Second Five-Year Review Report for the Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfund Site Somersworth New Hampshire

EPA 2010b Low Stress (low flow) Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells EQASOP-GW 001 Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 3 January 19 2010

Attachment Figure 1 Site Map Figure 2 Sampling Set Up Table 1 Well Construction Details Table 2 Analytes and Quantitation Limits for Analyses Attachment A - Low Flow Sampling

engineers I scientists I innovators

TABLE 1 Geosyntec Consultants

WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Somersworth Sanitary Landflll Superfund Site New Hampsliire

Total Type of Depth Pump

Screen Screen of Used to Monitoring Date Well Depth Length Boring Sample Well

Well Installed Type (ft bgs) (ft) (ft bgs)

B-6R Jun-85 Bedrock 55-78 23 78 Peristaltic B-I2L Oct-86 Overburden 104-20 10 20 Peristaltic B-I3WT Oct-86 Overburden l()-9 9 9 PDB CTW-21U Jan-01 Overburden 81-231 15 24 Peristaltic

CTW-24U Aug-05 Overburden 10-25 15 253 Peristaltic CTW-41U Jan-01 Overburden 82-232 15 236 Peristaltic OB-lOlU Mar-07 Overburden 12-22 10 23 Peristaltic OB-lOlR Mar-07 Overburden 72-82 10 83 Peristaltic 0B-7R Oct-90 Bedrock 53-63 10 675 Peristaltic 0B-16U Jan-92 Overburden 25-45 20 45 Peristaltic OB-17U Jan-92 Overburden 30-50 20 505 Peristaltic OB-24R Jan-01 Bedrock 2545-4545 20 459 Peristaltic

Notes () - previous consultants reports provide insufficient detail to confirm this information ft bgs - feet below ground surface ft - feet PDB - Passive Diffusion Bag

TR0057 Table 1 Well Construction Details 20101029

Geosyntec Consultants

TABLE 2 ANALYTES AND QUANTITATION LIMITS FOR ANALYSES Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfund Site New Hampshire

Groundwater VOCs 8021 Compound

benzene methylene chloride tetrachloroethene trichlorethene 11 -dichloroethene cis 12-dichloroethene trans 12-dichioroethene vinyl chloride

Groundwater VOCs 8260B Compound

Acetone Benzene Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene tert-Butylbenzene Carbon disulfide Carbon tetrachloride Chloroethane Chloromethane 2-ChlorotoIuene 4-Chlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane Dibromochloropropane Dibromomethane Dichlorodifluoromethane Diethyl ether 12-Dichlorobenzene 13-Dichlorobenzene 14-Dichlorobenzene 11 -Dichloroethane 12-Dichloroethane 11 -Dichloroethylene cis-12-Diohloroethylene trans-12-Dichloroethylene 12-DichIoropropane 22-Dichloropropane 11-Dichloropropene 13-Dichloropropene (mixed isomers) Diisopropyl ether (DIPE) Ethylbenzene Ethyl Tertiary-butyl ether (ETBE) Hexachlorobutadiene 2-Hexanone Isopropyl benzene p-Isopropyltoluene Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) Methylene chloride Methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) Monochlorobenzene Tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME) Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene

Reporting Limit USL

Reporting Limit ugL

50 5 5 5

06 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 5

02 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

05 10 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5

TR0237 20101020 Table 2 Analytes and quantitation limits for analyses Page 1 of2

Geosyntec Consultants

TABLE 2 ANALYTES AND QUANTITATION LIMITS FOR ANALYSES Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfund Site New Hampshire

Groundwater VOCs 8260B (contd) Compoimd Styrene Tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA) Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) 1112-Tetrachloroethane 1122-Tetrachloroethane Tetrahydrofiiran Toluene 123-Trichlorobenzene 124-Trichlorobenzene +135-Trichlorobenzene 111 -Trichloroethane 112-Trichloroethane Trichloromethane (Chloroform) Trichlorofluoromethane Trichloroethylene (TCE) 123-Trichloropropane 124-Trimethylbenzene 135-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl chloride Xylenes (mixed isomers)

Groudnwater VOCs 8011 Compound

Ethylene dibromide (EDB)

Groundwater VOC 8270 LVI Compound

14-Dioxane Metals 6010C Compound

Arsenic Iron Selenium Cadmium Chromium (Total) Copper Lead Antimony Silver Thalium Zinc Beryllium Nickle [Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium Dissolved Iron Notes |igL - micrograms per litre mgL - miligram per litre

Reporting Limit 5 30 5 5 2 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 5

Reporting Limit ugL 005

Reporting Limit ugL


Reporting Limit mgL


TR0237 Table 2 Analytes and quantitation limits for analyses Page 2 of2 20101020

^ ^^t^^

Boundary of Groundwater Management Zone

Full-scale chemical treatment wait

Landfill gas venting trench

City of Somersworth property boundary

Approximate extent of waste area

Color Key

bull bull Wells to be sampled in November 2010

Symbol Key


A Staff gauge

bull Overburden piezometer

O Overburden well




Overburden bedrock well

Bedrock well

Extraction well

-6-Soi l gas probe CTW-20 ^ - ^ CTW monitoring transect

iDo 0 100 200 soon

SKe Monitoring Network Somersworth Landfill Superfund Site Somersworth NH

Geosyntec Figure

consultants 1 November 2010

Water Quality Meter + Flow-Through-Cell

r 1

Pump Graduated Waste Container

Water Level ^ Z Groundwater Meter Elevation

Pump Intake Screen Interval

Low-Flow Setup Diagram Somersworth Landfill Superfund Site Somersworth NH

Geosyntec Figure

consultants - 2

Guelph November 2010



Section Page


11 Overview 1

12 Objective 1

13 Equipment and Supplies 1


21 Pre-Mobilization Activities 2

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures 3

Inventory 3

222 Calibration 3

223 Well Inspection 3

23 Well Purging and Sampling 4

231 Set-up 4

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol) 4

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol 5

234 Field Measurements 5

235 Sampling 6

236 Observations During Sampling 7

237 Storage and Shipping 7

24 Documentation 7




11 Overview

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was prepared to provide instructions for groundwater sampling using the USEPA low-flowminimal drawdown well purging protocol (EPA 2010) Included in this SOP are field forms for sampling and meter calibration instructions and directions for documentation

This SOP will be implemented in accordance with the following governing documents

bullHealth and Safety Plan (HASP) which identifies all physical chemical and

biological hazards relevant to each field task and provides hazard mitigators to

address these hazards

bullField Sampling Plan (FSP) which provides details for field sampling locations and

procedures and which will be most frequently used by field staff on-site and

bullQuality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) which is written to establish protocols necessary to ensure that the data generated are of a quality sufficient to ensure that valid conclusions are drawn from the site characterization

12 Objective

The objective of low flow sampling techniques is to collect a representative groundwater sample from a monitoring well

13 Equipment and Supplies

Pump and probe selection may differ depending on the well diameter groundwater constituents and depth to groundwater but generally sampling will require the following equipment

bull Peristaltic bladder submersible or Waterra pump capable of a flow rate between 50 and 500 mLminute and appropriate power supply including compressor if needed The pump type will principally depend on the depth to water and well diameter Bladder or submersible pumps are preferred peristaltic pumps are acceptable only for wells where the depth to water is less than about 25 feet and Waterra pumps are only recommended for narrow diameter wells that caimot be sampled using a bladder or peristaltic pump

bull Field parameters except turbidity will be monitored using an YSI Model 600XL water quality instrument or equivalent Groundwater will be monitored in-line using aflow-through cell Turbidity will be measured by collecting grab samples before theflow-through-cell while purging each well Each grab sample will be analyzed using a Lamotte 2020 turbidity meter or equivalent

Water level tape (Solinst)

Teflon-lined tubing coimections and tools as appropriate sufficient tubing to dedicate to each well

Graduated cylinder or 1-liter bottle and stopwatch

5-gallon bucket and funnel for purge water

Field forms for meter calibration and groundwater sample collection (included in SOP)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (as specified in the HASP)

Air monitoring equipment as specified in HASP

Decontamination supplies as specified in FSP and QAPP

Sample containers and cooler

Clean plastic sheeting paper towels and miscellaneous supplies

pH paper


21 Pre-Mobilization Activities

bull Obtain the construction diameter depth material screened interval and map showing location for each monitoring well to be sampled

Obtain a listing of the parameters that will be measured in the field or laboratory bull as part of this sampling program including the required analytical method sample volume and holding time for each parameter The parameters that will be measured in the field are the low-flow stabilization parameters including temperature pH specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity These parameters will be recorded during low flow purging and immediately prior to collection of samples for laboratory analysis Remaining parameters will be measured in the laboratory

Verify that all equipment on order is being shipped to the site

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures

Several steps are required before sampling any of the wells These steps ensure that instruments are functioning and properly calibrated and that the necessary equipment has been supplied for efficient and accurate sampling

221 Inventory

Verify that the correct equipment has been received by the field site and that it is clean (decontaminated) Inventory sample containers to verify that the laboratory has provided the correct number of containers of the proper size and containing the correct preservative if required To the extent possible pre-labeltag and bundle sample containers for each well to avoid confiasion during sample collection

Verify that the appropriate PPE and ancillary supplies (eg paper towels decontamination solution) have been received by the field site The appropriate protective equipment as specified in the HASP will be reviewed during a morning tailgate meeting Contact the field manager or project manager immediately if there are discrepancies

222 Calibration

Calibrate the field probes consistent with the EPAs SOP for calibration of field instruments (EPA 2010b) before sampling and at the start of each field day Check the calibration at the end of each day Record the calibration data on the field calibration form provided in this SOP A check of the calibration shall be performed at least once more during the field day Instruments will be recalibrated as necessary (eg when calibration checks indicate incorrect operation) to ensure accurate measurements and all checks and recalibrations will be recorded on field calibration forms Calibration will also be checked if any readings during sampling are suspect

223 Well Inspection

Inspect the well for the presence of lock and cap surface seal integrity obstructions evidence of tampering debris or surface water collecting in flush mounts Note any irregularities in the groimdwater sampling field form included with this SOP The sampler must call the project manager if any irregularity is encoimtered in the inspection that compromises the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

23 Well Purging and Sampling

Sampling is performed using a five-step procedure that will be followed upon arrival at each well

1 set-up

2 purging

3 measurement of field parameters and field testing

4 sampling and

5 clean-up and decontamination

Detailed procedures for performing each of these steps are provided in the following subsections

231 Set-up

All necessary equipment for purging sampling and storage will be brought to the well before the well is opened Equipment will be placed on a clean plastic sheet near the well General parameters describing the well and field condition (eg well identification depth weather date and time) will be documented on a field data sheet PPE as required by the HASP will be doimed prior to opening well and air monitoring will be performed per HASP requirements while opening well Sampling begins by opening the well and measuring the depth to the water table The tubing field probe and reservoir for purged water are then set up

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol)

Wells are purged using the low flowminimum drawdown protocol as described by the

EPA (EPA 2010a) and summarized below The general procedural requirements for

low-flow purging are listed below

bull Minimize disturbance of the water column in the well by initiating pumping at a low rate (see below) Dedicated tubing (left in-place between sampling events) is also recommended to minimize disturbance to the water column before and during sampling

bull Begin pumping at a steady rate of 100 mLmin and measure the depth to water frequently (eg every minute for the first few minutes) to ensure that less than 01 ft of drawdown occurs The pumping rate may be increased if drawdown is less than 01 ft but the pumping rate will not exceed 500 mLmin

bull Field parameters and depth to water will be recorded on field data sheets at five minute intervals or greater (after each flow through cell volume has been

removed) while purging Purging will continue until pH temperature specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity stabilize (three consecutive readings) which is defined as follows

bull pH(+-01 unit)

bull temperature (3) bull specific conductance (3) bull ORP (+- 10 millivolts) bull DO (10 for gt05 mgL and if three DO readings are less than 05 mgL consider

stabilized) and

bull turbidity (10 for values gt5 nepholometric turbidity unit [NTU] if three readings are less than 5 NTU consider stabilized)

Samples for turbidity are collected before water enters the flow-through cell These water quality parameters are used to indicate that the well has stabilized before a sample is collected

In the case that the above criteria for stabilization are not met before three well volumes have been pumped then a maximum of five well volumes will be pumped before samples are taken Also if stabilization has not occurred after two hours of purging regardless of well volume status samples will be collected at this point and an accurate account of the attempts made to achieve stable parameters will be recorded on the field forms

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol

For wells with screen lengths longer than 10 the method above shall be modified such that three times the volume of the water contained in the screened interval of the well will be purged from the well prior to collecting groundwater samples using the low stress sampling procedures Purging will be conducted at a rate of less than 500 mLmin with field parameters being measured every 5 minutes

234 Field Measurements

Field parameter measurements will be recorded following parameter stabilization

(purging) and before sampling The pumping rate and sampler intake location in the

well are not to be adjusted after purging The field parameters measured are pH

temperature specific conductance DO ORP and turbidity

235 Sampling

Samples will be collected after field parameters have stabilized and measurements recorded The pump rate and sample intake location will not be adjusted between purging and sampling Samples are to be obtained from the influent line (prior) to the flow-through cell (ie field parameters carmot be measured during sampling) The following sampling strategy is to be followed at each location in its entirety prior to beginning a new location (

Sampling Methods by Analytical Group

Sample containers are to be filled in the order listed below and on the field data sheet using the following protocols Note that many sample containers contain preservatives hence it is necessary to fill each container carefully enough to avoid or minimize overfilling which may dilute the preservative to unacceptable levels For each analysis one of the corresponding containers will be tested with pH paper to confirm that the pH meets the corresponding limits stated in this SOP

1 Volatile organic compoimd (VOC) samples will be collected first Sample containers are to be completely filled so that a meniscus forms over the opening of the container The container lid will be moistened with groundwater and screwed to the container body The container is then turned upside down and inspected for air bubbles If air bubbles exist in the container then it is topped off to eliminate bubbles This procedure is repeated until there are no entrapped bubbles in the container Filled samples are stored at 4degC (+2degC)

2 Geochemistry-related parameters are to be sampled in the following order and with the following procedure

a) Alkalinity ferrous iron and sulfide measurements will be collected in the field per the field kit manufacturers instructions

b) Major anions (sulfate orthophosphate) - water will be dispensed into two 500 mL plastic bottles sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn2degC)

3 After all of the geochemistry-related parameters are collected the following samples are collected

a) Metals -Unfiltered water (for total metals analysis) will be dispensed directly in to a 500 mL wide mouth plastic bottle with HNO3 as a preservative to achieve a pH below 2 sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn 2degC)

236 Observations During Sampling

Field sampling staff will identify and log any observations that may be considered unusual into a field notebook or on the groundwater sampling field form for each well These observations include but are not limited to excessive bubbling within the tubing or in the sample containers as they are filled odors such as sulfide excessive turbidity solids or formation of precipitates in the samples color changes in the water and unusual sounds made by the equipment In addition sampling personnel will note the condition of the well upon arrival and inspection If the well casing is damaged and there are anomalies in the calculated water level at the well then the casing damage may indicate compromised sample quality

237 Storage and Shipping

All samples will be immediately placed on ice (preferably double-bagged wet ice packs)

to remain at 4degC (+2degC) prior to and during shipment to the laboratory The sample

containers will be stored in a cooler until further processing

24 Documentation

Field documentation includes completed calibration records groundwater sampling

field forms and other field notes deemed relevant It is essential that field data sheets

be filled out completely and legibly at each location and that entries are consistent for

each location and among different personnel As referenced above groundwater

sampling data and calibration forms are provided with this SOP The following

infonnation will be recorded

job site date and sampler

well identification and description

depth to water

casing volume calculation

depth of pump intake during purging and sampling

equipment used (field probes tubing model and serial numbers)

purge rate field parameters (temperature conductivity DO ORP pH and turbidity) and depth to water recorded every 5 minutes

sampling parameters

stabilized field parameters

V ^shy

identification time container types preservatives and analytical methods for samples and

space for comments


EPA 2010a Low Stress (low flow) Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells EQASOP-GW 001 Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 3 January 19 2010

EPA 2010b Standar Operating Proceedure forCalibration of Field Instruments EQASOP-FieldCalib Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 2 January 192010

RE Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event SOHara to Gerardo Millan-Ramos 11042010 1144 AM Cc bbelmore davelwest edwardjamison nieclerc TKrug twillis

History This message has been replied to


Attached is the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum that includes the edits you requested for items 2 and 3 below For item 1 below the reference in the first sentence of Section 2 is correct - it refers to the references in the main body of the sampling plan and not to the attachment


Original Message From Millan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov [ mailtoMillan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov] Sent Thursday November 04 2 010 1011 AM To Suzanne OHara Cc bbelmoresomersworthcom davelwestgecom edwardjamisongecom nleclerccomcastnet Tom Krug twillissomersworthcom Subject Re Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event


I have reviewed the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum Overall it is well written I only have minor commentsrequests

1 On page 3 the first sentence of Section 2 seems to have the wrong reference (EPA 2 010a ) Please correct 2 On Table 1 please add a column indicating the type of pump that will be used at each well 3 On Section 223 please add a sentence indicating that the sampler must call the project manager if shehe encounters any irregularity compromising the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

Please resubmit the Addendum with the edits aforementioned as soon as possible (NLT Friday Nov 5 at 200 PM)

Gerardo Millan-Ramos Remedial Project Manager Office of Site Remediation and Restoration US EPA Region 1 - New England tel (617) 918-1377 fax (617) 918-0377

From ltSOHaraGeosynteccomgt

To bull Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUSEPA

Cc ltbbelmoresomersworthcomgt ltedwardjamisongecomgt ltdave1westgecomgt

lttwillissomersworthcomgt ltnleclerccopycomcastnetgt


Date 11032010 0528 PM

Subject Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event

Gerardo Please find attached the revised sampling plan addendum for the sampling of metals and potential VI issues that are scheduled to take place next week The attached addresses your comments from your October 29 2010 letter


Suzanne OHara Hydrogeologist

130 Research Lane Suite 2 Guelph Ont NlG 5G3 Phone 5198222230 ext 234 Fax 5198223151 wwwGeosynteccom

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is or may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY IN NATURE OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE and (b) is intended only for the use of the Addressee(s) named herein If you are not the intended recipient an addressee or the person responsible for delivering this to an addressee you are hereby notified that reading using copying or distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited If you have received this electronic mail message in error please contact us immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system

[attachment Revised Sampling and Analysis Addendum Memoll032010pdf deleted by Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUS]

Page 3: REVISED SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN (SAP) ADDENDUM ... · "Site") and presents our proposed plan for sampling groundwater for total metals analysis and for the collection of additional

Gerardo Millan Ramos Page 3 of 4 GeOSyTlteC ^ November 3 2010 consultants


Bedrock and overburden monitoring wells sampling will be conducted in accordance with the EPA low stress protocol (EPA 2010b) Prior to collecting groimdwater samples for chemical analysis using the low sfress sampling procedures the stagnant water in the well casing will be removed (purged) to allow sampling groundwater directly from the subsurface thereby minimizing the potential for the collection of chemically-altered water The water level in the well will be measured immediately before purging starts during purging and after sample collection using the standard procedure provided in Attachment A With this protocol a well is purged at a rate of less than 500 mLmin with field parameters being measured at 5 minutes intervals or greater (after at least one subsequent flow-through-cell volume has passed through the flow-through cell) Monitoring wells will be purged imtil the field measured parameters pH temperature specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity have stabilized such that 3 consecutive readings taken at 5 minute intervals are within the following limits

bull pH(+-01 unit) bull temperature (3) bull specific conductance (3) bull ORP (+- 10 millivolts) bull DO (10 for gt05 mgL and if three DO readings are less than 05 mgL consider stabilized)

and bull turbidity (10 for values gt5 nepholometric turbidity unit [NTU] if three readings are less

than 5 NTU consider stabilized)

Samples for turbidity are collected before water enters the flow-through cell These water quality parameters are used to indicate that the well has stabilized before a sample is collected

For wells with screen lengths longer than 10 feet the method above shall be modified such that three times the volume of the water contained in the screened interval of the well will be purged from the well prior to collecting groundwater samples using the low stress sampling procedures Purging will be conducted at a rate of less than 500 mLmin with field parameters being measured at 5 minute intervals or greater The screen lengths of the wells are shown in Table I

Groundwater samples will be collected by discoimecting the pump tubing from the flow-throughshycell (before the T-connectbr for the turbidity sample see Figure 2) and collecting the sample directly from the pump tubing by pumping the water from the dedicated pump tubing directly into the sample containers once the field parameters have stabilized within these limits Care shall be taken to ensure that the tubing is not oscillated during the purging and sample collection and that the tubing remains water filled to minimize the risk of aerating the sample

Samples containers for analysis of total metals and VOCs will be pre-preserved (where required) and filled with minimal turbulence and with no headspace remaining in the container The

engineers I scientists I innovators

Gerardo Millan Ramos Page 4 of 4 GeOSyntCC^ November 3 2010 consultants

groundwater samples will be placed in a sample cooler immediately following collection and stored on ice in accordance with the sample handling and custody procedures The samples will be sent to Columbia Analytical Services (CAS) for analysis for the parameters listed in Table 2 and using the methods shown

21 Field QAQC Samples

Field quality assurance and quality control (QAQC) samples consisting of one equipment blank a trip blank matrix spikematrix spike duplicate samples and a field replicate sample will be collected to monitor sampling and laboratory analytical performance with respect to the groundwater samples All samples will be submitted blindly (ie without the well identification or sample location included in the sample number) to the laboratory

Any activity related to this sampling event not covered in this addendum will be conducted in accordance with the existing Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP Geosyntec 2010) This includes but is not limited to such things as field documentation instrument calibration sample custody procedures sample transport to the analytical lab sample ID numbers analytical reporting limits field sampling and fixed laboratory quality confrol acceptance criteria and data validation

If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to call Tom Krug or Suzanne OHara at (519) 822-2230


Geosyntec Consultants International Inc (Geosyntec) 2010 Updated Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) for Groundwater Monitoring During Preferred Remedial Action Part 1 Field Sampling Plan Part II Quality Assurance Project Plan Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfund Site Revised Report

United States Environmental Protection Agency New England (Region I) 2010a Second Five-Year Review Report for the Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfund Site Somersworth New Hampshire

EPA 2010b Low Stress (low flow) Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells EQASOP-GW 001 Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 3 January 19 2010

Attachment Figure 1 Site Map Figure 2 Sampling Set Up Table 1 Well Construction Details Table 2 Analytes and Quantitation Limits for Analyses Attachment A - Low Flow Sampling

engineers I scientists I innovators

TABLE 1 Geosyntec Consultants

WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Somersworth Sanitary Landflll Superfund Site New Hampsliire

Total Type of Depth Pump

Screen Screen of Used to Monitoring Date Well Depth Length Boring Sample Well

Well Installed Type (ft bgs) (ft) (ft bgs)

B-6R Jun-85 Bedrock 55-78 23 78 Peristaltic B-I2L Oct-86 Overburden 104-20 10 20 Peristaltic B-I3WT Oct-86 Overburden l()-9 9 9 PDB CTW-21U Jan-01 Overburden 81-231 15 24 Peristaltic

CTW-24U Aug-05 Overburden 10-25 15 253 Peristaltic CTW-41U Jan-01 Overburden 82-232 15 236 Peristaltic OB-lOlU Mar-07 Overburden 12-22 10 23 Peristaltic OB-lOlR Mar-07 Overburden 72-82 10 83 Peristaltic 0B-7R Oct-90 Bedrock 53-63 10 675 Peristaltic 0B-16U Jan-92 Overburden 25-45 20 45 Peristaltic OB-17U Jan-92 Overburden 30-50 20 505 Peristaltic OB-24R Jan-01 Bedrock 2545-4545 20 459 Peristaltic

Notes () - previous consultants reports provide insufficient detail to confirm this information ft bgs - feet below ground surface ft - feet PDB - Passive Diffusion Bag

TR0057 Table 1 Well Construction Details 20101029

Geosyntec Consultants

TABLE 2 ANALYTES AND QUANTITATION LIMITS FOR ANALYSES Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfund Site New Hampshire

Groundwater VOCs 8021 Compound

benzene methylene chloride tetrachloroethene trichlorethene 11 -dichloroethene cis 12-dichloroethene trans 12-dichioroethene vinyl chloride

Groundwater VOCs 8260B Compound

Acetone Benzene Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene tert-Butylbenzene Carbon disulfide Carbon tetrachloride Chloroethane Chloromethane 2-ChlorotoIuene 4-Chlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane Dibromochloropropane Dibromomethane Dichlorodifluoromethane Diethyl ether 12-Dichlorobenzene 13-Dichlorobenzene 14-Dichlorobenzene 11 -Dichloroethane 12-Dichloroethane 11 -Dichloroethylene cis-12-Diohloroethylene trans-12-Dichloroethylene 12-DichIoropropane 22-Dichloropropane 11-Dichloropropene 13-Dichloropropene (mixed isomers) Diisopropyl ether (DIPE) Ethylbenzene Ethyl Tertiary-butyl ether (ETBE) Hexachlorobutadiene 2-Hexanone Isopropyl benzene p-Isopropyltoluene Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) Methylene chloride Methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) Monochlorobenzene Tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME) Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene

Reporting Limit USL

Reporting Limit ugL

50 5 5 5

06 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 5

02 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

05 10 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5

TR0237 20101020 Table 2 Analytes and quantitation limits for analyses Page 1 of2

Geosyntec Consultants

TABLE 2 ANALYTES AND QUANTITATION LIMITS FOR ANALYSES Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfund Site New Hampshire

Groundwater VOCs 8260B (contd) Compoimd Styrene Tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA) Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) 1112-Tetrachloroethane 1122-Tetrachloroethane Tetrahydrofiiran Toluene 123-Trichlorobenzene 124-Trichlorobenzene +135-Trichlorobenzene 111 -Trichloroethane 112-Trichloroethane Trichloromethane (Chloroform) Trichlorofluoromethane Trichloroethylene (TCE) 123-Trichloropropane 124-Trimethylbenzene 135-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl chloride Xylenes (mixed isomers)

Groudnwater VOCs 8011 Compound

Ethylene dibromide (EDB)

Groundwater VOC 8270 LVI Compound

14-Dioxane Metals 6010C Compound

Arsenic Iron Selenium Cadmium Chromium (Total) Copper Lead Antimony Silver Thalium Zinc Beryllium Nickle [Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium Dissolved Iron Notes |igL - micrograms per litre mgL - miligram per litre

Reporting Limit 5 30 5 5 2 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 5

Reporting Limit ugL 005

Reporting Limit ugL


Reporting Limit mgL


TR0237 Table 2 Analytes and quantitation limits for analyses Page 2 of2 20101020

^ ^^t^^

Boundary of Groundwater Management Zone

Full-scale chemical treatment wait

Landfill gas venting trench

City of Somersworth property boundary

Approximate extent of waste area

Color Key

bull bull Wells to be sampled in November 2010

Symbol Key


A Staff gauge

bull Overburden piezometer

O Overburden well




Overburden bedrock well

Bedrock well

Extraction well

-6-Soi l gas probe CTW-20 ^ - ^ CTW monitoring transect

iDo 0 100 200 soon

SKe Monitoring Network Somersworth Landfill Superfund Site Somersworth NH

Geosyntec Figure

consultants 1 November 2010

Water Quality Meter + Flow-Through-Cell

r 1

Pump Graduated Waste Container

Water Level ^ Z Groundwater Meter Elevation

Pump Intake Screen Interval

Low-Flow Setup Diagram Somersworth Landfill Superfund Site Somersworth NH

Geosyntec Figure

consultants - 2

Guelph November 2010



Section Page


11 Overview 1

12 Objective 1

13 Equipment and Supplies 1


21 Pre-Mobilization Activities 2

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures 3

Inventory 3

222 Calibration 3

223 Well Inspection 3

23 Well Purging and Sampling 4

231 Set-up 4

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol) 4

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol 5

234 Field Measurements 5

235 Sampling 6

236 Observations During Sampling 7

237 Storage and Shipping 7

24 Documentation 7




11 Overview

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was prepared to provide instructions for groundwater sampling using the USEPA low-flowminimal drawdown well purging protocol (EPA 2010) Included in this SOP are field forms for sampling and meter calibration instructions and directions for documentation

This SOP will be implemented in accordance with the following governing documents

bullHealth and Safety Plan (HASP) which identifies all physical chemical and

biological hazards relevant to each field task and provides hazard mitigators to

address these hazards

bullField Sampling Plan (FSP) which provides details for field sampling locations and

procedures and which will be most frequently used by field staff on-site and

bullQuality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) which is written to establish protocols necessary to ensure that the data generated are of a quality sufficient to ensure that valid conclusions are drawn from the site characterization

12 Objective

The objective of low flow sampling techniques is to collect a representative groundwater sample from a monitoring well

13 Equipment and Supplies

Pump and probe selection may differ depending on the well diameter groundwater constituents and depth to groundwater but generally sampling will require the following equipment

bull Peristaltic bladder submersible or Waterra pump capable of a flow rate between 50 and 500 mLminute and appropriate power supply including compressor if needed The pump type will principally depend on the depth to water and well diameter Bladder or submersible pumps are preferred peristaltic pumps are acceptable only for wells where the depth to water is less than about 25 feet and Waterra pumps are only recommended for narrow diameter wells that caimot be sampled using a bladder or peristaltic pump

bull Field parameters except turbidity will be monitored using an YSI Model 600XL water quality instrument or equivalent Groundwater will be monitored in-line using aflow-through cell Turbidity will be measured by collecting grab samples before theflow-through-cell while purging each well Each grab sample will be analyzed using a Lamotte 2020 turbidity meter or equivalent

Water level tape (Solinst)

Teflon-lined tubing coimections and tools as appropriate sufficient tubing to dedicate to each well

Graduated cylinder or 1-liter bottle and stopwatch

5-gallon bucket and funnel for purge water

Field forms for meter calibration and groundwater sample collection (included in SOP)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (as specified in the HASP)

Air monitoring equipment as specified in HASP

Decontamination supplies as specified in FSP and QAPP

Sample containers and cooler

Clean plastic sheeting paper towels and miscellaneous supplies

pH paper


21 Pre-Mobilization Activities

bull Obtain the construction diameter depth material screened interval and map showing location for each monitoring well to be sampled

Obtain a listing of the parameters that will be measured in the field or laboratory bull as part of this sampling program including the required analytical method sample volume and holding time for each parameter The parameters that will be measured in the field are the low-flow stabilization parameters including temperature pH specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity These parameters will be recorded during low flow purging and immediately prior to collection of samples for laboratory analysis Remaining parameters will be measured in the laboratory

Verify that all equipment on order is being shipped to the site

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures

Several steps are required before sampling any of the wells These steps ensure that instruments are functioning and properly calibrated and that the necessary equipment has been supplied for efficient and accurate sampling

221 Inventory

Verify that the correct equipment has been received by the field site and that it is clean (decontaminated) Inventory sample containers to verify that the laboratory has provided the correct number of containers of the proper size and containing the correct preservative if required To the extent possible pre-labeltag and bundle sample containers for each well to avoid confiasion during sample collection

Verify that the appropriate PPE and ancillary supplies (eg paper towels decontamination solution) have been received by the field site The appropriate protective equipment as specified in the HASP will be reviewed during a morning tailgate meeting Contact the field manager or project manager immediately if there are discrepancies

222 Calibration

Calibrate the field probes consistent with the EPAs SOP for calibration of field instruments (EPA 2010b) before sampling and at the start of each field day Check the calibration at the end of each day Record the calibration data on the field calibration form provided in this SOP A check of the calibration shall be performed at least once more during the field day Instruments will be recalibrated as necessary (eg when calibration checks indicate incorrect operation) to ensure accurate measurements and all checks and recalibrations will be recorded on field calibration forms Calibration will also be checked if any readings during sampling are suspect

223 Well Inspection

Inspect the well for the presence of lock and cap surface seal integrity obstructions evidence of tampering debris or surface water collecting in flush mounts Note any irregularities in the groimdwater sampling field form included with this SOP The sampler must call the project manager if any irregularity is encoimtered in the inspection that compromises the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

23 Well Purging and Sampling

Sampling is performed using a five-step procedure that will be followed upon arrival at each well

1 set-up

2 purging

3 measurement of field parameters and field testing

4 sampling and

5 clean-up and decontamination

Detailed procedures for performing each of these steps are provided in the following subsections

231 Set-up

All necessary equipment for purging sampling and storage will be brought to the well before the well is opened Equipment will be placed on a clean plastic sheet near the well General parameters describing the well and field condition (eg well identification depth weather date and time) will be documented on a field data sheet PPE as required by the HASP will be doimed prior to opening well and air monitoring will be performed per HASP requirements while opening well Sampling begins by opening the well and measuring the depth to the water table The tubing field probe and reservoir for purged water are then set up

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol)

Wells are purged using the low flowminimum drawdown protocol as described by the

EPA (EPA 2010a) and summarized below The general procedural requirements for

low-flow purging are listed below

bull Minimize disturbance of the water column in the well by initiating pumping at a low rate (see below) Dedicated tubing (left in-place between sampling events) is also recommended to minimize disturbance to the water column before and during sampling

bull Begin pumping at a steady rate of 100 mLmin and measure the depth to water frequently (eg every minute for the first few minutes) to ensure that less than 01 ft of drawdown occurs The pumping rate may be increased if drawdown is less than 01 ft but the pumping rate will not exceed 500 mLmin

bull Field parameters and depth to water will be recorded on field data sheets at five minute intervals or greater (after each flow through cell volume has been

removed) while purging Purging will continue until pH temperature specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity stabilize (three consecutive readings) which is defined as follows

bull pH(+-01 unit)

bull temperature (3) bull specific conductance (3) bull ORP (+- 10 millivolts) bull DO (10 for gt05 mgL and if three DO readings are less than 05 mgL consider

stabilized) and

bull turbidity (10 for values gt5 nepholometric turbidity unit [NTU] if three readings are less than 5 NTU consider stabilized)

Samples for turbidity are collected before water enters the flow-through cell These water quality parameters are used to indicate that the well has stabilized before a sample is collected

In the case that the above criteria for stabilization are not met before three well volumes have been pumped then a maximum of five well volumes will be pumped before samples are taken Also if stabilization has not occurred after two hours of purging regardless of well volume status samples will be collected at this point and an accurate account of the attempts made to achieve stable parameters will be recorded on the field forms

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol

For wells with screen lengths longer than 10 the method above shall be modified such that three times the volume of the water contained in the screened interval of the well will be purged from the well prior to collecting groundwater samples using the low stress sampling procedures Purging will be conducted at a rate of less than 500 mLmin with field parameters being measured every 5 minutes

234 Field Measurements

Field parameter measurements will be recorded following parameter stabilization

(purging) and before sampling The pumping rate and sampler intake location in the

well are not to be adjusted after purging The field parameters measured are pH

temperature specific conductance DO ORP and turbidity

235 Sampling

Samples will be collected after field parameters have stabilized and measurements recorded The pump rate and sample intake location will not be adjusted between purging and sampling Samples are to be obtained from the influent line (prior) to the flow-through cell (ie field parameters carmot be measured during sampling) The following sampling strategy is to be followed at each location in its entirety prior to beginning a new location (

Sampling Methods by Analytical Group

Sample containers are to be filled in the order listed below and on the field data sheet using the following protocols Note that many sample containers contain preservatives hence it is necessary to fill each container carefully enough to avoid or minimize overfilling which may dilute the preservative to unacceptable levels For each analysis one of the corresponding containers will be tested with pH paper to confirm that the pH meets the corresponding limits stated in this SOP

1 Volatile organic compoimd (VOC) samples will be collected first Sample containers are to be completely filled so that a meniscus forms over the opening of the container The container lid will be moistened with groundwater and screwed to the container body The container is then turned upside down and inspected for air bubbles If air bubbles exist in the container then it is topped off to eliminate bubbles This procedure is repeated until there are no entrapped bubbles in the container Filled samples are stored at 4degC (+2degC)

2 Geochemistry-related parameters are to be sampled in the following order and with the following procedure

a) Alkalinity ferrous iron and sulfide measurements will be collected in the field per the field kit manufacturers instructions

b) Major anions (sulfate orthophosphate) - water will be dispensed into two 500 mL plastic bottles sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn2degC)

3 After all of the geochemistry-related parameters are collected the following samples are collected

a) Metals -Unfiltered water (for total metals analysis) will be dispensed directly in to a 500 mL wide mouth plastic bottle with HNO3 as a preservative to achieve a pH below 2 sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn 2degC)

236 Observations During Sampling

Field sampling staff will identify and log any observations that may be considered unusual into a field notebook or on the groundwater sampling field form for each well These observations include but are not limited to excessive bubbling within the tubing or in the sample containers as they are filled odors such as sulfide excessive turbidity solids or formation of precipitates in the samples color changes in the water and unusual sounds made by the equipment In addition sampling personnel will note the condition of the well upon arrival and inspection If the well casing is damaged and there are anomalies in the calculated water level at the well then the casing damage may indicate compromised sample quality

237 Storage and Shipping

All samples will be immediately placed on ice (preferably double-bagged wet ice packs)

to remain at 4degC (+2degC) prior to and during shipment to the laboratory The sample

containers will be stored in a cooler until further processing

24 Documentation

Field documentation includes completed calibration records groundwater sampling

field forms and other field notes deemed relevant It is essential that field data sheets

be filled out completely and legibly at each location and that entries are consistent for

each location and among different personnel As referenced above groundwater

sampling data and calibration forms are provided with this SOP The following

infonnation will be recorded

job site date and sampler

well identification and description

depth to water

casing volume calculation

depth of pump intake during purging and sampling

equipment used (field probes tubing model and serial numbers)

purge rate field parameters (temperature conductivity DO ORP pH and turbidity) and depth to water recorded every 5 minutes

sampling parameters

stabilized field parameters

V ^shy

identification time container types preservatives and analytical methods for samples and

space for comments


EPA 2010a Low Stress (low flow) Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells EQASOP-GW 001 Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 3 January 19 2010

EPA 2010b Standar Operating Proceedure forCalibration of Field Instruments EQASOP-FieldCalib Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 2 January 192010

RE Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event SOHara to Gerardo Millan-Ramos 11042010 1144 AM Cc bbelmore davelwest edwardjamison nieclerc TKrug twillis

History This message has been replied to


Attached is the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum that includes the edits you requested for items 2 and 3 below For item 1 below the reference in the first sentence of Section 2 is correct - it refers to the references in the main body of the sampling plan and not to the attachment


Original Message From Millan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov [ mailtoMillan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov] Sent Thursday November 04 2 010 1011 AM To Suzanne OHara Cc bbelmoresomersworthcom davelwestgecom edwardjamisongecom nleclerccomcastnet Tom Krug twillissomersworthcom Subject Re Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event


I have reviewed the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum Overall it is well written I only have minor commentsrequests

1 On page 3 the first sentence of Section 2 seems to have the wrong reference (EPA 2 010a ) Please correct 2 On Table 1 please add a column indicating the type of pump that will be used at each well 3 On Section 223 please add a sentence indicating that the sampler must call the project manager if shehe encounters any irregularity compromising the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

Please resubmit the Addendum with the edits aforementioned as soon as possible (NLT Friday Nov 5 at 200 PM)

Gerardo Millan-Ramos Remedial Project Manager Office of Site Remediation and Restoration US EPA Region 1 - New England tel (617) 918-1377 fax (617) 918-0377

From ltSOHaraGeosynteccomgt

To bull Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUSEPA

Cc ltbbelmoresomersworthcomgt ltedwardjamisongecomgt ltdave1westgecomgt

lttwillissomersworthcomgt ltnleclerccopycomcastnetgt


Date 11032010 0528 PM

Subject Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event

Gerardo Please find attached the revised sampling plan addendum for the sampling of metals and potential VI issues that are scheduled to take place next week The attached addresses your comments from your October 29 2010 letter


Suzanne OHara Hydrogeologist

130 Research Lane Suite 2 Guelph Ont NlG 5G3 Phone 5198222230 ext 234 Fax 5198223151 wwwGeosynteccom

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is or may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY IN NATURE OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE and (b) is intended only for the use of the Addressee(s) named herein If you are not the intended recipient an addressee or the person responsible for delivering this to an addressee you are hereby notified that reading using copying or distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited If you have received this electronic mail message in error please contact us immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system

[attachment Revised Sampling and Analysis Addendum Memoll032010pdf deleted by Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUS]

Page 4: REVISED SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN (SAP) ADDENDUM ... · "Site") and presents our proposed plan for sampling groundwater for total metals analysis and for the collection of additional

Gerardo Millan Ramos Page 4 of 4 GeOSyntCC^ November 3 2010 consultants

groundwater samples will be placed in a sample cooler immediately following collection and stored on ice in accordance with the sample handling and custody procedures The samples will be sent to Columbia Analytical Services (CAS) for analysis for the parameters listed in Table 2 and using the methods shown

21 Field QAQC Samples

Field quality assurance and quality control (QAQC) samples consisting of one equipment blank a trip blank matrix spikematrix spike duplicate samples and a field replicate sample will be collected to monitor sampling and laboratory analytical performance with respect to the groundwater samples All samples will be submitted blindly (ie without the well identification or sample location included in the sample number) to the laboratory

Any activity related to this sampling event not covered in this addendum will be conducted in accordance with the existing Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP Geosyntec 2010) This includes but is not limited to such things as field documentation instrument calibration sample custody procedures sample transport to the analytical lab sample ID numbers analytical reporting limits field sampling and fixed laboratory quality confrol acceptance criteria and data validation

If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to call Tom Krug or Suzanne OHara at (519) 822-2230


Geosyntec Consultants International Inc (Geosyntec) 2010 Updated Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) for Groundwater Monitoring During Preferred Remedial Action Part 1 Field Sampling Plan Part II Quality Assurance Project Plan Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfund Site Revised Report

United States Environmental Protection Agency New England (Region I) 2010a Second Five-Year Review Report for the Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfund Site Somersworth New Hampshire

EPA 2010b Low Stress (low flow) Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells EQASOP-GW 001 Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 3 January 19 2010

Attachment Figure 1 Site Map Figure 2 Sampling Set Up Table 1 Well Construction Details Table 2 Analytes and Quantitation Limits for Analyses Attachment A - Low Flow Sampling

engineers I scientists I innovators

TABLE 1 Geosyntec Consultants

WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Somersworth Sanitary Landflll Superfund Site New Hampsliire

Total Type of Depth Pump

Screen Screen of Used to Monitoring Date Well Depth Length Boring Sample Well

Well Installed Type (ft bgs) (ft) (ft bgs)

B-6R Jun-85 Bedrock 55-78 23 78 Peristaltic B-I2L Oct-86 Overburden 104-20 10 20 Peristaltic B-I3WT Oct-86 Overburden l()-9 9 9 PDB CTW-21U Jan-01 Overburden 81-231 15 24 Peristaltic

CTW-24U Aug-05 Overburden 10-25 15 253 Peristaltic CTW-41U Jan-01 Overburden 82-232 15 236 Peristaltic OB-lOlU Mar-07 Overburden 12-22 10 23 Peristaltic OB-lOlR Mar-07 Overburden 72-82 10 83 Peristaltic 0B-7R Oct-90 Bedrock 53-63 10 675 Peristaltic 0B-16U Jan-92 Overburden 25-45 20 45 Peristaltic OB-17U Jan-92 Overburden 30-50 20 505 Peristaltic OB-24R Jan-01 Bedrock 2545-4545 20 459 Peristaltic

Notes () - previous consultants reports provide insufficient detail to confirm this information ft bgs - feet below ground surface ft - feet PDB - Passive Diffusion Bag

TR0057 Table 1 Well Construction Details 20101029

Geosyntec Consultants

TABLE 2 ANALYTES AND QUANTITATION LIMITS FOR ANALYSES Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfund Site New Hampshire

Groundwater VOCs 8021 Compound

benzene methylene chloride tetrachloroethene trichlorethene 11 -dichloroethene cis 12-dichloroethene trans 12-dichioroethene vinyl chloride

Groundwater VOCs 8260B Compound

Acetone Benzene Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene tert-Butylbenzene Carbon disulfide Carbon tetrachloride Chloroethane Chloromethane 2-ChlorotoIuene 4-Chlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane Dibromochloropropane Dibromomethane Dichlorodifluoromethane Diethyl ether 12-Dichlorobenzene 13-Dichlorobenzene 14-Dichlorobenzene 11 -Dichloroethane 12-Dichloroethane 11 -Dichloroethylene cis-12-Diohloroethylene trans-12-Dichloroethylene 12-DichIoropropane 22-Dichloropropane 11-Dichloropropene 13-Dichloropropene (mixed isomers) Diisopropyl ether (DIPE) Ethylbenzene Ethyl Tertiary-butyl ether (ETBE) Hexachlorobutadiene 2-Hexanone Isopropyl benzene p-Isopropyltoluene Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) Methylene chloride Methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) Monochlorobenzene Tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME) Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene

Reporting Limit USL

Reporting Limit ugL

50 5 5 5

06 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 5

02 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

05 10 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5

TR0237 20101020 Table 2 Analytes and quantitation limits for analyses Page 1 of2

Geosyntec Consultants

TABLE 2 ANALYTES AND QUANTITATION LIMITS FOR ANALYSES Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfund Site New Hampshire

Groundwater VOCs 8260B (contd) Compoimd Styrene Tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA) Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) 1112-Tetrachloroethane 1122-Tetrachloroethane Tetrahydrofiiran Toluene 123-Trichlorobenzene 124-Trichlorobenzene +135-Trichlorobenzene 111 -Trichloroethane 112-Trichloroethane Trichloromethane (Chloroform) Trichlorofluoromethane Trichloroethylene (TCE) 123-Trichloropropane 124-Trimethylbenzene 135-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl chloride Xylenes (mixed isomers)

Groudnwater VOCs 8011 Compound

Ethylene dibromide (EDB)

Groundwater VOC 8270 LVI Compound

14-Dioxane Metals 6010C Compound

Arsenic Iron Selenium Cadmium Chromium (Total) Copper Lead Antimony Silver Thalium Zinc Beryllium Nickle [Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium Dissolved Iron Notes |igL - micrograms per litre mgL - miligram per litre

Reporting Limit 5 30 5 5 2 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 5

Reporting Limit ugL 005

Reporting Limit ugL


Reporting Limit mgL


TR0237 Table 2 Analytes and quantitation limits for analyses Page 2 of2 20101020

^ ^^t^^

Boundary of Groundwater Management Zone

Full-scale chemical treatment wait

Landfill gas venting trench

City of Somersworth property boundary

Approximate extent of waste area

Color Key

bull bull Wells to be sampled in November 2010

Symbol Key


A Staff gauge

bull Overburden piezometer

O Overburden well




Overburden bedrock well

Bedrock well

Extraction well

-6-Soi l gas probe CTW-20 ^ - ^ CTW monitoring transect

iDo 0 100 200 soon

SKe Monitoring Network Somersworth Landfill Superfund Site Somersworth NH

Geosyntec Figure

consultants 1 November 2010

Water Quality Meter + Flow-Through-Cell

r 1

Pump Graduated Waste Container

Water Level ^ Z Groundwater Meter Elevation

Pump Intake Screen Interval

Low-Flow Setup Diagram Somersworth Landfill Superfund Site Somersworth NH

Geosyntec Figure

consultants - 2

Guelph November 2010



Section Page


11 Overview 1

12 Objective 1

13 Equipment and Supplies 1


21 Pre-Mobilization Activities 2

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures 3

Inventory 3

222 Calibration 3

223 Well Inspection 3

23 Well Purging and Sampling 4

231 Set-up 4

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol) 4

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol 5

234 Field Measurements 5

235 Sampling 6

236 Observations During Sampling 7

237 Storage and Shipping 7

24 Documentation 7




11 Overview

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was prepared to provide instructions for groundwater sampling using the USEPA low-flowminimal drawdown well purging protocol (EPA 2010) Included in this SOP are field forms for sampling and meter calibration instructions and directions for documentation

This SOP will be implemented in accordance with the following governing documents

bullHealth and Safety Plan (HASP) which identifies all physical chemical and

biological hazards relevant to each field task and provides hazard mitigators to

address these hazards

bullField Sampling Plan (FSP) which provides details for field sampling locations and

procedures and which will be most frequently used by field staff on-site and

bullQuality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) which is written to establish protocols necessary to ensure that the data generated are of a quality sufficient to ensure that valid conclusions are drawn from the site characterization

12 Objective

The objective of low flow sampling techniques is to collect a representative groundwater sample from a monitoring well

13 Equipment and Supplies

Pump and probe selection may differ depending on the well diameter groundwater constituents and depth to groundwater but generally sampling will require the following equipment

bull Peristaltic bladder submersible or Waterra pump capable of a flow rate between 50 and 500 mLminute and appropriate power supply including compressor if needed The pump type will principally depend on the depth to water and well diameter Bladder or submersible pumps are preferred peristaltic pumps are acceptable only for wells where the depth to water is less than about 25 feet and Waterra pumps are only recommended for narrow diameter wells that caimot be sampled using a bladder or peristaltic pump

bull Field parameters except turbidity will be monitored using an YSI Model 600XL water quality instrument or equivalent Groundwater will be monitored in-line using aflow-through cell Turbidity will be measured by collecting grab samples before theflow-through-cell while purging each well Each grab sample will be analyzed using a Lamotte 2020 turbidity meter or equivalent

Water level tape (Solinst)

Teflon-lined tubing coimections and tools as appropriate sufficient tubing to dedicate to each well

Graduated cylinder or 1-liter bottle and stopwatch

5-gallon bucket and funnel for purge water

Field forms for meter calibration and groundwater sample collection (included in SOP)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (as specified in the HASP)

Air monitoring equipment as specified in HASP

Decontamination supplies as specified in FSP and QAPP

Sample containers and cooler

Clean plastic sheeting paper towels and miscellaneous supplies

pH paper


21 Pre-Mobilization Activities

bull Obtain the construction diameter depth material screened interval and map showing location for each monitoring well to be sampled

Obtain a listing of the parameters that will be measured in the field or laboratory bull as part of this sampling program including the required analytical method sample volume and holding time for each parameter The parameters that will be measured in the field are the low-flow stabilization parameters including temperature pH specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity These parameters will be recorded during low flow purging and immediately prior to collection of samples for laboratory analysis Remaining parameters will be measured in the laboratory

Verify that all equipment on order is being shipped to the site

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures

Several steps are required before sampling any of the wells These steps ensure that instruments are functioning and properly calibrated and that the necessary equipment has been supplied for efficient and accurate sampling

221 Inventory

Verify that the correct equipment has been received by the field site and that it is clean (decontaminated) Inventory sample containers to verify that the laboratory has provided the correct number of containers of the proper size and containing the correct preservative if required To the extent possible pre-labeltag and bundle sample containers for each well to avoid confiasion during sample collection

Verify that the appropriate PPE and ancillary supplies (eg paper towels decontamination solution) have been received by the field site The appropriate protective equipment as specified in the HASP will be reviewed during a morning tailgate meeting Contact the field manager or project manager immediately if there are discrepancies

222 Calibration

Calibrate the field probes consistent with the EPAs SOP for calibration of field instruments (EPA 2010b) before sampling and at the start of each field day Check the calibration at the end of each day Record the calibration data on the field calibration form provided in this SOP A check of the calibration shall be performed at least once more during the field day Instruments will be recalibrated as necessary (eg when calibration checks indicate incorrect operation) to ensure accurate measurements and all checks and recalibrations will be recorded on field calibration forms Calibration will also be checked if any readings during sampling are suspect

223 Well Inspection

Inspect the well for the presence of lock and cap surface seal integrity obstructions evidence of tampering debris or surface water collecting in flush mounts Note any irregularities in the groimdwater sampling field form included with this SOP The sampler must call the project manager if any irregularity is encoimtered in the inspection that compromises the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

23 Well Purging and Sampling

Sampling is performed using a five-step procedure that will be followed upon arrival at each well

1 set-up

2 purging

3 measurement of field parameters and field testing

4 sampling and

5 clean-up and decontamination

Detailed procedures for performing each of these steps are provided in the following subsections

231 Set-up

All necessary equipment for purging sampling and storage will be brought to the well before the well is opened Equipment will be placed on a clean plastic sheet near the well General parameters describing the well and field condition (eg well identification depth weather date and time) will be documented on a field data sheet PPE as required by the HASP will be doimed prior to opening well and air monitoring will be performed per HASP requirements while opening well Sampling begins by opening the well and measuring the depth to the water table The tubing field probe and reservoir for purged water are then set up

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol)

Wells are purged using the low flowminimum drawdown protocol as described by the

EPA (EPA 2010a) and summarized below The general procedural requirements for

low-flow purging are listed below

bull Minimize disturbance of the water column in the well by initiating pumping at a low rate (see below) Dedicated tubing (left in-place between sampling events) is also recommended to minimize disturbance to the water column before and during sampling

bull Begin pumping at a steady rate of 100 mLmin and measure the depth to water frequently (eg every minute for the first few minutes) to ensure that less than 01 ft of drawdown occurs The pumping rate may be increased if drawdown is less than 01 ft but the pumping rate will not exceed 500 mLmin

bull Field parameters and depth to water will be recorded on field data sheets at five minute intervals or greater (after each flow through cell volume has been

removed) while purging Purging will continue until pH temperature specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity stabilize (three consecutive readings) which is defined as follows

bull pH(+-01 unit)

bull temperature (3) bull specific conductance (3) bull ORP (+- 10 millivolts) bull DO (10 for gt05 mgL and if three DO readings are less than 05 mgL consider

stabilized) and

bull turbidity (10 for values gt5 nepholometric turbidity unit [NTU] if three readings are less than 5 NTU consider stabilized)

Samples for turbidity are collected before water enters the flow-through cell These water quality parameters are used to indicate that the well has stabilized before a sample is collected

In the case that the above criteria for stabilization are not met before three well volumes have been pumped then a maximum of five well volumes will be pumped before samples are taken Also if stabilization has not occurred after two hours of purging regardless of well volume status samples will be collected at this point and an accurate account of the attempts made to achieve stable parameters will be recorded on the field forms

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol

For wells with screen lengths longer than 10 the method above shall be modified such that three times the volume of the water contained in the screened interval of the well will be purged from the well prior to collecting groundwater samples using the low stress sampling procedures Purging will be conducted at a rate of less than 500 mLmin with field parameters being measured every 5 minutes

234 Field Measurements

Field parameter measurements will be recorded following parameter stabilization

(purging) and before sampling The pumping rate and sampler intake location in the

well are not to be adjusted after purging The field parameters measured are pH

temperature specific conductance DO ORP and turbidity

235 Sampling

Samples will be collected after field parameters have stabilized and measurements recorded The pump rate and sample intake location will not be adjusted between purging and sampling Samples are to be obtained from the influent line (prior) to the flow-through cell (ie field parameters carmot be measured during sampling) The following sampling strategy is to be followed at each location in its entirety prior to beginning a new location (

Sampling Methods by Analytical Group

Sample containers are to be filled in the order listed below and on the field data sheet using the following protocols Note that many sample containers contain preservatives hence it is necessary to fill each container carefully enough to avoid or minimize overfilling which may dilute the preservative to unacceptable levels For each analysis one of the corresponding containers will be tested with pH paper to confirm that the pH meets the corresponding limits stated in this SOP

1 Volatile organic compoimd (VOC) samples will be collected first Sample containers are to be completely filled so that a meniscus forms over the opening of the container The container lid will be moistened with groundwater and screwed to the container body The container is then turned upside down and inspected for air bubbles If air bubbles exist in the container then it is topped off to eliminate bubbles This procedure is repeated until there are no entrapped bubbles in the container Filled samples are stored at 4degC (+2degC)

2 Geochemistry-related parameters are to be sampled in the following order and with the following procedure

a) Alkalinity ferrous iron and sulfide measurements will be collected in the field per the field kit manufacturers instructions

b) Major anions (sulfate orthophosphate) - water will be dispensed into two 500 mL plastic bottles sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn2degC)

3 After all of the geochemistry-related parameters are collected the following samples are collected

a) Metals -Unfiltered water (for total metals analysis) will be dispensed directly in to a 500 mL wide mouth plastic bottle with HNO3 as a preservative to achieve a pH below 2 sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn 2degC)

236 Observations During Sampling

Field sampling staff will identify and log any observations that may be considered unusual into a field notebook or on the groundwater sampling field form for each well These observations include but are not limited to excessive bubbling within the tubing or in the sample containers as they are filled odors such as sulfide excessive turbidity solids or formation of precipitates in the samples color changes in the water and unusual sounds made by the equipment In addition sampling personnel will note the condition of the well upon arrival and inspection If the well casing is damaged and there are anomalies in the calculated water level at the well then the casing damage may indicate compromised sample quality

237 Storage and Shipping

All samples will be immediately placed on ice (preferably double-bagged wet ice packs)

to remain at 4degC (+2degC) prior to and during shipment to the laboratory The sample

containers will be stored in a cooler until further processing

24 Documentation

Field documentation includes completed calibration records groundwater sampling

field forms and other field notes deemed relevant It is essential that field data sheets

be filled out completely and legibly at each location and that entries are consistent for

each location and among different personnel As referenced above groundwater

sampling data and calibration forms are provided with this SOP The following

infonnation will be recorded

job site date and sampler

well identification and description

depth to water

casing volume calculation

depth of pump intake during purging and sampling

equipment used (field probes tubing model and serial numbers)

purge rate field parameters (temperature conductivity DO ORP pH and turbidity) and depth to water recorded every 5 minutes

sampling parameters

stabilized field parameters

V ^shy

identification time container types preservatives and analytical methods for samples and

space for comments


EPA 2010a Low Stress (low flow) Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells EQASOP-GW 001 Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 3 January 19 2010

EPA 2010b Standar Operating Proceedure forCalibration of Field Instruments EQASOP-FieldCalib Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 2 January 192010

RE Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event SOHara to Gerardo Millan-Ramos 11042010 1144 AM Cc bbelmore davelwest edwardjamison nieclerc TKrug twillis

History This message has been replied to


Attached is the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum that includes the edits you requested for items 2 and 3 below For item 1 below the reference in the first sentence of Section 2 is correct - it refers to the references in the main body of the sampling plan and not to the attachment


Original Message From Millan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov [ mailtoMillan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov] Sent Thursday November 04 2 010 1011 AM To Suzanne OHara Cc bbelmoresomersworthcom davelwestgecom edwardjamisongecom nleclerccomcastnet Tom Krug twillissomersworthcom Subject Re Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event


I have reviewed the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum Overall it is well written I only have minor commentsrequests

1 On page 3 the first sentence of Section 2 seems to have the wrong reference (EPA 2 010a ) Please correct 2 On Table 1 please add a column indicating the type of pump that will be used at each well 3 On Section 223 please add a sentence indicating that the sampler must call the project manager if shehe encounters any irregularity compromising the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

Please resubmit the Addendum with the edits aforementioned as soon as possible (NLT Friday Nov 5 at 200 PM)

Gerardo Millan-Ramos Remedial Project Manager Office of Site Remediation and Restoration US EPA Region 1 - New England tel (617) 918-1377 fax (617) 918-0377

From ltSOHaraGeosynteccomgt

To bull Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUSEPA

Cc ltbbelmoresomersworthcomgt ltedwardjamisongecomgt ltdave1westgecomgt

lttwillissomersworthcomgt ltnleclerccopycomcastnetgt


Date 11032010 0528 PM

Subject Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event

Gerardo Please find attached the revised sampling plan addendum for the sampling of metals and potential VI issues that are scheduled to take place next week The attached addresses your comments from your October 29 2010 letter


Suzanne OHara Hydrogeologist

130 Research Lane Suite 2 Guelph Ont NlG 5G3 Phone 5198222230 ext 234 Fax 5198223151 wwwGeosynteccom

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is or may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY IN NATURE OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE and (b) is intended only for the use of the Addressee(s) named herein If you are not the intended recipient an addressee or the person responsible for delivering this to an addressee you are hereby notified that reading using copying or distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited If you have received this electronic mail message in error please contact us immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system

[attachment Revised Sampling and Analysis Addendum Memoll032010pdf deleted by Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUS]

Page 5: REVISED SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN (SAP) ADDENDUM ... · "Site") and presents our proposed plan for sampling groundwater for total metals analysis and for the collection of additional

TABLE 1 Geosyntec Consultants

WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Somersworth Sanitary Landflll Superfund Site New Hampsliire

Total Type of Depth Pump

Screen Screen of Used to Monitoring Date Well Depth Length Boring Sample Well

Well Installed Type (ft bgs) (ft) (ft bgs)

B-6R Jun-85 Bedrock 55-78 23 78 Peristaltic B-I2L Oct-86 Overburden 104-20 10 20 Peristaltic B-I3WT Oct-86 Overburden l()-9 9 9 PDB CTW-21U Jan-01 Overburden 81-231 15 24 Peristaltic

CTW-24U Aug-05 Overburden 10-25 15 253 Peristaltic CTW-41U Jan-01 Overburden 82-232 15 236 Peristaltic OB-lOlU Mar-07 Overburden 12-22 10 23 Peristaltic OB-lOlR Mar-07 Overburden 72-82 10 83 Peristaltic 0B-7R Oct-90 Bedrock 53-63 10 675 Peristaltic 0B-16U Jan-92 Overburden 25-45 20 45 Peristaltic OB-17U Jan-92 Overburden 30-50 20 505 Peristaltic OB-24R Jan-01 Bedrock 2545-4545 20 459 Peristaltic

Notes () - previous consultants reports provide insufficient detail to confirm this information ft bgs - feet below ground surface ft - feet PDB - Passive Diffusion Bag

TR0057 Table 1 Well Construction Details 20101029

Geosyntec Consultants

TABLE 2 ANALYTES AND QUANTITATION LIMITS FOR ANALYSES Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfund Site New Hampshire

Groundwater VOCs 8021 Compound

benzene methylene chloride tetrachloroethene trichlorethene 11 -dichloroethene cis 12-dichloroethene trans 12-dichioroethene vinyl chloride

Groundwater VOCs 8260B Compound

Acetone Benzene Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene tert-Butylbenzene Carbon disulfide Carbon tetrachloride Chloroethane Chloromethane 2-ChlorotoIuene 4-Chlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane Dibromochloropropane Dibromomethane Dichlorodifluoromethane Diethyl ether 12-Dichlorobenzene 13-Dichlorobenzene 14-Dichlorobenzene 11 -Dichloroethane 12-Dichloroethane 11 -Dichloroethylene cis-12-Diohloroethylene trans-12-Dichloroethylene 12-DichIoropropane 22-Dichloropropane 11-Dichloropropene 13-Dichloropropene (mixed isomers) Diisopropyl ether (DIPE) Ethylbenzene Ethyl Tertiary-butyl ether (ETBE) Hexachlorobutadiene 2-Hexanone Isopropyl benzene p-Isopropyltoluene Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) Methylene chloride Methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) Monochlorobenzene Tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME) Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene

Reporting Limit USL

Reporting Limit ugL

50 5 5 5

06 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 5

02 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

05 10 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5

TR0237 20101020 Table 2 Analytes and quantitation limits for analyses Page 1 of2

Geosyntec Consultants

TABLE 2 ANALYTES AND QUANTITATION LIMITS FOR ANALYSES Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfund Site New Hampshire

Groundwater VOCs 8260B (contd) Compoimd Styrene Tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA) Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) 1112-Tetrachloroethane 1122-Tetrachloroethane Tetrahydrofiiran Toluene 123-Trichlorobenzene 124-Trichlorobenzene +135-Trichlorobenzene 111 -Trichloroethane 112-Trichloroethane Trichloromethane (Chloroform) Trichlorofluoromethane Trichloroethylene (TCE) 123-Trichloropropane 124-Trimethylbenzene 135-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl chloride Xylenes (mixed isomers)

Groudnwater VOCs 8011 Compound

Ethylene dibromide (EDB)

Groundwater VOC 8270 LVI Compound

14-Dioxane Metals 6010C Compound

Arsenic Iron Selenium Cadmium Chromium (Total) Copper Lead Antimony Silver Thalium Zinc Beryllium Nickle [Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium Dissolved Iron Notes |igL - micrograms per litre mgL - miligram per litre

Reporting Limit 5 30 5 5 2 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 5

Reporting Limit ugL 005

Reporting Limit ugL


Reporting Limit mgL


TR0237 Table 2 Analytes and quantitation limits for analyses Page 2 of2 20101020

^ ^^t^^

Boundary of Groundwater Management Zone

Full-scale chemical treatment wait

Landfill gas venting trench

City of Somersworth property boundary

Approximate extent of waste area

Color Key

bull bull Wells to be sampled in November 2010

Symbol Key


A Staff gauge

bull Overburden piezometer

O Overburden well




Overburden bedrock well

Bedrock well

Extraction well

-6-Soi l gas probe CTW-20 ^ - ^ CTW monitoring transect

iDo 0 100 200 soon

SKe Monitoring Network Somersworth Landfill Superfund Site Somersworth NH

Geosyntec Figure

consultants 1 November 2010

Water Quality Meter + Flow-Through-Cell

r 1

Pump Graduated Waste Container

Water Level ^ Z Groundwater Meter Elevation

Pump Intake Screen Interval

Low-Flow Setup Diagram Somersworth Landfill Superfund Site Somersworth NH

Geosyntec Figure

consultants - 2

Guelph November 2010



Section Page


11 Overview 1

12 Objective 1

13 Equipment and Supplies 1


21 Pre-Mobilization Activities 2

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures 3

Inventory 3

222 Calibration 3

223 Well Inspection 3

23 Well Purging and Sampling 4

231 Set-up 4

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol) 4

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol 5

234 Field Measurements 5

235 Sampling 6

236 Observations During Sampling 7

237 Storage and Shipping 7

24 Documentation 7




11 Overview

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was prepared to provide instructions for groundwater sampling using the USEPA low-flowminimal drawdown well purging protocol (EPA 2010) Included in this SOP are field forms for sampling and meter calibration instructions and directions for documentation

This SOP will be implemented in accordance with the following governing documents

bullHealth and Safety Plan (HASP) which identifies all physical chemical and

biological hazards relevant to each field task and provides hazard mitigators to

address these hazards

bullField Sampling Plan (FSP) which provides details for field sampling locations and

procedures and which will be most frequently used by field staff on-site and

bullQuality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) which is written to establish protocols necessary to ensure that the data generated are of a quality sufficient to ensure that valid conclusions are drawn from the site characterization

12 Objective

The objective of low flow sampling techniques is to collect a representative groundwater sample from a monitoring well

13 Equipment and Supplies

Pump and probe selection may differ depending on the well diameter groundwater constituents and depth to groundwater but generally sampling will require the following equipment

bull Peristaltic bladder submersible or Waterra pump capable of a flow rate between 50 and 500 mLminute and appropriate power supply including compressor if needed The pump type will principally depend on the depth to water and well diameter Bladder or submersible pumps are preferred peristaltic pumps are acceptable only for wells where the depth to water is less than about 25 feet and Waterra pumps are only recommended for narrow diameter wells that caimot be sampled using a bladder or peristaltic pump

bull Field parameters except turbidity will be monitored using an YSI Model 600XL water quality instrument or equivalent Groundwater will be monitored in-line using aflow-through cell Turbidity will be measured by collecting grab samples before theflow-through-cell while purging each well Each grab sample will be analyzed using a Lamotte 2020 turbidity meter or equivalent

Water level tape (Solinst)

Teflon-lined tubing coimections and tools as appropriate sufficient tubing to dedicate to each well

Graduated cylinder or 1-liter bottle and stopwatch

5-gallon bucket and funnel for purge water

Field forms for meter calibration and groundwater sample collection (included in SOP)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (as specified in the HASP)

Air monitoring equipment as specified in HASP

Decontamination supplies as specified in FSP and QAPP

Sample containers and cooler

Clean plastic sheeting paper towels and miscellaneous supplies

pH paper


21 Pre-Mobilization Activities

bull Obtain the construction diameter depth material screened interval and map showing location for each monitoring well to be sampled

Obtain a listing of the parameters that will be measured in the field or laboratory bull as part of this sampling program including the required analytical method sample volume and holding time for each parameter The parameters that will be measured in the field are the low-flow stabilization parameters including temperature pH specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity These parameters will be recorded during low flow purging and immediately prior to collection of samples for laboratory analysis Remaining parameters will be measured in the laboratory

Verify that all equipment on order is being shipped to the site

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures

Several steps are required before sampling any of the wells These steps ensure that instruments are functioning and properly calibrated and that the necessary equipment has been supplied for efficient and accurate sampling

221 Inventory

Verify that the correct equipment has been received by the field site and that it is clean (decontaminated) Inventory sample containers to verify that the laboratory has provided the correct number of containers of the proper size and containing the correct preservative if required To the extent possible pre-labeltag and bundle sample containers for each well to avoid confiasion during sample collection

Verify that the appropriate PPE and ancillary supplies (eg paper towels decontamination solution) have been received by the field site The appropriate protective equipment as specified in the HASP will be reviewed during a morning tailgate meeting Contact the field manager or project manager immediately if there are discrepancies

222 Calibration

Calibrate the field probes consistent with the EPAs SOP for calibration of field instruments (EPA 2010b) before sampling and at the start of each field day Check the calibration at the end of each day Record the calibration data on the field calibration form provided in this SOP A check of the calibration shall be performed at least once more during the field day Instruments will be recalibrated as necessary (eg when calibration checks indicate incorrect operation) to ensure accurate measurements and all checks and recalibrations will be recorded on field calibration forms Calibration will also be checked if any readings during sampling are suspect

223 Well Inspection

Inspect the well for the presence of lock and cap surface seal integrity obstructions evidence of tampering debris or surface water collecting in flush mounts Note any irregularities in the groimdwater sampling field form included with this SOP The sampler must call the project manager if any irregularity is encoimtered in the inspection that compromises the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

23 Well Purging and Sampling

Sampling is performed using a five-step procedure that will be followed upon arrival at each well

1 set-up

2 purging

3 measurement of field parameters and field testing

4 sampling and

5 clean-up and decontamination

Detailed procedures for performing each of these steps are provided in the following subsections

231 Set-up

All necessary equipment for purging sampling and storage will be brought to the well before the well is opened Equipment will be placed on a clean plastic sheet near the well General parameters describing the well and field condition (eg well identification depth weather date and time) will be documented on a field data sheet PPE as required by the HASP will be doimed prior to opening well and air monitoring will be performed per HASP requirements while opening well Sampling begins by opening the well and measuring the depth to the water table The tubing field probe and reservoir for purged water are then set up

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol)

Wells are purged using the low flowminimum drawdown protocol as described by the

EPA (EPA 2010a) and summarized below The general procedural requirements for

low-flow purging are listed below

bull Minimize disturbance of the water column in the well by initiating pumping at a low rate (see below) Dedicated tubing (left in-place between sampling events) is also recommended to minimize disturbance to the water column before and during sampling

bull Begin pumping at a steady rate of 100 mLmin and measure the depth to water frequently (eg every minute for the first few minutes) to ensure that less than 01 ft of drawdown occurs The pumping rate may be increased if drawdown is less than 01 ft but the pumping rate will not exceed 500 mLmin

bull Field parameters and depth to water will be recorded on field data sheets at five minute intervals or greater (after each flow through cell volume has been

removed) while purging Purging will continue until pH temperature specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity stabilize (three consecutive readings) which is defined as follows

bull pH(+-01 unit)

bull temperature (3) bull specific conductance (3) bull ORP (+- 10 millivolts) bull DO (10 for gt05 mgL and if three DO readings are less than 05 mgL consider

stabilized) and

bull turbidity (10 for values gt5 nepholometric turbidity unit [NTU] if three readings are less than 5 NTU consider stabilized)

Samples for turbidity are collected before water enters the flow-through cell These water quality parameters are used to indicate that the well has stabilized before a sample is collected

In the case that the above criteria for stabilization are not met before three well volumes have been pumped then a maximum of five well volumes will be pumped before samples are taken Also if stabilization has not occurred after two hours of purging regardless of well volume status samples will be collected at this point and an accurate account of the attempts made to achieve stable parameters will be recorded on the field forms

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol

For wells with screen lengths longer than 10 the method above shall be modified such that three times the volume of the water contained in the screened interval of the well will be purged from the well prior to collecting groundwater samples using the low stress sampling procedures Purging will be conducted at a rate of less than 500 mLmin with field parameters being measured every 5 minutes

234 Field Measurements

Field parameter measurements will be recorded following parameter stabilization

(purging) and before sampling The pumping rate and sampler intake location in the

well are not to be adjusted after purging The field parameters measured are pH

temperature specific conductance DO ORP and turbidity

235 Sampling

Samples will be collected after field parameters have stabilized and measurements recorded The pump rate and sample intake location will not be adjusted between purging and sampling Samples are to be obtained from the influent line (prior) to the flow-through cell (ie field parameters carmot be measured during sampling) The following sampling strategy is to be followed at each location in its entirety prior to beginning a new location (

Sampling Methods by Analytical Group

Sample containers are to be filled in the order listed below and on the field data sheet using the following protocols Note that many sample containers contain preservatives hence it is necessary to fill each container carefully enough to avoid or minimize overfilling which may dilute the preservative to unacceptable levels For each analysis one of the corresponding containers will be tested with pH paper to confirm that the pH meets the corresponding limits stated in this SOP

1 Volatile organic compoimd (VOC) samples will be collected first Sample containers are to be completely filled so that a meniscus forms over the opening of the container The container lid will be moistened with groundwater and screwed to the container body The container is then turned upside down and inspected for air bubbles If air bubbles exist in the container then it is topped off to eliminate bubbles This procedure is repeated until there are no entrapped bubbles in the container Filled samples are stored at 4degC (+2degC)

2 Geochemistry-related parameters are to be sampled in the following order and with the following procedure

a) Alkalinity ferrous iron and sulfide measurements will be collected in the field per the field kit manufacturers instructions

b) Major anions (sulfate orthophosphate) - water will be dispensed into two 500 mL plastic bottles sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn2degC)

3 After all of the geochemistry-related parameters are collected the following samples are collected

a) Metals -Unfiltered water (for total metals analysis) will be dispensed directly in to a 500 mL wide mouth plastic bottle with HNO3 as a preservative to achieve a pH below 2 sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn 2degC)

236 Observations During Sampling

Field sampling staff will identify and log any observations that may be considered unusual into a field notebook or on the groundwater sampling field form for each well These observations include but are not limited to excessive bubbling within the tubing or in the sample containers as they are filled odors such as sulfide excessive turbidity solids or formation of precipitates in the samples color changes in the water and unusual sounds made by the equipment In addition sampling personnel will note the condition of the well upon arrival and inspection If the well casing is damaged and there are anomalies in the calculated water level at the well then the casing damage may indicate compromised sample quality

237 Storage and Shipping

All samples will be immediately placed on ice (preferably double-bagged wet ice packs)

to remain at 4degC (+2degC) prior to and during shipment to the laboratory The sample

containers will be stored in a cooler until further processing

24 Documentation

Field documentation includes completed calibration records groundwater sampling

field forms and other field notes deemed relevant It is essential that field data sheets

be filled out completely and legibly at each location and that entries are consistent for

each location and among different personnel As referenced above groundwater

sampling data and calibration forms are provided with this SOP The following

infonnation will be recorded

job site date and sampler

well identification and description

depth to water

casing volume calculation

depth of pump intake during purging and sampling

equipment used (field probes tubing model and serial numbers)

purge rate field parameters (temperature conductivity DO ORP pH and turbidity) and depth to water recorded every 5 minutes

sampling parameters

stabilized field parameters

V ^shy

identification time container types preservatives and analytical methods for samples and

space for comments


EPA 2010a Low Stress (low flow) Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells EQASOP-GW 001 Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 3 January 19 2010

EPA 2010b Standar Operating Proceedure forCalibration of Field Instruments EQASOP-FieldCalib Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 2 January 192010

RE Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event SOHara to Gerardo Millan-Ramos 11042010 1144 AM Cc bbelmore davelwest edwardjamison nieclerc TKrug twillis

History This message has been replied to


Attached is the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum that includes the edits you requested for items 2 and 3 below For item 1 below the reference in the first sentence of Section 2 is correct - it refers to the references in the main body of the sampling plan and not to the attachment


Original Message From Millan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov [ mailtoMillan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov] Sent Thursday November 04 2 010 1011 AM To Suzanne OHara Cc bbelmoresomersworthcom davelwestgecom edwardjamisongecom nleclerccomcastnet Tom Krug twillissomersworthcom Subject Re Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event


I have reviewed the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum Overall it is well written I only have minor commentsrequests

1 On page 3 the first sentence of Section 2 seems to have the wrong reference (EPA 2 010a ) Please correct 2 On Table 1 please add a column indicating the type of pump that will be used at each well 3 On Section 223 please add a sentence indicating that the sampler must call the project manager if shehe encounters any irregularity compromising the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

Please resubmit the Addendum with the edits aforementioned as soon as possible (NLT Friday Nov 5 at 200 PM)

Gerardo Millan-Ramos Remedial Project Manager Office of Site Remediation and Restoration US EPA Region 1 - New England tel (617) 918-1377 fax (617) 918-0377

From ltSOHaraGeosynteccomgt

To bull Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUSEPA

Cc ltbbelmoresomersworthcomgt ltedwardjamisongecomgt ltdave1westgecomgt

lttwillissomersworthcomgt ltnleclerccopycomcastnetgt


Date 11032010 0528 PM

Subject Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event

Gerardo Please find attached the revised sampling plan addendum for the sampling of metals and potential VI issues that are scheduled to take place next week The attached addresses your comments from your October 29 2010 letter


Suzanne OHara Hydrogeologist

130 Research Lane Suite 2 Guelph Ont NlG 5G3 Phone 5198222230 ext 234 Fax 5198223151 wwwGeosynteccom

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is or may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY IN NATURE OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE and (b) is intended only for the use of the Addressee(s) named herein If you are not the intended recipient an addressee or the person responsible for delivering this to an addressee you are hereby notified that reading using copying or distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited If you have received this electronic mail message in error please contact us immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system

[attachment Revised Sampling and Analysis Addendum Memoll032010pdf deleted by Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUS]

Page 6: REVISED SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN (SAP) ADDENDUM ... · "Site") and presents our proposed plan for sampling groundwater for total metals analysis and for the collection of additional

Geosyntec Consultants

TABLE 2 ANALYTES AND QUANTITATION LIMITS FOR ANALYSES Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfund Site New Hampshire

Groundwater VOCs 8021 Compound

benzene methylene chloride tetrachloroethene trichlorethene 11 -dichloroethene cis 12-dichloroethene trans 12-dichioroethene vinyl chloride

Groundwater VOCs 8260B Compound

Acetone Benzene Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene tert-Butylbenzene Carbon disulfide Carbon tetrachloride Chloroethane Chloromethane 2-ChlorotoIuene 4-Chlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane Dibromochloropropane Dibromomethane Dichlorodifluoromethane Diethyl ether 12-Dichlorobenzene 13-Dichlorobenzene 14-Dichlorobenzene 11 -Dichloroethane 12-Dichloroethane 11 -Dichloroethylene cis-12-Diohloroethylene trans-12-Dichloroethylene 12-DichIoropropane 22-Dichloropropane 11-Dichloropropene 13-Dichloropropene (mixed isomers) Diisopropyl ether (DIPE) Ethylbenzene Ethyl Tertiary-butyl ether (ETBE) Hexachlorobutadiene 2-Hexanone Isopropyl benzene p-Isopropyltoluene Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) Methylene chloride Methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) Monochlorobenzene Tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME) Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene

Reporting Limit USL

Reporting Limit ugL

50 5 5 5

06 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 5

02 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

05 10 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5

TR0237 20101020 Table 2 Analytes and quantitation limits for analyses Page 1 of2

Geosyntec Consultants

TABLE 2 ANALYTES AND QUANTITATION LIMITS FOR ANALYSES Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfund Site New Hampshire

Groundwater VOCs 8260B (contd) Compoimd Styrene Tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA) Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) 1112-Tetrachloroethane 1122-Tetrachloroethane Tetrahydrofiiran Toluene 123-Trichlorobenzene 124-Trichlorobenzene +135-Trichlorobenzene 111 -Trichloroethane 112-Trichloroethane Trichloromethane (Chloroform) Trichlorofluoromethane Trichloroethylene (TCE) 123-Trichloropropane 124-Trimethylbenzene 135-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl chloride Xylenes (mixed isomers)

Groudnwater VOCs 8011 Compound

Ethylene dibromide (EDB)

Groundwater VOC 8270 LVI Compound

14-Dioxane Metals 6010C Compound

Arsenic Iron Selenium Cadmium Chromium (Total) Copper Lead Antimony Silver Thalium Zinc Beryllium Nickle [Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium Dissolved Iron Notes |igL - micrograms per litre mgL - miligram per litre

Reporting Limit 5 30 5 5 2 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 5

Reporting Limit ugL 005

Reporting Limit ugL


Reporting Limit mgL


TR0237 Table 2 Analytes and quantitation limits for analyses Page 2 of2 20101020

^ ^^t^^

Boundary of Groundwater Management Zone

Full-scale chemical treatment wait

Landfill gas venting trench

City of Somersworth property boundary

Approximate extent of waste area

Color Key

bull bull Wells to be sampled in November 2010

Symbol Key


A Staff gauge

bull Overburden piezometer

O Overburden well




Overburden bedrock well

Bedrock well

Extraction well

-6-Soi l gas probe CTW-20 ^ - ^ CTW monitoring transect

iDo 0 100 200 soon

SKe Monitoring Network Somersworth Landfill Superfund Site Somersworth NH

Geosyntec Figure

consultants 1 November 2010

Water Quality Meter + Flow-Through-Cell

r 1

Pump Graduated Waste Container

Water Level ^ Z Groundwater Meter Elevation

Pump Intake Screen Interval

Low-Flow Setup Diagram Somersworth Landfill Superfund Site Somersworth NH

Geosyntec Figure

consultants - 2

Guelph November 2010



Section Page


11 Overview 1

12 Objective 1

13 Equipment and Supplies 1


21 Pre-Mobilization Activities 2

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures 3

Inventory 3

222 Calibration 3

223 Well Inspection 3

23 Well Purging and Sampling 4

231 Set-up 4

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol) 4

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol 5

234 Field Measurements 5

235 Sampling 6

236 Observations During Sampling 7

237 Storage and Shipping 7

24 Documentation 7




11 Overview

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was prepared to provide instructions for groundwater sampling using the USEPA low-flowminimal drawdown well purging protocol (EPA 2010) Included in this SOP are field forms for sampling and meter calibration instructions and directions for documentation

This SOP will be implemented in accordance with the following governing documents

bullHealth and Safety Plan (HASP) which identifies all physical chemical and

biological hazards relevant to each field task and provides hazard mitigators to

address these hazards

bullField Sampling Plan (FSP) which provides details for field sampling locations and

procedures and which will be most frequently used by field staff on-site and

bullQuality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) which is written to establish protocols necessary to ensure that the data generated are of a quality sufficient to ensure that valid conclusions are drawn from the site characterization

12 Objective

The objective of low flow sampling techniques is to collect a representative groundwater sample from a monitoring well

13 Equipment and Supplies

Pump and probe selection may differ depending on the well diameter groundwater constituents and depth to groundwater but generally sampling will require the following equipment

bull Peristaltic bladder submersible or Waterra pump capable of a flow rate between 50 and 500 mLminute and appropriate power supply including compressor if needed The pump type will principally depend on the depth to water and well diameter Bladder or submersible pumps are preferred peristaltic pumps are acceptable only for wells where the depth to water is less than about 25 feet and Waterra pumps are only recommended for narrow diameter wells that caimot be sampled using a bladder or peristaltic pump

bull Field parameters except turbidity will be monitored using an YSI Model 600XL water quality instrument or equivalent Groundwater will be monitored in-line using aflow-through cell Turbidity will be measured by collecting grab samples before theflow-through-cell while purging each well Each grab sample will be analyzed using a Lamotte 2020 turbidity meter or equivalent

Water level tape (Solinst)

Teflon-lined tubing coimections and tools as appropriate sufficient tubing to dedicate to each well

Graduated cylinder or 1-liter bottle and stopwatch

5-gallon bucket and funnel for purge water

Field forms for meter calibration and groundwater sample collection (included in SOP)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (as specified in the HASP)

Air monitoring equipment as specified in HASP

Decontamination supplies as specified in FSP and QAPP

Sample containers and cooler

Clean plastic sheeting paper towels and miscellaneous supplies

pH paper


21 Pre-Mobilization Activities

bull Obtain the construction diameter depth material screened interval and map showing location for each monitoring well to be sampled

Obtain a listing of the parameters that will be measured in the field or laboratory bull as part of this sampling program including the required analytical method sample volume and holding time for each parameter The parameters that will be measured in the field are the low-flow stabilization parameters including temperature pH specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity These parameters will be recorded during low flow purging and immediately prior to collection of samples for laboratory analysis Remaining parameters will be measured in the laboratory

Verify that all equipment on order is being shipped to the site

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures

Several steps are required before sampling any of the wells These steps ensure that instruments are functioning and properly calibrated and that the necessary equipment has been supplied for efficient and accurate sampling

221 Inventory

Verify that the correct equipment has been received by the field site and that it is clean (decontaminated) Inventory sample containers to verify that the laboratory has provided the correct number of containers of the proper size and containing the correct preservative if required To the extent possible pre-labeltag and bundle sample containers for each well to avoid confiasion during sample collection

Verify that the appropriate PPE and ancillary supplies (eg paper towels decontamination solution) have been received by the field site The appropriate protective equipment as specified in the HASP will be reviewed during a morning tailgate meeting Contact the field manager or project manager immediately if there are discrepancies

222 Calibration

Calibrate the field probes consistent with the EPAs SOP for calibration of field instruments (EPA 2010b) before sampling and at the start of each field day Check the calibration at the end of each day Record the calibration data on the field calibration form provided in this SOP A check of the calibration shall be performed at least once more during the field day Instruments will be recalibrated as necessary (eg when calibration checks indicate incorrect operation) to ensure accurate measurements and all checks and recalibrations will be recorded on field calibration forms Calibration will also be checked if any readings during sampling are suspect

223 Well Inspection

Inspect the well for the presence of lock and cap surface seal integrity obstructions evidence of tampering debris or surface water collecting in flush mounts Note any irregularities in the groimdwater sampling field form included with this SOP The sampler must call the project manager if any irregularity is encoimtered in the inspection that compromises the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

23 Well Purging and Sampling

Sampling is performed using a five-step procedure that will be followed upon arrival at each well

1 set-up

2 purging

3 measurement of field parameters and field testing

4 sampling and

5 clean-up and decontamination

Detailed procedures for performing each of these steps are provided in the following subsections

231 Set-up

All necessary equipment for purging sampling and storage will be brought to the well before the well is opened Equipment will be placed on a clean plastic sheet near the well General parameters describing the well and field condition (eg well identification depth weather date and time) will be documented on a field data sheet PPE as required by the HASP will be doimed prior to opening well and air monitoring will be performed per HASP requirements while opening well Sampling begins by opening the well and measuring the depth to the water table The tubing field probe and reservoir for purged water are then set up

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol)

Wells are purged using the low flowminimum drawdown protocol as described by the

EPA (EPA 2010a) and summarized below The general procedural requirements for

low-flow purging are listed below

bull Minimize disturbance of the water column in the well by initiating pumping at a low rate (see below) Dedicated tubing (left in-place between sampling events) is also recommended to minimize disturbance to the water column before and during sampling

bull Begin pumping at a steady rate of 100 mLmin and measure the depth to water frequently (eg every minute for the first few minutes) to ensure that less than 01 ft of drawdown occurs The pumping rate may be increased if drawdown is less than 01 ft but the pumping rate will not exceed 500 mLmin

bull Field parameters and depth to water will be recorded on field data sheets at five minute intervals or greater (after each flow through cell volume has been

removed) while purging Purging will continue until pH temperature specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity stabilize (three consecutive readings) which is defined as follows

bull pH(+-01 unit)

bull temperature (3) bull specific conductance (3) bull ORP (+- 10 millivolts) bull DO (10 for gt05 mgL and if three DO readings are less than 05 mgL consider

stabilized) and

bull turbidity (10 for values gt5 nepholometric turbidity unit [NTU] if three readings are less than 5 NTU consider stabilized)

Samples for turbidity are collected before water enters the flow-through cell These water quality parameters are used to indicate that the well has stabilized before a sample is collected

In the case that the above criteria for stabilization are not met before three well volumes have been pumped then a maximum of five well volumes will be pumped before samples are taken Also if stabilization has not occurred after two hours of purging regardless of well volume status samples will be collected at this point and an accurate account of the attempts made to achieve stable parameters will be recorded on the field forms

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol

For wells with screen lengths longer than 10 the method above shall be modified such that three times the volume of the water contained in the screened interval of the well will be purged from the well prior to collecting groundwater samples using the low stress sampling procedures Purging will be conducted at a rate of less than 500 mLmin with field parameters being measured every 5 minutes

234 Field Measurements

Field parameter measurements will be recorded following parameter stabilization

(purging) and before sampling The pumping rate and sampler intake location in the

well are not to be adjusted after purging The field parameters measured are pH

temperature specific conductance DO ORP and turbidity

235 Sampling

Samples will be collected after field parameters have stabilized and measurements recorded The pump rate and sample intake location will not be adjusted between purging and sampling Samples are to be obtained from the influent line (prior) to the flow-through cell (ie field parameters carmot be measured during sampling) The following sampling strategy is to be followed at each location in its entirety prior to beginning a new location (

Sampling Methods by Analytical Group

Sample containers are to be filled in the order listed below and on the field data sheet using the following protocols Note that many sample containers contain preservatives hence it is necessary to fill each container carefully enough to avoid or minimize overfilling which may dilute the preservative to unacceptable levels For each analysis one of the corresponding containers will be tested with pH paper to confirm that the pH meets the corresponding limits stated in this SOP

1 Volatile organic compoimd (VOC) samples will be collected first Sample containers are to be completely filled so that a meniscus forms over the opening of the container The container lid will be moistened with groundwater and screwed to the container body The container is then turned upside down and inspected for air bubbles If air bubbles exist in the container then it is topped off to eliminate bubbles This procedure is repeated until there are no entrapped bubbles in the container Filled samples are stored at 4degC (+2degC)

2 Geochemistry-related parameters are to be sampled in the following order and with the following procedure

a) Alkalinity ferrous iron and sulfide measurements will be collected in the field per the field kit manufacturers instructions

b) Major anions (sulfate orthophosphate) - water will be dispensed into two 500 mL plastic bottles sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn2degC)

3 After all of the geochemistry-related parameters are collected the following samples are collected

a) Metals -Unfiltered water (for total metals analysis) will be dispensed directly in to a 500 mL wide mouth plastic bottle with HNO3 as a preservative to achieve a pH below 2 sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn 2degC)

236 Observations During Sampling

Field sampling staff will identify and log any observations that may be considered unusual into a field notebook or on the groundwater sampling field form for each well These observations include but are not limited to excessive bubbling within the tubing or in the sample containers as they are filled odors such as sulfide excessive turbidity solids or formation of precipitates in the samples color changes in the water and unusual sounds made by the equipment In addition sampling personnel will note the condition of the well upon arrival and inspection If the well casing is damaged and there are anomalies in the calculated water level at the well then the casing damage may indicate compromised sample quality

237 Storage and Shipping

All samples will be immediately placed on ice (preferably double-bagged wet ice packs)

to remain at 4degC (+2degC) prior to and during shipment to the laboratory The sample

containers will be stored in a cooler until further processing

24 Documentation

Field documentation includes completed calibration records groundwater sampling

field forms and other field notes deemed relevant It is essential that field data sheets

be filled out completely and legibly at each location and that entries are consistent for

each location and among different personnel As referenced above groundwater

sampling data and calibration forms are provided with this SOP The following

infonnation will be recorded

job site date and sampler

well identification and description

depth to water

casing volume calculation

depth of pump intake during purging and sampling

equipment used (field probes tubing model and serial numbers)

purge rate field parameters (temperature conductivity DO ORP pH and turbidity) and depth to water recorded every 5 minutes

sampling parameters

stabilized field parameters

V ^shy

identification time container types preservatives and analytical methods for samples and

space for comments


EPA 2010a Low Stress (low flow) Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells EQASOP-GW 001 Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 3 January 19 2010

EPA 2010b Standar Operating Proceedure forCalibration of Field Instruments EQASOP-FieldCalib Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 2 January 192010

RE Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event SOHara to Gerardo Millan-Ramos 11042010 1144 AM Cc bbelmore davelwest edwardjamison nieclerc TKrug twillis

History This message has been replied to


Attached is the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum that includes the edits you requested for items 2 and 3 below For item 1 below the reference in the first sentence of Section 2 is correct - it refers to the references in the main body of the sampling plan and not to the attachment


Original Message From Millan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov [ mailtoMillan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov] Sent Thursday November 04 2 010 1011 AM To Suzanne OHara Cc bbelmoresomersworthcom davelwestgecom edwardjamisongecom nleclerccomcastnet Tom Krug twillissomersworthcom Subject Re Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event


I have reviewed the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum Overall it is well written I only have minor commentsrequests

1 On page 3 the first sentence of Section 2 seems to have the wrong reference (EPA 2 010a ) Please correct 2 On Table 1 please add a column indicating the type of pump that will be used at each well 3 On Section 223 please add a sentence indicating that the sampler must call the project manager if shehe encounters any irregularity compromising the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

Please resubmit the Addendum with the edits aforementioned as soon as possible (NLT Friday Nov 5 at 200 PM)

Gerardo Millan-Ramos Remedial Project Manager Office of Site Remediation and Restoration US EPA Region 1 - New England tel (617) 918-1377 fax (617) 918-0377

From ltSOHaraGeosynteccomgt

To bull Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUSEPA

Cc ltbbelmoresomersworthcomgt ltedwardjamisongecomgt ltdave1westgecomgt

lttwillissomersworthcomgt ltnleclerccopycomcastnetgt


Date 11032010 0528 PM

Subject Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event

Gerardo Please find attached the revised sampling plan addendum for the sampling of metals and potential VI issues that are scheduled to take place next week The attached addresses your comments from your October 29 2010 letter


Suzanne OHara Hydrogeologist

130 Research Lane Suite 2 Guelph Ont NlG 5G3 Phone 5198222230 ext 234 Fax 5198223151 wwwGeosynteccom

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is or may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY IN NATURE OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE and (b) is intended only for the use of the Addressee(s) named herein If you are not the intended recipient an addressee or the person responsible for delivering this to an addressee you are hereby notified that reading using copying or distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited If you have received this electronic mail message in error please contact us immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system

[attachment Revised Sampling and Analysis Addendum Memoll032010pdf deleted by Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUS]

Page 7: REVISED SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN (SAP) ADDENDUM ... · "Site") and presents our proposed plan for sampling groundwater for total metals analysis and for the collection of additional

Geosyntec Consultants

TABLE 2 ANALYTES AND QUANTITATION LIMITS FOR ANALYSES Somersworth Sanitary Landfill Superfund Site New Hampshire

Groundwater VOCs 8260B (contd) Compoimd Styrene Tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA) Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) 1112-Tetrachloroethane 1122-Tetrachloroethane Tetrahydrofiiran Toluene 123-Trichlorobenzene 124-Trichlorobenzene +135-Trichlorobenzene 111 -Trichloroethane 112-Trichloroethane Trichloromethane (Chloroform) Trichlorofluoromethane Trichloroethylene (TCE) 123-Trichloropropane 124-Trimethylbenzene 135-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl chloride Xylenes (mixed isomers)

Groudnwater VOCs 8011 Compound

Ethylene dibromide (EDB)

Groundwater VOC 8270 LVI Compound

14-Dioxane Metals 6010C Compound

Arsenic Iron Selenium Cadmium Chromium (Total) Copper Lead Antimony Silver Thalium Zinc Beryllium Nickle [Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium Dissolved Iron Notes |igL - micrograms per litre mgL - miligram per litre

Reporting Limit 5 30 5 5 2 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 5

Reporting Limit ugL 005

Reporting Limit ugL


Reporting Limit mgL


TR0237 Table 2 Analytes and quantitation limits for analyses Page 2 of2 20101020

^ ^^t^^

Boundary of Groundwater Management Zone

Full-scale chemical treatment wait

Landfill gas venting trench

City of Somersworth property boundary

Approximate extent of waste area

Color Key

bull bull Wells to be sampled in November 2010

Symbol Key


A Staff gauge

bull Overburden piezometer

O Overburden well




Overburden bedrock well

Bedrock well

Extraction well

-6-Soi l gas probe CTW-20 ^ - ^ CTW monitoring transect

iDo 0 100 200 soon

SKe Monitoring Network Somersworth Landfill Superfund Site Somersworth NH

Geosyntec Figure

consultants 1 November 2010

Water Quality Meter + Flow-Through-Cell

r 1

Pump Graduated Waste Container

Water Level ^ Z Groundwater Meter Elevation

Pump Intake Screen Interval

Low-Flow Setup Diagram Somersworth Landfill Superfund Site Somersworth NH

Geosyntec Figure

consultants - 2

Guelph November 2010



Section Page


11 Overview 1

12 Objective 1

13 Equipment and Supplies 1


21 Pre-Mobilization Activities 2

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures 3

Inventory 3

222 Calibration 3

223 Well Inspection 3

23 Well Purging and Sampling 4

231 Set-up 4

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol) 4

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol 5

234 Field Measurements 5

235 Sampling 6

236 Observations During Sampling 7

237 Storage and Shipping 7

24 Documentation 7




11 Overview

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was prepared to provide instructions for groundwater sampling using the USEPA low-flowminimal drawdown well purging protocol (EPA 2010) Included in this SOP are field forms for sampling and meter calibration instructions and directions for documentation

This SOP will be implemented in accordance with the following governing documents

bullHealth and Safety Plan (HASP) which identifies all physical chemical and

biological hazards relevant to each field task and provides hazard mitigators to

address these hazards

bullField Sampling Plan (FSP) which provides details for field sampling locations and

procedures and which will be most frequently used by field staff on-site and

bullQuality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) which is written to establish protocols necessary to ensure that the data generated are of a quality sufficient to ensure that valid conclusions are drawn from the site characterization

12 Objective

The objective of low flow sampling techniques is to collect a representative groundwater sample from a monitoring well

13 Equipment and Supplies

Pump and probe selection may differ depending on the well diameter groundwater constituents and depth to groundwater but generally sampling will require the following equipment

bull Peristaltic bladder submersible or Waterra pump capable of a flow rate between 50 and 500 mLminute and appropriate power supply including compressor if needed The pump type will principally depend on the depth to water and well diameter Bladder or submersible pumps are preferred peristaltic pumps are acceptable only for wells where the depth to water is less than about 25 feet and Waterra pumps are only recommended for narrow diameter wells that caimot be sampled using a bladder or peristaltic pump

bull Field parameters except turbidity will be monitored using an YSI Model 600XL water quality instrument or equivalent Groundwater will be monitored in-line using aflow-through cell Turbidity will be measured by collecting grab samples before theflow-through-cell while purging each well Each grab sample will be analyzed using a Lamotte 2020 turbidity meter or equivalent

Water level tape (Solinst)

Teflon-lined tubing coimections and tools as appropriate sufficient tubing to dedicate to each well

Graduated cylinder or 1-liter bottle and stopwatch

5-gallon bucket and funnel for purge water

Field forms for meter calibration and groundwater sample collection (included in SOP)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (as specified in the HASP)

Air monitoring equipment as specified in HASP

Decontamination supplies as specified in FSP and QAPP

Sample containers and cooler

Clean plastic sheeting paper towels and miscellaneous supplies

pH paper


21 Pre-Mobilization Activities

bull Obtain the construction diameter depth material screened interval and map showing location for each monitoring well to be sampled

Obtain a listing of the parameters that will be measured in the field or laboratory bull as part of this sampling program including the required analytical method sample volume and holding time for each parameter The parameters that will be measured in the field are the low-flow stabilization parameters including temperature pH specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity These parameters will be recorded during low flow purging and immediately prior to collection of samples for laboratory analysis Remaining parameters will be measured in the laboratory

Verify that all equipment on order is being shipped to the site

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures

Several steps are required before sampling any of the wells These steps ensure that instruments are functioning and properly calibrated and that the necessary equipment has been supplied for efficient and accurate sampling

221 Inventory

Verify that the correct equipment has been received by the field site and that it is clean (decontaminated) Inventory sample containers to verify that the laboratory has provided the correct number of containers of the proper size and containing the correct preservative if required To the extent possible pre-labeltag and bundle sample containers for each well to avoid confiasion during sample collection

Verify that the appropriate PPE and ancillary supplies (eg paper towels decontamination solution) have been received by the field site The appropriate protective equipment as specified in the HASP will be reviewed during a morning tailgate meeting Contact the field manager or project manager immediately if there are discrepancies

222 Calibration

Calibrate the field probes consistent with the EPAs SOP for calibration of field instruments (EPA 2010b) before sampling and at the start of each field day Check the calibration at the end of each day Record the calibration data on the field calibration form provided in this SOP A check of the calibration shall be performed at least once more during the field day Instruments will be recalibrated as necessary (eg when calibration checks indicate incorrect operation) to ensure accurate measurements and all checks and recalibrations will be recorded on field calibration forms Calibration will also be checked if any readings during sampling are suspect

223 Well Inspection

Inspect the well for the presence of lock and cap surface seal integrity obstructions evidence of tampering debris or surface water collecting in flush mounts Note any irregularities in the groimdwater sampling field form included with this SOP The sampler must call the project manager if any irregularity is encoimtered in the inspection that compromises the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

23 Well Purging and Sampling

Sampling is performed using a five-step procedure that will be followed upon arrival at each well

1 set-up

2 purging

3 measurement of field parameters and field testing

4 sampling and

5 clean-up and decontamination

Detailed procedures for performing each of these steps are provided in the following subsections

231 Set-up

All necessary equipment for purging sampling and storage will be brought to the well before the well is opened Equipment will be placed on a clean plastic sheet near the well General parameters describing the well and field condition (eg well identification depth weather date and time) will be documented on a field data sheet PPE as required by the HASP will be doimed prior to opening well and air monitoring will be performed per HASP requirements while opening well Sampling begins by opening the well and measuring the depth to the water table The tubing field probe and reservoir for purged water are then set up

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol)

Wells are purged using the low flowminimum drawdown protocol as described by the

EPA (EPA 2010a) and summarized below The general procedural requirements for

low-flow purging are listed below

bull Minimize disturbance of the water column in the well by initiating pumping at a low rate (see below) Dedicated tubing (left in-place between sampling events) is also recommended to minimize disturbance to the water column before and during sampling

bull Begin pumping at a steady rate of 100 mLmin and measure the depth to water frequently (eg every minute for the first few minutes) to ensure that less than 01 ft of drawdown occurs The pumping rate may be increased if drawdown is less than 01 ft but the pumping rate will not exceed 500 mLmin

bull Field parameters and depth to water will be recorded on field data sheets at five minute intervals or greater (after each flow through cell volume has been

removed) while purging Purging will continue until pH temperature specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity stabilize (three consecutive readings) which is defined as follows

bull pH(+-01 unit)

bull temperature (3) bull specific conductance (3) bull ORP (+- 10 millivolts) bull DO (10 for gt05 mgL and if three DO readings are less than 05 mgL consider

stabilized) and

bull turbidity (10 for values gt5 nepholometric turbidity unit [NTU] if three readings are less than 5 NTU consider stabilized)

Samples for turbidity are collected before water enters the flow-through cell These water quality parameters are used to indicate that the well has stabilized before a sample is collected

In the case that the above criteria for stabilization are not met before three well volumes have been pumped then a maximum of five well volumes will be pumped before samples are taken Also if stabilization has not occurred after two hours of purging regardless of well volume status samples will be collected at this point and an accurate account of the attempts made to achieve stable parameters will be recorded on the field forms

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol

For wells with screen lengths longer than 10 the method above shall be modified such that three times the volume of the water contained in the screened interval of the well will be purged from the well prior to collecting groundwater samples using the low stress sampling procedures Purging will be conducted at a rate of less than 500 mLmin with field parameters being measured every 5 minutes

234 Field Measurements

Field parameter measurements will be recorded following parameter stabilization

(purging) and before sampling The pumping rate and sampler intake location in the

well are not to be adjusted after purging The field parameters measured are pH

temperature specific conductance DO ORP and turbidity

235 Sampling

Samples will be collected after field parameters have stabilized and measurements recorded The pump rate and sample intake location will not be adjusted between purging and sampling Samples are to be obtained from the influent line (prior) to the flow-through cell (ie field parameters carmot be measured during sampling) The following sampling strategy is to be followed at each location in its entirety prior to beginning a new location (

Sampling Methods by Analytical Group

Sample containers are to be filled in the order listed below and on the field data sheet using the following protocols Note that many sample containers contain preservatives hence it is necessary to fill each container carefully enough to avoid or minimize overfilling which may dilute the preservative to unacceptable levels For each analysis one of the corresponding containers will be tested with pH paper to confirm that the pH meets the corresponding limits stated in this SOP

1 Volatile organic compoimd (VOC) samples will be collected first Sample containers are to be completely filled so that a meniscus forms over the opening of the container The container lid will be moistened with groundwater and screwed to the container body The container is then turned upside down and inspected for air bubbles If air bubbles exist in the container then it is topped off to eliminate bubbles This procedure is repeated until there are no entrapped bubbles in the container Filled samples are stored at 4degC (+2degC)

2 Geochemistry-related parameters are to be sampled in the following order and with the following procedure

a) Alkalinity ferrous iron and sulfide measurements will be collected in the field per the field kit manufacturers instructions

b) Major anions (sulfate orthophosphate) - water will be dispensed into two 500 mL plastic bottles sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn2degC)

3 After all of the geochemistry-related parameters are collected the following samples are collected

a) Metals -Unfiltered water (for total metals analysis) will be dispensed directly in to a 500 mL wide mouth plastic bottle with HNO3 as a preservative to achieve a pH below 2 sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn 2degC)

236 Observations During Sampling

Field sampling staff will identify and log any observations that may be considered unusual into a field notebook or on the groundwater sampling field form for each well These observations include but are not limited to excessive bubbling within the tubing or in the sample containers as they are filled odors such as sulfide excessive turbidity solids or formation of precipitates in the samples color changes in the water and unusual sounds made by the equipment In addition sampling personnel will note the condition of the well upon arrival and inspection If the well casing is damaged and there are anomalies in the calculated water level at the well then the casing damage may indicate compromised sample quality

237 Storage and Shipping

All samples will be immediately placed on ice (preferably double-bagged wet ice packs)

to remain at 4degC (+2degC) prior to and during shipment to the laboratory The sample

containers will be stored in a cooler until further processing

24 Documentation

Field documentation includes completed calibration records groundwater sampling

field forms and other field notes deemed relevant It is essential that field data sheets

be filled out completely and legibly at each location and that entries are consistent for

each location and among different personnel As referenced above groundwater

sampling data and calibration forms are provided with this SOP The following

infonnation will be recorded

job site date and sampler

well identification and description

depth to water

casing volume calculation

depth of pump intake during purging and sampling

equipment used (field probes tubing model and serial numbers)

purge rate field parameters (temperature conductivity DO ORP pH and turbidity) and depth to water recorded every 5 minutes

sampling parameters

stabilized field parameters

V ^shy

identification time container types preservatives and analytical methods for samples and

space for comments


EPA 2010a Low Stress (low flow) Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells EQASOP-GW 001 Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 3 January 19 2010

EPA 2010b Standar Operating Proceedure forCalibration of Field Instruments EQASOP-FieldCalib Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 2 January 192010

RE Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event SOHara to Gerardo Millan-Ramos 11042010 1144 AM Cc bbelmore davelwest edwardjamison nieclerc TKrug twillis

History This message has been replied to


Attached is the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum that includes the edits you requested for items 2 and 3 below For item 1 below the reference in the first sentence of Section 2 is correct - it refers to the references in the main body of the sampling plan and not to the attachment


Original Message From Millan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov [ mailtoMillan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov] Sent Thursday November 04 2 010 1011 AM To Suzanne OHara Cc bbelmoresomersworthcom davelwestgecom edwardjamisongecom nleclerccomcastnet Tom Krug twillissomersworthcom Subject Re Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event


I have reviewed the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum Overall it is well written I only have minor commentsrequests

1 On page 3 the first sentence of Section 2 seems to have the wrong reference (EPA 2 010a ) Please correct 2 On Table 1 please add a column indicating the type of pump that will be used at each well 3 On Section 223 please add a sentence indicating that the sampler must call the project manager if shehe encounters any irregularity compromising the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

Please resubmit the Addendum with the edits aforementioned as soon as possible (NLT Friday Nov 5 at 200 PM)

Gerardo Millan-Ramos Remedial Project Manager Office of Site Remediation and Restoration US EPA Region 1 - New England tel (617) 918-1377 fax (617) 918-0377

From ltSOHaraGeosynteccomgt

To bull Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUSEPA

Cc ltbbelmoresomersworthcomgt ltedwardjamisongecomgt ltdave1westgecomgt

lttwillissomersworthcomgt ltnleclerccopycomcastnetgt


Date 11032010 0528 PM

Subject Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event

Gerardo Please find attached the revised sampling plan addendum for the sampling of metals and potential VI issues that are scheduled to take place next week The attached addresses your comments from your October 29 2010 letter


Suzanne OHara Hydrogeologist

130 Research Lane Suite 2 Guelph Ont NlG 5G3 Phone 5198222230 ext 234 Fax 5198223151 wwwGeosynteccom

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is or may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY IN NATURE OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE and (b) is intended only for the use of the Addressee(s) named herein If you are not the intended recipient an addressee or the person responsible for delivering this to an addressee you are hereby notified that reading using copying or distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited If you have received this electronic mail message in error please contact us immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system

[attachment Revised Sampling and Analysis Addendum Memoll032010pdf deleted by Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUS]

Page 8: REVISED SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN (SAP) ADDENDUM ... · "Site") and presents our proposed plan for sampling groundwater for total metals analysis and for the collection of additional

^ ^^t^^

Boundary of Groundwater Management Zone

Full-scale chemical treatment wait

Landfill gas venting trench

City of Somersworth property boundary

Approximate extent of waste area

Color Key

bull bull Wells to be sampled in November 2010

Symbol Key


A Staff gauge

bull Overburden piezometer

O Overburden well




Overburden bedrock well

Bedrock well

Extraction well

-6-Soi l gas probe CTW-20 ^ - ^ CTW monitoring transect

iDo 0 100 200 soon

SKe Monitoring Network Somersworth Landfill Superfund Site Somersworth NH

Geosyntec Figure

consultants 1 November 2010

Water Quality Meter + Flow-Through-Cell

r 1

Pump Graduated Waste Container

Water Level ^ Z Groundwater Meter Elevation

Pump Intake Screen Interval

Low-Flow Setup Diagram Somersworth Landfill Superfund Site Somersworth NH

Geosyntec Figure

consultants - 2

Guelph November 2010



Section Page


11 Overview 1

12 Objective 1

13 Equipment and Supplies 1


21 Pre-Mobilization Activities 2

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures 3

Inventory 3

222 Calibration 3

223 Well Inspection 3

23 Well Purging and Sampling 4

231 Set-up 4

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol) 4

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol 5

234 Field Measurements 5

235 Sampling 6

236 Observations During Sampling 7

237 Storage and Shipping 7

24 Documentation 7




11 Overview

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was prepared to provide instructions for groundwater sampling using the USEPA low-flowminimal drawdown well purging protocol (EPA 2010) Included in this SOP are field forms for sampling and meter calibration instructions and directions for documentation

This SOP will be implemented in accordance with the following governing documents

bullHealth and Safety Plan (HASP) which identifies all physical chemical and

biological hazards relevant to each field task and provides hazard mitigators to

address these hazards

bullField Sampling Plan (FSP) which provides details for field sampling locations and

procedures and which will be most frequently used by field staff on-site and

bullQuality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) which is written to establish protocols necessary to ensure that the data generated are of a quality sufficient to ensure that valid conclusions are drawn from the site characterization

12 Objective

The objective of low flow sampling techniques is to collect a representative groundwater sample from a monitoring well

13 Equipment and Supplies

Pump and probe selection may differ depending on the well diameter groundwater constituents and depth to groundwater but generally sampling will require the following equipment

bull Peristaltic bladder submersible or Waterra pump capable of a flow rate between 50 and 500 mLminute and appropriate power supply including compressor if needed The pump type will principally depend on the depth to water and well diameter Bladder or submersible pumps are preferred peristaltic pumps are acceptable only for wells where the depth to water is less than about 25 feet and Waterra pumps are only recommended for narrow diameter wells that caimot be sampled using a bladder or peristaltic pump

bull Field parameters except turbidity will be monitored using an YSI Model 600XL water quality instrument or equivalent Groundwater will be monitored in-line using aflow-through cell Turbidity will be measured by collecting grab samples before theflow-through-cell while purging each well Each grab sample will be analyzed using a Lamotte 2020 turbidity meter or equivalent

Water level tape (Solinst)

Teflon-lined tubing coimections and tools as appropriate sufficient tubing to dedicate to each well

Graduated cylinder or 1-liter bottle and stopwatch

5-gallon bucket and funnel for purge water

Field forms for meter calibration and groundwater sample collection (included in SOP)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (as specified in the HASP)

Air monitoring equipment as specified in HASP

Decontamination supplies as specified in FSP and QAPP

Sample containers and cooler

Clean plastic sheeting paper towels and miscellaneous supplies

pH paper


21 Pre-Mobilization Activities

bull Obtain the construction diameter depth material screened interval and map showing location for each monitoring well to be sampled

Obtain a listing of the parameters that will be measured in the field or laboratory bull as part of this sampling program including the required analytical method sample volume and holding time for each parameter The parameters that will be measured in the field are the low-flow stabilization parameters including temperature pH specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity These parameters will be recorded during low flow purging and immediately prior to collection of samples for laboratory analysis Remaining parameters will be measured in the laboratory

Verify that all equipment on order is being shipped to the site

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures

Several steps are required before sampling any of the wells These steps ensure that instruments are functioning and properly calibrated and that the necessary equipment has been supplied for efficient and accurate sampling

221 Inventory

Verify that the correct equipment has been received by the field site and that it is clean (decontaminated) Inventory sample containers to verify that the laboratory has provided the correct number of containers of the proper size and containing the correct preservative if required To the extent possible pre-labeltag and bundle sample containers for each well to avoid confiasion during sample collection

Verify that the appropriate PPE and ancillary supplies (eg paper towels decontamination solution) have been received by the field site The appropriate protective equipment as specified in the HASP will be reviewed during a morning tailgate meeting Contact the field manager or project manager immediately if there are discrepancies

222 Calibration

Calibrate the field probes consistent with the EPAs SOP for calibration of field instruments (EPA 2010b) before sampling and at the start of each field day Check the calibration at the end of each day Record the calibration data on the field calibration form provided in this SOP A check of the calibration shall be performed at least once more during the field day Instruments will be recalibrated as necessary (eg when calibration checks indicate incorrect operation) to ensure accurate measurements and all checks and recalibrations will be recorded on field calibration forms Calibration will also be checked if any readings during sampling are suspect

223 Well Inspection

Inspect the well for the presence of lock and cap surface seal integrity obstructions evidence of tampering debris or surface water collecting in flush mounts Note any irregularities in the groimdwater sampling field form included with this SOP The sampler must call the project manager if any irregularity is encoimtered in the inspection that compromises the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

23 Well Purging and Sampling

Sampling is performed using a five-step procedure that will be followed upon arrival at each well

1 set-up

2 purging

3 measurement of field parameters and field testing

4 sampling and

5 clean-up and decontamination

Detailed procedures for performing each of these steps are provided in the following subsections

231 Set-up

All necessary equipment for purging sampling and storage will be brought to the well before the well is opened Equipment will be placed on a clean plastic sheet near the well General parameters describing the well and field condition (eg well identification depth weather date and time) will be documented on a field data sheet PPE as required by the HASP will be doimed prior to opening well and air monitoring will be performed per HASP requirements while opening well Sampling begins by opening the well and measuring the depth to the water table The tubing field probe and reservoir for purged water are then set up

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol)

Wells are purged using the low flowminimum drawdown protocol as described by the

EPA (EPA 2010a) and summarized below The general procedural requirements for

low-flow purging are listed below

bull Minimize disturbance of the water column in the well by initiating pumping at a low rate (see below) Dedicated tubing (left in-place between sampling events) is also recommended to minimize disturbance to the water column before and during sampling

bull Begin pumping at a steady rate of 100 mLmin and measure the depth to water frequently (eg every minute for the first few minutes) to ensure that less than 01 ft of drawdown occurs The pumping rate may be increased if drawdown is less than 01 ft but the pumping rate will not exceed 500 mLmin

bull Field parameters and depth to water will be recorded on field data sheets at five minute intervals or greater (after each flow through cell volume has been

removed) while purging Purging will continue until pH temperature specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity stabilize (three consecutive readings) which is defined as follows

bull pH(+-01 unit)

bull temperature (3) bull specific conductance (3) bull ORP (+- 10 millivolts) bull DO (10 for gt05 mgL and if three DO readings are less than 05 mgL consider

stabilized) and

bull turbidity (10 for values gt5 nepholometric turbidity unit [NTU] if three readings are less than 5 NTU consider stabilized)

Samples for turbidity are collected before water enters the flow-through cell These water quality parameters are used to indicate that the well has stabilized before a sample is collected

In the case that the above criteria for stabilization are not met before three well volumes have been pumped then a maximum of five well volumes will be pumped before samples are taken Also if stabilization has not occurred after two hours of purging regardless of well volume status samples will be collected at this point and an accurate account of the attempts made to achieve stable parameters will be recorded on the field forms

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol

For wells with screen lengths longer than 10 the method above shall be modified such that three times the volume of the water contained in the screened interval of the well will be purged from the well prior to collecting groundwater samples using the low stress sampling procedures Purging will be conducted at a rate of less than 500 mLmin with field parameters being measured every 5 minutes

234 Field Measurements

Field parameter measurements will be recorded following parameter stabilization

(purging) and before sampling The pumping rate and sampler intake location in the

well are not to be adjusted after purging The field parameters measured are pH

temperature specific conductance DO ORP and turbidity

235 Sampling

Samples will be collected after field parameters have stabilized and measurements recorded The pump rate and sample intake location will not be adjusted between purging and sampling Samples are to be obtained from the influent line (prior) to the flow-through cell (ie field parameters carmot be measured during sampling) The following sampling strategy is to be followed at each location in its entirety prior to beginning a new location (

Sampling Methods by Analytical Group

Sample containers are to be filled in the order listed below and on the field data sheet using the following protocols Note that many sample containers contain preservatives hence it is necessary to fill each container carefully enough to avoid or minimize overfilling which may dilute the preservative to unacceptable levels For each analysis one of the corresponding containers will be tested with pH paper to confirm that the pH meets the corresponding limits stated in this SOP

1 Volatile organic compoimd (VOC) samples will be collected first Sample containers are to be completely filled so that a meniscus forms over the opening of the container The container lid will be moistened with groundwater and screwed to the container body The container is then turned upside down and inspected for air bubbles If air bubbles exist in the container then it is topped off to eliminate bubbles This procedure is repeated until there are no entrapped bubbles in the container Filled samples are stored at 4degC (+2degC)

2 Geochemistry-related parameters are to be sampled in the following order and with the following procedure

a) Alkalinity ferrous iron and sulfide measurements will be collected in the field per the field kit manufacturers instructions

b) Major anions (sulfate orthophosphate) - water will be dispensed into two 500 mL plastic bottles sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn2degC)

3 After all of the geochemistry-related parameters are collected the following samples are collected

a) Metals -Unfiltered water (for total metals analysis) will be dispensed directly in to a 500 mL wide mouth plastic bottle with HNO3 as a preservative to achieve a pH below 2 sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn 2degC)

236 Observations During Sampling

Field sampling staff will identify and log any observations that may be considered unusual into a field notebook or on the groundwater sampling field form for each well These observations include but are not limited to excessive bubbling within the tubing or in the sample containers as they are filled odors such as sulfide excessive turbidity solids or formation of precipitates in the samples color changes in the water and unusual sounds made by the equipment In addition sampling personnel will note the condition of the well upon arrival and inspection If the well casing is damaged and there are anomalies in the calculated water level at the well then the casing damage may indicate compromised sample quality

237 Storage and Shipping

All samples will be immediately placed on ice (preferably double-bagged wet ice packs)

to remain at 4degC (+2degC) prior to and during shipment to the laboratory The sample

containers will be stored in a cooler until further processing

24 Documentation

Field documentation includes completed calibration records groundwater sampling

field forms and other field notes deemed relevant It is essential that field data sheets

be filled out completely and legibly at each location and that entries are consistent for

each location and among different personnel As referenced above groundwater

sampling data and calibration forms are provided with this SOP The following

infonnation will be recorded

job site date and sampler

well identification and description

depth to water

casing volume calculation

depth of pump intake during purging and sampling

equipment used (field probes tubing model and serial numbers)

purge rate field parameters (temperature conductivity DO ORP pH and turbidity) and depth to water recorded every 5 minutes

sampling parameters

stabilized field parameters

V ^shy

identification time container types preservatives and analytical methods for samples and

space for comments


EPA 2010a Low Stress (low flow) Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells EQASOP-GW 001 Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 3 January 19 2010

EPA 2010b Standar Operating Proceedure forCalibration of Field Instruments EQASOP-FieldCalib Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 2 January 192010

RE Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event SOHara to Gerardo Millan-Ramos 11042010 1144 AM Cc bbelmore davelwest edwardjamison nieclerc TKrug twillis

History This message has been replied to


Attached is the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum that includes the edits you requested for items 2 and 3 below For item 1 below the reference in the first sentence of Section 2 is correct - it refers to the references in the main body of the sampling plan and not to the attachment


Original Message From Millan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov [ mailtoMillan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov] Sent Thursday November 04 2 010 1011 AM To Suzanne OHara Cc bbelmoresomersworthcom davelwestgecom edwardjamisongecom nleclerccomcastnet Tom Krug twillissomersworthcom Subject Re Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event


I have reviewed the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum Overall it is well written I only have minor commentsrequests

1 On page 3 the first sentence of Section 2 seems to have the wrong reference (EPA 2 010a ) Please correct 2 On Table 1 please add a column indicating the type of pump that will be used at each well 3 On Section 223 please add a sentence indicating that the sampler must call the project manager if shehe encounters any irregularity compromising the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

Please resubmit the Addendum with the edits aforementioned as soon as possible (NLT Friday Nov 5 at 200 PM)

Gerardo Millan-Ramos Remedial Project Manager Office of Site Remediation and Restoration US EPA Region 1 - New England tel (617) 918-1377 fax (617) 918-0377

From ltSOHaraGeosynteccomgt

To bull Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUSEPA

Cc ltbbelmoresomersworthcomgt ltedwardjamisongecomgt ltdave1westgecomgt

lttwillissomersworthcomgt ltnleclerccopycomcastnetgt


Date 11032010 0528 PM

Subject Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event

Gerardo Please find attached the revised sampling plan addendum for the sampling of metals and potential VI issues that are scheduled to take place next week The attached addresses your comments from your October 29 2010 letter


Suzanne OHara Hydrogeologist

130 Research Lane Suite 2 Guelph Ont NlG 5G3 Phone 5198222230 ext 234 Fax 5198223151 wwwGeosynteccom

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is or may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY IN NATURE OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE and (b) is intended only for the use of the Addressee(s) named herein If you are not the intended recipient an addressee or the person responsible for delivering this to an addressee you are hereby notified that reading using copying or distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited If you have received this electronic mail message in error please contact us immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system

[attachment Revised Sampling and Analysis Addendum Memoll032010pdf deleted by Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUS]

Page 9: REVISED SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN (SAP) ADDENDUM ... · "Site") and presents our proposed plan for sampling groundwater for total metals analysis and for the collection of additional

Water Quality Meter + Flow-Through-Cell

r 1

Pump Graduated Waste Container

Water Level ^ Z Groundwater Meter Elevation

Pump Intake Screen Interval

Low-Flow Setup Diagram Somersworth Landfill Superfund Site Somersworth NH

Geosyntec Figure

consultants - 2

Guelph November 2010



Section Page


11 Overview 1

12 Objective 1

13 Equipment and Supplies 1


21 Pre-Mobilization Activities 2

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures 3

Inventory 3

222 Calibration 3

223 Well Inspection 3

23 Well Purging and Sampling 4

231 Set-up 4

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol) 4

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol 5

234 Field Measurements 5

235 Sampling 6

236 Observations During Sampling 7

237 Storage and Shipping 7

24 Documentation 7




11 Overview

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was prepared to provide instructions for groundwater sampling using the USEPA low-flowminimal drawdown well purging protocol (EPA 2010) Included in this SOP are field forms for sampling and meter calibration instructions and directions for documentation

This SOP will be implemented in accordance with the following governing documents

bullHealth and Safety Plan (HASP) which identifies all physical chemical and

biological hazards relevant to each field task and provides hazard mitigators to

address these hazards

bullField Sampling Plan (FSP) which provides details for field sampling locations and

procedures and which will be most frequently used by field staff on-site and

bullQuality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) which is written to establish protocols necessary to ensure that the data generated are of a quality sufficient to ensure that valid conclusions are drawn from the site characterization

12 Objective

The objective of low flow sampling techniques is to collect a representative groundwater sample from a monitoring well

13 Equipment and Supplies

Pump and probe selection may differ depending on the well diameter groundwater constituents and depth to groundwater but generally sampling will require the following equipment

bull Peristaltic bladder submersible or Waterra pump capable of a flow rate between 50 and 500 mLminute and appropriate power supply including compressor if needed The pump type will principally depend on the depth to water and well diameter Bladder or submersible pumps are preferred peristaltic pumps are acceptable only for wells where the depth to water is less than about 25 feet and Waterra pumps are only recommended for narrow diameter wells that caimot be sampled using a bladder or peristaltic pump

bull Field parameters except turbidity will be monitored using an YSI Model 600XL water quality instrument or equivalent Groundwater will be monitored in-line using aflow-through cell Turbidity will be measured by collecting grab samples before theflow-through-cell while purging each well Each grab sample will be analyzed using a Lamotte 2020 turbidity meter or equivalent

Water level tape (Solinst)

Teflon-lined tubing coimections and tools as appropriate sufficient tubing to dedicate to each well

Graduated cylinder or 1-liter bottle and stopwatch

5-gallon bucket and funnel for purge water

Field forms for meter calibration and groundwater sample collection (included in SOP)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (as specified in the HASP)

Air monitoring equipment as specified in HASP

Decontamination supplies as specified in FSP and QAPP

Sample containers and cooler

Clean plastic sheeting paper towels and miscellaneous supplies

pH paper


21 Pre-Mobilization Activities

bull Obtain the construction diameter depth material screened interval and map showing location for each monitoring well to be sampled

Obtain a listing of the parameters that will be measured in the field or laboratory bull as part of this sampling program including the required analytical method sample volume and holding time for each parameter The parameters that will be measured in the field are the low-flow stabilization parameters including temperature pH specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity These parameters will be recorded during low flow purging and immediately prior to collection of samples for laboratory analysis Remaining parameters will be measured in the laboratory

Verify that all equipment on order is being shipped to the site

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures

Several steps are required before sampling any of the wells These steps ensure that instruments are functioning and properly calibrated and that the necessary equipment has been supplied for efficient and accurate sampling

221 Inventory

Verify that the correct equipment has been received by the field site and that it is clean (decontaminated) Inventory sample containers to verify that the laboratory has provided the correct number of containers of the proper size and containing the correct preservative if required To the extent possible pre-labeltag and bundle sample containers for each well to avoid confiasion during sample collection

Verify that the appropriate PPE and ancillary supplies (eg paper towels decontamination solution) have been received by the field site The appropriate protective equipment as specified in the HASP will be reviewed during a morning tailgate meeting Contact the field manager or project manager immediately if there are discrepancies

222 Calibration

Calibrate the field probes consistent with the EPAs SOP for calibration of field instruments (EPA 2010b) before sampling and at the start of each field day Check the calibration at the end of each day Record the calibration data on the field calibration form provided in this SOP A check of the calibration shall be performed at least once more during the field day Instruments will be recalibrated as necessary (eg when calibration checks indicate incorrect operation) to ensure accurate measurements and all checks and recalibrations will be recorded on field calibration forms Calibration will also be checked if any readings during sampling are suspect

223 Well Inspection

Inspect the well for the presence of lock and cap surface seal integrity obstructions evidence of tampering debris or surface water collecting in flush mounts Note any irregularities in the groimdwater sampling field form included with this SOP The sampler must call the project manager if any irregularity is encoimtered in the inspection that compromises the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

23 Well Purging and Sampling

Sampling is performed using a five-step procedure that will be followed upon arrival at each well

1 set-up

2 purging

3 measurement of field parameters and field testing

4 sampling and

5 clean-up and decontamination

Detailed procedures for performing each of these steps are provided in the following subsections

231 Set-up

All necessary equipment for purging sampling and storage will be brought to the well before the well is opened Equipment will be placed on a clean plastic sheet near the well General parameters describing the well and field condition (eg well identification depth weather date and time) will be documented on a field data sheet PPE as required by the HASP will be doimed prior to opening well and air monitoring will be performed per HASP requirements while opening well Sampling begins by opening the well and measuring the depth to the water table The tubing field probe and reservoir for purged water are then set up

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol)

Wells are purged using the low flowminimum drawdown protocol as described by the

EPA (EPA 2010a) and summarized below The general procedural requirements for

low-flow purging are listed below

bull Minimize disturbance of the water column in the well by initiating pumping at a low rate (see below) Dedicated tubing (left in-place between sampling events) is also recommended to minimize disturbance to the water column before and during sampling

bull Begin pumping at a steady rate of 100 mLmin and measure the depth to water frequently (eg every minute for the first few minutes) to ensure that less than 01 ft of drawdown occurs The pumping rate may be increased if drawdown is less than 01 ft but the pumping rate will not exceed 500 mLmin

bull Field parameters and depth to water will be recorded on field data sheets at five minute intervals or greater (after each flow through cell volume has been

removed) while purging Purging will continue until pH temperature specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity stabilize (three consecutive readings) which is defined as follows

bull pH(+-01 unit)

bull temperature (3) bull specific conductance (3) bull ORP (+- 10 millivolts) bull DO (10 for gt05 mgL and if three DO readings are less than 05 mgL consider

stabilized) and

bull turbidity (10 for values gt5 nepholometric turbidity unit [NTU] if three readings are less than 5 NTU consider stabilized)

Samples for turbidity are collected before water enters the flow-through cell These water quality parameters are used to indicate that the well has stabilized before a sample is collected

In the case that the above criteria for stabilization are not met before three well volumes have been pumped then a maximum of five well volumes will be pumped before samples are taken Also if stabilization has not occurred after two hours of purging regardless of well volume status samples will be collected at this point and an accurate account of the attempts made to achieve stable parameters will be recorded on the field forms

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol

For wells with screen lengths longer than 10 the method above shall be modified such that three times the volume of the water contained in the screened interval of the well will be purged from the well prior to collecting groundwater samples using the low stress sampling procedures Purging will be conducted at a rate of less than 500 mLmin with field parameters being measured every 5 minutes

234 Field Measurements

Field parameter measurements will be recorded following parameter stabilization

(purging) and before sampling The pumping rate and sampler intake location in the

well are not to be adjusted after purging The field parameters measured are pH

temperature specific conductance DO ORP and turbidity

235 Sampling

Samples will be collected after field parameters have stabilized and measurements recorded The pump rate and sample intake location will not be adjusted between purging and sampling Samples are to be obtained from the influent line (prior) to the flow-through cell (ie field parameters carmot be measured during sampling) The following sampling strategy is to be followed at each location in its entirety prior to beginning a new location (

Sampling Methods by Analytical Group

Sample containers are to be filled in the order listed below and on the field data sheet using the following protocols Note that many sample containers contain preservatives hence it is necessary to fill each container carefully enough to avoid or minimize overfilling which may dilute the preservative to unacceptable levels For each analysis one of the corresponding containers will be tested with pH paper to confirm that the pH meets the corresponding limits stated in this SOP

1 Volatile organic compoimd (VOC) samples will be collected first Sample containers are to be completely filled so that a meniscus forms over the opening of the container The container lid will be moistened with groundwater and screwed to the container body The container is then turned upside down and inspected for air bubbles If air bubbles exist in the container then it is topped off to eliminate bubbles This procedure is repeated until there are no entrapped bubbles in the container Filled samples are stored at 4degC (+2degC)

2 Geochemistry-related parameters are to be sampled in the following order and with the following procedure

a) Alkalinity ferrous iron and sulfide measurements will be collected in the field per the field kit manufacturers instructions

b) Major anions (sulfate orthophosphate) - water will be dispensed into two 500 mL plastic bottles sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn2degC)

3 After all of the geochemistry-related parameters are collected the following samples are collected

a) Metals -Unfiltered water (for total metals analysis) will be dispensed directly in to a 500 mL wide mouth plastic bottle with HNO3 as a preservative to achieve a pH below 2 sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn 2degC)

236 Observations During Sampling

Field sampling staff will identify and log any observations that may be considered unusual into a field notebook or on the groundwater sampling field form for each well These observations include but are not limited to excessive bubbling within the tubing or in the sample containers as they are filled odors such as sulfide excessive turbidity solids or formation of precipitates in the samples color changes in the water and unusual sounds made by the equipment In addition sampling personnel will note the condition of the well upon arrival and inspection If the well casing is damaged and there are anomalies in the calculated water level at the well then the casing damage may indicate compromised sample quality

237 Storage and Shipping

All samples will be immediately placed on ice (preferably double-bagged wet ice packs)

to remain at 4degC (+2degC) prior to and during shipment to the laboratory The sample

containers will be stored in a cooler until further processing

24 Documentation

Field documentation includes completed calibration records groundwater sampling

field forms and other field notes deemed relevant It is essential that field data sheets

be filled out completely and legibly at each location and that entries are consistent for

each location and among different personnel As referenced above groundwater

sampling data and calibration forms are provided with this SOP The following

infonnation will be recorded

job site date and sampler

well identification and description

depth to water

casing volume calculation

depth of pump intake during purging and sampling

equipment used (field probes tubing model and serial numbers)

purge rate field parameters (temperature conductivity DO ORP pH and turbidity) and depth to water recorded every 5 minutes

sampling parameters

stabilized field parameters

V ^shy

identification time container types preservatives and analytical methods for samples and

space for comments


EPA 2010a Low Stress (low flow) Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells EQASOP-GW 001 Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 3 January 19 2010

EPA 2010b Standar Operating Proceedure forCalibration of Field Instruments EQASOP-FieldCalib Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 2 January 192010

RE Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event SOHara to Gerardo Millan-Ramos 11042010 1144 AM Cc bbelmore davelwest edwardjamison nieclerc TKrug twillis

History This message has been replied to


Attached is the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum that includes the edits you requested for items 2 and 3 below For item 1 below the reference in the first sentence of Section 2 is correct - it refers to the references in the main body of the sampling plan and not to the attachment


Original Message From Millan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov [ mailtoMillan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov] Sent Thursday November 04 2 010 1011 AM To Suzanne OHara Cc bbelmoresomersworthcom davelwestgecom edwardjamisongecom nleclerccomcastnet Tom Krug twillissomersworthcom Subject Re Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event


I have reviewed the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum Overall it is well written I only have minor commentsrequests

1 On page 3 the first sentence of Section 2 seems to have the wrong reference (EPA 2 010a ) Please correct 2 On Table 1 please add a column indicating the type of pump that will be used at each well 3 On Section 223 please add a sentence indicating that the sampler must call the project manager if shehe encounters any irregularity compromising the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

Please resubmit the Addendum with the edits aforementioned as soon as possible (NLT Friday Nov 5 at 200 PM)

Gerardo Millan-Ramos Remedial Project Manager Office of Site Remediation and Restoration US EPA Region 1 - New England tel (617) 918-1377 fax (617) 918-0377

From ltSOHaraGeosynteccomgt

To bull Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUSEPA

Cc ltbbelmoresomersworthcomgt ltedwardjamisongecomgt ltdave1westgecomgt

lttwillissomersworthcomgt ltnleclerccopycomcastnetgt


Date 11032010 0528 PM

Subject Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event

Gerardo Please find attached the revised sampling plan addendum for the sampling of metals and potential VI issues that are scheduled to take place next week The attached addresses your comments from your October 29 2010 letter


Suzanne OHara Hydrogeologist

130 Research Lane Suite 2 Guelph Ont NlG 5G3 Phone 5198222230 ext 234 Fax 5198223151 wwwGeosynteccom

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is or may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY IN NATURE OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE and (b) is intended only for the use of the Addressee(s) named herein If you are not the intended recipient an addressee or the person responsible for delivering this to an addressee you are hereby notified that reading using copying or distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited If you have received this electronic mail message in error please contact us immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system

[attachment Revised Sampling and Analysis Addendum Memoll032010pdf deleted by Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUS]

Page 10: REVISED SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN (SAP) ADDENDUM ... · "Site") and presents our proposed plan for sampling groundwater for total metals analysis and for the collection of additional



Section Page


11 Overview 1

12 Objective 1

13 Equipment and Supplies 1


21 Pre-Mobilization Activities 2

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures 3

Inventory 3

222 Calibration 3

223 Well Inspection 3

23 Well Purging and Sampling 4

231 Set-up 4

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol) 4

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol 5

234 Field Measurements 5

235 Sampling 6

236 Observations During Sampling 7

237 Storage and Shipping 7

24 Documentation 7




11 Overview

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was prepared to provide instructions for groundwater sampling using the USEPA low-flowminimal drawdown well purging protocol (EPA 2010) Included in this SOP are field forms for sampling and meter calibration instructions and directions for documentation

This SOP will be implemented in accordance with the following governing documents

bullHealth and Safety Plan (HASP) which identifies all physical chemical and

biological hazards relevant to each field task and provides hazard mitigators to

address these hazards

bullField Sampling Plan (FSP) which provides details for field sampling locations and

procedures and which will be most frequently used by field staff on-site and

bullQuality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) which is written to establish protocols necessary to ensure that the data generated are of a quality sufficient to ensure that valid conclusions are drawn from the site characterization

12 Objective

The objective of low flow sampling techniques is to collect a representative groundwater sample from a monitoring well

13 Equipment and Supplies

Pump and probe selection may differ depending on the well diameter groundwater constituents and depth to groundwater but generally sampling will require the following equipment

bull Peristaltic bladder submersible or Waterra pump capable of a flow rate between 50 and 500 mLminute and appropriate power supply including compressor if needed The pump type will principally depend on the depth to water and well diameter Bladder or submersible pumps are preferred peristaltic pumps are acceptable only for wells where the depth to water is less than about 25 feet and Waterra pumps are only recommended for narrow diameter wells that caimot be sampled using a bladder or peristaltic pump

bull Field parameters except turbidity will be monitored using an YSI Model 600XL water quality instrument or equivalent Groundwater will be monitored in-line using aflow-through cell Turbidity will be measured by collecting grab samples before theflow-through-cell while purging each well Each grab sample will be analyzed using a Lamotte 2020 turbidity meter or equivalent

Water level tape (Solinst)

Teflon-lined tubing coimections and tools as appropriate sufficient tubing to dedicate to each well

Graduated cylinder or 1-liter bottle and stopwatch

5-gallon bucket and funnel for purge water

Field forms for meter calibration and groundwater sample collection (included in SOP)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (as specified in the HASP)

Air monitoring equipment as specified in HASP

Decontamination supplies as specified in FSP and QAPP

Sample containers and cooler

Clean plastic sheeting paper towels and miscellaneous supplies

pH paper


21 Pre-Mobilization Activities

bull Obtain the construction diameter depth material screened interval and map showing location for each monitoring well to be sampled

Obtain a listing of the parameters that will be measured in the field or laboratory bull as part of this sampling program including the required analytical method sample volume and holding time for each parameter The parameters that will be measured in the field are the low-flow stabilization parameters including temperature pH specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity These parameters will be recorded during low flow purging and immediately prior to collection of samples for laboratory analysis Remaining parameters will be measured in the laboratory

Verify that all equipment on order is being shipped to the site

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures

Several steps are required before sampling any of the wells These steps ensure that instruments are functioning and properly calibrated and that the necessary equipment has been supplied for efficient and accurate sampling

221 Inventory

Verify that the correct equipment has been received by the field site and that it is clean (decontaminated) Inventory sample containers to verify that the laboratory has provided the correct number of containers of the proper size and containing the correct preservative if required To the extent possible pre-labeltag and bundle sample containers for each well to avoid confiasion during sample collection

Verify that the appropriate PPE and ancillary supplies (eg paper towels decontamination solution) have been received by the field site The appropriate protective equipment as specified in the HASP will be reviewed during a morning tailgate meeting Contact the field manager or project manager immediately if there are discrepancies

222 Calibration

Calibrate the field probes consistent with the EPAs SOP for calibration of field instruments (EPA 2010b) before sampling and at the start of each field day Check the calibration at the end of each day Record the calibration data on the field calibration form provided in this SOP A check of the calibration shall be performed at least once more during the field day Instruments will be recalibrated as necessary (eg when calibration checks indicate incorrect operation) to ensure accurate measurements and all checks and recalibrations will be recorded on field calibration forms Calibration will also be checked if any readings during sampling are suspect

223 Well Inspection

Inspect the well for the presence of lock and cap surface seal integrity obstructions evidence of tampering debris or surface water collecting in flush mounts Note any irregularities in the groimdwater sampling field form included with this SOP The sampler must call the project manager if any irregularity is encoimtered in the inspection that compromises the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

23 Well Purging and Sampling

Sampling is performed using a five-step procedure that will be followed upon arrival at each well

1 set-up

2 purging

3 measurement of field parameters and field testing

4 sampling and

5 clean-up and decontamination

Detailed procedures for performing each of these steps are provided in the following subsections

231 Set-up

All necessary equipment for purging sampling and storage will be brought to the well before the well is opened Equipment will be placed on a clean plastic sheet near the well General parameters describing the well and field condition (eg well identification depth weather date and time) will be documented on a field data sheet PPE as required by the HASP will be doimed prior to opening well and air monitoring will be performed per HASP requirements while opening well Sampling begins by opening the well and measuring the depth to the water table The tubing field probe and reservoir for purged water are then set up

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol)

Wells are purged using the low flowminimum drawdown protocol as described by the

EPA (EPA 2010a) and summarized below The general procedural requirements for

low-flow purging are listed below

bull Minimize disturbance of the water column in the well by initiating pumping at a low rate (see below) Dedicated tubing (left in-place between sampling events) is also recommended to minimize disturbance to the water column before and during sampling

bull Begin pumping at a steady rate of 100 mLmin and measure the depth to water frequently (eg every minute for the first few minutes) to ensure that less than 01 ft of drawdown occurs The pumping rate may be increased if drawdown is less than 01 ft but the pumping rate will not exceed 500 mLmin

bull Field parameters and depth to water will be recorded on field data sheets at five minute intervals or greater (after each flow through cell volume has been

removed) while purging Purging will continue until pH temperature specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity stabilize (three consecutive readings) which is defined as follows

bull pH(+-01 unit)

bull temperature (3) bull specific conductance (3) bull ORP (+- 10 millivolts) bull DO (10 for gt05 mgL and if three DO readings are less than 05 mgL consider

stabilized) and

bull turbidity (10 for values gt5 nepholometric turbidity unit [NTU] if three readings are less than 5 NTU consider stabilized)

Samples for turbidity are collected before water enters the flow-through cell These water quality parameters are used to indicate that the well has stabilized before a sample is collected

In the case that the above criteria for stabilization are not met before three well volumes have been pumped then a maximum of five well volumes will be pumped before samples are taken Also if stabilization has not occurred after two hours of purging regardless of well volume status samples will be collected at this point and an accurate account of the attempts made to achieve stable parameters will be recorded on the field forms

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol

For wells with screen lengths longer than 10 the method above shall be modified such that three times the volume of the water contained in the screened interval of the well will be purged from the well prior to collecting groundwater samples using the low stress sampling procedures Purging will be conducted at a rate of less than 500 mLmin with field parameters being measured every 5 minutes

234 Field Measurements

Field parameter measurements will be recorded following parameter stabilization

(purging) and before sampling The pumping rate and sampler intake location in the

well are not to be adjusted after purging The field parameters measured are pH

temperature specific conductance DO ORP and turbidity

235 Sampling

Samples will be collected after field parameters have stabilized and measurements recorded The pump rate and sample intake location will not be adjusted between purging and sampling Samples are to be obtained from the influent line (prior) to the flow-through cell (ie field parameters carmot be measured during sampling) The following sampling strategy is to be followed at each location in its entirety prior to beginning a new location (

Sampling Methods by Analytical Group

Sample containers are to be filled in the order listed below and on the field data sheet using the following protocols Note that many sample containers contain preservatives hence it is necessary to fill each container carefully enough to avoid or minimize overfilling which may dilute the preservative to unacceptable levels For each analysis one of the corresponding containers will be tested with pH paper to confirm that the pH meets the corresponding limits stated in this SOP

1 Volatile organic compoimd (VOC) samples will be collected first Sample containers are to be completely filled so that a meniscus forms over the opening of the container The container lid will be moistened with groundwater and screwed to the container body The container is then turned upside down and inspected for air bubbles If air bubbles exist in the container then it is topped off to eliminate bubbles This procedure is repeated until there are no entrapped bubbles in the container Filled samples are stored at 4degC (+2degC)

2 Geochemistry-related parameters are to be sampled in the following order and with the following procedure

a) Alkalinity ferrous iron and sulfide measurements will be collected in the field per the field kit manufacturers instructions

b) Major anions (sulfate orthophosphate) - water will be dispensed into two 500 mL plastic bottles sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn2degC)

3 After all of the geochemistry-related parameters are collected the following samples are collected

a) Metals -Unfiltered water (for total metals analysis) will be dispensed directly in to a 500 mL wide mouth plastic bottle with HNO3 as a preservative to achieve a pH below 2 sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn 2degC)

236 Observations During Sampling

Field sampling staff will identify and log any observations that may be considered unusual into a field notebook or on the groundwater sampling field form for each well These observations include but are not limited to excessive bubbling within the tubing or in the sample containers as they are filled odors such as sulfide excessive turbidity solids or formation of precipitates in the samples color changes in the water and unusual sounds made by the equipment In addition sampling personnel will note the condition of the well upon arrival and inspection If the well casing is damaged and there are anomalies in the calculated water level at the well then the casing damage may indicate compromised sample quality

237 Storage and Shipping

All samples will be immediately placed on ice (preferably double-bagged wet ice packs)

to remain at 4degC (+2degC) prior to and during shipment to the laboratory The sample

containers will be stored in a cooler until further processing

24 Documentation

Field documentation includes completed calibration records groundwater sampling

field forms and other field notes deemed relevant It is essential that field data sheets

be filled out completely and legibly at each location and that entries are consistent for

each location and among different personnel As referenced above groundwater

sampling data and calibration forms are provided with this SOP The following

infonnation will be recorded

job site date and sampler

well identification and description

depth to water

casing volume calculation

depth of pump intake during purging and sampling

equipment used (field probes tubing model and serial numbers)

purge rate field parameters (temperature conductivity DO ORP pH and turbidity) and depth to water recorded every 5 minutes

sampling parameters

stabilized field parameters

V ^shy

identification time container types preservatives and analytical methods for samples and

space for comments


EPA 2010a Low Stress (low flow) Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells EQASOP-GW 001 Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 3 January 19 2010

EPA 2010b Standar Operating Proceedure forCalibration of Field Instruments EQASOP-FieldCalib Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 2 January 192010

RE Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event SOHara to Gerardo Millan-Ramos 11042010 1144 AM Cc bbelmore davelwest edwardjamison nieclerc TKrug twillis

History This message has been replied to


Attached is the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum that includes the edits you requested for items 2 and 3 below For item 1 below the reference in the first sentence of Section 2 is correct - it refers to the references in the main body of the sampling plan and not to the attachment


Original Message From Millan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov [ mailtoMillan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov] Sent Thursday November 04 2 010 1011 AM To Suzanne OHara Cc bbelmoresomersworthcom davelwestgecom edwardjamisongecom nleclerccomcastnet Tom Krug twillissomersworthcom Subject Re Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event


I have reviewed the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum Overall it is well written I only have minor commentsrequests

1 On page 3 the first sentence of Section 2 seems to have the wrong reference (EPA 2 010a ) Please correct 2 On Table 1 please add a column indicating the type of pump that will be used at each well 3 On Section 223 please add a sentence indicating that the sampler must call the project manager if shehe encounters any irregularity compromising the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

Please resubmit the Addendum with the edits aforementioned as soon as possible (NLT Friday Nov 5 at 200 PM)

Gerardo Millan-Ramos Remedial Project Manager Office of Site Remediation and Restoration US EPA Region 1 - New England tel (617) 918-1377 fax (617) 918-0377

From ltSOHaraGeosynteccomgt

To bull Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUSEPA

Cc ltbbelmoresomersworthcomgt ltedwardjamisongecomgt ltdave1westgecomgt

lttwillissomersworthcomgt ltnleclerccopycomcastnetgt


Date 11032010 0528 PM

Subject Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event

Gerardo Please find attached the revised sampling plan addendum for the sampling of metals and potential VI issues that are scheduled to take place next week The attached addresses your comments from your October 29 2010 letter


Suzanne OHara Hydrogeologist

130 Research Lane Suite 2 Guelph Ont NlG 5G3 Phone 5198222230 ext 234 Fax 5198223151 wwwGeosynteccom

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is or may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY IN NATURE OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE and (b) is intended only for the use of the Addressee(s) named herein If you are not the intended recipient an addressee or the person responsible for delivering this to an addressee you are hereby notified that reading using copying or distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited If you have received this electronic mail message in error please contact us immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system

[attachment Revised Sampling and Analysis Addendum Memoll032010pdf deleted by Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUS]

Page 11: REVISED SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN (SAP) ADDENDUM ... · "Site") and presents our proposed plan for sampling groundwater for total metals analysis and for the collection of additional


Section Page


11 Overview 1

12 Objective 1

13 Equipment and Supplies 1


21 Pre-Mobilization Activities 2

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures 3

Inventory 3

222 Calibration 3

223 Well Inspection 3

23 Well Purging and Sampling 4

231 Set-up 4

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol) 4

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol 5

234 Field Measurements 5

235 Sampling 6

236 Observations During Sampling 7

237 Storage and Shipping 7

24 Documentation 7




11 Overview

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was prepared to provide instructions for groundwater sampling using the USEPA low-flowminimal drawdown well purging protocol (EPA 2010) Included in this SOP are field forms for sampling and meter calibration instructions and directions for documentation

This SOP will be implemented in accordance with the following governing documents

bullHealth and Safety Plan (HASP) which identifies all physical chemical and

biological hazards relevant to each field task and provides hazard mitigators to

address these hazards

bullField Sampling Plan (FSP) which provides details for field sampling locations and

procedures and which will be most frequently used by field staff on-site and

bullQuality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) which is written to establish protocols necessary to ensure that the data generated are of a quality sufficient to ensure that valid conclusions are drawn from the site characterization

12 Objective

The objective of low flow sampling techniques is to collect a representative groundwater sample from a monitoring well

13 Equipment and Supplies

Pump and probe selection may differ depending on the well diameter groundwater constituents and depth to groundwater but generally sampling will require the following equipment

bull Peristaltic bladder submersible or Waterra pump capable of a flow rate between 50 and 500 mLminute and appropriate power supply including compressor if needed The pump type will principally depend on the depth to water and well diameter Bladder or submersible pumps are preferred peristaltic pumps are acceptable only for wells where the depth to water is less than about 25 feet and Waterra pumps are only recommended for narrow diameter wells that caimot be sampled using a bladder or peristaltic pump

bull Field parameters except turbidity will be monitored using an YSI Model 600XL water quality instrument or equivalent Groundwater will be monitored in-line using aflow-through cell Turbidity will be measured by collecting grab samples before theflow-through-cell while purging each well Each grab sample will be analyzed using a Lamotte 2020 turbidity meter or equivalent

Water level tape (Solinst)

Teflon-lined tubing coimections and tools as appropriate sufficient tubing to dedicate to each well

Graduated cylinder or 1-liter bottle and stopwatch

5-gallon bucket and funnel for purge water

Field forms for meter calibration and groundwater sample collection (included in SOP)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (as specified in the HASP)

Air monitoring equipment as specified in HASP

Decontamination supplies as specified in FSP and QAPP

Sample containers and cooler

Clean plastic sheeting paper towels and miscellaneous supplies

pH paper


21 Pre-Mobilization Activities

bull Obtain the construction diameter depth material screened interval and map showing location for each monitoring well to be sampled

Obtain a listing of the parameters that will be measured in the field or laboratory bull as part of this sampling program including the required analytical method sample volume and holding time for each parameter The parameters that will be measured in the field are the low-flow stabilization parameters including temperature pH specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity These parameters will be recorded during low flow purging and immediately prior to collection of samples for laboratory analysis Remaining parameters will be measured in the laboratory

Verify that all equipment on order is being shipped to the site

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures

Several steps are required before sampling any of the wells These steps ensure that instruments are functioning and properly calibrated and that the necessary equipment has been supplied for efficient and accurate sampling

221 Inventory

Verify that the correct equipment has been received by the field site and that it is clean (decontaminated) Inventory sample containers to verify that the laboratory has provided the correct number of containers of the proper size and containing the correct preservative if required To the extent possible pre-labeltag and bundle sample containers for each well to avoid confiasion during sample collection

Verify that the appropriate PPE and ancillary supplies (eg paper towels decontamination solution) have been received by the field site The appropriate protective equipment as specified in the HASP will be reviewed during a morning tailgate meeting Contact the field manager or project manager immediately if there are discrepancies

222 Calibration

Calibrate the field probes consistent with the EPAs SOP for calibration of field instruments (EPA 2010b) before sampling and at the start of each field day Check the calibration at the end of each day Record the calibration data on the field calibration form provided in this SOP A check of the calibration shall be performed at least once more during the field day Instruments will be recalibrated as necessary (eg when calibration checks indicate incorrect operation) to ensure accurate measurements and all checks and recalibrations will be recorded on field calibration forms Calibration will also be checked if any readings during sampling are suspect

223 Well Inspection

Inspect the well for the presence of lock and cap surface seal integrity obstructions evidence of tampering debris or surface water collecting in flush mounts Note any irregularities in the groimdwater sampling field form included with this SOP The sampler must call the project manager if any irregularity is encoimtered in the inspection that compromises the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

23 Well Purging and Sampling

Sampling is performed using a five-step procedure that will be followed upon arrival at each well

1 set-up

2 purging

3 measurement of field parameters and field testing

4 sampling and

5 clean-up and decontamination

Detailed procedures for performing each of these steps are provided in the following subsections

231 Set-up

All necessary equipment for purging sampling and storage will be brought to the well before the well is opened Equipment will be placed on a clean plastic sheet near the well General parameters describing the well and field condition (eg well identification depth weather date and time) will be documented on a field data sheet PPE as required by the HASP will be doimed prior to opening well and air monitoring will be performed per HASP requirements while opening well Sampling begins by opening the well and measuring the depth to the water table The tubing field probe and reservoir for purged water are then set up

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol)

Wells are purged using the low flowminimum drawdown protocol as described by the

EPA (EPA 2010a) and summarized below The general procedural requirements for

low-flow purging are listed below

bull Minimize disturbance of the water column in the well by initiating pumping at a low rate (see below) Dedicated tubing (left in-place between sampling events) is also recommended to minimize disturbance to the water column before and during sampling

bull Begin pumping at a steady rate of 100 mLmin and measure the depth to water frequently (eg every minute for the first few minutes) to ensure that less than 01 ft of drawdown occurs The pumping rate may be increased if drawdown is less than 01 ft but the pumping rate will not exceed 500 mLmin

bull Field parameters and depth to water will be recorded on field data sheets at five minute intervals or greater (after each flow through cell volume has been

removed) while purging Purging will continue until pH temperature specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity stabilize (three consecutive readings) which is defined as follows

bull pH(+-01 unit)

bull temperature (3) bull specific conductance (3) bull ORP (+- 10 millivolts) bull DO (10 for gt05 mgL and if three DO readings are less than 05 mgL consider

stabilized) and

bull turbidity (10 for values gt5 nepholometric turbidity unit [NTU] if three readings are less than 5 NTU consider stabilized)

Samples for turbidity are collected before water enters the flow-through cell These water quality parameters are used to indicate that the well has stabilized before a sample is collected

In the case that the above criteria for stabilization are not met before three well volumes have been pumped then a maximum of five well volumes will be pumped before samples are taken Also if stabilization has not occurred after two hours of purging regardless of well volume status samples will be collected at this point and an accurate account of the attempts made to achieve stable parameters will be recorded on the field forms

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol

For wells with screen lengths longer than 10 the method above shall be modified such that three times the volume of the water contained in the screened interval of the well will be purged from the well prior to collecting groundwater samples using the low stress sampling procedures Purging will be conducted at a rate of less than 500 mLmin with field parameters being measured every 5 minutes

234 Field Measurements

Field parameter measurements will be recorded following parameter stabilization

(purging) and before sampling The pumping rate and sampler intake location in the

well are not to be adjusted after purging The field parameters measured are pH

temperature specific conductance DO ORP and turbidity

235 Sampling

Samples will be collected after field parameters have stabilized and measurements recorded The pump rate and sample intake location will not be adjusted between purging and sampling Samples are to be obtained from the influent line (prior) to the flow-through cell (ie field parameters carmot be measured during sampling) The following sampling strategy is to be followed at each location in its entirety prior to beginning a new location (

Sampling Methods by Analytical Group

Sample containers are to be filled in the order listed below and on the field data sheet using the following protocols Note that many sample containers contain preservatives hence it is necessary to fill each container carefully enough to avoid or minimize overfilling which may dilute the preservative to unacceptable levels For each analysis one of the corresponding containers will be tested with pH paper to confirm that the pH meets the corresponding limits stated in this SOP

1 Volatile organic compoimd (VOC) samples will be collected first Sample containers are to be completely filled so that a meniscus forms over the opening of the container The container lid will be moistened with groundwater and screwed to the container body The container is then turned upside down and inspected for air bubbles If air bubbles exist in the container then it is topped off to eliminate bubbles This procedure is repeated until there are no entrapped bubbles in the container Filled samples are stored at 4degC (+2degC)

2 Geochemistry-related parameters are to be sampled in the following order and with the following procedure

a) Alkalinity ferrous iron and sulfide measurements will be collected in the field per the field kit manufacturers instructions

b) Major anions (sulfate orthophosphate) - water will be dispensed into two 500 mL plastic bottles sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn2degC)

3 After all of the geochemistry-related parameters are collected the following samples are collected

a) Metals -Unfiltered water (for total metals analysis) will be dispensed directly in to a 500 mL wide mouth plastic bottle with HNO3 as a preservative to achieve a pH below 2 sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn 2degC)

236 Observations During Sampling

Field sampling staff will identify and log any observations that may be considered unusual into a field notebook or on the groundwater sampling field form for each well These observations include but are not limited to excessive bubbling within the tubing or in the sample containers as they are filled odors such as sulfide excessive turbidity solids or formation of precipitates in the samples color changes in the water and unusual sounds made by the equipment In addition sampling personnel will note the condition of the well upon arrival and inspection If the well casing is damaged and there are anomalies in the calculated water level at the well then the casing damage may indicate compromised sample quality

237 Storage and Shipping

All samples will be immediately placed on ice (preferably double-bagged wet ice packs)

to remain at 4degC (+2degC) prior to and during shipment to the laboratory The sample

containers will be stored in a cooler until further processing

24 Documentation

Field documentation includes completed calibration records groundwater sampling

field forms and other field notes deemed relevant It is essential that field data sheets

be filled out completely and legibly at each location and that entries are consistent for

each location and among different personnel As referenced above groundwater

sampling data and calibration forms are provided with this SOP The following

infonnation will be recorded

job site date and sampler

well identification and description

depth to water

casing volume calculation

depth of pump intake during purging and sampling

equipment used (field probes tubing model and serial numbers)

purge rate field parameters (temperature conductivity DO ORP pH and turbidity) and depth to water recorded every 5 minutes

sampling parameters

stabilized field parameters

V ^shy

identification time container types preservatives and analytical methods for samples and

space for comments


EPA 2010a Low Stress (low flow) Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells EQASOP-GW 001 Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 3 January 19 2010

EPA 2010b Standar Operating Proceedure forCalibration of Field Instruments EQASOP-FieldCalib Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 2 January 192010

RE Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event SOHara to Gerardo Millan-Ramos 11042010 1144 AM Cc bbelmore davelwest edwardjamison nieclerc TKrug twillis

History This message has been replied to


Attached is the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum that includes the edits you requested for items 2 and 3 below For item 1 below the reference in the first sentence of Section 2 is correct - it refers to the references in the main body of the sampling plan and not to the attachment


Original Message From Millan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov [ mailtoMillan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov] Sent Thursday November 04 2 010 1011 AM To Suzanne OHara Cc bbelmoresomersworthcom davelwestgecom edwardjamisongecom nleclerccomcastnet Tom Krug twillissomersworthcom Subject Re Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event


I have reviewed the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum Overall it is well written I only have minor commentsrequests

1 On page 3 the first sentence of Section 2 seems to have the wrong reference (EPA 2 010a ) Please correct 2 On Table 1 please add a column indicating the type of pump that will be used at each well 3 On Section 223 please add a sentence indicating that the sampler must call the project manager if shehe encounters any irregularity compromising the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

Please resubmit the Addendum with the edits aforementioned as soon as possible (NLT Friday Nov 5 at 200 PM)

Gerardo Millan-Ramos Remedial Project Manager Office of Site Remediation and Restoration US EPA Region 1 - New England tel (617) 918-1377 fax (617) 918-0377

From ltSOHaraGeosynteccomgt

To bull Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUSEPA

Cc ltbbelmoresomersworthcomgt ltedwardjamisongecomgt ltdave1westgecomgt

lttwillissomersworthcomgt ltnleclerccopycomcastnetgt


Date 11032010 0528 PM

Subject Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event

Gerardo Please find attached the revised sampling plan addendum for the sampling of metals and potential VI issues that are scheduled to take place next week The attached addresses your comments from your October 29 2010 letter


Suzanne OHara Hydrogeologist

130 Research Lane Suite 2 Guelph Ont NlG 5G3 Phone 5198222230 ext 234 Fax 5198223151 wwwGeosynteccom

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is or may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY IN NATURE OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE and (b) is intended only for the use of the Addressee(s) named herein If you are not the intended recipient an addressee or the person responsible for delivering this to an addressee you are hereby notified that reading using copying or distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited If you have received this electronic mail message in error please contact us immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system

[attachment Revised Sampling and Analysis Addendum Memoll032010pdf deleted by Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUS]

Page 12: REVISED SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN (SAP) ADDENDUM ... · "Site") and presents our proposed plan for sampling groundwater for total metals analysis and for the collection of additional




11 Overview

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was prepared to provide instructions for groundwater sampling using the USEPA low-flowminimal drawdown well purging protocol (EPA 2010) Included in this SOP are field forms for sampling and meter calibration instructions and directions for documentation

This SOP will be implemented in accordance with the following governing documents

bullHealth and Safety Plan (HASP) which identifies all physical chemical and

biological hazards relevant to each field task and provides hazard mitigators to

address these hazards

bullField Sampling Plan (FSP) which provides details for field sampling locations and

procedures and which will be most frequently used by field staff on-site and

bullQuality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) which is written to establish protocols necessary to ensure that the data generated are of a quality sufficient to ensure that valid conclusions are drawn from the site characterization

12 Objective

The objective of low flow sampling techniques is to collect a representative groundwater sample from a monitoring well

13 Equipment and Supplies

Pump and probe selection may differ depending on the well diameter groundwater constituents and depth to groundwater but generally sampling will require the following equipment

bull Peristaltic bladder submersible or Waterra pump capable of a flow rate between 50 and 500 mLminute and appropriate power supply including compressor if needed The pump type will principally depend on the depth to water and well diameter Bladder or submersible pumps are preferred peristaltic pumps are acceptable only for wells where the depth to water is less than about 25 feet and Waterra pumps are only recommended for narrow diameter wells that caimot be sampled using a bladder or peristaltic pump

bull Field parameters except turbidity will be monitored using an YSI Model 600XL water quality instrument or equivalent Groundwater will be monitored in-line using aflow-through cell Turbidity will be measured by collecting grab samples before theflow-through-cell while purging each well Each grab sample will be analyzed using a Lamotte 2020 turbidity meter or equivalent

Water level tape (Solinst)

Teflon-lined tubing coimections and tools as appropriate sufficient tubing to dedicate to each well

Graduated cylinder or 1-liter bottle and stopwatch

5-gallon bucket and funnel for purge water

Field forms for meter calibration and groundwater sample collection (included in SOP)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (as specified in the HASP)

Air monitoring equipment as specified in HASP

Decontamination supplies as specified in FSP and QAPP

Sample containers and cooler

Clean plastic sheeting paper towels and miscellaneous supplies

pH paper


21 Pre-Mobilization Activities

bull Obtain the construction diameter depth material screened interval and map showing location for each monitoring well to be sampled

Obtain a listing of the parameters that will be measured in the field or laboratory bull as part of this sampling program including the required analytical method sample volume and holding time for each parameter The parameters that will be measured in the field are the low-flow stabilization parameters including temperature pH specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity These parameters will be recorded during low flow purging and immediately prior to collection of samples for laboratory analysis Remaining parameters will be measured in the laboratory

Verify that all equipment on order is being shipped to the site

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures

Several steps are required before sampling any of the wells These steps ensure that instruments are functioning and properly calibrated and that the necessary equipment has been supplied for efficient and accurate sampling

221 Inventory

Verify that the correct equipment has been received by the field site and that it is clean (decontaminated) Inventory sample containers to verify that the laboratory has provided the correct number of containers of the proper size and containing the correct preservative if required To the extent possible pre-labeltag and bundle sample containers for each well to avoid confiasion during sample collection

Verify that the appropriate PPE and ancillary supplies (eg paper towels decontamination solution) have been received by the field site The appropriate protective equipment as specified in the HASP will be reviewed during a morning tailgate meeting Contact the field manager or project manager immediately if there are discrepancies

222 Calibration

Calibrate the field probes consistent with the EPAs SOP for calibration of field instruments (EPA 2010b) before sampling and at the start of each field day Check the calibration at the end of each day Record the calibration data on the field calibration form provided in this SOP A check of the calibration shall be performed at least once more during the field day Instruments will be recalibrated as necessary (eg when calibration checks indicate incorrect operation) to ensure accurate measurements and all checks and recalibrations will be recorded on field calibration forms Calibration will also be checked if any readings during sampling are suspect

223 Well Inspection

Inspect the well for the presence of lock and cap surface seal integrity obstructions evidence of tampering debris or surface water collecting in flush mounts Note any irregularities in the groimdwater sampling field form included with this SOP The sampler must call the project manager if any irregularity is encoimtered in the inspection that compromises the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

23 Well Purging and Sampling

Sampling is performed using a five-step procedure that will be followed upon arrival at each well

1 set-up

2 purging

3 measurement of field parameters and field testing

4 sampling and

5 clean-up and decontamination

Detailed procedures for performing each of these steps are provided in the following subsections

231 Set-up

All necessary equipment for purging sampling and storage will be brought to the well before the well is opened Equipment will be placed on a clean plastic sheet near the well General parameters describing the well and field condition (eg well identification depth weather date and time) will be documented on a field data sheet PPE as required by the HASP will be doimed prior to opening well and air monitoring will be performed per HASP requirements while opening well Sampling begins by opening the well and measuring the depth to the water table The tubing field probe and reservoir for purged water are then set up

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol)

Wells are purged using the low flowminimum drawdown protocol as described by the

EPA (EPA 2010a) and summarized below The general procedural requirements for

low-flow purging are listed below

bull Minimize disturbance of the water column in the well by initiating pumping at a low rate (see below) Dedicated tubing (left in-place between sampling events) is also recommended to minimize disturbance to the water column before and during sampling

bull Begin pumping at a steady rate of 100 mLmin and measure the depth to water frequently (eg every minute for the first few minutes) to ensure that less than 01 ft of drawdown occurs The pumping rate may be increased if drawdown is less than 01 ft but the pumping rate will not exceed 500 mLmin

bull Field parameters and depth to water will be recorded on field data sheets at five minute intervals or greater (after each flow through cell volume has been

removed) while purging Purging will continue until pH temperature specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity stabilize (three consecutive readings) which is defined as follows

bull pH(+-01 unit)

bull temperature (3) bull specific conductance (3) bull ORP (+- 10 millivolts) bull DO (10 for gt05 mgL and if three DO readings are less than 05 mgL consider

stabilized) and

bull turbidity (10 for values gt5 nepholometric turbidity unit [NTU] if three readings are less than 5 NTU consider stabilized)

Samples for turbidity are collected before water enters the flow-through cell These water quality parameters are used to indicate that the well has stabilized before a sample is collected

In the case that the above criteria for stabilization are not met before three well volumes have been pumped then a maximum of five well volumes will be pumped before samples are taken Also if stabilization has not occurred after two hours of purging regardless of well volume status samples will be collected at this point and an accurate account of the attempts made to achieve stable parameters will be recorded on the field forms

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol

For wells with screen lengths longer than 10 the method above shall be modified such that three times the volume of the water contained in the screened interval of the well will be purged from the well prior to collecting groundwater samples using the low stress sampling procedures Purging will be conducted at a rate of less than 500 mLmin with field parameters being measured every 5 minutes

234 Field Measurements

Field parameter measurements will be recorded following parameter stabilization

(purging) and before sampling The pumping rate and sampler intake location in the

well are not to be adjusted after purging The field parameters measured are pH

temperature specific conductance DO ORP and turbidity

235 Sampling

Samples will be collected after field parameters have stabilized and measurements recorded The pump rate and sample intake location will not be adjusted between purging and sampling Samples are to be obtained from the influent line (prior) to the flow-through cell (ie field parameters carmot be measured during sampling) The following sampling strategy is to be followed at each location in its entirety prior to beginning a new location (

Sampling Methods by Analytical Group

Sample containers are to be filled in the order listed below and on the field data sheet using the following protocols Note that many sample containers contain preservatives hence it is necessary to fill each container carefully enough to avoid or minimize overfilling which may dilute the preservative to unacceptable levels For each analysis one of the corresponding containers will be tested with pH paper to confirm that the pH meets the corresponding limits stated in this SOP

1 Volatile organic compoimd (VOC) samples will be collected first Sample containers are to be completely filled so that a meniscus forms over the opening of the container The container lid will be moistened with groundwater and screwed to the container body The container is then turned upside down and inspected for air bubbles If air bubbles exist in the container then it is topped off to eliminate bubbles This procedure is repeated until there are no entrapped bubbles in the container Filled samples are stored at 4degC (+2degC)

2 Geochemistry-related parameters are to be sampled in the following order and with the following procedure

a) Alkalinity ferrous iron and sulfide measurements will be collected in the field per the field kit manufacturers instructions

b) Major anions (sulfate orthophosphate) - water will be dispensed into two 500 mL plastic bottles sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn2degC)

3 After all of the geochemistry-related parameters are collected the following samples are collected

a) Metals -Unfiltered water (for total metals analysis) will be dispensed directly in to a 500 mL wide mouth plastic bottle with HNO3 as a preservative to achieve a pH below 2 sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn 2degC)

236 Observations During Sampling

Field sampling staff will identify and log any observations that may be considered unusual into a field notebook or on the groundwater sampling field form for each well These observations include but are not limited to excessive bubbling within the tubing or in the sample containers as they are filled odors such as sulfide excessive turbidity solids or formation of precipitates in the samples color changes in the water and unusual sounds made by the equipment In addition sampling personnel will note the condition of the well upon arrival and inspection If the well casing is damaged and there are anomalies in the calculated water level at the well then the casing damage may indicate compromised sample quality

237 Storage and Shipping

All samples will be immediately placed on ice (preferably double-bagged wet ice packs)

to remain at 4degC (+2degC) prior to and during shipment to the laboratory The sample

containers will be stored in a cooler until further processing

24 Documentation

Field documentation includes completed calibration records groundwater sampling

field forms and other field notes deemed relevant It is essential that field data sheets

be filled out completely and legibly at each location and that entries are consistent for

each location and among different personnel As referenced above groundwater

sampling data and calibration forms are provided with this SOP The following

infonnation will be recorded

job site date and sampler

well identification and description

depth to water

casing volume calculation

depth of pump intake during purging and sampling

equipment used (field probes tubing model and serial numbers)

purge rate field parameters (temperature conductivity DO ORP pH and turbidity) and depth to water recorded every 5 minutes

sampling parameters

stabilized field parameters

V ^shy

identification time container types preservatives and analytical methods for samples and

space for comments


EPA 2010a Low Stress (low flow) Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells EQASOP-GW 001 Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 3 January 19 2010

EPA 2010b Standar Operating Proceedure forCalibration of Field Instruments EQASOP-FieldCalib Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 2 January 192010

RE Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event SOHara to Gerardo Millan-Ramos 11042010 1144 AM Cc bbelmore davelwest edwardjamison nieclerc TKrug twillis

History This message has been replied to


Attached is the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum that includes the edits you requested for items 2 and 3 below For item 1 below the reference in the first sentence of Section 2 is correct - it refers to the references in the main body of the sampling plan and not to the attachment


Original Message From Millan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov [ mailtoMillan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov] Sent Thursday November 04 2 010 1011 AM To Suzanne OHara Cc bbelmoresomersworthcom davelwestgecom edwardjamisongecom nleclerccomcastnet Tom Krug twillissomersworthcom Subject Re Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event


I have reviewed the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum Overall it is well written I only have minor commentsrequests

1 On page 3 the first sentence of Section 2 seems to have the wrong reference (EPA 2 010a ) Please correct 2 On Table 1 please add a column indicating the type of pump that will be used at each well 3 On Section 223 please add a sentence indicating that the sampler must call the project manager if shehe encounters any irregularity compromising the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

Please resubmit the Addendum with the edits aforementioned as soon as possible (NLT Friday Nov 5 at 200 PM)

Gerardo Millan-Ramos Remedial Project Manager Office of Site Remediation and Restoration US EPA Region 1 - New England tel (617) 918-1377 fax (617) 918-0377

From ltSOHaraGeosynteccomgt

To bull Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUSEPA

Cc ltbbelmoresomersworthcomgt ltedwardjamisongecomgt ltdave1westgecomgt

lttwillissomersworthcomgt ltnleclerccopycomcastnetgt


Date 11032010 0528 PM

Subject Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event

Gerardo Please find attached the revised sampling plan addendum for the sampling of metals and potential VI issues that are scheduled to take place next week The attached addresses your comments from your October 29 2010 letter


Suzanne OHara Hydrogeologist

130 Research Lane Suite 2 Guelph Ont NlG 5G3 Phone 5198222230 ext 234 Fax 5198223151 wwwGeosynteccom

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is or may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY IN NATURE OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE and (b) is intended only for the use of the Addressee(s) named herein If you are not the intended recipient an addressee or the person responsible for delivering this to an addressee you are hereby notified that reading using copying or distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited If you have received this electronic mail message in error please contact us immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system

[attachment Revised Sampling and Analysis Addendum Memoll032010pdf deleted by Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUS]

Page 13: REVISED SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN (SAP) ADDENDUM ... · "Site") and presents our proposed plan for sampling groundwater for total metals analysis and for the collection of additional

bull Field parameters except turbidity will be monitored using an YSI Model 600XL water quality instrument or equivalent Groundwater will be monitored in-line using aflow-through cell Turbidity will be measured by collecting grab samples before theflow-through-cell while purging each well Each grab sample will be analyzed using a Lamotte 2020 turbidity meter or equivalent

Water level tape (Solinst)

Teflon-lined tubing coimections and tools as appropriate sufficient tubing to dedicate to each well

Graduated cylinder or 1-liter bottle and stopwatch

5-gallon bucket and funnel for purge water

Field forms for meter calibration and groundwater sample collection (included in SOP)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (as specified in the HASP)

Air monitoring equipment as specified in HASP

Decontamination supplies as specified in FSP and QAPP

Sample containers and cooler

Clean plastic sheeting paper towels and miscellaneous supplies

pH paper


21 Pre-Mobilization Activities

bull Obtain the construction diameter depth material screened interval and map showing location for each monitoring well to be sampled

Obtain a listing of the parameters that will be measured in the field or laboratory bull as part of this sampling program including the required analytical method sample volume and holding time for each parameter The parameters that will be measured in the field are the low-flow stabilization parameters including temperature pH specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity These parameters will be recorded during low flow purging and immediately prior to collection of samples for laboratory analysis Remaining parameters will be measured in the laboratory

Verify that all equipment on order is being shipped to the site

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures

Several steps are required before sampling any of the wells These steps ensure that instruments are functioning and properly calibrated and that the necessary equipment has been supplied for efficient and accurate sampling

221 Inventory

Verify that the correct equipment has been received by the field site and that it is clean (decontaminated) Inventory sample containers to verify that the laboratory has provided the correct number of containers of the proper size and containing the correct preservative if required To the extent possible pre-labeltag and bundle sample containers for each well to avoid confiasion during sample collection

Verify that the appropriate PPE and ancillary supplies (eg paper towels decontamination solution) have been received by the field site The appropriate protective equipment as specified in the HASP will be reviewed during a morning tailgate meeting Contact the field manager or project manager immediately if there are discrepancies

222 Calibration

Calibrate the field probes consistent with the EPAs SOP for calibration of field instruments (EPA 2010b) before sampling and at the start of each field day Check the calibration at the end of each day Record the calibration data on the field calibration form provided in this SOP A check of the calibration shall be performed at least once more during the field day Instruments will be recalibrated as necessary (eg when calibration checks indicate incorrect operation) to ensure accurate measurements and all checks and recalibrations will be recorded on field calibration forms Calibration will also be checked if any readings during sampling are suspect

223 Well Inspection

Inspect the well for the presence of lock and cap surface seal integrity obstructions evidence of tampering debris or surface water collecting in flush mounts Note any irregularities in the groimdwater sampling field form included with this SOP The sampler must call the project manager if any irregularity is encoimtered in the inspection that compromises the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

23 Well Purging and Sampling

Sampling is performed using a five-step procedure that will be followed upon arrival at each well

1 set-up

2 purging

3 measurement of field parameters and field testing

4 sampling and

5 clean-up and decontamination

Detailed procedures for performing each of these steps are provided in the following subsections

231 Set-up

All necessary equipment for purging sampling and storage will be brought to the well before the well is opened Equipment will be placed on a clean plastic sheet near the well General parameters describing the well and field condition (eg well identification depth weather date and time) will be documented on a field data sheet PPE as required by the HASP will be doimed prior to opening well and air monitoring will be performed per HASP requirements while opening well Sampling begins by opening the well and measuring the depth to the water table The tubing field probe and reservoir for purged water are then set up

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol)

Wells are purged using the low flowminimum drawdown protocol as described by the

EPA (EPA 2010a) and summarized below The general procedural requirements for

low-flow purging are listed below

bull Minimize disturbance of the water column in the well by initiating pumping at a low rate (see below) Dedicated tubing (left in-place between sampling events) is also recommended to minimize disturbance to the water column before and during sampling

bull Begin pumping at a steady rate of 100 mLmin and measure the depth to water frequently (eg every minute for the first few minutes) to ensure that less than 01 ft of drawdown occurs The pumping rate may be increased if drawdown is less than 01 ft but the pumping rate will not exceed 500 mLmin

bull Field parameters and depth to water will be recorded on field data sheets at five minute intervals or greater (after each flow through cell volume has been

removed) while purging Purging will continue until pH temperature specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity stabilize (three consecutive readings) which is defined as follows

bull pH(+-01 unit)

bull temperature (3) bull specific conductance (3) bull ORP (+- 10 millivolts) bull DO (10 for gt05 mgL and if three DO readings are less than 05 mgL consider

stabilized) and

bull turbidity (10 for values gt5 nepholometric turbidity unit [NTU] if three readings are less than 5 NTU consider stabilized)

Samples for turbidity are collected before water enters the flow-through cell These water quality parameters are used to indicate that the well has stabilized before a sample is collected

In the case that the above criteria for stabilization are not met before three well volumes have been pumped then a maximum of five well volumes will be pumped before samples are taken Also if stabilization has not occurred after two hours of purging regardless of well volume status samples will be collected at this point and an accurate account of the attempts made to achieve stable parameters will be recorded on the field forms

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol

For wells with screen lengths longer than 10 the method above shall be modified such that three times the volume of the water contained in the screened interval of the well will be purged from the well prior to collecting groundwater samples using the low stress sampling procedures Purging will be conducted at a rate of less than 500 mLmin with field parameters being measured every 5 minutes

234 Field Measurements

Field parameter measurements will be recorded following parameter stabilization

(purging) and before sampling The pumping rate and sampler intake location in the

well are not to be adjusted after purging The field parameters measured are pH

temperature specific conductance DO ORP and turbidity

235 Sampling

Samples will be collected after field parameters have stabilized and measurements recorded The pump rate and sample intake location will not be adjusted between purging and sampling Samples are to be obtained from the influent line (prior) to the flow-through cell (ie field parameters carmot be measured during sampling) The following sampling strategy is to be followed at each location in its entirety prior to beginning a new location (

Sampling Methods by Analytical Group

Sample containers are to be filled in the order listed below and on the field data sheet using the following protocols Note that many sample containers contain preservatives hence it is necessary to fill each container carefully enough to avoid or minimize overfilling which may dilute the preservative to unacceptable levels For each analysis one of the corresponding containers will be tested with pH paper to confirm that the pH meets the corresponding limits stated in this SOP

1 Volatile organic compoimd (VOC) samples will be collected first Sample containers are to be completely filled so that a meniscus forms over the opening of the container The container lid will be moistened with groundwater and screwed to the container body The container is then turned upside down and inspected for air bubbles If air bubbles exist in the container then it is topped off to eliminate bubbles This procedure is repeated until there are no entrapped bubbles in the container Filled samples are stored at 4degC (+2degC)

2 Geochemistry-related parameters are to be sampled in the following order and with the following procedure

a) Alkalinity ferrous iron and sulfide measurements will be collected in the field per the field kit manufacturers instructions

b) Major anions (sulfate orthophosphate) - water will be dispensed into two 500 mL plastic bottles sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn2degC)

3 After all of the geochemistry-related parameters are collected the following samples are collected

a) Metals -Unfiltered water (for total metals analysis) will be dispensed directly in to a 500 mL wide mouth plastic bottle with HNO3 as a preservative to achieve a pH below 2 sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn 2degC)

236 Observations During Sampling

Field sampling staff will identify and log any observations that may be considered unusual into a field notebook or on the groundwater sampling field form for each well These observations include but are not limited to excessive bubbling within the tubing or in the sample containers as they are filled odors such as sulfide excessive turbidity solids or formation of precipitates in the samples color changes in the water and unusual sounds made by the equipment In addition sampling personnel will note the condition of the well upon arrival and inspection If the well casing is damaged and there are anomalies in the calculated water level at the well then the casing damage may indicate compromised sample quality

237 Storage and Shipping

All samples will be immediately placed on ice (preferably double-bagged wet ice packs)

to remain at 4degC (+2degC) prior to and during shipment to the laboratory The sample

containers will be stored in a cooler until further processing

24 Documentation

Field documentation includes completed calibration records groundwater sampling

field forms and other field notes deemed relevant It is essential that field data sheets

be filled out completely and legibly at each location and that entries are consistent for

each location and among different personnel As referenced above groundwater

sampling data and calibration forms are provided with this SOP The following

infonnation will be recorded

job site date and sampler

well identification and description

depth to water

casing volume calculation

depth of pump intake during purging and sampling

equipment used (field probes tubing model and serial numbers)

purge rate field parameters (temperature conductivity DO ORP pH and turbidity) and depth to water recorded every 5 minutes

sampling parameters

stabilized field parameters

V ^shy

identification time container types preservatives and analytical methods for samples and

space for comments


EPA 2010a Low Stress (low flow) Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells EQASOP-GW 001 Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 3 January 19 2010

EPA 2010b Standar Operating Proceedure forCalibration of Field Instruments EQASOP-FieldCalib Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 2 January 192010

RE Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event SOHara to Gerardo Millan-Ramos 11042010 1144 AM Cc bbelmore davelwest edwardjamison nieclerc TKrug twillis

History This message has been replied to


Attached is the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum that includes the edits you requested for items 2 and 3 below For item 1 below the reference in the first sentence of Section 2 is correct - it refers to the references in the main body of the sampling plan and not to the attachment


Original Message From Millan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov [ mailtoMillan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov] Sent Thursday November 04 2 010 1011 AM To Suzanne OHara Cc bbelmoresomersworthcom davelwestgecom edwardjamisongecom nleclerccomcastnet Tom Krug twillissomersworthcom Subject Re Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event


I have reviewed the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum Overall it is well written I only have minor commentsrequests

1 On page 3 the first sentence of Section 2 seems to have the wrong reference (EPA 2 010a ) Please correct 2 On Table 1 please add a column indicating the type of pump that will be used at each well 3 On Section 223 please add a sentence indicating that the sampler must call the project manager if shehe encounters any irregularity compromising the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

Please resubmit the Addendum with the edits aforementioned as soon as possible (NLT Friday Nov 5 at 200 PM)

Gerardo Millan-Ramos Remedial Project Manager Office of Site Remediation and Restoration US EPA Region 1 - New England tel (617) 918-1377 fax (617) 918-0377

From ltSOHaraGeosynteccomgt

To bull Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUSEPA

Cc ltbbelmoresomersworthcomgt ltedwardjamisongecomgt ltdave1westgecomgt

lttwillissomersworthcomgt ltnleclerccopycomcastnetgt


Date 11032010 0528 PM

Subject Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event

Gerardo Please find attached the revised sampling plan addendum for the sampling of metals and potential VI issues that are scheduled to take place next week The attached addresses your comments from your October 29 2010 letter


Suzanne OHara Hydrogeologist

130 Research Lane Suite 2 Guelph Ont NlG 5G3 Phone 5198222230 ext 234 Fax 5198223151 wwwGeosynteccom

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is or may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY IN NATURE OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE and (b) is intended only for the use of the Addressee(s) named herein If you are not the intended recipient an addressee or the person responsible for delivering this to an addressee you are hereby notified that reading using copying or distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited If you have received this electronic mail message in error please contact us immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system

[attachment Revised Sampling and Analysis Addendum Memoll032010pdf deleted by Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUS]

Page 14: REVISED SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN (SAP) ADDENDUM ... · "Site") and presents our proposed plan for sampling groundwater for total metals analysis and for the collection of additional

22 Pre-Sampling Procedures

Several steps are required before sampling any of the wells These steps ensure that instruments are functioning and properly calibrated and that the necessary equipment has been supplied for efficient and accurate sampling

221 Inventory

Verify that the correct equipment has been received by the field site and that it is clean (decontaminated) Inventory sample containers to verify that the laboratory has provided the correct number of containers of the proper size and containing the correct preservative if required To the extent possible pre-labeltag and bundle sample containers for each well to avoid confiasion during sample collection

Verify that the appropriate PPE and ancillary supplies (eg paper towels decontamination solution) have been received by the field site The appropriate protective equipment as specified in the HASP will be reviewed during a morning tailgate meeting Contact the field manager or project manager immediately if there are discrepancies

222 Calibration

Calibrate the field probes consistent with the EPAs SOP for calibration of field instruments (EPA 2010b) before sampling and at the start of each field day Check the calibration at the end of each day Record the calibration data on the field calibration form provided in this SOP A check of the calibration shall be performed at least once more during the field day Instruments will be recalibrated as necessary (eg when calibration checks indicate incorrect operation) to ensure accurate measurements and all checks and recalibrations will be recorded on field calibration forms Calibration will also be checked if any readings during sampling are suspect

223 Well Inspection

Inspect the well for the presence of lock and cap surface seal integrity obstructions evidence of tampering debris or surface water collecting in flush mounts Note any irregularities in the groimdwater sampling field form included with this SOP The sampler must call the project manager if any irregularity is encoimtered in the inspection that compromises the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

23 Well Purging and Sampling

Sampling is performed using a five-step procedure that will be followed upon arrival at each well

1 set-up

2 purging

3 measurement of field parameters and field testing

4 sampling and

5 clean-up and decontamination

Detailed procedures for performing each of these steps are provided in the following subsections

231 Set-up

All necessary equipment for purging sampling and storage will be brought to the well before the well is opened Equipment will be placed on a clean plastic sheet near the well General parameters describing the well and field condition (eg well identification depth weather date and time) will be documented on a field data sheet PPE as required by the HASP will be doimed prior to opening well and air monitoring will be performed per HASP requirements while opening well Sampling begins by opening the well and measuring the depth to the water table The tubing field probe and reservoir for purged water are then set up

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol)

Wells are purged using the low flowminimum drawdown protocol as described by the

EPA (EPA 2010a) and summarized below The general procedural requirements for

low-flow purging are listed below

bull Minimize disturbance of the water column in the well by initiating pumping at a low rate (see below) Dedicated tubing (left in-place between sampling events) is also recommended to minimize disturbance to the water column before and during sampling

bull Begin pumping at a steady rate of 100 mLmin and measure the depth to water frequently (eg every minute for the first few minutes) to ensure that less than 01 ft of drawdown occurs The pumping rate may be increased if drawdown is less than 01 ft but the pumping rate will not exceed 500 mLmin

bull Field parameters and depth to water will be recorded on field data sheets at five minute intervals or greater (after each flow through cell volume has been

removed) while purging Purging will continue until pH temperature specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity stabilize (three consecutive readings) which is defined as follows

bull pH(+-01 unit)

bull temperature (3) bull specific conductance (3) bull ORP (+- 10 millivolts) bull DO (10 for gt05 mgL and if three DO readings are less than 05 mgL consider

stabilized) and

bull turbidity (10 for values gt5 nepholometric turbidity unit [NTU] if three readings are less than 5 NTU consider stabilized)

Samples for turbidity are collected before water enters the flow-through cell These water quality parameters are used to indicate that the well has stabilized before a sample is collected

In the case that the above criteria for stabilization are not met before three well volumes have been pumped then a maximum of five well volumes will be pumped before samples are taken Also if stabilization has not occurred after two hours of purging regardless of well volume status samples will be collected at this point and an accurate account of the attempts made to achieve stable parameters will be recorded on the field forms

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol

For wells with screen lengths longer than 10 the method above shall be modified such that three times the volume of the water contained in the screened interval of the well will be purged from the well prior to collecting groundwater samples using the low stress sampling procedures Purging will be conducted at a rate of less than 500 mLmin with field parameters being measured every 5 minutes

234 Field Measurements

Field parameter measurements will be recorded following parameter stabilization

(purging) and before sampling The pumping rate and sampler intake location in the

well are not to be adjusted after purging The field parameters measured are pH

temperature specific conductance DO ORP and turbidity

235 Sampling

Samples will be collected after field parameters have stabilized and measurements recorded The pump rate and sample intake location will not be adjusted between purging and sampling Samples are to be obtained from the influent line (prior) to the flow-through cell (ie field parameters carmot be measured during sampling) The following sampling strategy is to be followed at each location in its entirety prior to beginning a new location (

Sampling Methods by Analytical Group

Sample containers are to be filled in the order listed below and on the field data sheet using the following protocols Note that many sample containers contain preservatives hence it is necessary to fill each container carefully enough to avoid or minimize overfilling which may dilute the preservative to unacceptable levels For each analysis one of the corresponding containers will be tested with pH paper to confirm that the pH meets the corresponding limits stated in this SOP

1 Volatile organic compoimd (VOC) samples will be collected first Sample containers are to be completely filled so that a meniscus forms over the opening of the container The container lid will be moistened with groundwater and screwed to the container body The container is then turned upside down and inspected for air bubbles If air bubbles exist in the container then it is topped off to eliminate bubbles This procedure is repeated until there are no entrapped bubbles in the container Filled samples are stored at 4degC (+2degC)

2 Geochemistry-related parameters are to be sampled in the following order and with the following procedure

a) Alkalinity ferrous iron and sulfide measurements will be collected in the field per the field kit manufacturers instructions

b) Major anions (sulfate orthophosphate) - water will be dispensed into two 500 mL plastic bottles sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn2degC)

3 After all of the geochemistry-related parameters are collected the following samples are collected

a) Metals -Unfiltered water (for total metals analysis) will be dispensed directly in to a 500 mL wide mouth plastic bottle with HNO3 as a preservative to achieve a pH below 2 sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn 2degC)

236 Observations During Sampling

Field sampling staff will identify and log any observations that may be considered unusual into a field notebook or on the groundwater sampling field form for each well These observations include but are not limited to excessive bubbling within the tubing or in the sample containers as they are filled odors such as sulfide excessive turbidity solids or formation of precipitates in the samples color changes in the water and unusual sounds made by the equipment In addition sampling personnel will note the condition of the well upon arrival and inspection If the well casing is damaged and there are anomalies in the calculated water level at the well then the casing damage may indicate compromised sample quality

237 Storage and Shipping

All samples will be immediately placed on ice (preferably double-bagged wet ice packs)

to remain at 4degC (+2degC) prior to and during shipment to the laboratory The sample

containers will be stored in a cooler until further processing

24 Documentation

Field documentation includes completed calibration records groundwater sampling

field forms and other field notes deemed relevant It is essential that field data sheets

be filled out completely and legibly at each location and that entries are consistent for

each location and among different personnel As referenced above groundwater

sampling data and calibration forms are provided with this SOP The following

infonnation will be recorded

job site date and sampler

well identification and description

depth to water

casing volume calculation

depth of pump intake during purging and sampling

equipment used (field probes tubing model and serial numbers)

purge rate field parameters (temperature conductivity DO ORP pH and turbidity) and depth to water recorded every 5 minutes

sampling parameters

stabilized field parameters

V ^shy

identification time container types preservatives and analytical methods for samples and

space for comments


EPA 2010a Low Stress (low flow) Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells EQASOP-GW 001 Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 3 January 19 2010

EPA 2010b Standar Operating Proceedure forCalibration of Field Instruments EQASOP-FieldCalib Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 2 January 192010

RE Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event SOHara to Gerardo Millan-Ramos 11042010 1144 AM Cc bbelmore davelwest edwardjamison nieclerc TKrug twillis

History This message has been replied to


Attached is the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum that includes the edits you requested for items 2 and 3 below For item 1 below the reference in the first sentence of Section 2 is correct - it refers to the references in the main body of the sampling plan and not to the attachment


Original Message From Millan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov [ mailtoMillan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov] Sent Thursday November 04 2 010 1011 AM To Suzanne OHara Cc bbelmoresomersworthcom davelwestgecom edwardjamisongecom nleclerccomcastnet Tom Krug twillissomersworthcom Subject Re Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event


I have reviewed the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum Overall it is well written I only have minor commentsrequests

1 On page 3 the first sentence of Section 2 seems to have the wrong reference (EPA 2 010a ) Please correct 2 On Table 1 please add a column indicating the type of pump that will be used at each well 3 On Section 223 please add a sentence indicating that the sampler must call the project manager if shehe encounters any irregularity compromising the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

Please resubmit the Addendum with the edits aforementioned as soon as possible (NLT Friday Nov 5 at 200 PM)

Gerardo Millan-Ramos Remedial Project Manager Office of Site Remediation and Restoration US EPA Region 1 - New England tel (617) 918-1377 fax (617) 918-0377

From ltSOHaraGeosynteccomgt

To bull Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUSEPA

Cc ltbbelmoresomersworthcomgt ltedwardjamisongecomgt ltdave1westgecomgt

lttwillissomersworthcomgt ltnleclerccopycomcastnetgt


Date 11032010 0528 PM

Subject Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event

Gerardo Please find attached the revised sampling plan addendum for the sampling of metals and potential VI issues that are scheduled to take place next week The attached addresses your comments from your October 29 2010 letter


Suzanne OHara Hydrogeologist

130 Research Lane Suite 2 Guelph Ont NlG 5G3 Phone 5198222230 ext 234 Fax 5198223151 wwwGeosynteccom

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is or may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY IN NATURE OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE and (b) is intended only for the use of the Addressee(s) named herein If you are not the intended recipient an addressee or the person responsible for delivering this to an addressee you are hereby notified that reading using copying or distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited If you have received this electronic mail message in error please contact us immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system

[attachment Revised Sampling and Analysis Addendum Memoll032010pdf deleted by Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUS]

Page 15: REVISED SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN (SAP) ADDENDUM ... · "Site") and presents our proposed plan for sampling groundwater for total metals analysis and for the collection of additional

23 Well Purging and Sampling

Sampling is performed using a five-step procedure that will be followed upon arrival at each well

1 set-up

2 purging

3 measurement of field parameters and field testing

4 sampling and

5 clean-up and decontamination

Detailed procedures for performing each of these steps are provided in the following subsections

231 Set-up

All necessary equipment for purging sampling and storage will be brought to the well before the well is opened Equipment will be placed on a clean plastic sheet near the well General parameters describing the well and field condition (eg well identification depth weather date and time) will be documented on a field data sheet PPE as required by the HASP will be doimed prior to opening well and air monitoring will be performed per HASP requirements while opening well Sampling begins by opening the well and measuring the depth to the water table The tubing field probe and reservoir for purged water are then set up

232 Purging (Low Flow Protocol)

Wells are purged using the low flowminimum drawdown protocol as described by the

EPA (EPA 2010a) and summarized below The general procedural requirements for

low-flow purging are listed below

bull Minimize disturbance of the water column in the well by initiating pumping at a low rate (see below) Dedicated tubing (left in-place between sampling events) is also recommended to minimize disturbance to the water column before and during sampling

bull Begin pumping at a steady rate of 100 mLmin and measure the depth to water frequently (eg every minute for the first few minutes) to ensure that less than 01 ft of drawdown occurs The pumping rate may be increased if drawdown is less than 01 ft but the pumping rate will not exceed 500 mLmin

bull Field parameters and depth to water will be recorded on field data sheets at five minute intervals or greater (after each flow through cell volume has been

removed) while purging Purging will continue until pH temperature specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity stabilize (three consecutive readings) which is defined as follows

bull pH(+-01 unit)

bull temperature (3) bull specific conductance (3) bull ORP (+- 10 millivolts) bull DO (10 for gt05 mgL and if three DO readings are less than 05 mgL consider

stabilized) and

bull turbidity (10 for values gt5 nepholometric turbidity unit [NTU] if three readings are less than 5 NTU consider stabilized)

Samples for turbidity are collected before water enters the flow-through cell These water quality parameters are used to indicate that the well has stabilized before a sample is collected

In the case that the above criteria for stabilization are not met before three well volumes have been pumped then a maximum of five well volumes will be pumped before samples are taken Also if stabilization has not occurred after two hours of purging regardless of well volume status samples will be collected at this point and an accurate account of the attempts made to achieve stable parameters will be recorded on the field forms

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol

For wells with screen lengths longer than 10 the method above shall be modified such that three times the volume of the water contained in the screened interval of the well will be purged from the well prior to collecting groundwater samples using the low stress sampling procedures Purging will be conducted at a rate of less than 500 mLmin with field parameters being measured every 5 minutes

234 Field Measurements

Field parameter measurements will be recorded following parameter stabilization

(purging) and before sampling The pumping rate and sampler intake location in the

well are not to be adjusted after purging The field parameters measured are pH

temperature specific conductance DO ORP and turbidity

235 Sampling

Samples will be collected after field parameters have stabilized and measurements recorded The pump rate and sample intake location will not be adjusted between purging and sampling Samples are to be obtained from the influent line (prior) to the flow-through cell (ie field parameters carmot be measured during sampling) The following sampling strategy is to be followed at each location in its entirety prior to beginning a new location (

Sampling Methods by Analytical Group

Sample containers are to be filled in the order listed below and on the field data sheet using the following protocols Note that many sample containers contain preservatives hence it is necessary to fill each container carefully enough to avoid or minimize overfilling which may dilute the preservative to unacceptable levels For each analysis one of the corresponding containers will be tested with pH paper to confirm that the pH meets the corresponding limits stated in this SOP

1 Volatile organic compoimd (VOC) samples will be collected first Sample containers are to be completely filled so that a meniscus forms over the opening of the container The container lid will be moistened with groundwater and screwed to the container body The container is then turned upside down and inspected for air bubbles If air bubbles exist in the container then it is topped off to eliminate bubbles This procedure is repeated until there are no entrapped bubbles in the container Filled samples are stored at 4degC (+2degC)

2 Geochemistry-related parameters are to be sampled in the following order and with the following procedure

a) Alkalinity ferrous iron and sulfide measurements will be collected in the field per the field kit manufacturers instructions

b) Major anions (sulfate orthophosphate) - water will be dispensed into two 500 mL plastic bottles sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn2degC)

3 After all of the geochemistry-related parameters are collected the following samples are collected

a) Metals -Unfiltered water (for total metals analysis) will be dispensed directly in to a 500 mL wide mouth plastic bottle with HNO3 as a preservative to achieve a pH below 2 sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn 2degC)

236 Observations During Sampling

Field sampling staff will identify and log any observations that may be considered unusual into a field notebook or on the groundwater sampling field form for each well These observations include but are not limited to excessive bubbling within the tubing or in the sample containers as they are filled odors such as sulfide excessive turbidity solids or formation of precipitates in the samples color changes in the water and unusual sounds made by the equipment In addition sampling personnel will note the condition of the well upon arrival and inspection If the well casing is damaged and there are anomalies in the calculated water level at the well then the casing damage may indicate compromised sample quality

237 Storage and Shipping

All samples will be immediately placed on ice (preferably double-bagged wet ice packs)

to remain at 4degC (+2degC) prior to and during shipment to the laboratory The sample

containers will be stored in a cooler until further processing

24 Documentation

Field documentation includes completed calibration records groundwater sampling

field forms and other field notes deemed relevant It is essential that field data sheets

be filled out completely and legibly at each location and that entries are consistent for

each location and among different personnel As referenced above groundwater

sampling data and calibration forms are provided with this SOP The following

infonnation will be recorded

job site date and sampler

well identification and description

depth to water

casing volume calculation

depth of pump intake during purging and sampling

equipment used (field probes tubing model and serial numbers)

purge rate field parameters (temperature conductivity DO ORP pH and turbidity) and depth to water recorded every 5 minutes

sampling parameters

stabilized field parameters

V ^shy

identification time container types preservatives and analytical methods for samples and

space for comments


EPA 2010a Low Stress (low flow) Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells EQASOP-GW 001 Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 3 January 19 2010

EPA 2010b Standar Operating Proceedure forCalibration of Field Instruments EQASOP-FieldCalib Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 2 January 192010

RE Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event SOHara to Gerardo Millan-Ramos 11042010 1144 AM Cc bbelmore davelwest edwardjamison nieclerc TKrug twillis

History This message has been replied to


Attached is the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum that includes the edits you requested for items 2 and 3 below For item 1 below the reference in the first sentence of Section 2 is correct - it refers to the references in the main body of the sampling plan and not to the attachment


Original Message From Millan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov [ mailtoMillan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov] Sent Thursday November 04 2 010 1011 AM To Suzanne OHara Cc bbelmoresomersworthcom davelwestgecom edwardjamisongecom nleclerccomcastnet Tom Krug twillissomersworthcom Subject Re Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event


I have reviewed the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum Overall it is well written I only have minor commentsrequests

1 On page 3 the first sentence of Section 2 seems to have the wrong reference (EPA 2 010a ) Please correct 2 On Table 1 please add a column indicating the type of pump that will be used at each well 3 On Section 223 please add a sentence indicating that the sampler must call the project manager if shehe encounters any irregularity compromising the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

Please resubmit the Addendum with the edits aforementioned as soon as possible (NLT Friday Nov 5 at 200 PM)

Gerardo Millan-Ramos Remedial Project Manager Office of Site Remediation and Restoration US EPA Region 1 - New England tel (617) 918-1377 fax (617) 918-0377

From ltSOHaraGeosynteccomgt

To bull Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUSEPA

Cc ltbbelmoresomersworthcomgt ltedwardjamisongecomgt ltdave1westgecomgt

lttwillissomersworthcomgt ltnleclerccopycomcastnetgt


Date 11032010 0528 PM

Subject Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event

Gerardo Please find attached the revised sampling plan addendum for the sampling of metals and potential VI issues that are scheduled to take place next week The attached addresses your comments from your October 29 2010 letter


Suzanne OHara Hydrogeologist

130 Research Lane Suite 2 Guelph Ont NlG 5G3 Phone 5198222230 ext 234 Fax 5198223151 wwwGeosynteccom

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is or may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY IN NATURE OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE and (b) is intended only for the use of the Addressee(s) named herein If you are not the intended recipient an addressee or the person responsible for delivering this to an addressee you are hereby notified that reading using copying or distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited If you have received this electronic mail message in error please contact us immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system

[attachment Revised Sampling and Analysis Addendum Memoll032010pdf deleted by Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUS]

Page 16: REVISED SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN (SAP) ADDENDUM ... · "Site") and presents our proposed plan for sampling groundwater for total metals analysis and for the collection of additional

removed) while purging Purging will continue until pH temperature specific conductance ORP DO and turbidity stabilize (three consecutive readings) which is defined as follows

bull pH(+-01 unit)

bull temperature (3) bull specific conductance (3) bull ORP (+- 10 millivolts) bull DO (10 for gt05 mgL and if three DO readings are less than 05 mgL consider

stabilized) and

bull turbidity (10 for values gt5 nepholometric turbidity unit [NTU] if three readings are less than 5 NTU consider stabilized)

Samples for turbidity are collected before water enters the flow-through cell These water quality parameters are used to indicate that the well has stabilized before a sample is collected

In the case that the above criteria for stabilization are not met before three well volumes have been pumped then a maximum of five well volumes will be pumped before samples are taken Also if stabilization has not occurred after two hours of purging regardless of well volume status samples will be collected at this point and an accurate account of the attempts made to achieve stable parameters will be recorded on the field forms

233 Variations from Low Flow Protocol

For wells with screen lengths longer than 10 the method above shall be modified such that three times the volume of the water contained in the screened interval of the well will be purged from the well prior to collecting groundwater samples using the low stress sampling procedures Purging will be conducted at a rate of less than 500 mLmin with field parameters being measured every 5 minutes

234 Field Measurements

Field parameter measurements will be recorded following parameter stabilization

(purging) and before sampling The pumping rate and sampler intake location in the

well are not to be adjusted after purging The field parameters measured are pH

temperature specific conductance DO ORP and turbidity

235 Sampling

Samples will be collected after field parameters have stabilized and measurements recorded The pump rate and sample intake location will not be adjusted between purging and sampling Samples are to be obtained from the influent line (prior) to the flow-through cell (ie field parameters carmot be measured during sampling) The following sampling strategy is to be followed at each location in its entirety prior to beginning a new location (

Sampling Methods by Analytical Group

Sample containers are to be filled in the order listed below and on the field data sheet using the following protocols Note that many sample containers contain preservatives hence it is necessary to fill each container carefully enough to avoid or minimize overfilling which may dilute the preservative to unacceptable levels For each analysis one of the corresponding containers will be tested with pH paper to confirm that the pH meets the corresponding limits stated in this SOP

1 Volatile organic compoimd (VOC) samples will be collected first Sample containers are to be completely filled so that a meniscus forms over the opening of the container The container lid will be moistened with groundwater and screwed to the container body The container is then turned upside down and inspected for air bubbles If air bubbles exist in the container then it is topped off to eliminate bubbles This procedure is repeated until there are no entrapped bubbles in the container Filled samples are stored at 4degC (+2degC)

2 Geochemistry-related parameters are to be sampled in the following order and with the following procedure

a) Alkalinity ferrous iron and sulfide measurements will be collected in the field per the field kit manufacturers instructions

b) Major anions (sulfate orthophosphate) - water will be dispensed into two 500 mL plastic bottles sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn2degC)

3 After all of the geochemistry-related parameters are collected the following samples are collected

a) Metals -Unfiltered water (for total metals analysis) will be dispensed directly in to a 500 mL wide mouth plastic bottle with HNO3 as a preservative to achieve a pH below 2 sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn 2degC)

236 Observations During Sampling

Field sampling staff will identify and log any observations that may be considered unusual into a field notebook or on the groundwater sampling field form for each well These observations include but are not limited to excessive bubbling within the tubing or in the sample containers as they are filled odors such as sulfide excessive turbidity solids or formation of precipitates in the samples color changes in the water and unusual sounds made by the equipment In addition sampling personnel will note the condition of the well upon arrival and inspection If the well casing is damaged and there are anomalies in the calculated water level at the well then the casing damage may indicate compromised sample quality

237 Storage and Shipping

All samples will be immediately placed on ice (preferably double-bagged wet ice packs)

to remain at 4degC (+2degC) prior to and during shipment to the laboratory The sample

containers will be stored in a cooler until further processing

24 Documentation

Field documentation includes completed calibration records groundwater sampling

field forms and other field notes deemed relevant It is essential that field data sheets

be filled out completely and legibly at each location and that entries are consistent for

each location and among different personnel As referenced above groundwater

sampling data and calibration forms are provided with this SOP The following

infonnation will be recorded

job site date and sampler

well identification and description

depth to water

casing volume calculation

depth of pump intake during purging and sampling

equipment used (field probes tubing model and serial numbers)

purge rate field parameters (temperature conductivity DO ORP pH and turbidity) and depth to water recorded every 5 minutes

sampling parameters

stabilized field parameters

V ^shy

identification time container types preservatives and analytical methods for samples and

space for comments


EPA 2010a Low Stress (low flow) Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells EQASOP-GW 001 Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 3 January 19 2010

EPA 2010b Standar Operating Proceedure forCalibration of Field Instruments EQASOP-FieldCalib Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 2 January 192010

RE Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event SOHara to Gerardo Millan-Ramos 11042010 1144 AM Cc bbelmore davelwest edwardjamison nieclerc TKrug twillis

History This message has been replied to


Attached is the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum that includes the edits you requested for items 2 and 3 below For item 1 below the reference in the first sentence of Section 2 is correct - it refers to the references in the main body of the sampling plan and not to the attachment


Original Message From Millan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov [ mailtoMillan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov] Sent Thursday November 04 2 010 1011 AM To Suzanne OHara Cc bbelmoresomersworthcom davelwestgecom edwardjamisongecom nleclerccomcastnet Tom Krug twillissomersworthcom Subject Re Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event


I have reviewed the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum Overall it is well written I only have minor commentsrequests

1 On page 3 the first sentence of Section 2 seems to have the wrong reference (EPA 2 010a ) Please correct 2 On Table 1 please add a column indicating the type of pump that will be used at each well 3 On Section 223 please add a sentence indicating that the sampler must call the project manager if shehe encounters any irregularity compromising the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

Please resubmit the Addendum with the edits aforementioned as soon as possible (NLT Friday Nov 5 at 200 PM)

Gerardo Millan-Ramos Remedial Project Manager Office of Site Remediation and Restoration US EPA Region 1 - New England tel (617) 918-1377 fax (617) 918-0377

From ltSOHaraGeosynteccomgt

To bull Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUSEPA

Cc ltbbelmoresomersworthcomgt ltedwardjamisongecomgt ltdave1westgecomgt

lttwillissomersworthcomgt ltnleclerccopycomcastnetgt


Date 11032010 0528 PM

Subject Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event

Gerardo Please find attached the revised sampling plan addendum for the sampling of metals and potential VI issues that are scheduled to take place next week The attached addresses your comments from your October 29 2010 letter


Suzanne OHara Hydrogeologist

130 Research Lane Suite 2 Guelph Ont NlG 5G3 Phone 5198222230 ext 234 Fax 5198223151 wwwGeosynteccom

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is or may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY IN NATURE OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE and (b) is intended only for the use of the Addressee(s) named herein If you are not the intended recipient an addressee or the person responsible for delivering this to an addressee you are hereby notified that reading using copying or distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited If you have received this electronic mail message in error please contact us immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system

[attachment Revised Sampling and Analysis Addendum Memoll032010pdf deleted by Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUS]

Page 17: REVISED SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN (SAP) ADDENDUM ... · "Site") and presents our proposed plan for sampling groundwater for total metals analysis and for the collection of additional

235 Sampling

Samples will be collected after field parameters have stabilized and measurements recorded The pump rate and sample intake location will not be adjusted between purging and sampling Samples are to be obtained from the influent line (prior) to the flow-through cell (ie field parameters carmot be measured during sampling) The following sampling strategy is to be followed at each location in its entirety prior to beginning a new location (

Sampling Methods by Analytical Group

Sample containers are to be filled in the order listed below and on the field data sheet using the following protocols Note that many sample containers contain preservatives hence it is necessary to fill each container carefully enough to avoid or minimize overfilling which may dilute the preservative to unacceptable levels For each analysis one of the corresponding containers will be tested with pH paper to confirm that the pH meets the corresponding limits stated in this SOP

1 Volatile organic compoimd (VOC) samples will be collected first Sample containers are to be completely filled so that a meniscus forms over the opening of the container The container lid will be moistened with groundwater and screwed to the container body The container is then turned upside down and inspected for air bubbles If air bubbles exist in the container then it is topped off to eliminate bubbles This procedure is repeated until there are no entrapped bubbles in the container Filled samples are stored at 4degC (+2degC)

2 Geochemistry-related parameters are to be sampled in the following order and with the following procedure

a) Alkalinity ferrous iron and sulfide measurements will be collected in the field per the field kit manufacturers instructions

b) Major anions (sulfate orthophosphate) - water will be dispensed into two 500 mL plastic bottles sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn2degC)

3 After all of the geochemistry-related parameters are collected the following samples are collected

a) Metals -Unfiltered water (for total metals analysis) will be dispensed directly in to a 500 mL wide mouth plastic bottle with HNO3 as a preservative to achieve a pH below 2 sealed and stored at 4degC (plusmn 2degC)

236 Observations During Sampling

Field sampling staff will identify and log any observations that may be considered unusual into a field notebook or on the groundwater sampling field form for each well These observations include but are not limited to excessive bubbling within the tubing or in the sample containers as they are filled odors such as sulfide excessive turbidity solids or formation of precipitates in the samples color changes in the water and unusual sounds made by the equipment In addition sampling personnel will note the condition of the well upon arrival and inspection If the well casing is damaged and there are anomalies in the calculated water level at the well then the casing damage may indicate compromised sample quality

237 Storage and Shipping

All samples will be immediately placed on ice (preferably double-bagged wet ice packs)

to remain at 4degC (+2degC) prior to and during shipment to the laboratory The sample

containers will be stored in a cooler until further processing

24 Documentation

Field documentation includes completed calibration records groundwater sampling

field forms and other field notes deemed relevant It is essential that field data sheets

be filled out completely and legibly at each location and that entries are consistent for

each location and among different personnel As referenced above groundwater

sampling data and calibration forms are provided with this SOP The following

infonnation will be recorded

job site date and sampler

well identification and description

depth to water

casing volume calculation

depth of pump intake during purging and sampling

equipment used (field probes tubing model and serial numbers)

purge rate field parameters (temperature conductivity DO ORP pH and turbidity) and depth to water recorded every 5 minutes

sampling parameters

stabilized field parameters

V ^shy

identification time container types preservatives and analytical methods for samples and

space for comments


EPA 2010a Low Stress (low flow) Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells EQASOP-GW 001 Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 3 January 19 2010

EPA 2010b Standar Operating Proceedure forCalibration of Field Instruments EQASOP-FieldCalib Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 2 January 192010

RE Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event SOHara to Gerardo Millan-Ramos 11042010 1144 AM Cc bbelmore davelwest edwardjamison nieclerc TKrug twillis

History This message has been replied to


Attached is the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum that includes the edits you requested for items 2 and 3 below For item 1 below the reference in the first sentence of Section 2 is correct - it refers to the references in the main body of the sampling plan and not to the attachment


Original Message From Millan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov [ mailtoMillan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov] Sent Thursday November 04 2 010 1011 AM To Suzanne OHara Cc bbelmoresomersworthcom davelwestgecom edwardjamisongecom nleclerccomcastnet Tom Krug twillissomersworthcom Subject Re Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event


I have reviewed the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum Overall it is well written I only have minor commentsrequests

1 On page 3 the first sentence of Section 2 seems to have the wrong reference (EPA 2 010a ) Please correct 2 On Table 1 please add a column indicating the type of pump that will be used at each well 3 On Section 223 please add a sentence indicating that the sampler must call the project manager if shehe encounters any irregularity compromising the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

Please resubmit the Addendum with the edits aforementioned as soon as possible (NLT Friday Nov 5 at 200 PM)

Gerardo Millan-Ramos Remedial Project Manager Office of Site Remediation and Restoration US EPA Region 1 - New England tel (617) 918-1377 fax (617) 918-0377

From ltSOHaraGeosynteccomgt

To bull Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUSEPA

Cc ltbbelmoresomersworthcomgt ltedwardjamisongecomgt ltdave1westgecomgt

lttwillissomersworthcomgt ltnleclerccopycomcastnetgt


Date 11032010 0528 PM

Subject Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event

Gerardo Please find attached the revised sampling plan addendum for the sampling of metals and potential VI issues that are scheduled to take place next week The attached addresses your comments from your October 29 2010 letter


Suzanne OHara Hydrogeologist

130 Research Lane Suite 2 Guelph Ont NlG 5G3 Phone 5198222230 ext 234 Fax 5198223151 wwwGeosynteccom

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is or may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY IN NATURE OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE and (b) is intended only for the use of the Addressee(s) named herein If you are not the intended recipient an addressee or the person responsible for delivering this to an addressee you are hereby notified that reading using copying or distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited If you have received this electronic mail message in error please contact us immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system

[attachment Revised Sampling and Analysis Addendum Memoll032010pdf deleted by Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUS]

Page 18: REVISED SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN (SAP) ADDENDUM ... · "Site") and presents our proposed plan for sampling groundwater for total metals analysis and for the collection of additional

236 Observations During Sampling

Field sampling staff will identify and log any observations that may be considered unusual into a field notebook or on the groundwater sampling field form for each well These observations include but are not limited to excessive bubbling within the tubing or in the sample containers as they are filled odors such as sulfide excessive turbidity solids or formation of precipitates in the samples color changes in the water and unusual sounds made by the equipment In addition sampling personnel will note the condition of the well upon arrival and inspection If the well casing is damaged and there are anomalies in the calculated water level at the well then the casing damage may indicate compromised sample quality

237 Storage and Shipping

All samples will be immediately placed on ice (preferably double-bagged wet ice packs)

to remain at 4degC (+2degC) prior to and during shipment to the laboratory The sample

containers will be stored in a cooler until further processing

24 Documentation

Field documentation includes completed calibration records groundwater sampling

field forms and other field notes deemed relevant It is essential that field data sheets

be filled out completely and legibly at each location and that entries are consistent for

each location and among different personnel As referenced above groundwater

sampling data and calibration forms are provided with this SOP The following

infonnation will be recorded

job site date and sampler

well identification and description

depth to water

casing volume calculation

depth of pump intake during purging and sampling

equipment used (field probes tubing model and serial numbers)

purge rate field parameters (temperature conductivity DO ORP pH and turbidity) and depth to water recorded every 5 minutes

sampling parameters

stabilized field parameters

V ^shy

identification time container types preservatives and analytical methods for samples and

space for comments


EPA 2010a Low Stress (low flow) Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells EQASOP-GW 001 Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 3 January 19 2010

EPA 2010b Standar Operating Proceedure forCalibration of Field Instruments EQASOP-FieldCalib Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 2 January 192010

RE Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event SOHara to Gerardo Millan-Ramos 11042010 1144 AM Cc bbelmore davelwest edwardjamison nieclerc TKrug twillis

History This message has been replied to


Attached is the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum that includes the edits you requested for items 2 and 3 below For item 1 below the reference in the first sentence of Section 2 is correct - it refers to the references in the main body of the sampling plan and not to the attachment


Original Message From Millan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov [ mailtoMillan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov] Sent Thursday November 04 2 010 1011 AM To Suzanne OHara Cc bbelmoresomersworthcom davelwestgecom edwardjamisongecom nleclerccomcastnet Tom Krug twillissomersworthcom Subject Re Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event


I have reviewed the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum Overall it is well written I only have minor commentsrequests

1 On page 3 the first sentence of Section 2 seems to have the wrong reference (EPA 2 010a ) Please correct 2 On Table 1 please add a column indicating the type of pump that will be used at each well 3 On Section 223 please add a sentence indicating that the sampler must call the project manager if shehe encounters any irregularity compromising the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

Please resubmit the Addendum with the edits aforementioned as soon as possible (NLT Friday Nov 5 at 200 PM)

Gerardo Millan-Ramos Remedial Project Manager Office of Site Remediation and Restoration US EPA Region 1 - New England tel (617) 918-1377 fax (617) 918-0377

From ltSOHaraGeosynteccomgt

To bull Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUSEPA

Cc ltbbelmoresomersworthcomgt ltedwardjamisongecomgt ltdave1westgecomgt

lttwillissomersworthcomgt ltnleclerccopycomcastnetgt


Date 11032010 0528 PM

Subject Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event

Gerardo Please find attached the revised sampling plan addendum for the sampling of metals and potential VI issues that are scheduled to take place next week The attached addresses your comments from your October 29 2010 letter


Suzanne OHara Hydrogeologist

130 Research Lane Suite 2 Guelph Ont NlG 5G3 Phone 5198222230 ext 234 Fax 5198223151 wwwGeosynteccom

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is or may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY IN NATURE OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE and (b) is intended only for the use of the Addressee(s) named herein If you are not the intended recipient an addressee or the person responsible for delivering this to an addressee you are hereby notified that reading using copying or distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited If you have received this electronic mail message in error please contact us immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system

[attachment Revised Sampling and Analysis Addendum Memoll032010pdf deleted by Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUS]

Page 19: REVISED SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN (SAP) ADDENDUM ... · "Site") and presents our proposed plan for sampling groundwater for total metals analysis and for the collection of additional

V ^shy

identification time container types preservatives and analytical methods for samples and

space for comments


EPA 2010a Low Stress (low flow) Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells EQASOP-GW 001 Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 3 January 19 2010

EPA 2010b Standar Operating Proceedure forCalibration of Field Instruments EQASOP-FieldCalib Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 2 January 192010

RE Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event SOHara to Gerardo Millan-Ramos 11042010 1144 AM Cc bbelmore davelwest edwardjamison nieclerc TKrug twillis

History This message has been replied to


Attached is the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum that includes the edits you requested for items 2 and 3 below For item 1 below the reference in the first sentence of Section 2 is correct - it refers to the references in the main body of the sampling plan and not to the attachment


Original Message From Millan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov [ mailtoMillan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov] Sent Thursday November 04 2 010 1011 AM To Suzanne OHara Cc bbelmoresomersworthcom davelwestgecom edwardjamisongecom nleclerccomcastnet Tom Krug twillissomersworthcom Subject Re Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event


I have reviewed the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum Overall it is well written I only have minor commentsrequests

1 On page 3 the first sentence of Section 2 seems to have the wrong reference (EPA 2 010a ) Please correct 2 On Table 1 please add a column indicating the type of pump that will be used at each well 3 On Section 223 please add a sentence indicating that the sampler must call the project manager if shehe encounters any irregularity compromising the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

Please resubmit the Addendum with the edits aforementioned as soon as possible (NLT Friday Nov 5 at 200 PM)

Gerardo Millan-Ramos Remedial Project Manager Office of Site Remediation and Restoration US EPA Region 1 - New England tel (617) 918-1377 fax (617) 918-0377

From ltSOHaraGeosynteccomgt

To bull Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUSEPA

Cc ltbbelmoresomersworthcomgt ltedwardjamisongecomgt ltdave1westgecomgt

lttwillissomersworthcomgt ltnleclerccopycomcastnetgt


Date 11032010 0528 PM

Subject Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event

Gerardo Please find attached the revised sampling plan addendum for the sampling of metals and potential VI issues that are scheduled to take place next week The attached addresses your comments from your October 29 2010 letter


Suzanne OHara Hydrogeologist

130 Research Lane Suite 2 Guelph Ont NlG 5G3 Phone 5198222230 ext 234 Fax 5198223151 wwwGeosynteccom

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is or may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY IN NATURE OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE and (b) is intended only for the use of the Addressee(s) named herein If you are not the intended recipient an addressee or the person responsible for delivering this to an addressee you are hereby notified that reading using copying or distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited If you have received this electronic mail message in error please contact us immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system

[attachment Revised Sampling and Analysis Addendum Memoll032010pdf deleted by Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUS]

Page 20: REVISED SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN (SAP) ADDENDUM ... · "Site") and presents our proposed plan for sampling groundwater for total metals analysis and for the collection of additional


EPA 2010a Low Stress (low flow) Sampling Procedures for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells EQASOP-GW 001 Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 3 January 19 2010

EPA 2010b Standar Operating Proceedure forCalibration of Field Instruments EQASOP-FieldCalib Quality Assurance Unit US EPA Region 1 Revision 2 January 192010

RE Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event SOHara to Gerardo Millan-Ramos 11042010 1144 AM Cc bbelmore davelwest edwardjamison nieclerc TKrug twillis

History This message has been replied to


Attached is the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum that includes the edits you requested for items 2 and 3 below For item 1 below the reference in the first sentence of Section 2 is correct - it refers to the references in the main body of the sampling plan and not to the attachment


Original Message From Millan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov [ mailtoMillan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov] Sent Thursday November 04 2 010 1011 AM To Suzanne OHara Cc bbelmoresomersworthcom davelwestgecom edwardjamisongecom nleclerccomcastnet Tom Krug twillissomersworthcom Subject Re Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event


I have reviewed the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum Overall it is well written I only have minor commentsrequests

1 On page 3 the first sentence of Section 2 seems to have the wrong reference (EPA 2 010a ) Please correct 2 On Table 1 please add a column indicating the type of pump that will be used at each well 3 On Section 223 please add a sentence indicating that the sampler must call the project manager if shehe encounters any irregularity compromising the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

Please resubmit the Addendum with the edits aforementioned as soon as possible (NLT Friday Nov 5 at 200 PM)

Gerardo Millan-Ramos Remedial Project Manager Office of Site Remediation and Restoration US EPA Region 1 - New England tel (617) 918-1377 fax (617) 918-0377

From ltSOHaraGeosynteccomgt

To bull Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUSEPA

Cc ltbbelmoresomersworthcomgt ltedwardjamisongecomgt ltdave1westgecomgt

lttwillissomersworthcomgt ltnleclerccopycomcastnetgt


Date 11032010 0528 PM

Subject Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event

Gerardo Please find attached the revised sampling plan addendum for the sampling of metals and potential VI issues that are scheduled to take place next week The attached addresses your comments from your October 29 2010 letter


Suzanne OHara Hydrogeologist

130 Research Lane Suite 2 Guelph Ont NlG 5G3 Phone 5198222230 ext 234 Fax 5198223151 wwwGeosynteccom

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is or may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY IN NATURE OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE and (b) is intended only for the use of the Addressee(s) named herein If you are not the intended recipient an addressee or the person responsible for delivering this to an addressee you are hereby notified that reading using copying or distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited If you have received this electronic mail message in error please contact us immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system

[attachment Revised Sampling and Analysis Addendum Memoll032010pdf deleted by Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUS]

Page 21: REVISED SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN (SAP) ADDENDUM ... · "Site") and presents our proposed plan for sampling groundwater for total metals analysis and for the collection of additional

RE Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event SOHara to Gerardo Millan-Ramos 11042010 1144 AM Cc bbelmore davelwest edwardjamison nieclerc TKrug twillis

History This message has been replied to


Attached is the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum that includes the edits you requested for items 2 and 3 below For item 1 below the reference in the first sentence of Section 2 is correct - it refers to the references in the main body of the sampling plan and not to the attachment


Original Message From Millan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov [ mailtoMillan-RamosGerardoepamailepagov] Sent Thursday November 04 2 010 1011 AM To Suzanne OHara Cc bbelmoresomersworthcom davelwestgecom edwardjamisongecom nleclerccomcastnet Tom Krug twillissomersworthcom Subject Re Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event


I have reviewed the revised version of the Sampling Plan Addendum Overall it is well written I only have minor commentsrequests

1 On page 3 the first sentence of Section 2 seems to have the wrong reference (EPA 2 010a ) Please correct 2 On Table 1 please add a column indicating the type of pump that will be used at each well 3 On Section 223 please add a sentence indicating that the sampler must call the project manager if shehe encounters any irregularity compromising the integrity of the well (eg missing lock water collecting on flush mounts) to inform of such and to determine next steps

Please resubmit the Addendum with the edits aforementioned as soon as possible (NLT Friday Nov 5 at 200 PM)

Gerardo Millan-Ramos Remedial Project Manager Office of Site Remediation and Restoration US EPA Region 1 - New England tel (617) 918-1377 fax (617) 918-0377

From ltSOHaraGeosynteccomgt

To bull Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUSEPA

Cc ltbbelmoresomersworthcomgt ltedwardjamisongecomgt ltdave1westgecomgt

lttwillissomersworthcomgt ltnleclerccopycomcastnetgt


Date 11032010 0528 PM

Subject Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event

Gerardo Please find attached the revised sampling plan addendum for the sampling of metals and potential VI issues that are scheduled to take place next week The attached addresses your comments from your October 29 2010 letter


Suzanne OHara Hydrogeologist

130 Research Lane Suite 2 Guelph Ont NlG 5G3 Phone 5198222230 ext 234 Fax 5198223151 wwwGeosynteccom

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is or may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY IN NATURE OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE and (b) is intended only for the use of the Addressee(s) named herein If you are not the intended recipient an addressee or the person responsible for delivering this to an addressee you are hereby notified that reading using copying or distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited If you have received this electronic mail message in error please contact us immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system

[attachment Revised Sampling and Analysis Addendum Memoll032010pdf deleted by Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUS]

Page 22: REVISED SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN (SAP) ADDENDUM ... · "Site") and presents our proposed plan for sampling groundwater for total metals analysis and for the collection of additional


Date 11032010 0528 PM

Subject Revised Sampling Plan Addendum for next weeks sampling event

Gerardo Please find attached the revised sampling plan addendum for the sampling of metals and potential VI issues that are scheduled to take place next week The attached addresses your comments from your October 29 2010 letter


Suzanne OHara Hydrogeologist

130 Research Lane Suite 2 Guelph Ont NlG 5G3 Phone 5198222230 ext 234 Fax 5198223151 wwwGeosynteccom

This electronic mail message contains information that (a) is or may be LEGALLY PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY IN NATURE OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE and (b) is intended only for the use of the Addressee(s) named herein If you are not the intended recipient an addressee or the person responsible for delivering this to an addressee you are hereby notified that reading using copying or distributing any part of this message is strictly prohibited If you have received this electronic mail message in error please contact us immediately and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system

[attachment Revised Sampling and Analysis Addendum Memoll032010pdf deleted by Gerardo Millan-RamosRlUSEPAUS]