review oorsig - mohair south africa & statistieke south african clip composition 17...


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Chairman’s Report 1Voorsittersverslag

An Overview of the South African Mohair Industry 3

‘n Oorsig van die Suid-Afrikaanse Sybokhaarbedryf

Marketing 5

Bemarking The Strategy 7Die Strategie

Marketing Highlights 9Bemarkingshoogtepunte 11

Market and Production 13

Die Mark en Produksie

Black Economic Empowerment 11Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging

Statutory RequirementsStatutê Vereistes

Research 11Navorsing

Quality Standards 11Kwaliteit Standaarde

Training 11Opleiding

Stats & Figures 15

Syfers & Statistieke South African Clip Composition 17Suid-Afrikaanse Skeerselsamestelling

Clip Income 16Skeerselinkomste

Real Prices 18Reële Pryse

Share Of World Production Aandeel in Wêreld Produksie

Mohair Production Since 1972 (Million Kg) 19 Sybokhaarproduksie Vanaf 1972 (Miljoen Kg)

Exports 1998 - 2011 (in kg) 20Uitvoere 1998 - 2011(In Kg)

Production Per District 21Produksie Per Distrik

The South African Mohair industry since 1969 22 Die Suid-afrikaanse Sybokhaarbedryf Vanaf 1969

Production, Price & Exchange Rates 23Produksie, Pryse & Wisselkoers



In the wake of the continuing global difficulties the importance of companies, especially one like Mohair South Africa to report in a transparent manner to all of its stakeholders and taking into account the preservation of stakeholder relations, are important fundamentals for good corporate governance. To this end we have once again embraced the spirit of restructuring and prioritization of responsibilities within the mohair industry. It is therefore pertinent to state that restructuring will also have a material influence on the manner in which Mohair South Africa

may operate in the future.


Risks and opportunities are identified based on a review of financial, social, environmental, economic and governance issues and trends and a review of our relationship with key stakeholders.

Veld conditions improved over most of the production area during the reporting period and there are signs that we may have reached the bottom end of the downward cycle in production.

The lack of competition from greasy mohair buyers during the latter half of 2011 also posed some concerns, but this situation improved at the closing of the 2011 selling year.

The sustainable mohair guidelines are still not delivering the expected results as participation is lacking from mohair producers. These guidelines will become increasingly important for the industry in the medium to long



The Board of Directors consists of ten non-executive directors. The position of Chairman and General Manager is separated and the Board has also established several committees to assist the Board in discharging its responsibilities.

Board members are remunerated in the form of an annual honorarium, a daily fee for work performed as well as a reimbursive travel payment for business kilometers travelled.

Messrs IF Smith, F Michau and F Alberts retired as directors at the end of the reporting period, and we welcome Messrs N Stucken, IR Bekker and J Martins as new directors to the company.

ObjeCTIveS aND peRfORmaNCe

Our focus as a company remains on the mohair fibre and promoting it for the benefit of the entire mohair chain. On the international front we continued to focus on two key

international shows, namely Spinexpo (Shanghai) and “Maison et Objet” (Paris). Both these projects were done in collaboration with world renowned trend forecaster Li Edelkoort.

A collaboration with Vogue Hand Knitting magazine in the USA was run very successfully in the hand knitting yarn market to increase awareness in a huge potential market for mohair.

The collaboration with Mode Gakuen in Japan continued during 2011 and the winners were integrated into the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University’s (NMMU) fashion and Textile design department’s fashion show.

The importance of the association with universities was highlighted when one of the NMMU mohair bursary students, won the Elle Young Designer competition.

Nationally Mohair South Africa exhibited for the first time at Design Indaba in Cape Town, with very positive results.

A first for the company was also to expand our market drive via radio advertising which was very successfully done in the Eastern Cape.

All of our efforts continue to focus on creating a wider awareness and demand for the mohair fibre.

OUR peOple

Changes took place in staff in the marketing department during the year, with Ms. J Gant not renewing her contract and Ms. A Marais joining the marketing team. Lindsay and Anlé now run the marketing department as a team and have achieved great results thus far!


I wish to express my sincere gratitude towards my fellow directors for their support and dedication in helping make the company function optimally and to the best advantage of the mohair industry.

The staff of the company forms the backbone of our activities and I would like to thank them for their hard work and dedication.

We look forward to 2012 with a great sense of positivity in the market and to build further on the solid foundations built over the last few years.




In die lig van die voortslepende ekonomiese probleme wêreldwyd, is dit uiters belangrik dat maatskappye, veral ’n maatskappy soos Sybokhaar Suid-Afrika, goeie korporatiewe bestuur sal toepas deur op deursigtige wyse aan al hul belangegroepe verslag te doen en belangegroepe verhoudings voorop te stel. Om dié rede stel ons ons opnuut oop vir herstrukturering en die prioritisering van verantwoordelikhede binne die sybokhaarbedryf. Dit is dus gepas om te sê dat herstrukturering ook ’n wesenlike uitwerking sal hê op hoe Sybokhaar Suid-Afrika se werksaamhede in die toekoms mag lyk.

vOlhOUbaaRheID eN RISIkO

Risiko’s en geleenthede word geïdentifiseer op grond van ’n oorsig oor finansiële, omgewings, ekonomiese en bestuurskwessies en tendense, asook ’n oorsig van ons verhoudings met ons belangegroepe.

Veldtoestande het gedurende die oorsigtydperk verbeter oor die grootste gedeelte van die produksiegebied, en daar is tekens dat ons die onderpunt van die afwaartse produksiesiklus bereik het.

Die gebrek aan mededinging van vethaarkopers gedurende die laaste helfte van 2011 was kommerwekkend, maar ook dié situasie het teen die einde van die 2011-verkoopjaar verbeter.

Die volhoubare sybokhaarriglyne lewer steeds nie die verwagte resultate op nie, weens ’n gebrek aan deelname aan die kant van sybokhaarprodusente. Dié riglyne gaan in die medium tot lang termyn al hoe belangriker raak vir die bedryf.

DIe maaTSkappy eN DIe DIRekSIe

Die direksie bestaan uit tien nie-uitvoerende direkteure. Die posisie van Voorsitter en Hoofbestuurder is geskei, en die Direksie het verskeie komitees gevorm om die Direksie te help om sy verantwoordelikhede na te kom.

Direksielede ontvang vergoeding in die vorm van ’n jaarlikse honorarium, ’n daaglikse fooi vir werk wat gedoen is en ’n terugbetaling van reiskoste ten opsigte van besigheidskilometers afgelê.

Mnre IF Smith, F Michau en F Alberts het aan die einde van die verslagtydperk uitgetree as direkteure, en ons verwelkom Mnre N Stucken, IR Bekker en J Martins as nuwe maatskappydirekteure.

DOelSTellINgS eN pReSTaSIe

Ons fokus as maatskappy is steeds op die sybokhaarvesel en die bevordering daarvan, tot voordeel van die hele sybokhaarketting.

Op die internasionale front het ons op twee belangrike internasionale skoue gefokus, naamlik Spinexpo (Sjanghai) en maison et Objet (Parys). Al twee dié projekte is in samewerking met die wêreldbekende tendensvoorspeller Li Edelkoort van stapel gestuur.

’n Gesamentlike projek tussen SSA en die Amerikaanse tydskrif vogue

hand knitting was suksesvol en het bygedra tot bewustheid onder

breigeesdriftiges, ’n geweldige potensiële mark vir sybokhaar.

Ons samewerkingsooreenkoms met Mode Gakuen in Japan is voortgesit

gedurende 2011 en die wenners is geïntegreer in die modeskou van die

Nelson Mandela Metropolitaanse Universiteit (NMMU) se Mode- en


Die feit dat een van die NMMU se sybokhaar beursstudente die elle young

Designer-kompetisie gewen het, het weereens beklemtoon hoe belangrik

hierdie verbintenis met universiteite is.

Plaaslik het Sybokhaar Suid-Afrika die eerste keer ‘n uitstalling by Design Indaba in Kaapstad gehad, wat baie goed afgeloop het.

Die maatskappy het ook vir die eerste keer ’n radio-advertensieveldtog in die Oos-Kaap gehad, wat ’n groot sukses was.

Ons oorhoofse doel bly steeds om meer bewustheid van en ’n groter vraag vir sybokhaar te skep.


Daar was ook veranderinge op die personeelfront hierdie jaar, in dat Me J Gant nie haar kontrak hernu het nie, en me A Marais haar by die bemarkingspan aangesluit het. Lindsay en Anlé bestuur nou die bemarkingsdepartement as ’n span, en het sover goeie resultate behaal!


My opregte dank aan my mededirekteure vir hulle ondersteuning en toewyding, wat gehelp het om die maatskappy optimaal te laat funksioneer, tot die beste voordeel van die sybokhaarbedryf.

Die personeel van die maatskappy is die ruggraat van ons werksaamhede, en graag wil ek hulle bedank vir hul harde werk en toewyding.

Ons sien uit na 2012 met ‘n positiwiteit vir die mark en om verder voort te bou op die stewige fondasie van die afgelope paar jaar.



South AfricanMohair Growers


South AfricanWool & Mohair

Buyers Association

South AfricanWool & Mohair

Broker’s Association

South AfricanWool & Mohair


The Ram BreedersSociety


South AfricanFarm Workers


Empowerment TrustEmpowerment Trust

Empowerment TrustmOhaIR TRUST



+/- 6000Farm Workers

+/- 1000Farmers

+/- 45Ram Breeders




Producers4 x Director

Ram Breeders1 x Director

Brokers1 x Director

Buyers2 x Director

Processors1 x Director

Farm Workers1 x Director

Empowerment TrustSAMGASouth African Mohair Growers







During 2011 Mohair South Africa’s marketing department set out to follow through the marketing strategy put in place in 2010. With the strategy

being accepted and endorsed by the full Board of Directors of Mohair South Africa, the hard work began.

The maRkeTINg STRaTegy

Just to refresh, the strategy that has been agreed to is as follows:

Definition of market segments: Pertains to where mohair can be utilized. Obviously there are many areas, and we have had to prioritize and focus on the area’s that consume the entire clip.

Definition of sectors: Pertains to the steps in the value chain where we want to influence, promote and market mohair. The sectors identified are: Spinners, Weavers, Designers, Manufactures, Wholesalers, Retailers, End Consumers, Government and Corporate gift market.

Below is a diagram of the segments and sectors that we focused on.


The segments selected are: Functional wear (socks), Homeware (interior products), Hand craft (hand knitting) and agri-tourism

SOUTh afRICa Spinner Weaver Design manufacturer Wholesaler Retailer end Consumer gov. Corporate market



ts Functional Wear • • • X

Home ware • • • • X

Hand crafts • • • • • Agri-Tourism • • • •


• Marketing funding and activities

x Marketing activities only.


The segments selected are: Apparel, Homeware (interior products), Accessories, Hand craft (hand knitting) and Fashion knitwear (machine).

INTeRNaTIONal  Spinners  Weavers  Design  manufacturer  Wholesalers  Retailers end Consumer




Apparel •   • Fashion Knitwear • • • •

Accessories • Hand crafts • • •Homeware • • • • •




Sybokhaar Suid-Afrika (SSA) se bemarkingsdepartement het tydens 2011 steeds die bemarkingstrategie wat in 2010 daargestel is bly deurvoer. Nadat die

strategie deur die volle Direksie van die SSA aanvaar en onderskryf is, het die harde werk begin.

DIe bemaRkINgSTRaTegIe

Net om die geheue te verfris – die strategie waarop daar ooreengekom is, was:

Definisie van marksegmente: Hou verband met waar sybokhaar gebruik kan word. Daar is uiteraard baie terreine, en ons moes dus prioritiseer en fokus op die terreine wat die hele skeersel gebruik.

Definisie van sektore: Hou verband met die stappe van die waardeketting waar ons sybokhaar wil bevorder en die bokhaarmark wil beïnvloed. Die sektore wat geïdentifiseer is, is spinners, wewers, ontwerpers, vervaardigers, groothandelaars, kleinhandelaars, eindverbruikers, die regering en die korporatiewegeskenk-mark.

Onderstaande is ’n diagram van die segmente en sektore waarop ons gefokus het.


Die gekose segmente is funksionele drag (sokkies), huisware (binnenshuise produkte), handwerk (handbreiwerk) en agri-toerisme

SUIDafRIka  Spinner  Wewer  Ontwerper  Vervaardiger  Groothandelaar  Kleinhandelaar Eind-verbruiker  Regering Korporatiewe mark



Funksionele drag • • • X

Huisware • • • • X

Handwerk • • • • • Agri-toerisme • • • •


• Bemarkingsbefondsing en -aktiwiteite

x Nét bemarkingsaktiwiteite


Die gekose segmente is klerasie, huisware (binnenshuise produkte), bykomstighede, handwerk (handbreiwerk) en modebreidrag (masjien).

INTeRNaSIONaal  Spinner  Wewer  Ontwerper  vervaardiger  groothandelaar  kleinhandelaar eind-verbruiker




Klerasie •   • Modebreidrag • • • •Bykomstighede •

Handwerk • • •Huisware • • • • •



maRkeTINg hIghlIghTS



Mohair South Africa exhibited at Design Indaba in Cape Town for the

very first time launching the 2011 Mohair Collection. Formerly known

as the Signature Collection, this was a collaboration using South African

manufacturers and design input by Greeff Designs.

In 2009 the collection had a soft launch at the international summit,

whereafter the collection was re-worked in preparation for Design

Indaba before launching into the international market. The aim was to

have a commercially viable collection of superior mohair products online

for purchase. Mohair SA teamed up with stylist Tracy Lynch to create a

beautiful space for these products. The Mohair Collection enjoyed much

media interest appearing in numerous publications across South Africa.

This was an opportunity to connect with designers from all over the world

from various design disciplines.


Mohair SA is the premiere sponsor of The Collective, Nelson Mandela

Metropolitan University’s (NMMU) annual graduate fashion show held at

the end of each year where 3rd year students are afforded the opportunity

of designing a range in mohair as part of their curriculum. With the recent

success of both Laduma Ngxokolo and Kelly Esterhuyse, the marketing

team saw an opportunity to expose the fashion industries elite to the

innovative student mohair designs. These VIP’s included Lucilla Booyzen

from SA Fashion Week, Sharon Becker of Marie Claire, Jackie Burger of Elle

Magazine and Emma Jordan of Ifashion to name a few. This is a wonderful

way to educate and inspire these media personalities and hopefully ignite

a love for mohair fashion.

RaDIO CampaIgN

After considerable research into utilizing radio as an advertising medium,

we learnt that majority of people will listen long before they read. Mohair

South Africa launched this campaign on Algoa FM with the key objective

being to educate the Eastern Cape audience as they are mostly not aware

that we are in fact world leaders in mohair production.

The campaign focused on different sectors of the market relevant to

the seasons and marketing events. It was started with a competition in

February and followed by generic advertisements educating the general


Alongside the generic advertisements and competitions, Miss “An

Gora”, a style consultant was introduced joining Carol-Ann Kelleher on

the gossip blog for the last week of each month. An grew up in a small

karoo town, but in spite of her past firmly rooted there she was well

travelled and explored trends around the world. Whether its fashion,

commercial or lifestyle products, “An” remained at the forefront of local

and international mohair matters and with her infectious and passionate

personality she succeeded in “mohairising” each and every listener.


As part of the on-going crusade to educate and enlighten the broader

media, Mohair SA in conjunction with its PR Company, arranged various

tours through the mohair process. Our experience has shown that in order

for the correct mohair message to come across, we need to share our

precious story in a way that media can experience firsthand what mohair

is and better understand its value. Once they have been “mohairised” we

find that they report on the fibre more enthusiastically and with a deeper

understanding. This is good for us as it helps to spread the mohair word.

The journey includes the entire process from farm to finished mohair

product. In 2011 we taken various local and national publication through

this process. We plan to continue educating and inspiring the media

andhave already experienced the fruits of having hosted the various



SpIN expO, ShaNghaI

Mohair SA exhibited at both Spin Expo New York in July, as well as Spin

Expo, Shanghai in September keeping with our marketing strategy to talk

global spinner and buyers.

Spin Expo is a yarn trade show with approximately 80 exhibitors in

New York and 180 exhibiters in Shanghai from all around the globe and

welcomes in the region of 10 000 visitors over a 3 day period. Mohair

SA, assisted by our Chinese strategic partner, have managed a stand in

Shanghai for the past five years. In 2011, Mohair SA took the decision to

elevate the mohair advertising campaign at Spin Expo by collaborating

with Li Edelkoort, the international trend forecaster, in designing a stand

in the form of a mohair trend installation.

The Edelkoort Inc. team introduced the concept of “Do It Yourself Yourself”,

encouraging people to explore their creativity and use their imagination by

making things themselves specifically out of mohair! We were fortunate to

be given a speaker slot in both New York and Shanghai where Emmanuelle

Linnard, part of Edelkoort Inc. for the last 20 years presented the forecast

on the future of mohair yarn to a full capacity audience.Mohair South

Africa’s aim to lift the image of mohair while conveying the serious intent

of increasing their international marketing presence was achieved at these


maISON & ObjeT, paRIS

The Mohair Collection 2011 was launched internationally at Maison &

Objet, Paris from 9-13 September 2011. Maison & Objet is currently viewed

as one of the top international interior design shows.The decision to make

use of this platform was a way of showing the global designers, decorators,

architects, buyers (retail), hotels and media that Mohair is well positioned

to take full advantage of the trend toward natural fibres. The


products on show ranged from craft to industrial machine made and all

products were well placed and received. In the continued collaboration

with Li Edelkoort, the stand was designed by Edelkoort Inc who selected

pieces from the Mohair Collection that was shown at Design Indaba, Cape

Town in February 2011. Some pieces were tweaked and colours changed.

This project fits firmly into the Mohair SA’s marketing strategy of growing

the use of mohair in the interior and lifestyle segments of the market. This

segment mostly makes use of the young goat and adult mohair, which we

hope to grow the consumption of.


Laura Zukaite, the winner of the international Vogue Knitting ‘Magic of

Mohair’ Design competition visited South Africa in April 2011. Already an

accomplished knitter and sweater designer for Polo Ralph Lauren in New

York, Zukaite’s stunning entry, showcased at Vogue Knitting Live in New

York, was selected as the winning competition garment. Sponsored by

Mohair SA, the competition included a trip to South Africa for the winner

to experience the South African mohair industry and go back to New York

with a thorough understanding of where this sustainable yarn comes from.

Laura was taken through the entire mohair process: from visiting a

farm to seeing how the goats are shorn, to visiting the processors,

brokers and buyers involved. Laura left South Africa with a self-confessed

fresh appreciation of mohair and will continue to share her new-found

knowledge with other design houses and knitters.


Mohair SA once again collaborated with The Wool Exporter who have an

English and Chinese version to reach the Chinese textile sector.


Mohair SA saw the importance of launching a Facebook fan page as it is

the largest social network platform in the world. It is an easy and cost

effective way to educate, entice and promote mohair worldwide and in

one place. We continue to update this site on a daily basis.

With the recent success of both

laduma Ngxokolo and kelly esterhuyse,

the marketing team saw an opportunity to

expose the fashion industries elite to the

innovative student mohair designs.





Sybokhaar Suid-Afrika het vir die heel eerste keer aan Design Indaba

deelgeneem toe hy sy 2011 Mohair Collection in Kaapstad bekendgestel

het. Die versameling was voorheen bekend as die Signature Collection

– ’n gesamentlike projek van Suid-Afrikaanse vervaardigers en die

ontwerpmaatskappy Greeff Designs.

Die versameling is ook in 2009 by die internasionale spitsberaad

bekendgestel, maar is later verander, as voorbereiding vir Design Indaba,

voordat dit internasionaal van stapel gestuur is. Die doel was om ’n

kommersieel uitvoerbare versameling superieure sybokhaarprodukte

aanlyn te koop aan te bied. Sybokhaar SA het met die stilis Tracy

Lynch saamgewerk om ’n pragtige ruimte vir die produkte te skep. Die

Mohair Collection het baie belangstelling by die media uitgelok en in

talle publikasies landwyd verskyn. Dit was ’n gulde geleentheid om met

ontwerpers uit verskeie ontwerpdissiplines wêreldwyd bande te smee.


Sybokhaar SA is die vernaamste borg van The Collective, die Nelson

Mandela Metropolitaanse Universiteit (NMMU) se jaarlikse modeskou

waar derdejaarstudente die geleentheid kry om as deel van hul kurrikulum

’n sybokhaarreeks te ontwerp. Die onlangse sukses van Laduma Ngxokolo

en Kelly Esterhuyse het die bemarkingspan laat besluit om die elite van die

modebedryf aan die innoverende sybokhaarontwerpe van studente bloot

te stel. Dié BBP�s het Lucilla Booyzen van Sa fashion Week, Sharon Becker

van marie Claire, Jackie Burger van elle magazine en Emma Jordan van

Ifashion ingesluit – om maar ’n paar te noem. Die projek is ’n wonderlike

manier om mediapersoonlikhede op te voed en te inspireer en hopelik te

laat verlief raak op sybokhaar!


Na aansienlike navorsing oor die gebruik van die radio as

advertensiemedium het ons geleer dat die meeste mense luister ver bo

lees verkies. Sybokhaar SA het sy veldtog op Algoa FM geloods, met die

hoof doel om Ooskapenaars op te voed aangaande sybokhaar, aangesien

die oorgrote meerderheid nie weet dat ons inderwaarheid die wêreldleiers

in sybokhaarproduksie is nie.

Die veldtog het op verskillende sektore van die mark gefokus, in lyn met

die seisoene en met bemarkingsgeleenthede. Die veldtog het begin met

’n kompetisie in Februarie, gevolg deur generiese advertensies wat daarop

gemik is om die algemene publiek aan sybokhaar bekend te stel.

Naas die generiese advertensies en kompetisies is die stylkonsultant

Mejuffrou “An Gora” aan die luisteraars voorgestel, en het sy haar vir

die laaste week van elke maand by Carol-Ann Kelleher aangesluit op

die skinder-blog. “An” het op ’n klein Karoo-dorpie grootgeword, maar

is ten spyte van haar stoere plattelandse agtergrond berese en belese,

en bekend met modeneigings wêreldwyd. Of dit nou mode-, handels-

of leefstylprodukte is, ”An” is ’n baanbreker wat plaaslike sowel as

internasionale sybokhaarsake betref, en met haar aansteeklike lag en

passievolle persoonlikheid het sy ’n ieder en ’n elk van haar luisteraars

dééglik met sybokhaar laat kennismaak.

blOOTSTellINg vaN DIe meDIa aaN SybOkhaaR

As deel van die voorgesette veldtog om die breër media in te lig het

Sybokhaar SA in samewerking met sy Openbare Betrekkinge-maatskappy

verskeie toere deur die sybokhaarketting gereël. Die ondervinding het

ons geleer dat om die regte sybokhaarboodskap oor te dra, ons ons

kosbare storie moet vertel op ’n manier wat die media eerstehands kan

meemaak om beter te kan verstaan hoe waardevol ons vesel is. Ons vind

dat wanneer hulle eers goed met sybokhaar bekend is, hul verslaggewing

oor die vesel baie meer geesdriftig en empatiek is. Dit hou vir ons voordeel

in, aangesien dit die sybokhaarboodskap uitdra.

Die toer sluit die hele proses in – van die plaas tot die afgewerkte

sybokhaarproduk. Ons het in 2011 verskeie plaaslike en nasionale

koerante en tydskrifte die reis laat meemaak!

Ons beoog om die media te bly herinner en inspireer en pluk reeds die

vrugte van die kere wat ons die verskillende media onthaal het.


SpIN ekSpO, SjaNghaI

Sybokhaar SA het by Spin Ekspo in New York (Julie 2011) én Spin Ekspo

in Sjanghai (September 2011) uitgestal, in ooreenstemming met ons

bemarkingstrategie om met wêreldspinners en -kopers te praat.

Spin Ekspo is ’n breigare-handelskou met nagenoeg 80 uitstallers in New

York en 180 uitstallers in Sjanghai van oral ter wêreld, en trek omtrent

10  000 besoekers oor �n tydperk van 3 dae. Sybokhaar SA, bygestaan

deur ons Chinese strategiese vennoot, beman al die afgelope vyf jaar ’n

stalletjie in Sjanghai. In 2011 het Sybokhaar SA besluit om die bokhaar-

advertensieveldtog by Spin Ekspo te verbeter deur met die internasionaal

toonaangewende Li Edelkoort saam te werk aan ’n uitstalling.

Só het die Edelkoort Incorporated-span die begrip Do It Yourself Yourself

bekendgestel, waarin hulle mense aanmoedig om meer kreatief te wees

en hul verbeelding te gebruik om sélf goed te maak en natuurlik spesifiek

van bokhaar! Verder was ons so gelukkig om in New York sowel as in

Sjanghai ’n spreekbeurt te kry, waar Emmanuelle Linnard, wat al 20

jaar lank deel van Edelkoort Incorporated is, voor ’n groot gehoor haar

aanbieding oor die toekoms van sybokhaar gedoen het.

Sybokhaar Suid-Afrika het beslis sy doelwit – om die beeld van sybokhaar te

bevorder en terselfdertyd sy internasionale bemarkingsteenwoordigheid

te versterk by dié twee skoue bereik.


maISON & ObjeT, paRyS, fRaNkRyk

Die Mohair Collection 2011 is uitgestal by Maison & Objet in Parys

(Frankryk) van 9 tot 13 September 2011 plaasgevind, wat tans as een van

die top internasionale binnenshuisversiering-uitstallings beskou word.

Die besluit om van dié platform gebruik te maak was daarop gemik om

ontwerpers, binnenshuisversierders, argitekte, kopers (kleinhandel),

hotelle en die media wêreldwyd te wys dat sybokhaar goed geposisioneer

is om ten volle voordeel te trek uit die hedendaagse voorkeur vir natuurlike

vesels. Die produkte wat uitgestal is het gewissel van handwerk tot

industriële masjienvervaardigde items en is baie goed ontvang. Danksy ons

voortgesette samewerkingsooreenkoms het Li Edelkoort Incorporated ons

uitstalling ontwerp en gebruik gemaak van items uit die Mohair Collection

wat in February 2011 by die Design Indaba in Kaapstad te sien was. Hierdie

projek pas uitstekend in by Sybokhaar SA se bemarkingstrategie wat

daarop gemik is om die gebruik van bokhaar in die binnenshuisversiering-

en leefstylsegmente van die mark te bevorder. Dié segment maak meestal

van jongbokkie- en grootbokhaar gebruik, en daar sal dus hopelik al hoe

meer verbruikers van die vesel wees.

vOgUe Se bReIpROjek, vSa

Laura Zukaite, die wenner van die internasionale Vogue Knitting se ‘Magic

of Mohair’-ontwerpers-kompetisie het Suid-Afrika in April 2011 besoek.

G’n wonder dus dat Zukaite, ’n uiters bekwame breier en trui-ontwerper

vir Polo Ralph Lauren in New York, se asemrowende inskrywing, wat by

Vogue Knitting Live in New York uitgestal is, die kompetisie gewen het!

Die kompetisie is deur Sybokhaar SA geborg en die eerste prys het ’n

besoek aan Suid-Afrika ingesluit, sodat die wenner die Suid-Afrikaanse

sybokhaarbedryf eerstehands kon beleef en na New York toe teruggaan

met volledige begrip van waar ons volhoubare vesel vandaan kom.

Laura het die hele sybokhaarproses meegemaak – ’n besoek aan ’n plaas,

’n kykie na hoe die bokke geskeer word, en besoeke aan die verwerkers,

makelaars en kopers wat betrokke is. Laura het Suid-Afrika verlaat met wat

sy self as ‘hernude waardering vir bokhaar’ beskryf het, en was vasbeslote

om haar nuutgevonde kennis met ander binnenshuisversierders en breiers

te gaan deel.


Sybokhaar SA het weereens saamgewerk met The Wool Exporter – wat ’n

Engelse en Chinese weergawe het, ten einde die Chinese tekstielsektor te

kan bereik.

Verder het SSA besef hoe belangrik ’n aanhangerblad op Facebook is,

aangesien dit die grootste sosialenetwerk-platform ter wêreld is. Dit is

’n maklike, koste-effektiewe manier om mense in te lig en om te praat,

en sybokhaar wêreldwyd te bevorder – en dit alles op een plek! Ons hou

hierdie blad daagliks en deurlopend op datum.


blaCk eCONOmIC empOWeRmeNT

All Black Economic Empowerment initiatives are driven by the Empowerment Trust of the mohair industry and the Trust is responsible for reporting on all of its activities.


The 2011 year was in general a good year for producers of mohair with the average price for the year closing on R100.55 per kg, which is a 7.7% increase from 2010.

The ongoing econimic crisis in Europe and depressed US economy had a mixed influence on the mohair market during 2011. Although kids and young goats were only marginally affected by the crisis, these sectors still far outperformed 2010 price levels. As the year progressed, it became clear that the adult market would be under pressure, mainly because of pressure on the Chinese market from the deadline in orders from Europe and excess stock in the pipeline.

The extreme fluctuations in the South African Currency made for an extremely difficult trading environment during the 2011 winter season and the two topmakers had to take up the bulk of the offering.

The downward pressure on the adult market was the main reason for a decrease in exports of 15% from 2011, whilst Taiwan increased their share of the export market in 2011.

Imports from the 2011 yeaar decreased by 8% and amounted to 1,410 million kg’s.

Production for the 2011 year amounted to 2,230,000 kg’s which is only marginally lower than 2010. There are definite signs that the industry has reached the bottom end of the production cycle and can expect a slight increase in 2012


The company continued to obtain critical industry statistics via the appointed administrator under the statutory measures. Continued membership of the IWTO once again afforded the company to attend the annual ITWO conference held in China during 2011.


Various scientific research projects were approved during the year, amounting to a total budget of R699 983 for scientific research.

The research into jackets for goats was further expanded to determine a more durable fabric for the jackets. The very important research into a new Heartwater vaccine made good progress during the year.

Economic research continues to play a very important role within the industry and is a tool funded by the industry for producers to assist with on

farm management and increased profitability.


After consultation with the Daidoh Company of Japan, it was decided to leave the rules of the competition unchanged.

The classing standards were amended to reduce the minimum weights of all classes to the following:

Kids - 80kg

Young goats - 90kg

Adults - 100kg

The sustainable guidelines will continue to play a vitally important role within the industry. An effort was made to increase participation from producers and efforts will continue to try and broaden the base of participants from the producer sector.


The bursary scheme at Grootfontein Agricultural College continued during the year, as did the classing training at Marlow and Winterberg.

The involvement of the company with tertiary training institution’s fashion and textile design departments is proving to be the breeding ground of future mohair ambassadors, with interaction between design institutions from different countries playing an important role in ensuring that the youth stay involved to create inspiring mohair garments.


SWaRT ekONOmIeSe bemagTIgINg

Alle Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging-inisiatiewe word deur die Bemagtigingstrust van die sybokhaarbedryf gedryf en die Trust lewer

verslag oor al sy werksaamhede.

DIe maRk eN pRODUkSIe

Die 2011 jaar was oor die algemeen ’n goeie jaar vir bokhaarprodusente, aangesien die gemiddelde prys vir die jaar teen R100,55 per kg gesluit het, 7% hoër as in 2010.

Die voortslepende ekonomiese krisis in Europa en die afswaai in die Amerikaanse ekonomie het in 2011 ’n gemengde uitwerking op die bokhaarmark gehad. Nieteenstaande die feit dat die krisis die kleinbokkie- en jongboksektore minimaal geraak het, het hierdie sektore die prysvlakke van 2010 ver oortref.

Dit het deur die loop van die jaar duidelik geraak dat die grootbokmark onder druk sou kom, veral weens druk op die Chinese mark as gevolg van ’n afname in bestellings uit Europa en ’n oorskot voorraad in die pyplyn.

Tydens die 2011 winterseisoen het die geweldige skommelinge in die Suid-Afrikaanse geldeenheid ’n uiters moeilike handelsomgewing tot gevolg gehad, wat daartoe gelei het dat die twee kambolvervaardigers die grootste gedeelte van die bokhaar op die mark moes koop.

Die afwaartse druk op die grootbokhaarmark was die hoofrede vir ‘n afname in uitvoere van 15% vanaf 2010, terwyl Taiwan in 2011 op sy beurt sy aandeel in die uitvoermark vergroot het.

Invoere vir die jaar 2011 het met 8% afgeneem, wat op 1 410 miljoen kg te staan gekom het.

Die produksie vir die jaar het te staan gekom op 2 230 000 kg, wat slegs marginaal minder is as in 2010.

Daar is beslis tekens dat die bedryf die onderpunt van die produksiesiklus bereik het en dat daar in 2012 ’n effense toename verwag kan word.

STaTUTêRe veReISTeS eN lIDmaaTSkap

Die maatskappy het steeds belangrike bedryfstatistiek bly inwin, met die hulp van die administrateur wat kragtens die statutêre maatreëls aangestel is. Voortgesette lidmaatskap van die IWTO het dit weer eens vir die maatskappy moontlik gemaak om die jaarlikse ITWO-konferensie wat in 2011 in China gehou is, by te woon.


Daar is verskeie wetenskaplike navorsingsprojekte gedurende die jaar goedgekeur, wat op ’n totale begroting van R699 983 vir wetenskaplike navorsing te staan gekom het.

Die navorsing ten opsigte van die ‘bokjassies’ is verder uitgebrei om na ’n meer geharde materiaal te soek. Daar is gedurende die jaar goeie vordering gemaak met die baie belangrike navorsing rakende ’n nuwe entstof teen hartwater.

Ekonomiese navorsing speel nog steeds ’n groot rol in die bedryf en is ’n werktuig wat deur die bedryf vir produsente befonds word om hulle by te staan met plaasbestuur en groter winsgewendheid.


Na samesprekings met Daidoh Maatskappy van Japan is daar besluit om die reëls van die kompetisie onveranderd te laat.

Die klasstandaarde is gewysig om die minimumgewig van al die klasse as volg te verlaag:

Kleinbokkies - 80 kg

Jongbokke - 90 kg

Grootbokke - 100 kg

Die volhoubare riglyne sal ’n baie belangrike rol in die bedryf bly speel. Daar is pogings aangewend om meer deelname van produsente te kry, en dié pogings sal voortgesit word.


Die beursskema by Grootfontein Landboukollege het voortgegaan deur die jaar, en so ook die klasseeropleiding by Marlow en Winterberg.

Die betrokkenheid van die maatskappy by die mode en tekstielontwerpdepartemente van tersiêre opleidingsinstansies is ideaal vir die kweek van toekomstige sybokhaar-ambassadeurs, terwyl die interaksie tussen ontwerpinstansies uit verskillende lande baie belangrik is om te verseker dat jongmense gemotiveerd bly om inspirerende sybokhaarklere te bly skep.











ClIp INCOme SkeeRSelINkOmSTe









Real pRICeS / ReËle pRySe







































mOhaIR pRODUCTION (million kg )

SybOkhaaRpRODUkSIe (miljoen kg )











1972 3.7 4.1 4.6 1.0 - - 0.8 0.0 14.2

1973 3.4 4.1 4.5 1.0 - - 0.6 0.0 13.6

1974 3.7 4.1 3.8 1.0 - - 0.6 0.0 13.2

1975 3.8 3.9 3.9 1.0 - - 0.6 0.0 13.2

1976 4.1 4.0 3.6 1.0 - - 0.6 0.0 13.3

1977 4.6 4.1 3.6 1.0 - - 0.4 0.0 13.7

1978 4.9 4.5 3.7 1.0 - - 0.5 0.0 14.6

1979 5.4 4.5 4.2 1.0 - - 0.5 0.0 15.6

1980 6.1 4.5 4.0 1.0 - - 0.6 0.0 16.2

1981 6.9 4.5 4.5 1.0 - - 0.6 0.0 17.5

1982 7.6 4.5 4.5 1.0 - - 0.6 0.0 18.2

1983 7.2 3.8 4.8 1.1 - - 0.7 0.0 17.6

1984 8.1 3.5 5.0 1.0 - - 0.7 0.0 18.3

1985 9.2 3.5 6.0 1.0 - - 0.8 0.0 20.5

1986 11.0 3.0 7.2 1.0 - - 0.8 0.0 23.0

1987 11.5 3.0 7.3 1.0 1.0 - 0.8 0.0 24.6

1988 12.2 2.9 7.8 1.0 1.0 0.4 0.7 0.0 26.0

1989 11.7 2.0 7.8 1.0 1.2 0.6 0.6 0.0 24.9

1990 10.1 1.8 7.3 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.0 21.8

1991 7.6 1.2 7.4 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.0 18.4

1992 6.7 1.2 7.1 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.0 16.8

1993 6.0 0.8 6.5 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.0 15.0

1994 5.7 0.8 5.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.0 13.3

1995 5.4 0.6 4.8 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.0 12.4

1996 5.6 0.4 3.5 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.0 11.0

1997 5.2 0.4 2.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.0 9.4

1998 5.0 0.4 1.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.0 8.2

1999 4.5 0.4 1.2 0.25 0.25 0.2 0.4 0.0 7.2

2000 4.3 0.4 1.0 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.0 6.9

2001 4.2 0.3 0.8 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.3 6.8

2002 4.2 0.3 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.3 6.6

2003 4.0 0.3 0.9 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.3 6.6

2004 3.7 0.2 0.85 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.2 6.1

2005 3.6 0.3 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.3 6.2

2006 3.4 0.3 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.75 0.2 6.1

2007 3.0 0.35 0.55 0.45 0.2 0.1 0.75 0.2 5.6

2008 2.9 0.35 0.5 0.45 0.2 0.05 0.75 0.1 5.3

2009 2.6 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.2 0.1 0.75 0.2 5.3

2010 2.3 0.170 0.48 0.7 0.180 0.05 0.75 0.20 4.8

2011 2.23 0.150 0.35 0.7 0.155 0.045 0.75 0.20 4.6


exports 1998 - 2011 (in kg)

Uitvoere 1998 - 2011(In kg)

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Australia 11 838 10 218 6 985 5 009 7 770 11,914 2,486 4,958 598

Belgium 0 0 95,293 60,165 6,876

Bulgaria 191,205

Canada 0 649 0 56

China 380,380 611,974 588 685 1 196 252 622 541 1 013 686 1 135 349 1 267 196 723 503 729,904 897,673 1,097,845 1,322,650 767,775

Denmark 827.00 14 382 1 802 302.00 1,254 618 920 594

France 670,757 939,397 738 851 910 189 941 151 704 318 906 424 875 521 583 352 496,685 430,530 14,261

Germany 261,880 39,145 115 972 108 432 217 089 146 949 101 836 234 514 51 835 53,175 91,812 1,431 1,705 28,021

Hong-Kong 96,694 43,994 16 049 14,341 246

India 643,040 240,348 364 235 338 184 426 494 502 875 98 868 272 313 111 412 48549 25,477 10,631 88,176 16,341

Indonesia 0 57,990

Ireland 551 21 997 61 215 37 903

Italy 766,654 1,057,199 1 537 120 511 990 763 425 466 650 916 305 752 818 1 014 352 945,060 1,364,677 1,821,875 1,545,795 1,367,428

Japan 388,073 451,845 343 447 130 734 241 802 242 464 238 775 181 304 203 823 161,339 208,247 140,564 175,407 176,160

Korea 58,208 252,128 91 156 98 995 234 032 118 727 155 205 118 232 117 662 119,947 90,732 164,933 99,703 83,735

Macau 0 0 13 430 15,977 3,578 30,375 30,765

Malaysia 1,810 710 718 967 358

Mauritius 969.00 287 338 464

Mexico 0 461 2 453 5 548 1 821

Morocco 7,496

Nepal 2 246 1,596

New Zealand

0 0

Peru 551 0 26 303 65 486

Portugal 0 1,161

Russia 0 0

South Amer

4 522 3,449.00 44.00

Spain 24,587 42,087 29 830 4 200 41 124 17 220 741.00 - 3 642 24,120 22,870 23,906 16,856 25,612


7 924

Taiwan 368,092 1,164,853 519 039 473 517 620 135 887 426 895 507 718 977 400 924 324,923 262,477 277,426 296,179 369,435

Thailand 0 31,337

Turkey 128,483 83,368 34 647 63 564 169 556 199 700 135 581 92 792 144 848 40,204 146,696 145,464 40,539 84,540

U.K. 1,088,107 2,447,374 1152 019 437 727 774 374 545 680 447 987 389 008 415 301 428,583 639,825 787,777 677,122 455,961

Uruguay 186

Usa 0 19,150 49 678 69 851 37 642 3 313 38 097 77 902 48 764 75,610 36,774 12,237 23,586 49,858

TOTal 3,268,235 4,936,567 5 617 581 4 406 215 5 164 102 4 909 676 5 092 135 5 016 595 3 831 826 3,477,630 4,342,802 4,568,754 4,319,884 3,655,782


pRODUCTION peR DISTRICT 2011 (aS a % Of The TOTal)

pRODUkSIe peR DISTRIk 2011 (aS a % vaN DIe TOTaal)






Willowmore / Rietbron 11.74% Beaufort West 3.84%

Aberdeen 10.21% Bedford 3.44%

Somerset East 8.87% Albany 3.36%

Cradock 8.29% Prince Albert 3.27%

Port Elizabeth 8.03% Pearston 2.34%

Jansenville 7.73% Uniondale 2.27%

Graaff-Reinet 5.30% Fort Beaufort 2.03%

Murraysburg 5.19% Oudtshoorn 1.81%

Steytlerville 4.86% George/Mossel Bay 1.73%

Adelaide 4.08% Tarkastad 1.60%




production (million kg)produksie (miljoen kg)

price (c/kg)prys (s/kg)

value (R’000)Waarde (R’000)

1969 1.5 5.1 139.5 7 148

1970 1.2 4.1 108.7 4 423

1971 1.1 4.3 69.9 2 979

1972 0.9 3.7 197.4 7 277

1973 0.9 3.4 331.5 11 272

1974 0.9 3.7 245.2 9 033

1975 1 3.8 416.4 16 015

1976 1.1 4.1 668.5 27 474

1977 1.1 4.6 639.1 27 730

1978 1.2 4.9 1 048.2 51 044

1979 1.3 5.4 1 095.3 52 867

1980 1.5 6.1 706.7 31 894

1981 1.7 6.9 791.3 45 755

1982 1.8 7.6 838.4 54.504

1983 1.7 7.2 1 314.7 94 831

1984 1.9 8.1 1 554.3 125 729

1985 2.2 9.2 2 045.1 185 528

1986 2.6 11 1 669.1 155 516

1987 2.7 11.5 1 591.9 129 345

1988 2.9 12.2 1 271.3 127 706

1989 3 11.7 1 324.1 108 260

1990 2.6 10.1 1 140.2 73 574

1991 2 7.6 1 198.5 75 244

1992 1.8 6.7 1 145 63 899

1993 1.6 6 958.9 47 909

1994 1.5 5.7 2 214.4 120 860

1995 1.4 5.4 2 488.3 102 136

1996 1.4 5.6 2 281.5 95 485

1997 1.4 5.2 2 506.0 130 312

1998 1.3 5 2 785.0 139 250

1999 1.2 4.5 3 946.0 177 570

2000 1.1 4.3 5 228.0 224 844

2001 1.1 4.2 4 455.0 187 110

2002 1.1 4.2 5 634.0 236 628

2003 0.975 3.95 3 791.0 149 745

2004 0.9 3.7 4 375.0 161 875

2005 0.85 3.6 5 847.0 210 492

2006 0.825 3.35 7 808.0 261 568

2007 0.925 3 7 838.0 235 140

2008 0.91 2.9 7,130.0 206 857

2009 0.865 2.6 7,691.0 199,966

2010 0.72 2.3 9,335.0 214,705

2011 0.668 2.23 10,055.0 224,227


DIe SUID-afRIkaaNSe SybOkhaaRbeDRyf vaNaf 1969


pRODUCTiON, pRICe & exChaNge RaTeSpRODUkSIe, pRySe & WISSelkOeRS (miljoen kg )








































































Production Price R/$ Linear (production) Linear (price)





4 Johcla Road, Sydenham, Port Elizabeth, 6001PO Box 2243, North End. 6056, South AfricaTel: +27 (0) 41 487 1386 | Fax: +27 (0) 41 487 1336Email: [email protected]