review lesson · • three different ordination rites (rituals) corresponding to the three ordained...

REVIEW LESSON Chapter 15 : Sacraments Sacraments are efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us. Grace is Free and undeserved gifts we receive from God. In a sacrament: Jesus himself acts in and through the ritual, offering new life, forgiving sins, giving his own body and blood, healing, uniting, consecrating. There are The Seven Sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance & Reconciliation, Anointing of the sick, Holy Order, Holy Matrimony How the seven Sacraments helping us? - Baptism: We are brought to new life - Confirmation: We are strengthened by the Holy Spirit - Eucharist: We share in Jesus’ sacrifice, death and Resurrection - Penance & Reconciliation: Our sins are forgiven. - Anointing of the sick: We are healed of illnesses - Holy Order: We serve others minister in the Church - Holy Matrimony: Share love and creation of new life in marriage. The Seven Sacraments help us remember that: Christ is the sacrament of salvation, which we experience through the life of the Church. We remember the life, ministry, and message of Jesus, and celebrate anew his risen presence among us. Primarily community celebrations of our belonging to the Body of Christ. The Seven official Sacraments of the Catholic Church Rooted in two things: 1. Life and ministry of Jesus Christ 2. Tradition of the Catholic Church. Sacraments may be divided into 3 groups: - Sacraments Initiation : Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist - Sacraments of healing : Penance & Reconciliation, Anointing of the sick - Sacraments of services : Holy Order, Holy Matrimony Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders can only be received once. A man, however, may receive each of the three degrees of Holy Orders. Sacramentals Are symbols and rituals that related to the sacraments, were established by the Church, Help prepare us for the sacraments Chapter 16 : The Sacrament of the Baptism Baptism washes away original sin and makes us members of Christ and the Church. We put on a life of Christ. We are anointed with sacred chrism, which signifies the gift of the Holy Spirit. We become the light of Christ.

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Page 1: REVIEW LESSON · • Three different ordination rites (rituals) corresponding to the three ordained ministries. • Essential symbol for all three rites is the bishop laying his hands


Chapter 15: Sacraments

• Sacraments are efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church,

by which divine life is dispensed to us.

• Grace is Free and undeserved gifts we receive from God.

• In a sacrament: Jesus himself acts in and through the ritual, offering new life, forgiving sins,

giving his own body and blood, healing, uniting, consecrating.

• There are The Seven Sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance &

Reconciliation, Anointing of the sick, Holy Order, Holy Matrimony

• How the seven Sacraments helping us?

- Baptism: We are brought to new life

- Confirmation: We are strengthened by the Holy Spirit

- Eucharist: We share in Jesus’ sacrifice, death and Resurrection

- Penance & Reconciliation: Our sins are forgiven.

- Anointing of the sick: We are healed of illnesses

- Holy Order: We serve others – minister in the Church

- Holy Matrimony: Share love and creation of new life in marriage. • The Seven Sacraments help us remember that: Christ is the sacrament of salvation, which

we experience through the life of the Church. We remember the life, ministry, and message

of Jesus, and celebrate anew his risen presence among us. Primarily community celebrations

of our belonging to the Body of Christ.

• The Seven official Sacraments of the Catholic Church Rooted in two things:

1. Life and ministry of Jesus Christ

2. Tradition of the Catholic Church.

• Sacraments may be divided into 3 groups:

- Sacraments Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist

- Sacraments of healing: Penance & Reconciliation, Anointing of the sick

- Sacraments of services: Holy Order, Holy Matrimony

• Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders can only be received once. A man, however, may receive

each of the three degrees of Holy Orders.

• Sacramentals Are symbols and rituals that related to the sacraments, were established by

the Church, Help prepare us for the sacraments

Chapter 16: The Sacrament of the Baptism Baptism washes away original sin and makes us members of Christ and the Church. We put on a life of Christ. We are anointed with sacred chrism, which signifies the gift of the Holy Spirit. We become the light of Christ.

Page 2: REVIEW LESSON · • Three different ordination rites (rituals) corresponding to the three ordained ministries. • Essential symbol for all three rites is the bishop laying his hands

. How is baptism given? What does baptism do for you? - Baptism is given in this way: the one baptizing pours water over the forehead 3 times

of the one to be baptized, saying, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Baptism gives us the new life of sanctifying grace by which we become children of God and heirs of heaven.

The Effects of Baptism: • We receive Grace • Welcome into the Christian Community • Forgiveness of Sins • Born into a New Life (Jesus tells Nicodemus) ( • Receive the Holy Spirit

The Baptism Rite 1. Formal welcome into the Church community 2. Child being baptized or godparents asked to reject Satan and of his work 3. Proclaim in the Holy trinity of the Church 4. Water used for the Baptism is then blessed 5. Pouring of water 6. Words of Baptism “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of

the Holy Spirit.” 7. Anointed with sacred chrism – sign of the gift of the Holy Spirit (not sign of

confirmation) 8. Parents are given a white garment to put on the child –, putting garment-putting on

Christ, white, purity, sin washed away 9. Baptism candle – baptized person has received the light of Christ to share with the

world. 10. Priest, deacons, bishop 11. But anyone can (water & Words of Baptism)- near death occasion. (sign that we all

share in Christ’s priesthood through our own Baptism)

Chapter 17: The Sacrament of the Confirmation

Confirmation increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We are sealed with the Holy Spirit in the

anointing on the foreheads with chrism. The Bishop is usually the minister of Confirmation.

• Holy chrism is a mixture of olive oil and balm, blessed by the bishop on Holy

Thursday. Effects of Confirmation

Confirmation has two Primary effects 1. Bond with the Church is strengthened

2. Enriched with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Both these effects bring to perfection the grace that first received in Baptism, and are the basis for

the following specific ways that the sacrament impacts the life of a Christian:

1. United more firmly in Christ

- Reflect more deeply on how living by Jesus values impact relationship with friend/

family/ strangers

Page 3: REVIEW LESSON · • Three different ordination rites (rituals) corresponding to the three ordained ministries. • Essential symbol for all three rites is the bishop laying his hands

- They desire to be Christ’s Hand and feet of Jesus: Serve others in needs

- Focus on the life of Jesus

2. Deeper Participation in the Church

– Active in the Parish’s ministries (lectors, catechists, mentors, volunteers, youth

ministry, service projects, Bible study)

– Looking forward to Sunday Mass, celebrate Lord’s Supper with their brothers and

sisters in Christ

– Strengthened to Spread the Faith

– Proud to be Catholic, share joy and supports others, invite others to Church, Not to

be afraid to share their faith with others, etc.…

3. Increased Gifts of the Holy Spirit

– Wisdom

– Understanding

– Right Judgment

– Courage

– Knowledge

– Reverence

– Wonder and awe

Confirmation Rite • Requirements

1. Age of reason 7

2. Understand meaning of the sacrament

3. Baptized and freely profess Catholic faith

4. Following the Laws of Christ ang the Church, no serious unconfessed sin

5. Wishing to be confirmed & be a witness for Christ

Chapter 18: The Sacrament of the Eucharist • Holy Eucharist fills us with the very presence of Jesus. We receive the body and Blood of Jesus Christ. This is the bread of heaven and the cup of salvation. • The priest consecrates the Eucharist. It is consecrated by the words spoken at the time of the consecration during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: “This is my body...” and This is my blood...”. The materials that are necessary are pure wheat bread and wine made from grapes.

• The Mass is the sacrifice of the New Law in which Christ, through the ministry of the priest, offers Himself to God in an unblood manner under the appearances of bread and wine.

• The Meaning of the Eucharist 1. Thanksgiving and Praise 2. Memorial of Christ’s Passover Sacrifice 3. Presence of Jesus

The Eucharist Rite 1. Introductory Rites (gathering rite) 2. Liturgy of the Word 3. Liturgy of the Eucharist 4. Concluding rites (dismissal rite)

Requirements Before Receiving Holy Communion in the Catholic Church

Page 4: REVIEW LESSON · • Three different ordination rites (rituals) corresponding to the three ordained ministries. • Essential symbol for all three rites is the bishop laying his hands

• Must be a Catholic (a sign of unity) • You must be in a state of grace • You must have been to confession since your last mortal sin. • Must believe in the transubstantiation. • Must observe the Eucharistic fast. • Must have made your First Communion. • Must not be under an ecclesiastical censure, such as excommunication. • *Note: No more than twice per day.

Effects of receiving the Eucharist • Builds up our relationship with Jesus • Strengthens our relationship with his Body, the Church. • Unites all the members of the Church together, making the entire Church stronger

and more vital. • Eucharist brings forgiveness for our venial sins and strengthens us to resist serious

sin. • The Holy Spirit sends us forth from the Eucharist, strengthened to be Christ’s

presence in the world.

Chapter 19: The Sacrament of Healing Penance is our turning again to God after we have sinned. We confess our sins to the priest

who is the presence of Jesus. We express our sorrow to God and make a firm commitment

not to sin again

Effects of Penance & Reconciliation • Sacrament of Conversion: turning away from sins and turning toward God

• Sacrament of Confession: the act of revealing our sins to another person brings peace and a

clean conscience

• Sacrament of Forgiveness: God forgives our sins through the absolution of the priest. If we

were in a state of serious sin, we are Freed from eternal separation from God (hell)

• Sacrament of Penance: is the whole cycle of conversion, forgiveness, and making reparation

for our sin

• Sacrament of Reconciliation

• Reconciled with God and with the Church (body of Christ)

• Relationship with other Christians are restored

• Seek forgiveness and make amends for any damage or harm we have caused

Receiving Penance and Reconciliation

• A person receives the sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation before receiving their first


• The forgiveness of all sins committed since Baptism helps restore the original grace of

Baptism before receiving the Eucharis

• We need to be in a state of grace before receiving the body and blood of our Lord

• Church give us two laws

• We should confess serious sins at least once a year

• If guilty of a mortal sin, we must not receive the Eucharist until we have confessed

the sin

• Receiving the sacrament is the only sure way of reconciliation with God and with the Church

• Personal acceptance that we have done wrong in the sight of God

• Our heart moved to sorrow from knowledge that we have failed to act in love, distance

ourselves from our creator

Page 5: REVIEW LESSON · • Three different ordination rites (rituals) corresponding to the three ordained ministries. • Essential symbol for all three rites is the bishop laying his hands

• Firm conviction to sin no more

• Having a contrite heart: hatred for our sin and our commitment to not sin again

Anointing of the Sick Anointing of the Sick celebrates God’s healing grace when we are seriously ill. We are anointed to

the forehead and hands.

Effects of anointing of the Sick • It unites our suffering to the Passion or suffering of Christ

• Leads to the forgiveness of a person’s sins if the person is unable to receive the sacrament of

Penance and Reconciliation

• Strengthens us and gives us peace to endure the inevitable suffering that comes with

sickness and old age

• Help a person regain mental and physical health, if this is God’s will for us

• Helps prepare a person for her or his death. Final good-byes. Let go of this life peacefully

and have faith in the promise of eternal life with God

Chapter 20: Sacraments of the Service of Communion

Holy Orders

Holy Orders consecrates a man to represent Jesus as minister, leader, and teacher. In the sacrament

of Holy Order, he receives the grace of the Holy Spirit to serve the people of God.

Ministry of a Bishop • Must lead the entire Church in union with the Pope • Uniquely responsible for the diocese he has been designated to lead as chief

shepherd • Only bishop ordain priests. Extending a portion of his apostolic authority to the

priest. • Is the ordinary minister for Confirmation. • Blesses the sacred oils that are used in the sacraments by the parishes in the

diocese. • Chief catechist (teacher) of the diocese. Ensuring the Catholic faith is taught

correctly. • Provides support and direction for parish and diocesan ministries.

Ministry of a Priest • When the bishop ordains a priest, he is extending a portion of his apostolic authority

to the priest. • Priests are coworker with the bishop of the diocese. • All the priests of a diocese, united with the bishop, are called the presbyterium of

the diocese. • Responsible for the spiritual life of the diocese. • Bishop assigns each priest to a particular parish or diocesan ministry. • Priest responsible for leading it in the name of the bishop. • Priest can celebrate all the sacraments except Confirmation (unless given special

permission) & Holy Orders. Ministry of a Deacons

Page 6: REVIEW LESSON · • Three different ordination rites (rituals) corresponding to the three ordained ministries. • Essential symbol for all three rites is the bishop laying his hands

• “Transitional and Permanent Deacons” • Permanent deacons must be at least 35 years old (married or celibate). • Different from that of priests. • Ordained for works of service and liturgical ministry, directed by the bishop. • May or may not be assigned to a parish • Assists the bishop and priests with the celebration of the Eucharist:

• Proclaiming the Gospel • Giving homilies • Distributing Holy Communion • Baptize • Bless marriages • Preside over funerals • Dedicate themselves to works of charity and compassion in the community.

The Rite of Ordination • Three different ordination rites (rituals) corresponding to the three ordained

ministries. • Essential symbol for all three rites is the bishop laying his hands on the man to be

ordained, he receives the graces of the Holy Spirit necessary for his ministry. • Bishop ordination:

• Receives the book of the Gospels (sign of his authority to teach the truth) • Ring – signify marriage to the Church • Miter (unique pointed hat) – Represent authority • Shepherd’s staff – symbolize model his leadership after Jesus, the good

shepherd. • Deacons ordination

• Clothed in special vestments • Receive s the book of the Gospels – ministry of preaching.

• Holy Orders imprints a permanent character upon a person’s soul. (no repeat)

• Priest who has been released from his responsibilities and is free to marry, able to give sacrament of anointing of the sick to a dying person in an emergency when no other priest is available.

• The Roman Catholic Church also has a discipline of priestly celibacy. Free to focus on ministry in the Church.

• Priestly celibacy is a human law and is not required by God.

Ordination Rite • Priest ordination:

• Clothed in the special vestments of his office • Hands anointed with oil • Presented with a paten (plate) & chalice (cup) – role in the Eucharist.

Holy Matrimony Holy Matrimony joins a man and a woman together for life. It is a covenant. It gives the couple a special grace to love each other and their children. Their love is like Christ’s love for the Church The meaning of married love

Page 7: REVIEW LESSON · • Three different ordination rites (rituals) corresponding to the three ordained ministries. • Essential symbol for all three rites is the bishop laying his hands

• Bring unity between the spouses. No matter what happens in their lives, they will always love and cherish each other. No others come between.

• Meant to be indissoluble. “death do us part” • Intended to be open to new life. Open to having children. Refuse to have children is

rejecting God’s supreme gift. • Sins against marriage

• Adultery & polygamy • Divorcing your lawful spouse and marrying another person (sins against

indissolubility & directly against Christ teaching.) Cannot receive Holy Communion.

• Artificial contraception – sin against openness to new life.

The Rite of Matrimony • A couple must have no obstacles to prevent them from giving their free and full

consent. (Pregnancy, mental illness, secret addiction, infertility) • This is one reason why the Church requires a period of preparation, assess readiness. • Free consent is very important. • A Sacramental marriage

• requires take place in Church before witnesses that represent the Christian community and establishes religious dimension.