
NAT ENGLISH REVIEWER ● Predict Outcomes Based on the Selection Predicting outcomes is an important skill in Reading. It is identifying an expected action or conclusion based on the events in a selection. It also means telling what will probably happen next. To be able to do this, you must know how to associate facts and see their probable connections. You can also base your prediction on the mood and trait of characters. Examples: Encircle the number of the best possible outcomes for each situation. 1. This is a common happening in some of the far flung rural barangays. The children seldom complete elementary. The parents often ask their children to help in the household or farm work. What do you think will happen to the children? 1. The children will go to the cities and work. 2.The children will again suffer poverty. 3. The children will later be successful. 4. The children will become rich and powerful. 2. The young man is kind hearted. One day, he heard a little boy crying outside his window. The young man found out that the child was being teased by the bigger boys. The young man went out. He will probably ______________. 1. join the teasing 2.stop the naughty boys 3. just watch what they are doing 4. let the little boy ran Test Yourself Read the following paragraphs then select the best possible outcomes for each situation. 1. During a Presidential Election, the three candidates believe that each of them is the winner in the National Election, so there would be ___________________. 1. three presidents 2. petitions in the court or in the COMELEC 3. confusion among Filipinos 4. revolution 2. There was a big fire in the street. A well concerned father called up the fire department immediately. What happened next? 1. The firemen responded immediately. 2. The fire was immediately put out. 3. It took hours before the neighbors came to help.

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Predict Outcomes Based on the Selection

Predicting outcomes is an important skill in Reading. It is identifying an expected action or conclusion based on the events in a selection. It also means telling what will probably happen next. To be able to do this, you must know how to associate facts and see their probable connections. You can also base your prediction on the mood and trait of characters.

Examples: Encircle the number of the best possible outcomes for each situation.1. This is a common happening in some of the far flung rural barangays. The children seldom complete elementary. The parents often ask their children to help in the household or farm work.What do you think will happen to the children?

1. The children will go to the cities and work.2.The children will again suffer poverty.3. The children will later be successful.4. The children will become rich and powerful.

2. The young man is kind hearted. One day, he heard a little boy crying outside his window. The young man found out that the child was being teased by the bigger boys. The young man went out. He will probably ______________.1. join the teasing2.stop the naughty boys3. just watch what they are doing4. let the little boy ran

Test Yourself

Read the following paragraphs then select the best possible outcomes for each situation.

1. During a Presidential Election, the three candidates believe that each of them is the winner in the National Election, so there would be ___________________.1. three presidents2. petitions in the court or in the COMELEC3. confusion among Filipinos4. revolution

2. There was a big fire in the street. A well concerned father called up the fire department immediately. What happened next?1. The firemen responded immediately.2. The fire was immediately put out.3. It took hours before the neighbors came to help.4. The fire spread to nearby houses.3. Fatima asked Michael to deliver the food to her customers. One of them complained that the food was not enough. Fatima liked to satisfy the customer so ________________________.1. she scolded Michael2. she threw the food away3. she cooked some more food4. she did not eat.

4. Jose Rizal owned a horse when he was studying in Madrid. When his allowance did not come one day, he did not have enough money for food. It was likely that ____________________.1. he did not feed his horse2. he gave his food to the horse 3. he sent the horse away4. he sold his horse

5. Lorena needs a schoolbag. She did not have enough money to buy the bag. She then heard her neighbor was looking for a babysitter for her little child. She said she was willing to pay a few pesos to the babysitter. It is safe to conclude that she ____________________________.1. applied for the position2. asked money from her mother3. stole money so she could buy a bag4. asked the neighbor for a bag

6. Joel was always absent from his class. Whenever he went to school, he would cut classes and go swimming in the river. His mother did not know that Joel had been missing many lessons. Soon the giving of periodical tests came. Joel was worried but he had to take the test. What would be the next event?1. The teacher was so happy that Joel took the test.2. Joel was sad because he did not pass in any test.3. Joels mother was happy when the teacher told her what Joel got in the test.4. Joel decided not to take the test.

7. The children were in the sala. They were watching their favorite TV program. But soon the light went off because of brown out. What did the children do? 1. They went to bed happily.2. They shouted in disappointment.3. They clapped their hands.4. They cried unhappily.

8. A kingfisher caught a fish in the river. She flew to a nearby tree to eat the prey. By and by, a hungry cat passed by. He became hungrier upon seeing the fish in the birds mouth, Good morning, Lady Bird, he greeted. Im so happy to see the bird with a song for me. The bird was flattered over what the cat said. To please the cat, she opened her mouth and started to sing. What might happen next?1. The fish fell from the birds mouth.2. The bird sang beautifully.3. The cat admired the birds song.4. The cat was impressed.

9. A long line of vehicles stopped at the intersection. The praying of the rosary and the soft music of the band could be heard. It is safe to conclude that _________________________________.1. there was a motorcade2. they were watching a parade3. a procession was passing by4. a party was being held

10. During the early days, the rivers are clear. There are plenty of fishes and people enjoy the refreshing water. Soon, industrialization and overpopulation came in. the factorys waste products flow into the river. The people living near the river throw their waste and garbage into the water. What is likely the ending of this situation?1. The rivers become a tourist spot.2. The people can fish in the rivers anytime.3. The river becomes polluted and fishes die.4. The people can build more houses near the river. 5. Sequence Events in the Selection

The order in which events happen in a story, or how ideas are arranged, is called sequence of events or ideas. This helps you understand what you are reading. In sequencing events, it is important to note signals such as in the year, five years, after, first, next, then or finally.

Examples: Read and understand the selection carefully. Sequence the events listed below in their order by writing number 1 to 5.Mother took us to Bicol last vacation. She took us to see many beautiful spots. I saw Mt. Mayon for the first time. We went to Mayon Rest House way up to the volcano. We visited the ruins of the old church buriedat its foot. I saw shrimps and crabs from the boiling water of Tiwi Hot Springs. I didnt wonder why mother is so proud of her home province.

(3)a. We went to the Mayon Rest House way up to the volcano.(4)b. We visited the ruins of the old church.(2)c. I saw Mt. Mayon for the first time.(1)d. Mother took us to Bicol last summer. (5)e. Mother is proud of her home province.

Read the sentences below. Arrange each sentence in the proper order. Number them from 1 5.(5)a. She forgot to do her work.(2)b. She said she had lots of things to do.(1)c. Gina came home. (3)d. She turned on the TV while doing her work.(4)e. The show was very interesting.

Test Yourself

Readthe paragraph then sequence the sentences below as they occur in the story.Number them from 1 5.

The Red Sweater

11. Lourdes opened her piggy bank. She counted her money carefully and went straight to a downtown store. She looked with longing at the bright new sweater on display at the store window. She wanted to inquire about the price but when she was about to go in, she stopped and hesitated. She looked at the sweater with regret and returned the money back in her pocket. _____ ` a. She looked with longing at the bright new sweater on the display window._____` b. She counted her money carefully and went straight to a downtown store._____ c. Lourdes opened her piggy bank._____ d. She looked at the red sweater with regret and returned the money in her pocket._____ e. She wanted to inquire about the price but she stopped and hesitated.1. c-b-a-e-d2. b-d-e-c-a3. d-a-c-b-e4. e-b-a-c-d

Read the selection carefully. Then answer the questions that follow. Select the best answer.

Mother heard the loud barking of their dog, Jingo. She rushed outside and saw Jingo running back and forth around the chicken coop. The chickens were restless and noisy. Suddenly, Jingo rushed towards the coop and pounced on something on the ground. Then everything became quiet. Jingo slowly appeared from behind the chicken coop with a big snake dangling from his mouth.

12. Which of the events below happened first?1. Jingo ran back and forth around the chicken coop.2. Mother heard Jingo barking loudly.3. Mother rushed outside and saw Jingo running.4. Jingo rushed towards the coop.

13. Which of the events happened last?1. Jingo had killed the snake.2. The chicken were restless and noisy.3. Everything became quiet.4. Jingo appeared from behind the chicken coop with a big snake dangling from his mouth.

14. Which event happened before the snake was killed?1. Jingo pounced on something.2. Jingo appeared from behind the chicken coop.3. Jingo running back and forth.4. Jingo barked loudly.

Below are events in a story. Arrange them in their chronological order. Number each event 1 5 according to the order they must have happened in the story. Write the numbers on the line below.

15. ___ a. On the way he saw a girl who was crying.___ b. The girl told him about her problem.___ c. Magsaysay brought her to the bus station.___ d. One morning, Magsaysay walked to his office.___ e. He gave the girl some money. 1. a-b-c-d-e2. b-d-c-a-e3. d-a-b-e-c4. a-e-b-c-d

16. ___ a. Silkworms eat day and night.___ b. They fly away and lay many eggs.___ c. In time they turn into beautiful moths.___ d. When they grow big enough they stop eating and go to sleep.___ e. Then the eggs become new worms.

1. a-d-c-b-e2. d-c-b-a-e3. e-d-a-b-c4. a-b-d-c-e

17. ___ a. First the cow looked in.___ b. Three animals entered an open gate.___ c. Mama drove the animals away.___ d. Last came a big dog.___ e. Next came the little pony.1. b-a-e-d-c2. d-b-c-e-a3. a-b-c-d-e4. c-d-a-e-b

18. ___ a. I was about to unwrap and eat my sandwich.___ b. A hungry looking little girl peered from the window of the car. ___ c. The car drove away.___ d. I looked back to see her waving and smiling at me.___ e. I handed the sandwich to the little girl.1. b-a-e-c-d2. a-b-e-c-d3. c-d-e-b-a4. d-e-c-b-a

Read the sentences below. Arrange them in the proper sequence. Select the number of the correct answer.

19. a. She went to Megamall.b. She bought me a pair of shoes.c. I was eager to try them.d. One day, my mother went shopping.

1. a-b-c-d2. b-c-a-d3. d-a-b-c4. b-d-c-a

20. a. But before I could reach the house, giant raindrops began to fall.b. I knew it was going to rain.c. I walked home hurriedly.d. The clouds were dark and heavy.

1. d-b-c-a2. b-c-d-a3. c-b-a-d4. a-b-c-d Determine the Cause-Effect Relationship in a Given Selection

Cause- Effect relationship describes something that happens and why it happens. What happens is called effect and why it happens is the cause.

Study the following examples the cause is underlined.

The heavy rains flooded the city. Cause effectWe experience drastic weather changes due to the global change.effect cause

Test Yourself

Select the correct answer from the four choices numbered 1,2,3,4. Write the corresponding answer on you answer sheet.

21. The river is polluted because _____________________.1. nearby factories keep their wastes away with it.2. many people clean the river.3. nearby factories throw their wastes into it.4. many go to the river.

22. Lean Ayvie waters the plants everyday so that ___________.1. they will wither.2. they will become greener.3. they will grow and bear fruits and vegetables.4. they will die.

23. You should eat balanced meals in order that ___________.1. you will become strong and healthy.2. you will become rich.3. you will get rid of your enemy.4. you will have more friends and money.

24. Kevin smelled smoke in the air. What was the effect?1. He checked and saw a fire.2. He started to fell funny.3. He decided to do something about the smoke.4. He thought someone was smoking.

25. Kevin knew that he could not fight the fire himself. What is the effect?1. A fire truck rushed to the fire. 2. A fire was blazing in the old garage.3. He tried to do it anyway.4. He reported the fire.

26. A fire truck was on the way to garage. What was the effect?1. Kevin smelled smoke2. The fire was out.3. Kevin went home.4. Kevin enjoyed the fire.

27. Some of the rice fields were buried in tons of lahar. What would be its result?1. The farmers would be idle the whole year.2. The rice fields will not be productive anymore.3. The people will buy rice from neighboring towns.4. The people will love the place.

28. It is not raining but it is dark. What is the cause?1. Dark clouds cover the sky.2. It was noon time.3. The wind blows tightly.4. The rain will come soon.

29. Red tide is still prevalent in the waters around Cavite and Batangas. What will be the effect?1. Beaches will be closed to picnickers.2. No fish will be sold in the market.3. The water around the beach will be colored red.4. People will enjoy swimming.

30. Plants are like a factory because ____________.1. it can bear flowers.2. it can make our surroundings clean.3. it can give us shelter.4. it can make its own food.

Identify supporting details.

The supporting details in a paragraph help you better understand what a story is all about.

A good paragraph should include details that will help explain the central meaning and justify the conclusion.Read this sample paragraph.The flying fish is an example of an animal that struggles for survival. It does not fly just for fun. Most of the time, it is fleeing from the cruel jaws of a shark or tuna fish which is giving it a chase. However, if it is not lucky enough and makes a mistake of landing on the deck of a nearby vessel, it may end up in the hands of a sailor instead of in jaws of a shark. Either way, it gets killed. Although the safety of a flying fish lies in its wings, we are uncertain of the way it springs from the water. It moves rapidly, mostly for small distances. However, some can fly as far as about 200 feet.Which of the following statements supports the whole paragraph?1. Sharks or tuna chase the smaller fish.2. The flying fish fly to explore the beauty of the world.3. The flying fish struggle for survival by flying out of the water.4. Animals change colors, grow horns or run to struggle for survival.The correct answer is No. 3 because the whole paragraph tells about the flying fish that struggles for survival. And in order for the flying fish to survive its fly out of the water.Test YourselfRead the following paragraph. Identify supporting details in each given situation. Select from the given choices. A.Earthquakes are among the most fearsome and destructive forces of nature. Man, with all his scientific knowledge, has not been able to predict the occurrences of earthquakes nor the control their devastating effects.Destruction of property worth millions and deaths of thousands are yearly toll from earthquakes but is helpless in preventing them.31. Which of the following statements supports the conclusion?1. Earthquake is a natural force that cannot be prevented. 2. Earthquakes can be prevented if its causes will be known. 3. Scientists will never be able to foretell the occurrence of earthquakes. 4. Destruction of property worth millions and deaths of thousands are the yearly toll from earthquakes.B.Many people succeed in life even if they are physically handicapped. A good example is EduardoCamela, a fifteen year-old student of Daet Parochial School in Camarines Norte. In spite of his physical defect caused by polio when he was 3, he has invented 4 useful things. His latest invention, the Camela Coco-gell won him a gold medal from the president and P 1,500.00 cash at the National Science Fair sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology. He is also a very talented painter. He truly exemplifies the proud and talented Filipino. 32. Which of the following supports the main idea?1. The boy won an award for his invention.2. The boy exemplified the proud and talented Filipino.3. In spite of the boys physical defect caused by polio, he invented four useful things.4. Eduardo Camela, a fifteen year-old student of Daet Parochial School was physically handicapped due to polio.C.On April 7, 1521, Magellan led his fleet to Cebu, the wealthiest and most populous island in the Philippines. He had decided to claim all the islands for Spain. Cebu had many villages and many people. Magellan became friends with the raja, named Humabon, and they traded many goods. The ships took on gold, pearls, silks and gems in exchange for iron, copper, mirrors, scissors and knives.The raja, his queen and the natives were converted to Christianity. Magellan ordered a large cross to be erected on the shore and an altar to be built. The raja and thousands of his people were baptized by Catholic priests who had sailed with the expedition. Magellan was on his way to making Philippines, with its high volcanic islands, forests, blue water and brown people, into outpost for Christian Spain. 33. What details tells us that Cebu was a wealthy island?1. There were a lot of Catholic priests.2. There was a large cross that was built on its shore.3. The people from Cebu traded gold, silk and gems.4. There were many villages and many people.

34. Which detail below proves that Magellan was creating a Christian outpost for Spain?1. Cebu was the richest island in the Philippines.2. Magelllan and his men traded goods with the Cebuanos.3. Catholic priests baptized thousands of Filipinos in Cebu.4. The Philippines has fertile volcanic islands and forests.

D. When Gina looked at the contents of her wallet, she found out she had just enough money for her fare home. She was waiting at the jeepney stop when a young boy in school uniform approached her. He told her that he had lost his transportation money and asked her to help him. Gina hesitated for a while, then gave him her own money. She decided to walk home. 35. Which detail below shows that Gina give her money to the boy?1. He was a young boy.2. She wanted to help him.3. He is her younger brother.4. She wanted to walk home.

E. Nina was rushing to school. She did not want to be late for her class. She was walking on the school corridor when she bumped into a classmate who got mad at her because the project she was holding fell to the floor. 36. Which of the following statements support the ending of the selection?1. Nina will continue walking.2. Nina will smile at her classmate. 3. Nina will apologize and pick up the project.4. Nina will pick up the project and carry it for her classmate.

F.Roy had just gotten over a serious illness. When his sister came down with the same illness, the doctor knew that the only way to save her was to use the antibodies that had developed in Roys blood. It would mean a blood transfusion. When the doctor told Roy about it, Roy hesitated. His eyes filled with fear and shock. But he pulled himself together and bravely said, Okay, Doctor. My sister can have a blood. After the blood transfusion, Roy asked. How soon will I have to die now? 37. Why was Roy filled with his fear and shock?1. He was afraid of having a blood transfusion.2. He was afraid of getting sick again.3. He was afraid of getting hurt.4. He was afraid he would die.

G. Dinosaurs became extinct very suddenly. Scientists now think that a huge meteor or comet hit the earth and caused their death. The clouds of dust caused by the huge meteor or comet may have blotted out the sun. The weather would have become very cold. The dinosaurs were not able to live under such conditions. 38. What details in the story explains the extinction of the dinosaurs? 1. The earth was hit by the meteor and comet.2. They were hit by a meteor or comet. 3. The earth became very cold. 4. They became very big.

H. My dog and I went out for a walk. As we passed by the school, a bunch of children saw my dog. They shouted with glee and said: Hey! Hes so cute. Puppy, puppy! They all tried to attract the attention of my dog, Buddy.39. Which of the following could best explains why the children attract the attention of the dog?1. They wanted to play with it.2. They wanted to have it.3. They were afraid of it.4. They liked it.

I. Myra read a book. She read about the discovery of a 2,000-year-old Greek ship. It contained a complicated metal object with more than 30 gears and intricately interwoven parts. It was thought to be an ancient computer made to compute the position and movements of the sun, moon, and planets. Myra said, Wow! and ran to share what she had just read to her brother. 40.What details shows that Myra run to her brother?1. She wanted to tell him what she had read.2. She wanted to show him the book.3. She was afraid of something.4. She wanted to ask question.