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  • 7/31/2019 Revealed at Last


    Revealed At Last! Secrets of First Class

    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance


    Revealed At Last!Secrets of First Class

    Proven Strategies To ExcellentAcademic Performance

    By Joel
  • 7/31/2019 Revealed at Last


    Revealed At Last! Secrets of First Class

    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance



    To my mum Margaret, whose love for education is great.To my brother Kingsley, who believes so much in me.And to all those who constantly want to improve onthemselves.

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    Revealed At Last! Secrets of First Class

    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance




    Ultimate Guarantee

    Introduction: 9

    Scrutinize Yourself 10

    1.Confirm Your Intelligence 112.Know Your Capability 133.Eliminate Your Weak Points 154.Beware Of Real Causes Of Failure 195.Need That First Class 246.Take Control Of Your Life 297.Get Your Perspectives Right 338.Determine Your Goals Systematically 369.Plan Constructively 4310. Set Time Limits 46

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    Revealed At Last! Secrets of First Class

    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance


    11. Follow The Holistic Approach 49

    12. Practise The Secrete Art Of Studying 53

    13. Rise Above Extenuating Circumstances 64

    14. Get It Right 68

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    Revealed At Last! Secrets of First Class

    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance


    Copyright Notice

    This report is protected by all international copyright laws.You absolutely have NO rights to edit, transfer, distribute orsell any part of it.

  • 7/31/2019 Revealed at Last


    Revealed At Last! Secrets of First Class

    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance



    I must congratulate you on your decision to get and read thisbook. You may as well note that you have begun your journeyto the very top of your class.

    This book is not an academic material written by professorsor academics. This simplified easy-to-understand guide,written by someone like you, is to enable you to become a

    first class product of any higher institution.

    The summary of my journey from the bottom of my class tothe top and the experience of FIRST CLASS students fromvarious higher institutions resulted in this book. To ensurethat you maximally benefit, I have written this book in aninteractive manner.

    Participating editors have worked hard to ensure economy ofwords, thus eliminating needless repetitions andunnecessary explanations.

    This notwithstanding, as observed in other good books,errors of omission or commission are likely to occur. I takefull responsibility for such errors; all the same, Ill appreciatepositive criticisms.

    You may do so through my publishers or send an e-mail [email protected] I'll personally see to yourhonest criticisms.

    You too can be one of us. All you need to do is follow withreligious care all the steps provided in this book.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Revealed At Last! Secrets of First Class

    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance


    You are required to follow through in the order at which the

    chapters appear, the reason is that all the chapters fromchapter one to the last build on the previous one.

    Your success is now in your own hands. I wish you grab it.Are you ready to take the challenge? Then, Ill see you at thetop.

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    Revealed At Last! Secrets of First Class

    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance



    I guarantee that you will achieve your objective after

    following the suggestions in this book.

    If for any reason you find this book not worthwhile, pleaseindicate now and youll getyour full refund. No questionsasked. No argument. You get your money back.

    This book is for:*You who intend to improve your grade.

    *You who believe your portion is with the first class group.*You who want to remain at the top of your class.*You who want to be sure you are taking the right steptowards making a first class.

    This book is not for:*Those who want to cut corners.*Those determined to cheat on their way to the top.*Those not ready to sacrifice their time and effort for adecent grade.*Those ever ready to settle lecturers to excel.

    If you belong to the latter group, unless you are ready tomake a U-turn in behaviour and character, it will be anexercise in futility to read this book. I will advise you toreturn this book immediately. Youll still get your refund.

    If you belong to the former group, rest assured that this bookis written with your utmost interest at heart. I say thisbecause it was written while I faced similar challenges to theones youre now facing or will be facing pretty soon.

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    Revealed At Last! Secrets of First Class

    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance



    Cheating has become a serious challenge. A critical

    observation of students all over the world reveals adisturbing trend - a steady rise in the numbers of studentswho cheat in examinations in order to make good grades.

    However, the numbers of students willing to study hard andsmartly in order to get good grades are relatively on thedecline.

    The school is a microcosm of the society, sociologists oftensay. The school reflects the society it exists in. This cant betruer than in our times. We live in societies that encouragemoral laxity, cheating, corruption, and many other vices.

    Most students bring along societal vices to school trying toinfect the educational system thereby creating a situationalmost defeating the essence of education itself. The importof education is to produce morally and intellectually soundminds.

    Education is a powerful tool used to instill good values instudents. Values that will assist them make positive impacton the society they live in.

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    Revealed At Last! Secrets of First Class

    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance



    Given this background, it is highly important for you to

    scrutinize yourself to know what kind of student you are. Areyou among those who prefer cheating to studying to passexaminations?

    At this point you may say: but thats not a question! If amnot ready to study, I might as well have dumped this book.

    Consider this: Are you ready to draft a study plan of your

    own? Are you ready to devote a minimum of three hourseveryday to your studies? Are you ready to stick to a routineof success?

    If yes is truly your answer, then, you are really serious aboutmaking a first class. However, if your answer is negative, it isnot too late to drop this book. So far, your effort is not yet awaste.

    From this point onward, what follows is tailored after theneeds of those who want to make a clean distinction in theiracademic endeavours.

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    Revealed At Last! Secrets of First Class

    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance




    People associate the intelligence of an individual with hisperformance in academic examinations. Thus, a person whoscores lower mark is said to be unintelligent or at bestminimally intelligent.

    However, it has repeatedly been observed that there arethose who had lower academic grades, performing better

    than first class academic products in similar fields ofendeavour in life.

    The popular self made billionaire, Bill Gates, did not displayacademic proficiency in commerce as a subject, yet hebecame one of the most successful business men in history.Our own Gani Fawehinmi, a frontline lawyer and humanrights activist, graduated with a third class in the university,

    yet he was one of the most highly successful lawyers inNigeria.

    Thus, the saying, examination is not a true test ofknowledge.

    A subsequent redefinition of intelligence has also beenposited. Intelligence is seen as the ability to function orperform effectively in any environment you find yourself, beit academic, professional, social or otherwise.

    By this definition, the scope of intelligence far supersedes orgoes beyond the notion of excellent academic performance,which becomes increasingly irrelevant outside the fourwalls of the school system.

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    Revealed At Last! Secrets of First Class

    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance


    Why not prove yourself intelligent within and outside thefour walls of the university? Why, then, are some intelligent

    persons unable to make excellent grades while in school?

    While there is a possibility of extenuating circumstances,setting an attainable goal, drafting a good study plan, andsticking to it, could have made a difference for them. Hereinlies the secret of academic success.

    You may have started viewing yourself as intelligent. But just

    before you draw your conclusion, consider this: Do youunderstand what you have read so far? Can you read andwrite without assistance? Did you yourself write and passyour Olevel examination? Have you encountered anyproblem and solved it alone, be it academic or social?

    If your response to most of these questions is yes, then youare really intelligent. You have what it takes to cut a niche foryourself in school. You can, in fact, make a first class.

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    Revealed At Last! Secrets of First Class

    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance




    Oh! You performed excellently when you were in secondaryschool! You will probably do well in the higher institution.But how well will you perform in this new environment youfind yourself?

    Know this: Not all that had distinctions in secondary schoolmake first class in the higher institution. There are also many

    who were average students in secondary schools who makefirst class in the higher institutions.

    Its important that you know your capability among yourcourse mates so that you can determine the amount of effortyou should put in order to achieve your goal. Whenanswering the self scrutiny questions that follow, be verytruthful and objective.

    What is your relative ability among the group of studentsoffering the same course as you do?Do they respect you for your intelligence?Are you ahead of them academically or are you laggingbehind?What is your current grade point? 4.0? 3.0? 1.0?

    Or, are you a fresher? That puts you in a better position. You

    can imagine yourself moving from nothing, straight to a 5.0.

    No matter what your grade is, you can still make someimprovement. If you are a one pointer, please, you need towork smarter and faster. If you are a two-pointer or three-

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    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance


    pointer,the same applies to you. If you are a four-pointer,the smarter you work the better.

    Yet you dont have to fail a course before you know how hardyou need to work. You dont need a carry-over before youknow that your study habit is not fail-proof. Thats too high aprice to pay!

    But dont get scared. You wont need to study for whole daysto be able to meet up.

    Since the custom or practice of diligent study habit is notencouraged as it was in times past, there seems to be droughtof knowledge of how to make a clean first class.

    Locked in the following pages are the secrets of how to reachyour potentiality in terms of your grades. You most likelymay be practicing a bit of it.

    Why not spare yourself the hassles of ignorance. Find outwhat else you need to do to up your grade. Do not be buggeddown by challenges like being new in the higher institution;or, so far, you feel not satisfied with your grades; or, youhave carry-over(s) or not. I urge you to take this bold step.

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    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance




    Why have I performed poorly? This question disturbed meafter my very first and second semesters in the university.Though I had no carry-overs, I was dissatisfied with mygrades.

    Have you been around for some time and found that yourinitial performance was below your potentiality? How bad

    was it? Not too bad? Very bad? Do you think you could havedone something about it? What could you have done?

    You probably have not performed poorly in this school. Afterall, youre a fresher. Or, maybe, your results have simplybeen good. Could it be better?

    Listen: You dont have to score lower grades before you know

    you need to improve on them. After all, the room forimprovement is never cramped. Make hay while the sunshines.

    Consider yourself invited as I take you through my journey tothe top. A word of caution though: This journey is not as easyas it sounds. The roads are in fact full of ditches, mud andstones- challenges that I am confident you will be able tosurmount. You can be sure that the journey is a short one ifyou want it to be.

    If you want to start and finish on a distinctive clean slate,start now. Itemize the reasons that caused or could causeyour poor performance. I did the same, and you may be

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    surprised how many reasons I came up with. Here are someof them.

    *Inadequate finance*Lack of strong motivation*Wrong social environment (peer pressure)*Sickness*Procrastination*Laziness*Lack of adequate time

    *Poor school/classroom environment*Late registration*Long absence from academics

    Now make your own list. Do you think you share some ofmine? Include them. There could still be other reasons, youknow?

    You might just start like this. Try giving excuses for nothaving very good scores in your courses. Try to say this andmean it: Iwould (have) pass(ed) excellently if ... Those ifsare some of the possible reasons that stimulate failure. Listthem right away.

    Thats not all. Ask yourself: How could I have contributed tomy failure? Could it be laziness, nonchalant attitudetowards study, over confidence or lack of it, or too much

    social engagements? It could be anything. Just ponder over itand write it down.

    If only you know that identifying those weak points willenable you to plug the causes of your low achievement, youllpromptly and enthusiastically undertake this simple task.

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    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance


    You cant find solution to a problem you dont know, canyou? So, take your time to compile the list. Do so right away

    but dont rush it.Are you done with the list? If you still feel there is somethingmore you could add, please, add it now. If you feel you needto ask for honest observations about yourself from others,just do so. This might be a great eye opener to you.

    Now glance through your list. How many reasons do youhave? Ten? Twenty? That may be all right. For each reason

    or factor, one after the other, try to think of what you couldhave done to prevent such a factor from overwhelming you.Write them down.

    Lets take, for instance, lack of adequate finance. What wouldyou have done to reduce or eliminate this problem? Couldyou get through to some of your relatives or friends tosupport you? What about the option of frugality? You couldbecome more sparing and economical in your spending.

    In my own case, I went to my friends and relatives for extramoney. I tried to spend my money on only the mostimportant needs.

    It was not easy though to set financial priorities and stick tothem. I had to try over and over again until I could stick tomy financial plans.

    Another way out might be to join a work-study programmeand earn some wages. Other ways might be through availablebursaries, sponsorships or scholarships.

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    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance


    Information on opportunities like these can be accessedfrom various student associations like State or departmentalassociations. You could go directly to see the school

    counselor. Just make sure the decision you take works bestfor you.Now write down ways you intend to solve, stop, or minimizeeach of those excuses, one at a time. Start now. Remember,dont exaggerate. Write out only what you know will workforyou. You will soon find out that you are on your way to thetop.

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    Revealed At Last! Secrets of First Class

    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance




    Let me redirect your attention to the previous chapter:Eliminate Your Weak Points. I hope you listed possiblecauses of your poor performance along with ways ofeliminating or minimizing them.

    If you havent done that, theres no reason to go on. Just goback and carry out that exercise before moving on. Most

    likely, your major challenge for poor performance could belaziness and procrastination. We shall discuss that later.

    Here are some ways I went round my own limitations.

    *Wrong Social Environment:I found myself with the wrong group of friends. I have toavoid association with friends who do not encourage study,

    those who cheat or will encourage cheating during exams,and those who make a noise during classes.

    This doesnt mean becoming their enemies. We still greetand talk; but I now made friends with those who study andparticipate in class. I studied together with them.

    *Emotional Disturbances:I had some challenges that I faced at that time. So, I wasalways thinking and getting disturbed emotionally. Myproblems were too much, I thought.

    At a certain point, I took a critical decision that I would notallow problems or challenges to overwhelm me. From that

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    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance


    moment, I took consolation in the fact that my problemscouldnt possibly be the worse.Even when I felt like relapsing I drew strength from praying

    to God, prayers which not only sustained me emotionally butalso steadied me.

    * Sickness:I felt sick so many times when I just started my programme.It probably was my body chemistry trying to adjust to thenew environment. It may also be a fallout of my emotionaldisturbances.

    There was little I could do. Later my sick moments reduceddrastically. I guess it was a function of stabilizing myemotion and improving on my hygiene.

    *Poor teaching/learning environment:The environment was just not conducive to learning. Everyclass population was usually too large, making class controlmore difficult for lecturers.

    Many students made a noise during classes. Most times seatswere not enough. The rest of us would receive lectures on ourfeet! Sometimes venues for classes were doubly allocated,making us move from one venue to another in search of anon-busy one. The environment was just not favourable forlearning.

    As an individual I knew I could do nothing to arrest thesituation. So I have to bear up. To the best of my ability, Ilistened in class and made up through private study.

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    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance


    If you too experience these challenges or similar ones, youcould come up with many other solutions. Just make surethey work for you.

    There were some excuses that were flimsy in themselves. Themost important thing was that I recognized them as whatthey are- as flimsy. Truth to tell, we should not let flimsyreasons or problems prevent us from making our first class.Among them are:

    * I Processed My Admission Late: Lectures were already onwhen I started processing my admission. I really missed the

    introductory classes. So whose fault was it? It was good Irealized that I had to work redouble my efforts before it wastoo late. I studied hard and harder just to meet up.

    * Lack of Adequate Time: I was always short of time. Wheredo the others get time? I reasoned. Maybe they belong toplanet Jupiter! There was no justifiable excuse. I had tobrace up to meet up. I started planning my time judiciously.

    There were some other meaningless excuses that I wontbother recounting here. Find out yours, and deal with thenaccordingly.

    There are some fundamental causes of failure you need tobeware of. These real causes when overcome will meansuccess. It would mean a solution to all other reasons andexcuses one has for under achieving.

    The focus of this book is to assist you overcome them andleapfrog into success. They are:

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    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance


    Lack of Strong Motivation: You know you need to study hardand you wish to. Just then you become apathetic. You justdont feel like studying. There is no enthusiasm to read.

    You should already feel like you need to study. Its possibleyou experience relapses in motivation, sometimes. Dontworry, as you read on, youll get to a point you will begingered.

    *Procrastination: You know its time for your personalprivate study. Just when you should start studying, you

    postpone it, giving yourself some flimsy excuses.

    When the next time comes you postpone it again. Itcontinues in an endless cycle until the time of exams arrives.Then it is definitely too late to undertake any major andreasonable, private study.

    Procrastination is fallout of lack of strong motivation. Iftheres enough motivation, there will be no need forpostponement of such activities.

    *Laziness: This is also closely related to lack of motivation.You know you need to study. So you decide to study. Moreoften than not, early into the study, you get bored to thebones. The study is over. I tell you, if you had the right levelof motivation you would keep on studying.

    Poor Organization: You already know what to do to improveyour grades. You dont know how to go about it. Sometimesyou want to study but you dont knowwhich course to startwith. You have so many assignments to attend to and youdont know which one to start with.

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    Revealed At Last! Secrets of First Class

    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance


    Many are the times you end up doing nothing. Then you arein need of a first class. How do you realize it despite themany problems that stare you in the face?

    I tell you this: You need to take control of your life; you needto get your perspectives right. Then youll need tosystematically determine your goal.

    If youre able to do this, you will discover that there is highpowered energy within you threatening to be unleashed; amotivation so strong that you will be willing to surmount the

    seeming mountainous academic difficulties.

    Getting a first class is not reallydifficult. Its just that it looksas if it is not easy. Only those who eventually succeed at itknow this. Do you want to be one of them? Read on.

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    Revealed At Last! Secrets of First Class

    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance




    I ask you, what do you understand by a first class? Likely yousee first class as simply when one graduates with acumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 4.5 or above.

    Do you know that this definition implies that a first classstudent could also be someone who might have cheatedduring tests and examinations; or, who might have bribed

    his way through or by any other immoral means obtainedthat grade? No, I dont think thats what you mean.

    To appreciate what a true first class is, lets try to establishwho a first class material is. Remember the late GaniFawehinmi we mentioned earlier, who came out with a thirdclass in the university? He later became an accomplishedlawyer and one of the most dedicated human rights activists.

    His accomplishments were recognized being topped with theaward of the Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), the highesthonour a lawyer can get in Nigeria. Why then didnt he makea first class in the University?

    It could have been as a result of circumstances beyond hiscontrol. For instance, lecturers victimization or any of thefactors or excuses we discussed earlier.

    What about Nobel laureate, Wole Soyinka, a frontline socialcritic, activist, novelist, playwright, and world class poet? Healso graduated with a third class degree in the university. Itwas clear that some forces in the university system workedagainst him.

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    Revealed At Last! Secrets of First Class

    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance


    Dissatisfied, he went back to school - another university- toclaim his mandate, as it were. Indeed, he came out with a

    clean first class.

    So, both in the university and outside, and in the world ofwork, he has demonstrated through his accomplishmentsthat he is a first class material.

    From these examples, we can deduce that a first class personis one who has mastery over any activity he chooses to

    undertake, and demonstrates this through observableaccomplishments.

    These accomplishments like the first class itself are earnedby dint of hard work. Such extraordinary achievementsprocure for that person respect and admiration, and maylater translate into awards and monetary rewards.

    As far as higher institutions of learning are concerned, a truefirst class is the highest possible recognition awarded to anystudent who has demonstrated rare mastery in his choice ofacademic endeavour - course. This is usually between apotential cumulative grade point average potential of 4.5 and5.0.

    Can a student who has a third class in his 100 level make afirst class before graduating? If such a student works hard

    and smart enough, he can make it in a sense.

    Lets assume he has a G.P of 1.5. He starts following thesuggestions in this book and makes 2.5 in 200 level. By 300level he makes 3.5 and finally by 400 level he got 4.5. He has

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    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance


    achieved a first class result only in his final year (400 level)in school.Can he graduate with a first class award? Lets find out

    together. The following is a simplified calculation of the finalC.G.P.A. The real calculation is much more complicated andvaries slightly from one institution to another.

    Level G.P100 1.5200 2.5300 3.5

    400 4.5TOTAL G.P 12.0

    CGPA (total GP/4) 3.0

    The safest possible graduating award will be a 3.0 which is astrong second class lower award. This is still an excellentresult for someone who struggled all the way from a weakthird class position.

    Even if we assume he can make a GP of 4.5 from his 200level through to 400 level, the highest possible CGPA thatwill result is 3.75, a second class upper.

    Well, if you feel you are worth that or even better, go aheadand grab it! All you need is only a few pages from here.

    However, if you are a fresher, and you really need the first

    class, go ahead and prove more than anyone else that you area true first class person.

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    Revealed At Last! Secrets of First Class

    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance


    Boy, I need that first class. Did you just say that? Many ofus do say that. But do you say it? You should! You shouldregularly tell yourself what you want.

    Tell yourself right now: I need that first class, and Iwill GETit. Tell yourself this so many times that you begin to seemany possible ways of attaining it.

    But also ask yourself: Do I really need a first class? You needto be very sure you want a first class. It is only when you haveagreed with yourself that you terribly need it that you will be

    determined to get the first class.

    In fact, I want to ask you: why do you really need it? Is itbecause someone you know - maybe your friend - has it?Well, that's not a good-enough-reason to go for a first class.

    Is the above what motivates you to seek a first class?Probably, you really do not need it. You may wish to closethis book and go to sleep.

    You need to think deeply and seriously about what you'llbenefit from attaining a first class. It's only when youreconvinced of what's in it for you that youll get enoughmotivation to work smartly hard to get it.

    Take a pen and a sheet of paper. List all you feel a first classwill fetch you now and in the future. Why cant you do so

    right away?

    Here are some of the things I felt it would fetch me and to acertain degree, it has!

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    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance


    * A better job offer* State, Federal, and Commonwealth scholarships.* Additional motivation to take up greater challenges

    * Respect among friends and family* Commendations from lecturers

    Those are a few of mine. What about yours? If you feel thosebenefits I mentioned are also part of yours, simply includethem.

    Remember it's not all that motivates me that will motivate

    you. You need to think and think deeply as you write themout.

    Do not read on if you have not written them down. Have youwritten them? Now look at those benefits, one after theother, slowly but deliberately.

    Imagine achieving each one of them. Yes, see yourself as therecipient of such benefits. That's what your first class willfetch you.

    Let the thought of having a first class consume you. Let it bein your thoughts to the extent that you start dreaming it,talking about it, living it.

    There should be some feeling of urgency in you for this firstclass. As if something inside you is pushing you to go for it


    It should be as if your energy wants to burst at the seams, asif you need to do something right away to get your first class.Do you feel something like this already? Then follow yourheart. DO SOMETHING POSITIVE NOW.

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    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance




    My life is in God's hands. Many people say this. They sing it.I believe in it too. GOD has given you the chance to use yourlife as you please.

    However, there is a condition: That you will reap what yousow. So, why not? Take control of your life. Only make sureyou use it wisely.

    Struggling to attain a first class is certainly not unwise, is it?The question is: Are you in charge of your life? Or, do thingsjust happen in your life without you planning for them?

    Do you simply live your life everyday accepting things goodor bad as they come, without any effort to influence them?

    Watch it! Dont be in a hurry to respond to these questions.Self pride may lead one to say one is in control whereas oneis not.

    Remember, pride goes before a fall. Saying one is in controlin a sentimental religious fashion when really one is not,could blind one from seeing the pit of failure that lurks in thedarkness of ignorance.

    To take control of your life, you must know what your typicalday looks like and plan what you want it to be.

    Therefore, whats your typical day like? Is it full ofachievements?

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    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance


    Lets take a look atyour yesterday. What did you doyesterday? Have a sheet of paper and write them down. Haveyou done that? How many of them were achievements? Tick

    those ones. Be frank with yourself.

    Well, if you didnt record any achievements yesterday, don'tbe discouraged. There are days when the great achievers oftoday succeeded at nothing significant.

    Even if you achieved anythingyesterday, that doesnt meanyoure in control of your life. However, you may in fact be

    close to being in control because of the positives youve beenable to record so far.

    Once more take a look at the achievements you ticked. Howmany of them did you plan for before they become a reality?Is there any?

    Lets look at it from another angle. Howmany of what youachieved came by chance?

    Now, note this: Whatever you planned to do that became asuccess that is your real achievement. Thats what confirmsyour level of being in control of your life.

    It doesnt have to be something great in the eyes of others.Its not just what happened by chance in your favour.

    Imagine planning each and every day of your stay in schoolto achieve a first class and eventually you make it. Actually,youre in control!

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    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performance


    However, what does your typical day look like? What arethose things you do on a typical day? You wrote out certainthings you did yesterday.

    There is no guarantee that youll remember all that you didyesterday. Besides, it may not be a fair representation of allyour other days. Lets find out what really you use your timefor.

    Lets take note of all you will do today. You have a phone,dont you? Put yourself on a recurring alarm of one hour.

    Each hour the alarm rings, write all you have done in thepast one hour.

    Note also the time of the day for each activity - if you donthave a phone, then use your wristwatch or your table clock.Repeat this each time the alarm rings.

    A week maybe enough to convince yourself of what yourtypical day looks like. You may be in for some surprises, youknow.

    I advise you to stop further reading of this book until yourethrough with this exercise. Its for your own good.

    If youre through with this exercise, take a moment and gothrough your notes. What did you discover about yourself?What are the most common activities you engaged in day

    after day, for the past seven days?

    Perhaps youll start laughing at yourself as you look throughthe notes.

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    One person who participated in this exercise discovered thatthe major activity he engaged himself in through the dayswas receiving and making calls. He was so engrossed in this

    activity that it took much of the time he should have given toother activities.

    Another person, a lady, found out that she was regularlyreceiving friends and going on short trips to the market tobuy stuffs. This prevented her from giving enough time toother important matters. Isnt that interestingly funny?

    Lets talk about you. What did you discover about yourself?Whatever it is, you should now be more convinced thattheres need to get a firmer grip on your life. To do this, youneed to put things in the right perspective.

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    So, you really want to be at the top of your class? What haveyou done so far that gives you the confidence that you canmake it to the top? Anything? Nothing?

    Thats not being fair to yourself. Are you doing somethingabout it, without realizing it? Lets see. Has your attitudetowards studying improved? Have you started moving with

    those who take their studies seriously?

    Do you always take this book along with you? Do you talkabout what you read in it with your friends? Have youstarted listening more attentively in class? Are youcontemplating creating more time for your studies?

    If youre doing any, some or all ofthese, then youre still on

    track. Of course, you need to do more than think and talk.You need to take more action. Devote quality time topersonal private study!

    At this point you may find yourself saying: Where is thetime? I say to you, find it! Create it!

    Let me assist a bit. Whats your routine like for each day ofthe week? You should knowthis by now. Its in the notesfrom your last exercise. Get it handy.

    Let me guess. Your routine includes one or more of these:Lectures, worship, visits, studying, cooking, trips to themarket, sleep or relaxation, outings, gossiping, association

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    meetings. Am I right? I hope you pinned those activities tospecific times of the day?

    Now lets find out free or available periods on each of thosedays; those periods you did nothing tangible, like periodsyou spend talking or gossiping or sleeping or doing nothing.

    Dont get me wrong; sleeping is a normal, very importantneed in life. Even gossiping is a need too. However, too muchof it constitutes a nuisance.

    Do those periods add up to a minimum of three convenienthours per day? Then, at least, the first step should be tocreate the time for personal private study. Start using thattime just for that purpose.

    However, if you are not able to isolate at least three hoursout of each day for private study, it means that you haventset your priorities well. You may be placing too muchimportance on activities with insignificant value.

    Do not forget your objective which is the attainment of a firstclass and this can only be realized through smart diligentstudy. The ingredients that make for diligent study shouldtake the first priority.

    You need to go back to your list of activities. Compare thebenefits from studying to the benefits that would result from

    these activities.

    Could it be possible to reduce the time you spend on non-study activities and increase the time for studying? Are thereother activities that are just a waste of time? Could you justdo without them?

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    Once you find those activities that will yield no enduringvalue, simply move the time allotted to them to study time

    and make sure you stick to it. You have to limit thoseactivities that dont make direct impact on your success, youknow?. Yes they are necessary but they should not take muchof your time.

    Do you remember that student who used the bulk of his timefor receiving and making calls? He made drastic adjustment.

    In fact, he restricted the calls to a certain period of the day.He didnt switch off his phones though. He put them onsilence profile. Once its time for calls, he changes the profileback to what it was, and attends to the calls. He let his callersknow when to call him. So far its working for him.

    As for the lady, she lets her friends know wont be availablefor them all the time due to her academics. She too adjustedsetting aside a particular period for friends and theirmatters. Now she pays more attention to her studies.

    Its not that simple, though. It needs sacrifices that othershave to make; sacrifices that I have made; the same sacrificeyou also have to make if you really want a first class. If youare able to do this, then it will mean that you can get yourperspectives right.

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    Have you ever needed something so badly that you spoke upso loudly that you must get this thing? I just must get it.Most likely we all at one point in time have individually doneso.

    You need a distinction in all your courses, dont you? Haveyou ever confessed that out to yourself? Have you? Nows the

    time for some action. Stand up. Yes, on your feet and repeatafter me: I need a distinction in all my courses. Say it outloud and clear. Say it and mean it. Of course, you mean it.Say it again with a resolute voice. Repeat it.

    If you need a distinction, then you should get it. In fact, youmust get it. Would you want anything lesser? So, tell yourselfright now: I must get that distinction. Say it without any

    doubt. Say it with a tone of finality. You must get thatdistinction. You have no other option.

    This step is important it spurs you into action. You mustGET that distinction. So repeat that statement for aminimum of ten more times. And dont you rush through.Just take your time and meditate as you repeat thestatement.

    Do you feel anything? Do you feel a rush of energythreatening to burst out of you; like you need to dosomething about getting that distinction? If you still dontfeel this rush, then repeat it several more times until you feelit.

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    You must ensure you follow up on this activity. You maydecide to pace round your room slowly and steadily whilemaking the confessionary statement of your goal. If your

    room seems uncomfortable for any reason, go out from thereto a quiet place. As you walk down there start making theconfessionary statement.

    You could go up to fifty times. No effort is too much toachieve a goal as far as it is not immoral or illegal. You couldeven double your effort!

    You have a goal of getting a distinction and you have enoughenergy to achieve it- a strong motivation against all odds.

    To make it perfect, theres something more you need - theTime Frame for achieving it. If you have not limitedwhatever you want to do by time, then you cannot really sayyou have failed or not.

    Consider this: If you must get a million Naira turnover in abusiness and you do not fix a time barrier to get it, if you getit after ten years it is still a success. In fact if you get it atyour old age, it is still a success. After all you still got it.

    But if you say, you must make a million Naira turnover bythe end of this year, that is something specific. Then you doall that is possible to get it within the year.

    So you should start planning how to make sure you achieveyour goal within the right time frame, within the four yearsor so you have in this institution.

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    You also need to determine the level of success you wish toachieve along with the amount of effort you will need to putin.

    Ill show you one of the statements of my goal. Take note Irewrote my goals as the need arose and especially because oftime constraints. I needed to and I reviewed my goal everysemester.

    Here is one of my written goals.

    By January 11, I will possess the required knowledge in all

    my courses. I will double my effort every other week so thatby February 29, I will sit for and pass my exams withdistinctions.

    I recited this goal twenty times every morning when I wasjust waking up and in the night just before I slept.

    After reciting it in the morning, it became a part of me andthe primary thing I thought about all through the day. It soconsumed me that I was always thinking about how andwhen to study and study better.

    The same goes for the nights. Sometimes I dreamed aboutmyself studying and attempting assignments. It got to apoint where I was no longer comfortable if I have notstudied.

    Especially there were nights, I woke up in - between dreams,and I couldnt sleep anymore. Why? I was thinking ofstudying. All these while, studying was a problem to me.Only after studying a little could I find sleep. What an irony!It nearly became normal for me to study every overnight.

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    Such was the motivation the recitation of my goal gave me.Yours could also have the same effect on you if you allow it.

    By January 11, I will possess the required knowledge ...

    That semester started late October of the previous year. Iexpected that by January 11, lectures will be rounding off.

    By required knowledge, I meant all that my lecturer taughtme and expected me to know as far as his course isconcerned.

    I expect to possess the required knowledge through classattendance and participation, solving assignments, andprivate study.

    Iwill double my efforts every other week...

    It sure takes effort to increase ones knowledge. To re-doublemy effort? Now that is an extra challenge. I needed a firstclass and its worth the effort.

    My redoubling effort involved not just my usual privatestudy, but every other activity that I felt could enhance myknowledge.

    It involved searching for all relevant materials and studyingthem, having tutorial and discussion sessions with course

    mates who had something upstairs, searching for pastexamination questions and studying them.

    When I could not solve such questions, I search forsignificant others to assist me. Remember, no one knows itall, even a first class student.

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    I also searched my notebooks for important notations,remarks of lecturers during classes on possible examination

    points or questions.

    Double effort in my case involved always looking for ways toimprove my knowledge aside from normal class attendance.You know classes were even rounding off this time of thesemester.

    As the semester was getting to the end, I increased my study

    time from three hours to five hours per day.

    Double effort is not stagnant. It is a continuous process ofupgrading ones knowledge. Search for it, study it, discussit, use it and keep on growing in knowledge every otherweek...

    By February 29, I will be ready to sit for and pass myexams with distinctions.

    As I doubled my effort, I reached a point where I felt soconfident that I can make A in all my courses. February 29.That was my deadline for reaching that point. My exam wasjust three days away, a Monday.

    Think of yourself as a marketer given a target of one millionNaira with this instruction: Meet up this target or risk

    loosing your job.

    You can imagine how hard and smart you would need towork to achieve one million Naira sales volume! That is justhow hard and smart you should be working to attain

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    distinctions in your academics. Always remember you have atarget and a deadline to meet it.You should now upgrade the written statement of your own

    goal to include realistic targets and deadlines -specific dates.

    By realistic target I mean what you as an individual can andshould be able to achieve. Such target should be one that canbe achieved at a specific date.

    There is no point writing down and reciting one thousandtimes, a lofty goal that you cannot achieve within a particular

    time frame.

    If you know you cannot climb Mount Everest by the end ofthe year, by all means dont make it your goal!

    You should first attempt the goal of climbing small hills andmountains and successfully do so by a realistic date. Youmust climb other tall mountains and move on to the tallestmountains in Africa (Kilimanjaro) and other continents, allwithin a realistic time frame.

    These may take years, before deciding on Mount Everest,the tallest mountain in the world! If you believe you can, andyou work hard and smart enough, you would be able toconquer Mount Everest within your realistically plannedtime frame.

    For me, the small hills and mountains were accumulation ofknowledge from classes attended and from attempting thevarious class assignments. I call that, required knowledge. Inactual fact, it is the minimum required knowledge.

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    After this, I doubled my effort through attending tutorials,studying extra relevant materials, solving past questions, justabout any activity that could assist me in achieving my goal,

    until I was able to climb the highest mountain - a distinctionin all my courses.

    Have you now got your goals well written down? Then moveon to this part that will make it more useful. Speak yourgoals loud now and do so for a minimum of twenty times.

    You must say your goals so many times that you no longer

    need to look at them on paper to recall them. Commit thestatement of your goal to heart. As you say it think deeplyabout how to make your goal a success.

    Youll definitely start seeing more than one way of rightlyachieving it. You must recite every morning after waking upand in the night just before you sleep; you must allow yourgoal to guide you.

    Having systematically determined your goal, and havingdeveloped the passion for achieving it, the sky is no longerthe limit. Go on and navigate the distinctive universe ofsuccess.

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    You should be doing something serious about attaining yourfirst class.. Do I need to tell you that? You should havealready taken action long before now.

    Its now time to plan those actions constructively. All thoseideas that occurred to you about how to achieve your goal asyou recite and meditate on your goal, will constitute your

    action plan.

    Whatever you are currently doing in order to make that firstclass should also form part of your action plan. Your actionplan is in fact a list of activities you must carry out to enableyou to achieve your goal.

    In my own situation, the activities in my action plan changed

    slightly with adjustments here and there as the need arose.

    Each time I discovered a better way of achieving my goal, Iadded it to the list. When I knew I have mastered an activityin the list; when it had become part of my routine, I simplydo not include it in my next action plan. I exclude it from thenext semesters action plan.

    Since the statement of my goal was not exactly the sameevery semester, my action plan almost always experienced achange. Its all right that way. It shows that one is thinkingand really planning.

    I will show you one of my action plans. Its the one thatfollowed the statement of my goal that you read earlier.

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    Though the contents may be relevant to your own situation,it is only meant as a sample or guide. You must devise yourown action plan.

    Take what you need from it and add actions that will be mostrelevant to your needs. My action plan for the period ofNovember through February is as follows.

    => 1.I will devote a minimum of three hours per day,independent of lecture hours, to private study; I will increaseit to five hours after lectures have been rounded off.

    => 2.I will recite my goals a minimum of twenty times everymorning and night.

    => 3.I will make copies of my goal and action plan and placeor paste them in places that I am sensitive.

    => 4. I will write out my holistic time-table, make copies,and place or paste them in places around me.

    => 5.I will form study groups and engage in tutorials.

    => 6. I will study the contents of the next lecture ahead oftime.

    => 7. I will attempt or solve given assignments within threedays.

    => 8.I will update lecture notes within two days after thelecture.

    => 9. I will discuss what I study with mates.

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    => 10. I will search for, buy or borrow and study all relevanttexts.

    => 11. I will do revision after each class.

    => 12. I will continuously improve on, and opt for betterways of studying for better performance.

    I like to comment on the third and fourth activities. Theyshare something in common - pasting and placing copies inplaces I am sensitive to.

    I stapled a copy of each of my goals, action plan and time-table on the tip of my wall calendar, placed a copy each onmy table. I had them in my bag too. I also stapled them to thefirst pages of my notebooks and text books.

    As I noticed places that I touched, I placed them there. So, Iwas always seeing my goals, plans and time-table every time.

    I couldnt run away from the task ahead of me because it wasalways in front of me. It was in my wallet, bag, and notebook;on my calendar, table, everywhere.

    Before I knew it, I followed through in my action plan, mostof the time.

    It is now your turn to prepare your action plan. Prepare it


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    There were a few activities in my action plan that I could notmeet up. Why? Eventually, I discovered that there was aparticular error in some of the activities.

    Note that each activity in an action plan is a miniaturestatement of ones goal. The action plan is actually tiny bitsof carefully selected goals brought together to make the main

    goal a success. Therefore, each action was to have a deadlinetoo, just like the main statement ofones goal.

    I did not consider the time limits for some of the activities inmy action plan. That was an important error. Lets go overthe time limits for each activity in the action plan.

    Activity 1: Per day; when lectures round up

    I was always conscious of time for study. I was becomingmore organized.

    Activity 2: Every morning and night

    It was interesting how I engaged in this with enthusiasm

    Activity 3: None

    Activity 4: None

    Yet I succeeded in activities three and four. This was becauseI had great or enough motivation after previous exercises tocarry on. I recommend that when you plan these two

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    activities, your time limit should be AS SOON AS I LOCATESUCH PLACES.

    If you have already started experimenting with your actionplan, dont forget to include this recommended deadline.

    Activity 5: None

    I must admit before I formed this study group, it took quite awhile. The group was not very strong. Maybe if I had adeadline to meet, I would have taken it more seriously.

    You have the opportunity of not making this same mistake.Take the opportunity. I failed in this probably becauseI was too ambitious. Instead of form, the activity couldhave reasonably beenwritten as: Seek and join a dedicatedstudy group WITHIN THE FIRST TWO WEEKS OFCOMMENCEMENT OF LECTURES. That would have beeneasier for me to achieve.

    Activity 6: Ahead of time.

    That was before the next lecture. I must admit, this was astruggle. However, I tried my best. You too can do just that.You could actually do better now than you know.

    Activity 7: Within three daysActivity 8: Within two days

    Its amazing how I took my assignments seriously. Icompleted my personal notes especially those ones I didntget well in class.

    Activity 9: None

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    This must have been what made me discuss with my coursemates just anytime I remembered. The time limit should

    have been: AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY. That means AT anypossible time. Take note of that.

    Activity 10: None

    I simply made use of the textbooks I had. Really, I sought outsome other textbooks to study. I knew I could have donebetter if I had a deadline or time frame for this activity. It

    could have been WHENEVER I NEEDED TO MAKE ARESEARCH. Fix your own deadline!

    Activity 11: After attending a class.

    Activity 12: Continuously (Every time)

    Now its your turn to write your own action plan. You haveevery advantage of avoiding the error that I made, so thatyou can have a better success. Write out your action plancarefully and begin carrying it out.

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    In your attempt to have a first class, you really need one tool.Since you are already familiar with the use of the time table,you wont have too much ofa challenge using it.

    What is the time table for anyway? Its for planning the timeand day for specific activities in the week, isnt it? Yourschool time table shows the different courses you are offering

    with the time in the week allocated to such courses.

    There are what you call free periods in your time table, arentthere? You could do whatever you like with the free periods,though you are expected to use them wisely.

    By now you should have a private study time table showingthe periods you devote to studying your courses.

    Some students fix their study in the nights after a refreshingnap in the evening. Others fix theirs overnight when theatmosphere is usually very calm. Still others fix theirs overthe weekends - Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays when thereis less pressure from receiving lectures.

    There are also those that fashion out a blend of all thesechoices. You should only use the formula that suits you andyour circumstance.

    Now, imagine a time table that shows all the basic activitiesyou are engaged in throughout the day and night, from dusktill dawn and through the whole week. That is the tool I amtalking about - a holistic time table.

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    This time table has a major advantage. It helps you to see ata glance what you are using your time for. Once you discover

    whatever is not adding value to your life, you simply delete itor replace it with an up building activity. Thats the timetable on the next page. Have a critical look at it.

    You may start wondering: How can a person be studyingfrom morning till night, twenty four hours a day? That'sabsurd! This holistic time table doesnt work that way.

    There are many other activities aside from studying that areimportant to ones existence. For instance, sleep is vital foryour health. Extracurricular activities like sports, religiousfellowships, reading novels, visits, etc, could be reflected inyour holistic time table.

    Let us analyze the time table in more detail. At the bottom ofthe time table is the KEY. This is the interpretation of thecodes used in the main body of the time table. ForInstance, ECO 121 in the time table stands for Introductionto Economics.

    You may also represent other activities different from yourcourses with your choice of codes. I used SLP to representsleep, rest or relaxation.

    When apportioning space for private study I differentiated

    the course code for lecture from that of study with anasterisk (*). For instance, the course ECO 121 is the lecture,while private study is indicated as ECO 121*. Ifyou dontfancy asterisks, you could simply differentiate with twocolours of ink. Just be creative.

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    MONDAY Eco121*


























    The advantage of this time table is in the holistic approach.

    It allows you to see as a whole what you are or will be usingyour time for at any particular point in time.

    It helps you to recognize what time you could be wastingthat should otherwise be wisely employed.

    It assists you in getting further organized.

    It aids you to focus on your goal.

    It is flexible. You can devote more study time to courses youknow you are weak in and still have enough time for others.

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    This time table will boost your confidence in your ability toachieve your goal. In summary, it aids you in taking charge,taking control of your life.

    It is now time to fill your holistic time table. Theres a blankcopy

    Print and make ten copies and keep for future use. Take oneand fill it right away.

    If you are still thinking of how to fill it and what time todevote to private study and other activities, dont let that be aproblem to you.

    Just go ahead and fill in your lecture periods first. This willbe your guide. Since your education is most important toyou, all other activities should revolve around it.

    Though filling this time table and sticking to it is important,it doesnt mean that your life should be destabilized ordisturbed; it doesnt mean that you shouldnt live a normallife; it doesnt mean that you should stop engaging in allother activities and only study, study, and study.

    Of course, once you discover that you cant find time for

    private study, you will have to cut down on those otheractivities to give time for studying. It is that important.

    After queuing in your lecture periods, its time to fill in yourstudy periods. Take note, three to five hours of study isnecessary, nothing less than three.
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    What period of the day do you have your private study?Could you simply integrate it into the new time table? Do you

    prefer to study a course before lecture? Or do you prefer todo so after the lecture?

    As for me I preferred studying before any lecture. So, I hadmy early mornings (between 5am and 7am) fixed forstudying ahead the contents of the lectures I will be havingthat same day.

    Sometimes the previous night is devoted to some of thecourses I will be attending the next day. It all depends onhow many courses I have in the time table.

    If you prefer to study a topic after receiving lecture on it,thats also fine. Just make sure its fixed within the same dayof that particular lecture, not more than twenty four hoursafter such lecture.

    This is what I mean: After determining what periods youprefer to study, whether early in the mornings, during theday, evenings or nights, let your study periods and days be areflection of the courses you have for such days.

    The other inclusions in your holistic time table may now bebased on your personal needs. If you feel you are weak in onecourse compared to another, you could fix one or two

    additional slots for such a course depending on the amountof time available for your personal private study.

    I devote a minimum of three hours to study every weekdayand five hours per day for the weekends when there are nolectures. You must have sensed that two of those hours are

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    usually between five and seven in the morning. One or twomore hours are fixed during lecture free periods in the day,or evening or night at home after some nap.

    There are times I woke up by 3am and study till seven in themorning. I consider that as a bonus of two hours. I makesure that the time I devote to study a course is no more thanone hour at a time.

    Now what about you? You have to identify what works foryou. Remember, a minimum of three hours per day, no less,

    instead, it can be more.

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    To be candid, ordinarily, studying is boring. But is only so tothose who do not know or practise the art of studying. Thatart seems to be a secret. It is, in fact, an open secret, becauseit is hidden, so to say, within the lines of the informationmany students posses, even you.

    Ill tell you something: Unless you are at one with your study,

    it becomes a mere boring routine; unless you are absorbed inyour study, it maybe a sheer waste of time and effort. Thatsthe secret.

    To illustrate, why does a person wish to read a particularnovel in preference to another? There certainly is amotivating factor. It maybe that he has read the preface,introductory lines or the blurb, and it is appealing.

    Probably, he has heard something interesting about the bookthat motivated him to choose to read it. Whatever it is, notethat his interest in and subsequent reading of the novel issustained by his need to find out something, probably, whathappened to a particular character in the long run. Such aperson can be said to be at one with the material he isreading.

    The same goes for someone who is reading a magazine or anewspaper. The headline or some frontline article attractshis attention. As he reads on, he is determined to find outhow the article plays out; he is absorbed in his reading; he isat one with it.

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    This should go for academic studying, if you must benefitmaximally from it. Have you noted the secret? Be in accord,be absorbed, be involved, and be active in what you are

    reading. Still dont you capture the gist? Dont worry you willas you read on. You will soon discover that this secret hasalways stared at you without you noticing it.

    Researchers in education all through the centuries havepondered on what is the best way to study. Thus variousmethods were gathered from observations and experiments.

    Some of these methods have now become conventions. Doyou know what? None of these formulas, no matter howpopular, have been adjudged the best study method. Thatsright. There is no single best way to study than what I haverevealed to you.

    The secret principle is found in all study methods that havebeen proposed all along by these researchers. I will nowshow you how the secret can be applied using one of themost common study methods.

    Take note that the focus is for you to know how to harnessthe power of this secret and apply it to whatever studycondition you find yourself, not just adopting the studyformula or method in itself.

    One of the most common study methods is the SQ3R

    formula. Now you might have come across that, havent you?If its the formula you are employing at present, then hereshow best to use it in alliance with the principle.

    Even if you were not aware of this method, youll do well tofollow through. SQ3R means:

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    S Survey

    Q QuestionsR ReadR ReviewR Recall or Recite

    Its time for a little exercise. Youve already started usingyour holistic timetable, havent you? I expect you have yourstudy time all planned out, including the time you use in

    studying this book you are holding, dont you?

    So whens your next class? Lets prepare for it. If you preferpreparing for another class, you should. Get your studymaterials handy- the recommended text for the course, yourstudy jotter, your pen, your dictionary, etc. If you are set,then lets go.

    S SURVEYThis is more like glancing through the section you choose tostudy in order to have an idea of what its all about. Open upthe few pages you plan to study and glance through them. Asyou quickly read through, take note of the subheadings andother relevant ideas expressed in the text.

    Q QUESTIONSNow those subheadings and other ideas in the chapter you

    are studying, you should convert into questions. Write thosequestions down. Meditate or think deeply on what the likelyanswers to those questions are and how they relate to themain topic of the chapter. You may spend five minutes doingthis.

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    For instance, if you choose to study INTEREST RATES in thecourse known as Macroeconomics, you have the following assubheadings: Meaning of interest rates; Types of interest

    Rates; and Theories of interest rates.

    Converting these subheadings to questions in my own way, itwould become: What are interest rates? How many types ofinterest rates exist? Explain them. What are the theories ofinterest rates? Explain two theories of interest rates.

    These questions are of interest to me. Any other person

    reading this same topic could have framed it in other waysthat interest him.

    The next thing is to meditate on these questions, trying tofind meanings and answers to them from your mind. Youshould try also to imagine what relationship exists amongthe answers to these questions.

    At this point you are beginning to be at one with your studymaterial; you are beginning to actively get involved, engagingyour mind as it were.

    Note that if you do not meditate on those questions asadvised, other steps that follow are likely to be a near wasteof precious time and effort.

    Other questions bothering you on the subject are also likely

    to occur during meditation. Write these down too and try tofind answers to them during the next stage.

    RREADNow you will discover that your interest in reading thematerial proper is sustained by the need to answer those

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    questions you penned down. So go ahead. Take your time tosearch for answers to those questions as you read carefully.

    As you discover them, you should underline the parts thatanswer any of those questions. I doubt if you are not alreadyabsorbed in your study at this point in time. Yes, you shouldhave started enjoying the material as it were.

    R REVIEWAfter completing the portion you scheduled for study, youshould proceed to review the material. Reviewing is simply

    re-reading the portion over with special attention on themain ideas in order to make them stick to your brain.

    It is much faster than the previous reading, though not asfast as the initial survey you carried out. Are you stillthinking how can I be at one while carrying out the review?This is it: Go back to the beginning of the portion you readand start reading once more, paying attention more to theanswers of your penned-down questions.

    Of course, you underlined them, didnt you? At least youmust have indicated somehow the answers to thosequestions. As you try your best to understand those answersand how they relate to the main topic, you will be at one withthe material.


    Its judgment time. You have to be sure you have not wastedyour time. So youll need to evaluate yourself. I prefer to callthis part, Recall, Recite and Write down. Youll know why inthe next exercise.

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    Close the text book or material youre studying. You still havethe sheet with your questions, right? Now try to Recall theanswers to those questions. Do so without opening the


    I can imagine you have the answers or a close idea to themin your mind. Say them out or whisper (Recite) as they occurto you. Then Write them out on that same sheet of paper youare using.

    Now look back at the exercise you just undertook. How do

    you feel? Fulfilled? Thats the spirit. You should feel like youachieved something through studying.

    If you feel otherwise, then, it maybe that yet youve notmastered the art of studying. Of course, I dont expect you tohave mastery of it at your first few attempts. The key istrying, trying and trying again until you become good at it.

    At that point youll begin to study smartly with lesser effort.All the students that you see studying as if they are eating asumptuous meal are applying this secret whether they knowit or not. You have an advantage you know it and you cannow practise it as an informed person. So go ahead and bethat person.

    As I said initially, the SQ3R formula is but one of variousmethods available. This method maybe perfect for studying a

    topic ahead of the actual class. It is also good for coveringareas in the course outline which the lecturer did not coverwhile teaching in class.

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    As you master the art of studying, this method may change toany other one. Allow that to happen as far as it works foryou.

    Other questions may bother you. Like: How best can onestudy to solve assignments? How best can one study toanswer past questions? How best can one study or dorevision after attending each class?

    Actually, the answers to these questions are the same. Theyare summed up in the principle- be at one with the material,

    get involved with it, be excited about finding out answers tosome questions, and be excited about learning somethingnew.

    If you are given an assignment, go ahead and search forrelevant material to use. If its a textbook with an index at theend, use the index to locate the relevant pages. Glancethrough (survey) those pages, identifying the specific areasthat have direct bearing on the assignment.

    The next thing is the question. You already have it; its theassignment. Take your time to think or imagine what thepossible answers to the questions maybe. Then start readingthe material with the intention to confirm the answers ordisprove it in your mind.

    When you are through just go ahead and write out the real

    answers to the assignment directly from your mind - with thematerial closed. This is the sketch of the answer to theassignment.

    Open the material again. Compare your sketch to theexplanation in it. If there is any need to make adjustment,

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    you can add to or remove from it. It is from this sketch youshould write out your final attempt to the assignment.

    Do not lift answers directly from the material. The sketchfrom your mind makes the answer yours; makes it differentfrom other students attempts.

    Your approach to studying to answer past questions inpreparation for exams should be basically the same exceptthat you are stopping at the sketch stage. Of course, there isno need to rewrite any final attempt for submission to any

    lecturer until the real exam takes place.

    As for revision after each class, the approach is still the same.This time your class notebook or jotter is the main studymaterial. Survey the contents of the lecture as written by youin class.

    Turn the main points you jotted into questions. Try toanswer them in your mind. Think also about therelationships among those answers. Then read the materialwith the intention to answer those questions more correctly.

    After reading, if you are sure you can, try to recall and recitethe answers. Else you may choose to do the review. Ofcourse, it is easier to get the answers correctly since youattended the class.

    You must have seen that the secret of studying is not sohidden after all. It involves genuine interest in the materialyou are studying.

    The interest is sustained by thinking deeply, meditating onthe questions you have drafted, searching out answers to

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    them, and subsequently saying out and writing down theanswers.

    You now know how to be at one with the material you arestudying. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and keep onbeing at one in your studies. You will be glad you did.

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    So you are through with the semester? Or, is it the session?Your results are out. You are not satisfied with them. Youthink you could do better. Are you really sure you areperforming below your potentiality? How do you know that?Is it that you have a second class G.P or even something less?

    Well, your concerns are legitimate. If you are sure you can

    make a distinctive difference in your grade, all hope is notlost. There is just one more task ahead of you.

    Go Back To Square One

    It is as simple as that. Go over this book once more from thebeginning to this point, and if need be, do so again, followingthrough on all the suggestions already put forward. That

    wont be difficult since youve read it initially.

    You will be faster and you will gain more confidence aboutyour abilities. At a point you will also see how it all worksout; as if you are looking from a vantage point and seeinghow all the suggestions put together leads to a first class. Atthat point you will be seeing it the way I do and all yourdreams will be becoming a reality.

    But there are times when one faces some challenges that areusually beyond ones control. These extenuatingcircumstances though may threaten the attainment of onesgoal, should not be allowed to weigh one down.

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    You must rise above whatever situation you find ratherchallenging. Here may be some of them.

    When Sickness Strikes

    This common threat-sickness-may come as a result of stressarising from too much study. In such a situation, you shouldtake some rest; reschedule your study routine, possiblyreducing the amount of time you spend especially if it ismore than three hours per day.

    Or if you do all night reading, and you feel it is having a tollon you, you could make adjustment. Remember, you need tofind out what works for you. That includes reducing stressand the chances of falling sick.

    When Results Are Omitted

    There are instances when results of students are omittedaltogether. Such cases are usually called missing scores.Once you notice such, promptly report it to your CourseAdvisor or your H.O.D who will give you further directionson what to do. Take it up immediately you are aware of itbecause it is a serious matter.

    When One Is Marked Down

    Though it is becoming increasingly uncommon, isolatedcases of lecturers marking students down have beendiscovered. Do you feel you have been graded below yourreal performance? Do not jump into conclusion. After all, itmay just be a feeling. If you are sure you should get a better

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    grade than you are awarded, then there is need to dosomething about it.

    What easily comes to mind is calling for your answer scriptto be remarked. Well I do not suggest that, especially wheresocio-cultural factors may complicate matters; one mayeasily end up becoming a perceived enemy of the lecturer inquestion. His colleagues may not take it easy on you. Youknow it is all too easy to make enemies than friends thesedays.

    So what should you do, you may wonder? I tell you, makefriends among your lecturers. It is advisable first of all to goto your course advisor or another approachable lecturer whois a friend to the lecturer in question and explain things.

    Instead of claiming you suspect that the lecturer marked youdown, simply register your surprise at your grade in thatcourse despite all your effort. Thereafter seek for his adviceon how to enhance your grade. Listen and follow his advice.

    If he arranges for you to see the lecturer in question or if on afriendly note, you can approach the lecturer yourself, alsorepeat the same words before him while letting him knowthat you are very interested in his course.

    You may be surprised at what vital advice he may have foryou. Therein lays the key to excellence in that course. Follow

    up on it.

    What if this still does not work? I will be surprised if thatdidnt work for you. There is still one more thing you coulddo. Go to your school counselor. Explain yourself the sameway I said earlier. Follow her suggestions.

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    This should work for you. Do you know why? It is becausethe school counselor is a professional, and challenges like

    these are in her areas of specialization.

    She will listen to you and you will feel the parental warmthfrom her. She will guide you through and she will make sureyou succeed against all odds. If ever you need to call for yourpapers to be remarked she will let you know.

    At that point I do not think you will have so many enemies.

    However, let me tell you something: It rarely ever gets to thatpoint.

    Whatever situation or circumstances you find rather achallenge to your goal, you should fight hard to conquer it.

    If you find out that you cannot change it, let it be. Inasmuchas you are not the challenge itself, then it wont prevent youfrom attaining your goal.

    The greatest stumbling block to success is oneself. All thebasic secrets of working on oneself have been revealed in thisbook. So keep on working on yourself. Dont give up workinguntil you make the last attempt. And dont make your lastattempt until you succeed.

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    Each time I listen to fellow students, who have successfullyapplied the suggestions in this book, I become overjoyed.The most common statement they utter is: Finally, I Get ItRight. This statement is pregnant with meaning. Letsanalyze it.


    The word finally here implies that such one has tried, tried,and tried again before FINALLY getting it right. It wasnt abed of roses.

    That is what they reveal each time I discuss with my fellowstudents. They all had to battle with different personal

    habits. The most common so far are lack of organization andmotivation.

    Following up on the various suggestions has helped them tomake improvements. The changes even reflect in their lives.Other students comment on and commend them.


    Getting it right implies one of the following:

    A Poor Grade Becomes BetterFor those who had poor grades before getting the

    information locked in this book, they are happy they made

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    Proven Strategies To Excellent Academic Performanceimprovements in their grades. Their grades got better eachsemester.

    A Good Grade Gets BetterSuch w