(returnto shadow phase) 7. regroup phase 5. assignment phase … · 2003. 11. 1. · fellowship...

TURN SEQUENCE Remove all tokens from the twilight pool Perform any “at the start of each of your turns” actions 1. Fellowship Phase Perform fellowship actions Move to the next site 2. Shadow Phase(s) – one for each Shadow player Perform Shadow actions 3. Maneuver Phase Perform maneuver actions 4. Archery Phase Perform archery actions Conduct archery fire 5. Assignment Phase Perform assignment actions Assign defenders 6. Skirmish Phase(s) – one for each skirmish Perform skirmish actions Resolve that skirmish 7. Regroup Phase Perform regroup actions Reconcile Shadow players’ hands Either the Free Peoples player moves to the next site (return to Shadow phase) — or the Free Peoples player reconciles and Shadow players discard all minions R EALMS OF THE E LF - LORDS RULEBOOK R EALMS OF THE E LF - LORDS RULEBOOK

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Page 1: (returnto Shadow phase) 7. Regroup Phase 5. Assignment Phase … · 2003. 11. 1. · fellowship moves farther into Middle-earth, resulting in greater risks to the fellowship and the


Remove all tokens from the twilight poolPerform any “at the start of each of your turns” actions

1. Fellowship Phase

Perform fellowship actionsMove to the next site

2. Shadow Phase(s) – one for each Shadow player

Perform Shadow actions

3. Maneuver Phase

Perform maneuver actions

4. Archery Phase

Perform archery actionsConduct archery fire

5. Assignment Phase

Perform assignment actionsAssign defenders

6. Skirmish Phase(s) – one for each skirmish

Perform skirmish actionsResolve that skirmish

7. Regroup Phase

Perform regroup actionsReconcile Shadow players’ handsEither the Free Peoples player moves to the next site(return to Shadow phase) — or the Free Peoples playerreconciles and Shadow players discard all minions





Page 2: (returnto Shadow phase) 7. Regroup Phase 5. Assignment Phase … · 2003. 11. 1. · fellowship moves farther into Middle-earth, resulting in greater risks to the fellowship and the



Most card games have just one deck of cards that neverchanges, but a trading card game (or TCG) worksdifferently. In a TCG, you personalize your playing deckusing cards from your collection.

The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game provides two ormore players with the same challenges that Frodo Baggins,bearer of the One Ring, faced on his fateful journey fromHobbiton to Mount Doom to destroy the Ring.

The premiere set, The Fellowship of the Ring, represents thefirst part of Frodo’s journey from Hobbiton to Amon Henon the Anduin River.

This is the gamma version of the starter rulebook fromThe Fellowship of the Ring set and includes additionalexamples and clarifications.


Each player’s cards include his own fellowship — a groupof companions, each represented by a different card. Someother cards representing allies, possessions, artifacts, events,and conditions support and defend the fellowship.

On each player’s turn, a marker representing that player’sfellowship advances along the adventure path — a sequenceof site cards, each representing the scene of an episode inthe adventure. All players share the same adventure path,even though it is made up of cards from all the players.



The Realms of the Elf-lords™ expansion set for The Lordof the Rings™ TCG comes in 63-card starter decks(there are two different ones), and 11-card booster packs.

Each 11-card booster pack contains 1 rare card and amixture of 10 uncommon and common cards.

Sixty of the cards in your starter deck are fixed, since you getthe same ones in each of that type of starter. Three of thecards in a starter are randomly inserted rare cards.

A complete set of Realms of the Elf-lords has 122 cards:40 rare, 40 uncommon, and 40 common cards; plus twopremium cards found only in the starter decks.

In the lower right corner of every card, you’ll see a code like“3 R 12.” The first number is the set number, with 3indicating the Realms of the Elf-lords set.

The letter is the rarity code, with R for rare, U foruncommon, C for common, and P for premium.

WHAT’S NEW IN THIS RULEBOOK?Changes to the rulebook since the beta version: Signet(page 7); Killed (8); Exert (9); Setting Up the Game (11);Starting Fellowship (14): Timing words (16); The Rule of4 (17); The Rule of 9 (17); Roaming (21); Defender +2(25); Damage bonus (26); Skirmish phase ends (27);Actions (30); Required or optional (30); Requirements(30); Phase actions (31); Effects (32): Allies (33); Uniquecards (33); Active cards (35); The One Ring (35);Discard (37); Look at (38); Reveal (39); Transfer (40);and Index (40).

Page 3: (returnto Shadow phase) 7. Regroup Phase 5. Assignment Phase … · 2003. 11. 1. · fellowship moves farther into Middle-earth, resulting in greater risks to the fellowship and the

Free Peoples cards

Free Peoples cards represent the forces ofgood. Each player has his own fellowship,made up of a Ring-bearer and othercompanions. When you take your turn,

you play and use your Free Peoples cards.

Free Peoples cards have a light colored circular field inthe upper left corner.

Shadow cards

Shadow cards represent the forces of evil andcorruption. When another player takes histurn, you play and use your Shadow cards tohinder that player.

Shadow cards have a dark colored diamond-shaped fieldin the upper left corner.

The One Ring

This card represents the uniquely powerful item that is thefocus of the story of The Lord of the Rings. In the middle ofthe card under the image, The One Ring has its subtitle. Itscard type is “The One Ring.”

Shaded areas like this tell you how to play your first game.After you play a couple of games with your starter deck,you can ignore these starter deck rules.


Each time a fellowship moves, minions played by oneor more opponents may attack it; these minions may besupported by possessions, artifacts, events, and conditionsof their own. The attacks will succeed or fail depending onthe relative strengths of the characters and minions.

The minions of evil become more numerous as thefellowship moves farther into Middle-earth, resulting ingreater risks to the fellowship and the Ring-bearer. In greatneed, the Ring-bearer can save himself by putting on theRing — but this puts him in greater peril of succumbing tothe burden of the Ring, and losing the game.

If your fellowship survives its adventures to reach the finalsite first, you are the winner!



The Lord of the Rings TCG has three basic kinds of cards:site, Free Peoples, and Shadow. There is also The OneRing, which is different from all other cards.

Site cards

Each player has an adventure deck that consists of onlynine site cards. These cards are used to chart the progress ofthe game.

The adventure deck is separate from the cards drawn andplayed during the game, which are placed in the draw deck.

2 THE LORD OF THE RINGS Trading Card Game

Page 4: (returnto Shadow phase) 7. Regroup Phase 5. Assignment Phase … · 2003. 11. 1. · fellowship moves farther into Middle-earth, resulting in greater risks to the fellowship and the


A possession or artifact is a weapon, suit of armor, orother kind of object used by a character. (There are noartifact cards in The Fellowship of the Ring set, but otherproducts will have them.)

An event is a card played from your hand representing animportant occurrence, which you discard after it has itseffect on the game.

A condition is a card representing a significant change inthe world, which stays in play until something discards it.Sometimes conditions are played on opponent’s characters.



All characters use the same basic card layout. A companionis a member of your fellowship. An ally is a character thathelps your companions from afar but does not move withthem. (Each ally has a home, where that ally may skirmishalongside your companions.) A minion is a Shadowcharacter that attacks other players’ fellowships. (Minioncards have a site number where the signet is shown above).

4 THE LORD OF THE RINGS Trading Card Game






















Page 5: (returnto Shadow phase) 7. Regroup Phase 5. Assignment Phase … · 2003. 11. 1. · fellowship moves farther into Middle-earth, resulting in greater risks to the fellowship and the

Here is a listing of all the cultures currently available:

Free Peoples cards Shadow cards∂ Dwarven Ω Isengardπ Elven ∆ Moria∑ Gandalf ≈ Ringwraithµ Gondor √ Sauron

∫ Shire

You don’t have to memorize these names, since cultures arealways referred to with icons in game text.


Some of the Free Peoples character cardshave a signet, found in the lower left cornerof the card. Cards with the same signetgenerally give bonuses to each other andwork well in the same deck.

Each signet is based around an important character in thestory. The available signets are Aragorn, Frodo, andGandalf.


All characters in the game have vitality. This numberrepresents that character’s life force, stamina, sturdiness,and will to live.



You bring a set of nine sites in your adventure deck. Eachof those must have a different site number, with one foreach number from 1 to 9. Sanctuary sites, numbered 3 or6, have a different colored template from other sites.


Most cards are part of a specific culture. A card’s color, itsbackground texture, and an icon in its upper right cornerindicate its culture.

You’ll find that cards from the same culture work welltogether. Sorting your cards by culture can make building yourown deck easier. However, your deck may contain cards fromseveral different cultures if you like.

Site cards and The One Ring are not part of any culture.

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Page 6: (returnto Shadow phase) 7. Regroup Phase 5. Assignment Phase … · 2003. 11. 1. · fellowship moves farther into Middle-earth, resulting in greater risks to the fellowship and the

When you discard a companion or ally to use its game textor as a result of some other effect, don’t place that card inthe dead pile.


Sometimes you may exert a character by placing a woundon that card to show that the character takes an action thatdepletes his vitality.

Exerting a character is different from wounding a character,even though both require placement of a wound token.Cards that prevent wounds may not prevent a woundtoken placed by exerting. Once placed, wound tokens areidentical, whether placed from exerting or wounding.

No player may exert a character that is exhausted (only onewound away from death). Such a character cannot bechosen as a character who must exert. To exhaust acharacter means to exert that character as many times asyou can.

If the cost of an action requires a character to exert X times,then that character must have X+1 or more vitalityremaining or that action may not be performed.

When you exert a character to have an effect at that character’ssite, this usually represents physical exertion of some kind:working, fighting, stress, and so on. However, sometimes acharacter will exert to provide an effect at some other site, andin this case the exertion is symbolic (and may even representsomething that theoretically happened in the past).



When a character is wounded by an enemy attack, hisvitality is depleted. Place a wound token on the characterto illustrate this. Glass beads (preferably blood red) makegood tokens for this purpose. Wounds are always placed ona character one at a time. When you “wound a character,”you place only one wound.


When a wound is removed from a character, this representsresting or healing. If game text says you should heal acharacter, the default meaning for that phrase is to removeone wound. You may not heal a character that does nothave at least one wound.

Generally, your fellowship only heals (removes wounds) ata site with the keyword sanctuary. At the start of your turnwhen your fellowship is at a sanctuary, you may heal up to5 wounds from your companions (not allies).


When the number of wounds on a character equals hisvitality, that character is immediately killed. Place killedFree Peoples characters (companions and allies) in yourdead pile. The dead pile is separate from and next to yourdiscard pile. Place all killed minions in your discard pile.

When you have a unique companion or ally in your deadpile, you may not play another copy of that card, or anyother card with the same title. (You may play another copyof a non-unique card which is in your dead pile.)

A unique card has a dot (•) in its card title.

8 THE LORD OF THE RINGS Trading Card Game

Page 7: (returnto Shadow phase) 7. Regroup Phase 5. Assignment Phase … · 2003. 11. 1. · fellowship moves farther into Middle-earth, resulting in greater risks to the fellowship and the


Each player brings to the game at least 71 cards:

• Frodo, bearing The One Ring (2 cards),• a draw deck of at least 60 cards, and• a 9-card adventure deck.


You must start the game with one copy of Frodo (anyversion) bearing The One Ring (again, any version). Thesetwo cards are not part of your draw deck (they do notcount against your total of Free Peoples cards).

When playing with just a starter deck, take sites 1through 7 and stack them face down on the table to formyour adventure deck. Put sites 8 and 9 back in the box.

Take one copy of each of the cards indicated below(depending on which starter deck you have). Place themface up on the table, with Frodo bearing The One Ring(place it under Frodo with its title showing).

Deluxe Starter: Merry, Pippin, Sam, Frodo, The One RingAragorn Starter: Aragorn, Frodo, The One RingGandalf Starter: Gandalf, Frodo, The One RingGimli Starter: Gimli, Farin, Frodo, The One RingBoromir Starter: Boromir, Merry, Frodo, The One RingLegolas Starter: Legolas, Gimli, Frodo, The One Ring

The rest of your cards form your draw deck.

For your first game, determine randomly who goes first.Then skip ahead to Playing the Game.



The twilight pool is an area on the table where twilighttokens are placed. The tokens in the twilight pool representhow dangerous the world is for the fellowship. Glass beads(preferably black) make good twilight tokens, but anyconvenient tokens will do. Keep a large reserve of twilighttokens handy.

Twilight Cost

In the upper left corner of each Free Peoples and Shadowcard is that card’s twilight cost. This is the number oftwilight tokens that must be added to or removed from thetwilight pool to play that card.

When you play a Free Peoples card, you must add anumber of twilight tokens (from the reserve) to the twilightpool equal to that card’s twilight cost.

When your opponent plays a Shadow card, he mustremove a number of twilight tokens from the twilight poolequal to that card’s twilight cost. A Shadow card may notbe played if its twilight cost cannot be met by the tokensavailable in the twilight pool.

In game text, you will find phrases like “Add ⁄” whichmeans, “Add 1 twilight token to the twilight pool.”


Players need a supply of wound tokens (preferably red) andtwilight tokens (preferably black). Each player will alsoneed a player marker (a differently-colored token) thatshows where his fellowship is on the adventure path.

10 THE LORD OF THE RINGS Trading Card Game

Page 8: (returnto Shadow phase) 7. Regroup Phase 5. Assignment Phase … · 2003. 11. 1. · fellowship moves farther into Middle-earth, resulting in greater risks to the fellowship and the

WHO GOES FIRST?Players place secret bids for the right to determine who goesfirst in the game. The bidding is done with black tokens,which will become burdens on your Ring-bearer.

Don’t bid too high, or your Ring-bearer will start with toomany burdens and be close to being corrupted. (If Frodoaccumulates 10 burdens, you lose the game.)

Each player secretly places a number of burdens in hishand (you may bid zero). When all players are ready,simultaneously reveal the bids. The highest bid wins theright to choose where he goes in the turn order. Any choiceis available.

Next, the second highest bidder chooses from theremaining positions in the turn order, and so on. Keeptrack of each player’s bid, as these tokens will becomeburdens on his copy of Frodo.

If there are any ties, then the tied players resolve randomlywho chooses first among them.

Tom, Chuck, Tim, and Mike are playing, and the initial bidsare Tom 3, Chuck 4, Tim 3, and Mike 1. Chuck wins theright to choose, and he chooses to go first (placing 4 burdens onFrodo). Tom and Tim are tied, so they flip a coin, and Tomwins the tiebreak. He chooses second (placing 3 burdens onFrodo). Tim chooses to go fourth (3 burdens), leaving third forMike (1 burden).

The first player sits down, and the others then sit inclockwise order around the table according to their choices.


Draw Deck

Your draw deck must have at least 60 cards and must havean equal number of Shadow cards and Free Peoples cards,shuffled together. You may not have any copies of The OneRing or sites in your draw deck.

You may have up to four copies of each card title (ignoringsubtitles) in your draw deck.

You may have four copies of Aragorn, King in Exile in yourdraw deck, or you may have two copies of that card and twocopies of Aragorn, Ranger of the North. You may not havefour copies of each of those cards, since they have the same title(although they have different subtitles).

Exception: Since one copy of Frodo is always part of yourfellowship, you may have only three copies of Frodo inyour draw deck.

Adventure Deck

Your adventure deck has nine different site cards, one foreach of the nine site numbers. No other player may lookthrough your adventure deck during the game.

You don’t have to keep your adventure deck in any order.Just look through it to get a card when you need to.

If a site is replaced, take the old site from the adventurepath and put it back in its owner’s adventure deck.

Since only one card with each site number is played to theadventure path, a site belongs to the adventure deck that’smissing a site card with that number.

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Page 9: (returnto Shadow phase) 7. Regroup Phase 5. Assignment Phase … · 2003. 11. 1. · fellowship moves farther into Middle-earth, resulting in greater risks to the fellowship and the

Each player, going clockwise around the table, takes a turnaccording to the following turn sequence.

1. Fellowship Phase

2. Shadow Phase

3. Maneuver Phase

4. Archery Phase

5. Assignment Phase

6. Skirmish Phase

7. Regroup Phase

When one player finishes his turn, the next player inclockwise rotation (to his left) takes a turn and so on.

Although the turn order rotates to the left, note that manyother procedures in the game actually rotate to the right(counter-clockwise).


Before you learn more about the phases of a turn, you needto know how certain game actions link to those phasesusing timing words.

During each phase of a turn, one or more players areallowed to perform actions that use a timing wordmatching the name of that phase. Timing words areprinted in boldface and followed by a colon.

Each of these actions lasts for the duration of the phasenamed in the timing word (unless otherwise specified).

There is also a special timing word, response, which isexplained later in these rules.


Place your adventure deck (face down) and Frodo (face up)on the table. Place The One Ring under him (so the title isshowing) and place the burdens that you bid on Frodo.

The first player places his copy of site 1 (from his adventuredeck) on the table to begin the adventure path. Each playerplaces his player marker onto site 1.

Starting Fellowship

Your fellowship begins with Frodo bearing The One Ring.You may also begin with other companions (not allies)from your draw deck (in any order), as long as the totaltwilight cost of your starting companions is 4 or less.

You do not add twilight tokens for playing your startingfellowship. Site text is not active when the startingfellowships are played. You may use “When you play” gametext on a starting companion. You may spot a card in yourstarting fellowship to play another such card.

Select and reveal starting fellowships in player order. (Intournament play, you may change your starting fellowshipfrom game to game.)


Shuffle your draw deck, give the opponent on your rightthe opportunity to cut it, and draw eight cards to formyour starting hand.

The first player places his copy of site 1 (from hisadventure deck) on the table to begin the adventure path.Each player places his player marker onto site 1.

14 THE LORD OF THE RINGS Trading Card Game

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Two fellowship actions are always available:• Play a Free Peoples companion, ally, possession, artifact,

or condition from your hand to the table.• Spot a unique companion or unique ally with at least one

wound and discard a card from your hand with the samecard title (it may have a different subtitle) to heal thatcharacter.

A unique card has a dot (•) in its card title.

You may find other fellowship actions on events in yourhand, or as special abilities on cards you already have in play.The Rule of 4: You may not draw (or take into hand)more than 4 cards during your fellowship phase.This applies to cards taken into hand by any means. Thisdoes not apply to cards drawn “at the start of each of yourturns.” An effect that would require you to exceed this limitis performed as much as possible and the rest is ignored.

Paying costs

To play a Free Peoples card, add a number of twilighttokens to the twilight pool equal to the card’s twilight cost.

Playing companions

Play companion cards in a row, near the other members ofyour fellowship already in play.The Rule of 9: You may not have more than nine totalcompanions in play and in your dead pile at any time.(Each copy of a non-unique companion in play or in yourdead pile counts as a separate companion.)You may not play a card from your hand to replace anothercard in play, even if those cards have the same card title orrepresent the same personality.


Every event card has a timing word that defines when youmay play that card from your hand. The game text on thatevent may be performed only once for each copy of thatevent played. You may not play an event (except a response)during a phase that does not match its timing word.

Discard an event after you play it, and before the nextaction is taken. Even after being discarded, an event oftenhas an ongoing or delayed effect until the end of the phase,or until a specified phase or condition is met.

Other types of cards may use a timing word to indicate apart of their game text called a special ability, which maybe used only while the card is in play. (The timing worddefines when you may do so.) You may use each specialability as many times as you like, even repeatedly duringthe same phase.


When your turn begins, remove all tokens from thetwilight pool. (The pool begins the game empty, so this isnot necessary on the first turn of the game.) Then you maycomplete any “at the start of each of your turns” actions.


During your fellowship phase, you may perform fellowshipactions including playing most Free Peoples cards. Finally,move your fellowship forward along the adventure path.

Perform fellowship actions

If you are the Free Peoples player, you may performfellowship actions during this phase, in any order.

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Moving your fellowship

During each of your fellowship phases, when you arefinished performing fellowship actions, your fellowshipmust move forward to the next site on the adventure path.

How to move

Place your player marker on the next site on the adventurepath. If there is no site there yet (as is the case for the firstplayer in the first turn), then a new site must be playedfrom one of the Shadow players’ adventure decks.

Place new sites in order by their site number. When thefirst player moves for the first time, place a site with the sitenumber of 2.

To determine which player places the new site on theadventure path, look at the site you are moving from.Each site has an arrow at the bottom center of the card.This indicates who is to play the new site, with meaning the Shadow player to your right and meaning the Shadow player to your left. (In a two-playergame, there is only one Shadow player at a time, so thatplayer always plays the new site.)

When you move your player marker to the next site firstperform any actions triggered by leaving the old site. Thenperform actions that occur when moving to the new site.This includes adding tokens to the twilight pool equal tothe Shadow number on the site you moved to.

In addition, for each companion in your fellowship, youmust add one token to the twilight pool each time yourfellowship moves.


Playing allies

Allies are characters that do not count as members of yourfellowship. Play them to a row behind your fellowshipcalled your support area. An ally may be played during anyof your fellowship phases (you do not have to wait untilyour fellowship is at the ally’s home). There is no limit tothe number of allies you may have in play.

Playing possessions and artifacts

Play Free Peoples possessions and artifacts under acharacter, with the left edge of the card visible for its cardtitle and attribute bonuses (modifiers for the character’sstrength and/or vitality, written with a plus sign like “+2”).Some possessions or artifacts say they play to your supportarea instead.


Each character may bear one possession or artifact of eachclass at one time. For example, a character may bear onlyone hand weapon, only one ranged weapon, only onearmor, and only one cloak.

Some artifacts and possessions do not have a class. There isno limit to the number of artifacts and possessions withouta class that a character may bear.

Playing conditions

Play Free Peoples conditions either under a character(like a possession, if the card says, “Bearer must be…”)or to your support area, as indicated in the game text ofthe condition card.

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You may use (and exert) another player’s character to pay acost for your Shadow card or special ability.

Each minion is normally played to a certain range of sitesbeginning with the minion’s site number. Thus, if theminion is played to (or currently at) a site that has a lowersite number, that minion is roaming. The player must paya roaming penalty by removing an additional two twilighttokens. (A few sites reduce or remove the roaming penaltyfor minions played to that site.)

A Moria Archer with a site number of 4 must remove 2 moretwilight tokens to play at site 3. If that same Moria Archerplays to site 4, there is no roaming penalty. If he survives thefirst move to 3, he would no longer be roaming at site 4.

When the first Shadow player completes his Shadow phase,the next Shadow player does so. All Shadow players pay forcards by using the same twilight pool. The second Shadowplayer uses twilight tokens left over from the first Shadowplayer, and so on.

Shadow players may converse and plan among themselves,but they may not reveal to each other the cards in theirhands. They can make agreements, but those agreementsare not binding.

When all Shadow players have each completed a Shadowphase, it is time for the maneuver phase. (If there are nominions in play at the end of the final Shadow phase,then skip directly to the regroup phase.)


2. SHADOW PHASE(S)Each other player in the game, starting with the playerimmediately to your right, has one Shadow phase.

During each player’s Shadow phase, that player mayperform Shadow actions, including playing most Shadowcards. Each Shadow player may perform Shadow actions inany order desired during his or her Shadow phase.

Perform Shadow actions

There is one Shadow action which is always available:

• Play a Shadow minion, possession, artifact, or conditionfrom your hand to the table.

Each Shadow player may perform any Shadow actionsduring his Shadow phase. When he has completed all ofthe Shadow actions he wishes to perform, the next Shadowplayer to his right (if any) then performs a Shadow phase.

Playing Shadow cards

A minion is played to the center of the table, across fromthe active fellowship. Artifacts, possessions, and conditionsstate in their game text where they play. The Shadow playermust remove twilight tokens from the twilight pool asrequired when playing Shadow cards.

A Shadow player may not play a Shadow condition,possession, or artifact on another Shadow player’s minionor to another player’s support area. However, Shadow cardsmay give bonuses or other game effects to other players’Shadow cards, and Shadow players may play events forother players’ Shadow cards as appropriate.

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Archery fire

All Shadow players count the number of all their minionswith the keyword archer to determine the “minion archerytotal.” No matter how many Shadow players there are,there is only one minion archery total.

As the Free Peoples player, you also count the number ofyour Free Peoples archer companions to determine the“fellowship archery total.” You may count archer allies ifthe fellowship is at their home, or a card has allowed themto participate in archery fire.

There is always a “default” archery total of zero for eachside. A card may add to your archery total even though youhave no archers in play at that time.

You must then assign a number of wounds equal to theminion archery total to your companions (and participatingallies) in any way you wish.

After you have assigned archery wounds, you choose oneShadow player who must then assign a number of woundsequal to the fellowship archery total to his minions in anyway he wishes.

Since these tokens are assigned as wounds and not fromexertion, any player may assign enough wounds to kill hisown minion or companion.

Wounds are assigned one at a time, so a character may nothave more wounds assigned than that character’s vitality.Ignore any leftover wounds that cannot be assigned.

If there are no minions left after the archery phase, thenskip directly to the regroup phase.



During your maneuver phase, you and your opponentsmay perform maneuver actions (special abilities on cards inplay with “Maneuver:” and events with that keyword).

Perform maneuver actions

Players may perform maneuver actions using the followingaction procedure:

As the Free Peoples player, you get the first opportunityto perform a maneuver action, and then the player on yourright gets an opportunity, and so on counter-clockwisearound the table.

If a player does not wish to perform a maneuver action,he may simply pass. Passing does not prevent a player fromperforming an action later in the same phase.

However, when all players consecutively pass, proceed tothe next phase.


During your archery phase, you and your opponents mayperform archery actions (special abilities on cards in playwith “Archery:” and events with that keyword) and thenconduct archery fire.

Perform archery actions

Players may perform archery actions using the actionprocedure described in the maneuver phase. When allplayers consecutively pass, proceed to archery fire.

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• If your assigned companion has the keyworddefender +1, you may assign that character at this timeto one additional unassigned minion. Defender +2allows that companion to defend against two additionalunassigned minions, and so on. A character with defender+2 (or greater) satisfies any requirement for defender +1.

• When you complete the assignment of companions,any unassigned minions may be assigned by the Shadowplayers to any companion (even if those companions arealready assigned). The first Shadow player on your rightmay assign any of his unassigned minions, and so oncounter-clockwise around the table.

If all minions are somehow removed from theirassignments, then skip directly to the regroup phase.

6. SKIRMISH PHASE(S)When the assignment phase is complete, each defendingcompanion will fight in a separate skirmish phase. In anorder decided by you, skirmishes are resolved one at a time,by conducting a skirmish phase for each.

During each skirmish phase, you and your opponents willperform skirmish actions, and then you must resolve thatskirmish. All skirmish actions must be complete beforeproceeding to resolve the skirmish.

Once a skirmish phase has finished, the Free Peoplesplayer must select another skirmish, if any, and performanother skirmish phase.

Perform skirmish actions

Players may perform skirmish actions (special abilities oncards in play with “Skirmish:” and events with that



During your assignment phase, you and your opponentsmay perform assignment actions (special abilities on cardsin play with “Assignment:” and events with that keyword).

Then you may assign companions to defend againstattacking minions. All assignment actions must becomplete before proceeding to assign defenders.

When the assignment phase is complete, each companionbeing attacked will lead to a separate skirmish phase.

Perform assignment actions

Players may perform assignment actions using the actionprocedure described in the maneuver phase.

Many assignment actions assign a minion to a companion.All of these assignments are “one-on-one” — you cannotassign one character to another unless both of them areunassigned.

When all players consecutively pass, proceed to assigndefenders.

Assign defenders

After the assignment actions are finished, there will usuallybe both minions and companions still unassigned. Youmay now assign companions to those minions in any order(without needing events or special abilities). A player maynot assign more than one companion to the same minion.

All assignments of characters are on a one-to-one basis,with the following two exceptions:

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When the Ring-bearer is overwhelmed, he is killed,regardless of whether he wears the Ring. The One Ring’sability to convert wounds into burdens does not protecthim from being overwhelmed, since no wounds are placed.

A skirmish phase ends after all actions triggered by winningor losing that skirmish have resolved.

Surviving minions and companions (and participatingallies) may skirmish again this turn if the fellowship makesanother move, or if there is a “fierce skirmish.”


After all the normal skirmishes are resolved, survivingminions with the keyword fierce must be defended againstagain. Players perform another assignment phase and thencomplete a separate skirmish phase for each fierce skirmish.

Lurtz is a fierce Uruk-hai minion. When he attacks, Aragornis assigned to skirmish him. In the regular skirmish phase,Aragorn wins and Lurtz takes one wound. During thefollowing fierce skirmish phase, the Free Peoples player mayonce more assign a companion to defend against Lurtz. Thiscompanion may be Aragorn or may be a different companion.

Only when all skirmishes have been resolved do the playersmove on to the regroup phase.


During your regroup phase, players may perform regroupactions (special abilities on cards in play with “Regroup:”and events with that keyword). Then each Shadow playerreconciles his hand.


keyword) using the action procedure described in themaneuver phase. Each skirmish action lasts only for a singleskirmish. When all players consecutively pass, proceed toresolve that skirmish.

Resolve that skirmish

If the total strength of one side is more than the strengthof the other side, the side with the most strength wins thatskirmish. (If there is a tie, the Shadow side wins.) Place onewound on each character on the losing side.

If Aragorn, with strength of 8, faces two Orcs, each withstrength of 3 (total strength of 6), then Aragorn wins thatskirmish and each losing Orc takes one wound.

When the winning side has one or more characters withthe keyword damage +1, then each losing character takesone additional wound for each damage +1. (Damage +2adds two wounds, and so on.) This is called a damagebonus, and may be added or removed by various effects.

To continue the above example, if Aragorn has damage +1,then each Orc takes two wounds.

But if both Orcs have damage +1 and strength of 4 (thuswinning the skirmish with combined strength of 8), thenAragorn takes three wounds instead.

If the total strength of one side is at least double the totalstrength of the other side, all the characters on the losingside are killed (regardless of how many wounds or howmuch vitality each has). This is also called beingoverwhelmed. When a character is overwhelmed, thatcharacter does not take any more wounds — he simply dies.

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Move limit

During each of your turns, your fellowship must moveonce, and may move a number of times up to yourmove limit.

In a two- or three-player game, your move limit is two. Ina game with four or more players, your move limit is equalto the number of your opponents when the game begins.During your regroup phase, you may decide to makeanother move, subject to the limit above.


A player wins the game when his fellowship is at site 9 andhis Ring-bearer survives all skirmish phases.

A player may also win by becoming the only player left inthe game (see below).


A player loses the game if his Frodo is killed and Samis not part of his fellowship to carry on as Ring-bearer.(Alternately, if Sam has become your Ring-bearer, youlose the game if Sam is killed.)

A player also loses the game if his Ring-bearer becomescorrupted. If the Ring-bearer has a number of burdens onhis card equal to his resistance, he is corrupted. There arealso card effects that can corrupt the Ring-bearer, regardlessof how many burdens he might have.

For your first starter deck game, a player wins the gamewhen his fellowship is at site 7 instead.


Finally, the Free Peoples player decides whether to end histurn now or move again this turn.

Perform regroup actions

Players may perform regroup actions using the actionprocedure described in the maneuver phase. When allplayers consecutively pass, proceed to reconcile the Shadowplayers’ hands.

Shadow players reconcile

Each Shadow player must reconcile his hand to eightcards, as follows:

• He may first discard one card from his hand.

• If he then has less than eight cards in his hand, he mustdraw cards until he has eight.

• Otherwise (when he has more than eight cards in hishand), he must discard from his hand until he hasonly eight.

Free Peoples player chooses

At the end of the regroup phase, if you are the Free Peoplesplayer, you must select one of the following two choices:

• Move the fellowship to the next site (allowing the properShadow player to place a new site if needed), add tokensto the twilight pool (both for the Shadow number of thenew site and for the number of companions in thefellowship), and return to the Shadow phase(s).

• Or, reconcile your hand (just as the Shadow players didabove). Then the Shadow players discard all minions inplay, and your turn ends.

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Phase actions

Phase actions are performing special abilities and playingevent cards (except responses). Each phase action must becompletely performed before another can be taken.

Costs and Effects

A cost or an effect could be adding/removing twilight tokens,exerting a character, discarding a card, or any number ofother possibilities. The costs for an action are usually listedbefore the word “to” (so the action takes the form of “pay Xto do Y,” with X being the cost and Y the effect).


If a card or special ability has a cost, you must pay that costor you may not use that card or special ability.

Each time you pay a cost, you may only use that cost tofulfill the requirements of a single card.


If the effect of a card or special ability requires you toperform an action and you cannot, you must perform asmuch as you can and ignore the rest.

If the effect of an event requires you to discard 2 cards fromyour hand and you only have 1 card in hand, just discard the1 card and ignore the rest.

If the effect of a card or special ability requires you chooseone of two different actions, you must choose an actionthat you are fully capable of performing (if possible).


If a player loses a game and there are at least two otherplayers remaining, remove his player marker and all of hiscards from play (and discard any opponent’s cards thatwere on them).

Remove his sites on the adventure path in numerical order,and replace each one with an opponent’s correspondingsite, in counter-clockwise order starting with the player onhis right.



Nearly everything that occurs during the game is some kindof action. Players perform actions to play cards, use specialabilities, move their fellowships, reconcile, and so on.

Required or optional

Every action is either optional or required. An optionalaction is defined as either: an event, a special ability, or anaction that uses the word “may.” All other actions arerequired actions.

If two or more required actions are occurring at the sametime (for example, more than one “at the start of each ofyour turns” actions), the Free Peoples player decides inwhich order they occur.


Check all requirements to perform an action (such asplaying a card) before paying its costs. Some cards requireyou to see how many tokens are in the twilight pool, forexample.

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However, when your fellowship is at your ally’s home,that ally participates in archery fire and skirmishes.This doesn’t mean that such an ally must take an archerywound or be assigned by the Free Peoples player to defenda skirmish, but that character is eligible to do so if the FreePeoples player so chooses.

The Shadow player may assign an unassigned minion to anally when the fellowship is at that ally’s home site.

Some card effects also allow allies to fight in this way, evenwhen the fellowship is not at that ally’s home. While anally participates in archery fire and skirmishes, that ally isconsidered to be at the same site as the fellowship.


Unique cards

Many character, possession, and artifact cards represent athing that there is only one of. Those cards have a dot (•)before the card title, to tell you that you may only have oneof those cards in play at a time.

Two cards represent the same thing if they have the samecard title (even if their subtitles or collector’s info aredifferent) or they have the same collector’s info (even iftheir titles and subtitles are different).

For Shadow cards, if a copy of a unique card is already inplay and active, you may not play another card that has thesame title (regardless of subtitles).

You may not play a card from your hand to replace anothercard in play, even if those cards have the same card title orrepresent the same personality.


If you meet all the requirements and pay all the costs forplaying a card, you may play that card even if the card willhave no effect.

Exception: If you perform an action that has playing a cardfrom hand or discard pile as part of its effect, you must playthat card.

Response actions

Response is a timing word that means that you play anevent (or use a special ability) whenever the situationdescribed in its game text happens.

You may respond more than once to the same situation.

Sometimes a response action interrupts another action tocancel it before it resolves. When this happens, that otheraction does not have its effect, but its costs andrequirements are still paid.

After all required actions to a particular trigger haveresolved, players may perform response actions respondingto that same trigger using the action procedure.


Allies are not companions and don’t travel along theadventure path with your fellowship. Ally cards have ahome site number indicated just after the card’s type, onthe same line (such as ALLY • HOME 3 • ELF). Each ally in yoursupport area is considered to be at his home site.

Allies normally do not participate in archery fire andskirmishes. Special abilities on allies (such as archeryactions or skirmish actions) may be used as normal.

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Occasionally in a multiplayer game, two copies of the sameunique card may be in play at the same time.

Only the 4 copies of a non-unique condition (or 1 copy ofa unique condition) closest to the right of the Free Peoplesplayer are in effect at any time. All other copies are alsoactive, but their game text is ignored.


Frodo always begins the game as your Ring-bearer. Hebears The One Ring for you, much like when he carriedthe Ring in his pocket or on a chain around his neck.

The One Ring is a special card which is neither a FreePeoples card nor a Shadow card. It has no twilight cost,and its card type is “The One Ring.”

There are two versions of The One Ring: The Ruling Ringand Isildur’s Bane. There are three gameplay differencesbetween these two cards:

• Isildur’s Bane adds 1 point of vitality.

• The Ruling Ring can only respond during a skirmish(Isildur’s Bane can respond any time your Ring-bearer isabout to take a wound).

• While your Ring-bearer wears Isildur’s Bane, you add twoburdens for each wound he takes instead of one.

When can he put on the Ring?

When you use the special ability on The One Ring, yourRing-bearer “wears” the Ring. Using this special ability onThe One Ring is optional.


Non-unique cards

All cards that do not have a dot (•) before their card titleare non-unique. This means that all players may have manycopies of those cards in play at one time.

Most conditions are non-unique, and you may havemultiple copies of these conditions in play at one time.The effects of these cards are cumulative.


During your turn, your Free Peoples cards and youropponents’ Shadow cards are the only ones that are active.Inactive cards are not affected by the game and do notaffect the game.

Your companions and your opponent’s minions are active.Your opponents’ companions are not.

Exception: Cards borne by active cards are active and cardsborne by inactive cards are inactive.

An opponent’s Shadow condition on another player’scompanion is not active because that companion is not.

Sites are always active. A site’s game text may not be usedunless the fellowship is there, although some cards maycopy and use that game text. Site text is not active when thestarting fellowships are played.

If the game text of a site has a Shadow special ability, you mayuse that special ability only when the active fellowship is atthat site and you are a Shadow player.

You may not play another copy of a unique card that isalready in play and currently active.

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How does he take the Ring off?

At the start of the regroup phase, your Ring-bearer takes offthe Ring and simply carries it again.

What happens when he is killed?

If your Ring-bearer is killed (even if he is overwhelmed),you lose the game.

Exception: Sam has a special ability on his card that is aresponse you may use when Frodo is killed (not corrupted).If Sam is in play at that moment, this allows you to transferthe Ring to Sam, and then he becomes your Ring-bearer.



The default meaning of the word “discard” found in gametext is “discard from play.” Discarding from other locations(such as from your hand, from the top of your draw deck,or from any other place) is always described in detail.

When a card leaves play, any cards played on that card (orborne by that card) are discarded.

Discard piles are always face-up, and cards are discardedone at a time so all players can see which cards are beingdiscarded.

You may look through your own discard pile at any time,but you may not look through an opponent’s discard pile.

Drawing your last card

Whenever you draw the last card from your draw deck, youdon’t lose the game. Just continue playing with the cardsyou have left in your hand (and on the table).


You may activate this game text as a response when theRing-bearer is about to take a wound (The Ruling Ring cando this only during a skirmish).

Remember, wounds are always placed on a character one ata time. Once activated, this special ability continues to bein effect until the regroup phase.

Your Ring-bearer cannot put on the Ring to save himselffrom being overwhelmed. When a character isoverwhelmed, no wounds are taken and that character iskilled.

What happens while he wears the Ring?

When your Ring-bearer wears The One Ring, each time heis about to take a wound, that wound is converted to aburden (two burdens instead with Isildur’s Bane).

While wearing the Ring, your Ring-bearer can perform allnormal actions such as moving and skirmishing. He maydefend against attacking minions as usual.

There are special Shadow cards with powerful effects thatcan only be played while your Ring-bearer wears the Ring.

How does he become corrupted?

If your Ring-bearer ever has as many burdens as hisresistance (usually 10), he becomes corrupted and you losethe game.

Your Ring-bearer may also become corrupted by a cardeffect. This takes effect immediately, regardless of howmany burdens are currently on your Ring-bearer.

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Each character card has its race indicated just after thecard’s type, on the same line (such as COMPANION • MAN).

The race of “Man” includes women of the appropriate culture.A possession that requires a µ Man bearer may be borne by aµ female character who has the race of “Man.”

Note that in The Lord of the Rings TCG, Uruk-hai is adifferent race from Orc.


When an effect says to “reveal” a card, that card is shown toall players.


This word in game text sets up a requirement for playing acard or using a special ability, in conjunction with a noun,such as, “To play, spot an Elf.” This is equivalent to, “AnElf must be in play and active for you to play this card.”

Normally, you don’t have to spot all the cards in play thatmeet the requirement if you don’t want to.

Bilbo’s Pipe says, “spot X pipes.” If there are 2 pipes in play(and active), you may choose to spot 2 pipes, 1 pipe, or none.

However, if a card says, “you can spot,” that means youdon’t have a choice and you have to spot anything andeverything that meets the requirement.

Uruk-hai Armory says, “While you can spot an Uruk-hai, thefellowship archery total is –1.” You can’t make any choices tospot for this card (it either works or it doesn’t).



Keywords are bold words at the beginning of a card’s gametext (such as search or stealth). Six keywords (archer,damage +1, defender +1, Ring-bearer, sanctuary, andfierce) have special rules associated with them (see Index).

Look at

When an effect says a player should “look at” a card, thatcard is shown only to that player.

Moving cards between decks and piles

Whenever you move a card from one pile to another (suchas shuffling a card from your discard pile into your drawdeck), you must reveal that card to all players so they canverify that the correct card was moved.

Playing cards from your draw deck

Some cards allow you to play a card directly from your drawdeck or discard pile. You must still pay any costs and meetrequirements necessary for playing that card.

After you are finished looking through your draw deck,reshuffle it and give the player to your right the opportunityto cut it.

The order of your discard pile is irrelevant, and you mayplace any card you wish on top after playing a card fromthere.

There is no penalty if you don’t find (or choose not toplay) the card you are looking for in your draw deck ordiscard pile.

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40 THE LORD OF THE RINGS Trading Card Game


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© 2002 New Line Productions, Inc. The Lord of the Rings and the characters, names andplaces therein, TM The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Tolkien Enterprises under license toNew Line Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Decipher Inc. Authorized User. TM, ®, &© 2002 Decipher Inc., P.O. Box 56, Norfolk, Virginia U.S.A. 23501. All rights reserved. Γ

minion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 20move limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29non-unique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34overwhelmed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26possession . . . . . . . . . . 5, 18, 20race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39reconcile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28regroup phase. . . . . . . . . . . . . 27replacing cards . . . . . . . . . . . . 33reset the twilight pool . . . . . . 16resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32roaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21sanctuary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8setting up the game . . . . . . . . 10Shadow cards . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 10Shadow number. . . . . . . . . . . 19Shadow phase . . . . . . . . . . . . 19signet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 6, 34

site number . . . . . . . . . 6, 12, 21skirmish phase . . . . . . . . . . . . 25special ability . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16spot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39start of turn actions . . . . . . . . 16starting fellowship . . . . . . . . . 14support area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17The One Ring . . . . . . . . . . 3, 35timing conflicts . . . . . . . . . . . 30timing words . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15tokens . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 10, 11transfer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40turn sequence. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15twilight pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9uniqueness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33vitality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7what’s new . . . . . . . . front coverwho goes first . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13winning the game . . . . . . . . . 29wounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8


action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15action procedure . . . . . . . . . . 22active cards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34adventure deck. . . . . . . . . . 6, 12ally. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 9, 18, 32archer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23archery phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22artifact . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 18, 20assignment phase . . . . . . . . . . 24attribute bonuses . . . . . . . . . . 18bidding to go first . . . . . . . . . 13building your deck . . . . . . . . . 11burden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 35cancel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32card limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12character . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18companion. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 17condition . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 18, 20contacting Decipher. . . . . . . . 41corrupted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

costs and effects . . . . . . . . . . . 31culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6culture icons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7damage +1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26dead pile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 17defender +1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25discard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37discard to heal . . . . . . . . . . . . 17draw deck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 16exert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9exhausted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9fellowship phase . . . . . . . . . . . 16fierce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Free Peoples cards . . . . . . . 3, 10healing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32how to move . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38killed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8kinds of cards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2losing the game . . . . . . . . . . . 29maneuver phase . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Transfer of Artifacts and Possessions

You may transfer an artifact or possession between yourFree Peoples characters during your fellowship phase bypaying the twilight cost for that artifact or possession again.

Both characters involved in the transfer must be at the samesite. (Remember that an ally is always at his home siteduring your fellowship phase.)

An artifact or possession may be transferred only to acharacter who may bear it (as indicated by a “bearer mustbe” phrase in its text). You may not voluntarily discard apossession or artifact borne by your character.