

Upload: danray85

Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Typically we look at the business world in 2 columns, people who buy from us… and people who don’t.There is a large under-serviced audience that gets overlooked .

…Those who know you but don’t do business with you… yet

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98% of people who visit your site don’t take you up on your requested action.

It is said that the average customer needs to see an offer anywhere from 4-8 times to make a buying decision.

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What if I could implement a program that gets your message in front of the prospect after they leave your site and give them several opportunities to consider your offer.

Take Amazon for example…

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The best part is, this strategy typically converts new buyers at a lower cost of acquisition than most other paid traffic strategies…..

this is typically because the buyer had intent, but life got in the way, they were at work, the kids walked into the room, the cat jumped on the computer…

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Imagine if we could recapture even just 20% of those lost opportunities each month… how that would affect the annual bottom line numbers for your business.

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Since this is a new opportunity, I have created a low cost initial retargeting package that allows you to see how I work, it’s also really budget friendly to begin working with me.

A typical client engagement with me is in the range of £1000-2000 per month, but this is only £300 per month…

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I can get you started with my basic retargeting program which on average starts to convert people who visit your site and leave at just under 30% as soon as I implement it.

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How it works:

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1. User visits the teeth whitening section of the Smile Dental website

3. While browsing the web, user sees Teeth Whitening Promotion on Facebook, as well as branded banner ads on other popular websites

2. User is added to the Free Teeth Whitening ad campaign

4. Upon clicking any of the ads from the campaign, user is direct back to a simple form to gather information to schedule their first appointment


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What I do:

1. Targeting - I set up your retargeting systems2. Traffic - I direct the traffic to your landing page3. Testing - I test different images and copy4. Tracking - I track ads, clicks and conversions5. Tuning - I report monthly and optimise

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First come, first served and I can only take on around 6 clients

As I am a one man band, so don’t hesitate to get in touch below

Either by phone or fill in the form and I’ll get back to you ASAP!