resurrection - proves jesus a superior lawgiver 1 god’s two lawgivers law of moses -22 josh....

Resurrection - Proves Jes us a Superior Lawgiver 1 God’s Two Lawgivers Law of Moses -22 Josh. 8:31-32 Mal. 4:4 Josh. 23:6 Lk. 2:22 1 Ki. 2:3 Lk. 24:44 2 Ki. 14:6 Jn. 7:23 2 Ki. 23:25 Ax 13:39 2 Chr. 23:18 Ax 15:5 2 Chr. 30:16 Ax 28:23 Law of Christ - 3 Rom. 8:2 1 Cor. 9:21 Gal. 6:2

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Page 1: Resurrection - Proves Jesus a Superior Lawgiver 1 God’s Two Lawgivers Law of Moses -22 Josh. 8:31-32Mal. 4:4 Josh. 23:6Lk. 2:22 1 Ki. 2:3Lk. 24:44 2 Ki

Resurrection - Proves Jesus a Superior Lawgiver


God’s Two Lawgivers

Law of Moses -22Josh. 8:31-32 Mal. 4:4

Josh. 23:6 Lk. 2:22

1 Ki. 2:3 Lk. 24:44

2 Ki. 14:6 Jn. 7:23

2 Ki. 23:25 Ax 13:39

2 Chr. 23:18 Ax 15:5

2 Chr. 30:16 Ax 28:23

Ezra 3:2 1 Cor. 9:9

Ezra 7:6 Heb. 10:28

Neh. 8:1

Dan. 9:11; 13

Law of Christ - 3Rom. 8:2

1 Cor. 9:21

Gal. 6:2

Page 2: Resurrection - Proves Jesus a Superior Lawgiver 1 God’s Two Lawgivers Law of Moses -22 Josh. 8:31-32Mal. 4:4 Josh. 23:6Lk. 2:22 1 Ki. 2:3Lk. 24:44 2 Ki

Resurrection - Proves Jesus a Superior Lawgiver


Characteristics Of Law of Moses• Jo. 1:17; Heb. 3:1-5 – Given by a faithful servant Moses (lawgiver)• Ex. 19 – Given at Sinai• Acts 7:53 – Ordained by Angels• Heb. 2:2 – Word spoken by Angels• Gal. 3:19 – Given because of sin to make sins known• Ex. 20:3-17 – Engraved on stones• Ex. 25:16 – Preserved in Ark of Covenant• Deut. 27:2-8 – Engraved on monuments• Deut. 6:9 – To be written on door posts• Deut. 11:18-20 – Bind upon heart and soul• Deut. 11:18 – Frontals on your forehead and sign upon hand• Deut. 11:18-20 – Taught to children• Lev. 10:8-11 – Expounded by priests• Deut 33:8-10 – Taught by Levites• Neh. 8:1-18 – Taught by governor publicly • 2 Chr. 17:7-10 – Kings commanded it be taught from city to city• Acts 15:21 – Taught every Sabbath in the synagogues • Deut. 31:10-13 – Taught at the Feast of Tabernacles to the entire nation

Page 3: Resurrection - Proves Jesus a Superior Lawgiver 1 God’s Two Lawgivers Law of Moses -22 Josh. 8:31-32Mal. 4:4 Josh. 23:6Lk. 2:22 1 Ki. 2:3Lk. 24:44 2 Ki

Resurrection - Proves Jesus a Superior Lawgiver


Characteristics Of Law of Christ• Heb. 3:6 – Given by a faithful Son over His house US• Acts 1:4-5; – Given at Jerusalem, where God’s name dwelt• Heb 2:1-4 – Ordained by the Son of God• Heb. 2:1-4 – Word spoken by God’s Son• Rom. 8:3 – Given to remove sins• 2 Cor. 3:3 – Engraved on tables of the heart• Matt. 24:35 – Preserved by the power of Jesus words• Jer. 31:31-34 – Children are not taught to know the Lord• John 6 43-46 – Taught by God• 1 Pet 1:16-19 – We have the more sure word in Jesus• John 14:1-3 – Our hope is heaven itself

Page 4: Resurrection - Proves Jesus a Superior Lawgiver 1 God’s Two Lawgivers Law of Moses -22 Josh. 8:31-32Mal. 4:4 Josh. 23:6Lk. 2:22 1 Ki. 2:3Lk. 24:44 2 Ki

Resurrection - Proves Jesus a Superior Lawgiver


Most Significantly - Temporary• Jer. 3:16 – The Ark of Covenant vanish from memory• Dan. 9:27 – God would end sacrifice and grain offerings• Matt. 5:17 – Jesus came to fulfill the law• Luke 16:16 – Law and prophets proclaimed until John• Jo. 1:17 – Law came by Moses, grace and truth by Christ• Jo. 4:20-24 – No longer worship the Father in Jerusalem• Acts 10:28 – God showed Peter no man is unclean• Acts 13:39 – Jesus freed man from sin the law could not• Acts 21:20-25 – Paul taught foreign Jews to forsake law• Rom. 7:1-6 – We die to law to be married to Christ• Rom. 8:3 – Jesus did what the law could not do• Rom. 10:4 – Christ is the end of the law to all who believe• 2 Cor. 3:7-17 – Ministry of death / Fading Glory of Moses face showed law fading• Gal. 2:3-9 – By revelation Paul taught not the law by Gospel to gentiles• Gal. 4:21-31 – Cast out the bond woman and her son (Jews)• Eph. 2:15 – Christ’s death abolished the law contained in ordinances• Col. 2:14-23 – Christ’s death canceled out the certificate of debt in decrees• Heb. 8:4-13 – The first covenant was flawed making room for the second• Heb. 9:8-24 – Jesus is the mediator of a new covenant by His death on Calvary• Heb. 10:1-18 – Law was a shadow of the good things to come• Heb. 11:40 – Those under old law were made perfect by us• Heb. 12:18-27 – Contrast inferior Sinai to superior church enrolled in heaven

Page 5: Resurrection - Proves Jesus a Superior Lawgiver 1 God’s Two Lawgivers Law of Moses -22 Josh. 8:31-32Mal. 4:4 Josh. 23:6Lk. 2:22 1 Ki. 2:3Lk. 24:44 2 Ki

Resurrection - Proves Jesus a Superior Lawgiver


Jesus The Superior Lawgiver• Deut. 18:15-19 Hebrews 4-10

MosesGave inferior Old Covenant

Government of physical laws

Delivered from physical bond.

Promised physical Canaan

Could not enter promised land

Built an earthly tabernacle

An earthly holy of holies

Only High Priests could enter

Only High Priest once a year

With blood of animals yearly

Way into heaven not disclosed

Reminder of sins not forgiven

JesusGave New better covenant

Government of spiritual laws

Delivered from bond. of sin

Promised Heaven

Entered Heaven

Greater more perfect taber.

Entered true Holy of Holies

Made one time sacrifice

A once for all sacrifice

Better sacrifice of His own blood

Way into heaven revealed

Provided remission of sins

Shall appear again for judgment

Page 6: Resurrection - Proves Jesus a Superior Lawgiver 1 God’s Two Lawgivers Law of Moses -22 Josh. 8:31-32Mal. 4:4 Josh. 23:6Lk. 2:22 1 Ki. 2:3Lk. 24:44 2 Ki

Resurrection - Proves Jesus a Superior Lawgiver


The Resurrection Proves 5 Things About Jesus

• Superiority to Angels Heb. 1:1-5; 13• Authority as lawgiver Eph. 1:18-23;

Matt. 28:18-20; Gal. 1:1

• The Messiah Acts 2:22-36• The Son of God Rom. 1:1-4• Judge Of All Acts 17:30-31;

Acts 10:34-43