response spectra

Design Acceleration Response Spectra for Design Acceleration Response Spectra for Port-au-Prince Brady R. Cox, Ph.D., P.E. Brady R. Cox, Ph.D., P.E. The University of Arkansas Department of Civil Engineering Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering for Seismic Design Workshop, Department of Civil Engineering Port-au-Prince, Haiti, November 18-19, 2010

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Response Spectra


Design Acceleration Response Spectra forDesign Acceleration Response Spectra for Port-au-Prince

Brady R. Cox, Ph.D., P.E.Brady R. Cox, Ph.D., P.E.The University of Arkansas

Department of Civil Engineering

Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering for Seismic Design Workshop,

Department of Civil Engineering

Port-au-Prince, Haiti, November 18-19, 2010

Design Acceleration Response SpectraRequired by Seismic Provisions in Building CodesRequired by Seismic Provisions in Building Codes

IBC (2009) ASCE 7-05

Step 1: Locate Site

Presidential Palace

Hotel Karibe

ASCE 7-05

Step 2: Determine Ss and S1 for “Rock” ConditionsSpectral Accelerations with a 2% Probability of Exceedance in 50 years

Ss = Short Period Spectral Acceleration (T = 0.2 sec, f = 5 Hz)Ss Short Period Spectral Acceleration (T 0.2 sec, f 5 Hz)

S1 = 1-sec Period Spectral Acceleration (T = 1.0 sec, f = 1 Hz)

Determined from PSHA by USGS (Frankel et al. 2010)

Maps Provided in the GIS Database

ASCE 7-05Site Ss (g) S1 (g)

Presidential Palace 1.75 0.6

Hotel Karibe 2.0 0.7

Step 3: Determine Site ClassificationUse the Seismic Site Classification Map Provided in the GIS Database

Site Ss (g) S1 (g) Site Class

Presidential Palace 1.75 0.6 DPresidential Palace 1.75 0.6 D

Hotel Karibe 2.0 0.7 C

Step 4: Determine Site Amplification CoefficientsF Si A lifi i C ffi i f SFa = Site Amplification Coefficient for Ss

pg. 115 ASCE 7-05

Fv = Site Amplification Coefficient for S1

ASCE 7-05

Step 4: Presidential PalaceF Si A lifi i C ffi i f SFa = Site Amplification Coefficient for Ss

Ss = 1.75 g Fa = 1.0

Fv = Site Amplification Coefficient for S1

ASCE 7-05S1 = 0.6 gFv = 1.5

Step 4: Hotel KaribeF Si A lifi i C ffi i f SFa = Site Amplification Coefficient for Ss

Ss = 2.0 g Fa = 1.0

Fv = Site Amplification Coefficient for S1

ASCE 7-05S1 = 0.7 gFv = 1.3

Step 5: Determine SMs and SM1

Spectral Accelerations with a 2% Probability of Exceedance in 50 years Adjusted for Local Soil Conditions (Site Classification)

Often Termed the Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) Spectral Accelerations

pg 115 ASCE 7-05pg. 115 ASCE 7-05

Site Ss (g) S1 (g) Site Class Fa Fv SMs (g) SM1 (g)

Presidential Palace 1.75 0.6 D 1.0 1.5 1.75 0.90

Hotel Karibe 2.0 0.7 C 1.0 1.3 2.00 0.91

Step 6: Determine SDs and SD1

Design Spectral Acceleration Values

Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) Spectral AccelerationsMaximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) Spectral Accelerations Reduced by 1/3

pg 115 ASCE 7-05pg. 115 ASCE 7-05

Site Ss (g) S1 (g) Site Class Fa Fv SMs (g) SM1 (g) SDs (g) SD1 (g)

Presidential Palace 1.75 0.6 D 1.0 1.5 1.75 0.90 1.17 0.60

Hotel Karibe 2.0 0.7 C 1.0 1.3 2.00 0.91 1.33 0.61

Step 7: Calculate Design Response Spectrum

pg. 115 ASCE 7-05

C l fCan neglect for most structures (only for very tall buildings; > 30+buildings; > 30+ stories)

Step 7: Design Response Spectrum Equationspg. 115 ASCE 7-05



T=1 0 T=3 0T 0 2*SD1 T=1.0 T=3.0T0=0.2*SD1SDs

T = SD1TS= D1SDs

Step 7: Design Response Spectrum Presidential Palace

SD = 1 17gSDs 1.17g

SDs = 0.6gPGA 0 47PGA = 0.47gSa = 0.2g

T = 0 1 secT0= 0.1 secTS= 0.51 sec T=1.0 T=3.0

Step 7: Design Response Spectrum Presidential Palace

T= 0 2 sec T= 1 secT 0.2 sec~ 2 stories

T 1 sec~ 10 stories

Remember, fso = Vb ~ W*Sa Refer to Code for More Details

Step 7: Design Response Spectrum Hotel Karibe

SD = 1 33gSDs 1.33g

SDs = 0.61gPGA 0 53PGA = 0.53gSa = 0.2g

T = 0 09 secT0= 0.09 secTS= 0.46 sec T=1.0 T=3.0

Step 7: Design Response Spectrum Hotel Karibe

T= 0 2 sec T= 1 secT 0.2 sec~ 2 stories

T 1 sec~ 10 stories

Remember, fso = Vb ~ W*Sa Refer to Code for More Details


You Should Now Be Able to CalculateYou Should Now Be Able to Calculate Acceleration Design Response Spectra

A h i P t P i !Anywhere in Port-au-Prince!

You Will Need to Study the Building C d t D t i th D t il f thCodes to Determine the Details of the

Structural Designg
