responding to problem behavior


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Responding to Problem Behavior. Effective Consequences. Activity. On the chart paper at your table, make a list of all the consequences you’ve used that are effective. Be prepared to explain why they are effective. Choose a person to share with the group. Participant Expectations. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Effective Consequences

Page 2: Responding to Problem Behavior

Activity On the chart paper at your table,

make a list of all the consequences you’ve used that are effective.

Be prepared to explain why they are effective.

Choose a person to share with the group.

Page 3: Responding to Problem Behavior

Participant ExpectationsBe Responsible

Return promptly from breaksBe an active participant

Use electronic devices appropriatelyBe Respectful

Maintain cell phone etiquetteListen attentively to others

Limit sidebars and stay on topicBe Kind

Enter discussions with an open mindRespond appropriately to others’ ideas

Honor confidentiality

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Attention Signal

Please make note of time limits and watch your clocks!

Trainer will raise his/her hand. Finish your thought/comment. Participants will raise a hand and wait


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Rationale Punitive systems have become

widespread, yet are not exactly a good fit for PBIS schools.

Teachers need support to transition from these systems to tiered systems of interventions and consequence continuums.

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What are Progressive Consequence Systems?

Systems in which a student’s card (or any object) is turned, pulled or moved for a problem behavior and increasing punishments are given at each step

Systems in which a student receives a “strike” or a “tally” for a problem behavior and a punishment is assigned for each notation

Can provide a quick way to communicate to a student that an error has occurred

Usually provides a planned response to the behavior that allows the teacher to continue with instruction and move forward as quickly as possible

(Sprick, 2007)

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Progressive Consequence Systems and PBIS

There are some significant problems with progressive consequence systems that make it difficult to support them as a practice.

PBIS is designed to be a framework that supports “research-based, best-practices.” Can we say with certainty that these systems are research and evidence based best practices that will work to change behavior over time?

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Issue #1: Consistency is Inconsistent!

It is very difficult for teachers to be absolutely consistent in their own responses to every behavior and for teachers to be consistent with each other. It often results in teachers not moving a card when, according to the rules they should, or to give too severe a penalty for a repeated minor behavior. This dilemma between being overly harsh or overly lenient is confusing for students to know what the expectations actually are.

(Sprick, 2007)

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Issue #2: Breach of Confidentiality

Often, students do not feel fairly and respectfully treated by having their challenges publicly displayed and attention called to their mistakes. If we look at this practice from the child’s perspective, we can’t help but wonder how it feels to always have a red or yellow card by your name. Students and families are publicly humiliated or embarrassed.

Would we do this with academic behaviors? “Laura, you missed that math problem-go flip your card!”

(Sprick, 2007)

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Issue #3: Are We Changing Behavior?

There are rarely truly effective, logical consequences attached to the movement of the clip or card or the assignment of a strike or tally. In some cases, the actual moving of the clip or card is the only consequence to the student’s behavior. We know that behavior doesn’t change simply because a strike is given or a card is flipped.

(Shindler, 2008)

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Objectives Review the components of classroom

management Understand the difference between

punishments and effective consequences Discuss methods to collect classroom behavior

data that is discrete and maintains confidentiality

Design a tiered system of interventions that include a continuum of effective consequences at each tier

Create reinforcement systems that are contingent upon appropriate behavior

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What is Effective Classroom Management?

Classroom management refers to all of the things that an educator does to organize students, space, time, and materials, so that instruction in content and student learning can take place.

In the four domains of RtI, over which domain do we have the least amount of control?

Instruction Curriculum Environment Learner

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Six Evidence-Based Practices to Ensure Positive Behavior It is smart to have a classroom

management plan. Your overall plan should include:

Routines and procedures (structure!) Classroom expectations (posted and

referred to often) Methods for teaching expectations Procedures for encouraging positive

behavior Procedures for responding to problem

behavior (Simonsen, Fairbanks, Briesch, Myers & Sugai, 2008)

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RESPONDING TO PROBLEM BEHAVIORConsequences vs. Punishments

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Responding to Problem Behavior: Re-Thinking Consequences In traditional discipline, the word consequence

is often used to describe a punishment. A consequence is any thing that occurs after a

problem behavior has occurred (positive or negative).

Effective consequences are those that result in the problem behavior changing over time.

Ineffective consequences are those that may stop the behavior temporarily, but result in either no change or increase of the problem behavior over time.

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Responding to Problem Behavior:The ABCsUnderstanding the purpose of behavior comes from repeated observation of:

A: Antecedent: stimulus before the behavior

B: Behavior: observable and measurable act

C: Consequence: what occurs after the behavior that serves to maintain or increase frequency of behavior

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Responding to Problem Behavior: Consequences

Consequences are: The outcome of the behavior The responses of adults and/or

peers to the behavior Consequences that reinforce

behavior lead to repetition of the behavior.

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Responding to Problem Behavior: ConsequencesTo understand the consequences of a behavior, observe what happens in the environment immediately after the behavior.

What is the pay-off?What does the student get?What does the student avoid?

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Responding to Problem Behavior: Prevention/Teach/Respond Problem behavior cannot be changed by

consequences alone because consequences only occur after the problem behavior and the possibility for intervention is reduced.

Effective classroom managers should focus first on strategies designed to prevent and modify behavior before it occurs. Prevention through routines and procedures Replacement through teaching expectations Reinforcement of desired behavior through positive

responses Response with effective, logical consequences

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Responding to Problem Behavior: General Guidelines Even with prevention and teaching strategies in

place, problem behavior will occur and require a consequence.

The following guidelines ensure that consequences are effective: Approach problem behavior as you would a

learning error Plan your responses to typical problems in

advance Teach students what to do differently Match level of intensity to the problem behavior. Consider context and student history Use the least intrusive intervention first

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Responding to Problem Behavior: Logical Consequences Logical consequences are those that allow students to

learn from their mistakes while preserving their dignity. Goals of logical consequences:

To give children the chance to regain self-control To help children recognize the connection between their

actions and the outcomes of their actions To allow them to fix problems caused by their

misbehavior and to make amends To guide students in avoiding similar problems in the

future To preserve the dignity of the child and the integrity of

the group To keep children safe (Shindler, 2008)

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Responding to Problem Behavior: Characteristics of Logical ConsequencesRespectful

The teacher’s words and tone of voice communicate respect for the student.

The focus is on the behavior rather than on the student’s character. EX. A child pushes another student and the teacher says, “Stop

pushing,” rather than, “Stop being a bully.”Relevant

The consequence is directly related to the problem behavior or actions. EX. A group of children are working together and spend the time

talking about the weekend, rather than working. A logical consequence would be that those students do not work together for the rest of the day.

Realistic The consequence must be something the students can reasonably do

and that the teacher can monitor and manage. EX. A child writes on a desk, he would be asked to clean that desk.

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Reworking Consequences: What’s the Difference?Logical Consequences PunishmentTeach ControlLeave the student with a feeling of control

Leaves the student feeling helpless

Uses thinking words Uses fighting wordsProvides choices within firm limits Demands complianceAre given with empathy Is given with angerAre tied to the time and place of the infraction

Is arbitrary

Are similar to what would happen to an adult in a comparable situation

Is arbitrary

Are never used to get revenge May be used to get revenge (“He had it coming”)

Teaches students to take responsibility for their choices

Results in the student focusing on the adult delivering the punishment rather than on their choices.

(Shindler, 2008)

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Reworking Consequences: Adult LanguageWhen giving consequences, language should be respectful and focused on the behavior, not the student. The three main types are: Reinforcing Language: Identifies and affirms

specific behaviors that apply to all students (“I see lots of people remembering to push in their chairs before we line up.”)

Reminding Language: Offers support and information about what to do (“Show me…” or “Think about…” or “What will we need…”)

Redirecting Language : Clear, non-negotiable statement with instructions (“Use quiet voices,” or, “Hands down until the speaker is done talking.”)(Wood, 2013)

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Reworking Consequences: Contrasting Language

Consequence Punishment Language

Logical Consequence Language

Removal from the group, or time out

“Go to time out until you can behave in group appropriately!”

“When you act silly in group, it distracts me from teaching and others from learning. Would you like to stay with the group or go to the think time area where it is okay to make silly noises? It is your decision.”

Stay in classroom for lunch

“If you don’t stop goofing around and get your math done, no lunch for you!”

“This is the time we have scheduled for math. Lunch is the time scheduled to talk to your friends. You can choose to talk now, but the only other time to finish math is at lunch. It is your decision.”

(Wood, 2013)

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Reworking Consequences: Effective Consequences Review


Teach a new behavior and offer the opportunity to practice.

Are used immediately or closely following problem behavior.

Offer a range of options to teachers for classroom consequences.

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Top Three Most Effective Consequences

Based on a survey of US teachers by the University of Kansas, the top three most effective consequences are:

Positive Practice Restitution/Time Owed Reflection

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Best Redirection Ever

“What are you doing?”

“What are you supposed to be doing?”

“Show me you can do that.”

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Activity:Ensuring Effective Consequences

Using the list of consequences generated by the people at your table, identify which are “logical.”

Indicate which ones have and which ones have not been effective in changing the student’s behavior.

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Least Effective Discipline “Strategies”




(Gottfredson, 1997; Elliott, Hamburg, & Williams, 1998; Tolan & Guerra, 1994; Lipsey, 1991, 1992)

Why do you think these are the least effective consequences?

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Process for Responding to Problem Behavior: School-wide System Must Be Strong

Before we establish a pyramid of consequences in the classroom, the school-wide system to respond to problem behavior must be clear.

The process for responding must be defined, taught, and agreed upon by staff.

Procedures should be included for addressing:

• Minor issues• Patterns of minors• Major incidents• Crisis situations• Follow up

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Process for Responding to Problem Behavior: Data Collection

Typically, data collection is done by color coding cards and clips, or by assigning strikes to students.

This type of data is usually publically collected with no real consequence attached.

In order to design effective interventions, we must collect accurate, useful data.

This data collection must be done privately, confidentially, and objectively.

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Process for Responding to Problem Behavior: Patterns of Minor Behaviors

Most progressive consequence systems do not have a plan to address patterns of minor behaviors.

These patterns need to be addressed before sending the student to the office.

Minors remain minor behavior regardless of the frequency of occurrence.

Process for seeking assistance needs to be in place and taught to staff.

“That kid is always on red.”

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Process for Responding to Problem Behavior: Sample Minor Reporting Form Vance Minor Behavior Data Collection Form

Minor Behavior Codes: Location Codes: Motivation Codes: Decision Codes: Others Involved:

1. Inappropriate language 1. Classroom 1. Peer attention 1. Loss of privilege 1. None

2. Physical contact 2. Playground 2. Adult attention 2. Conference w/ student 2. Peers

3. Defiance/disrespect 3. Hallway 3. Obtain items 3. Parent contact 3. Staff

Teacher Name: _____________________ 4. Disruption 4. Cafeteria 4. Avoid tasks/activities 4. Time out/reflection 4. Teacher

5. Property misuse 5. Bathroom 5. Avoid peer(s) 5. Other (explain) 5. Substitute

Track: 1 2 3 4 6. Lying 6. Gym 6. Avoid adult(s) 6. Unknown

7. Other (explain) 7. Library 7. Other (explain) 7. Other (explain)

Grade: 6 7 8 8. Assembly

9. Other (explain)

Student Names Date Time Minor Location Motivation Teacher Decision Others Involved

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Activity: Collecting Data With your tablemates, brainstorm

methods to collect classroom behavior data.

All methods should be confidential and maintain the dignity of the student.

Record these ideas on the chart paper on your table.

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Tiered Interventions:Definition

In RtI/PBIS, tiered interventions are the key to ensuring that we are meeting the needs of all of the students in our school.

In the classroom, tiered interventions act as a menu of effective consequences from which we can choose.

This helps us design supports for children that meet the functional need of the behavior.

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Tiered Interventions:Definition

In RtI/PBIS, tiered interventions are the key to ensuring that we are meeting the needs of all of the students in our school.

In the classroom, tiered interventions act as a menu of effective consequences from which we can choose.

This helps us design supports for children that meet the functional need of the behavior.

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Tiered Interventions: Tier One: Classroom Early Responses Early responses should be brief and flow seamlessly into

instruction. In many cases, early intervention is enough and doesn’t require

follow up with further consequences. • Look: eye contact, a quizzical “you-know-better” facial expression, a

stern look• Gesture: a head shake, thumbs down, finger over lips, sign language

for “stop”• Move: get in closer proximity to the student• Remind: state individual’s name softly and restate the expectation• Redirect: eye contact, whispered name, a signal for student to move

seat or change tasks• Touch: firm, but friendly hand on the shoulder meant to calm the child• Remove: the teacher “pockets” a distracting object or holds it for


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Tiered Interventions: Tier One Example: Kingswood Elementary, Cary, NC

Strategies That Have Worked!

Ignore yelling out and redirect to raise hand Hold up hand and not make eye contact until child correctly raises hand; then call on child to reinforce

Post schedule of activities for the day Change seats

Limit transitions Have materials ready

Reminder cards Behavior charts/logs

Preferential seating Picture cues

Positive redirection, modeling of expectations

Provide choices

Computer passes Talk time-time to talk to the teacher about anything

Allow student to take a short break (antiseptic bouncing)

Time out-reflection with teacher

Provide with scrap paper or sticky notes to jot down things to talk to the teacher about

Stress balls

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Tiered Intervention:Tier One Example: Lake Myra Elementary, Wendell, NC

Teach SWIM MatrixSWIM PracticeMorning MeetingCharacter Education AssembliesClassroom Positive Reward SystemSchool-Wide Positive Reward SystemPositive Office ReferralCheck Physical SpaceReview the Daily ScheduleBeginning and Ending RoutinesReviewed transitional issuesAttention SignalsDeveloping and teaching expectations and encouraging expected behaviorPre-correctsParent ContactBuddy RoomRe-Teach SWIM

100% of the

Students Receive

Universal Strategies

4 to 1 Positive to redirect ratioNon-Contingent attentionEarn Back in classroom systemWhat have you done to build relationship?Student/Teacher conferenceTalked to previous teacherSystematic Study of SWIS data

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Tiered Interventions: Tier One Example: Vance Elementary, Raleigh, NC

Vance ES PROWL Activities that Work!

Pod vs. Pod f or points PROWL Panther (job that

watches f or students prowling).

Side A & B groups – earn tickets

Ticket raffl e at end of week Set ticket goals PROWLer of month/ week PROWL expectation reminders

(pre-corrects) Students read expectations

before entering hallway Teacher posts own PROWL

chart Students write their own

PROWL expectations Review guidelines f rom card

ring of ten PROWL expectations on their

desk Point out specific PROWL

behaviors student is doing Use SWI S data to help

student set own goals

Students help to write class expectations

Sign PROWL chart to hold students responsible to the “contract”

I ndividual chart to track PROWL tickets

Question students “Are you Prowling?” “Which Prowl behavior are you NOT following?”

Point out those who are Prowling – “I like the way ____ is Prowling.”

Student role play (video tape it)

Setting goals f or PROWL tickets

Singing the PROWL song at group time

Each day discuss one letter at a time – act it out.

Choose one expectation a day and “catch” students doing it throughout day to earn a

ticket (they don’t know which one was chosen)

Posting tickets on a graph Whole group discussions Focus on one area of need

each week Each day f ocus on one letter Morning work - Write two

sentences f or one letter a day Have students name a PROWL

element to line up 100’s chart with corresponding

reinf orcements Probability experiment with

PROWL tickets Make word problems using

PROWL tickets PROWL skits/Charades Student-made PROWL posters Pass the basket around to pod

making good choices (final pod at end of day gets ticket)

Count tickets by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s Estimation activity

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Tiered Interventions: Tier One Example: Dillard Drive Middle, Raleigh, NC

Tier One InterventionsConference with student

Verbal warning/redirect

Loss of privilege Time away in another class

Student calls or emails parent

Change seating Time out in classroom

Write an apology note

Do an alternative assignment

Use social stories

Assign work to be done during lunch or at home

Restitution-use custodians, too

Conference with student, parent, administrator and team teachers

Clean up in the classroom

Working lunch Work with a peer helper

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Tiered Interventions: Tier One Example: Garner High School, Garner, NC

Tier One Interventions

Proximity control

Conference with student

Re-teach expectations


Loss of privilege Parent contact Self-monitoring Establish class routines

Use attention signal

Use pre-corrects Use reinforcement system

Model effective communication skills

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Activity: Tier One Interventions Using the expertise at your table,

create a list of effective tier one/early stage interventions you could use in the classroom.

There is chart paper available. Choose one person to be the


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Tiered Interventions: Tier Two: Classroom Middle Stage Responses

Middle stage responses are used when early responses do not work and require prior planning.Restitution: Student actively repairs the damage caused.

• Physical repair: Student tries to help repair property or work of a peer.

• Verbal repair: Student uses “I” statements to genuinely apologize for behavior to individuals hurt by the behavior.

Loss of privilege: A privilege that is not being used responsibly is temporarily removed.

Time owed: Student completes work or tasks missed due to misbehavior on their own time.

Time out: The student is separated briefly from the group to reflect and calm down.

Antiseptic Bouncing: Time out without saying time out.

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Discuss with PLCRefer to PBS team Refer to Counselor

Behavior contractSocial skills classesRefer for mentorRefer to

administrationCheck in buddyGoal setting systemDefine acceptable

alternativeSeek possible professional development for staff member

Tiered Interventions:Tier Two Example: Lake Myra Elementary, Wendell, NC

20% of the

Students Receive

Secondary Strategies

Page 51: Responding to Problem Behavior

Activity: Tier Two Interventions With your table mates, create a list of

effective tier two/middle stage interventions that can be used in the secondary classroom.

Chart paper is available.

Choose one person to speak for your group.

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Tiered Interventions: Tier Three: Late Stage Responses

Late stage responses are used when repeated attempts at early and middle stage responses are ineffective.

These responses need to be planned in collaboration with parents, administrators and other site-based resources.

Each student requiring late stage responses should have a specific individualized behavior plan based on the function of the behavior.

While plan is in place, use de-escalation strategies to avoid further conflict when necessary.

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Refer to SSTModified Behavior ContractFBA/BIPDe-escalation of Conflict StrategiesRefer to administration for Central Office Assistance

5% of the

Students Receive Tertiary


Tiered Interventions:Tier Three Example: Lake Myra Elementary School, Wendell, NC

Page 54: Responding to Problem Behavior

Activity: Tier Three Interventions In your group, create a list of tier

three/late stage interventions that are appropriate for your students and effective in changing behaviors.

Chart paper is available.

Choose one person to speak.

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Responding to Problem Behavior: Review Consequences and punishment are not the same

thing. Effective consequences change behavior over time. Logical consequences are designed to remedy the

problem while maintaining student dignity. When problem behavior occurs, strive to use the

least intrusive intervention possible. Move up the continuum of responses when

necessary. Create individualized plans for students requiring

the most support.

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Look at Data If the current classroom plans are working, in

other words, there are few or no behavior problems in the classroom setting, then there is no reason to change.

Ask teachers to collect data for a couple of weeks, specifically noting which students were on red (or the worst step) at the end of each day. What patterns are noticeable?

Turn and talk: What other data could be useful?

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Start the Conversation Engage in discussion about progressive

consequences with the faculty as a whole, or on grade level or department teams.

Are the systems working? Do students feel respected? Are students with chronic behavior

patterns getting the help they need?

Turn and talk: Would staff and student surveys help guide this conversation?

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Add to Current Practices Encourage teachers to add a positive

reinforcement system to their classroom practices. Once positive reinforcement is being used with consistency, teachers may find the need for a progressive consequence system diminishes.

Turn and talk: What are the drivers and restrainers for developing classroom reward systems?

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Use School-Based Expertise Have PLCs or grade level teams work

together to develop a pyramid of interventions for classroom behavior. These interventions should be focused on helping students learn to change behavior over time.

Turn and talk: What would be the main difference between the consequences used across grade levels?

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Alter Current Practices If there is strong resistance to stop the use of

progressive consequence systems, then work with teachers to consider how to add a component of learning to the progression, and to ensure that respect and dignity is considered for each student.

Turn and talk: How could a teacher quickly alter the current system to add instruction and confidentiality?

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Final Activity