respect, responsibility, care newsletter...9.30am and the 5/6 section from 12.30pm. please arrive at...

Gundagai South Public School Principal: Mrs Pip McAlister RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, CARE NEWSLETTER Phone: (02)69441117 Gundagai South Public School Fax: (02)69441158 Luke Street Email: [email protected] Gundagai NSW 2722 Web: Term 3 Week 7 3 rd September 2018 Dear Parents, I have just returned from the showground area in Gundagai where I thoroughly enjoyed the re-enactment of the battles of Mont St. Quentin around the end of August, beginning of September 1918. This was an excellent, real life presentation provided by some very dedicated and committed members of the Gundagai Light Horse, together with volunteers from Sydney, Avalon, and even New Zealand. The word around the ‘trenches’ was that it was an excellent representation of the events that occurred over the Western Front in France during WW1 and it is something we should all be very proud of and should make the effort to view. It is hoped that this wonderful initiative may become a future, permanent tourist attraction for Gundagai. Congratulations to our P & C President and mum of Stella and Gus, Kerrie Stewart whose role in bringing Luke’s dream to fruition is a tribute to her strength of character and determination to honour his memory by keeping the knowledge and story of the Light Horse alive. NAPLAN Online This week, our students in Years 3 & 5 will be practising sitting an online NAPLAN assessment to determine the technology capabilities of the school in being able to fulfil this initiative in 2019 and beyond. As many of you will know, some students across Australia (about 20%) sat the tests online in 2018 with some controversy about possible differences in results between those who are completing with pen and paper and those who are being assessed online. In this change over period, results should be viewed as always, a snap shot of testing some aspects of student learning at a given point in time throughout the year. Further criticism of NAPLAN has also been levelled during 2018 about the narrow view of what is being tested, as students experience and learn so much more that is not tested and is far more difficult to assess. It is anticipated that the testing will take place possibly on Wednesday and Thursday this week. Students in Year 5 will complete a writing assessment and Years 3 & 5 will complete

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Page 1: RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, CARE NEWSLETTER...9.30am and the 5/6 section from 12.30pm. Please arrive at the venue at least 20 minutes prior to the advertised starting time. Jump Rope

Gundagai South Public School Principal: Mrs Pip McAlister


NEWSLETTER Phone: (02)69441117 Gundagai South Public School Fax: (02)69441158 Luke Street Email: [email protected] Gundagai NSW 2722 Web:

Term 3 Week 7 3rd September 2018

Dear Parents,

I have just returned from the

showground area in Gundagai

where I thoroughly enjoyed the

re-enactment of the battles of

Mont St. Quentin around the

end of August, beginning of

September 1918. This was an

excellent, real life presentation

provided by some very

dedicated and committed

members of the Gundagai Light

Horse, together with volunteers

from Sydney, Avalon, and even

New Zealand. The word

around the ‘trenches’ was that it

was an excellent representation

of the events that occurred over

the Western Front in France

during WW1 and it is

something we should all be very

proud of and should make the

effort to view. It is hoped that

this wonderful initiative may

become a future, permanent

tourist attraction for Gundagai.

Congratulations to our P & C

President and mum of Stella

and Gus, Kerrie Stewart

whose role in bringing Luke’s

dream to fruition is a tribute to

her strength of character and

determination to honour his

memory by keeping the

knowledge and story of the

Light Horse alive.


This week, our students in

Years 3 & 5 will be practising

sitting an online NAPLAN

assessment to determine the

technology capabilities of the

school in being able to fulfil

this initiative in 2019 and

beyond. As many of you will

know, some students across

Australia (about 20%) sat the

tests online in 2018 – with some

controversy about possible

differences in results between

those who are completing with

pen and paper and those who

are being assessed online. In

this change over period, results

should be viewed as always, a

snap shot of testing some

aspects of student learning at a

given point in time throughout

the year. Further criticism of

NAPLAN has also been

levelled during 2018 about the

narrow view of what is being

tested, as students experience

and learn so much more that is

not tested and is far more

difficult to assess.

It is anticipated that the testing

will take place possibly on

Wednesday and Thursday this

week. Students in Year 5 will

complete a writing assessment

and Years 3 & 5 will complete

Page 2: RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, CARE NEWSLETTER...9.30am and the 5/6 section from 12.30pm. Please arrive at the venue at least 20 minutes prior to the advertised starting time. Jump Rope

what is called the “Omnibus”

which is a combination of the

other areas of assessment which

the students previously

completed in May this year.

Results from the testing in May

should be available in schools

in the near future and letters

will be sent home as soon as

they are available. Please come

and see me if you would like to

discuss any aspect or need help

to interpret the results – when

they become available.

P& C Meeting

The next P & C meeting will be

held on Tuesday evening,

commencing at 5.00pm.

Please note change of date and

time. As the Spring Fair is only

just over 6 weeks away, it is

important for us to finalise our

promotional brochure and

confirm stalls.

Donations of bottles of soft

drink and items for Balloon Pop

are need please.

James Morrison Concert

The Tumut community has

been given a very last minute

opportunity to host a workshop

and a concert by the very

talented musicians from the

James Morrison Academy Jazz

Orchestra on Sunday 9th

September. The workshop will

be open to local musicians aged

5 -95 years catering to all skill

levels, especially targeting

musicians from local schools in

the area.

A public performance will be

presented by musicians from

the James Morrison Academy

of Music, directed by James

Morrison himself.

This event will benefit our

musicians, as the aim of the

outreach program is to improve

young musicians.

The workshop will run from

12.00 – 1.00pm for students

who should arrive at the

Montreal Theatre by 11.45am

with your instrument and

money. The cost to participate

in this workshop is $50.00 for

adults and $30.00 for children.

The cost also included the cost

of a ticket to the performance.

If you wish to participate in this

wonderful musical opportunity,

you should call Franklin Public

School on 69471533 to make a

booking or call Anna Dickinson

on 0458 479 762.

For anyone who would like to

attend the concert from 3.00 –

5.00pm, tickets are available

from Sounds of the Mountains,

Franklin Public, Tumut Public

or Tumut Town Band.

Arabin Cup – T –Ball Competition

Students from K – 6 will once

again be participating in the

Arabin Cup T -Ball competition

to be held at Binalong

Community Club on Friday

14th September. All students

will travel by bus, leaving

school by 8.30am. Please note

the early start time for children

who arrive by bus. A canteen

will operate on the day and a

menu is attached for everyone.

If you wish to order hot

food, please complete the

attached order form and

return by Friday. Please

send your correct lunch

payment with your order and

also complete the attached

permission note. There will be

a $3.00 cost for the bus per

student. It is anticipated that

students will return in time for

the afternoon bus run. Could all

students please wear their

school sports uniform with

sports shoes and make sure they

bring their school hat and

bottled water.

Tennis Lessons

Tennis lessons with Birdie

continue this Tuesday. Please

Page 3: RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, CARE NEWSLETTER...9.30am and the 5/6 section from 12.30pm. Please arrive at the venue at least 20 minutes prior to the advertised starting time. Jump Rope

send in your $2.00 for the


Regional Athletics

Congratulations to our

representatives who ran in the

PP5 relay event in Albury last

Friday. Despite a very heavy

track and some interference

during the race, the team

performed admirably coming a

creditable 10th. Well done team

and thanks very much to Casey

Norden for taking the team to

the carnival.


Our first hockey session will be

held today. There is no cost for

these sessions, as this will be

covered by the school. Students

from Years 3 – 6 will be

participating in this program.

The Lion King

Students in K – 4 have been

invited to attend a performance

of “The Lion King”, presented

by students at Boree Creek

Public School on Wednesday

19th September commencing at

11.00am. Students will

travel by bus, which

will need to leave

school by 8.30am. Students will wear their school

uniform and will need to take

their own recess and lunch and

a bottle of water. The cost for

the day’s excursion will be

$5.00 per child. Please

complete the attached

permission note and return to

school with your money by

Friday 14th September.

Regional Spelling Finals

A reminder to our four

representatives – Sam Crooks,

Monique Hayes, Lilah Norden

and Patrick Moralde who will

represent our school at the

Regional Spelling finals to be

held at Gundagai Public School

on Wednesday 12th

September. The Junior section

(Yrs 3 & 4) will be held from

9.30am and the 5/6 section from

12.30pm. Please arrive at the

venue at least 20 minutes prior

to the advertised starting time.

Jump Rope for Heart

Jump Rope for Heart kicks

off this term!

Jump Rope for Heart is a

fantastic physical activity and

fundraising program that has

been run by the Heart

Foundation for 35 years. It’s a

great way for your child to keep

fit and learn new skills, but it

also helps raise funds for vital

heart research and education


Since Jump Rope for Heart

started in 1983, schools like

ours have raised more than $75

million for the Heart

Foundation’s lifesaving work.

It’s important you register

your child online, so they

can receive the full benefits of

the program and participate in

online fundraising, simply

follow the link below to get







during this time you can share

their online fundraising page

with family and friends to help

raise money for this great cause.

We will hold our school Jump

Off Day on Tuesday 18th

September, this will mark the

end of the program and is a

chance for everyone to come

together to skip and show off

their newly learned skills.

Thank you for supporting the

Jump Rope for Heart program!


Congratulations to the

Gundagai Tigers first grade

Premiers for 2018. A fantastic

game of footie. Well done and

well deserved.

Page 4: RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, CARE NEWSLETTER...9.30am and the 5/6 section from 12.30pm. Please arrive at the venue at least 20 minutes prior to the advertised starting time. Jump Rope


The calendar for September is

attached for your information.

Please keep this on your fridge

and add any relevant

information as it comes.

Radio News

Don’t forget to tune into school

news on the radio station

Sounds of the Mountains 94.3.

This can be heard each school

Monday morning at

approximately 9.45am

Week 8: Lilah & Claudia

Week 9: Amy & Charlie

Week 10: Greg & Monique

School Banking

Don’t forget to send in your

Bendigo School Banking.

Banking will be collected every


Healthy Recess and Lunch

Congratulations to our

healthy recess and

lunch awards winners

for Week 6

Recess award - Jasmine Hayes

Lunch award - Jade Harvey

PBL- Uniform Winners

Congratulations to our weekly

uniform award winners for

Week 6– Gus Dowell, Brandy

McGrath, Maddy Hines,

Jackson Armour.

PBL Red, Green, Pink & Blue Level

Congratulations to the

following students who have

achieved Green, Pink and Blue

level – Positive Behaviour for


Nic Monaghan, Teleah Smith

Charlie Hourn, Amy Myers,

Josie Warren

Monique Hayes

PBL Weekly Focus Area

This week our focus areas for

PBL will be “Corridors &

Pathways” in the playground

and “Looking after

belongings” for our Classroom.

Playground –Corridors &


Respect: Inside voices.

Responsibility: Walk.

Care: Keep left.

Classroom – Looking after


Respect: Take care with others


Responsibility: Label

belongings. Take care of own

belongings. Return equipment.

Care: Put things neatly where

they belong. Zip up bags.

Please discuss our focus areas

with your children this week.

Home Reading

Congratulations to Essie

Norden, Amy Myers, Lilah

Norden, Tristan Gould,

Corby Rose, Brandy

McGrath, Jasmine Hayes,

Maddi Polsen, Patrick

Moralde, Nic Monaghan,

Kaiden Anderson, Khyla

Warren, Kynan Paton, Josie

Warren, Charlie Hourn,

David Foster, Michael

Monaghan who have reached

20 nights Home Reading

Student of the Week

5/6 – Maddy Hines –

Demonstrating responsibility

and maturity during the

excursion and being an

inquisitive learner.

Page 5: RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, CARE NEWSLETTER...9.30am and the 5/6 section from 12.30pm. Please arrive at the venue at least 20 minutes prior to the advertised starting time. Jump Rope

3/4 – Hayden Crossley –

Trying hard to learn how to skip

count by 4.

K/1/2- Kaiden Anderson –

For his fantastic results in sight

word testing.

Catch of the Week

5/6 – Josie Warren – Being a

responsible group leader,

always willing to supper her


3/4 – Marco Grant – Trying

hard to make good choices in

the classroom

K/1/2 – Jackson Armour –

Showing responsibility while

sitting with the class during

floor time.

How 2 Learn

5/6 – Charlie Hourn –

Contributing enthusiastically to

class literacy discussions.

3/4 – Aethon Bell –

Persevering during tennis to

learn how to serve.

K/1/2 – Riley Hourn –

Working hard to improve his

knowledge in multiplication.



Wednesday 5th


Lianne Blundell

Friday Friday 7th


Lianne Blundell

Monday 10th


Clare McAlister

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Page 7: RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, CARE NEWSLETTER...9.30am and the 5/6 section from 12.30pm. Please arrive at the venue at least 20 minutes prior to the advertised starting time. Jump Rope
Page 8: RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, CARE NEWSLETTER...9.30am and the 5/6 section from 12.30pm. Please arrive at the venue at least 20 minutes prior to the advertised starting time. Jump Rope
Page 9: RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, CARE NEWSLETTER...9.30am and the 5/6 section from 12.30pm. Please arrive at the venue at least 20 minutes prior to the advertised starting time. Jump Rope