resource efficient and cleaner production sector applications...introductory resource efficient and...

Introductory Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Training February 2017 RECP applications in manufacturing sector 1 Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Sector Applications Bekasi, 7 February 2017 RECP Introductory Training National Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) Programme Indonesia Funded by Implemented by In partnership with Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Centre for Assessment & Development of Green Industry & Environment Root Source Analysis WHERE? Quantification of the different usages and sources Root Cause Diagnosis WHY? Factors contributing to usage and sources Option Generation HOW? Alternative ways to avoid the identified causes Literature, checklists In House Innovation + February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 2

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Page 1: Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Sector Applications...Introductory Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Training February 2017 RECP applications in manufacturing sector

Introductory Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Training

February 2017

RECP applications in manufacturing sector 1

Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production

Sector Applications

Bekasi, 7 February 2017

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 1

National Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) Programme Indonesia

Funded by Implemented by In partnership with

Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan

Centre for Assessment & Development of Green Industry & Environment

Root Source Analysis


Quantification of the different usages and sources

Root Cause Diagnosis


Factors contributing to usage and sources

Option Generation


Alternative ways to avoid the identified causes

Literature, checklists

In House Innovation+

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 2

Page 2: Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Sector Applications...Introductory Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Training February 2017 RECP applications in manufacturing sector

Introductory Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Training

February 2017

RECP applications in manufacturing sector 2

Efisiensi Sumber Daya dan Produksi


Glass Industry

Ceramic Industry

Metal Products Industry

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 3

RECP for green industry

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 4

Glass industry is energy and resource intensivesector. Diverse set of measures available toimprove productivity and energy efficiency, andreduce waste and emissions (GHG, NOx).

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Introductory Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Training

February 2017

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Glass Industry in Gujarat (India)

1. Optimize combustion efficiency of furnace• Target 2-6% O2, 8-11% CO2, <400ppm CO and minimum

excess air

• Measure O2 and regulate air flow (VFD on fan)

• Investments typically 30-45,000 USD (up to 100 tpd)

• Payback period typically 3-8 months

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 5February 2017GCPC (2016), Cleaner Production in Glass Sector

Glass Industry in Gujarat (India)

2. Electricity savings• Variable Speed Drives on large motors (blowers)

– Investment USD1-4,000

– Pay back 2-9 months

• Optimize compressed air usage– Eliminate unnecessary use and leaks

– Reduce pressure variations

– Efficient compressors

– Reduce air inlet temperature (3oC decrease saves 1% energy)

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 6February 2017GCPC (2016), Cleaner Production in Glass Sector

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Introductory Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Training

February 2017

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Glass Industry in Gujarat (India)

3. Oxygen Enhanced Combustion– Better glass quality, lower emissions (NOx and PM), higher

throughput, energy savings (10-50%) and no air-preheating– Investments 180-300,000 USD– Pay back 18-30 months

4. Batch and Cullet Preheating– Direct or indirect– 10-20% reduction of specific energy consumption– 10-15% increase in throughput– Investments 75-225,000 USD– Pay back 28-34 months

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 7GCPC (2016), Cleaner Production in Glass Sector

Energy Use in Glass Industry• Over the past twenty years, glass demand has

grown more quickly than GDP and is still growing at nearly 4% per year.

• About 0.5-0.8 EJ of energy is used for glass production worldwide, and the energy used in the production of container and flat glass results in emissions of about 50-60 Mt CO2 per year.

• With the adoption of best available technologies, energy efficiency of the sector can be improved by as much as 40% in developing countries and up to 35% in industrialized ones.

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Introductory Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Training

February 2017

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Energy Benchmarks

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 9

Sector Furnace Type/CapacityFurnace Energy Consumption

(GJ/tonne melted glass)

Overall Energy Consumption

(GJ/tonne finished product)

Container Glass

Bottles & Jars

<100 t/d 5.5 – 7

<7.7>100 t/d 3.3 – 4.6

Electric furnaces 2.9 – 3.6

Flacconage<100 t/d 7 – 9

<16>100 t/d 4.8 – 6

Flat Glass

All capacities 5 – 7 <8

Continous filament glass fibre

All capacities 7 –14 <20

Domestic glass

Conventional furnaces

< 24 for capacities < 100 t/da

< 18 for capacities > 100 t/d

<100 t/da 6.7 – 9.5

>100 t/d 5 – 6

Electric furnacesb 3.4 – 4.3

Special glass

All products Electric furnacesb 3.9 – 4.5

20 <Soda-lime glasConventional furnaces

5 – 10

Borosilicate glass 10 – 15

February 2017

Best Available Techniques

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Introductory Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Training

February 2017

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Process-Related Energy Efficiency

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 11February 2017Worell e.a (2008), Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Savings Opportunities in Glass Industry

Process-Related Energy Efficiency

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 12February 2017Worell e.a (2008), Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Savings Opportunities in Glass Industry

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Introductory Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Training

February 2017

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Process-Related Energy Efficiency

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 13February 2017Worell e.a (2008), Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Savings Opportunities in Glass Industry

Cross Cutting Energy Efficiency

• Energy Management Systems (ISO 50001)

• Compressed Air Systems

• Motor Systems

• Lighting

• Heat and Steam Systems

• Building Management, including HVAC

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 14Worell e.a (2008), Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Savings Opportunities in Glass Industry

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February 2017

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February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 15

Ceramics sector produces variety of products(bricks, tableware, sanitary ware, tiles etc.).Energy and resource use are high, as are airemissions and waste generation.

Nguon Sam Ath Brick Company (Cambodia)

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Introductory Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Training

February 2017

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Angkor Brick Kiln (Cambodia)

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 17

Ceramics Industry in Gujarat (India)

1. Optimize combustion efficiency of furnace• Target 2-6% O2, 8-11% CO2, <400ppm CO and minimum

excess air

• Measure O2 and regulate air flow (VFD on fan)

• Investments typically < 1,000USD

• Annual cost savings up to ~USD65,000

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 18February 2017GCPC (2016), Cleaner Production in Ceramic Sector

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Introductory Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Training

February 2017

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Ceramics Industry in Gujarat (India)

2. Optimize combustion efficiency of spray dryer furnace

• Installation of O2 analyzers for 3 spray dryers» Invested ~USD110,000, pay back in 4 months

• Solar greenhouse drying of coal» Reduce moisture from 30 to 5%

» Investment of ~USD40,000 with pay backin 5 months

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 19February 2017GCPC (2016), Cleaner Production in Ceramic Sector

Ceramics Industry in Gujarat (India)

3. Modifying kiln cars for efficient transfer of heat (reduction of mass)

– Replace solid shelves with extruded shelves• Invested USD8-20,000, payback < 5 months

– Use light weight filling materials• Invested ~USD4,500, payback < 5 months

– Redesign spacers/holding racks• Invested ~USD3,600, with payback < 1 month

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 20February 2017GCPC (2016), Cleaner Production in Ceramic Sector

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February 2017

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Ceramics Industry in Gujarat (India)

4. 100% reuse of water and sludge in process (zero effluent discharge)

• Material recovery and water conservation at very low cost

5. Electricity conservation• Power factor improvement with capacitators• Variable speed drive on ball mill motors• On-off timers and other controls• Reduce and optimize use of compressed air

• Improvement in kiln wall insulation

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 21February 2017GCPC (2016), Cleaner Production in Ceramic Sector

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 22

Metal products industries employ comparableprocesses to produce wide variety ofcomponents and products. Energy consumptionis high in most processes, whilst chemicals’ use,generation of waste and effluents vary. Multiplecommon RECP approaches are well known andproven.

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Introductory Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Training

February 2017

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Shining Engineers & Founders

• Grey iron foundry, using cupola furnaces– Replaced cupola and change to Divided Blast

Cupola (DBC) operation• Reduced reject from 7 to 5%

• Coal use reduced by 30%

• Eliminated need for alloying ferro-nickel and ferro-manganese

• Cost savings ~USD13/ton product

• Investment of ~USD15,000 recovered within 1 year

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 23

Ceylon Heavy Industries & Construction Company

• Steel rolling mill• Improved fuel oil quality control• Replacement of fuel nozzles and recuperation tubes• Installed flue gas analyzer to optimize fuel-air ratio• Installed high tension transformer

– Invested USD58,000 to achieve annual cost savings of USD75,000

– Enabled production capacity increase by 25%– Achieved GHG emission reduction of 444 ton

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 24

Energy Efficiency Guide for Industry in Asia–

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Introductory Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Training

February 2017

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Greening Thai Automotive Supply Chain• 74 SMEs achieved

– Annual monetary savings of 7.9M EUR– Waste reduced by 2,161 ton/yr, average of

49%– Waste water reduced by 118,230 m3/yr,

average of 51% – Energy reduced by 27%, contributing to

16,431 ton reduction of GHG emissions– Improved rankings in GreenMark Certification– Improved access to financing

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 25













EAF Steel Sector (Vietnam)

RECP Introductory Training 26

• Energy intensity significantly higher then international good practice• Low scrap quality• Insufficient process monitoring• Lacking slag analysis

– compounded by limited basic furnace and metallurgical knowledge

2 are within good practice range (2.1-2.4 GJ/t)

9 use 20-80% more energy then good practice

Viet Nam EAF steel sector

Energy intensity (GJ/t)

UNIDO (2012): Towards Green Growth though Green Industry Development in Vietnam

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Energy Reductions GHG Reductions

7 improved, 4 thereof reducedenergy by 6-21%

8 improved, 6 thereof reducedGHG emissions by 10-30%

EAF Steel Sector (Vietnam)

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 27UNIDO (2012): Towards Green Growth though Green Industry Development in Vietnam

Key Concerns• Large variety of processes each

with their own environment and resource use footprint

• Foundry & casting

• Cutting, forming & welding

• Parts cleaning

• Parts finishing

• Assembly

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 28

Metal Products


Energy Use

Chemicals Use

Water and Waste Water

(Hazardous) Waste

(Fugitive) Emissions

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Introductory Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Training

February 2017

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RECP Starters

Foundry/casting• Reduce ‘fixed’ scrap from risers,

re-work, etc.

• Energy efficiency in melting and holding of hot, liquid metals

• Improve feed and melting regimes

• Use appropriate binder systems –molds and cores

• Increase recycling rates in sand systems


• Reduce ‘fixed’ scrap through optimization of nesting

• Energy efficient equipment

• Use appropriate welding techniques and aids

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 29

RECP Starters

Machining• Reduce ‘fixed’ scrap by matching

inputs with final parts specification

• Management and maintenance of machining tools

• Fit for purpose machining coolants

• Treatment and continuous reuse of coolants

• Scrap drainage

Parts Cleaning• Reduce cleaning need by

avoiding contamination and over-cleaning

• Select appropriate cleaning method, mechanical, water-based, chemical, etc.

• Design appropriate cleaning process

• Minimize and manage resulting cleaning wastes

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Introductory Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Training

February 2017

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RECP Starters

Metal Finishing (electroplating)• Optimize process sequence and

conditions• Minimize and/or eliminate

processes depending on hazardous chemicals (Cr VI, Cd, CN, etc.)

• Energy efficiency – rectifiers, heaters, blowers, etc.

• Water efficiency – counter-current use, efficient nozzles, carry-over reduction etc.

• Metal recovery and treatment of waste water

Metal Coating (Painting)• Select paint system that matches

parts specifications• Select appropriate application

process – spray, roll, water-based, electrostatic etc.

• Optimize application process• Good operating practices• Minimize change overs• Minimize and manage paint

waste, waste water and fugitive emissions

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 31

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RECP for green industry

Efisiensi Sumber Daya dan Produksi


Glass Industry

Ceramic Industry

Metal Products Industry

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February 2017

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Terima kasih banyak!

February 2017 RECP Introductory Training 33

National Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) Programme Indonesia

Funded by Implemented by In partnership with

Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan

Centre for Assessment & Development of Green Industry & Environment