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    Food Control 18 (2007) 306311

    0956-7135/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Antimicrobial resistance ofSalmonella spp. and Escherichia coliisolatedfrom table eggs

    A. Adesiyun a,, N. OYah a, N. Seepersadsingh a, S. Rodrigo a, V. Lashley b, L. Musai b

    a School of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobagob Poultry Surveillance Unit, Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Marine Resources, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

    Received 25 May 2005; received in revised form 18 October 2005; accepted 22 October 2005


    The antimicrobial sensitivity of Salmonella spp. and Escherichia coliisolated from the shells and contents of table eggs sampled from

    sale outlets in Trinidad was determined using the disc diVusion method. The phage types ofS. Enteritidis isolates, the phenotypic charac-

    teristics ofE. coliisolates and the presence of O157 strain were also investigated. Of a total of 74 isolates of Salmonella tested, 17 (22.9%)

    exhibited resistance to one or more of the seven antimicrobial agents used compared with 104 (88.1%) of 118 E. coliisolates. The diVer-

    ence was statistically signiWcant (P < 0.05; X2). For both microorganisms, resistance was relatively high to streptomycin (54.2%) and tetra-

    cycline (35.9%) but low to gentamicin (11.5%) and sulphamethoxazole/trimethoprim (9.4%). Only 1 (1.4%) isolate of Salmonella was

    multi-resistant while 55 (46.6%) ofE. coliisolates were resistant to three or more antimicrobial agents. The frequency of resistance to anti-

    microbial agents amongst both bacteria was not signiWcantly (P > 0.05; X2) aVected by the location of isolation on the egg (shell or con-

    tent) or source of eggs (farms, shopping malls or other retailers). Eight (19.5%) of 41 S. Enteritidis isolates tested were resistant compared

    to 4 (26.7%) of 15 isolates ofS. Ohio. All S. Enteritidis isolates belonged to phage type 1 (PT1) and all E. coliisolates were non-haemo-

    lytic, non-mucoid, sorbitol fermenters and non-O157 strains. It was concluded that the relatively high resistance amongst the bacteriatested could pose therapeutic problems in consumers, particularly in egg-borne salmonellosis or colibacillosis.

    2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Antimicrobial resistance; Phage type; Salmonella; E. coli; Table eggs

    1. Introduction

    Table eggs which constitute several dishes or foods con-

    sumed and are considered cheap sources of protein, have

    served as vehicles for numerous enteropathogens

    (Hangombe, Sharma, Skjerve, & Tuchili, 1999). Salmonellaspp., particularly S. Enteritidis have been most frequently

    associated with table eggs (Nygard et al., 2004). Table eggs

    contaminated by bacterial pathogens and consumed raw or

    improperly cooked have been responsible for many epi-

    demics of gastroenteritis worldwide (Nunes et al., 2003;

    Nygard et al., 2004). It has been recommended that table

    eggs destined for human consumption be properly cooked

    or pasteurized prior to consumption (Davies & Breslin,

    2003; Indar, Baccus-Taylor, Commissiong, Prabhakar, &

    Reid, 1998; Indar-Harrinauth et al., 2001).

    Enteric pathogens such as Salmonella, E. coliand other

    pathogens isolated from table eggs have been characterizedas to their serotypes, phage types, toxigenicity and antibi-

    otic sensitivity (CDC, 1996; Ibeh & Izuagbe, 1986; Indar-

    Harrinauth et al., 2001; Radkowski, 2001). Salmonella

    Enteritidis phage type 4 (PT4) has been most frequently

    associated with egg-borne salmonellosis in many epidemics

    worldwide although other phage types have also been

    implicated (Berghold, Kornschober, & Weber, 2003; Indar-

    Harrinauth et al., 2001; Kowalczyk-Pecka, Wernicki, &

    Puchalski, 2003; Mare, Van der Walt, & Dicks, 2000;

    Nygard et al., 2004). Pulse-Weld gel electrophoresis (PFGE)

    * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 868 645 4481; fax: +1 868 645 7428.

    E-mail address:[email protected] (A. Adesiyun).

    mailto:%[email protected]:%[email protected]:%[email protected]
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    A. Adesiyun et al. / Food Control 18 (2007) 306311 307

    has been used to determine the relatedness ofS. Enteritidis

    isolates (Cardinale et al., 2005). It has been demonstrated

    that E. coliO157 is capable of colonizing the caeca of layers

    and subsequently contaminate their eggs (Berry, Doyle, &

    Schoeni, 1985).

    In Trinidad and Tobago, eggnog containing Salmonella-

    contaminated eggs resulted in an outbreak of salmonellosisamongst inmates of a mental hospital, with several mortali-

    ties (Hyatali, Quamina, Mohess, & Foster, 1992). Transov-

    arial transfer of Samonella in table eggs at poultry farms

    was recently demonstrated by Indar et al. (1998). Adesiyun

    et al. (2005b) determined the microbial health risk of table

    eggs in Trinidad while in another study (Adesiyun et al.,

    2005a) the prevalence of macrolides, tetracycline, beta-lac-

    tam and sulphonamides in table eggs sampled from sale

    outlets across the island emphasizing the risk they pose to

    consumers. In view of the fact that table eggs constitute

    many foods or drinks consumed locally, some raw or only

    partially cooked, the study was conducted to determine the

    antimicrobial sensitivity ofSalmonella spp. and E. coliiso-

    lates from table eggs in Trinidad, to investigate the phage

    types ofS. Enteritidis and Wnally to detect the presence of

    O157 strains amongst E. coliisolates.

    2. Materials and methods

    2.1. Source and collection of table eggs

    Table eggs from which the enteric pathogens studied

    originated from poultry farms, shopping malls and other

    retailers in Trinidad. The sampling protocol and number ofeggs collected from each source were earlier described

    (Adesiyun et al., 2005b).

    Overall, a total of 46 egg composite samples, made of 25

    eggs per composite were sampled from 23 poultry farms

    following two visits, usually 4weeks apart, to each farm.

    From 14 shopping malls studied, each visited twice, a total

    of 31 egg sample composites, with 6 eggs pooled to consti-

    tute a composite while from 102 other retailers visited once,

    a total of 107 composite egg samples, with 6 eggs per com-

    posite, were studied (Adesiyun et al., 2005b). Overall, for

    the three sources studied a total of 1978 pooled table eggs

    sample were cultured for bacteria.

    2.2. Swab sampling of eggs

    For 25 pooled eggs sampled from each farm following

    each visit, a sterile swab each soaked in saline was applied

    to the surface of each egg shell and the 25 swabs were then

    dipped into 20 ml of saline. For 6 pooled eggs from each

    outlet of either the shopping malls or supermarkets, each

    egg shell surface was similarly swabbed with a sterile swab

    and then dipped in 6 ml of saline. The contents of the saline

    were mixed thoroughly using a vortex mixer (Henry Treem-

    ner, USA) and subsequently inoculated into appropriate

    bacteriological media.

    2.3. Sampling of egg contents

    Each egg in the pool of 25 (farms) or 6 (malls and other

    retailers) was dipped in 95% ethanol for 5min after which

    the pointed end of each was Xamed for 510 s. with a Bun-

    sen burner after which a sterile scalpel blade was used to

    make a small hole on the shell through which the contentswere emptied into a stomacher bag. The egg contents (yolk

    and albumen) in each pool were then blended for 30s at

    normal speed in a Stomacher 400 (Seaward, London,

    United Kingdom) after which the mixture was used to

    inoculate appropriate bacteriological media.

    2.4. Isolation and identiWcation of bacteria

    To isolate Salmonella 10 ml of egg contents or 1ml of

    saline containing swabs were added to 90ml of lactose

    broth and incubated at 37 C overnight as pre-enrichment.

    Enrichment, isolation and identiWcation ofSalmonella fol-

    lowed standard methods (FAO, 1992). Salmonella polyva-

    lent antiserum A-I & Vi (Difco, Michigan, USA) was used

    to initially serologically identify Salmonella by slide aggluti-

    nation test.

    To detect E. coli, swabs of egg shells and egg contents

    were used to inoculate eosin methylene blue (EMB) and

    identiWed using standard methods (Macfaddin, 1977).

    2.5. Determination of the antimicrobial sensitivity

    of Salmonella and E. coli isolates

    To determine the antimicrobial sensitivity of the iso-

    lates, the NCCLS (2002) protocol was used with the fol-lowing antimicrobial agents on discs (Difco, Michigan,

    USA) and concentrations: kanamycin (30mcg), streptomy-

    cin (10mcg), nalidixic acid (30 mcg), gentamicin (10 mcg),

    tetracycline (30 mcg), sulphamethoxazole/trimethoprim

    (23.25/1.75 mcg) and enroXoxacin (5mcg). The tests were

    performed on Mueller Hinton agar (Difo, Michigan, USA)

    followed by incubation aerobically at 35C for 24 h. The

    zone of inhibition were interpreted as recommended by the

    disc manufacturer and the NCCLS (2002).

    2.6. Characterization of bacteria

    All Salmonella isolates were kindly conWrmed and sero-

    typed by the Caribbean Epidemiology Centre (CAREC),

    Port of Spain, the regional reference centre for Salmonella.

    Representatives (19) ofSalmonella Enteritidis isolates from

    each source were kindly phage typed by CAREC and the

    Veterinary Laboratories Agency, Weybridge, United King-

    dom (Ohare et al., 2004). To determine phenotypic charac-

    teristics of all E. coli isolates, they were inoculated onto

    blood agar and sorbitol MacConkey agar and incubated at

    37 C overnight. The ability of E. coliisolates to produce

    mucoid and haemolytic colonies was determined on blood

    agar while the ability to utilize sorbitol was determined on

    sorbitol MacConkey agar. Isolates ofE. coliwere screened

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    308 A. Adesiyun et al. / Food Control 18 (2007) 306311

    for O157 strain by the use ofE. coliO157 antiserum (Difco,

    Michigan, USA) by the slide agglutination test.

    2.7. Statistical analysis

    The diVerences in the frequency of sensitivity to the vari-

    ous antimicrobial agents by the isolates ofSalmonella andE. coli, source of eggs and location in eggs were compared

    and determined to be statistically signiWcant using the chi-

    square tests using the Statistical Package for Social

    Sciences (SPSS) version 10. All statistical analyses were

    two-tailed and interpreted at the 5% level of signiWcance.

    3. Results

    3.1. Frequency of antimicrobial sensitivity amongst isolates

    of Salmonella and E. coli

    Of a total of 74 isolates of Salmonella spp. tested, 17

    (22.9%) were resistant to one or more of the seven antimi-

    crobial agents compared with 104 (88.1%) of 118 isolates of

    E. coli(Table 1). The diVerence was statistically signiWcant

    (P < 0.05; X2). For both bacteria, resistance was compara-

    tively high to streptomycin (54.2%) and tetracycline (35.9%)

    but low to gentamicin (11.5%) and sulphamethoxazole/

    trimethoprim (9.4%).

    3.2. Frequency of resistance patterns amongst isolates

    Only 1 (1.4%) isolate ofSalmonella spp. was multi-resis-

    tant, i.e. resistant to 3 or more antimicrobial agents com-

    pared with as many as 55 (46.6%) of 118 isolates ofE. colitested. The predominant resistance patterns amongst E. coli

    isolates were: S-TE (20 isolates), S (17 isolates), S-TE-K (13

    isolates), SXT-ENR-S-NA-TE-K (7 isolates) and SXT-S-

    TE (5 isolates).

    3.3. Distribution of resistance amongst Salmonella serotypes

    Amongst the eight serotypes of Salmonella tested, 6

    (66.7%) exhibited resistance to antimicrobial agents. Eight

    (19.5%) of 41 isolates ofS. Enteritidis were resistant while 4

    (26.7%) of 15 S. Ohio isolates exhibited resistance (Table 2).

    The resistance patterns observed were as follows: for S.Enteritidis: NA (4 isolates), S (2 isolates), K (1 isolate) and

    CN-S-K (1 isolate); S. Ohio: S (3 isolates) and NA (1 iso-

    late); S. Javiana (2 isolates); S. Braenderup: S (1 isolate);

    S. Georgia: S (1 isolate) and S. Caracas (1 isolate).

    3.4. Relationship between frequency of resistance amongst

    Salmonella and E. coli isolates and location of isolation

    from eggs

    The diVerences in the frequency of resistance to antimi-

    crobial agents amongst the isolates of bacteria recovered

    from the shells and contents of table eggs were not statisti-

    cally signiWcant (P > 0.05; X2) as shown in Table 3.

    3.5. Distribution of resistant strains of Salmonella and

    E. coli by source of egg

    For both bacteria, the frequency of resistance to antimi-

    crobial agents was highest Amongst isolates from shoppingmalls but the diVerence was not statistically signiWcant

    (P > 0.05; X2) compared to isolates from either layer farms

    or other retailers (Table 4).

    3.6. Phage type of S. Enteritidis isolates

    All 19 isolates ofS. Enteritidis representive of all sources

    belonged to phage type 1 (PT1).

    3.7. Phenotypic characteristics of E. coli

    All 118 isolates of E. coli were non-haemolytic, non-mucoid, sorbitol-fermenters and non-O157 strains.

    Table 1

    Frequency of resistance to antimicrobial agents amongst isolates ofSalmonella and Escherichia coli

    a From eggs shell, albumen or yolk of egg.b Resistant to one or more of the seven antimicrobial agents tested.c Sstreptomycin, TEtetracycine, Kkanamycin, NAnalidixic acid; ENRenroXoxacin; CNgentamicin, SXTsulphamethoxazole/trimetho-


    Type of bacteria No. of isolates

    testedaNo. (%) of isolate



    Salmonella spp. 74 17 (22.9) 11 (14.9) 0 (0.0) 2 (2.7) 5 (6.8) 0 (0.0) 1 (1.4) 0 (0.0)

    E. coli 118 104 (88.1) 93 (78.8) 69 (58.5) 38 (32.2) 31 (26.3) 30 (25.4) 11 (9.3) 18 (15.3)

    Total 192 121 (63.0%) 104 (54.2) 69 (35.9) 40 (20.8) 36 (18.8) 30 (15.6) 12 (6.3) 18 (9.4)

    Ta le 2

    Frequency of resistance to antimicrobial agents by serotypes of Salmo-


    a Resistant to one or more antimicrobial agents.

    Serotypes ofSalmonella No. of isolates tested No. (%) resistancea

    Enteritidis 41 8 (19.5)

    Ohio 15 4 (26.7)

    Mbandaka 6 0 (0.0)

    Javiana 5 2 (40.0)

    Braenderup 3 1 (33.3)

    Group C1 2 0 (0.0)

    Georgia 1 1 (25.0)

    Caracas 1 1 (25.0)

    Total 74 17 (22.9)

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    A. Adesiyun et al. / Food Control 18 (2007) 306311 309

    4. Discussion

    A prevalence of 22.9% for resistance to antimicrobial

    agents detected amongst Salmonella isolates from eggs is

    considerably lower than the prevalence of 50% reported forSalmonella isolates recovered from livestock in Trinidad

    (Adesiyun, Kaminjolo, Loregnard, & Kitson-Piggott, 1993)

    and elsewhere (Brown, Baggesen, Hansen, Hansen, & Bisg-

    aard, 1994; Hangombe et al., 1999; Poppe, 1994; Neu,

    Cherubin, Longo, Flouton, & Winter, 1975; Wray, Beedell,

    & McLaren, 1991). Amongst S. Enteritidis isolates, the

    prevalence of multi-resistance was considerably low, 1.4%,

    a Wnding in agreement with report ofYang et al. (2002) but

    considerably lower than that found by Dias de Oliveira,

    Siqueira Flores, Dos Santos, and Brandelli (2005). Simi-

    larly, the prevalence of resistance, as determined by resis-

    tance to one or more antimicrobial agents, although higher

    than reported for isolates from table eggs by Brown et al.

    (1994) is signiWcantly lower than found in Brazil (Simango

    & Mbewe, 2000). It has been reported that inappropriate

    use of antimicrobial agents in livestock may result in the

    development of resistance amongst bacteria in these ani-

    mals or their products (Washington, 1979; Waltner-Toews

    & McEwen, 1994).

    The prevalence of 88.1% for resistance to antimicrobial

    agents amongst E. coliisolates from table eggs is compara-

    ble to the prevalence of E. coli isolated from livestock,

    89.7% (Adesiyun & Kaminjolo, 1992). The generally high

    prevalence of resistance to antimicrobial agents has been

    attributed to uncontrolled use of antimicrobial agents as

    growth promoters or in the treatment of bacterial infec-

    tions with the farmers having unlimited access to these

    agents and their use (Adesiyun & Kaminjolo, 1992). The

    report on the detection of antimicrobial agents (sulfona-

    mides, macrolides and tetracyclines) in table eggs oVeredfor sale in Trinidad was therefore not a surprise (Adesiyun

    et al., 2005a).

    The detection that exhibition of resistance was highest to

    streptomycin amongst all enteric bacteria studied is similar

    to the Wndings for other bacteria from several sources in the

    country attributed to the widespread use of the antimicro-

    bial agents in several preparations available locally

    (Adesiyun & Kaminjolo, 1992; Adesiyun et al., 1993). Fur-

    thermore, on the layer farms in Trinidad it has been

    reported that as many as 87% of the farms admitted to the

    use of medicated feeds that contained chlortetracycline, tyl-

    osin or nitrofurantoin (Adesiyun et al., 2005a). Unlike in

    other studies where Salmonella, including S. Enteritidis,

    have been reported to be sensitive to nalidixic acid, kana-

    mycin and gentamicin (Dias de Oliveira et al., 2005;

    Hangombe et al., 1999), in the present study, together with

    resistance exhibited to streptomycin, the isolates were also

    resistant to the three antimicrobial agents albeit, at a

    relatively low prevalence.

    It was hardly a surprise that no statistically signiWcant

    diVerences were observed in the prevalence of resistance

    amongst bacteria obtained from the three sources (farms,

    shopping malls and other retailers). This is so because a

    majority of table eggs sampled from the sale outlets (malls

    and other retailers) actually originated from most of the 23

    Ta le 3

    Frequency of resistance to antimicrobial agents amongst Salmonella and E. coliisolates from egg shell and yolk/albumen (content)

    a A mixture of yolk and albumen.b Resistant to one or more antimicrobial agents.

    Type of bacteria Location of isolation from eggs

    Shell Albumen/Yolka

    No. of isolates tested No. (%) of isolates resistantb No. of isolates tested No. (%) of isolates resistantb

    Salmonella spp. 28 7 (25.0) 46 10 (21.7)

    E. coli 88 76 (86.4) 30 28 (93.3)

    Total 116 83 (71.6) 76 38 (50.0)

    Ta le 4

    Frequency of resistance to antimicrobial agents amongst Salmonella and E. coliisolates by sale outlet of table eggs

    a Layer farms studied from where vendors could purchase eggs directly.b Sale outlets in shopping malls across the country where all eggs are stored refrigerated.c Outlets for eggs which include kiosks, roadside vendors, supermarkets (small, medium or large) selling eggs where few had refrigerated facilities.d Resistant to one or more antimicrobial agents.

    Type of bacteria Sale outlet

    Farmsa Mallsb Other retailersc

    No. of isolates


    No. (%) of isolates

    resistantdNo. of isolates


    No. (%) of isolates

    resistantcNo. of isolates


    No. (%) of isolates


    Salmonella spp. 18 3 (16.7) 25 8 (32.0) 31 6 (19.4)

    E. coli 60 52 (86.7) 23 21 (91.3) 35 31 (88.6)

    Total 78 55 (70.5) 48 29 (60.4) 66 37 (56.1)

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