resilience: how to build resilience in your people and your organization

Resilience how to build resilience in your people and your organization Delta Partners Inc

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Post on 10-May-2015




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"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change." - Charles Darwin Those people who are familiar with our work know that we write quite a lot about the pace of change in our global business environment. It is continual, it is unrelenting, and it appears to be accelerating. We cannot slow the pace of change, so do we give up? Throw our hands up and succumb to the tidal wave of knowledge that we are adrift and rudderless? And if not, what can we do to make our people and our organizations more resilient in the face of this ongoing pressure? "Resilience: an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change." - Merriam-Webster Dictionary It turns out that there are definitely steps that a manager can take to influence the resilience of both the organization and the individual. The goal of this presentation is to provide a starting point for leaders and managers as they seek ways to battle back against the apathy and exhaustion that builds in everyone. It is not the final word in these matters – rather it is best considered a jumping off point for those who are looking for a different way. So enjoy it, share it, and use it. Just let everyone know where you found it!


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how to build resilience in your people and your organization

Delta Partners Inc

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I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

- Maya Angelou


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learning objectives

You should...

- understand what is meant by resilience and how it impacts individuals and organizations

- recognize how people typically react to change

- identify the emotions that accompany change

- understand the impact that immediate supervisors have on emotional reactions

- review basic strategies to support the development of resilience


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What does ‘resilience’ mean?


The essence of resilience for an organization is an ability to ‘fail elegantly’. Which is to say that a point of failure in one part of the organization does not cause the whole structure to collapse.

A good example of this is to view the way the Internet is layed out. From the outset, the architecture of this vast network has been to provide multiple paths for the packets to reach their goal – even where many primary pathways have been knocked off-line.


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the Internet as a resilient organization


This image is a representation of the interconections between the major ISP’s, government networks, and university networks worldwide.

Looking at a map like this, it’s easy to see where the term ‘world wide web’ came from.

Failure at any one node within this map would have almost no impact on the functioning of the whole.

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the cathedral vs the bazaar


The open source software development movement has embraced the idea of many links without a single point of failure.

Their view is that software was traditionally produced by a heirarchy, where one lead directs the actions of sub-groups.

Precision and planning is valued. Managers define projects plans and milestones. Command and control defines the system.

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the cathedral vs the bazaar


But in this situation, the failure of one key individual in the organization will result in the failure of an entire group.

Until that person is replaced, the group is adrift with no clear path to proceed.

Productivity stalls, timelines slip, and resources are not utilitzed.

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the cathedral vs the bazaar


The Bazaar, however, provides internal resilience.

The loss of one crucial individual is unlikely to cause a failure of large portions of the organization.

There are multiple links between various sub-groups, and leadership roles are much less well defined.

In the very short term, this may appear to be less efficient. But in the long run this organization will be far more resilient in the face of disruptions.

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Resilient organizations are made up of resilient individuals.


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Embrace the concepts of...


steps organizations can take to develop resilience

- The Learning Organization

- Change Management

- Employee Engagement

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Emerging from the work of Peter Senge, the ‘Learning Organization’ provides an excellent framework for individuals to develop the links and competencies necessary to promote a ‘Bazaar’ structure. The five essential characteristics of a learning organization include:

- Systems Thinking: appreciate that a ‘big picture’ view is necessary and complexities always exist - resist the use of linear, cause-and-effect approaches

- Personal Mastery: we must consistently seek greater self-awareness and promote a culture of personal knowledge management

- Shared Vision: ‘what do we want to create together?’

- Mental Models: values, beliefs, and mind-sets must be challenged to ensure that we are doing what we say we want to do

- Team Learning: accumulating individual learning – but barriers come with sharing across silos, personal power, and trust


steps organizations can take to develop resilience

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John Kotter has established a set of 8 change principles that have proven consistently effective over time:

1. Create Urgency: what is happening in the markets, technology, competition, or society that clearly shows the need for change?

2. Form a Powerful Coalition: who will lead the way? it can’t be 1 or 2 people, and it can’t be only senior people – rather a group of committed individuals who represent many levels of the organization and who are influential within their own teams

3. Create a Vision for Change: create a clear picture of the future that is highly visual and easy to communicate

4. Communicate the Vision: it seems like the easy part, but the vision is typically under-communicated 100x too little. Communication is not just a speech in a town hall, it’s that plus newsletters, posters, emails, team meetings, Q&A’s, videos, and, most importantly, modelling the new behaviours.


steps organizations can take to develop resilience

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John Kotter has established a set of 8 change principles that have proven consistently effective over time:

5. Remove Obstacles: what is keeping people from moving forward toward achieving the vision – job descriptions, compensation systems, inflexible supervisors, technology?

6. Create Short-Term Wins: momentum is lost quickly if employees can’t see and celebrate ongoing success – plan small wins and communicate them throughout the organization.

7. Don’t Let Up: change is a marathon, not a sprint – don’t declare victory too soon. complex change efforts will take years to complete. Plan to be in this mode for the long haul.

8. Anchor the Changes in Culture: the change initiative is done when the behaviours become part of the culture of the organization, when it becomes ‘the way we do things here’.


steps organizations can take to develop resilience

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Years ago, we just called it morale. The point is that engaged employees are emotionally invested in the whole firm – they believe in what they are doing and are dedicated to their peers, their supervisors and their organization. The organization’s mission provides them with purpose. They are loyal to the people and the brand.

When done right, engagement is a powerful cocktail, and the power is contained within the concept of discretionary effort - increased levels of employee engagement correlate with higher profit, productivity, creativity, retention, and customer satisfaction while decreasing absenteeism, turnover, and accidents.

As the importance of employee engagement has become more obvious, two firms have emerged as leaders in the measurement of engagement with Gallup Consulting and The Conference Board providing tools that offer deep statistical validation.


steps organizations can take to develop resilience

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And what is the best predictor of employee engagement?


steps organizations can take to develop resilience

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If the personal relationship between supervisors and direct reports is critical to employee engagement, what steps can managers take to support the development of these crucial interactions? It’s really quite simple. Take an interest in them as human beings rather than replacable cogs that are plugged into the machine:


steps organizations can take to develop resilience

- care about their personal lives

- show interest in them as people

- care about how they feel

- support their health and well-being

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You cannot expect to perform at a high level unless people are personally engaged. And they're not going to be personally engaged unless they genuinely believe that you are personally engaged in trying to make their lives better.

- Doug ConantCampbell Soups CEO (retired)


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What does ‘resilience’ mean?


Resilience: an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary


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What does ‘resilience’ mean?


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As people face change events, their emotional state will transition – much like individuals moving through stages of grief – through four typical reaction states:


reacting to change

- denial

- resistance

- exploration

- engagement

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You work as usual and see to your activities as if nothing had changed, and as if nothing will change. You refuse to come to grips with the change. But denying change can only work for a short time. However, prolonged denial will prevent you from facing up to your feelings and reactions to the change. Denial, in the long run, hampers the natural evolution of the change process.


reacting to change

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You harness only the negative aspects, whether personal or organizational, of the change. Depending on your personality, you express yourself with anger and frustration, with active resistance, with depression, inaction or sabotage. You are determined to favour tried methods over new ways of doing things. You often need time, attention and ample communication and help, in order to put aside the old and embrace the new.


reacting to change

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You begin to look forward, with caution. You look for the benefits of the change, and ways to implement it. You creatively rely on your problem-solving skills and explore how and where you fit within the change framework. Even if you seem to be “on the fence”, you are nonetheless open to the idea of active involvement in the process.


reacting to change

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You completely commit to the change by fully backing a successful implementation. You are excited, energetic and enthusiastic. Often, you are an agent of change, and help others to explore and commit themselves to the change.


reacting to change

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Transition usually spreads out over a somewhat long period. Even when the change is rapidly established within the organization, individuals may experience long-lasting reactions which can emerge well after implementation.


William Bridges’ Transition Model

- The Ending

- The Neutral Zone

- The New Beginning

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William Bridges’ Transition Model

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THE ENDING (the old way of doing things has evolved)

When people look forward to the change, initial reactions can include excitement, enthusiasm, even a kind of ecstasy.

If people are not in favour of the change, or if they are surprised by it, they can experience the following emotions:

disbelief – bargaining – betrayal – anger – sadness

By allowing yourself to express these emotions, eventually you can accept the change—which is quite different from undergoing the change itself.


reacting to change

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Once the idea of the change has been accepted, people transition toward the next step—the neutral zone.

The neutral zone refers to the step in the transition process where you attempt to realign yourself with the change. Depending on the individual, this can be a more difficult step to get through.

You may experience apprehension, anxiety, indecision, loss of control or impatience, because you are attempting to put in place and master the new reality.

However, if well managed this step can allow your vision of the change to emerge, and subsequently stimulate your commitment moving forward.


reacting to change

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In this phase, the change is implemented, and individuals begin to function within the new reality. In other words, what had been ideas or theory up until this point have now been put into practice.

Resistance or attempts at sabotage by those who have not accepted the new plan may be seen. Some may choose to wait to see how things unfold; others may try to stick with the old way of doing things.

The positive emotions witnessed during this phase are relief, satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment, and excitement.


reacting to change

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The degree of resilience is measured by the speed at which an individual progresses to the next transition phase –

without developing dysfunctional behaviours.


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“Grit” is increasingly being seen as an important psychological indicator of personal achievement.

Much like the tortoise racing the hare, the individual who scores high on the Grit scale is able to plod on, ignoring difficult progress, toward a goal that seems impossibly distant. These people are able to maintain effort and interest over years despite failure, adversity, and plateaus in progress.1

It has been defined as, “perseverance and passion for long-term goals.”

In multiple studies, Grit has been found to be a more accurate indicator of long term success than grade point averages, IQ, emotional intelligence, or class rank.



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Early research points to two key behaviours that managers can influence as they work to influence Grit:



- an optimistic style of explaining things

- individuals maintaining a growth mindset; they believe that failures and setbacks always provide an opportunity to learn and improve

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There are three givens that will always impact your staff as they react to a changing environment:


reacting to change

- resilient people understand that change involves learning

- resilient people know how to externalize failure and to internalize success

- resilient people have a strong circle of people around them with high trust relationships and frequent communication

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As leaders become effective teachers, they clearly understand the conditions that must exist for effective learning – and more importantly, retention and mastery – to take place...


change involves learning

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The human brain is hard-wired to be constantly on the lookout for danger.

Before any useful learning can take place, the manager must acknowledge the fear, identify the sources of fear, and take steps to eliminate the fear response.


change involves learning

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Jonathan Haidt describes the mind in the context of The Rider and The Elephant.

The Rider represents the rational mind. It makes decisions based on knowledge, reason, and logic.

The Elephant represents the emotional mind. It makes decisions based on intuition, past experience, and feel.

Most managers believe that The Rider is in charge of deciding where The Elephant will go and what it will do. However, the reality of the situation is that The Elephant allows The Rider to direct the situation, but when The Elephant decides to go in a different direction The Rider is essentially powerless to affect the situation.


change involves learning

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Managers must acknowledge that The Elephant is truly in charge – and take constructive steps to deal with the human emotions of the situation – or their logical, rational, and methodical plans have little chance of succeeding in the long run.


change involves learning

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Almost all of our communications involve words.

But words are not the primary ‘code’ of thought. Our brains actually use mental images as the basis for our thinking.

Unfortunately, there is a translation process that must take place to convert this stream of words into images.

Many managers think they are communicating clearly, when, in fact, they are simply providing enough verbal information to create the suggestion of their core messages.


change involves learning

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As managers provide a more detailed vision of the results they hope to see, a clearer picture of – and a much better shared understanding – will begin to emerge for everyone in the organization.

This is why leaders are urged to communicate, communicate, communicate, especially when faced with difficult change programs.

John Kotter says, ““it is very easy for you not to undercommunicate a little bit, but to undercommunicate by huge amounts in a way that will literally, literally kill a change effort even if it’s a brilliant strategy....”


change involves learning

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Include very specific details in your messages. Use many different communication avenues: town hall meetings, staff meetings, emails, handwritten notes, watercooler conversations. All of these clear messages will result in imagery that is highly detailed, and more likely to be consistent across the organization.


change involves learning

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Repeat to learn.

Repetition is crucial to the development of the long-term memories that accompany the mastery of any subject.

Again, for those who need to commit information to long-term memory, repetition is a step that cannot be skipped.

And if you have not yet mastered this concept, you must remember that repetition – accompanied by clear mental imagery and an accepting emotional state – is vitally important to the internalization that takes place when information is integrated into long-term memory.


change involves learning

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Resilient people are better at internalizing their successes. This is to say that they attribute positive outcomes to their own input.

“This project went well because of all the hard work that I did.”


internalize success

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Resilient people also tend to be better at externalizing failure – they attribute negative outcomes to external sources.

“This project failed because the economy collapsed just as we were getting some traction.”


externalize failure

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Psychologists call this tendency the self-serving bias, and it is important for managers to understand this bias because:


internalize success/externalize failure

a) individuals who are more resilient use this as a coping strategy.

b) there will always be those employees who are excessive in their willingness to take the credit and/or deflect blame – managers must help them put things in an appropriate context.

c) some employees will inappropriately take on failure as a personal attribute when external forces can be attributed and give responsibility for success to others when they themselves deserve much of the credit – again, it is the manager who must recognize this issue and make certain that the individual is appropriately aware of the internal and external factors.

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Resilient people are much more likely to have a close circle of strong relationships – bonds that are based in high trust and frequent communication.

In the work environment, this translates into strong relationships among team members, and can be a challenge in situations where teams and committees are quickly formed and disbanded as projects are completed.


strong relationships

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positive psychology


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Positive psychology is the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive.

Positive psychology is not the same as positive thinking – it is an academic discipline that employs empirical studies to separate the wives’ tales and wishful thinking from the successful methods that people use to cope, adapt, and thrive in the face of adversity and challenge.


positive psychology

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The Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania has identified 5 basic building blocks of resilience and growth for individuals:



positive psychology

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For individuals to maintain a sense of well-being and optimism, they must experience emotional states like happiness, hope, curiosity, pleasure, inspiration or love.



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Having the ability to be completely wrapped up in what you are doing – this might be with music, playing a game, in a conversation, or reading a book.



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Active and constructive relationships that provide positive and specific feedback. This brings meaning to the relationship.



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There are four ways a manager can respond that will forge the basis for the personal relationship with their direct reports...

Employee: “Did you see the report that I sent to you?”




Active Constructive

“I did, and I really liked the analysis of the data in Annex B. Where did you find that data?”

Passive Constructive

“Yes, thanks.”

Passive Destructive

“Have you seen this video on YouTube? Watch this...”

Active Destructive

“I was expecting this yesterday, and it’s longer than I would have preferred.”

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Belonging to and serving something that you believe is bigger than you are in life.



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Having the grit and self-discipline to achieve the goals that you have set for yourself.



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PERMA emerge from 4 key areas of emotional fitness:

- family

- social

- spiritual

- emotional



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PERMA is enhanced for individuals who are in family relationships that are trusting, intimate, committed, safe, and consistent.


For those individuals who are able foster and sustain social relationships that are enduring, cooperative, balanced, communicative and positive, the result is a greater likelihood of strong PERMA.



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Spiritual fitness in this context does not refer to a religion, rather a group of self-organizing skills:



The ability to honestly understand and critique your own knowledge, attitudes and abilities.

The ability to control your emotional reactions, to stay calm and focused when necessary, and to control your ‘appetites’—often called self-control.

Your ability to get things done without influence from other people or factors.

The feeling that you have the ability to make choices for yourself—that you can take ownership of your own actions.




Sense of Agency

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Belonging to and serving something that you believe is bigger than you are in life.



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How can managers help their people cope with the emotional response to an adverse situation?


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What is the Adversity that you are facing right now? Are you sure that you have identified the real Adversity?

“I missed the deadline for the report I’ve been working on.”



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What are your Beliefs about the adversity? What do you think will happen because of this Adversity?

“My boss will never trust me with an important project again – I’m a failure.”



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Can you identify the emotions that you are feeling as a result?

“I’m feeling depressed and demotivated. I don’t feel like doing any more work today.”

Be aware that emotional Consequences come not from the Adversity, but from your Beliefs.



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Learn to quickly Dispel unrealistic beliefs about the Adversity.

“My boss will never trust me with an important project again – I’m a failure.”

Really? You will never get another important project? Ever?

Or is it more likely that your boss will sit down with you to chat about the importance of deadlines, and to discover what factors might have contributed to missing this one?

Which of these outcomes do you think is more realistic?



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What steps can a manager take to develop PERMA in their staff?

- highlight and honour strengths

- foster strong relationships

- build mental toughness



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As a manager, what steps have you taken to identify the strengths of the individual members of your staff? Do you know how your people rank in on character traits like curiosity, consistency, discipline, confidence, creativity, leadership, empathy, and integrity?

There are useful tools online that can help identify some of these traits:

Clifton StrengthsFinder

VIA Inventory of Strengths Survey

Anthony Robbins Personal Strengths Profile (Disc)

uPenn Brief Strengths Test

Think about how will you use this information after it has been collected. Do you draw upon the individual strengths of your team as you develop assignments and create workgroups?


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Do you remember the single greatest predictor of employee engagement?


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So how do you create a personal relationship with your staff?

It starts with conversation. You must show a genuine interest in them as an individual...

- What are their aspirations and goals?

- Are they happy with the direction of their career?

- How are things going at home?

- What are their hobbies and interests?

- What do you have in common?

But remember, if you aren’t really interested — don’t bother. Insincerity has a tremendously potent odour.


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Feedback allows us to understand how others perceive us, similarly, it is through feedback that others understand how we perceive them.

– Phillip Hanson


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The four quadrants of the JoHari window are:

Open/Free — is characterized by open communication with others.

Hidden — refers to a situation where the individual feels vulnerable and hides information from others.

Blind — refers to a situation where the individual’s impact is unknown to him/herself, but known to the others in the group.

Unknown — refers to elements such as deeply-held fears, childhood attitudes, and latent abilities.


As human beings, we can assume many different roles, depending on our audience. The JoHari window, named after its creators, Joe Luft and Harry Ingham, illustrates different aspects of personality (interests, values, attitudes). It helps people understand how they relate to others within a group. It also promotes self-awareness and one’s comfort level with receiving feedback.

It can also be used by managers as a framework to initiate feedback conversations with their staff.

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The JoHari model can help participants expand the Open Area while reducing the size of the Blind, Hidden, and Unknown Areas...

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Mental toughness is not something you have on a game day. It is a habit of mind that becomes a part of your pride and your self-image. It is something you carry with you everywhere – patience in a line of traffic, attentiveness in a classroom, nobility on the practice floor. It is a quality of mind.

There are thousands of potential complaints, and there is also a certain kind of nobility that surmounts it all. You don’t need to worry about all the tiny things, the minor problems, the childish complaints. Develop a noble quality of mind.

Learn to do your best quietly, methodically, and without regard for tiny problems and adverse conditions. There are players who ignore all the negatives and give every game, every practice, everything they do their best shot. That’s what mental toughness is. That’s what every player should strive for.

– John Wooden


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Mental toughness has many definitions, but they all boil down to, essentially, the same thing...

It is the ability to train your mind to perform regardless of the circumstances in which you find yourself.

So how do you ‘build’ mental toughness? The power of habits can provide a tremendously useful platform for mental toughness — use habit to train your mind to act in a certain way despite disruptions and unexpected challenge.


build mental toughness

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Decide what kind of person you want to be, and prove it to yourself with small wins.

If you want to be a great networker, then connect with someone every day this week.

If you want to be a leader, make a personal connection with at least one direct report every day this week.


build mental toughness

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Identify the small, repeatable events that you can make part of your daily routine.

Writing a novel would be a life changing event, but posting a 500 word blog three times per week would be a lifestyle change.


build mental toughness

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There will quickly come a day when your motivation is low, and you just don’t feel like doing it. To combat that, build a routine that gets you moving toward the activity, even if it is just a small thing. Then you will start with that small activity — be sure to include some physical movement — and it will lead to your starting the activity.

Start a writing session by getting up from your desk and sharpening a pencil before you sit down to write.

Refill your coffee cup before moving into the office to begin your daily conversations with staff members.


build mental toughness

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Don’t think about the ultimate goal. Focus on the here and now, the small victories that you will pile one upon another as you build toward the long term.

Don’t think about writing a novel, focus on writing 500 words every day.

Don’t think about losing 25 pounds, but concentrate on controlling your appetite for the next hour.


build mental toughness

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Everyone falls short at some point. The key is not using this failure to abandon your efforts. Having a ‘training partner’ — someone who expects you to complete your short term commitments — can be tremendously useful.

My boss expects that I will submit this TPC report every day.

Cindy will be here in 10 minutes to go for a run. I should check my shoes right now.

And don’t forget to set aside time on your calendar. If it’s on the calendar, it should happen.


build mental toughness

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“Just do it.” as a management technique does not work in the modern workplace.

The Hero Leader with the set jaw, gazing into the distance with steely eyes is not sustainable.

Long term organizational success in a world of global disruption, of constant and accelerating change, requires that successful managers adopt an attitude of servant leadership.


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If you view your role as a leader to empower others to become better at what they do, to achieve greater levels of skill and ability, and become better, more productive people in the process, then you are a servant leader.


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With calendars full of administrative milestones and continuous reporting requirements, many managers feel like they simply don’t have the time to attend to the individual, personal attention that goes with developing a staff of resilient, engaged, emotionally mature people.

But, in truth, if you make the time and commit to developing the skills required of a servant leader – the reports and the milestones will not be your problem any more.

Done right, servant leadership will build upon itself. Engaged employees who operate in a state of resilience and an attitude of continuous learning and improvement will voluntarily take on more responsibility.

The better managers get at servant leadership, the more time they will have to focus on leadership.


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Ultimately, resilience is about optimism.

Your ability as a manager and a leader to create an environment where your people can experience a sustained sense of optimism for the future will decide how well they react to change and failure.


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bibliography“Building Resilience”, Martin Seligman. (Harvard Business Review, April 2011)

“Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-Being.”, Martin Seligman. (Atria Books, 2011)

“Group Processes: An Introduction to Group Dynamics”, Joseph Luft. (Mayfield Publishing Company, 1984)

“It's Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy”, Michael Abrashoff. (Business Plus, 2002)

"Leading at the Edge of Chaos: How to Create the Nimble Organization", Daryl R. Conner. (John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1998)

“Leading Change”, John Kotter. (Harvard Business Review Press, 1996)

“Leading Transformation in the ‘New Normal’: An Art and Science Approach”, Harold Schroeder. (Cost Management, Nov/Dec 2010, 24-6)


Page 90: Resilience: how to build resilience in your people and your organization



“Surviving Corporate Transition”, William Bridges. (Doubleday, 1998)

“Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard”, Chip Heath and Dan Heath. (Broadway Books, 2010)

“The 1973 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators”, Philip Hanson. (University Associates Inc., 1973)

“The Fifth Discipline”, Peter Senge. (Currency, 1990)

“The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook”, Peter Senge. (Crown Business, 1994)

“The HR Value Proposition”, Dave Ulrich and Wayne Brockbank. (Harvard Business Review Press, 2005)

“The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom”, Jonathan Haidt. (Basic Books, 2005)


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“Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes”, William Bridges. (Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1980)

“True Grit”, Angela Lee Duckworth and Lauren Eskreis-Winkler. (Observer, April 2013)

“True North: Discover Your Authentic Leadership”, Bill George and Peter Simms. (Jossey-Bass, 2007)


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delta partners on resilience Resilience — Helping your team spring back

To Lead, You Must Learn to Teach (series)

Change Ready or Change Fatigue

Everyone Hates Change: 12 Steps to Help Overcome the Fear and Doubt

Sewage Pumps and Leadership

Build a Culture for Continuous Change

Corporate Culture, The Balanced Scorecard, and The Grand Jury

Leading Change—Modelling Behaviours Is Crucial for Success

Kotter’s 8 Steps to Change: More Relevant Than Ever

7 Key Factors for Making Change Happen

Anomie: Lost in a World of Constant Change


Page 95: Resilience: how to build resilience in your people and your organization


Psychology is a science, and teaching is an art; and sciences never generate arts directly out of themselves.

An intermediary inventive mind must make the application.

- William JamesTalks to Teachers, 1899


Page 96: Resilience: how to build resilience in your people and your organization


Delta Partners Inc., headquartered in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, is a full service management consulting firm. Our associates have in-depth understanding of business and organizational processes in both the public and private sectors.

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