reserve procurement in power systems with high renewable...

Outline The EU context Model description Case Study Results Results Reserve procurement in power systems with high renewable capacity: How does the time framework matter? G. Oggioni (1) R. Dominguez (2) Y. Smeers (3) (1) University of Brescia, Italy (2) Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo, Spain (3) CORE, Universit´ e catholique de Louvain, Belgium Mercati energetici e metodi quantitativi: un ponte tra Universit` a ed Impresa Padova October 13th, 2016 Reserve procurement

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Page 1: Reserve procurement in power systems with high renewable under two-stage electricity markets, Computers and Operations

Outline The EU context Model description Case Study Results Results

Reserve procurement in power systems with highrenewable capacity:

How does the time framework matter?

G. Oggioni(1) R. Dominguez(2) Y. Smeers(3)

(1) University of Brescia, Italy (2) Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo, Spain(3)CORE, Universite catholique de Louvain, Belgium

Mercati energetici e metodi quantitativi:un ponte tra Universita ed Impresa

PadovaOctober 13th, 2016

Reserve procurement

Page 2: Reserve procurement in power systems with high renewable under two-stage electricity markets, Computers and Operations

Outline The EU context Model description Case Study Results Results


1 The European context

2 Model descriptionModel common assumptionsModel 1: joint procurement of energy and reaserveModel 2: reserve procured before day aheadModel 3: reserve procured after day ahead

3 Case Study

4 Results

5 Conclusions

Reserve procurement

Page 3: Reserve procurement in power systems with high renewable under two-stage electricity markets, Computers and Operations

Outline The EU context Model description Case Study Results Results

Reserve procurement and RES integration

Renewable energy integration requires flexibility because of:



The schedule of an adequate reserve level is becoming extremely importantbecause:

The increasing integration of stochastic (renewable) energy production makespower systems unstable

It guarantees security of supply and system balance in real time!

Reserve procurement

Page 4: Reserve procurement in power systems with high renewable under two-stage electricity markets, Computers and Operations

Outline The EU context Model description Case Study Results Results

Towards the Internal European Electricity MarketThird Energy Package and Network Codes

The European Commission envisages the coordination of:

The energy day-ahead markets (Price Coupling of Regions);

The reserve procurement mechanisms;

The congestion management;

The energy balancing markets.

Reserve procurement

Page 5: Reserve procurement in power systems with high renewable under two-stage electricity markets, Computers and Operations

Outline The EU context Model description Case Study Results Results


Reserve procurement

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Outline The EU context Model description Case Study Results Results

Our goals in this paper...

Q1: Does the time framework for reserve procurement matter?

We analyze and compare the efficiency levels of three power systems where:

1 Energy and reserves are jointly scheduled by an Independent System Operator(as in the US)

2 Reserves are scheduled before the clearing of the day-ahead energy market(as in Central European countries)

3 Reserves are schedule after the clearing of the day-ahead energy market(as in Italy, Spain, Portugal)

Q2: Does a coordinated reserve procurement increase the system efficiency?

We compare the efficiency levels of the three power systems above assuming acoordinated and not-coordinated reserve schedule.

Reserve procurement

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Outline The EU context Model description Case Study Results Results


Reserve procurement

Page 8: Reserve procurement in power systems with high renewable under two-stage electricity markets, Computers and Operations

Outline The EU context Model description Case Study Results Results

Common assumptions

Model common assumptions

Spatial granularity: nodal level both in day-ahead energy and ancillaryservice markets

Reserves: Conventional and downward/upward spinning reserves

Generating units: Stochastic (wind and solar PV) vs. dispatchable units(nuclear, coal, CCGT)

Dispatchable units

Qualified Non-qualified

Coal NuclearCCGT

Demand response: demand side management with downward/upwarddeviations in real time

Uncertainty characterization: day-ahead forecasts and real time scenarios fordemand level and renewable power availability

Reserve procurement

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Outline The EU context Model description Case Study Results Results

Model 1

Model 1: Energy and reserve needs are jointly scheduled

Model 1 is a two-stage stochastic programming problem as illustrated below:

FirstStage SecondStage










Figure: Decision-making process of Model 1

Reserve procurement

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Outline The EU context Model description Case Study Results Results

Model 2

Model 2: Reserve scheduled before the day-ahead energy market

Model 2 is a three-stage stochastic programming problem as illustrated below:

FirstStage SecondStage ThirdStage




















Figure: Decision-making process of Model 2

Reserve procurement

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Outline The EU context Model description Case Study Results Results

Model 3

Model 3: Reserve scheduled after the day-ahead energy market

Model 3 is formulated as illustrated below:

FirstStage SecondStage TSObalancesthe










Figure: Decision-making process of Model 3

Reserve procurement

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Outline The EU context Model description Case Study Results Results

Case Study

Reserve procurement

Page 13: Reserve procurement in power systems with high renewable under two-stage electricity markets, Computers and Operations

Outline The EU context Model description Case Study Results Results

Case study

Nodal network: IEEE 24-node networkwith 38 transmission lines


Technology Capacity (MW)

CCGT 2250Coal 700

Nuclear 900

Wind 2100Solar 750

Total 6700

Total demand (17 nodes): 3135 MW

Uncertainty: 3 day-ahead forecastsand 3 real time scenarios perday-ahead forecast

18 21 22


16 19 20


1514 13

11 1224

3 9 10




21 7

















Reserve procurement

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Outline The EU context Model description Case Study Results Results

Reserve procurement

Coordinated procurement: Reserve need is determined on the whole marketas a unique zone (1 zone);

Not-coordinated procurement: Reserve needs are defined at zonal level (3zones/countries).

Reserve procurement

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Outline The EU context Model description Case Study Results Results


Reserve procurement

Page 16: Reserve procurement in power systems with high renewable under two-stage electricity markets, Computers and Operations

Outline The EU context Model description Case Study Results Results

Operating costsCoordinated reserve procurement ($):

1 Zone

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3(Expected) (Expected)

Total operating costs 826,180 837,708 827,296

DA operating costs 822,345 851,960 823,532RT operating costs 3,835 -14,252 3,764

Not-coordinated reserve procurement ($):

3 Zones

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3(Expected) (Expected)

Total operating costs 834,007 843,395 5,060,361

DA operating costs 829,937 860,962 858,323DA unserved demand value - - 4,201,153RT operating costs 4,070 -17,568 884RT unserved demand value - - -

Not-coordinated reserve procurement and increased installed capacity ($):

3 Zones (Increased capacity)

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3(Expected) (Expected)

Total operating costs 772,771 775,675 776,195

DA operating costs 786,711 798,431 792,769RT operating costs -13,940 -22,756 -16,574

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Reserve procurement

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Outline The EU context Model description Case Study Results Results


As expected, the market structure represented through Model 1 (one ISO)results as the most efficient market under all reserve procurementassumptions.

We also verified that the not-coordinated reserve procurement based onmultiple reliability zones leads to higher total operating costs thanconsidering the power system as a whole.

Model 3 in the coordinated reserve procurement case results almost asefficient as Model 1.

But it becomes inefficient (unserved demand) in the not-coordinated reserveprocurement because of the limits imposed on the cross-border exchanges.

Reserve procurement

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Outline The EU context Model description Case Study Results Results

Reserve procurement

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Outline The EU context Model description Case Study Results Results

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Reserve procurement