researching genre


Upload: rob-terry

Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Researching genre


Page 2: Researching genre


‘A style or category of art, music or literature’

In terms of a music magazine, it means genre of music, such as rock, pop, indie.

Page 3: Researching genre

Chosen Genre: ROCK

The genre I have chosen for the music magazine is Rock.

I have chosen this because it is quite a vague genre, and there is lots of

different types of rock, which makes it easier for me.

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THEME: Old rock bands, dark, old photos, Free CD on front to attract more customers.FONT: Masthead has quite old fashioned font, every other font is very basic. AC/DC letters is band logo.ARTICLE TYPES: Interviews with big names in rock, hints of new singles/albums/tours coming from bands.PHTOGRAPHY: Old and new photos, front cover is AC/DC in 1977, in grey to show it’s an old photo, reminds everyone of what they looked like back then.COSTUME: Band outfit, Angus Young in school boy clothes, Bon Scott in denim vest and jeans.PROPS: Holding guitar and microphone to show what they playCOLOUR: mostly dark, black, gold to show a high ‘class’ of bands.

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THEME: Modern rock bands, also dark and lots of pictures.FONT: Magazine title is normal font, with rough edges and lines through, to show anarchy. ARTICLE TYPES: Gossip between bands, advertising new singles/albums/tours. PHOTOGRAPHY: Medium close up of Green Day on front cover, looking quite shocked. Lots of other photos on front cover, full shots of band sat down, posing etc COSTUME: Normal band clothes, black jackets, eye liner. PROPS: Picture of Paramore shows someone holding a guitar, also sat down. Metallica sat down at table.COLOUR: White background, with black colour all over. Green on ‘Green Day’ because it’s one of the bands main colours.

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THEME: Old and new bands. Lighter colours than other magazines.FONT: Everything basic font, side titles are italic, the title looks like it’s been writtenARTICLE TYPES: Interviews, articles on bands, advertising singles/albums/tours.PHOTOGRAPHY: Medium shot of Alex Turner. Stood making record noticeable.COSTUME: Neat hair, black shirt with a rose. PROPS: Holding a record next to his head to make it more noticeable, explain title ‘the record that changed my life’ COLOUR: White background, like a brick wall. Red fonts, also blue fonts.

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THEME: Mainly music magazine, some other articles too (not music) . Old and new bands. FONT: Masthead looks old fashioned, as it is an old magazine. Red font.ARTICLE TYPES: Interviews on bands, articles on bands, other non music related material.PHOTOGRAPHY: Shot of The Beatles getting off a plane in grey in the 60s, to remind us of what the Beatles looks like. Stood smiling and waving.COSTUME: Formal attire, suits and ties.PROPS: John Lennon wearing sunglasses.COLOUR: Grey photo takes up background of magazine. Red and black font colour.

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All magazines have an overall dark colour, and masthead in big letters. Other colour too, mainly red or green.

Normal medium close-up of bands/singers, holding a prop.

Articles mainly about band interviews, or advertising their new things such s albums, singles and tours.

Font is mainly just normal font, with some exceptions.

I can use this research to put into my final magazine.