research task mumford and suns

Research task By Charlie, Harry and Toby

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Post on 26-Jun-2015



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Page 1: Research task mumford and suns

Research task

By Charlie, Harry and Toby

Page 2: Research task mumford and suns


This is a close up of the guitar players hand. This shows they're real musicians and create all there music them selves. It also gives the band a sort of country/indie feel.

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Over the shoulder shot makes us feel like we are there a little, and it also helps us see things from their perspective.

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This shot shows the whole band, it introduces the performance of the band, as we can see all of them performing for the first time. They’ve used a long shot to shows all members.

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In this shot it also shows them all wearing similar old clothes. They are a modern day band but the clothes show that the music is about a past era.

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This shot shows a band member in front of a light. This makes us focus on the music as the shot is cropped and that his facial features are hidden.

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This shot shows a empty theatre, we think this is because the lyrics relate to them being lonely and in isolation.

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This section in the music video is Zooming out on the band and we think this creates a sense of people backing off….which is told us in the lyrics. Also the video is shot at night as you can see from this shot, and we think this is because every one has left, linking back to isolation and loneliness.

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This shot shows the band member stomping with passion, and also a change in sound as the volume/music really kick in.