research on online learning communities

RESEARCH ON ONLINE LEARNING COMMUNITIES The formation and characteristics of online Iearning communities is another research area in which researchers examine the collective effort and achievement of groups operating in an online context who use different means of communication that often rely on both asynchronous and synchronous tools. Online learning communities have been defined as groups that work together to achieve joint learning tasks (Harasim. Hillz Teles &Turoff. 1997). Research is beginning to emerge supporting the idea that students co-construct a sense of community online by promoting a sociai context of rapport. collegialily. and shared meanings. Interpersonal Involvement Strategies and Community Development simich-dudgeon (1999) found that students used interpersonal involvement strategies through written online text, such as imagery. repctition. dialogue. metaphors. and irony. to engage and interact with other students in asynchronous computer conferencing. The students worked cooperatively to create a supportive community and establish shared meaning of content through their online text communication. , In an online environment, a sense of community is promoted through strong interpersonal ties that provide support for leaming and prevent feelings of isolation. viewing a as what people do together rather than as a geographic location where tasks are accomplished is the focus integration of virtual online communities into the educational process. Haythomthwaite, Kazmer. Robins. Shoemaker (2000) investigated students' perceptions of the characteristics of community. as well as who and what contribute to a sense of community. in a graduate library education program experience. The program consisted of an initial 2-week face-to-face experience and re- lied primarily on online communication throughout the remainder of the courses required for the master`s degree. These researchers found that students perceived an initial community building through their shared history and experience with the.face-to-face component of the course that carried over and was maintained throughout the program by online communication. With the common goal of completing the program and entering the profession of library education. students in this online course provided one another with social and emotional support as welt as multiple resources, which created a safe , reciprocal and trusting learning environment. However. a few students who failed to make social or educational community connections were distressed and could not overcome a sense of isolation resulting from a lack of face-to-face contact with the instructor and other students. Likewise , a lack of cues in the online environment and reduced amounts of positive and negative feedback on their contributions created a sense of insecurity in some students about the appropriateness of their contributions. Establishing strong personal ties and social support with other students and/or the instructor helped to stave off feelings of insecurity and isolation and enhanced the benefits of the educational experience

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Page 1: Research on online learning communities


The formation and characteristics of online Iearning communities is another research area in

which researchers examine the collective effort and achievement of groups operating in an

online context who use different means of communication that often rely on both

asynchronous and synchronous tools. Online learning communities have been defined as

groups that work together to achieve joint learning tasks (Harasim. Hillz Teles &Turoff.

1997). Research is beginning to emerge supporting the idea that students co-construct a sense

of community online by promoting a sociai context of rapport. collegialily. and shared


Interpersonal Involvement Strategies and Community Development

simich-dudgeon (1999) found that students used interpersonal involvement strategies through

written online text, such as imagery. repctition. dialogue. metaphors. and irony. to engage and

interact with other students in asynchronous computer conferencing. The students worked

cooperatively to create a supportive community and establish shared meaning of content

through their online text communication. ,

In an online environment, a sense of community is promoted through strong

interpersonal ties that provide support for leaming and prevent feelings of isolation. viewing a

as what people do together rather than as a geographic location where tasks are accomplished

is the focus integration of virtual online communities into the educational process.

Haythomthwaite, Kazmer. Robins. Shoemaker (2000) investigated students' perceptions of

the characteristics of community. as well as who and what contribute to a sense of

community. in a graduate library education program experience. The program consisted of an

initial 2-week face-to-face experience and re-

lied primarily on online communication throughout the remainder of the courses required for

the master`s degree. These researchers found that students perceived an initial community

building through their shared history and experience with the.face-to-face component of the

course that carried over and was maintained throughout the program by online


With the common goal of completing the program and entering the profession of

library education. students in this online course provided one another with social and

emotional support as welt as multiple resources, which created a safe , reciprocal and trusting

learning environment. However. a few students who failed to make social or educational

community connections were distressed and could not overcome a sense of isolation resulting

from a lack of face-to-face contact with the instructor and other students. Likewise , a lack of

cues in the online environment and reduced amounts of positive and negative feedback on

their contributions created a sense of insecurity in some students about the appropriateness of

their contributions. Establishing strong personal ties and social support with other students

and/or the instructor helped to stave off feelings of insecurity and isolation and enhanced the

benefits of the educational experience

Page 2: Research on online learning communities

In this study, students perceived maintaining a community through online interaction

as requiring more effort than in traditional communities. As students engage with other

students and faculty, they move from isolation to membership in the community. The

students reported that disengaging or „fading back“ from online communication was fairly

easy to do and that regular synchronous communication (chat whispering, real-time lecturing,

whiteboard use) prevented fading back and feelings of isolation, and contributed to

maintaining community. Haythornthwaile et al.`s (2000) Study underscored the importance

of providing enhanced .social interaction through a range of computer-mediated

communication technologies as a way to promote a sense of community that can provide an

enhanced and effective collaborative educational experience for all participants Instructors

must take an active role in establishing a trusting, safe, and supportive environment. They can

do so by providing frequent feedback, creating opportunities for social exchange, and

maintaining awareness of disengagement so that individuals are encouraged to contribute to

the community and help create a positive educational experience for all. Specific instructional

strategies used to promote this type of engagement are presented in Chapters 6 and 9.

Classroom Communiïy Building

Rovai (2001) distinguished between task-driven and sucioemotional interaction as well as

between diffenences in gender communication patterns in building a sense of community in

online contexts. As haythornthwaite et al. (2000) found, Rovai( 2001 ) found that

socioemotional communicalion in an online contend was key to establishing cummunity in a

graduate course. The focus of this research extended to identifying differences in

communication patterns exhbited by males and females. In the socioemotional discourse,

females posted more messages overall and used more connected voice patterns , which

included references to family , self , others‟ families. praise, encouragement. and support. In

socioemotional types of messages, males posted signifîcantly more independent voice

messages, which were more impersonal. assertive, authoritative in tone. and Iess likely to

permi alternative viewpoints. ln addition. at the end of the experience, females rated the

course higher for having a feeling of community and made more positive comments about the

course. whereas males made most of the critical comments. These results behoove online

instructors not only to encourage socioemtional communication to promote a sense of

community, but also to be sensitive to different communication patterns and to use strategies

that provide all learners with opportunities for expression.

Page 3: Research on online learning communities

Collabortion in Online Learning

From a more qualilative perspective, Barab, Thomas, and Merrîll‟s (2001) study further

supports the notion that the online context can support learners engaged in deep and

meaningful interpersonal interaction. ln an adult learning online course, these researchers

examined online transcripts, course products, and assignments, and interviewed the graduate-

level course participants. The researchers found that this particular course afforded freedom

and flexibility in the design of course activities and encouraged openness and personal

sharing among participants. This environment was accomplished through activities such as

posting autobiographies, creating individual learning plans , and integrating personal

perspectives into assignments. Overall, the most meaningful learning for students seemed to

occur when they shared personal experiences related to course content. As in the previous

studies we reviewed in this section. Barab et a1.'s work provided evidence that the online

context can promote and sustain deep, meaningful, interpersonal exchanges that can support

learning. An important conclusion in this study was that instructors need to place as much

emphasis on establishing the appropriate instructional climate as on providing appropriate

content, particularly when they want to reap the meaningful educational benefits of

attempting to create an online learning community.

Suggested Instructional Strategies ond Activities

The previously rnentioned studies incorporated, or their results suggested, the following

instuctional strategies and activities related to the integration of online communities (for

additional informalion on these research studies and their findings, visit the companion Web

site at

instructional strategies and activities suggaested in simich-dudgeon ( 1999)

Create awareness that students and instructors work collaboratively to promote shared

meaning and to create a supportive learning community.

Consider encouraging the use of interpersonal involvement strategies such as personal

stories, metaphors, and irony.

Encourage students to use personalized greetings to promote a sense of community.

Page 4: Research on online learning communities

Instructional strategies and activities suggested

Promotè initial and sustained bonding through group interaction by means of

communication (including both face-to-face and online public and private

communication) related to work and social activities.

Establish a regular schedule to provide opporlunities for patterns of work and social


Provide opportunities for both public and private synchronous interaction to facililate

community building.

Monitor and support continued interaction and participation. Stay aware of students

who “fade back,” and attempt to draw them into both social and educational

interaction to facilitate community.

Provide students with initial feedback on appropriate communication.

instructional Strategies and Activities Suggesied in Rovoi (2001)

Attempt to create a sense of community by designing for and supporting student

interactìon and involvement

Build community by encouraging socioemotional communication as weil as

educational task-driven interactions.

Be sensitive to differences in communication patterns and adapt your leaching to

facilitate interaction white not silencing any members of the group.

Consider incorporating a rubric to promote discussion standards to encourage

uniform contributions.

Instructional strstegies and activities suggested in barab et al. (2001)

Signifìcant portions of online courses may involve interpersonal issues, depending on

the course content.

Online courses can promote the sharing of personal experiences. integration of

content that is personally meaningful, and establishment of a sense of community.

instructors should consider explicitly designing a course with the purpose of

establishing an online community.

lnstuctors should emphasize course climate as well as course content to encourage the

emergence of an online community.

Instructors need to consider asynchronous communication methods for promoting the

reflective thought necessary to create personally meaningful experiences online.

Page 5: Research on online learning communities


Pembentukan dan karakteristik masyarakat Iearning online adalah bidang penelitian di mana peneliti

meneliti upaya kolektif dan prestasi kelompok yang beroperasi dalam konteks online yang

menggunakan cara komunikasi yang berbeda yang sering bergantung pada kedua perangkat

asinkron dan sinkron. Online komunitas belajar telah didefinisikan sebagai kelompok yang bekerja

sama untuk mencapai tugas-tugas belajar bersama (Harasim. Hillz Teles & Turoff 1997.). Penelitian

mulai muncul mendukung gagasan bahwa siswa co-membangun rasa komunitas online dengan

mempromosikan sociai konteks hubungan baik. collegialily. dan berbagi makna.

Keterlibatan interpersonal Strategi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat

simich-kemarahan (1999) menemukan bahwa siswa menggunakan strategi keterlibatan

interpersonal melalui teks online tertulis, seperti citra. repctition. dialog. metafora. dan ironi. untuk

terlibat dan berinteraksi dengan siswa lain di konferensi komputer asinkron. Para siswa bekerja sama

untuk menciptakan sebuah komunitas yang mendukung dan membangun makna bersama konten

melalui komunikasi teks online mereka. ,

Dalam lingkungan online, rasa masyarakat dipromosikan melalui hubungan interpersonal yang kuat

yang memberikan dukungan untuk leaming dan mencegah perasaan isolasi. melihat apa yang

dilakukan orang bersama-sama daripada sebagai lokasi geografis di mana tugas-tugas yang dilakukan

adalah integrasi fokus dari komunitas online virtual dalam proses pendidikan. Haythomthwaite,

Kazmer. Robins. Shoemaker (2000) persepsi siswa menyelidiki 'karakteristik dari masyarakat. serta

siapa dan apa yang memberikan kontribusi rasa komunitas. dalam pengalaman perpustakaan

program pendidikan pascasarjana. Program ini terdiri dari pengalaman tatap muka 2-minggu awal

dan re-

berbohong terutama pada komunikasi online seluruh sisa dari kursus yang diperlukan untuk

menguasai `s derajat. Para peneliti menemukan bahwa siswa dianggap sebuah bangunan

masyarakat awal melalui sejarah mereka bersama dan pengalaman dengan komponen the.face-to-

face dari kursus yang terbawa dan dipertahankan selama program dengan komunikasi online.

Dengan tujuan bersama menyelesaikan program dan memasuki profesi pendidikan perpustakaan.

siswa dalam kursus online yang disediakan satu sama lain dengan dukungan sosial dan emosional

sebagai sumber daya beberapa sumur, yang menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang aman, timbal balik

dan mempercayai. Namun. beberapa siswa yang gagal untuk membuat hubungan sosial

kemasyarakatan atau pendidikan yang tertekan dan tidak bisa mengatasi rasa isolasi akibat dari

kurangnya kontak tatap muka dengan instruktur dan siswa lainnya. Demikian juga, kurangnya isyarat

dalam lingkungan online dan mengurangi jumlah umpan balik positif dan negatif pada kontribusi

mereka menciptakan rasa tidak aman di beberapa siswa tentang kelayakan kontribusi mereka.

Membangun hubungan pribadi yang kuat dan dukungan sosial dengan siswa lain dan / atau

instruktur membantu untuk mencegah perasaan tidak aman dan isolasi dan meningkatkan manfaat

dari pengalaman pendidikan

Dalam studi ini, siswa dianggap menjaga komunitas melalui interaksi online membutuhkan upaya

yang lebih daripada di komunitas tradisional. Seperti siswa terlibat dengan siswa lain dan fakultas,

mereka bergerak dari isolasi dengan keanggotaan di masyarakat. Para siswa melaporkan bahwa

melepaskan kembali memudar atau '"dari komunikasi online pun cukup mudah untuk dilakukan dan

bahwa komunikasi sinkron reguler (chatting berbisik, ceramah real-time, gunakan papan tulis)

dicegah kembali memudar dan perasaan isolasi, dan memberikan kontribusi kepada masyarakat

Page 6: Research on online learning communities

menjaga. Haythornthwaile et al. `S (2000) Studi menggarisbawahi pentingnya menyediakan interaksi

ditingkatkan. Sosial melalui berbagai teknologi komunikasi komputer dimediasi sebagai cara untuk

mempromosikan rasa komunitas yang dapat memberikan pengalaman yang disempurnakan dan

efektif pendidikan kolaboratif untuk semua peserta Instruktur harus mengambil peran aktif dalam

menciptakan lingkungan percaya, aman, dan mendukung. Mereka dapat melakukannya dengan

memberikan umpan balik sering, menciptakan peluang untuk pertukaran sosial, dan

mempertahankan kesadaran pelepasan sehingga individu didorong untuk memberikan kontribusi

kepada masyarakat dan membantu menciptakan sebuah pengalaman pendidikan yang positif bagi

semua. strategi instruksional khusus digunakan untuk mempromosikan jenis keterlibatan disajikan

dalam Bab 6 dan 9.

Kelas Communiïy Bangunan

Rovai (2001) dibedakan antara interaksi tugas-driven dan sucioemotional serta antara diffenences

dalam pola komunikasi gender dalam membangun rasa komunitas dalam konteks online. Sebagai

haythornthwaite et al. (2000) menemukan, Rovai (2001) menemukan bahwa communicalion

sosioemosional dalam berpendapat online adalah kunci untuk cummunity membangun dalam

program pascasarjana. Fokus penelitian ini diperluas untuk mengidentifikasi perbedaan pola

komunikasi exhbited oleh laki-laki dan perempuan. Dalam wacana sosioemosional, perempuan lebih

banyak pesan diposting keseluruhan dan menggunakan pola suara lebih terhubung, termasuk

referensi untuk keluarga keluarga, diri sendiri, orang lain. pujian, dorongan. dan dukungan. Dalam

sosioemosional jenis pesan, laki-laki diposting pesan suara secara signifikan lebih mandiri, yang lebih

impersonal. tegas, berwibawa dalam nada. dan Iess kemungkinan sudut pandang alternatif Permi.

Selain ln. pada akhir dari pengalaman, tentu saja perempuan dinilai lebih tinggi untuk memiliki

perasaan masyarakat dan memberikan komentar positif lebih lanjut tentang kursus. sedangkan laki-

laki membuat sebagian besar komentar kritis. Hasil ini behoove instruktur online tidak hanya untuk

mendorong komunikasi socioemtional untuk mempromosikan rasa masyarakat, tetapi juga harus

peka terhadap pola komunikasi yang berbeda dan menggunakan strategi yang menyediakan semua

pelajar dengan kesempatan untuk berekspresi.

Collabortion di Belajar Online

Dari perspektif yang lebih qualilative, (2001) studi Barab, Thomas, dan Merrill lebih jauh mendukung

gagasan bahwa konteks online dapat mendukung peserta didik terlibat dalam interaksi interpersonal

yang mendalam dan bermakna. Dalam pembelajaran orang dewasa kursus online, para peneliti

memeriksa transkrip online, produk saja, dan tugas, dan mewawancarai peserta tingkat sarjana saja.

Para peneliti menemukan bahwa kursus ini khusus diberikan kebebasan dan fleksibilitas dalam

desain kegiatan kursus dan mendorong keterbukaan dan berbagi pribadi di antara peserta.

lingkungan ini dicapai melalui kegiatan seperti posting otobiografi, menciptakan rencana

pembelajaran individu, dan mengintegrasikan perspektif pribadi ke dalam tugas. Secara keseluruhan,

pembelajaran yang paling bermakna bagi siswa tampaknya terjadi ketika mereka berbagi

pengalaman pribadi yang berkaitan dengan isi kursus. Seperti pada studi sebelumnya kita dibahas

Page 7: Research on online learning communities

dalam bagian ini. Barab et a1. 'S kerja memberikan bukti bahwa konteks online dapat

mempromosikan dan mempertahankan dalam, bermakna, pertukaran interpersonal yang dapat

mendukung pembelajaran. Sebuah kesimpulan penting dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa instruktur

harus menempatkan sebagai penekanan pada membangun iklim pembelajaran yang sesuai

sebagaimana pada penyediaan konten yang sesuai, terutama jika mereka ingin memetik manfaat

pendidikan bermakna mencoba untuk menciptakan sebuah komunitas pembelajaran online.

Strategi instruksional Disarankan o ligasi Kegiatan

Studi-studi sebelumnya rnentioned dimasukkan, atau hasil mereka yang disarankan, strategi

instuctional berikut dan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan integrasi komunitas online (untuk

informalion tambahan atas studi penelitian dan temuan mereka, kunjungi pendamping situs Web di

http://www.prenhall. com / Dabbagh

strategi pengajaran dan kegiatan suggaested di simich-kemarahan (1999)

• Menciptakan kesadaran bahwa siswa dan instruktur bekerja sama untuk mempromosikan makna

bersama dan untuk menciptakan masyarakat yang menunjang pembelajaran.

• Pertimbangkan mendorong penggunaan strategi keterlibatan interpersonal seperti cerita pribadi,

metafora, dan ironi.

• Mendorong siswa untuk menggunakan salam pribadi untuk mempromosikan rasa komunitas.

strategi instruksional dan kegiatan yang disarankan

• Mempromosikan ikatan awal dan berkelanjutan melalui interaksi kelompok dengan cara

komunikasi (termasuk kedua-muka-muka dan komunikasi publik dan swasta online) yang

berhubungan dengan pekerjaan dan kegiatan sosial.

• Menetapkan jadwal teratur untuk memberikan opporlunities pola kerja dan pertukaran sosial.

• Memberikan kesempatan untuk kedua interaksi sinkron publik dan swasta untuk facililate

membangun komunitas.

• Memantau dan mendukung interaksi lanjutan dan partisipasi. sadar siswa yang "memudar

kembali," dan berusaha untuk menarik mereka ke kedua interaksi sosial dan pendidikan untuk

memfasilitasi masyarakat Stay.

• Memberikan siswa dengan umpan balik awal pada komunikasi yang tepat.

Strategi pembelajaran dan Kegiatan Suggesied di Rovoi (2001)

• Mencoba untuk menciptakan rasa masyarakat dengan merancang untuk dan mendukung interaksi

siswa dan keterlibatan

• Membangun masyarakat dengan mendorong komunikasi sosioemosional sebagai Weil sebagai

interaksi tugas-driven pendidikan.

• Peka terhadap perbedaan dalam pola komunikasi dan beradaptasi pencucian Anda untuk

memfasilitasi interaksi putih tidak pembungkaman setiap anggota kelompok.

• Pertimbangkan untuk memasukkan sebuah rubrik untuk mempromosikan standar diskusi untuk

Page 8: Research on online learning communities

mendorong kontribusi seragam.

strstegies Instruksional dan kegiatan yang disarankan dalam barab et al. (2001)

• signifikan bagian dari program online mungkin melibatkan masalah interpersonal, tergantung pada

isi kursus.

• Online program dapat mempromosikan berbagi pengalaman pribadi. integrasi konten yang

bermakna secara pribadi, dan pembentukan rasa komunitas.

• instruktur harus mempertimbangkan secara eksplisit merancang suatu kursus dengan tujuan

membangun komunitas online.

lnstuctors • harus menekankan program iklim serta isi kursus untuk mendorong munculnya

komunitas online.

Instruktur • perlu mempertimbangkan metode komunikasi asynchronous untuk mempromosikan

pemikiran reflektif yang diperlukan untuk menciptakan pengalaman pribadi berarti online.