research methodology dr. tamer el sharnouby assistant professor of marketing cairo university...

Research Methodology Dr. Tamer El Sharnouby Assistant Professor of Marketing Cairo University [email protected]

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Page 1: Research Methodology Dr. Tamer El Sharnouby Assistant Professor of Marketing Cairo University

Research Methodology

Dr. Tamer El Sharnouby Assistant Professor of Marketing

Cairo University [email protected]

Page 3: Research Methodology Dr. Tamer El Sharnouby Assistant Professor of Marketing Cairo University

Module 1 Understanding Research

Outline: - Definition and purpose of research,

- The qualities of a good researcher,

- Main types of research.

Page 4: Research Methodology Dr. Tamer El Sharnouby Assistant Professor of Marketing Cairo University

Definition and purpose of research

Research means different things to different people.

Research: - Process of enquiry and investigation,- Systematic and methodical,- Increases knowledge,- Thorough and rigorous, and - Appropriate methodology and

method. -

Page 5: Research Methodology Dr. Tamer El Sharnouby Assistant Professor of Marketing Cairo University

Purpose of research: To review and synthesise existing knowledge, To investigate some existing situation and

problem, To provide a solution to a problem, To explore and analyse some general issues, To construct or create a new procedure or

system, To explain a new phenomenon, To generate new knowledge, and A combination of any of the above.

Page 6: Research Methodology Dr. Tamer El Sharnouby Assistant Professor of Marketing Cairo University

Qualities of a good researcher

You might have some.... Others you need to develop:

Communication skills: the ability to communicate your understanding of the research area (submission of dissertation, thesis, proposal, defence in viva, oral examination).

Page 7: Research Methodology Dr. Tamer El Sharnouby Assistant Professor of Marketing Cairo University

Written and verbal communication skills are needed:

Applying for funding, Discussing your project with your

supervisor, Negotiating access to sources of data, Conducting interview, Designing interviews, leading a focus group, Writing and presenting conference paper, Writing academic journal articles.

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Intellectual skills:

Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation

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Information technology skills

Word-processing program (write your notes, any quotations and references from literature, results of any survey, observations,...etc later on you can manipulate and refine)

Statistical packages (Minitab, SPSS, Stata)

Database (quantitative data and qualitative data) ,

Computerized library and online databases,


Page 10: Research Methodology Dr. Tamer El Sharnouby Assistant Professor of Marketing Cairo University

Organizational skills

Time management: many tasks ...time consuming:

Timetable for your research ASAP, List all activities you have to undertake and

estimate the time you think it will take to complete them,

To start writing a satisfactory first draft proposal... Shut the door, unplug the telephone, switch of mobile and sit down with you books and papers for five or six hours without interruption.

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Choose a subject you are interested in. Your reason for doing the research: I love the subject, I love studying, I want to be intellectual, I have a personal question I want to answer, I want to be creative and useful, I want to be a member of the research community, I need to get a better job, Employers want people with this qualification, All my friends are doing it, and It’s part of my course.

Page 12: Research Methodology Dr. Tamer El Sharnouby Assistant Professor of Marketing Cairo University

Major Limitations in Conducting a Research

Time Costs

Access to resources Approval by authorities

Ethical concerns Expertise

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Types of research:

According to: The purpose: Exploratory,

descriptive, analytical and predictive research.

Process/approach: Quantitative vs Qualitative.

Applied vs Basic research

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Research Approaches








Page 15: Research Methodology Dr. Tamer El Sharnouby Assistant Professor of Marketing Cairo University

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Methodological Assumption

(Cresswell 1994: 5)Quantitative Qualitative

Deductive process Inductive process

Cause and effect Mutual simultaneous shaping of factors

Static design – categories isolated before study

Emerging design – categories identified during research process

Generalization leading to prediction, explanation, and understanding

Patterns, theories developed for understanding

Accurate and reliable through validity and reliability

Accurate and reliable through verification

Page 16: Research Methodology Dr. Tamer El Sharnouby Assistant Professor of Marketing Cairo University

Assumptions of qualitative designs

1. Qualitative researchers are concerned primarily with process, rather than outcomes or products.

2. Qualitative researchers are interested in meaning.3. The qualitative researcher is the primary instrument for data

collection and analysis. Data are mediated through this human instrument, rather than through questionnaires, or machines.

4. Qualitative research involves fieldwork. The researcher physically goes to the people setting, site, or institution to observe or record behavior in its natural setting.

5. Qualitative research is descriptive in that the researcher is interested in process, meaning and understanding gained through words or pictures.

6. The process of qualitative research is inductive in that the researcher builds abstractions, concepts, hypotheses, and theories from details.

Page 17: Research Methodology Dr. Tamer El Sharnouby Assistant Professor of Marketing Cairo University

Assumptions of qualitative designs

The nature of reality: multiple, constructed and holistic

The relationship of knower to known: interactive, inseparable.

Generalization: a “working hypothesis” that describes a single case

Causal linkages: mutual simultaneous shaping.

Inquiry is value bound.

Page 18: Research Methodology Dr. Tamer El Sharnouby Assistant Professor of Marketing Cairo University

When to use qualitative research

For problems that need exploration For problems that need a complex detailed

understanding. To write in styles that push the limits of

formal academic narratives To understand contexts The topic has been researched for a long

time in the same way The topic is new to research You would like in-depth information that may

be difficult to convey quantitatively

Page 19: Research Methodology Dr. Tamer El Sharnouby Assistant Professor of Marketing Cairo University

Qual Data Collection Methods

Interviews Focus groups Participant observation (field notes) Video Text and Image analysis (documents,

media data)

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Assumptions of quantitative designs

Quan: what, where, and when of natural phenomena develop and employ mathematical

models, theories and hypotheses related to natural phenomena

Involve large samples of subjects; deal with cause/effect

Associated with positivism: that objective truth can be known with certainty, that it can be gained through rational methods

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A single, tangible reality "out there" that can be broken apart into pieces capable of being studied independently

The separation of the observer from the observed

What is true at one time and place will also be true at another time and place

An assumption of linear causality; there are no effects without causes and no causes without effects

The results of an inquiry are essentially free from beliefs, interpretations

Page 22: Research Methodology Dr. Tamer El Sharnouby Assistant Professor of Marketing Cairo University

Quantitative Methods

Survey Experiments

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Quantitative concerns

Useful in areas like user demographics, patterns of use; BUT: Can produce a false sense of certainty Takes the subject outside of natural

setting/tasks Quantifies unquantifiable phenomenon

Page 24: Research Methodology Dr. Tamer El Sharnouby Assistant Professor of Marketing Cairo University

Choice of Methodology & Methods

Depends on Research Questions Research Goals Researcher Beliefs and Values Researcher Skills Time and Funds

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References Cornford, T. and Smithson, S. (1996). Project

Research in Information Systems. A Student’s Guide. Macmillan. London.

Creswell, J.W. (1998). Qualitative inquiry and research design. Choosing among five traditions. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Creswell, J.W. (2009). Research design. Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Denzin, N.K. & Lincoln, Y. (2000). Introduction: The discipline and practice of qualitative research. In N.K. Denzin & Y. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research (2nd ed., pp.1-17). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

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Dr. Tamer El Sharnouby [email protected]