research into target audience


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Page 1: Research into target audience


Page 2: Research into target audience

In order to find an appropriate target audience for my magazine I have decided to research into different types of regional magazines to get an idea of what type of audience they are attracting.

This will help me decide what I will need to include in my magazine to attract my intended audience.

Page 3: Research into target audience


Cornwall Today is the biggest and best-selling monthly magazine for Cornwall.

Named Best Regional Magazine in the 2014 Newspaper Awards.

£7.95 per quarter when you subscribe by Direct Debit (£26.85 for one year’s subscription)

This suggests that the magazine is intended for an older audience and perhaps only sells to residents of Cornwall.

Page 4: Research into target audience


Country Living is a monthly magazine It costs £36.00 for 1 Year by Credit or Debit

Card It’s total circulation (2012) was 1,641,000The cost of the magazine suggests that it is targeted to an older audience however, it reaches several people, rather just an audience of a particular place.

Page 5: Research into target audience

ABSOLUTE (BRIGHTON) Absolute magazine focuses on several topics, which are: Fashion and Style Health and Beauty Food and Drink Culture and Entertainment Sport Business Homes and Interiors Because this magazine focuses on a wide range of topics I think it can reach to many different ages. However, in particular I think the target audience for this magazine is teenagers/ young adults. The magazine is also free, which helps reach this age group. Therefore when making my magazine, I will adopt some of the same features as Absolute.

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TIME OUT (LONDON) Time out is a Weekly, monthly and quarterly

magazine. In 2012, the magazine became a free publication with

a weekly readership of over 307,000 It received its first official ABC Certificate for October

2012 showing distribution of over 305,000 copies per week which was the largest distribution in the history of the brand.

It focuses on Culture, entertainment and events guide. I think that this information suggests the target audience is young adults.

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CONCLUSION After researching into these magazines I have

decided to make my magazine free, as Time Out and Absolute are free and are reaching the demographic that I intend on reaching. This means my magazine will make its revenue from advertising.

I have also decided that my magazine is going to focus on a wide range of topics. Such as fashion, culture, entertainment and events as I think these topics will interest teenagers and young adults.

My target audience is going to be both female and male ranging from 16-25.