research into sponsors

Sponsors for my film

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Research into sponsors

Sponsors for my film

Page 2: Research into sponsors

Film 4

Film 4 makes many films of different variations, more specifically it makes shorts so this instantly attracts me to looking into Film 4 as it has experience with making short films.

They are well known covering a large spectrum of media from TV to film and have many different channels. This will be good for getting an audience to our film as viewers will know the company and have more trust in them, so they will go see the film.

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Glasgow Film Festival

Glasgow Film Festival is obviously not a sponsor or maker of the film but could feature the film at the festival, gaining an audience.

Film festivals often attract a alternative audience range and so it might be good for short films to be featured there to allow a wider audience to see it.

Glasgow Film Festival is a well know festival and so plenty people will be going there with open minds of what they will be seeing.

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London Short Film Festival

London Short Film Festival is a perfect choice for somewhere to show our film as it is specific to short films and so it has a niche audience who attend knowing exactly what they are going for and know that they enjoy short films.

Having a short film showed among other short films is better than having a short film shown among full length films as the feature length film will possibly over power the short films because they’re more common and currently more popular.

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London Short Film Festival...

Having an exclusive film festival for shorts in London, the capital, is a really good way to get your films noticed and so having our film there would be a good option because it is where most people will attend and there is not many film festivals specialised for short films.

It will attract the audience that we want for the film as it is for people who enjoy short films.

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BFI London Film Festival

BFI is a charity that gets lottery funding towards film production, distribution, education, audience development and market intelligence research.

it is national so very popular and hosts film festivals every year. As it educated, it is often young people that go to learn thus more young people will go to the festival. This is good as short films aren’t popular to an older generation due to them not being popular but a younger generation are better for promoting films due to social media and the internet.

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BFI London Film Festival

BFI London Film Festival is again a very well known festival and with it being in London it is in the capital and so more people will know about the festival and possibly more people attend it.

It will reach a wide range of people with open minds and feature various different types of film.

Having the film featured in two film festivals will be a good idea as they are on opposite sides of the country and so more people will get to view the film and more people know about it.