research into sound

Research into sound

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Research into sound

Page 2: Research into sound

How is sound used in thriller films and what affect does it have on the audience? • In thriller films, music is essentially used to build tension

and create suspense within the audience. Music is often used to make the audience feel scared and feel like something is going to happen. This is also to make them feel as if they are part of the film.• The music used are often synthesised creating the mood of

each scene. The most common sound used are usually dark and eerie sounds. In thriller films, at first the music is at a slow pace then gradually builds up helping to build climax.

Page 3: Research into sound

Example 1: Set is off-1996MoodIn the film Set It Off, the mood of the robbery scene is frightening. The type of sounds used are dialogue and non diegetic music. The music creates a mood of anticipation. At certain points of the scene the music becomes quieter and softer which is a way of calming the scene making it look believable and surreal. However at other points the music becomes louder and heavier, it sounds more like stomping which may convey that something is about to happen suddenly.

AtmosphereThe atmosphere of this scene is pressurising and patronising. Throughout the scene we hear the sounds of 4 women shouting, demanding people in a office to not move so that they can steal money. This allows the audience to relate to the characters in this situation because they are being threatened and instructed on their movement which means that if they move their lives may be at risk. This also creates a fearful atmosphere.

Enhancement This enhances the genre of thriller the dialogue combined with the music emphasises the movements and action which help to build tension

Page 4: Research into sound

Example 2:Enemy of the state- MoodIn the film “Enemy of the state” the shooting scene creates a mood of enigma. The music at the beginning of the scene starts with one string instrument playing softly and slow however it still sounds like screaming which may infer that something scary or tragic may happen. Suddenly the music becomes heavier with more string instruments playing however it is still played soft. As soon as the fighting/shooting scene happens the music gradually gets louder. The music is used to hint that something is about to occur.

AtmoshpereThe atmosphere of this scene starts off calm but suspicious as the character is being questioned, the atmosphere is then changed to violent as an altercation and a gun scene happening, in this gun scene there is a lot of blood.

EnahancementThis enhances the genre of thriller because the music and the scene build tension which ends in a situation

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Example 3: Se7en-1995MoodIn the film “Se7en” the mood created is astonishment. This is another shooting scene however this time it is taking part in a desert with one man with a gun and a bystander. The music used is non diegetic. The louder the music gets the more the intense it becomes which may allow the audience to feel like something shocking is about to happen.

Atmoshpere This scene creates an atmosphere of awaitance. As the music stays at its volume, it doesn’t change rhythm or speed which symbolises the scene as it shows the man holding a gun deciding whether or not to shoot the other character. This builds anxiety and anticipation because the audience become impatient and may want something bad to happen.

EnahancementThis enhances thriller because sound is used to build tension and make the audience want something to happen.

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Example 4: Heat-1995

MoodIn the film “Heat” the mood created is anxiety. This is a shootout scene taking place at an office. The sound used is non diegetic music, the music goes along with every movement of the scene and makes us question whether the gunmen will get caught.

AtmosphereThe atmosphere created is mystery as the sound builds the scene and the situation.

Enhancement This enhances the genre of thriller as it the music creates tension with its rhythm and dynamics.