research in action brochure_pgs.pdf · 2017-06-13 · research in action 2. history. our research...

RESEARCH in Action In 2015 ranked In Top Ten Global dIversITy ConsulTanTs by The economisT

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Page 1: RESEARCH in Action Brochure_pgs.pdf · 2017-06-13 · RESEARCH IN ACTION 2. HISTORY. OuR RESEARCH ROOtS. Founded in 2004, the . Center for Talent Innovation (CTI) is a global think

RESEARCH in Action

A boutique consultancy

dedicated to building

inclusive leadership

cultures that fully engage

and leverage the new

streams of talent in the

global marketplace

In 2015 ranked In Top Ten Global dIversITy ConsulTanTs by The economisT

Page 2: RESEARCH in Action Brochure_pgs.pdf · 2017-06-13 · RESEARCH IN ACTION 2. HISTORY. OuR RESEARCH ROOtS. Founded in 2004, the . Center for Talent Innovation (CTI) is a global think


For the last twelve years, the Center for Talent Innovation (CTI) and its consulting arm Hewlett Consulting Partners (HCP) have been on a journey of discovery and transformation. CTI’s pathbreaking research, featured in ten Harvard Business Review articles and six books, feeds into a new generation of talent strategies—developed and designed by HCP—that unlock the full potential of a diverse workforce. More than ever before, brain power is the real differentiator and global talent management needs to be front and center of business strategy.

OuR PROmiSE tO OuR CliEntSImagine if all well-qualified employees were able to work up to their potential, realizing the full measure of their skills and aspirations. Imagine if all executives operated in inclusive cultures that celebrated and leveraged the power of difference. Imagine if companies could unlock the promise of diversity in the form of a steady stream of innovative ideas that meet the needs of an increasingly differentiated customer base. The end results would be good for the individual, good for society—and would turbocharge the bottom line. A veritable Trifecta!

These scenarios form the basis of the partnership we have with clients. We promise to work with you on your journey of talent innovation. With our treasure trove of proprietary data and analytics, we can show you how to fully engage with rich pools of diverse talent around the world, unlock innovation and unleash new market growth. Even more importantly, we can help you find the “sweet spot” where global talent management drives human flourishing as well as performance and profits.

We look forward to partnering with you.


Page 3: RESEARCH in Action Brochure_pgs.pdf · 2017-06-13 · RESEARCH IN ACTION 2. HISTORY. OuR RESEARCH ROOtS. Founded in 2004, the . Center for Talent Innovation (CTI) is a global think



OuR RESEARCH ROOtSFounded in 2004, the Center for Talent Innovation (CTI) is a global think tank focused on fully realizing well-qualified labor across the divides of gender, generation, culture, and geography. Over the last decade, its flagship project—the Task Force for Talent Innovation—has grown from 7 to 86 global companies and includes GE, Goldman Sachs, Google and Genpact. The Task Force brings the power of cutting-edge research and “best” and “next” practice to help member companies and organizations address their most challenging talent concerns.

wHO wE ARE tOdAyHewlett Consulting Partners (HCP), founded in 2008, is a boutique consulting firm with global reach. HCP’s methods and mission are simple: we’re evidence-based and data-driven and we focus on turbo-charging competitive strength by tapping into the full potential of employees across distance and difference. Our exclusive partnership with CTI gives us unique access to best-in-class research on the global talent pipeline and the drivers of engagement,innovation, and market growth.

Evidence and accountability are at the heart of everythingwe do. Working with a select group of top-tier clientsworldwide, HCP drives measurable improvements in a company’s ability to increase the ROI on talent. We actively partner with an organization’s HR and business leaders in a process of transformational change to create a culture of inclusive leadership.

Page 4: RESEARCH in Action Brochure_pgs.pdf · 2017-06-13 · RESEARCH IN ACTION 2. HISTORY. OuR RESEARCH ROOtS. Founded in 2004, the . Center for Talent Innovation (CTI) is a global think



HCP offerings leverage our exclusive partnership with the Center for Talent Innovation—utilizing CTI’s pioneering research and thought leadership to inform strategic interventions in the following areas:

• Keeping Talented Women on the Road to Success

• Leveraging Minority and Multicultural Talent

• Realizing the Full Potential of LGBT Talent

• Retaining and Sustaining Top Talent

• Tapping into the Strengths of Gen Y, Gen X, and Boomers

• Becoming a Talent Magnet in Emerging Markets

• Preventing the Exodus of Women in SET

• Disrupting Bias

For complete list of publications:









Page 5: RESEARCH in Action Brochure_pgs.pdf · 2017-06-13 · RESEARCH IN ACTION 2. HISTORY. OuR RESEARCH ROOtS. Founded in 2004, the . Center for Talent Innovation (CTI) is a global think




Hewlett Consulting Partners helps organizations retain,

accelerate and leverage their talent to maximize innovation

and business performance in the marketplace. Based on CTI’s

blue-chip research and on-the-ground actions developed

by Task Force companies, Hewlett Consulting Partners has

created signature offerings that comprise vital elements of a

global talent management strategy. These offerings are the

cornerstones of a global talent management strategy that

accelerates underleveraged talent streams. Engagements

typically comprise three elements—tailored analytics,

customized strategies, and change management.


Page 6: RESEARCH in Action Brochure_pgs.pdf · 2017-06-13 · RESEARCH IN ACTION 2. HISTORY. OuR RESEARCH ROOtS. Founded in 2004, the . Center for Talent Innovation (CTI) is a global think


• Inclusion Analytics

A data-rich suite of diagnostic tools which lead to customized

solutions. Includes CTI/HCP’s highly rated Insights In-Depth®


• Strategy in a Box

Allows a new CDO, CHRO or CTO to build brand and win buy-in

from business leaders. Leans on the experience of the 50+ talent

leaders who belong to CTI’s Task Force for Talent Innovation.

• Inclusive Leaders Playbook Codifies company success stories and layers on top inclusive

leadership behaviors derived from CTI/HCP analytics. End

result is a tailored playbook for emerging leaders that unlocks

engagement and innovation.

• Executive Presence Journey

Leans on CTI’s signature EP research to provide training on the

intangibles of leadership for diverse employees. Centers on

gravitas and communication and provides individual feedback.

A mix of high touch and virtual learning modules.

• Pathways to SponsorshipSM

These high-impact programs draw on CTI’s seminal Sponsor Effect

research. Road tested across nineteen companies, they focus on

providing customized roadmaps for both protégés and sponsors.

Emphasizing concrete tactics, they are available as in-person high

touch programs and also online.

• Levers to Leadership®

Aimed at women and people of color, this highly-ranked three-day

program features pre-conference analytics and “star” faculty

to ensure dynamic, high-impact teaching modules. Levers to

Leadership® has driven results, oftentimes doubling rates of career

progression among participants.

• Talent Accelerator: Digital Tools and Tactics

These digital offerings provide scalable and cost-effective

leadership development for diverse employees and their

managers. Learning modules are multi-media and accessible

from a smart phone. Current offerings include: Sponsor Ready,

Empowering Your Veterans, Empowering LGBT Employees.

Page 7: RESEARCH in Action Brochure_pgs.pdf · 2017-06-13 · RESEARCH IN ACTION 2. HISTORY. OuR RESEARCH ROOtS. Founded in 2004, the . Center for Talent Innovation (CTI) is a global think



“ The Levers to Leadership Program has provided Intel’s leaders with invaluable tools, knowledge and networks to become more impactful in their career and business results. The mix of topics and speakers was highly relevant for Intel’s values and business priorities. 100% of this year’s participants have said they would recommend the program to others.” — ROSAlind l. HudnEll, ViCE PRESidEnt, CORPORAtE AFFAiRS

And PRESidEnt OF tHE intEl FOundAtiOn, intEl CORPORAtiOn

“ HCP’s guidance and partnership were invaluable to Bank of America in our journey toward inclusion. The inclusive leadership framework of behaviors became the springboard for our inclusive leadership work internally. It allowed us to identify four key success factors to drive inclusive leader behaviors, in a way that was familiar to the company.” — CAmillA COllinS, SEniOR ViCE PRESidEnt,

diVERSity & inCluSiOn, BAnk OF AmERiCA

“ CTI’s expansive library of data prompts meaningful action. It has led to many “ah-ha” moments and has driven real change across our company. Sylvia and team are strong, strategic partners who we consistently look to consultation and expertise as we execute on our strategy.” — GRACE FiGuEREdO, VP, wORkPlACE CultuRE And

CHiEF diVERSity & inCluSiOn OFFiCER, AEtnA

Page 8: RESEARCH in Action Brochure_pgs.pdf · 2017-06-13 · RESEARCH IN ACTION 2. HISTORY. OuR RESEARCH ROOtS. Founded in 2004, the . Center for Talent Innovation (CTI) is a global think



Sylvia Ann Hewlett is the founder of Hewlett Consulting Partners and the founding president

of the Center for Talent Innovation, a nonprofit think tank where she chairs a private sector task

force of 86 global companies. She also codirects the Women’s Leadership Program at the Columbia

Business School. She is the author of eleven Harvard Business Review articles and twelve critically

acclaimed nonfiction books including Winning the War for Talent in Emerging Markets; Forget a

Mentor, Find a Sponsor (named one of the best business books of 2013); and Executive Presence

(an Amazon “Best Book of the Month” in June 2014). In 2014 she was recognized as the Most

Influential International Thinker by HR Magazine and honored by the European Diversity Awards

with its Global Diversity Award. Hewlett, who has taught at Columbia, and Princeton Universities,

earned her BA at Cambridge University and her PhD in economics at London University.

Ripa Rashid, managing partner at HCP has over 15 years’

experience as a management consultant in North America,

Europe, Latin America, and Asia. She has also helped lead

D&I teams at Fortune 500 companies. She earned an AB cum

laude in astronomy and astrophysics from Harvard University,

an MA in anthropology from New York University and an MBA

from INSEAD.

Carolyn Buck Luce, a senior managing director at HCP, was

previously the global pharmaceutical sector leader at Ernst &

Young LLP and was the 2012 recipient of the HBA Woman of

the Year award. She graduated Phi Beta Kappa and magna cum

laude from Georgetown University and received her MBA from

Columbia University.

Laura Sherbin is chief financial officer at Hewlett Consulting

Partners and director of research at the Center for Talent

Innovation. An economist specializing in human capital and

gender issues, she is also an adjunct professor at the School of

International and Public Affairs at Columbia University.

She earned her PhD in economics from American University.

Page 9: RESEARCH in Action Brochure_pgs.pdf · 2017-06-13 · RESEARCH IN ACTION 2. HISTORY. OuR RESEARCH ROOtS. Founded in 2004, the . Center for Talent Innovation (CTI) is a global think


Noni Allwood, senior advisor, has more than 20 years

of experience as a corporate executive and consultant

specializing in optimization strategies for diverse talent.

A Latina, she has a degree in industrial engineering from

Universidad Centroamericana in El Salvador and is an

alumnus of the Stanford University Executive Program.

Jessica Jia, principal, has a background in financial services

and marketing. She has lived and worked across North

America, Europe, and Asia. Jia holds a MBA from INSEAD

Business School and a BA from Boston University School

of Management.

Joan Kuhl, principal, has 13 years of corporate management

experience at Eli Lilly, Forest Laboratories and Actavis in sales,

marketing, and organizational effectiveness. She is a leading

speaker on millennial talent and strategies. She earned her

BS from the University of Pittsburgh and an MBA from

Rutgers University.

Rebecca Midura, principal, has over 15 years of experience in

the talent development space from recruiting, human capital

management to leadership development through roles at

Sapient Corporation and Bloomberg LP. She earned her BA

from the University of New Hampshire and her Masters from

Boston College.

Adam Quinton, executive-in-residence at HCP, is the

founder and CEO of Lucas Point Ventures, an early stage

investment and advisory company spearheading change

in tech investment. Previously he served as a managing

director at Bank of America Merrill Lynch leading a team of

175 professionals in 12 countries. He has lived and worked in

Europe, Asia and the US.

Tai Wingfield, managing director, leads the communications

function at HCP. Her field of expertise include brand reputation

management, minority outreach and human rights, as well

as strategy development. Wingfield graduated from the

University of Maryland with a BA in communications and public

relations. In early 2016, she and her team were the recipient

of a PR Week award in the Team of the Year competition.


Page 10: RESEARCH in Action Brochure_pgs.pdf · 2017-06-13 · RESEARCH IN ACTION 2. HISTORY. OuR RESEARCH ROOtS. Founded in 2004, the . Center for Talent Innovation (CTI) is a global think

©2016 Hewlett Consulting Partners LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction or transmission of any part of this publication in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, is prohibited.


Page 11: RESEARCH in Action Brochure_pgs.pdf · 2017-06-13 · RESEARCH IN ACTION 2. HISTORY. OuR RESEARCH ROOtS. Founded in 2004, the . Center for Talent Innovation (CTI) is a global think

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