research english teaching chapter 1


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Research is:• Process• ProductsAbout inquiry

• Defining a problem• Stating an objective• Formulating a hypothesis

A process

• The result can be accessed to the publicUndertaking structured


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Research is:An activity which analyses and evaluates problems

To collect and analyze the data to prove theories

Evaluation, asking question, investigations, analysis, confirming hypothesis, overview, gathering and analyzing data using certain methods

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Research is carried out in order to:

Get a result using scientific methods objectively.

Solve problems, verivy the applications of theories, and lead to new insights.

Enlighten researcher and readrers

Prove /disaprove new or exsisting ideas.

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Terms in research







Analyzing data


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From the terms, research is

A process of formulating questions, problems, or hypothesis; collecting data relevant to problems; and analyzing the data.

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Research is

A systematic process of inquiry that consists of three elements:1. A question, problem, or hypothesis2. Data3. Analysis or interpretation of data

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Why do research?

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Reasons doing research


Political scientist


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Reasons doing research

To be to further the knowledge of the subject matter that is claimed by the discipline.

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Mechanisms of research:

Theory Hypothesis Research Results

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Research process

• Number of researches approach in social science

1.A social survey : asking the same question to several persons

2.An observational research project : Watching the behavior of the subject

3.An experiment with human subject : controlling the effect of independent variable to see what effect of dependent variable

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Certain feature of the research

• The research must attempt to show on variable is the “cause” of another.

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Research process is the method of design that the researcher should follow

Conceive the research • Theory tell us what to expect.• The operational definition lead the researcher to make hypothesis. • Hypotheses is what the researcher examine.• The researcher hypotheses can be true or not true by the

definition, so it is need revisions• Method tell us how to go about our research.• Pretest are useful to find out the result• Instrument : interviews, questionnaires , videotape of behavior and

so on.• Result show us what we have found

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Operational Definition


yes No

Method of Research

Pretest (s)




Hypotheses rejected

yes No

Future Research Suggestions

Writing Result (including reason for rejecting hypotheses


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Reviewing the Literature Constructing operational Definition Identifying and labeling variable Manipulating controlling variables

Constructing a research design

Identifying and constructing devices for observation and measurements

Constructing a hypothesis

Identifying your problems

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Writing a Research Report

Conducting Evaluation Studies

Conducting Classroom Research

Using the computer for data analysis

Carrying out statistical analyses

Constructing a questionnaires and interview schedule

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Identifying your Problem

• The “what” and “why” What the researchers are searching and why ?• What is the research problem ? - Problem or phenomenon - Topic to investigate , address or study - It is a challenge

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* What is Hypothesis?• Suggested solution• No exact result

• Supported or refuted through carefully crafted experimentation and observation

* “If” and “Then”• If : gives a

possibility• Then : what may

happen because of possibility


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• Focuses on research question(s)

• Identifying, appraise, selected and synthesize

Reviewing the literature

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• Clarify• Find modals• Narrow your topic• Consider whether your

sources are current

What should I do before I write literature review?

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Variables :Variables is any entity that can be changed

Identifying and labeling variable

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Types of variablesdependent, independent, moderator,control and intervening

• Dependent : output or effect• Independent : input or cause• Moderator : the moderation occurs when the

relationship between two variables depends on the third variables

• Control /known also as consonant : remain the same

• Intervening : used to explain the relationship between observed variables

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The process of converting variables from an abstract or conceptual form to an operational or concrete form

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Manipulating and Controlling Variables

• Manipulating variable : it is the item that is changed during the experiment to obtain different data

• Controlled Variable : is always kept in the same condition

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Constructing a Research Design

• It is the framework that has been created to seek answers to research question(s)

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Identifying and Constructing Devices for Observation and Measurement

InterviewFocus group

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Constructing Questionnaire and Interview Schedule

• Group of questions • Close-ended questions • Open-ended questions• Combine of both

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Interview • Meeting with participants• It include a minute question • Participants’ trust• Mange your time

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Carrying Out Statistical Analyses

• The science of collecting, exploring and presenting data

• Describes the nature of data

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• The process of collecting your data via internet and different websites

• Analysis your data in the form of typing ,drawing a diagram or tables

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• Brief description of the research• Involves several steps to present

the report in the form of thesis or dissertation

Writing a Research Report

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• Be objective• Avoid technical language• Use present tense and active voice• Treat the data confidently• Revise and rewrite • Use visual aids• Layout must be appropriated• Avoid grammatical mistakes• Report must present the logical analysis of subject

matter• Be attractive in appearance, neat and clear

whether typing or printing


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• Introduce yourself• Minute paper can be used• Be careful to the time

Conducting Classroom Interview

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CONDUCTING EVALUATION STUDIES• the process of judging the merit

or worth of something• Let you discover whether and

how well objectives are being fulfilled