research collection · mobile robot in such an environment, our work focuses on handling building...

Research Collection Conference Paper Autonomous robotic stone stacking with online next best object target pose planning Author(s): Furrer, Fadri; Wermelinger, Martin; Yoshida, Hironori; Gramazio, Fabio; Kohler, Matthias; Siegwart, Roland; Hutter, Marco Publication Date: 2017 Permanent Link: Originally published in: Rights / License: In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted This page was generated automatically upon download from the ETH Zurich Research Collection . For more information please consult the Terms of use . ETH Library

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Page 1: Research Collection · mobile robot in such an environment, our work focuses on handling building materials of arbitrary shape, such as found ... we set up a kd-tree in descriptor

Research Collection

Conference Paper

Autonomous robotic stone stacking with online next best objecttarget pose planning

Author(s): Furrer, Fadri; Wermelinger, Martin; Yoshida, Hironori; Gramazio, Fabio; Kohler, Matthias; Siegwart,Roland; Hutter, Marco

Publication Date: 2017

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Page 2: Research Collection · mobile robot in such an environment, our work focuses on handling building materials of arbitrary shape, such as found ... we set up a kd-tree in descriptor

Autonomous Robotic Stone Stacking with Online next Best ObjectTarget Pose Planning

Fadri Furrer∗,1, Martin Wermelinger∗,2, Hironori Yoshida∗

Fabio Gramazio3, Matthias Kohler3, Roland Siegwart1, Marco Hutter2

Abstract— Predominately, robotic construction is applied asprefabrication in structured indoor environments with standardbuilding materials. Our work, on the other hand, focuses onutilizing irregular materials found on-site, such as rubble androcks, for autonomous construction. We present a pipeline thatdetects randomly placed objects in a scene that are used by ournext best stacking pose searching method employing gradientdescent with a random initial orientation, exploiting a physicsengine. This approach is validated in an experimental setupusing a robotic manipulator by constructing balancing verticalstacks without mortars and adhesives. We show the resultsof eleven consecutive trials to form such towers autonomouslyusing four arbitrarily in front of the robot placed rocks.


Over the last decade, robotics has been introduced to ar-chitectural construction not only for safer and more efficientconstruction, but also for exploring diverse forms [1]. How-ever, there are still intensive manual labor works involvedfor on-site assembly of these components [2].

Digital fabrication has explored applications of au-tonomous robots in on-site operation scenarios [3], but arerestricted to build with regular materials. Building structureswith irregular shaped objects was presented in [4], howeverthey apply glue to increase stability. To reduce the environ-mental impact we aim to use such material without additionaladhesives, to build dry-stack compositions. Therefore, ourwork focuses on developing an automated fabrication processusing irregular objects, which are not processed but foundon-site.

As a case study, discrete rigid elements, such as stones orconcrete rubble, are targeted as a building material. Our goalis to construct a balancing vertical tower with found objects,while maintaining the structure in static equilibrium using arobotic manipulator. To achieve this, we developed a holisticwork-flow including precise object detection, motion control,and planning the next target pose (see Figure 1). As part ofthis work-flow, we describe an algorithm suggesting stableposes for stacking, validated by an implementation of thisautonomous stacking work-flow in a real-world experiment.Due to the instability of vertical tower, it is natural to observe

1Autonomous Systems Lab (ASL), ETH Zurich, Switzerland2Robotic Systems Lab (RSL), ETH Zurich, Switzerland3Gramazio Kohler Research (GKR), ETH Zurich, Switzerland∗The authors contributed equally to this work. F.F. was responsible for

the object detection, M.W. for the manipulation tasks, H.Y. for the posesearching algorithm.

This work was supported in part by the Swiss National Science Foun-dation (SNF), the National Centre of Competence in Research DigitalFabrication.

Fig. 1: In an offline step we scan a set of objects (top). Theseobjects, or a subset of it, can be distributed arbitrarily on thework-space and get detected by our object detection pipeline(middle-left). From the detected objects the presented posesearching algorithm proposes the next stable stack (middle-right). A motion planner (bottom-right) is used to generatethe trajectories to replicate the proposed stack with therobot arm (bottom-left). After placing the object, its pose ismeasured and used as base for the subsequent pose searchingstep.

errors between a desired target pose and an actual stackedpose. Thus, the work-flow puts emphasis on the resultantpose evaluation and a dynamic re-planning of the target pose.

This paper makes the following contributions regardinghandling irregularly shaped objects:

– a pose searching algorithm considering structural sta-bility using a physics engine

– an object detection pipeline– an autonomous system for constructing balancing ver-

tical towers using a manipulator


Research in architecture and digital fabrication investigatesnovel production techniques in which material behavior islinked to fabrication and assembly tasks [5]. Recently, it has

Page 3: Research Collection · mobile robot in such an environment, our work focuses on handling building materials of arbitrary shape, such as found ... we set up a kd-tree in descriptor

been shown that robots bring new capabilities to constructionsites, an uncontrolled environment full of uncertainties [3].Whereas some works, like [6], show how to localize amobile robot in such an environment, our work focuses onhandling building materials of arbitrary shape, such as foundirregularly shaped stones. The use of such objects revealsthe following challenges. Firstly, individual object instancesneed to be identified. Secondly, grasping and stacking posesare not obvious, requiring a novel algorithm to pick a ‘good’next pose among infinitely many. Thirdly, the stacking taskmay be performed in unstable situations; for example verticaltower stacking in our case, requiring recurring structuralevaluation and target re-planning after each object placement.

Computational structural analysis methods have been ex-plored with rigid discrete elements, such as simple brick-like geometries. Livesley [7], [8] set a basis of a numericalmethod for limit analysis of discrete rigid block structures.Block and colleagues employed graphical statics in inter-active design tools with structural analysis feedback [9],and Whiting et al. [10] extended the limit analysis byLivesley to design a guidance system by adding infeasibilitymetrics. While these works analyzed a static equilibriumof given geometric configuration with obvious geometriccontact surfaces (or support polygons), in our case withirregularly shaped elements, we need to start from contactdetection, which is a core function of physics engines, andthen acquire a contact surface.

From an architectural design motivation, simulation withphysics engine has been explored by Nielsen et al. [11]but their construction input was to place the next stone atthe lowest possible location. As for design with irregularlyshaped objects, Lambert and Kennedy developed an appli-cation for guiding masonry construction with a geometricpacking algorithm in two dimensional convex shapes, but itis limited to two dimensional tiling [12].

Humans synthesize the Center of Mass (CoM) positionand the support polygon to infer the stability of objects [13].On the other hand, physics engines, such as Open DynamicsEngine (ODE), have been used for evaluating structuralstability of object compositions [14]. Similarly, our algorithmemploys a physics engine to extract the CoM position anddynamic characteristics, as well as the contact points betweenthe irregularly shaped objects.

Integrated autonomous systems dealing with object de-tection and picking these objects with robotic arms havebeen proposed for industrial applications [15], [16]. Theseworks have successfully detected irregularly shaped stone-like objects for geometric packing, but are limited to placethese objects in containers, and hence, did not need toconsider structural stability.


Before starting with the stacking algorithm, we need tofind the objects in the scene. Additionally, during the courseof the object stacking, we want to be able to track thelocations of the objects. In the scope of this work, weare only considering pre-scanned (the scanning method is

described in Section V) models of the objects to be detectedin the scene. Therefore, we present an object detectionpipeline that consists of the following steps. We start byextracting 3D keypoints from raw point clouds of an RGB-D sensor. These keypoints are then described using keypointdescriptors and matched to keypoints from a pre-scannedobject in a descriptor matching step. Using these matchesand a clustring step, we find an initial alignment of the sceneand the pre-scanned object, which is then refined by applyingan Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm. As a final step ofthe object detection pipeline, we verify that we have enoughinlier points by applying the identified pose transform of theobject to the scene.

Keypoint Extraction and Description

From an RGB-D sensor we get a scene point cloud PC , incamera frame C. To get keypoints, we used two methods, asimple voxel based subsampling, as well as the Point CloudLibrary (PCL) implementation of Intrinsic Shape Signatures(ISS) [17], which can not only describe the keypoints, butalso used as a keypoint detector. Besides the ISS descriptorwe tested two additional descriptors, namely the Fast PointFeature Histogram (FPFH) descriptor [18] and the RotationalProjection Statistics (RoPS) descriptors [19]. Here, the RoPSdescriptors were giving us the best results in the matchingstep, at a slightly higher computational cost.

Descriptor Matching and Clustering

We compare a keypoint kC,scene of a scene point cloudwith a keypoint of a point cloud of a pre-scanned objectkO,object in object frame O. To find a pair of correspondingkeypoints kC,scene and kO,object, we set up a kd-tree indescriptor space to find the nearest neighbors. Then we usean approach, presented in [20], to verify that the matchedkeypoints are geometrical consistent. We select the b besttransforms TCO,j,matching, j ∈ {1, . . . , b} that give the mostgeometrical consistent matches. The transforms TCO,j,matchingproject the object point cloud PO,object into the camera frameC.

Transform Refinement and Verification

Using an ICP step we refine these transforms TCO,j,matching,to get better alignments of the two complete filtered pointclouds PC,scene and PO,object. We denote these refined trans-forms by TCO,j,refined. In a last step, we check for the inlierratios of the transformed point clouds and we then selectthe one which has the highest ICP-score, given that we havean inlier ratio of the model points larger than a thresholdvalue; in our application we set this threshold value to 20 %resulting in the final transform TCO.

Object in Robot Arm Frame

To transform the point cloud of the localized objectPO,object into the robot arm frameR, we apply the previouslydetected best transform TCO, a fixed pre-calibrated transformTT C from the camera frame C to the robot arm tooltip frame

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Fig. 2: Illustration of our pose searching algorithm to findthe best pose for object oi. The valid pose search sub-routine is described in Algorithm 1 and the cost calculationin Algorithm 2. The gradient descent sub-routine is furtherdepicted on the right.

T , and the transform given by the robot state TRT betweenthe robot arm frame R and the tooltip frame T :

PR,object = TRT · TT C · TCO ·PO,object. (1)


The global goal is to construct a vertical tower consistingof irregularly shaped objects from a subset S of availableobjects oi ∈ S ⊆ O, where O denotes the complete setof given objects. Within the set S, we want to find thebest object and its target pose. The search space is twofold:discrete object space and continuous pose space. To find astable pose on a vertical stack, our pose searching methodplaces each object oi on the top object of the existing stack ina dynamic simulation using a physics engine. For evaluatingeach object’s ‘goodness‘ with a certain pose pi, we introducea cost function that maximizes the support polygon Si’sarea Ai of the newly placed object oi and minimizes otherconsiderable parameters, such as kinetic energy. Throughoutthis process, several initial poses are tested with fixed initialpositions but randomized orientations. We are sampling ourinitial orientations randomly, to keep the problem viable inlarge problem sets, where a holistic pose sampling would be-come intractable. The returned cost value is interchangeableamong available objects in S, thus we find the best objecto∗ with the best pose p∗.

Fig. 3: (1) The initial position rinit,i of object oi is set alongthe normal direction nj of Sj of the previously placed objectoj . (2) The initial pose of object oi with attraction force F.

Overview of the algorithm

The pose searching algorithm iteratively evaluates poseswith valid contacts (support polygon) between a newlyplaced object oi and the existing stack. Once a pose withvalid contacts is found, the algorithm refines the pose withgradient descent. To find a valid contact pose, we set theobject to an initial pose in simulation that is close to theexisting stack, but not yet touching it. The initial pose pinit,iof a new object oi ∈ O consists of its initial position rinit,iand its initial orientation qinit,i. The initial position is set withan offset from the centroid Cj of the last placed object’ssupport polygon Sj along the normal direction nj of Sj

(see Figure 3). To obtain the initial orientation, the detectedobject orientation is rotated around a randomized axis withthe random angle θ ∈ [−θinit, θinit].

Based on the initial pose pinit,i, the valid contact posepcontact,i is found by a sub-routine named valid pose searchby applying an attraction force F parallel to a thrust lineinput (in our case along the gravitational axis). We then rungradient descent (see the right in Figure 2) to iterativelyimprove the contact pose pcontact,i using the cost functionpresented below. After the local optimum pose p∗local,i isfound, the orientation of the initial pose pinit,i is randomizedagain to find the next valid contact pose pcontact,i. Aftercomputing certain number x of local minima, we find thepose p∗i with the lowest cost as the solution pose of oi. Weiterate the process over the available subset S to find the bestobject o∗.

To avoid jittering effect in physics simulation, the wholealgorithm performs physics engine update steps only whenit is necessary. Objects in an existing stack are set to beimmobile in the whole process, except when the cost iscalculated.

Valid pose search

For evaluating physical stability of object oi, it is a validapproach to analyze whether P ′i , the projection of the CoMposition Pi onto the support polygon Si, is inside the supportpolygon or not (see Figure 4). In order to find a valid support

Page 5: Research Collection · mobile robot in such an environment, our work focuses on handling building materials of arbitrary shape, such as found ... we set up a kd-tree in descriptor

Fig. 4: (3): Projection P ′i of the CoM position Pi onto thesupport polygon Sj . (4): Contact pose pcontact,i resulting fromthe valid pose search algorithm.

Algorithm 1 Valid pose search algorithm

1: function VALIDPOSESEARCH(oi,pinit,i)2: set oi’s pose to pinit,i3: do4: apply force F to oi5: step physics simulation once6: if P ′i 6∈ Sj then return false7: while Ncontact(pi) < 38: pause physics simulation9: pcontact,i ← current pose

10: if Ekin(pcontact,i) < Ekin,stable then return true11: else return false

polygon Si for an irregularly shaped object oi, we considerthe contact points of the object to other objects. The assumedcontact situations are simple; either on a flat surface for thefirst stack, or collision between two rigid body objects withparallel contact normals.

The valid pose search method is detailed in Algorithm 1.To assure that pinit,i results in a valid contact pose pcontact,i,we apply an attraction force F along the thrust line directionvector vi to the object oi (see Figure 3). During this process,we continuously check whether the projection P ′i of theCoM position lies within the support polygon (see Figure 4).As soon as the number of contacts Ncontact(pi) between oiand the existing stack is at least three (see Figure 4), theresulting pose pcontact,i is evaluated by oi’s kinetic energyEkin(pcontact,i) with a threshold value Ekin,stable. By evaluatingthe kinetic energy, we limit the viable set of poses to theones that cause minimal motion of the existing stack. Thisapproach for finding a valid contact pose pcontact,i guaranteesto satisfy the following constraints:

Ekin(pcontact,i) ≤ Ekin,stable

P ′i ∈ Sj

Ncontact(pcontact,i) ≥ 3.


Cost calculation

We assign a cost to each valid contact pose pcontact,i tocompare its ‘goodness’ in terms of a robust object poses,which allows further stacking. Therefore, we maximize the

area of the support polygon Si as well as minimize otherconsiderable parameters, such as kinetic energy Ekin, andsurface normal deviation from the thrust line ni for reducingsheer forces. To robustly find the support polygon Si from thesparse contacts between oi and the existing stack, contactsover several simulation update steps, in our case 10 steps,are collected and simplified [21]. After acquiring 3D pointsets, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is performed fordimension reduction from 3D to 2D point set. Processing the2D point set with Delaunay triangulation [22], the polygonmesh Si is created for calculating its area Ai and surfacenormal nc,i (see Figure 4).

Given the area Ai of the support polygon Si, the kineticenergy Ekin(pcontact,i), the dot product ‖ni ·vi‖, where vi isthe thrust line direction vector, the length ‖rPjPi

‖ betweenPi and the CoM of the previously stacked object Pj , wedefine the cost function as

f(pcontact,i) = w1A−1i + w2Ekin(pcontact,i)

+ w3‖rPjPi‖+ w4‖ni · vi‖s.t. wj ≥ 0 ∀j ∈ 1, . . . , 4

, (3)

where wj are manually selected weights of the individualenergy function components. An overview of the cost calcu-lation algorithm can be seen in Algorithm 2.

Algorithm 2 Cost calculation

1: function CALCULATECOST(oi,pcontact,i)2: set all objects in stack mobile3: contactsArray[] ← 04: for k ← 0, k < 10 do5: step physics simulation once6: contactsArray[] ← current contacts set7: contacts ← simplify(contactsArray[])8: contactPlane ← PCA(contacts)9: contacts ← projection(contacts,contactPlane)

10: Si ← 2D DelaunayTriangulation(contacts)11: get Ai(Si), Ekin(pcontact,i), ‖rPjPi‖, ‖ni · vi‖12: reset poses of all objects in stack13: set all objects in stack immobile14: cost ← f(pcontact,i)15: return cost

After assigning the cost to the valid contact pose pcontact,i,gradient descent is performed for searching the local opti-mum pose p∗local,i, as depicted in the right of Figure 2. Inthis process, we iteratively calculate a small pose step ∆pconsisting of δr and δq, as given in Eq. (5) and Eq. (6),to obtain an updated initial pose for valid contact posesearching:

plocal init,i[n+ 1] = plocal contact,i[n] + ∆p

s.t. ∆p = (δr, δq), (4)

where plocal contact,i[0] = pcontact,i. The translation δr assignsa positive constant offset zconst in contact normal directionto avoid placing the object oi at invalid poses overlapping

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with the existing stack. Given εr as a small value, Ti as ahomogeneous transformation matrix from world frame to thethrust line aligned frame at Cj (see Figure 3), and zconst, weobtain δr as:

δr = Ti(∂f




−1, zconst),

and δr = εrδr

‖δr‖, s.t. zconst ≥ 0.


For rotation, we describe the orientation with a quaternionq in axis-angle representation as (axis, angle). Given εq assmall rotation angle, and Ti, we obtain δq as:

vaxis = Ti(∂f







and δq = (vaxis, εq)


For minimization of the cost, we iterate the processdescribed in Eq. (4) until the difference of returned costbecomes smaller than the threshold γ as f(plocal contact,i[n])−f(plocal contact,i[n + 1]) < γ. We write the optimizationprocess as,

p∗local,i = argminplocal contact,i

f(plocal contact,i)

s.t. Ai(Si) ≥ Amin,(7)

where Amin is the minimal support polygon area.After finding a local optimum pose p∗local,i, a new ran-

domized rotation is assigned to the initial pose pinit,i andthe process is repeated until x local solutions are found, asshown in the left of Figure 2. The pose with minimum cost isselected as a solution p∗i for object oi. We iterate the entireprocess over all objects of the available subset S, returningthe best object o∗ with the best pose p∗.


To show the applicability and repeatability of the presentedpose searching and object detection methods, we imple-mented the algorithms, using Robotic Operating System(ROS) [23], on a robotic platform to perform autonomousdry-stacking as in Figure 1. The goal is to create a verticaltower out of randomly placed irregularly shaped objectswhose mechanical and geometric properties are known.

A. Experimental Setup

We use a set of six natural lime stones (Figure 5) asobjects because they show challenging properties for thestacking task like irregular shape and low friction coefficient.The point cloud and mesh model of the object’s geometricshape were previously acquired with an ATOS Core highprecision scanner. These models are used for detecting theobjects in the scene, as well as for simulating in a physicsengine used in the pose searching algorithm. To lower thecomputation cost, we reduced the mesh model for the posesearching algorithm to a homogeneously triangulated meshwith 500 faces. This showed to be a reasonable trade-offbetween reducing the computation cost and being able to

Fig. 5: Lime stones with irregular shape are used to createvertical stacks.

Fig. 6: An overview of the used hardware setup: a ROBO-TIQ 3-finger gripper, a FT150 force torque sensor, and aIntel®RealSense™ SR300 RGB-D camera are attached to aUR10 arm.

generate a contact situation that correlates with the realworld. The weight, CoM position, and moment of inertia ofeach stone were measured and added to the geometric modeldescription. The friction coefficient was estimated with alow value of µstone = 0.1. For manipulating the objects, weuse a robotic arm equipped with a three-finger gripper asdepicted in Figure 6. The object detection is performed withan RGB-D depth camera mounted on the robot arm. The sizeof the objects are selected to fit in the finger stroke of thegripper. We are using MoveIt! [24] to generate collision freemotions of the robot. A force-torque sensor mounted at theattaching point of the gripper is used to detect impact duringthe placing of the object.

The work-flow of autonomously creating a vertical stackof arbitrarily placed stones is shown in Figure 1. This taskis performed by continuously executing a loop consistingof object detection, pose searching and object manipulation.

TABLE I: Parameters

Parameter Value Parameter Value

w1 0.179 Amin 1e−5 m2

w2 0.472 F 100 Nw3 0.094 Ekin,stable 20 Jw4 0.255 θinit


radx 5

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0 1 2 3 4 5 6Cost


First stone

Second stone

Third stone

Fourth stone






















Fig. 7: The cost of the selected target pose of an individualstone for all eleven runs at each level of the stack. A highercost indicates a less preferable target pose. ’+’ denotes asuccessful stacking, failed attempts are represented with a’x’. Each color corresponds to an individual run.

First, the objects are detected and localized in the scene,resulting in a set of available stones S. For each trial weused an alternating subset of four stones from the completeset of the six lime stones. From this set S, the presentedpose searching algorithm proposes the next stable stack.To replicate the proposed stack, a collision free graspingconfiguration from a predefined set of feasible configurationsis chosen and a motion planner generates executable trajecto-ries. After placing the stone at the proposed pose, we detectthe updated pose and validate if the stacking was successful.The updated stone pose is used as a foundation for thenext pose searching step. If the robot could successfullyexecute the proposed stack, the next proposed stable stack iscomputed from the remaining set of stones. The stacking taskis terminated once the pose searching does no longer find afeasible solution from the available objects or the stackingwas not successful.

B. Results

The robotic system performed the vertical stacking taskin eleven consecutive runs with an alternating set of fourstones1. In two of these runs, the system succeeded toconstruct a stack out of all four available stones. In six casesthe system was able to vertically stack three stones, but failedto place the fourth stone, and in three cases the system didnot succeed to stack the third stone. For the pose searchingalgorithm presented in Section IV, we used the parametersgiven in Table I. The average cost of the last pose the systemwas able to successfully stack was 0.7425. Whereas, in thecase where the robot failed to place the object the averagecost was 1.8018, which shows that these poses were alreadyidentified as less favourable compared to the ones that weresuccessfully stacked. If the cost at a previous step is high,the probability increases that the following stone placement

1Watch the accompanying video:

TABLE II: Mean execution times.

Task Mean time (s) σ time (s) Fraction (%)Pose search 66.2 7.0 24.4Object detection 17.0 4.4 6.3Manipulation 166.7 17.2 61.5Other tasks 21.1 4.1 8.8

will fail. See for example the high cost of the second stonein run 6 and 7 (see Figure 7).

Table II shows the mean execution times of the differentparts of the presented approach, although computational andexecution speed was not a focus of this paper. On average,a trial to construct a vertical stack lasted 271.0 s. The mainfraction of this time is spent for the manipulation task thatincludes path planning, arm and gripper motion. This ismainly due to the fact that the robot, for safety reasons, isoperated with reduced speed. The remaining time is spent forthe pose searching algorithm itself, object detection and othertasks, such as visualization and stopping the motion beforecapturing depth images. The stacking work-flow is not yetoptimized in terms of construction time and could be greatlyimproved by parallelizing manipulation with pose searchingand object detection, and by increasing the operation speed.


In this paper, we introduced an autonomous robotic systemthat constructs a balancing vertical tower out of irregularlyshaped stones without using mortars or extra materials.Its work-flow consists of a continuous loop with objectdetection, target pose search, physical manipulation, andevaluation. We presented an object detection pipeline suitedto localize irregularly shaped objects in a scene and a targetpose searching algorithm to generate stable stacks. Theproposed algorithms were implemented on a robotic systemand tested in an experimental setup (a fixed platform in acontrolled environment with a flat terrain, and pre-scannedobjects). The system showed to be able to perform stackingtasks autonomously, contributing to a preliminary setup fordetecting irregularly shaped objects and also validating theproposed pose searching algorithm.

As a next step to improve the stability of the planned stackin this setup, the pose searching could consider the futurecost by simulating several steps ahead. Aiming at more prac-tical situations, we want to focus on construction with unseenobjects. This involves the segmentation of unknown objectsin a scene and their handling with incomplete information.

Furthermore, we aim at creating more complex targetshapes, such as arches or walls. These shapes can createstructures where each object is in contact with more thantwo objects. In such a situations, not just a vertical or singlethrust line, but a more complex thrust line network needs tobe analyzed.


The authors would like to thank Mirjan Ammar for hisfeedback throughout the project, Jemin Hwangbo for dis-cussions on the optimization methods, and Luca Forni andYves Zimmermann for their great work in setting up thedemonstrator.

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