research article efficient multidimensional top- query...

Research Article Efficient Multidimensional Top- Query Processing in Wireless Multihop Networks Daichi Amagata, 1 Yuya Sasaki, 2 Takahiro Hara, 1 and Shojiro Nishio 1 1 Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, Osaka 565-0871, Japan 2 Institute of Innovation for Future Society, Nagoya University, Aichi 464-8601, Japan Correspondence should be addressed to Daichi Amagata; [email protected] Received 29 August 2014; Accepted 1 September 2014 Academic Editor: David Taniar Copyright ยฉ 2015 Daichi Amagata et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Top- queries, which retrieve the k most preferable data objects, have been receiving much attention. An emerging challenge is to support e๏ฌƒcient top- query processing in a wireless distributed network. In this study, we investigated how to process multidimensional top- queries e๏ฌƒciently in a wireless multihop network. A major challenge for multidimensional top- queries is that answers for di๏ฌ€erent users are typically di๏ฌ€erent, because each user has a unique preference and search range. Meanwhile, it is desirable for wireless networks to reduce unnecessary tra๏ฌƒc even if users issue top- queries with their own unique preferences. erefore, we address the above problem and propose a top- query processing method in wireless multihop networks, called ClusTo. ClusTo performs a novel clustering scheme for multidimensional top- query processing and routes queries based on the cluster while guaranteeing the userโ€™s speci๏ฌed search range. Moreover, ClusTo takes a dynamic threshold approach to suppress unnecessary query transmissions to nodes which do not contribute to top- data retrieval. Extensive experiments on both real and synthetic data have demonstrated that ClusTo outperforms existing methods in terms of tra๏ฌƒc and delay. 1. Introduction Recent remarkable innovations in engineering have been bringing us to variety of distributed networks and wireless communication mediums. Information retrieval in wireless distributed networks presents an important challenge of sup- porting e๏ฌƒcient query processing [1]. Ranking queries, for example, top- queries, enhance e๏ฌƒciency of data retrieval and can help suppressing huge result sets and provide users with only their required result. Top- queries retrieve only the data objects that best match the userโ€™s speci๏ฌed query condition (scoring function) [2โ€“4]. A wide range of applications, such as multimedia retrieval in P2P networks [5โ€“9], environment monitoring in wireless sensor networks [10โ€“12], and, in ad hoc networks, military situations and rescue operation in disaster sites [13โ€“15], realize considerable bene๏ฌts from top- query processing. As introduced above, the systems operated in the appli- cations are becoming increasingly distributed. us, many researchers nowadays engage in studying e๏ฌƒcient query processing in distributed environments. e emerging and important challenge which we tackle in this paper is data retrieval in wireless distributed networks with no infrastruc- ture support, and we focus on multidimensional top- query processing in such environments, where users can specify a monotone scoring function and search range as a query condition. One of the representative examples is data retrieval in a wireless sensor network. A user wants to collect top-3 sensor readings existing around a sensor node (e.g., within 100 meters) to investigate environment details. e sensor readings consist of some attributes such as temperature and humidity. If the user cares about temperature more than humidity, the users specify the scoring function which weights temperature higher than humidity and the search range as 100 meters. Another example is a cooperative or group working in a site where there is no infrastructure, and each of the group members is assigned a small region for investigation. In such application, users may retrieve data objects by utilizing wireless communication mediums. For example, a user wants to obtain top-2 data existing around the user, where data objects are represented by some attributes, for example, 2-dimensional data. To obtain his/her preferable Hindawi Publishing Corporation Mobile Information Systems Volume 2015, Article ID 657431, 20 pages

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  • Research ArticleEfficient Multidimensional Top-๐‘˜ Query Processing inWireless Multihop Networks

    Daichi Amagata,1 Yuya Sasaki,2 Takahiro Hara,1 and Shojiro Nishio1

    1Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, Osaka 565-0871, Japan2Institute of Innovation for Future Society, Nagoya University, Aichi 464-8601, Japan

    Correspondence should be addressed to Daichi Amagata; [email protected]

    Received 29 August 2014; Accepted 1 September 2014

    Academic Editor: David Taniar

    Copyright ยฉ 2015 Daichi Amagata et al.This is an open access article distributed under theCreative CommonsAttribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

    Top-๐‘˜ queries, which retrieve the k most preferable data objects, have been receiving much attention. An emerging challengeis to support efficient top-๐‘˜ query processing in a wireless distributed network. In this study, we investigated how to processmultidimensional top-๐‘˜ queries efficiently in a wireless multihop network. A major challenge for multidimensional top-๐‘˜ queriesis that answers for different users are typically different, because each user has a unique preference and search range. Meanwhile, itis desirable for wireless networks to reduce unnecessary traffic even if users issue top-๐‘˜ queries with their own unique preferences.Therefore, we address the above problem and propose a top-๐‘˜ query processing method in wireless multihop networks, calledClusTo. ClusTo performs a novel clustering scheme for multidimensional top-๐‘˜ query processing and routes queries based on thecluster while guaranteeing the userโ€™s specified search range. Moreover, ClusTo takes a dynamic threshold approach to suppressunnecessary query transmissions to nodes which do not contribute to top-๐‘˜ data retrieval. Extensive experiments on both real andsynthetic data have demonstrated that ClusTo outperforms existing methods in terms of traffic and delay.

    1. Introduction

    Recent remarkable innovations in engineering have beenbringing us to variety of distributed networks and wirelesscommunication mediums. Information retrieval in wirelessdistributed networks presents an important challenge of sup-porting efficient query processing [1]. Ranking queries, forexample, top-๐‘˜ queries, enhance efficiency of data retrievaland can help suppressing huge result sets and provideusers with only their required result. Top-๐‘˜ queries retrieveonly the ๐‘˜ data objects that best match the userโ€™s specifiedquery condition (scoring function) [2โ€“4]. A wide range ofapplications, such as multimedia retrieval in P2P networks[5โ€“9], environment monitoring in wireless sensor networks[10โ€“12], and, in ad hoc networks, military situations andrescue operation in disaster sites [13โ€“15], realize considerablebenefits from top-๐‘˜ query processing.

    As introduced above, the systems operated in the appli-cations are becoming increasingly distributed. Thus, manyresearchers nowadays engage in studying efficient queryprocessing in distributed environments. The emerging and

    important challenge which we tackle in this paper is dataretrieval in wireless distributed networks with no infrastruc-ture support, and we focus on multidimensional top-๐‘˜ queryprocessing in such environments, where users can specifya monotone scoring function and search range as a querycondition.One of the representative examples is data retrievalin a wireless sensor network. A user wants to collect top-3sensor readings existing around a sensor node (e.g., within100 meters) to investigate environment details. The sensorreadings consist of some attributes such as temperatureand humidity. If the user cares about temperature morethan humidity, the users specify the scoring function whichweights temperature higher than humidity and the searchrange as 100 meters. Another example is a cooperative orgroup working in a site where there is no infrastructure, andeach of the group members is assigned a small region forinvestigation. In such application, users may retrieve dataobjects by utilizing wireless communication mediums. Forexample, a user wants to obtain top-2 data existing around theuser, where data objects are represented by some attributes,for example, 2-dimensional data. To obtain his/her preferable

    Hindawi Publishing CorporationMobile Information SystemsVolume 2015, Article ID 657431, 20 pages

  • 2 Mobile Information Systems

    data, s/he may specify the scoring function as โ€œ60% priorityto attribute ๐ด and 40% to attribute ๐ตโ€ and the search rangeas โ€œ200 metersโ€ (we describe the definition in Section 2),and, through wireless peer-to-peer communication, s/he canreceive the top-2 data objects among the set of data objectsheld by the user and others in the group, without anyinfrastructure supports.

    Due to the wireless communication, packet losses andwireless nodesโ€™ energy consumption become severe problemsas traffic increases. It is therefore important to suppressunnecessary traffic by reducing the number of data repliesnot included in the exact result (we call this the top-๐‘˜ result) and the number of nodes to which a query istransmitted. Ideally, top-๐‘˜ query processing by only nodesthat contribute to retrieving the top-๐‘˜ result is preferable.Thetop-๐‘˜ result, on the other hand, varies according to usersโ€™specified query conditions and ๐‘˜. Two simple approachesmay be applied to processing a top-๐‘˜ query. One is thatthe query originator floods a query message over all thenodes in the search range and then collects the local top-๐‘˜ data objects from all query receiving nodes. The problemhere is that the query message is transmitted to manyunnecessary nodes which do not hold data objects includedin the top-๐‘˜ result. The other is to construct efficient querytransmission routes with respect to each query condition.However, if the query conditions are different for differentusers (i.e., the query conditions are diverse), it is necessary toconstruct and maintain too many query transmission routes,resulting in dramatic increase of overhead. On the otherhand, if every node distributes its own data objects whichmight be included in the top-๐‘˜ results to all nodes in thenetwork, they can avoid distributed query processing. Thedrawbacks of this approach are that toomany data objects aredistributed, and toomuch traffic is involvedwhendata updateoccurs. Such massive data distribution actually generates toomuch traffic and then misses necessary data objects becauseof packet losses. As seen above, streamlining multidimen-sional top-๐‘˜ query processing is difficult, but processinga top-๐‘˜ query with small traffic and delay is nonethelessimportant.

    In this paper, we propose ClusTo (Cluster and ๐พ-skyband-based multidimensional top-๐‘˜ query processing),which processes a top-๐‘˜ query with small traffic and delayeven if the query conditions are diverse. ClusTo employsa new and novel clustering framework with skyline [16],which makes nodes holding data objects which are expectedto be included in many top-๐‘˜ results become cluster-heads.This clustering framework provides multidimensional top-๐‘˜query processing without transmitting queries to all nodes.Moreover, in the procedure in clustering, each node acquiresthe information on its neighboring nodesโ€™ ๐พ-skyband [17].๐พ-skyband helps to construct a filter, which can prunereplying unnecessary data objects and query transmissionsto unnecessary nodes, and the filter is attached to a querymessage. ClusTo routes queries to cluster-heads within userโ€™sspecified search range with small traffic, and then the cluster-heads transmit the query to nodes, based on a thresholdderived from the filter that contribute to retrieving the top-๐‘˜ result. As a consequence, ClusTo can retrieve the top-๐‘˜

    result from a small number of nodes in the search range. Thecontributions of this paper are as follows.

    (i) We propose a novel and scalable top-๐‘˜ processingmethod, ClusTo, which employs a new clusteringframework with skyline and a query routing scheme.This method performs multidimensional top-๐‘˜ queryprocessing with small traffic and delay even if thequery conditions are diverse.

    (ii) The proposed approach is adaptable to wireless net-work environments such as unstructured P2P net-works, sensor networks, and ad hoc networks.

    (iii) We evaluated our proposed method through exten-sive experiments on both real and synthetic data, andthe results show that ClusTo functions well in termsof traffic and delay.

    The reminder of this paper is organized as follows.Section 2 provides the preliminaries to present ClusTo.Section 3 reviews the related work. In Section 4, we describethe detail of ClusTo. We show the results of our simulationexperiments in Section 5. Finally, in Section 6, we concludeour paper.

    2. Preliminaries

    In this section, we explain a data model, a network model,and definitions of top-๐‘˜ queries and some other concepts.

    2.1. Data Model. We assume that each data object has uniqueidentifier, ๐‘–, and ๐‘š metadata V

    ๐‘–[๐‘—] (1 โ‰ค ๐‘— โ‰ค ๐‘š), which

    represents the features of data objects, and data objects arenot replicated. Each metadata value is calculated by somekind of numerical scoring function and follows Euclideanspace. Without loss of generality, we assume that a smallervalue is preferable. We further assume that the value of eachmetadata is normalized between [0, V๐‘Ž๐‘™๐‘ข๐‘’

    ๐‘š๐‘Ž๐‘ฅ]. In this paper,

    we define the number of dimensions of data objects as thenumber of metadata,๐‘š. A data object consists of not only๐‘šmetadata, but also some other contents such as images andtext information, for example, documents. Thus, the size ofdata object is basically larger than the summation of the sizeof metadata.

    2.2. Network Model. A wireless network consists of ๐‘›nodes, which are assigned unique identifier, such as{๐‘1, ๐‘2, . . . , ๐‘

    ๐‘›}. Each node communicates by identical

    wireless communication standardwith radio communicationrange of ๐‘Ÿ [m], so node๐‘

    ๐‘–can communicate with node๐‘


    the distance between them is notmore than ๐‘Ÿ.We assume thateach node can recognize its accurate location informationvia GPS. In addition, we assume a static network; that is, thenetwork topology does not change and node failure does notoccur. Although there may be some applications that usersholding a portable device (node) move, we assume that theymove in a small range, which does not affect the networktopology. For example, in a wireless network for cooperativedata retrieval applications, each user does not move selfishly

  • Mobile Information Systems 3m



    K-skyband(K = 3)

























    b m


    e n g

    i jo k


    (1.4, 8.5)

    (3.0, 5.3)

    (4.2, 4.5)

    h(6.9, 1.8)


    Figure 1: An example of skyline and ๐พ-skyband (๐พ = 3).

    and possibly moves only in a limited or small area, which isassigned to the user.

    2.3. Definition. Top-๐‘˜ queries, in this paper, give a score to adata object ๐‘œ

    ๐‘–from its metadata with increasingly monotone

    scoring function, ๐‘“ : R๐‘‘ โ†’ R. Specifically, the score of ๐‘œ๐‘–is

    calculated as follows:

    ๐‘ ๐‘๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘’ (๐‘œ๐‘–) = ๐‘“ (๐‘œ

    ๐‘–) =




    ๐‘ค๐‘—ร— V๐‘–[๐‘—] , (1)

    where ๐‘ค๐‘—(1 โ‰ค ๐‘— โ‰ค ๐‘š) is a weighting factor (value) for each

    dimension ๐‘š๐‘—and nonnegative value (โˆ‘๐‘š

    ๐‘—=1๐‘ค๐‘—= 1, ๐‘ค


    0). These weighting factors indicate user preference andinfluence the ranking of data objects. For example, Figure 1shows a 2-dimensional dataset and depicts data objects, ato o. If a high weight is assigned to๐‘š

    1, data object a becomes

    the top-1 data object, while if a high weight is assigned to๐‘š2, data object h becomes the top-1 data object. The scoring

    function, ๐‘“, is a weighting sum (linear) function and has afollowing property:

    โˆ€๐‘— โˆˆ [1,๐‘š] , V๐‘– [๐‘—] โ‰ค V๐‘– [๐‘—] โ‡’ ๐‘“ (๐‘œ๐‘–) โ‰ค ๐‘“ (๐‘œ๐‘–) . (2)

    Furthermore, this top-๐‘˜ query allows users to input a searchrange, ๐‘‘ [m]. Users can retrieve ๐‘˜ data objects within ๐‘‘ [m] oftheir locations. Thus, data objects, which exist in the searchrange, with the ๐‘˜ best scores are included in the top-๐‘˜ queryresult. The formal definition of top-๐‘˜ result is provided asfollows.

    Definition 1 (top-๐‘˜ result). We define the top-๐‘˜ result as thedata objects with the ๐‘˜-lowest scores held by nodes within๐‘‘ [m] of a node (user) generating a query.

    There is a maximum ๐‘˜ (๐พ) which is specified by thesystem. We assume that ๐พ is not large, for example, 15. Due

    to the bandwidth limitation in wireless networks, commu-nication failures and packet losses frequently occur if ๐พ islarge; that is, traffic is large, resulting in a loss of necessarydata objects. In addition, applications such as data retrieval[18] and environment monitoring [10], for example, can dealwith basically only a small number of data objects. (Even websearch, e.g., Google, typically displays only ten web sites bydefault.) This assumption is therefore practical in terms ofboth users and the system; however our proposedmethod canbe adapted to cases where ๐พ is large.

    In the past, some important concepts related to top-๐‘˜queries have been developed. ClusTo exploits them, so wedefine such concepts below.

    Definition 2 (dominant). Consider data objects ๐‘œ๐‘–and ๐‘œ๐‘– . ๐‘œ๐‘–

    is said to dominate ๐‘œ๐‘– if they satisfy the following condition:

    (โˆ€๐‘— โˆˆ [1,๐‘š] , V๐‘– [๐‘—] โ‰ค V๐‘– [๐‘—])

    โˆง (โˆƒ๐‘— โˆˆ [1,๐‘š] , V๐‘– [๐‘—] < V๐‘– [๐‘—]) .(3)

    In Figure 1, data object c dominates e, f, g, l, m, and n.This dominance relationship provides us with an impor-

    tant dataset, that is, skyline [16]. The definition of skyline isshown as follows.

    Definition 3 (skyline). Skyline is the set of data objects whichare not dominated by any other data objects.

    In Figure 1, skyline contains data objects a, c, d, and h.An interesting observation from skyline shows a key to

    develop a novel approach for query routing, and we give alemma explaining the observation.

    Lemma4. The top-1 data object for any increasinglymonotonefunction belongs to the skyline.

    ๐พ-skyband enhances top-๐‘˜ query processing more, andwe define this dataset below and then give an importantlemma.

    Definition 5 (๐พ-skyband). ๐พ-skyband is the set of dataobjects which are dominated by at most ๐พ โˆ’ 1 other dataobjects.

    Lemma 6. The top-๐‘˜ data objects for any increasingly mono-tone function belong to the ๐พ-skyband.

    Proof. Assume that data object ๐‘œ๐‘–does not belong to ๐พ-

    skyband. There exists at least ๐พ other data objects thatdominate it. According to (3), there exists at least ๐พ dataobjects whose score is less than ๐‘œ

    ๐‘–. Consequently, ๐‘œ


    be top-๐พ data object. Skyline is the special case where๐พ = 1.Therefore, since Lemma 6 is true, Lemma 4 is also true.

    3. Related Work

    Many studies have proposed top-๐‘˜ query processingmethodsin distributed environments as well as centralized fashion [2โ€“4, 19]. Here, we review some representative methods.

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    In [7], the authors proposed an algorithm called TPUT,which aims to prune unnecessary data objects. TPUT wasimproved by KLEE [8].These methods need multiple phases,so the delay increases if adapted to wireless multihopnetworks. Moreover, data objects are vertically distributed,which is different from our assumption.

    In [5, 6, 9], data objects are horizontally distributed toeach node, which is the same assumption in this paper.Although the authors in [6] proposed a method that mini-mizes data replies, the method involves all nodes, which isinefficient for wireless networks. The method proposed in[5] can avoid query flooding by selecting nodes to accessbased on scores of data objects. However, this methodassumes that each node can communicate with any othernodes, which is different from our assumption. In [9], theauthors proposed SPEERTO which utilizes a super-peernetwork. This method performs top-๐‘˜ query processingthrough super-peers. Even though this method is efficientfor highly distributed environments to process top-๐‘˜ queries,this method is hard to adapt to wireless networks withlimited communication range. In SPEERTO, it is necessaryto communicate with some other super-peers to process top-๐‘˜ queries, so if adapting this method to a wireless multihopnetwork, many or most of nodes have to perform the roleof super-peer due to the limited communication range. Thisis obviously inefficient since this approach involves manyunnecessary nodes to retrieve top-๐‘˜ data, and actually it isimpossible to adapt such a special overlay network to wirelessnetworks, without no infrastructure support. Therefore, anefficient multidimensional top-๐‘˜ query processing techniquefor the environments that we assume is required, and wepropose an effective clustering framework specialized formultidimensional top-๐‘˜ query processing, which exploitsmetadata values of data objects held by nodes.This clusteringframework does not need special overlay such as the super-peer, meaning that no infrastructure support is required.

    Many papers [10โ€“12, 20โ€“22] deal with efficient processingof top-๐‘˜ queries in wireless sensor networks with the aimof prolonging network life time. An in-network aggregationtechnique has been proposed in [11]. Every node sends its owntop-๐‘˜ data objects in each epoch in this method. Althoughthe method proposed in [23] processes a top-๐‘˜ query as in[11], this method replies to not only parent node but also itsbrother node to provide them with more information on thescores of data objects, which can prune more unnecessarydata objects. In [24], the authors proposed a method thatsuppresses energy consumptionwhich sacrifices the accuracyof the query result. The method proposed in [22] optimizestop-๐‘˜ queries by employing a sampling-based approximation.However, this approximation technique does not guaranteeperfect accuracy of the query result. The authors in [12, 20,21] proposed methods which utilize a filtering approach toprune unnecessary data objects. A sink node in the networkconstructs filters from received data objects and distributesthe filters to each sensor node. When updating the sensorreadings, each sensor node judges whether or not to sendthe reading to the sink based on the filter. The methodwhich retrieves the top-๐‘˜ result fast (within a certain upperbound time) has been proposed in [25]. Unfortunately, all

    the above methods deal with only 1-dimensional data objects.Enhanced scheme proposed in [10] is the only method thatdeals with (continuous)multidimensional top-๐‘˜ queries.Thismethod utilizes the dominant graph [26] whichmaintains thedominance relation of data objects. The sink node constructsa filter, utilizing this dominant graph, to prune data objectswhich are never included in any top-๐‘˜ results. However, thismethod considers all possible query conditions that are notinserted in the system, which results in redundant increasesof traffic. Note that, in wireless sensor networks assumedin the above existing studies, only the sink node can bea query originator, but in this paper, we assume that allnodes can be query originators, that is, different assumptionof such wireless sensor networks. ClusTo performs efficientmultidimensional top-๐‘˜ query processing even in a casewhere all nodes generate queries.

    Top-๐‘˜ query processingmethods have also been proposedformobile ad hoc networks [13โ€“15, 27].Themethod proposedin [27] assumes that the scores of data objects follow somekind of distribution such as Gaussian distribution. However,because such scores are dependent of query conditions inmultidimensional top-๐‘˜ queries, this assumption is imprac-tical. To suppress unnecessary data replies, the methodproposed in [14] estimates the ๐‘˜th score of data objects inthe network by attaching standard scores to query messages.The aim of the method proposed in [15] is to prune moredata objects which are not included in the top-๐‘˜ result. Thismethod adapts 2-phase query processing. In the first phase,a query originator collects scores of data objects and sets the๐‘˜th lowest score as a threshold. Then, in the second phase,the query originator floods a querymessage attachedwith thethreshold, and nodes receiving the query reply data objectswith scores not larger than the threshold. The commondrawback of these methods is that all nodes are involved intop-๐‘˜ query processing due to query flooding.This drawbackincreases unnecessary traffic and packet losses, resulting ina lack of scalability. Although the method proposed in [13]performs efficient query routing to prune unnecessary querypaths to retrieve the top-๐‘˜ result, thismethod generates exces-sive traffic if the query conditions are diverse because queryroutes are constructed according to each query condition.Thus, this method is unsuitable for multidimensional top-๐‘˜ queries. In contrast, ClusTo can perform efficient queryprocessing without transmitting queries to all nodes withinthe search range even if the query conditions are diverse. Itis not necessary, furthermore, to construct query routes withrespect to query conditions in ClusTo; that is, clustering isperformed only once. This suppresses overhead to constructquery routes.

    4. Proposed Method

    In this section, we first introduce the overview of ClusTo.Then we describe the detail of ClusTo, in the order corre-sponding to cluster formation (Section 4.2), filter construc-tion (Section 4.3), and top-๐‘˜ query processing (Section 4.4).

    4.1. Overview. Our objective is to suppress unnecessarytraffic and delay, and to this end, ClusTo aims to process top-๐‘˜

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    queries by only nodes that contribute to retrieving the top-๐‘˜result as possible. Intuitively, it is effective to construct queryroutes as this can avoid the query flooding in processing oftop-๐‘˜ queries. Asmentioned in Section 1, however, construct-ing query routes for each query condition is inefficient. Thekey to solving this problem lies in constructing efficient queryroutes for any query conditions. In addition, since๐พ-skybandis the set of data objects included in the top-๐‘˜ (๐‘˜ โ‰ค ๐พ) results,acquiring the information on neighboring nodesโ€™๐พ-skybandis an effective mean for reducing unnecessary traffic. This isbecause nodes can prune unnecessary query transmissions toneighboring nodes which do not hold data objects includedin the top-๐‘˜ result by acquiring information on their ๐พ-skyband. Based on these ideas (constructing efficient queryroutes and utilizing neighboring nodesโ€™๐พ-skyband), we havedeveloped a novel clustering framework. ClusTo first per-forms a new 1-hop clustering framework exploiting skylineas preprocessing. This framework makes nodes holding dataobjects with high probability of being included inmany top-๐‘˜results become cluster-heads. By doing so, unnecessary querytransmissions can be significantly suppressed because cluster-heads hold many data objects with lower scores. In addition,each node sends metadata of data objects included in its๐พ-skyband to its neighboring nodes during the clusteringprocedure (detail in Section 4.2).

    In this clustering framework, each node can acquirethe information on its neighboring nodesโ€™ ๐พ-skyband, andeach query receiving node utilizes this information to pruneunnecessary data objects by constructing a filter (detail inSection 4.3). Query messages are transmitted over the userโ€™sspecified search range via cluster-heads while establishingparent-child relationships, that is, data forwarding tree. Ifthe query messages are transmitted to the border of thesearch range, each query receiving node replies to its parentwith data objects with scores not larger than the thresholdcalculated from the filter. When cluster-heads have receivedreply messages from all their children, they judge whetheror not to send a query message to nodes included in theircluster. Cluster-heads send a query message to nodes holdingdata objects with scores not larger than the threshold. Thisapproach guarantees query transmission to nodes holdingdata objects included in the top-๐‘˜ result. If there does not existsuch nodes or received replymessages fromall queried nodes,cluster-heads send a reply message to their parent.

    In this way, ClusTo performs efficient multidimensionaltop-๐‘˜ query processing exploiting effective clustering and๐พ-skyband. Next, we describe the detail of each procedure inClusTo.

    4.2. Cluster Formation. In this subsection, we explain theprocedure of 1-hop clustering framework which realizesmultidimensional top-๐‘˜ query processing by less number ofnodes for any query conditions.

    Flooding is a simple approach to transmit queries tonodes holding data objects included in the top-๐‘˜ result. How-ever, this approach generates redundant traffic because ofunnecessary transmissions to nodes that do not contribute totop-๐‘˜ data retrieval. ClusTo overcomes this problem by queryrouting based on the clustering approach. In cluster-based

    routing, queries are transmitted between cluster-heads viagateway-nodes which have links to nodes in other clusters.Note that if cluster-heads hold data objects which dominatemany data objects held by nodes in their clusters, it is rarelynecessary to transmit queries to these nodes in the clusters.Following this idea, ClusTo designates as cluster-heads nodesholding data objects which are expected to be included inmany top-๐‘˜ results to realize top-๐‘˜ query processing byless number of nodes. Specifically, each node calculates theskyline for its own data objects (local skyline) and sets a timerto become a cluster-head based on the following equations:

    ๐‘‡๐‘–๐‘š๐‘’๐‘Ÿ =๐›ผ โ‹… ๐‘†๐‘˜๐‘ฆ๐ดV๐‘”๐ท๐‘–๐‘ ๐‘ก + (1 โˆ’ ๐›ผ) โ‹… ๐‘†๐‘˜๐‘ฆ๐‘€๐‘–๐‘›๐ท๐‘–๐‘ ๐‘ก

    ๐›ฝ, (4)

    ๐‘†๐‘˜๐‘ฆ๐ดV๐‘”๐ท๐‘–๐‘ ๐‘ก =โˆ‘|๐‘ ๐‘˜๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘–๐‘›๐‘’|



    ๐‘ ๐‘˜๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘–๐‘›๐‘’


    ๐‘†๐‘˜๐‘ฆ๐‘€๐‘–๐‘›๐ท๐‘–๐‘ ๐‘ก = min1โ‰ค๐‘–โ‰ค|๐‘ ๐‘˜๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘–๐‘›๐‘’|





    V๐‘–[๐‘—]2) . (6)

    ๐›ผ โˆˆ [0, 1] and ๐›ฝ(>0) in (4) are system parameters and ๐›ฝis used to avoid vain larger value of timer. |๐‘ ๐‘˜๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘–๐‘›๐‘’| in (5)and (6) represents the number of data objects in the localskyline. SkyAvgDist and SkyMinDist represent the averagedistance and minimum distance between local skyline pointsand the origin point (0, 0, . . . , 0), respectively. For example,assume that a node holds data objects shown in Figure 1. Inthis case, the SkyAvgDist is (โˆš(1.42 + 8.52) + โˆš(32 + 5.32) +โˆš(4.22 + 4.52) + โˆš(6.92 + 1.82))/4 = 7.0. The SkyMinDist isโˆš(32 + 5.32) = 6.1. It is intuitively clear that data objects heldby a node have a greater probability of being included inmanytop-๐‘˜ results if the values of SkyAvgDist and SkyMinDist aresmaller.

    Clustering in ClusTo is performed according to Algo-rithms 1 and 2.The smaller the value of the timer set by a givennode is, the shorter the timer will expire, and a node becomesa cluster-head (CH) if its timer expires. A cluster-head broad-casts a cluster formation message (cf ), which is representedas ๐‘๐‘“ = โŸจCH id, sender id, sender position, ๐พ๐‘†๐พ๐‘ŒโŸฉ.The firstelement, CH id, is the identifier of a cluster-head.The secondelement, sender id, is the identifier of the sender node ofthis message. If a cluster-head sends this message, CH id isequal to sender id. The third element, sender position, is thelocation information on the sender node of this message, andthe forth elementKSKY includes the identifiers andmetadataof data objects which are๐พ-skyband in the set of data objectsheld by the sender node. Nodes receiving a cf from a cluster-head cancel their timers and then execute the followingprocedures. (i)They construct their routing table (lines 8 and13 in Algorithm 1). Each entry in a routing table consists ofthe identifier of a cluster-head, location information on thecluster-head, and the identifier of a neighboring node for thetransmission of queries (next node) as shown in Figure 2.(ii) They record the neighboring nodesโ€™ location informationand KSKY (line 14 in Algorithm 1). We emphasize that KSKYdoes not include data objects, but only metadata. Because

  • 6 Mobile Information Systems

    (1) /โˆ—Expire the timer of node๐‘๐‘โˆ—/

    (2) cf โ† โŸจ๐‘, ๐‘,๐‘๐‘.position, ๐พ๐‘†๐พ๐‘Œ


    (3) Broadcast cf(4) /โˆ—Node๐‘

    ๐‘žreceives a cf from node๐‘

    ๐‘ โˆ—/

    (5) if cf.CH id ฬธ= ๐‘ž then(6) if CH id = sender id then(7) Cancel its own timer(8) RoutingTable.entryโ† RoutingTable.entryโˆช {๐‘, ๐‘

    ๐‘ .position, ๐‘}

    (9) if ๐‘๐‘žreceived cf for the first time then

    (10) cf โ† โŸจ๐‘, ๐‘ž,๐‘๐‘ž.position, ๐พ๐‘†๐พ๐‘Œ


    (11) Broadcast cf(12) else(13) RoutingTable.entryโ†RoutingTable.entryโˆช {๐‘๐‘“.CH id, 0, ๐‘}(14)๐‘๐‘’๐‘–๐‘”โ„Ž๐‘๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘ 

    ๐‘žโ† ๐‘๐‘’๐‘–๐‘”โ„Ž๐‘๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘ 

    ๐‘žโˆช {๐‘, ๐‘๐‘ .position, ๐พ๐‘†๐พ๐‘Œ

    ๐‘ }

    Algorithm 1: Handling cluster formation message.

    (1) /โˆ—Procedure of non-cluster-head,๐‘๐‘žโˆ—/

    (2) CHLโ† {โˆ€{๐‘,๐‘๐‘.position} โˆˆ ๐‘


    (3) mnโ† โŸจ๐‘ž, ๐ถ๐ป๐ฟโŸฉ(4) Sendmn to the nearest cluster-head from๐‘


    (5) /โˆ—Procedure of cluster head๐‘๐‘which receivesmn from๐‘


    (6) CMโ†CM โˆช {๐‘ž}(7) for โˆ€mn.CHL.entry do(8) if โˆƒ๐‘–, ๐‘—, RoutingTable.entry

    ๐‘–.CH =mn.CHL.entry

    ๐‘—.CH then

    (9) RoutingTable.entry๐‘–.CH positionโ†mn.CHL.entry


    (10) if Dist(RoutingTable.entry๐‘–.CH, ๐‘ž) < Dist(RoutingTable.entry

    ๐‘–.CH, RoutingTable.entry

    ๐‘–.next node) then

    (11) RoutingTable.entry๐‘–.next nodeโ† ๐‘ž

    (12) else(13) RoutingTable.entryโ† RoutingTable.entryโˆช {mn.CHL.entry, ๐‘ž}

    Algorithm 2: Handling member notice message.

    metadata is needed to calculate the score of data object, it isonly necessary for nodes to obtain metadata. Distributing๐พ-skyband to all nodes generates toomuch overhead because ofthe reasonmentioned in Section 1. DistributingKSKY to onlyneighboring nodes generates small overhead, and utilizingthe KSKY, nodes can construct effective filter for any queryconditions (Section 4.3). (iii) They broadcast the cf if theyhave received it for the first time from a cluster-head (lines9โ€“11 in Algorithm 1).

    After a certain time has elapsed, noncluster-head nodessend a member notice message (mn) to their nearest cluster-head. The mn is represented as ๐‘š๐‘› = โŸจsender id, ๐ถ๐ป๐ฟโŸฉ.The first element is the identifier of the sender node ofthis message. The second element is a cluster-head listconsisting of a pair of cluster-head identifiers and theirlocation information. This procedure provides cluster-headswith the information on cluster-members (CM) includedin their cluster. In addition, each cluster-head can updateits routing table (i.e., know its neighboring cluster-headsand next nodes) by receiving this message. To reduce querytransmission hop counts, each cluster-head designates thenearest nodes from its neighboring cluster-heads (among thenodes fromwhich it has received anmn) as next nodes (lines

    10-11 in Algorithm 2), because such nodes tend to have a linkto their corresponding cluster-heads.

    Following the above procedure, ClusTo forms effectiveclusters for efficient top-๐‘˜ query processing and limits thenumber of nodes to which queries are transmitted. Duringthe clustering process, nodes obtain their neighboring nodesโ€™location information and the ๐พ-skyband information. Evenin the case of data updates, nodes holding updated dataobjects simply have to recalculate their ๐พ-skyband andbroadcast necessary information, that is, updated metadatain KSKY and metadata of data objects newly included inKSKY. Nodes receiving this information update correspond-ing neighboring nodeโ€™s KSKY.

    4.3. Filter Construction. ClusTo performs query routingbased on a routing table and transmits queries over theuserโ€™s specified search range. After that, to guarantee querytransmission to nodes holding data objects included in thetop-๐‘˜ result, each cluster-head transmits a query messageto its cluster-members which have yet to receive the query.Notice that it is redundant to transmit queries to nodes whichdo not contribute to retrieving the top-๐‘˜ result (noncon-tributor). It is therefore effective to estimate the ๐‘˜th lowest

  • Mobile Information Systems 7

    CH CH position Next node

    CH CH position Next node

    (x8, y8)

    (x15 , y15)

    (x30 , y30)

    (x11 , y11)

    (x30 , y30)



    N2 N3





    N23 N24


    N26 N29N30



















    N30 N30






    Figure 2: An example of cluster and routing table.

    score of data objects (threshold) in the search range. Thissuppresses unnecessary transmissions to noncontributors.An approach whereby nodes attach to the query messagethe ๐‘˜-lowest scores and corresponding identifiers of dataobject as a filter, and then query receiving nodes estimatethe threshold based on the received filter, their own dataobjects, and their neighborsโ€™ KSKY, is intuitively applicable.If ๐‘˜ is large, however, filter transmission overhead becomeslarge. Therefore, to suppress such overhead, ClusTo employsnot ๐‘˜, but three specific scores of data objects; that is,we suppress the overhead for attaching a filter by using afixed number of scores (and their corresponding data objectidentifiers). Specifically, the filter consists of the lowest score(lower bound), the (โŒŠ๐‘˜/2โŒ‹ + 1)th score (median), the ๐‘˜thscore (upper bound), and their corresponding data objectidentifiers (we define these pairs of scores and identifiers aslb, me, and ub, resp.). Each node ranks its own data objectsand neighborsโ€™ KSKY by calculating their scores. To ensurethat the threshold approximates the exact threshold, queryreceiving nodes update the filter based on the received filter,their own data objects, and their neighborsโ€™ KSKY.

    Each node basically constructs the filter based on theinformation on its own data objects, neighborsโ€™ KSKY, andthe received filter. Because the filter consists of three scoreand identifier pairs, if ๐‘˜ > 3, a query receiving node mightnot acquire the complete information on the ๐‘˜-lowest scoresand their corresponding data object identifiers among the setof data objects held by nodes on the query route from a queryoriginator to the query sender node, which has transmittedthe query to the query receiving node, and their neighboringnodes (we define this dataset as the upstream dataset). In thiscase, the node needs to estimate the missing information onscores which the node could not acquire by some kind of way.

    However, if we roughly estimate the ๐‘˜th score, nodes may beprovided with a smaller threshold than the exact threshold,which results in query transmission failure to nodes holdingdata objects included in the top-๐‘˜ result. On the other hand,if we estimate safely, that is, estimate the scores at a large valueto guarantee access to all nodes holding data objects includedin the top-๐‘˜ result, unnecessary query transmissions and dataobject replies increase. Thus, it is important not to set thethreshold as large unnecessarily with guaranteeing the querytransmission to nodeswhich hold data objects included in thetop-๐‘˜ result.

    Algorithm 3 illustrates the filter construction algorithm.In ClusTo, each query receiving node estimates the infor-mation on the ๐‘˜-lowest scores and their correspondingidentifiers in the upstream dataset based on the informationon its own data objects and its neighborsโ€™ KSKY. Specifically,query receiving nodes initially calculate the scores of dataobjects held by nodes in common communication rangewith their query sender nodes. From these scores and thereceived filter, they estimate the ๐‘˜-lowest scores and theircorresponding data object identifiers in the upstream dataset(lines 5โ€“12). In the case where the number of calculatedscores, ๐‘˜, whose values are between [๐‘™๐‘.score, ๐‘ข๐‘.score] isless than the number of data objects (there exist (โŒŠ๐‘˜/2โŒ‹ โˆ’1) data objects between (๐‘™๐‘, ๐‘š๐‘’) and (๐‘˜ โˆ’ โŒŠ๐‘˜/2โŒ‹ โˆ’ 2) dataobjects between (๐‘š๐‘’, ๐‘ข๐‘)) existing between (๐‘™๐‘, ๐‘ข๐‘), that is,๐‘˜< (โŒŠ๐‘˜/2โŒ‹ โˆ’ 1) + (๐‘˜ โˆ’ โŒŠ๐‘˜/2โŒ‹ โˆ’ 2) accurately, such nodes

    estimate the missing data object information atme in [๐‘™๐‘, ๐‘š๐‘’]and ub in (๐‘š๐‘’, ๐‘ข๐‘] (lines 14โ€“16 and 18โ€“20). Supplementing thescore information which cannot be acquired with respectivemaximum scores in [๐‘™๐‘, ๐‘š๐‘’] and (๐‘š๐‘’, ๐‘ข๐‘] does not estimatethe ๐‘˜th score of data object in the upstream dataset atless value than the exact value; that is, no false negative

  • 8 Mobile Information Systems

    Input: ๐‘™๐‘, ๐‘š๐‘’, ๐‘ข๐‘Output: ๐‘™๐‘, ๐‘š๐‘’, ๐‘ข๐‘

    (1) /โˆ—Node,๐‘๐‘, constructs a filter from a query sent by๐‘


    (2) local top-k dataโ† 0(3) ๐‘™๐‘š ๐‘‘๐‘Ž๐‘ก๐‘Ž โ† ๐‘š๐‘ข ๐‘‘๐‘Ž๐‘ก๐‘Ž โ† 0(4) ๐‘™๐‘š ๐‘‘๐‘Ž๐‘ก๐‘Ž

    ๐‘๐‘œ๐‘šโ† ๐‘š๐‘ข ๐‘‘๐‘Ž๐‘ก๐‘Ž

    ๐‘๐‘œ๐‘šโ† 0

    (5) for โˆ€๐‘๐‘ž โˆˆ ๐‘๐‘’๐‘–๐‘”โ„Ž๐‘๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘ 


    (6) if ๐‘๐‘ž is within search range then

    (7) if ๐ท๐‘–๐‘ ๐‘ก(๐‘๐‘ž, ๐‘๐‘ž ) โ‰ค ๐‘Ÿ then

    (8) ๐‘™๐‘š ๐‘‘๐‘Ž๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘๐‘œ๐‘š

    โ† ๐‘™๐‘š ๐‘‘๐‘Ž๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘๐‘œ๐‘š

    โˆช {โˆ€{score(๐‘œ๐‘—), ๐‘—} |

    (9) ๐‘œ๐‘—โˆˆ ๐‘๐‘ž โ€™s ๐พ-skyband, score(๐‘œ

    ๐‘—) โˆˆ [๐‘™๐‘.๐‘ ๐‘๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘’, ๐‘š๐‘’.๐‘ ๐‘๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘’]}

    (10) ๐‘š๐‘ข ๐‘‘๐‘Ž๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘๐‘œ๐‘š

    โ† ๐‘š๐‘ข ๐‘‘๐‘Ž๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘๐‘œ๐‘š

    โˆช {โˆ€{score(๐‘œ๐‘—), ๐‘—} |

    (11) ๐‘œ๐‘—โˆˆ ๐‘๐‘ž โ€™s ๐พ-skyband, score(๐‘œ

    ๐‘—) โˆˆ (๐‘š๐‘’.๐‘ ๐‘๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘’, ๐‘ข๐‘.๐‘ ๐‘๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘’]}

    (12) Sort ๐‘™๐‘š ๐‘‘๐‘Ž๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘๐‘œ๐‘š

    and๐‘š๐‘ข ๐‘‘๐‘Ž๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘๐‘œ๐‘š

    by ascending order(13) lm dataโ† ๐‘™๐‘ โˆช ๐‘™๐‘š ๐‘‘๐‘Ž๐‘ก๐‘Ž


    (14) if |๐‘™๐‘š ๐‘‘๐‘Ž๐‘ก๐‘Ž| < โŒŠ๐‘˜/2โŒ‹ + 1 then(15) for ๐‘– = 0 to โŒŠ๐‘˜/2โŒ‹ + 1 โˆ’ |๐‘™๐‘š ๐‘‘๐‘Ž๐‘ก๐‘Ž| do(16) lm dataโ† lm dataโˆช {๐‘š๐‘’.๐‘ ๐‘๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘’, โˆ’(๐‘– + 1)}(17)mu dataโ† ๐‘š๐‘ข ๐‘‘๐‘Ž๐‘ก๐‘Ž


    (18) if |๐‘š๐‘ข ๐‘‘๐‘Ž๐‘ก๐‘Ž|

  • Mobile Information Systems 9

    (1) if ๐‘๐‘receives ๐‘ž

    ๐‘žfor the first time then

    (2) parentโ† ๐‘ž๐‘ž.sedner id

    (3) Set F by Algorithm 3(4) thresholdโ† ๐‘ž

    ๐‘ž.๐น[2].score //๐‘ข๐‘.๐‘ ๐‘๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘’

    (5) if ๐‘ž๐‘๐‘žthen

    (6) CLโ† ๐‘ž๐‘ž.๐ถ๐ฟ

    (7) for โˆ€๐‘ž๐‘ž.๐ด๐‘‡ where ๐‘ž

    ๐‘ž.๐ด๐‘‡.next node ฬธ= ๐‘


    (8) CLโ†CLโˆช ๐‘ž๐‘ž.๐ด๐‘‡.CH

    (9) ATโ† 0(10) for โˆ€๐‘ก โ† RoutingTable.entry do(11) if ๐‘ก.CH is not included in CL and(12) ๐‘ก.next node is within ๐‘‘ from๐‘


    (13) ATโ†AT โˆช {๐‘ก.CH, ๐‘ก.next node}(14) if ๐ด๐‘‡ ฬธ= 0 then(15) ๐‘ž๐‘

    ๐‘žโ† โŸจorg, org position, ๐‘, ๐‘˜, ๐‘‘, ๐‘ค, ๐น, ๐ด๐‘‡, ๐ถ๐ฟโŸฉ

    (16) Send ๐‘ž๐‘๐‘žto nodes included in AT as next node

    (17) else(18) LeafFlagโ† 1(19) Perform Algorithm 5(20) if ๐‘ž๐‘‘


    (21) Reply data whose score is not more than threshold to parent

    Algorithm 4: Handling query message, ๐‘ž๐‘ž.














    8.0 2014







    3.6 1009 1009





    7.05 122

    8.9 414

    Score ID Score ID Score ID Score ID

    Filter(supplemented) Local top-k Local top-k



































    7.12 10002


    2.54 10001

    Figure 3: An example of filter construction where ๐‘˜ = 10.

    the identifiers of cluster-heads to which the query has beentransmitted, so initially CL = 0 in ๐‘

    ๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘”โ€™s query message. (If


    is a cluster-head, ๐ถ๐ฟ = {org}.) ๐‘๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘”

    sends the querymessage to the next nodes included in the AT. Algorithms4 and 5 explain the procedure for a query receiving node,๐‘๐‘. Algorithm 6 describes the procedure for reply messages.

    The query receiving node,๐‘๐‘, transmits the query to cluster-

    heads (or next nodes corresponding to them) except forthe cluster-heads to which the query has been already

    transmitted (lines 6โ€“13 in Algorithm 4). If next node is outof the search range, ๐‘

    ๐‘does not transmit the query to the

    cluster (lines 9โ€“13 in Algorithm 4). If ๐ด๐‘‡ = 0,๐‘๐‘recognizes

    that it is a leaf node and sends a data acquisition query to itsneighboring nodes, within the search range, which hold dataobjects whose scores are not larger than the threshold (lines18-19 in Algorithm 4).

    A data acquisition query, ๐‘ž๐‘‘๐‘–, is represented as ๐‘ž๐‘‘


    โŸจorg, org position, sender id, ๐‘˜, ๐‘‘, ๐‘ค, ๐น, ๐ดโŸฉ. ๐ด (=Address-set)

  • 10 Mobile Information Systems

    (1) Aโ† 0(2) if LeafFlag = 1 then(3) Put in all neighborsโ€™ identifiers,๐‘

    ๐‘Ÿwhich fulfill all the following conditions to ๐ด

    (4) (i)๐‘๐‘Ÿis within ๐‘‘ from๐‘


    (5) (ii)๐‘๐‘Ÿhas data whose score is not more than threshold

    (6) (iii)๐‘๐‘Ÿโ€™s cluster head is not within ๐‘‘ from๐‘


    (7) if ๐‘๐‘is a cluster head then

    (8) Put in all cluster membersโ€™ identifiers,๐‘๐‘Ÿwhich fulfill all the following conditions to ๐ด

    (9) (i)๐‘๐‘Ÿis within ๐‘‘ from๐‘


    (10) (ii)๐‘๐‘Ÿhas data whose score is not more than threshold

    (11) (iii)๐‘๐‘Ÿis not parent

    (12) if A ฬธ= 0 then(13) ๐‘ž๐‘‘

    ๐‘žโ† โŸจorg, org position, ๐‘, ๐‘˜, ๐‘‘, ๐‘ค, ๐น, ๐ดโŸฉ

    (14) Send ๐‘ž๐‘‘๐‘žto nodes included in ๐ด

    (15) else(16) Reply data whose score is not larger than threshold to parent

    Algorithm 5: Procedure by leaf nodes and cluster-heads.

    (1) /โˆ—๐‘๐‘receives ๐‘Ÿ


    (2) if threshold > ๐‘Ÿ๐‘–.threshold then

    (3) thresholdโ† ๐‘Ÿ๐‘–.threshold

    (4) ๐ท โ† ๐ท โˆช ๐‘Ÿ๐‘–.๐ท

    (5) if ๐‘๐‘receives reply from all next nodes inlcluded in AT for the fist time then

    (6) if ๐‘๐‘is a cluster head then

    (7) Perform Algorithm 5(8) else(9) ๐ท โ† {โˆ€data โˆˆ ๐ท | data.score โ‰ค threshold}(10) ๐‘Ÿ

    ๐‘–โ† โŸจ๐‘,๐ท

    , thresholdโŸฉ

    (11) Send ๐‘Ÿ๐‘–to parent

    (12) else(13) ๐‘

    ๐‘receives reply from all next nodes inlcluded in ๐ด

    (14)๐ท โ† {โˆ€data โˆˆ ๐ท | data.score โ‰ค threshold}(15) ๐‘Ÿ๐‘–โ† โŸจ๐‘,๐ท

    , thresholdโŸฉ

    (16) Send ๐‘Ÿ๐‘–to parent

    Algorithm 6: Handling reply message, ๐‘Ÿ๐‘–.

    is a list of the identifiers of nodes to which ๐‘ž๐‘‘๐‘–is transmitted.

    Leaf nodes and cluster-heads which have received reply mes-sages from all next nodes in their AT send a data acquisitionquery based on the conditions in lines 3โ€“11 in Algorithm 5.Nodes receiving this message calculate the threshold fromtheir own filter. ClusTo transmits CtoC queries as far as leafnodes and then sends data acquisition queries. This flowcan make the threshold become a small value as possibleand suppress unnecessary transmissions to noncontributors.Here, there is a case where although a cluster-head is outsideof the search range, its cluster-members are within the searchbut near the border of the search range.The cluster-memberscannot be targets of data acquisition queries from theircluster-head. The problem is that even if they hold dataobjects included in the top-๐‘˜ result, the query is not transmit-ted to them from their cluster-head.Therefore, ClusTomakesleaf nodes send the data acquisition query to such cluster-members, according to the condition of line 6 inAlgorithm 5,which guarantees the query transmission to them.

    A reply message, ๐‘Ÿ๐‘–, is represented as ๐‘Ÿ

    ๐‘–= โŸจsender id,

    ๐ท, thresholdโŸฉ. sender id is the identifier of the node whichsends this message. ๐ท includes the data objects with scoresnot larger than the threshold. Leaf nodes that do notneed to send the data acquisition query (lines 14โ€“16 inAlgorithm 5) and nodes receiving the data acquisition querysend a reply message to their parent. Reply receiving nodesupdate the threshold, and when received replymessages fromall next nodes in their AT (and ๐ด in the case of cluster-heads), they reply data objects with scores not larger than thethreshold to their parent.

    Query and reply receiving nodes send anACKmessage tothe message sender node for receipt acknowledgement. If thesender nodes do not receive an ACKmessage within a certaintime, they retransmit the query (reply) message.

    Following the above procedures, ClusTo can retrieve dataobjects included in the top-๐‘˜ result while suppressing thenumber of nodes to which the query is transmitted. Recallthat ClusTo designates as cluster-heads nodes holding data

  • Mobile Information Systems 11

    objects with high probability to be included in many top-๐‘˜results (Section 4.2). ClusTo has a great advantage, derivedfrom its clustering, that the threshold gets a closer value tothe exact value by cluster-heads. This is because each nodetransmits queries to the cluster-heads and they typically holddata objects whose scores can be smaller for any scoringfunctions. As a result, ClusTo can significantly suppressthe number of nodes to which data acquisition queries aretransmitted, resulting in small traffic.

    5. Simulation Experiments

    In this section, we show the results of simulation exper-iments regarding the performance evaluation of our pro-posed method. For the simulation experiments, we useda network simulator, QualNet6.1 (Scalable Network Tech-nologies: Creaters of QualNet Network Simulator Software(

    5.1. The Dataset

    5.1.1. Intel Berkeley Lab Data. We used dataset of wirelesssensor networks collected by Intel Berkeley Research Lab( The datasetconsists of sensor readings collected from 54 nodes. Weobserved some missing and error sensor readings, so weselected a complete dataset of temperature, humidity, andlight over a one-week (February 29 to March 6, 2004).In addition, we normalized the value of sensor readingsbetween [0, 250] and assume that the size of data objects is128 [bytes] (size of metadata is 12 [bytes]).

    5.1.2. Synthetic Data. We generated a synthetic ๐‘š dimen-sional dataset of uniform (UN), clustered (CL), and anti-correlated (AC) to evaluate ClusTo carefully. In the uni-form dataset, the values of each metadata follow uniformdistribution. In the clustered dataset, we draw a coordinateof its centroid of a cluster on the ๐‘š-dimensional space[0, V๐‘Ž๐‘™๐‘ข๐‘’

    ๐‘š๐‘Ž๐‘ฅ]๐‘š.The values ofmetadata on each dimension are

    independently follows Gaussian distribution with a varianceof 30. The anticorrelated dataset is generated with referenceto [16]. The characteristic of this dataset is that a data objecttends to have high value on one dimension and low on theothers. Each data object is ๐‘† [bytes] (metadata is 4ร—๐‘š [bytes]),and we set V๐‘Ž๐‘™๐‘ข๐‘’

    ๐‘š๐‘Ž๐‘ฅas 250.

    5.2. Comparison Methods. We compare the performance ofClusTo with ClusTo (OPT), 2-phase [15], and naฤฑฬˆve method.In ClusTo (OPT), the query originator attaches an exactthreshold (the ๐‘˜th lowest score in the given query condition)to the querymessage instead of a filter.Therefore, data objectsnot included in the top-๐‘˜ results are never replied. Althoughthis is impossible actually, we take this comparison methodto investigate the performance of ClusTo compared with itsoptimal case. 2-phase is a method introduced in Section 3.The reason why we take this method as a comparison isthat the assumption of this method is the most similar toour assumption, for example, wireless multihop network, and

    Table 1: Configuration of parameters.

    Parameter Default Range (type)Number of nodes, ๐‘› 300 200โ€“500Value of ๐‘˜ โ€” 1โ€“15Data size, ๐‘† [bytes] 128 32โ€“256Dimensionality,๐‘š 3 2โ€“5Data distribution UN CL, ACData update rate [%] 30 0โ€“100

    all nodes can generate queries. In the naฤฑฬˆve method, thequery originator broadcasts a query message attached withthe ๐‘˜-lowest scores and their corresponding data identifiers.Each query receiving node calculates the top-๐‘˜ data objectsfrom the received scores and its own data objects and thenbroadcasts the query message attached with the those scoresand identifiers. Leaf nodes set the threshold, as in ClusTo, andreplies data objects with scores not larger than the threshold.This method is a special case of the method proposed in [14]and can strictly prune unnecessary data objects comparedwith the original method in [14] which transmits only a partof the ๐‘˜-lowest scores (i.e., the overhead can be much).

    5.3. Simulation Model. ๐‘› wireless nodes exist randomly inan area of 800 [m] ร— 800 [m]. Each node transmits messagesand data objects using an IEEE 802.11b device whose datatransmission rate is 11 [Mbps]. The transmission power ofeach node is determined so that the radio communicationrange becomes about 100 [m]. Packet losses and delays occurdue to a radio interference. We distribute the dataset to everynode and the number of data objects per node is 50 (i.e.,the total number of data objects is ๐‘› ร— 50). Data objects areupdated as time passes (๐‘ฅ% of data objects are updated in thesimulation).

    We set ๐พ as 15 and limit the number of reply retrans-missions per node to 10. We investigated the accuracy ofthe query result within the limited number of reply re-transmissions. Furthermore, we set ๐›ผ and ๐›ฝ in (4) as 0.35 and100, respectively, based on some preliminary experiments.Each node generates a query message between a randominterval within [60, 600] [sec] with random weighting. Thenumber of requested data objects, ๐‘˜, follows Gaussian distri-bution (except for the impact of ๐‘˜ in Section 5.4) with ameanand variance of 5, and the range of ๐‘˜ is [1, ๐พ]. The searchrange, ๐‘‘, is calculated as ๐‘‘ = 50 โ‹… ๐‘— [m]. ๐‘— follows Gaussiandistribution with a mean of 5 and a variance of 20, and therange of ๐‘‘ is [2, 8]. Table 1 shows the range and default settingof parameters in our experiments.We set the simulation timeas 900 [sec] and evaluated the following criteria.

    (i) Initial overhead: traffic defined as the total volume ofmessages sent in the clustering procedure.

    (ii) Data update overhead: traffic defined as the totalvolume of messages sent during the simulation toinform updated๐พ-skyband.

    (iii) Query overhead: traffic defined as (the total volume ofmessages sent on top-๐‘˜ query processing during thesimulation)/the number of generated query.

  • 12 Mobile Information Systems


    c (kB




    ClusTo (initial overhead)ClusTo (date update overhead)




    200Number of nodes



    300 400 500

    (a) Impact of ๐‘›


    c (kB







    ClusTo (initial overhead)ClusTo (date update overhead)



    3 4 5

    (b) Impact of๐‘š

    ClusTo (initial overhead)ClusTo (date update overhead)


    c (kB


    0Uniform Clustered Anticorrelated







    Data distribution

    (c) Impact of dataset type


    c (kB


    00 20

    Data update rate40 60 80 100

    ClusTo (data update overhead)








    (d) Impact of data update rate

    Figure 4: Initial overhead and data update overhead.

    (iv) Number of contacted nodes: the average number ofnodes to which a query message is transmitted.

    (v) Accuracy of query result: MAP (Mean Average Preci-sion) which is often used to calculate the accuracywith a rank. MAP averages accuracy of each queryresult, AP (Average Precision). AP and MAP aredetermined by the following equations:







    ๐‘—โ‹… ๐‘’,

    ๐‘€๐ด๐‘ƒ =1







    where ๐ด๐‘ƒ๐‘–is the accuracy of the ๐‘–th query result,

    ๐‘ฆ is the number of collected data objects with the๐‘—-lowest scores included within the ๐‘—-lowest correct

    answer set, ๐‘ž๐‘ข๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘ฆ๐‘›๐‘ข๐‘š is the total number of gener-ated queries, and ๐‘’ is determined by the followingequation:

    ๐‘’ = {1 (๐‘—th answer is included in collected data)0 (otherwise) .


    Thus,MAP rises as the query originator obtains dataobjects with smaller score.

    (vi) Delay: the average of the elapsed time between thequery originator generating a top-๐‘˜ query and itsacquisition of the result.

    5.4. Simulation Results

    5.4.1. Initial Overhead and Data Update Overhead. Firstly, weexamined the initial overhead and data update overhead ofClusTo. Figure 4 shows the simulation results. In Figure 4(a),

  • Mobile Information Systems 13

    0200 300

    ClusTo ClusTo (OPT)2-phase

    Number of nodes400 500


    ry o








    (a) Query overhead

    200 300

    ClusTo ClusTo (OPT)2-phase

    Number of nodes400 500


    ber o

    f con


    ed n











    (b) Number of contacted nodes






    200 300

    ClusTo ClusTo (OPT)2-phase

    Number of nodes400 500



    of q





    (c) Accuracy of query result

    200 300

    ClusTo ClusTo (OPT)2-phase

    Number of nodes400 500


    ay (s









    (d) Search time

    Figure 5: Impact of the number of nodes, ๐‘› (real dataset).

    we used real dataset and examined the impact of ๐‘›. InFigures 4(b), 4(c), and 4(d), we used the synthetic datasetand examined the impact of๐‘š, the dataset type, and the dataupdate rate, respectively.

    From Figure 4(a), we can see that both the initial over-head and the data update overhead increase as ๐‘› increases.This is to be expected because the number of cf and mn sentby nodes increase as ๐‘› increases. Also, the number of dataobjects in the network increases as ๐‘› increases, and this affectsthe overhead of updated ๐พ-skyband notification.

    Figure 4(b) shows that both the initial overhead and thedata update overhead increase as ๐‘š increases. A data objectrarely dominates other data objects in the case of large ๐‘š, sothe number of data objects included in๐พ-skyband increases.As a result, the size of cf and a message which informsupdated KSKY increases.

    FromFigure 4(c), we can see that both overheads are largein the case of the anticorrelated dataset, where the numberof dominated data objects is typically smaller than other

    datasets, resulting in the same impact as in the case of large๐‘š.

    From Figure 4(d), we can see that the data updateoverhead increases as the data update rate increases. Thisis also instinctive because as many data updates occur,the KSKY of each node is also updated. Hence, the num-ber of message to inform the updated KSKY increases.Note that the data update rate is irrelevant to the initialoverhead.

    5.4.2. Top-๐‘˜Query Processing. Next, we examined the perfor-mance of each top-๐‘˜ query processing method.

    Impact of ๐‘›.We examined the impact of the number of nodes,๐‘›. Figure 5 shows the simulation result with varying ๐‘›. Figures5(a), 5(b), 5(c), and 5(d) plot the measured performance interms of query overhead, the number of contacted nodes,accuracy, and delay respectively. In this experiment, we usedthe real dataset.

  • 14 Mobile Information Systems


    00 5

    Number of requested data10 15







    ClusTo (OPT)2-phase


    ry o





    (a) Query overhead


    0 5Number of requested data

    10 15

    ClusTo (OPT)2-phase







    ber o

    f con


    ed n



    (b) Number of contacted nodes






    ClusTo ClusTo (OPT)2-phase



    of q




    0 5 10 15Number of requested data


    (c) Accuracy of query result

    ClusTo ClusTo (OPT)2-phase


    ay (s







    0 5 10 15Number of requested data


    (d) Search time

    Figure 6: Impact of the number of requested data objects, ๐‘˜ (real dataset).

    From Figure 5(a), we can see that ClusTo performs top-๐‘˜ query processing with small query overhead. In 2-phaseand naฤฑฬˆve method, query flooding generates much queryoverhead as ๐‘› increases. On the other hand, ClusTo routesqueries to each cluster-head within the search range andthen transmits data acquisition queries to nodes holding dataobjects with scores not larger than the threshold, therebysuppressing the number of nodes involving in query process-ing. Thus, in ClusTo, the number of nodes that queries aretransmitted does not change basically (or changes slightly)if ๐‘› increases. We can see this result in Figure 5(b). ClusTosignificantly reduces the number of contacted nodes incomparison with 2-phase and naฤฑฬˆve method. Note that, inthe case where ๐‘› = 300, the difference in query overheadbetween ClusTo and 2-phase is 31.0 โˆ’ 10.7 = 20.3 [KB].In ClusTo, summation of the initial overhead and the dataupdate overhead is 231.2 [KB] (= 119.3 + 111.9). Therefore, iftop-๐‘˜ query processing is performed (231.2/20.3 = 11.4 โ‹… โ‹… โ‹… โ‰’12) times in this setting, the total traffic of ClusTo can be less

    than that of 2-phase.This value, 12, is less than only 5% of thetotal number of nodes, so ClusTo is highly effective in caseswhere many nodes generate queries.

    From Figure 5(c), we can see that ClusTo (as well asClusTo (OPT)) outperforms the other methods. The queryrouting in ClusTo suppresses unnecessary query overheadand this prevents the decrease in the accuracy of queryresult caused by packet losses. ClusTo (OPT) keeps higheraccuracy of query result than ClusTo. This is because ClusTo(OPT) replies only data objects included in the top-๐‘˜ result,resulting in a reduction of packet losses more than ClusTo.Basically, the accuracy of query result of 2-phase and naฤฑฬˆvemethod decreases as ๐‘› increases. Due to the query floodingin the methods, packet losses caused by message collisionsfrequently occur in the case where the number of nodes islarge.

    Figure 5(d) shows that the delay of ClusTo is shorter thanthat of 2-phase and naฬˆฤฑve method. This is because ClusTocan retrieve the top-๐‘˜ result without transmitting queries to

  • Mobile Information Systems 15


    02 3

    Dimensionality4 5








    d (k


    ClusTo (OPT)2-phase Naฬˆฤฑve

    (a) Query overhead







    ber o

    f con


    ed n



    2 3Dimensionality

    4 5

    ClusTo (OPT)2-phase Naฬˆฤฑve

    (b) Number of contacted nodes






    2 3

    ClusTo ClusTo (OPT)2-phase

    4 5



    of q






    (c) Accuracy of query result


    2 3

    ClusTo ClusTo (OPT)2-phase

    4 5


    ay (s









    (d) Search time

    Figure 7: Impact of dimensionality,๐‘š (synthetic dataset).

    all nodes within the search range. Moreover, ClusTo sendsa data acquisition query to only nodes holding data objectswith scores not larger than the threshold. This approach canreduce query overhead and packet losses, which suppressesthe number of reply retransmissions, resulting in small delay.ClusTo (OPT) can reduce the delay further compared withClusTo because ClusTo (OPT) sends a data acquisition queryto fewer nodes than ClusTo due to the optimal threshold.The delay of 2-phase is longer than that of naฬˆฤฑve methodbecause of the two-time query flooding in each top-๐‘˜ queryprocessing.

    Impact of ๐‘˜. We examined the impact of the number ofrequested data objects, ๐‘˜. Figure 6 shows the simulationresult with varying ๐‘˜. Figures 6(a), 6(b), 6(c), and 6(d) plotthe measured performance in terms of query overhead, thenumber of contacted nodes, accuracy, and delay, respectively.Also in this experiment, we used the real dataset.

    From Figure 6(a), we can see that the query overheadin all methods increases as ๐‘˜ increases. This is because thenumber of replied data objects increases. When ๐‘˜ is large,the threshold in ClusTo becomes large and the number ofnodes to which the data acquisition query is transmittedincreases (see Figure 6(b)). In addition, the increase in queryoverhead causes many packet losses; thus the accuracy in allmethods decreases as ๐‘˜ increases as shown in Figure 6(c).ClusTo, however, keeps high accuracy of query result andsmall delay, as seen in Figure 6(d), compared with 2-phaseand naฬˆฤฑve method because ClusTo suppresses the number oftransmitting messages as mentioned above. From the resultsof Figures 5(a) and 6(a), we can see that query floodinggenerates too much traffic and is inefficient for wirelessmultihop networks.

    Impact of ๐‘š.We examined the impact of the dimensionality,๐‘š. Figure 7 shows the simulation result with varying ๐‘š.

  • 16 Mobile Information Systems



    Uniform ClusteredData distribution







    d (k


    ClusToClusTo (OPT)


    (a) Query overhead





    Uniform ClusteredData distribution




    ber o

    f con


    ed n


    ClusToClusTo (OPT)


    (b) Number of contacted nodes



    Uniform Clustered

    Data distribution







    of q




    ClusToClusTo (OPT)


    (c) Accuracy of query result







    ay (s


    Uniform Clustered

    Data distribution


    ClusToClusTo (OPT)


    (d) Search time

    Figure 8: Impact of the dataset type (synthetic dataset).

    Figures 7(a), 7(b), 7(c), and 7(d) plot the measured perfor-mance in terms of query overhead, the number of contactednodes, accuracy, and delay, respectively. In the experimentsfrom here, we used synthetic dataset because we can arbitrar-ily change the target parameter.

    FromFigure 7, we can see that the performance of ClusTois basically independent of ๐‘š. ClusTo transmits queriesbased on (clusters and) the threshold, that is, aggregating๐‘š-dimensional value to 1-dimension. Therefore, ClusTo hasa great advantage in cases of high-dimensional datasetsbecause the performance of ClusTo (like that of other meth-ods) is not affected by๐‘š.

    We can observe from Figure 7(a) that ClusTo reduces thequery overhead by up to about 60% and 40% in comparisonwith 2-phase and naฬˆฤฑve method, respectively.

    Aswell as the result of Figure 7(a), the efficiency ofClusTocan be seen in Figures 7(b), 7(c), and 7(d). Figure 7(c) showsthe high accuracy of query result of ClusTo. In any๐‘š, ClusTooutperforms 2-phase andnaฬˆฤฑvemethod because of its efficient

    query processing. Moreover, the accuracy of ClusTo is muchthe same with that of ClusTo (OPT), which implies theefficiency of the filter algorithm of ClusTo. We can observefrom Figure 7(d) that ClusTo reduces the delay by up to about40% and 30% in comparison with 2-phase and naฤฑฬˆve method,respectively.

    Impact of Data Distribution. We examined the impact ofdata distribution. Figure 8 shows the simulation result withrespect to UN, CL, and AC. Figures 8(a), 8(b), 8(c), and8(d) plot the measured performance in terms of queryoverhead, the number of contacted nodes, accuracy, anddelay, respectively.

    From these figures, we can see that ClusTo keepshigh performance for any datasets. ClusTo forms clustersso that nodes holding data objects with high probabil-ity to be included in many top-๐‘˜ results become cluster-heads. Due to this effect, the number of nodes to whicha data acquisition query is transmitted can be suppressedas shown in Figure 8(b). As a result, ClusTo can reduce

  • Mobile Information Systems 17



    64 128 256Data size







    d (k


    ClusTo ClusTo (OPT)2-phase Naฬˆฤฑve

    (a) Query overhead



    64 128 256Data size





    ber o

    f con


    ed n


    ClusTo ClusTo (OPT)2-phase Naฬˆฤฑve

    (b) Number of contacted nodes



    of q




    Data size

    ClusTo ClusTo (OPT)2-phase

    0.832 64 128 256






    (c) Accuracy of query result



    64 128 256Data size





    ClusTo ClusTo (OPT)2-phase


    ay (s



    (d) Search time

    Figure 9: Impact of the data size (synthetic dataset).

    unnecessary query overhead and delay even if the datasetis anticorrelated as shown in Figures 8(a) and 8(d), whichdemonstrates the efficiency of our new clustering frameworkbased on the skyline distance in (4).

    Impact of ๐‘†.Weexamined the impact of the size of data object,๐‘†. Figure 9 shows the simulation result with varying ๐‘†. Figures9(a), 9(b), 9(c), and 9(d) plot the measured performance interms of query overhead, the number of contacted nodes,accuracy, and delay, respectively.

    From Figure 9(a), we can see that the query overheadin all methods increases as ๐‘† increases. This is because thesize of the reply message becomes large as ๐‘† increases. In thecase of a large ๐‘†, in particular, query overhead in all methodsincreases more because packet losses frequently occur andthe number of reply retransmissions becomes large. ClusTocan suppress query overhead through its query routing andfilter approach, resulting in a less number of nodes to access(Figure 9(b)), which prevents packet collisions as mentioned

    before. From Figure 9(c), we can see that ClusTo and ClusTo(OPT) keep high accuracy of query result while that of 2-phase and naฬˆฤฑvemethod decreases as ๐‘† increases. Although 2-phase and naฬˆฤฑvemethod suppress unnecessary data replies by2-phase approach and filter approach, respectively, frequentmessage collisions caused by query flooding decrease theaccuracy of query result. From Figure 9(d), we can see thatClusTo suppresses the delay even in the case of large ๐‘†. Itsquery routing and filter approach, described above, suppressthe number of nodes to which queries are transmitted. Thisreduces packet losses, resulting in less number of replyretransmissions. In contrast, the delay in naฬˆฤฑvemethod is longand is similar to that of 2-phase even though this methodprocesses a top-๐‘˜ query in a single phase. In this method,more unnecessary data objects are replied than 2-phase,and this increases unnecessary query overhead and packetlosses. As a consequence, the number of reply retransmissionsincreases.

  • 18 Mobile Information Systems



    5 10 15Number of updated data (/s)







    d (k


    ClusTo ClusTo (OPT)2-phase Naฬˆฤฑve

    (a) Query overhead

    0 5 10 15Number of updated data (/s)







    ber o

    f con


    ed n


    ClusTo ClusTo (OPT)2-phase Naฬˆฤฑve

    (b) Number of contacted nodes



    of q




    0 5 10 15Number of updated data (/s)

    ClusTo ClusTo (OPT)2-phase







    (c) Accuracy of query result

    0 5 10 15Number of updated data (/s)

    ClusTo ClusTo (OPT)2-phase







    ay (s



    (d) Search time

    Figure 10: Impact of the data update rate [/sec] (synthetic dataset).

    Impact of ๐‘ฅ. In sensor networks and some other applications,data objects are possibly updated, so we examined the impactof data update rate to show the robustness of ClusTo for dataupdate. Figure 10 shows the simulation result with varyingdata update rate. Figures 10(a), 10(b), 10(c), and 10(d) plotthe measured performance in terms of query overhead, thenumber of contacted nodes, accuracy, and delay, respectively.In Figure 10, we rescaled the data update rate [%] in thesimulation to the number of updated data [/sec].

    From Figure 10, we can see that the data update rate doesnot affect the criteria in 2-phase and naฬˆฤฑve method. Thisis because these methods do not maintain any informationon data objects of neighboring nodes. In ClusTo, on theother hand, nodes maintain the information on only theirneighboring nodes. If a data update occurs, the nodesholding the data objects broadcast the updatedKSKY to theirneighboring nodes, ensuring that the neighboring nodes keepcorrect information on their ๐พ-skyband. Nodes to whichCtoC queries are transmitted do not change even if a data

    update occurs because the queries are transmitted based onrouting tables. Furthermore, the number of nodes to whichdata acquisition queries are transmitted does not increase ordecrease even if a data update occurs. More specifically, evenif a data update occurs, the target nodes for data acquisitionqueries are simply changed to other nodes. As a result, thequery overhead, the number of contacted nodes, and thedelay are constant, and this is the advantage of our proposedmethod for the case where many data objects are updated.

    From Figure 10(c), we can see that the accuracy of queryresult in ClusTo and ClusTo (OPT) slightly decreases as thenumber of updated data per sec increases. In ClusTo, if thenumber of updated data increases, the chance of neighboringnodes being formed of the updated KSKY increases. Conse-quently, frequent transmissions of suchmessages cause manymessage collisions in top-๐‘˜ query processing. This leads toa decrease in the accuracy of query result. However, theaccuracy in ClusTo is still high even in the case where all thedata objects are updated.

  • Mobile Information Systems 19

    6. Conclusion

    In this study, we proposed ClusTo, which realizes effi-cient multidimensional top-๐‘˜ query processing in wirelessmultihop networks, where users can specify a monotonescoring function and a search range. The proposed methodperforms effective clustering with skyline, which streamlinesquery routing and filter updating. Furthermore, ClusTo canconstructmore accurate filter by consideringwith๐พ-skybandof neighboring nodes, which can set a threshold as closervalue to the exact value. After routing queries over the searchrange, the queries are transmitted to nodes holding dataobjects whose scores are not larger than the threshold. Thisprocedure suppresses unnecessary query transmissions tonodes which do not contribute to top-๐‘˜ data retrieval. Oursimulation results show that ClusTo achieves efficient top-๐‘˜query processing in terms of query overhead and delay aswell as highly accurate query result even for limited replyretransmissions.

    In this study, we assumed a wireless static networkwhose network topology does not change. However, in someapplications, nodes may not simply move locally, whichprovokes link disconnections between nodes. In ClusTo,because each node constructs a filter and routes queriesbased on the information on neighboring nodesโ€™ positionand data objects, such network topology change presentsa challenging problem. We therefore plan to tackle thisproblem by extending ClusTo to adapt to such dynamicenvironments.

    Conflict of Interests

    The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper.


    This research is partially supported by the Grant-in-Aid forScientificResearch (B) (24300037) ofMEXTand JSPS Fellows(26-4907) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,Science and Technology, Japan.


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