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Research and study tour on participatory forest management in Central Asia: A Kyrgyzstan exchange visit (June 2015)

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Page 1: Research and study tour on participatory forest management in … · 2016. 5. 6. · Documentation of Exchange tour on participatory

Research and study tour on participatory forest management in

Central Asia: A Kyrgyzstan exchange visit (June 2015)

Page 2: Research and study tour on participatory forest management in … · 2016. 5. 6. · Documentation of Exchange tour on participatory

Documentation of Exchange tour

on participatory forest management in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan 21.06.2015-28.06.2014

I. Background

With major sector reform and investment projects upcoming in the forest sectors of

Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, it becomes increasingly important to investigate and

exchange experiences on institutional reform processes. In the past years each of the

Central Asian Countries has gone a different ways in the forestry sector. This includes

the development of the institutional set up of the forestry administration, the challenge of

developing capacities of governmental staff and the private sector and integrating the

demands of the local population into forest management. In this context, Uzbekistan is

in process of development and promotion of participatory forest management, such as

pistachio plantation and agroforestry. This situation offers the possibility of mutual

exchange on strategies and best practices between the different countries.

Within the context the EU FLERMONECA project and the GIZ Regional Programme on

Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Central Asia, it is therefore suggested to

organize exchange visits between interested stakeholders in forest management of

different countries. In 2014 the study tour was organized in Tajikistan. This year study

tours were planned in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.


In this way, the exchange can contribute to:

• fostering the exchange of experience between all levels of the Forestry

Administration within and between countries, including support institutions and

implementing organizations involved in forest management

• analyzing the lessons learnt of different approaches to forest management an

institutional reform processes which can be fed into the political dialogue by the


• fostering the development of contacts between stakeholders in Central Asian

countries with on-the-ground experience in participatory forest management and

institutional reform (Community of Practice)

• giving ideas for the adaptation of existing approaches

Frame and Guiding Questions

An introduction and conclusion workshops will be conducted to prepare the participants

for the research at the beginning and respectively share the findings among participants

at the end of the tour. Each individual or group interested in the same topic presents

their own experience and interest in the respective field. It is planned that every topic

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provided during the study tour should be discussed and other country experiences

should be exchanged.

Guiding questions that are expected to be answered during the visit can be:

- What role should support institutions play in the forestry sector?

- How can strong donor coordination and policy dialogue contribute to the reform


- How can the private sector and communities be integrated into forest

management (e.g. nursery management, Forest management planning etc.)? What

benefits can be expected?

- What is the link between piloting forestry reform in certain leshozes and

investment funds coming to the forestry sector?

II. Study tour in Kyrgyzstan

2.1 Information about participants

Following people from Central Asian countries were participating at the study tour in



1. Adylbek Ormonov, director of Department of Forest ecosystems and Protected

areas, the State Agency on Environmental Protection and Forestry (SAEPF)

2. Ruslan Termeev, chief specialist of Department of Forest ecosystems and

Protected areas, SAEPF


3. Turukbayev Daniyar Zhumadilovich, Deputy Head of the production department

of Kaslesproekt, Committee of Forestry and Wildlife, Ministry of Agriculture of the



4. Saidov Davlat – Forest enterprise of Farkhor district, main forester

5. Ibroimov Ismoil – Forest enterprise of Khovaling district, main forester

6. Khayrulloev Sattor – Forest enterprise of Romit district, director

7. Izzatov Akbar – Forest enterprise of Tavildara district, director

8. Azami Khayriddin – Agency for Forestry and hunting under the Government of

the RT, leading specialist


9. Bekzod Zulpukorov – Senior Inspector, Buruchmulo forest enterprise;

10. Biytemir Ergashev – Senior Inspector, Zaamin National Park;

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11. Nodir Nodirov – Chief, Protected Areas Department, State Inspection on Flora

and Fauna Protection


12. Sulaiman Berdikeev, FLEG National Coordinator of FLERMONECA

13. Nicole Wegner, Programme Responsible for Kyrgyzstan of GIZ Regional

Programme on Sustainable Use of Natural Resources (NR)

14. Ute Fischer-Zujkov, Head of Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Reduction

through Community-based Management of Walnut Forests Project

15. Server Ganiev, Expert, Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Reduction through

Community-based Management of Walnut Forests Project

16. Indika Kochkarova, PR specialist (NR)

17. Sholpan Imanalieva, GIZ consultant (NR)

18. Baktygul Stakeeva, Junior professional on climate change issues (NR)

19. Mars Cherikchiyev, assisstent PR professional (NR)

20. Kamila Alykulova, PR Officer, Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Reduction

through Community-based Management of Walnut Forests Project

21. Gulnara Pazylova, Administrative Professional, Biodiversity Conservation and

Poverty Reduction through Community-based Management of Walnut Forests


2.2 National Policy developments

22.06.2016. - Day 1, Bishkek. The Inception workshop had been launched by

introducing of participants and welcomed speech of Adylbek Ormonov, Nicole Wegner,

and Ute Fischer-Zujkov. Then Sulaiman Berdikeev also welcomed participants and

outlined the objectives as well as spoke on the Agenda of the Exchange tour.

The workshop was continued by the presentation of Adylbek Ormonov on Piloting

Forestry Sector reform in Kyrgyzstan. Mr. Ormonov highlighted the problems in the

forestry sector and told about the rationale for forestry sector reform in Kyrgyzstan. The

aim of the envisaged reform is to increase the total forest area and to foster its

ecological functions as well as economic benefits through sustainable forest and

pasture management. Key elements of the reform are based on decentralization and

partnership between public sector (leskhoz, aiyl okmotu, rayon administration), the

private sector and communities. The reform process in planned to be conducted in 2

phazes: 1st phaze is piloting forest sector reform in certain pilot lekhozes (2015-2017)

and 2nd phaze is reforming the whole forest sector based on piloting results. The

Government of the Kyrgyz Republic approved the piloting process in the forest sector

(decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic dated 16 June 2015 #367).

Piloting will be implemented (i) at the national level and (ii) at the pilot leskhozes levels.

At the national level, the Coordination and Consultative Council, comprised of relevant

government agencies, international organizations, and civil society representatives, is

operational. It is responsible for guiding and coordinating the pilot reform efforts. At the

pilot leskhozes level Participatory Forest Management Councils (PFMC), comprised of

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representatives of pilot leskhozes, aiyl okmotu, pasture committee, resource users

(forest, pasture, fruits, herbs, etc.), local communities, NGOs, international

organizations and other stakeholders, are established.

Following results of the piloting process are expected:

At the national level:

- Lessons and experiences will be compiled and documented. These will serve as a basis for the development of the policy document in order to reform the whole forest sector.

- Legal amendments to legislation and by-laws.

At the pilot leskhozes level:

- Creation of conditions for achieving environmental (е.g., an increase in forest cover, decrease in degradation, conservation of biodiversity), economic (generating more leskhoz income, increased employment for the local population) and social (tourism development, provision of ecosystem services) objectives of sustainable forest management.

- Improved communication and coordination. - Introduction of innovations in natural resource management. - Participation of local authorities, communities and the private sector. - Clarification of roles and responsibilities of stakeholders. - Enhanced transparency in management and use of forest resources.

The piloting is being supported by international partners via following projects:

- EU-FLERMONECA project (FLEG issues) - FAO/GEF project “Sustainable management of mountainous forests and land

resources under climate change conditions” - GIZ Regional Programme on Sustainable Use of Natural Resources - GIZ/EKF project "Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Reduction through

Community-Based Management of Walnut Forests and Pastures - World Bank project “Integrated Forest Ecosystem Management” - JICA Project “Development of the Rural Business with Forest Products in the

Kyrgyz Republic” - IFAD pasture management project (forestry pastures)

After the presentation, participants discussed the reform process details and a current

structure for forest management and exchanged on ongoing reform processes in

participating countries.


The next presentation “The main results of the tour organized in Tajikistan” of

Sulaiman Berdikeev provided information on the tour which was organized last year in

Tajikistan and the main results of the tour as well some of the current participants who

joined mentioned tour provided their impression and thoughts. The workshop continued

by discussions and in the afternoon by information exchange on reform processes in

other Central Asian countries.

The organizational and logistics issues followed by the end of the first day of the tour,

where it was explained that at the end of each day the participants are able to assess

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and evaluate the day filling out the questionnaire developed on each day separately and

on the final day the assessment of logistics will be included.

Day 2, 23/06/2016

Balykchy Leskhoz is located in Balykchy city which is on the western part of Issyk-Kul

oblast and at the crossroad of Issyk-Kul, Chuy and Naryn oblast and an elevation of

about 1,900 metres It is the smallest and poorest leskhoz of the country with 5000 ha

area which characterized with riparian, fruit and fast-growing plantations. In 2014 own

income was more than 3 Mio soms with opportunity to grow until 60-100 Mio soms after

10-15 years later.

The participants safely arrived to Balykchi leskhoz and were welcomed by its director

Kanat Zhantaev who gave a broader view on ideas and approaches for reforming

leskhoz from the local perspective (riparian forests and apricot plantations) and

exchange on current reform developments at the leskhoz level (obstacles,

decentralization, lessons learnt) in his presentation “Proposals for reforming forest

sector of Kyrgyzstan”, raising problems of leskhozes and approaches to change the

system. Then there were discussions and exchange on reform processes and forestry

related issues with colleagues from other CA countries.

Nodir, Uzbekistan representative made a presentation on Uzbekistan forestry sector

and reform issues where the forestry system and current national strategies on forestry

were described. After the presentations and followed discussions, participants went to

field visits.

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Day 3, 24/06/2015

Aksu lesnichestvo (forest unit/area)

Aksu forest unit is located on the eastern part of Issyk-Kul oblast

Bakyt Ybykeev, director, gave a short overview about the lesnichestvo, its history,

differences from leszhozes, pros and cons. The main task of this forest unit is to protect

and to restore the forest without running the economic activities; delivery is contracted

out to a local business LLC Almaluu. Due to these differences they were able to reduce

timber cutting about 10 times. The characteristic feature among the country’s other

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leskhozes and forest areas is the uniform of the 18 people staff which was designed

and adopted only in Aksu lesnichestvo.

Then the participant from Kazakhstan presented the video about the Almaty Nature


After visiting local museum of Aksu lesnichestvo the participants went to the nursery of

4 ha where the staff showed and outlined the process of the seeding production and

also discussed with the participants the specific technical questions during the tour


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Day 4, 25/06/2015

Bazar-Korgon district, Jalal-Abad region

Workshop on forestry activities in the framework of the EKF project in the Southern


On the fourth and fifth day for Study tour participants, an informational trip to the South

Kyrgyzstan was organized. There they were acquainted with the activities of the project

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«Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Reduction through Community-based

Management of Walnut Forests and Pastures in the Southern Kyrgyzstan». For

participating and giving information to other Central Asian colleagues Directors of 5

Bazar-Korgon Leskhozes were invited. During the workshop (seminar) they told to the

colleagues about the forest management in local conditions and implemented activities

in the framework of the project. The Head of the project Ute Fisher-Zujkov and Project

officer Server Ganiev told to them about three main components of the project as a

whole. For more detailed information on the work carried out and implemented in

forestry field, Zakir Sarymsakov, the biodiversity specialist from the «Lesik-South»

Public Ecological Association was invited to the study tour. He told about activities

implemented in, advantages of such forestry technologies agroforestry, drop irrigation

and hydraulic ram, reforestation, afforestation, and of growing film planting material.

Also, he told about new reforestation model which was developed by GIZ project team

and «Lesik-South» specialists for the further biodiversity conservation. The project

assisted in the fencing of tenants by providing the necessary materials to Leskhozes -

metal posts, barbed wire and cement. For a deeper understanding of this model, each

participant received booklets which describe the mechanism of the conclusion of two

major contracts:

1) the lease of forest land for 5 years (can be prolonged) 2) the receipt of materials for the fence for a period of 5 years, during which

tenants have to return the sum of the cost of materials to Leskhoz, and then becomes the owner of the fence

according to the 2’nd agreement, Leskhozes can use received money for purchasing

new fencing materials and then give to other forest land tenants for 5 years.

This issue has caused a great interest among the invited foresters, and, according to

them, in the future, this reforestation model adopted can be a great impetus for the

creation of sustainable resource management and the conservation of biodiversity in

forests. For an explanation of many legal technicalities and details, the lawyer was

invited to the seminar too.

In addition, within an interactive part of the tour to Bazar-Korgon district participants

have visited some local sightseeing places: the small waterfall, local bazaar, Arstanbap-

Ata’s mausoleum.

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Day 5, 26/06/2015

Tour to the fenced area and plantations located in Artsanbap-Ata Leskhoz’s


On July 26, 2015 fenced areas and plantations with seedlings planted nuts on them

were shown to Study tour participants. As an exemplary work of forest plantation,

project team demonstrated to participants the chosen area in the territory of one pilot

forestry where already fencing works and creation plantations have been started. In

order to maintain the plantation the project assisted in the fencing by providing forest

enterprises the necessary materials - metal posts, barbed wire and simple cement.

After visiting fenced area, all participants went to Arstan-bap-Ata Leskhoz’s office, and

the director Nazikbek Shamshiev told to them about omplemented activities in the frame

work of the project and the role and participation of local community in project


Demonstration of solar dryer in Oogan-Talaa village, Achi Leskhoz, Mogol ayil-


During the 2’nd day of the trip to the Southern Kyrgyzstan all participants were told

about the 3’rd component of the project the main purpose of which is to support local

community to find alternative income sources and reduce the poverty. As one of

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actitivites in the framework of this component the project team jointly with «AgroLead»

Public Association conducted a competition on agro business project among local

entrepreneurs and farmers, by results which 10 winner groups received from the project

solar dryers. As a demonstrational example, one of these solar dryers was shown to the

Study tour participants. The leader of this group, resident of Oogan-Talaa village Nuradil

Subanov told about his experience of use this dryer and showed some types of dried

mushrooms. It is expected, that using such new solar dryers local entrepreneurs will be

able to increase an efficiency processing forest products, improve its quality and get an

access to foreign markets, and it will give to them an opportunity to increase their


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Day 6, 27/06/2015

The final discussions on lessons learnt and gained experiences as well as the

evaluation of the tour days and logistics took place on the last day of the tour. Moreover,

the participants on the base of these discussions gave inputs and recommendations for

the following questions:

Question Joint recommendation

How the local communities and private

sector can be integrated into forest

management issues (e.g.nursery

management, planning etc.)?

What benefits could be expected?

Development and implementation of

mechanisms (payment, pricing, pricing

negotiation, grazing management,

monitoring and control, the interests and

incentives, capacity building and training

of the population, the contractual price for

sale at nurseries, qualified staff in

leskhozes, increase of salaries and social

benefits for foresters) for the integration

of the local community and the private

sector into forest management

What contributions can make a strong

coordination and political dialogue to the

reform process?

Redistribution of the project budget for

reducing the training costs, for specific

actions (e.g.repeteadly organize tours)

and controlling costs, allocation of

resources, depending on the conditions

and leskhozes development (area,

weather conditions, etc.), The delay in

project implementations, education and

training courses for young professionals

provided by the projects

What is the relationship between forest

piloting reforms in individual leskhozes

and investment funds attracted to the

forest sector?

We need to spread the experience on the

specific implementation

What role development partners should

play in the forestry sector?

Investing without intermediaries, direct

work with donors, financial and technical

support, the introduction of new

production technologies and equipment

for processing with further local

manufacturing of equipment vocational

requalification and focus on the current

experienced staff in leskhozes

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Besides, the completed questionnaires received from the participants during all these

days were evaluated and assessed. Each questionnaire contains YES (liked) and NO

(disliked) options on activities of the day and the results are:

Day 1

Activities YES/NO Liked/Disliked

Presentation of Adylbek

Ormonov on Piloting

Forestry Sector reform in



Information on Joint forest management

in KG, debates of the specialists on

forestry, broad information on forestry

from the governmental worker

Presentation “The main

results of the tour organized

in Tajikistan” of Sulaiman


All YES Agreements on JFM where 30% belongs

to leskhoz and 70 % to forest users, well

being informed in KG about the situation

on forestry in TJ

Discussions on exchange

on reform processes in

other Central Asian


All YES let do such discussions in other countries,

it is interesting to know what is happening

in other CA countries

Adoption All YES in Tajikistan programme on forestry is in

the process of implementation

Your proposals to

strengthen cooperation

between forest specialist

All YES Repeatedly or two times in a year to meet

with forest specialists and exchange on

experience, joining of foresters from

European countries, to share the

information on technologies for forest

rehabilitation and forest production


Day 2

Presentation of Kanat

Zhantaev “Proposals for

reforming forest sector of


All YES The future of the targets is very are

promising, information on riparian forests,

it interesting to see riparian and apricot

plantation as well as the drip irrigation,

ideas of the director should be

established by laws which to be created

Discussions and exchange

on reform processes and

forestry related issues with


All YES The reform in the forestry was in time

Presentation of Nodir …..”” All YES Forest reforms where there is a

punishment for cutting a tree, laws and

forest legislation system

Field visits in Balykchy


All YES All activities in Balykchy leskhoz were

undertaken with wisdom, apricot

plantations and rental fee for the land in

state property, poplar plantations

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Adoption All YES Experiences and views of Balykchy

Leskhoz director in our leskhozes can be

adopted esp.apricot and poplar


Day 3

Aksu lesnichestvo

(introduction, ideas and

reform approaches with

local perspective (spruce


All YES It was interesting to see spruce forests,

nursery, museum, office. The director’s

ideas about the reforms are needed,

qualified staff and team in uniform and

their approach to forestry running.

Discussions and exchange

on reform processes and

forestry related issues with



Presentation and video from


All YES Unique environment of Kazakh reserve,

Field visits in Balykchy


All YES The best nursery in CA and growing

methods, recommendation to plant


Adoption All YES Archa and nursery must be adopted in

our leskhozes

Day 4-5

What was the most

interesting for you during

the trip to the Southern

Kyrgyzstan (Bazarkorgon


EKF walnut project in

Kyrgyzstan: plans and




NO (1)

We liked very much the aims of EKF

project: reforestation, plantations, value

chains, pasture management

But there is no natural forest increment

which leads to devastation of forest land,

the gov.resolution No482

Field visits in the walnut

forests to:

Reforestation area Majority


NO (1)

Density of forest, we saw forest diversity

and minimization of anthropogenic impact

on ecosystems, protection and walnut


There is no diversity of forest

Ageing forest area Belterek All YES Grazing livestock on this area destroys

forest decreasing natural increment

Demonstration of natural

reforestation area

All YES Fencing forest areas leads to natural


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Solar dry All YES Such innovative approaches should be


Value chain and sertification All YES Public is beginning to gradually realize the benefits

Exchange on approaches

and practices

All YES A lot of information

Presentation from Tajikistan

colleagues (GBAO)


Adoption All YES Many approaches can be adopted that

we learned in walnut foretsts

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Evaluation Inception








The most


GIZ project,

Presentation on


Low salaries of


Lack of financing


ideas on



nursery, their






in nursery,

museum of

forest unit

Walnut forests

and their


solar dry



Apricot and



drip irrigation

Nursery and

various tree





solar dry

The best Day

Agenda (1 –

best, 4-worst)

1 1 1.13 2

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Grades/Votes (1-5) 1 2 3 4 5



1 2 3 4 5



1 2 3 4 5



Workshop venues and accomodation

Bishkek Issyk-Kul Djalalabad

- Room 5 5 4.13

- Service 4.5 4.88 4

-Food 4.63 4.75 4.63

-Conference Facilities 4.75 5 3.75

Organization of event

Bishkek Issyk-Kul Djalalabad

- Organization of Arrival and Departure

by plane 5 5 4.88

- Organization of Arrival and Departure

by car 4.75 5 4.88

- Provision of information on the event 5 5 4.88

- Duration of the event 4.88 5 4.88

-Design and format of the event 5 5 4.88

-Transport 5 5 4.88