research and planning (planning part) (1)

Members: Russvictoria Monocillo 7414 Abigail Menzies 7411 Nicole Lewis 7395 Group Planning

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Page 1: Research and planning (planning part) (1)

Members:Russvictoria Monocillo 7414

Abigail Menzies 7411Nicole Lewis 7395

Group Planning

Page 2: Research and planning (planning part) (1)


Russvictoria Monocillo 7414

Abigail Menzies 7411

Nicole Lewis7395

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Girl is walking into the park.

She finds a bench, sits down and looks around the park.

She texts her best friend ‘Hey I’m at the park, do you want to come meet me’ and gets a quick reply saying she is busy.

Girl takes a deep breath, rubs her eyes and texts her second friend.

There is no reply and the girl gets impatient.

She gets teary eyed and throws her phone in her bag and takes out her sketch book.

Looks through the book to the first image and gets a flashback.

Flashback of her sliding down the door crying and her mother yelling ‘open this God damn door. I am your mother and you will listen to me.’ End of flashback.

Turns the next page and has a flashback of the girl touching her bruises and covering them up with makeup. End of the flashback.

Using ellipsis to speed up time 2 hours.

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Checks the time. 4:15

Has a flashback of her running down the stairs . Mother shouting ‘Where ever your going, make sure you get your arse back here by 4:30 before I.’ The door slams shout before she finishes.End of the flashback.

She rushes to pack up her stuff.

Sees her at the bus stop.

Sitting on the bus.

Getting off the bus

Checks her watch again. 4:35. She’s late. Eyes go all red.

Shot of her front door.Shot of her.Shot of her front door.Shot of her taking a deep breath.Shot of her putting her key in the lock.Getting on

the bus.

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Genre and Purpose

What is the genre/subgenre?Drama

What is the purpose of your film/opening sequence?To build up the tension and leave the audience wondering why she needs to get home so quickly.

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Genre ConventionsConventions you are applying in opening sequence`

Use/develop or challenge?How?Why?

Similarities/difference to real films

Centred around family Use- the opening sequence is set in the main character’s house and is a victim of domestic abuse

Poker House, My Sister’s Keeper

Real life situations that people can relate to

Use- the main character faces real life situations such as feeling neglected by friends

Precious, Pursuit of Happiness, Freedom Writers

Ending of a friendship Use - Two friends or a group of friends end up falling out which leads to somebody in their group getting depressed.

Cyber Bully

Dark colours Use – Dressing the character in dark colours.


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Target Audience (A)Audience Elements Explanation

Age 15 and over.

Gender Mainly females. The target audience will be mostly females as females will be more emotionally connected with the story line and the genre

Race/Ethnicity Every ethnicity

Location United Kingdom. Small minority of the United States of America.

Social Class Mainly middle class. As the characters in the film are middle class and middle class audience will be able to relate to the lifestyle of the characters.

Interests/Hobbies Like teenage dramaLike family dramaFascinated by real life drama.Had similar issues in their lives.Wanted to know how their issues was being portrayed in the lime light.

Social Group Youths in emo/goths subcultures

Sexuality Mainly Straight. Lesbian. Gay. Bisexual.

Profession/role Students, mother, fathers,

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Target Audience (B)

1. Why would your target audience be interested in your film because of the idea/plot?Because if they can relate to what is happening in film they would want to see how their issue is being portrayed in the media.

2. Why would your target audience be interested in your film because of the form?Since our film would use various camera shots and angles our film could be used as an example to help future media students.

3. Why would your target audience be interested in your film because of the genre and conventions?They would be familiar with the conventions as automatically ‘real life situations’ would come under the drama genre.

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Uses/Gratifications Theory

Information Entertainment Personal Identity Integration and social interaction

• To teach themselves about the effects of domestic abuse

• To see how domestic violence is portrayed in the media.

• To escape their problems

• For emotional release (especially young females)

• Getting cultural and seeing how different everything is in another culture.

• For a model od behaviour. The film will show them how not to behave towards others.

• To gain insight on your self.

• Able to connect with the family and friends

• Having substitute for real life companionship.

Our target audience may watch our opening sequence for many different reason:

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BBFC Rating

Our film would be rated 15

15 Standards How you are meeting standards in your film

Strong language can be used Mild language is used not strong language

String violence can be included but the infliction of pain or injury shouldn't be dwelled on

Our film focuses more on the after effect of domestic violence rather than the infliction of it

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Narrative style/structure

A) Type: Linear/ non linear

The narrative structure is non linear as there is a flashback in the middle of the opening sequence.

B) Structure: (beginning of story, establishing character, teaser, flashback etc)

The opening sequence in our film would be categorised as the beginning of the story. It establishes the setting and includes a flashback scene.

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How is time presented? (stretch, ellipsis etc.) Why?

In our opening sequence, we are using ellipsis which states the time our character is in and what she is doing without showing the whole process. For example, when our character is packing her bag away and running to the bus stop, ellipsis would be used instead of showing every movement she would have to go through.

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Narrative theory

Narrative theory Is it applied or notHow?

Cameron Cameron’s theory of modular narrative is applied as there are three flashbacks in our film opening sequence

Propp We applied two characters from Propps theory which are the hero and the villain.

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Enigmas created How Why

Why is the girl’s friend ignoring her.

Abrupt text. No reply.

Why does girl have scars and bruises that she is covering with make up

Having scars on her arm and covering them up.

To hide them.

Who is this person shouting at the girl

Only hearing the persons voice and not seeing them.

To create a sense of mystery.

Why is girl so scared to enter her house

Having her hesitant of going home.

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Social group represented How Why


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Who is acting?

Russvictoria Monocillo 7414


Available most days

Actor dressed normally

Actor after applying make up to create a emo character

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Actor: Russ

Ripped tights


Dark make up to create bruises

Dark clothing

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LocationsLocation Name and What For

How to get there Access to location.Open/Close/ Public

Photos of Location

Name of location:Ashmore road Park

Used for:The park scene.

Walk Public

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LocationsLocation Name and What For

How to get there Access to location.Open/Close/ Public

Photos of Location

Name of location:Nicole’s Bed

Used for:The flashback in the bedroom when covering scars.

2 members have to take the bus to the location.1 member doesn’t need to go anywhere.


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LocationsLocation Name and What For

How to get there Access to location.Open/Close/ Public

Photos of Location

Name of location:On the Bus

Used for:The bus stop scene.

Bus then walk Public

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Risk AssessmentTasks Possible risk involved in tasks Actions to prevent harm to health or safety

Filming in unknown location

Might get lost Film in familiar places

Travelling to filming locations

May forget filming equipment on public transport

Always have film equipment near you so you don’t forget it

Interviewing people for filming

May not comply or want to be involved Ask permission first

Filming underage (below 16) people

May need adult permission Film those 16 and over

Filming anyone Against their privacy Film people you know

Health of group members when filming

Spending too long outside could cause them to get a cold

Film when the weather is decent if you cant then ensure everyone wears suitable clothing

Interviewing the public for filming

They may not comply and feel ask question goes against their privacy

Interview people you know

Interviewing an expert for filming

They would take up too much time giving their opinion

Interview people you know

Type of areas (how safe are the)

Filming in a unsafe area could mean a higher chance of robbery

Film in safe, known areas

Time of day Low quality footage if filmed at night Film during day

Using technology(filming) equipment

Equipment can break if not treated delicately

Be gentle with equipment

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Shot listType of shot Description Prop/Costume needed

Long shot Girl is walking up the road to the park Dark clothing, bag

Extreme close up Camera focuses on girl’s hand as she opens park gate Black nail polish

Long shot Girl closes gate behind her and walks into park

Mid shot Camera pans and follows girl as she walks over to the bench

Point of view Girl looks around park then takes out phone to text friend

Mobile phone

Mid shot Girl waits for reply from her text Mobile phone

Mid shot Side view of girl waiting for reply, she gives up and puts phone away

Close up Girl puts down phone and picks up journal Journal

Overhead Girl opens journal and looks through it

Close up Camera focuses on drawing

Overhead Girl flashbacks to herself running up the stairs

Mid shot Girl runs to her bedroom

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Shot list continued..Type of shot Description Prop/Costume needed

Long shot Girl slams her bedroom door then slides down doorcrying

Overhead Girl continues looking through the journal

Close up Camera focuses on drawing again

Mid shot Girl reminisces to herself tying up her hair and looking at her bruises

Beanie hat, mirror

Over the shoulder Girl uses make up to cover scars and bruises Dark clothing, make up kit, mirror

Overhead Girl is still looking through journal

Point of view Girl looks at time realizes its 4.15 and has flashback to earlier that day


Long shot Girl runs down stairs

Long shot Girl continues running down stairs

Long shot As girl is running down stairs she hears her mum telling her to be home by 4.20

Point of view Its now 4.16, girl is late so she quickly packs up belongings

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Shot list continued..Type of shot Description Prop/Costume needed

Mid shot Girl packs away her belongings and gets up Mobile phone, journal

Wide shot Camera pans and watches girl as she leaves the park

Wide shot Girl is by bus stop waiting for the bus and looks at time again


Mid shot Girl taps oyster card and gets on bus Oyster card

Mid shot Girl’s sitting on the bus, she looks out window then checks time again


Point of view While walking off the bus, girl looks at time and realizes it 4.30


Wide shot Camera pans and follows girl’s movement as she walks home

Long shot Girl pushes gate to her house and walks towards house

Close up Camera focuses on girl’s facial expression

Point of view Girl looks at door then looks at time again

Close up Girl takes deep breathe then puts key into key hole, film opening ends.


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Group meeting record

Date People Attended

Agenda(points to discuss)

Targets (outcome of meeting)

Due Dates/Deadlines

19/02/13 Everyone Completing the preliminary planning

Planning for preliminary is now complete


Everyone Meeting with teacher about individual ideas for opening sequence

Now have a solid idea of our draft 1

1/03/13 Everyone Discussing who’s doing what for the research and planning


6/03/13 Everyone Changing the idea of the opening sequence

Change of location andnarrative of opening sequence


8/3/13 AbigailNicole

Completing Shotlist for opening sequence

Shotlist is complete

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Long Term Planning

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Long Term Planning

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Long Term Planning

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Short term planning

Day and Time Filming what scene? Travel Equipment

Sat March 9 Indoor flashback scene Bus then walk •Camera•Tripod•Storyboard•Shot list•Script•Make up bag•Dark clothing•Mirror

Sun March 10 Park sceneBus stop sceneRunning home scene

Bus and walking •Camera•Tripod•Storyboard•Shot list•Script•Journal•Watch•Mobile phone