research and innovation policies for social inclusion: is there an emerging pattern?

1 Globelics 2010 8 th International Conference Making Innovation Work for Society: Linking, Leveraging and Learning 1 - 3 November 2010 University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia RESEARCH AND INNOVATION POLICIES FOR SOCIAL INCLUSION: IS THERE AN EMERGING PATTERN? Name of Corresponding Author Judith Sutz Title & Position Dr., Academic Coordinator, University Research Council Institution & Full Postal Address Universidad de la República, Jackson 1303, PC 11.200, Montevideo, Uruguay E-mail Address [email protected] Globelics The Global Network for Economics of Learning, Innovation, and Competence Building Systems

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Page 1: Research and Innovation Policies for Social Inclusion: Is There an Emerging Pattern?


Globelics 2010


International Conference

Making Innovation Work for Society:

Linking, Leveraging and Learning

1 - 3 November 2010

University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



Name of



Judith Sutz

Title & Position

Dr., Academic Coordinator, University Research Council

Institution & Full

Postal Address

Universidad de la República, Jackson 1303, PC 11.200,

Montevideo, Uruguay

E-mail Address

[email protected]


The Global Network for Economics of Learning, Innovation, and Competence Building Systems

Page 2: Research and Innovation Policies for Social Inclusion: Is There an Emerging Pattern?




Paper submitted to the GLOBELICS Conference 2010

Rodrigo Arocena and Judith Sutz

Universidad de la República, Uruguay

Abstract.- A new pattern for research and innovation policies seems to be emerging,

characterized by its direct relation with pressing social needs. The conjecture is

discussed in connection with academic production and policy initiatives. Such pattern is

presented as a possible answer to the problem of weak knowledge demand in

developing countries. Preliminary examples related with university research are given.

The systemic requirements for these policies to work are stressed.

Key words: development, innovation policies and systems, social policies,

developmental universities


Introduction: presenting a conjecture

1) Some academic contributions to a new role for research and innovation policies

2) Examples of innovation policies that share inspiration with social policies

3) The new gamut of innovation policies and knowledge demand

4) Linking university research with social policies: a preliminary report of an

Uruguayan attempt

Concluding remarks: on the systemic nature of research and innovation policies seen as

social policies

Introduction: presenting a conjecture

The aim of this paper is to explore the following conjecture: we are witnessing an

emerging pattern of research and innovation policies characterized by the purpose of

putting research and innovation at the direct service of solving all type of problems

affecting marginalized populations. The conjecture refers to a new situation in which

three distinct aspects start combining. The first aspect is that research and innovation

policy agendas include, as a specific and legitimate commitment, the contribution to the

fight against social marginalization. The second aspect is that research and innovation

policy agendas take on board the whole spectrum of social marginalization problems.

The third aspect is that research and innovation policies promote the work directly

connected to the search for solutions to problems of social marginalization.

The fundamental role that science, technology and innovation can play to improve

the quality of life of poor people has been forcefully highlighted since long ago. Two

relatively recent reports make a whole case for this (UNDP, 2001, Juma et al, 2005).

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The message of these texts is that the might of biotechnology, ICTs, nanotechnology,

can be harnessed to deliver pro-development and pro-poor solutions. But at the same

time, the texts recognize that the difficulties are huge, mainly due to the combination of

dominating market considerations and weak global and national public policy

counterweight. The need to embed social policies with technology policies is hinted:

―The first step is for countries to recognize that public health, food and nutrition,

energy, communications and the environment are public policy issues deserving serious

attention through technology policy‖ (UNDP, 2001:114-115). The imperative to find

new-technologies-based-solutions is forcefully put forwards: ―Tapping the potential of

these new technologies will depend on adaptations to the conditions in developing

countries, especially for poor users. Much will depend on innovations—technological,

institutional and entrepreneurial—to create low cost, easy to use devices and to set up

access through public or market centers with affordable products‖ (UNDP, 2001:33).

However, the idea that contributing to social inclusion is a legitimate goal for research

and for innovation, deserving the same level of recognition and support than academic

excellence or business competitiveness, is not yet clearly stated. It is suggested that

incentives of a new type are needed for ―orphan problems‖ not to remain orphans, but

which incentives would those be remains unanswered. The first aspect of our conjecture

is that a specific type of incentives, related to the open legitimization for research and

innovation agendas to include problems of the marginalized, is appearing.

―Orphan problems‖ are well identified problems where: (i) research and innovation

have been recognized as necessary to provide part of the pieces out of which a solution

can be built; (ii) stakeholders strong enough to put the problem in the public agenda are

missing and so effective demand is lacking; (iii) research around these problems is

underfunded and related innovation efforts are weak. The most notorious orphan

problems lie in the realm of health, a notoriety probably derived from their immediate

deathly consequences; among them ―neglected diseases‖, prevalent in developing

countries, are the most widespread. Medicines and vaccines in particular, so frequently

inexistent or unaffordable for these diseases, have become the target of different

organizations. WHO and Doctors without Borders have provided identification and

voice; non for profit private initiatives like PATH (Program for Alternative

Technologies in Health) articulate various actors involved in designing solutions; big

global charities provide research and innovation funds.

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Neglected diseases have proved to be exceedingly complex, and in several cases

research and innovation have been unable yet to deliver their part for the solution. This

difficulty is not only related to the health problems of 90% of the world population;

several problems of 10% of the world population, even if receiving 90% of all research

efforts, remain unsolved due to their complexity. The point at stake is that the neglected

diseases have reached a legitimate place in research and innovation agendas: they are by

far cognitively less neglected than some years ago. An example of this is the brand new

Center for Technological Development in Health, at the final stage of construction, as

part of the FioCruz Institute in Rio de Janeiro. Openly referred to as the ―Neglected

Diseases Institute‖, that Center exhibits a systemic institutional arrangement; its

partners include Brazilian national and federal funding agencies. It is connected with an

international cooperative initiative, the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative. The five

institutional components of the ―Neglected Diseases Institute‖ are: (i) a non for profit

public-private partnership for malaria treatment; (ii) an American private biotech firm;

(iii) the Brazilian Ministry of Education, to assure the specialized human resources

needed; (iv) the Brazilian Ministry of Health through its R&D for Neglected Diseases

Department, and (v) the Institute of Economics of the Federal University of Rio de

Janeiro, through its graduate program on public policy and development strategy.

Several agricultural problems associated with poor rural populations have also a

well established and legitimate place in research and innovation agendas, both at

international and national level. However, not all problems present in developing

countries and affecting deprived populations, even in the realms of health and

agriculture, enjoy this cognitive attention. The second aspect of our conjecture is that a

change is occurring, and that research and innovation agendas are gaining more

legitimization to tackle not only some particular burdens affecting poor people, but

problems belonging to the whole spectrum of social marginalization.

Various structural issues are at the roots of such problems, deeply entrenched with

underdevelopment and inequality. Limited access to education and limited opportunities

to get good quality jobs are perhaps the most outstanding. Beyond them, though, lies the

productive structural heterogeneity, which feeds inequality through diverse

mechanisms. The role that research and innovation plays in the betterment of this

structural heterogeneity has been forcefully put forwards, for the Latin American

situation, in the Economic Commission for Latin American and the Caribbean‘s

(ECLAC‘s) literature, since twenty years ago (ECLAC, 1990). In a text released in

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May 2010, with the title ―The hour of equality‖, ECLAC revises extensively how

science, technology and innovation can contribute to make such hour arrive. The main

general message, well on line of that outlined already in 1990 is as follows: ―We must

return to the path of growth, based on the increase of a knowledge-and-innovation-

supported competitiveness, on the strengthening of the institutions and mechanisms that

make possible the diffusion of the benefits of growth to all sectors of the population

(specially the disfavored ones), the sustainable use of natural resources and the caring

for the environment‖ (ECLAC, 2010: 23, our translation). This seems easier said than

done, given that what is missing in the region is the ―ideal combination‖ of a

macroeconomic regime favoring development and a aggressive set of microeconomic

and sectoral policies promoting structural changes based on technical progress. (ibid:

118) There is some good news, though, related to some ideological advances, the most

important of which is the abandonment of the market fundamentalism of the 1980s and

1990s. In particular, some structural principles related to the after Second World War

welfare states have come back, ―hand in hand with practical and theoretical innovations

where the idea of social capital, cohesion and assurance in face of risk reenter the debate

and the design of public policies‖, with a special concern for inequality. (Ibid 192) It is

clear from that text that in ECLAC‘s view research and innovation have a key role in

dealing with inequality and marginalization problems, but the way of playing such role

is rather indirect. No specific problems of the poor are part of the proposed research

and innovation agenda; such problems will be overcome as part of the improvement in

the development process following the removal of the structural barriers to

development. The third part of our conjecture is that a perspective is emerging for

which the direct attack of all types of poverty problems is considered part of what

research and innovation policies have to deal with.

If a combination of the three aspects of the conjecture is to some extent observable,

then the possibility of the slow emergence of an ―inclusive‖ type of innovation systems

can be considered. However, caution is needed. Richard Nelson, who wrote in 1974 an

essay, further transformed into a book, exploring the scope of the ―moon and the

ghetto‖ metaphor, revisited in 2010 his earlier reflections. He asks: ―To what extent

are the kinds of technological innovations society is getting, and not getting, a function

of the innovations systems we have in place? And can we reorient our innovation

systems so that the innovations we get are better directed to meeting society‘s most

pressing needs?‖ (Nelson, 2010). However strong the temptation to give an affirmative

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answer may be, Nelson puts two cautionary concerns to a too rapid optimism. The first

concern is that these problems can be extremely difficult to tackle, so ―those of us

advocating reform of innovation systems need to be careful not to promise success

where success is unlikely‖. The second concern is that redesigning innovation systems

can be quite difficult, because the set of ―institutions and policies that work in one arena

may not work in another‖. These sensible cautions notwithstanding, the conjecture that

there is indeed an emerging consensus among researchers and policy makers that

widens the scope of what research and innovation policies can achieve in terms of social

inclusion is worth exploring. The paper will do that along four sections: section 1 is

related with academic contributions, section 2 with examples of policies, section 3 with

the knowledge demand, and section 4 with university research.

1. Some academic contributions to a new role for research and innovation policies

There is a growing uneasiness among researchers stemming from the difficulties

shown so far by research and innovation policies to contribute to the improvement of

the life‘s conditions of vast parts of the world population. More public funding for

research, more opportunities for young people to build academic careers and more

international networking and exchanges have occurred, even if with very asymmetrical

patterns. The asymmetries that worry the most, however, are not those observable in

terms of input indicators; they are rather those present in terms of social impacts and, at

the very start, in terms of the problems included in the research and innovation agenda.

It is indisputable that asymmetries in funding have strong impacts in all type of other

unbalances. Institutions and researchers tackling with well defined problems of

marginalized populations continue to put the highest priority on getting their efforts

funded appropriately. Institutions and researchers involved mainly with research and

innovation policy, though, are increasingly expressing more qualitative concerns.

In June 2010 ―A New Manifesto‖ was presented by the STEPS Centre (Social,

Technological and Environmental Pathways to Sustainability), based at IDS (Institute

for Development Studies) and SPRU (Science Policy Research Unit), University of

Sussex. The term ―new‖ refers to the ―old‖ manifesto, issued in 1970 by the same

institutions and the same subject, at the United Nations request. This New Manifesto

acknowledges that science, technology and innovation have essential roles to play in

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fulfilling main moral and political imperatives of our time, like poverty reduction and

social justice. However, this will only be possible ―if there is a radical shift in how we

think about innovation‖ (STEPS 2010:2). Part of this radical shift lies in science and

technology working directly for these aims: the text rejects explicitly considering only

indirect ways through which science and technology can contribute to poverty

alleviation, like trickle-down from economic development. Also important is the

recognition and fully exploitation of the diversity of options that always exist to address

problems. For these and other features of the radical shift, people‘s involvement is

essential, particularly marginalized people, providing bottom-up and distributed

initiatives able to capture the attention of the highest levels of policymaking.

People‘s involvement in the building of solutions or improvements of their life

conditions is at the same time necessary and difficult. There are plenty of examples of

how ingenuity in scarcity conditions leads to innovation, able to solve everyday life

problems of great importance. One of the purposes of the Honey Bee network, ―a voice

of creative grassroots innovators and traditional knowledge holders‖, has been precisely

to highlight innovations like these in India. When academic knowledge is needed to

support solutions, though, the whole issue of mutual involvements gets more

complicated. This has been proved true even when such mutual involvements relate

people belonging to similar cultural milieus, like patients and researchers in the same

developed country. Explorations done in The Netherlands, on how to include patients‘

cognitive inputs into biomedical research, conclude that ―patients‘ experiential

knowledge, when translated into explicit demands, ideas or judgments, can contribute to

the relevance and quality of biomedical research‖ (Caron-Flinterman et al, 2005: 2575).

Such approach, though, faces difficulties derived from current biomedical research

practices: ―The majority of patients have difficulties with holding their own when

facing a team of professionals; they easily become overruled by professionals causing

the collaboration to degenerate into tokenism‖ (Caron-Flinterman et al, 2006: 292).

When the people involved in cooperation to solve problems come from very

different backgrounds, like poor farmers and biotechnologists, the communication

difficulties become huge, and the joint governance of the process much more

complicated. The developers of the Interactive Learning Approach, ILA, from the

Athena Institute at the Free University of Amsterdam, have worked for twenty years in

the issue of building effective relationships between modern biotechnology and poor

farmers‘ needs and problems. It is a highly time consuming process, in need of a radical

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revision of the tacit hierarchies of knowledge held by each participant, that cannot work

without mutual trust and common understanding. Following the path of Everett Rogers,

a scholar not frequently cited in the main stream innovation literature, the ILA approach

is concerned with the weak rate of diffusions of innovative solutions intended to solve

the problems of the poor (Bunders et al, 1999). The importance of studies like those of

the Athena institute lies in their focus on cutting-edge science and technology, and how

to turn them into effective tools for improving the quality of life of marginalized people.

In this way they build a bridge between two ineffective extremes: ―high science and

technology is all we need to solve problems‖, or ―high science and technology has

nothing to offer to the problems of the poor‖. They do not promise an easy way

forwards, but they clearly legitimate the building of research and innovation agendas

that envision putting the best academic efforts at the direct service of social


From a more macro perspective, researchers at Innogen (Centre for Social and

Economic Research on Innovation in Genomics, UK) have tried to answer the question

of how to make biosciences innovations work for the poor. They have analyzed several

organizational forms in which academic research in diverse branches of

biotechnologies, in agriculture and health, have been developed and embedded in

diffusion practices. Their conclusions emphasize with equal weight the need of sound

R&D in the academic milieu and of well attuned communication channels between the

great variety of institutional and organized actors which participation is needed to

deliver solutions (Chataway et al, 2006 a). This can sound as pure common sense, but it

was not so commonsensical in very recent times. Around ten years ago, the concept of

health systems was centered on health care, leaving aside R&D efforts as part of the

system, and the other way around, R&D policies did not so often focus directly on

health issues, occupied as they were with economic growth issues (Hanlin, 2006). The

idea of an innovation health system, integrating research, innovation and applications

under the same umbrella, is indeed rather new. The importance of the early intervention

of the intended final users of innovations in the searching process has been highlighted

by several Innogen studies; the issue of communication has shown again to be critically

important (Chataway and Smith, 2005). On the research side, this implies that business

as usual not longer holds. Neither totally internally defined agendas nor agendas shaped

by funding agencies priorities per se warrant that the work done will be effective for

development purposes.

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The contribution of these studies to evidence based R&D and innovation policies

concerned with social impacts needs not be stressed. One of its commonsensical

conclusions has to do with the current academic reward system. The way of measuring

academic research excellence is nowadays one important obstacle for putting the might

of knowledge at the service of development. In fact, as Chataway et al put it,

―‗excellence‘ does more than label science as a success or failure but also seeks to

prescribe how research is conducted, organizationally and conceptually‖ (Chataway et

al, 2006 b: 3). Moreover, ―there is a question of whether a measure of scientific

productivity such as the number of peer-reviewed journal articles provides the right

incentives to scientists involved in development research. It is unfortunate for

researchers in organizations in both developing and developed countries that current

peer review mechanisms and research assessment exercises do not provide rewards for

contributions made to development‖ (ibid: 14). This aspect is critical regarding the

emergence of developmental universities as described in section 4. Changing the

academic rewarding system in a way that warrants that sound research will be produced

and that the agenda will take on board development problems is by no means an easy

task; besides, is not clear that the need for such a change raises wide consensus. But it

has become an issue, a part of the intellectual effort to put research and innovation for

developmental purposes in a more systemic light.

The issue of inequality has reached the framework of thought of the ―neo-

schumpeterian‖ community of innovation researchers, or, more broadly, the ―political

economy‖ community of innovation researchers, that includes a wide array of

disciplinary backgrounds. Just to give an example, the GLOBELICS conferences, where

many members of such community meet, have included since Mexico 2008 general

themes related to innovation and inequality. ―Innovation, economic development and

inequality‖ was a conference theme in 2008; in Dakar 2009 the very title of the

conference included the concept of ―inclusive growth‖, and one of its themes was

―Innovation, education, health, inequality and development‖; Malaysia 2010 fosters a

theme on ―Science and technology for the poor‖. Different focuses occupy this new path

for innovation studies. Just to name a few, we have concerns on the distributional

effects of new technologies in developing countries (Cozzens, 2009), worries about the

divorce between innovation policies and social policies (Arocena and Sutz, 2006),

claims that the poor, particularly those poor that live in the least developed countries,

are not taken into account in innovation studies (Lorentzen, 2009), requests that the

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focus of innovative efforts for the poor shift from government actions towards the

enhancement of basic institution of the market economy (Altemburg, 2008). These

focuses are hardly harmonized; some can even be considered as rather antagonistic from

a policy point of view. But all of them contribute to put at the centre of the debate the

need of a specific branch of research and innovation policies that have people in the

margin as their specific target.

A spin-off of the GLOBELICS gathering, the BRICS project, that studies the

national innovation systems of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, is

launching a series of books issued from their common efforts. One of them, ―BRICS

and Development Challenges: Inequality and National Innovation Systems‖ (Couto et

al, forthcoming a) is a good example of the new accent in the direct relationships

between inequality and innovation. As a general approach, the book considers

inequality ―in its multi-dimensional character, embracing a phenomenon that goes

beyond the mere income dimension and is manifested through increasingly complex

forms, including, among others, assets, access to basic services, infrastructure, and

knowledge, as well as race, gender, ethnic and geographic dimensions‖ (Couto et al,

forthcoming b: 13). The chapter on Brazil analyzes how inequality, thus conceptualized,

interacts negatively with the actual system of innovation, ―restricting the endogenization

of technological progress and limiting the capacity of acquisition, use and diffusion of

innovations in the country‖; vice versa, ―the dynamic of the Brazilian innovation system

has not contributed to break the vicious circle of inequality‖ (Couto and Podcameni,

forthcoming: 37). This is valid far beyond Brazil; the question of how to break such

vicious circle systemically calls for a deep rethinking of the system of innovation

concept as an analytical tool for policy design and implementation.

In Latin America, the most unequal region of the world, the issue of research,

innovation and inequality has been present among innovation researchers for some time.

The approaches to the issue are indeed diverse, but they have in common the explicit

aim of influencing research and innovation policies, and sometimes social policies as

well, to make innovation work directly to the benefit of marginalized people. For some

scholars the leading term is ―social technologies‖ (Dagnino 2009, Thomas 2009); for

others ―inclusive innovations‖ is preferred (Arocena and Sutz, 2010); a brand new

network involving several Latin American countries with Spanish support has been

launched where the defining concept is ―social cohesion‖. What is discernible in the

way the problem is addressed, all the differences notwithstanding, is that research and

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innovation policies cannot continue as they have always been if the might of knowledge

is to be put at the service of alleviating poverty and inequality. This is a conviction that

is slowly leaking from academic circles into policy circles, a bit everywhere.

2. Examples of innovation policies that share inspiration with social policies

In 2008, the S&T division of the Inter American Bank, IDB, launched a new

program: ―Innovation for an Inclusive Development‖. Conceived as a competitive call

for projects, ―the program will support pilot projects that foster innovation in products,

processes and services to create solutions, both technology-based and non-technology-

based, to improve the living conditions of the vast majority of people living in poverty

in the region.‖ (IDB web page) In the case of innovative solutions for disabilities, a

method of detecting demand for solutions was implemented through a specific website

where the problems‘ descriptions were posted until a date; after the deadline for posting,

a selection was made followed by a request for innovations able to solve the selected


Under the title ―social innovation‖, ECLAC gives prizes to innovative initiatives,

some technological, some not, that involve communities developing solutions for some

of their more pressing problems. This initiative started in 2004, and each year since then

receives tenths of documented experiences of the sort.

Some institutions have put in practice systematic efforts to build innovative and

technology-based solutions for poor people. The experience of the MIT D-Lab is worth

recalling. Inspired by the relatively new concept of ―user-driven innovations‖, and the

fact that 80 to 90 % of all medical equipment in developing countries is second-hand,

and that 80% of it fails in the first 6 months, a whole series of health-related innovation

intended to be used in poor or remote settings were developed by students and teachers

with the active participation of local communities. The real impacts of the innovation in

situ remain to be seen, but the important point is that ―innovating otherwise‖ with

technical success (at least) is possible. Other important point is the academic legitimacy

that this endeavor has won. Perhaps this has been facilitated by the fact that MIT has

already gained the fame of being among the three most prestigious research universities

in the world; nevertheless, the case has merit as a demonstrating example.

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In Latin America, in terms of public policies, there are some relatively new

experiences that show that the commitment to social inclusion is making its way into

institutions that used to see themselves as side-mindedly technological or research-

oriented. The National Institute for Industrial Technology (INTI), in Argentina, has an

extension unit that works out ways of transferring technologically-related work

opportunities to specific communities. One example relates to machinery and know-

how to produce iron-enriched cookies with hemoglobin coming for the meat industry, a

potentially important initiative, both in terms of employment and for nutrition aims. In

Brazil, the Ministry of Science and Technology has a specific secretariat of S&T for

Social Inclusion, that five years ago gave impulse to the Network of Social

Technologies, an important organization gathering a great variety of public and public

partners in the whole territory. In the last Brazilian national conference on S&T, held in

Brasilia, May 2010, the issue of social inclusion was an explicit point of discussion,

with participation of trade unions, NGOs and social organizations. The issue has gained

momentum through the periodic call for proposals stirred by the financial branch of the

Ministry of S&T, which amounted to three calls in 2009. The problems around which

proposals have been presented include food security, nutrition, and digital inclusion; the

great majority of the proposals came from research institutions, universities, NGOs and

public bodies. In Brazil, it has been reported that some firms have started developing an

innovative strategy to reach poor and marginalized people through the specific design of

affordable products and ―socially-driven‖ modalities of delivery, involving the

community (Couto and Podcameni, forthcoming: 33). Brazil is a country where, at least

in the realm of health, the engagement of this specific public policy and science,

technology and innovation policy is relatively strong. As we have already mentioned,

R&D for neglected diseases is stirred by the Ministry of Health, in close relationship

with different branches of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

In Uruguay, the STI National Plan released in 2009 - a sort of general policy guide -

incorporates social inclusion among the strategic objectives of the STI policy. Is this

only lip service without further consequences? It is too soon to know, but the

incorporation per se is not to be easily dismissed. Once social inclusion gains, at least in

paper, the same status than strengthening the scientific country base or reinforcing the

competitiveness of the main productive and export sectors, it is not so esoteric to

propose policies linking innovation policies to social policies. Again, proposals of the

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sort may not make their road immediately, but the mere fact that the STI National Plan

allows them is a not trivial improvement.

3. The new gamut of innovation policies and knowledge demand

The emerging policies we are concerned with in this paper are closely related with

demand side problems. In this section we summarize an approach to such problems

(Arocena and Sutz, 2010). Most developing countries are more or less poor in terms of

access to knowledge and of use of knowledge. In order to be brief, we speak of the

problem of knowledge for development. Our main assertion is that one of its main

causes is the weakness of knowledge demand.

History shows that importing knowledge has always been relevant for development

success but it also shows that the problem of knowledge for development was never

solved only by importing knowledge. Success and failure in development have been and

still are closely related with success and failure in building endogenous advanced

capabilities (see for example Fajnzylber 1984, Lall 1990, Bell 2007). Since production

and use of knowledge are increasingly intertwined, it is increasingly difficult to use

imported knowledge without endogenous generation of knowledge. The last is even

more relevant concerning problems that have solutions that are affordable in rich

countries but are not affordable in poorer contexts, where they require specific research

(Srinivas and Sutz, 2008). Now, when demand for knowledge is weak, in quantity

and/or in quality, it is quite difficult to build endogenous capabilities for creatively

using advanced knowledge.

The role of knowledge demand has been stressed in different periods and contexts

(see for example Porter 1990, Lundvall and Borras 1997, Laperche 2002, RICYT 2008).

Nevertheless, demand seems to have been rather neglected recently (Georghiou, 2007).

But it deserves close attention because, at least in Latin America, the mismatch between

weak endogenous demand for knowledge and privileged foreign supply hampers the

impact of knowledge policies (Cimoli et al, 2009). Such problem was clearly described

long ago (Sabato and Botana, 1968). It still holds and perhaps not only in Latin

America: ―innovation in the developing world is constrained not on the supply side but

in the demand side. That is, it is not the lack of trained scientists and engineers, absence

of R&D labs, or inadequate protection of intellectual propriety that restricts the

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innovations that are needed to restructure low-income economies. Innovation is

undercut instead by lack of demand from its potential users in the real economy –the

entrepreneurs. And the demand for innovation is low in turn because entrepreneurs

perceive new activities to be of low profitability.‖ (Rodrik, 2007: 101) Thus it is not

strange that knowledge supply does not create per se knowledge demand (concerning

India see Bagla 2005). Summing up, in many developing countries market demand for

knowledge is weak, partly at least because entrepreneurs think that on average

innovative activities offer low profits.

Since usual policies for fostering knowledge demand focus on firms, the problem of

knowledge for development seems to require a more diversified set of policies. This

assertion is supported by the Latin American experience, where innovative firms are

still a quite small proportion of all firms and main innovations come through imports of

machinery and equipments, so capacities built through the supply side science and

technology policies are highly underutilized by firms.

Another main reason for focusing on knowledge demand is that quite difficult

aspects of learning processes are directly dependent on the level of such demand.

Learning through studying at higher levels is not easy in developing countries but it is

getting on average steadily stronger (Altbach et al, 2009). Learning through

systematically applying advanced knowledge to problem solving, is more difficult. An

example of the last is ―learning by interacting‖ (Lundvall, 1988) between producers and

users of new products and processes. When complex problems are interactively solved,

not only individuals learn but ―learning communities‖ (Visser, 1999) emerge. The

collective dimension of possessing technical knowledge by firms has been stressed in

general by evolutionary economics (Nelson and Winter, 1982: 63). Learning by solving

is always costly and time consuming. The propensity to search how to solve problems

depends on the perceived rewards of finding solutions to unsolved or not satisfactorily

solved problems. Such propensity is highly dependent on the level of knowledge


It can be said that, in general, fostering knowledge demand is more difficult than

fostering knowledge supply. In many developing countries at least, the first issue is also

more urgent and specific than the second one. It urgently requires complementing actual

policies with a new set of policies aimed at backing social demand of endogenously

generated knowledge. The emerging policies we are considering in this paper appear as

a possible answer to such request.

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4. Linking university research with social policies: a preliminary report of an

Uruguayan attempt

The concept of ―developmental universities‖ was elaborated as a tool for analyzing

changes in universities from the point of view of development purposes (Arocena,

Gregersen, Sutz, 2004; Sutz, 2005a, b; Arocena, 2004; Arocena and Sutz, 2005a). It is

related with the old but nevertheless still vigorous debate concerning the roles of

universities. What is usually called the ―research university‖ is characterized by the

joint practice of the roles of teaching and research that defines the ―Humboldtian

project‖ (Clark, 1997). Different versions of the ―third role‖ have emerged in different

contexts, for example in the US during the second half of the 19th

century (Rogers,

1995) and in Latin America in the first decades of the 20th

century (Arocena and Sutz,


Prevailing approaches to a ―third role‖ of universities identifies it with direct

collaboration with firms. A remarkable example of these approaches is the

―entrepreneurial university‖, presented by Eztkowitz (1990, 1997, 2003) as a

description of a new phenomenon as well as a prescription for policies concerning

higher education.

The ―developmental university‖ is different both as a description and as a

prescription. The approach starts from empirical evidence concerning the contribution

of universities to economic development; it suggests that providing high level teaching,

which requires performing high level research, is at least as important as the direct

involvement of universities in solving problems of immediate interest for firms

(Arocena and Sutz, 2005a). Similar assertions appear often in studies about knowledge

and innovation (see i.e. Nelson and Rosenberg, 1994). Innovation surveys show that

firms tend to confirm them.

The approach is rooted in the assertion that the normative ends of development are

the expansion of freedoms and the betterment of human life. It stresses the relevance of

improving capabilities and upgrading the knowledge content of every useful activity,

especially those related to the attention of social needs. In such context the

developmental university is characterized by the joint practice of three missions:

teaching, research and cooperation for development with other institutions and

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collective actors. It follows that developmental universities can only exist as active

partners in innovation systems.

Part of the building of a developmental university has to do with the institutional

commitment to put the might of the knowledge and research capacities cultivated at the

university at the service of social inclusion. This implies, as a first step, devising a

scheme for stimulating and supporting initiatives in this direction. This is only a small

first step that must be followed by more difficult ones, like designing a systematic

methodology for detecting social requirements in need of new knowledge and

innovation, organizing this information so the whole university is aware of it,

transforming the academic reward system to strongly back those audacious enough to

engage in these endeavors.

The first attempt to do this at the Universidad de la República, in Uruguay, was in

2003: the University Research Council proposed a call for research projects oriented

towards ―social emergency‖. The reason was the social sequels of the 2002 crisis that

hit the country in an unprecedented manner. It was not easy to get the council

convinced: social commitment of the university yes, but why through research? A timid

compromise was achieved: the call was made but the funds were tinny, allowing for the

support of three projects of the fifty presented.

One of chosen projects, a rigorous economic and nutritional evaluation of the

impacts of a social policy consisting in giving lunch at public schools, was particularly

successful. It was continued to include the whole country through UNICEF funding and

its results were taken by the Primary School Council, which was responsible for the

policy. But perhaps its most remarkable feature was the accumulation of knowledge and

experience to tackle social policies. The same research team was called by the Ministry

of Social Development in 2005 to help in the implementation of the most ambitious

social policy of the new government, a program to reduce poverty and to half indigence

through monetary transfers. This work was awarded an international prize in 2009, the

first PEGNet (Poverty reduction, equity and growth network) Best Practice Award for

effective cooperation between research and practice, granted jointly to the research team

and the Ministry of Social Development in Uruguay (http://www.pegnet.ifw-

In 2008, in the midst of an internal push towards university reform, in the tradition

of the Latin American University Reform Movement, the program was re-launched, this

time called Research Oriented towards Social Inclusion. Four differences with the first

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call are worth noting. The first is that it was heartedly supported by the university as a

whole, and not only by the students, as the first time. The second difference, partly

because of this, is that it was better endowed: previsions were made to back up to 12

projects, finally backing 13. The third difference was that instead of leaving the call

open to any type of problems, three tracks were selected: (i) health, (ii) ICTs and social

inclusion, to allow a follow-up of the ―one laptop per child‖ program that was being

fully implemented in the country, and (iii) problems originated at the territorial level in

two poor neighbourhoods of the capital city, Montevideo. The fourth difference,

stemming from a thorough conceptual revision of the aims of the program, was the

attention paid to demand detection.

The last is a very thorny difficulty: who knows what the problems causing social

exclusion that need new knowledge and innovation as part of its solution are? There is

no single ―ex-ante‖ actor having this information; building such information is a

collective endeavour, for which researchers are not well equipped. If the problems

inside the projects were to reflect not only the perception of the researchers that there

was a problem worth exploring, but the acknowledgment of other social actors that

indeed the problem was a real one, communication channels between researchers and

social actors were needed. But putting researchers and social actors in contact, just like

that, would probably provide long silences and little communication. The encounters

should revolve around something concrete: the Academic Unit of the University

Research Council provided this concreteness by lengthy interviewing different actors in

the three tracks of the program to gather the most pressing knowledge-related demands

they were facing. Counting with this preliminary information a general workshop was

organized, conveying people from different social belongings and researchers. After the

welcome by the President of the Republic, the information was socialized to the 400

participants. The journey continued in three specific workshops, one in each track. Two

months later more than thirty projects were received and evaluated, and those supported

started working.

The 2008 call was indeed an improvement, but at least two problems remained. The

first relates to demand‘s detection and the second to the evaluation process. After

studying the projects of the 2008 call, it was apparent that efforts were made to make

explicit the involvement of different stakeholders in the project. In several cases,

though, such involvement was tenuous. This could have been the result of opportunism

on the part of the researchers, which wanted the project done and had a light contact

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with the social and policy counterparts only to show compliance with the formalities.

But it could as well be the result of a flaw in the program design. Making sound

contacts with non-academic counterparts, whether to detect demand, to better

understand an already detected problem or to commit policy makers to the

implementation of the solution if founded, is difficult, time consuming, and involves lot

of interactive learning. It was thought that efforts in this direction should be provided

with specific funding, so better full-fledged projects can be harvested in the next call.

The 2009 call implemented this modality, alongside to the ―classic‖ one.

The evaluation problem is common to all research programs involving more than

R&D. The counterparts express their interest and commitment in a written statement,

but to what extent does this statement reflect the importance given to the problem and

its solution by the stakeholder can remain uncertain. To face this question, interviews

with the stakeholders by the program committee and the Academic Unit of the Research

Council have been included as part of the evaluation process.

Almost fifty proposals were presented at the 2009 call, of which ten were ―demand

detecting‖ outlines. As in 2003 and 2008, the best represented area of work in the

program‘s demand was health. Just to give some examples of what enters into this

category, we have proposals to develop cheap artificial skin, to produce a kit to

diagnose streptococcus in women giving birth (poor women are suspected of not being

able to control for this infection during pregnancy), to develop a free software for the

surgery treatment of children‘s resilient epilepsies, and to produce a portable diagnosis

kit not dependent on imported chemical inputs to generalize the measure of plumb

contamination, in children and workers, mandatory by law but hardly enforced due to

implementation difficulties.

If research delivers results, a small step forward will take place. But the issue is

truly systemic, and the will and the real possibilities to implement solutions out of the

research results on the part of public policies, social organization and productive actors

belong to a different sphere. This is why the notion of ―inclusive systems of innovation‖

makes sense; this is why, too, the convergence that our conjecture puts forwards is so


What the Universidad de la República‘s program wanted to achieve is, in part,

getting solutions for problems of social inclusion. But the ultimate aim is far more

difficult and challenging: it is to call into action research-based-solidarity in an

organized way, as a means to call into action innovation-based-solidarity processes.

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Concluding remarks: on the systemic nature of research and innovation policies

seen as social policies

National Systems of Innovation in developing countries are often less than systemic.

Links between actors are frequently quite weak. One of the causes of such phenomenon

is the weakness of knowledge and innovation demand, particularly the part of such

demand that is addressed to national producers of knowledge. That reflects the reality

that most developing economies are not in fact knowledge-based and innovation-driven.

Consequently, on average entrepreneurs think that new activities are of low

profitability. Since usual demand side innovation policies are addressed to firms, it

follows that such policies necessarily face serious obstacles. Thus, knowledge

capabilities fostered by supply side innovation policies remain underutilized. In turn,

where social needs are pressing, the legitimacy of investing public funds in research and

innovation policies is not easy to defend.

On the other hand, after the failure of the Washington consensus as the dominant

paradigm for development, and especially after the arrival of the great crisis caused by

unfettered financial capitalism, the legitimacy of social policies in the South is again

rising. But the lessons of the past should not be forgotten, and the evidence of the

present should not be neglected: social concerns without a solid knowledge base have a

dubious future, today more than yesterday. Consequently, it is not unnatural to search

for a closer connection between knowledge policies and social policies. That seems to

be happening, as the paper has tried to show, albeit in a preliminary way, by considering

a few academic contributions, policy examples and university attempts.

In order to conclude, it should be stressed that, even at this initial stage of the new

set of policies, it is quite evident that they need to be even more ―systemic‖ than the

previous sets of policies. In fact, a new pattern of research and innovation policies for

social inclusion will emerge only if the systemic imperatives are duly understood and

taken into account. In turn, if that happens, it will probably be a great help for building

Innovation Systems in the South.

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