
Research – Detailed Analysis

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Page 1: Research

Research – Detailed Analysis

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5 Front Covers

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Masthead – subverting typical magazine conventions as its is positioned to the left of the magazine in the corner. Capital letters and red font attract attention, engaging the audience. The effect of white around the text makes the magazine title stand out more and contrast with the red. The colour red is also an occurring theme of the front cover (other text) and reflects the brands colours. The colour red reflects the brand as vibrant, energetic & insane linking in with the music genre & audience they are appealing for on the front cover, which is Kasabian – rock band.

Main Image - The main image is placed in the centre of the page and the two members from Kasabian are looking directly at the reader and one is pointing (at the reader) helping to engage the reader. The two band members are seen wearing ‘unusual outfits’ conforming to the ‘insane’ mood of the magazine. The white (wall) behind them helps to enforce the two men but also connotes completely the opposite ‘calm’. Adding to the mise en scene the two men are also seen with unusual props – cane, pocket watch & rings on their hand. This theme of ‘unusual’ and ‘crazy’ draws the magazines target audience which is older teenagers – young adults.

Typical magazine front cover conventions such as the publish date and price beneath the title in very small font, showing it isn’t that important. However the price is in a stronger ‘white’ contrasting against the black of the mans hat – this is an important factor the audience need to see. Then there is the barcode situated in the bottom right hand corner showing that the magazine has been distributed to sell.

Plugs – There are plugs situated towards the bottom left side of the front cover, giving an insight into the pages which the magazine think are most likely to attract the attention of the audience and make them want to buy the magazine which is an advertising technique. The titles of those articles are in ‘red’ which is a reoccurring theme with the teasers in ‘white’ which are two very contrasting colours, helping text to stand out and attract the audiences attention.

Style – The magazine style conforms to its ‘fun’ feel, the two men within the main image of the magazine have been placed around the main text saying ‘The return of Kasabian’ with one of their hands resting on the text and the others stop watch – wedged between two letters. The magazine reflects a personality typical of ‘younger adults/teenagers’ because of its ‘fun’ and ‘quirky’ representation of layout and how the two band members are being represented.

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Masthead – The masthead is placed on the left hand corner of the magazine. The letter ‘Q’ is iconic of the brand, however other audiences many not know from this what the magazine is about. The colour of the masthead being ‘red’ & ‘white’ these are two very contrasting colours, that work well to attract attention. Also the fact that the rest of the magazine is a different colour means its eye-catching. The masthead reflects the brand as ‘simple’ because it isn’t very complicated.

Main Image –The main image is of the band which are the main selling point of the magazine. They are placed in the middle connoting they have more dominance on the front cover than other elements. They are also looking directly at the audience, showing eye contact, helping to engage them to look at the magazine. A long shot has been used to show the full body of each member of the band, allowing the audience to see what the band members are wearing (fashion). In particular they are all wearing a shade of blue and dark clothing fitting in with the overall colour theme of the front cover. The shot type also reveals the band are standing in some sort of spotlight – connoting they are important.

Callout – A quote has been used and placed next to one of the band members, in order to engage the reader – making them want to buy the magazine.

Typical magazine conventions once again appear on the front cover of this magazine. They are the ‘barcode’, ‘Issue Date’ & ‘Price’.

BodyCopy – This is the main text on the front cover ‘Muse’. It’s the second largest font and shows that it will be the main topic of this ‘edition’ of the magazine. The letter are all block capital and the font colour (white) attracts attention and engages the reader. The colour white also contrasts against the blue background & theme.

Layout & Style – There is an obvious balance between both texts and images on this front cover. The masthead and bodycopy follow magazine conventions in terms of where they are positioned. All information on other articles which feature in the magazine ‘plugs’ are placed either side of the magazine. The magazine and in particular this edition is representing itself as dominantly male – the male band, male clothing, male artists featured on the right, the blue theme ( a colour largely associated with males’ and the text above saying ‘In the blue corner’ with connotations of a male sport ‘boxing’ – the magazine is represents a male personality. The ‘blue’ theme also ties in with the band featured.

Plugs – There are plugs situated either side of the main image, the bits which are seen to attract the attention are again highlighted in blue with white text, showing that these elements will be inside the magazine. Any other text on the magazine is not blue showing they don’t have as much importance.

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Masthead – The masthead follows magazine conventions, and is stereotypically placed at the top of the magazine along the top – showing it is a dominant element of the magazine front cover. It is in ‘block capitals’ and ‘black’ font colour meaning it easily stands out and attracts attention from the reader. The colour ‘black’ reflects this genre as ‘big’ ‘poweful’ ect.

Main Image – The background image is a ‘long shot’ of a plane on a runway with Usher the ‘central image’ placed in front of both the background image and masthead. In regards of mise en scene, within the background image – it is very bright and the sun is seen shining behind the masthead attracting attention to ‘usher’. The light background also contrasts with the dark colours (theme) on the front cover. ‘Usher’ is seen as the main image and connotes that the leading article of the magazine involves him.

Callout – A quote has been placed beneath Ushers name giving a direct message from the artist, which engages the reader and makes them want to buy the magazine so they can find out more. This also appears to be the main cover line of the front cover because its placed more to the centre on top of the linking image.

Typical magazine conventions of a front cover are seen, there is the use of a product barcode, showing that the magazine has a purpose to sell and it is positioned to the let of the magazine. At the top there is also a ‘Blackberry Barcode’ showing that the magazine is suiting its audiences needs by following NMT (New Media Technology), allowing the audience to scan this and subscribe to magazine content and news.

Plugs - Following the simple and ‘cool’ theme of the front cover linking in with the genre and main image, there aren’t many plugs situated around the magazine. There are three plugs situated to the left side of the front cover, with the main point of the plug in a yellow/golf font, which helps draws the audience attention. The things mentioned within the plugs also show that the target audience are teenagers with reference to ‘social media’ & a young rap artist.

Mise en scene – Linking in with the genre of this magazine which appears to be ‘R&B/Hip Hop’, ‘Usher’ is seen wearing a chain, expensive watch, black glasses with a serious look on his face typical of an R&B artist. Big machines like cars and in this case ‘planes’ are also largely associated with this genre.

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Main Image – The main image is of the feature artist of the magazine ‘Kanye West’. The image is a close-up shot allowing the audience to see his facial expressions which are ‘serious’ engaging the reader making them want to find out more. Kanye West is also looking directly at the camera, meaning (directly at the audience) further attracting their attention. The picture does not also reveal to much of the artist or his background because of the use of a close up shot, and the audience can only see a bit of his jumper – connoting that they can find out more about him in the magazine.

Typical conventions of a front cover of a magazine our also used again in the bottom left hand corner of the magazine with the use of a ‘date’ and the magazines ‘website address’. This is a form of synergy as its taking the magazines audience to another form of receiving media. However this front cover does not have a barcode, subverting typical conventions.

Callout – A quote has been placed to the left side of the main image, and is in fact from the artist in the main image. This engages the reader and makes them want to read on. The quote is also a play on words and reflects the genre of the magazine which is ‘R&B’ and in particular mentions rap. Identifying with the target audience of the magazine which young teenagers which are interested in R&B.

There is the use of a ‘Skyline’ at the top of the magazine, this is another typical convention. The word ‘exclusive helps to sell the magazine’. The text which is in ‘pink font’ connotes that this is part of the magazine, and ‘notorious’ is in blue italic further attracting attention to the skyline and helping to sell the magazine.

Masthead & Background – The masthead follows stereotypical magazine conventions by being placed at the top of the magazine. It’s in block capitals and in bright blue font and stands out on the white background. Having the masthead in ‘Block Capitals’ links in with the genre of ‘R&B’ as ‘big’ & ‘powerful’ & ‘serious’. It’s also placed behind the main image which is a typical convention of a magazine.

Plugs – There are the use of plugs to the right hand side of the magazine cover situated just off the main image and placed on the ‘white background’ meaning they stand out. They show other articles in the magazine which the audience may be interested in which help to engage the audience. The use of alternating colours of ‘black then blue’ with the text in block capital helps draw attention to the plugs.

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Main Image – The main image is of the feature artist of the magazine ‘Rihanna’. A medium shot has been used, revealing the artist from waist and above, engaging the audience because they are able to see the type of clothes she is wearing. As it’s a special edition cover, Rihanna is the main focus meaning the target audience of the magazine is likely to be her fans, and the main image gives them a chance to relate to their role-model. The artist is also looking directly at the audience providing eye-contact, further engaging the audience to pick up the magazine.

Masthead – The masthead is placed at the top of the magazine which is a typical convention however is placed slightly to the left of the magazine. Its also in block capitals, thus attracting attention from the audience. The masthead is also placed in front of the main image, which subverts typical conventions as its normally placed behind, however the font size of the masthead is smaller than normal. The font colour is ‘pink’ which is not the typical font colour of NME which is normally ‘red’ connoting that the cover is a special edition. Pink is also largely associated with females, linking in with the artist in the main image and the overall theme of the magazine – it also suggest that the target audience of the magazine may be young teenage females. There is also a fake sparkly parrot perched on the artists shoulder, which attracts attention, engages the audience and represents the featured artist – with an unusual and quirky personality. Along with her serious facial expression showing that she doesn’t care what people think – reflecting the artists image.

Callout – A quote has been placed in the centre above the main image and below the artists name, so we assume that the quote is from them. This quote engages the audience and in particular Rihanna’s fans and further makes them want to buy the magazine. The language used I the quote ‘F**cking up’ strikes the audience and is something which enagages the audience.

Typical conventions of a magazine cover can also be seen, however they are stereotypically placed at the bottom of the magazine, however are placed in the bottom right corner of the magazine. These elements include a ‘barcode’, ‘issue number’ and ‘price’, connoting that the magazine has been distributed to be sold.

There is also the use of a plug towards the left of the magazine, showing other artists that also have or will have their own special edition front cover, either making the audience want to buy it or wait for the magazine to come on the shelves. This is an effective marketing technique of a magazine and suits a variety of audiences linking in with the NME as a brand.

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5 Contents Pages

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Masthead of the magazine again features at the top of the contents page, reinforcing the personality of the brand. It also stands out well against the black background it is placed on drawing attention. The words ‘This Week’ also suggest that all the content is up to date, and is the latest news.

On the left hand side of the magazine an index has been used to show all the bands that feature within the magazine, meaning that the mode of address is much more personal because the magazine caters for everyone's taste of music, which is reflection of NME as a brand. The background they are placed on is white and the bands are in red – which is the magazines consistent colour connoting they are all within the magazine. The title and page numbers are all in black another colour which is used a lot on this page.

Date magazine was published, stands out on black background, audience can identify with it. Typical convention of a magazine front cover.

Advertisement at the bottom of the contents page offering the audience to subscribe to the magazine, using buzz words such as ‘for just’ further engaging the audience and trying to persuade them to give their money to the brand for its content.

The colour theme of the content page is typical of the brand ‘NME’ using colours such as: red, black, yellow, white all of which are largely associated with the genre of music this content page is representing which is rock. These colours are also largely associated with males.

The actual content structure of the magazine has been split into give sub-headings, involving articles which will most likely catch the audiences attention. This makes the mode of address more personal and makes it easier for the audience to find what they are looking for and what intrests them.

There is also the use of a ‘Buzz Word’ with the use of ‘Plus’ connoting there is much more content than what the magazine is showing, helping to sell the magazine and engage the audience to read on.

There is also a little snippet from the leading article of the magazine, engaging the reader; along with a picture to illustrate and make the story more visual and entertaining.

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The masthead from the magazine front cover is used to full effect on the contents page and is placed right behind the image. The grey colour continues the theme of ‘grey/black on the contents page.

‘Contents’ as a title is split and is not fully running along the page which subverts typical titles on a contents page. Although the text is in block capitals and black font which engages the reader and draws attention and stands out on the grey/white background. The “1/3” situated just next to the title gives connotations that the contents page is part of a special edition.

The actual structure of the content listing is placed to the right side of the image and the text is situated close together and is small – not taking up that much space. It’s also not that clear, however it does provide two different headings: ‘Features’ - which try to sell the magazine showing its best points. ‘Fashion’ which appears to be a big connotation of this contents page, linking in with the artist being represented in the image to the left. The content list seems to focus heavily on one topic – ‘fashion in music’ suggesting the mode of address is direct and only really suits one or two audiences (fans of the artist/people who are into fashion).

The image on this contents page takes up most of the space, and is obviously the artist the magazine is focusing on. The image contains a clear focus on fashion and the contrasting colours of black/white and then the vibrant colour of the red heart, create attention to the image and engage the reader. There is also credit given to the people the have created the image, in small black font standing out on the white background, which is a typical convention the magazines normally include. However the small font suggest that it isn’t as important as other elements on the contents page.

The obvious colour theme which is ‘Black Vs White’ is a statement linking in with fashion, connoting that this is something that is important to the artist featured. However this colour scheme subverts typical colours used by magazines, which normally use a variety of colours including vibrant colours like ‘Red or Blue’ in order to attract attention and engage the reader. However the way in which this content page has used ‘Black/White’ is very clever – they have still used it in a way in which elements in which they want to portray are still done clearly.

However this content page does not have a date/issue number meaning collectors are put at a disadvantage, but this may be because it’s a special edition and only the fans of the artist featured may want to collect this.

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The masthead from the front cover again appears on the contents page on the top left hand corner, further enforcing the brand of the magazine. It stands out. The vibrant red of the logo contrasts well with the white font used for ‘contents’ which is placed on a black background and draws attention conforming to typical ‘rock’ colours.

There is also the use of typical conventions including an issue number and date, as well as an website address. – showing general information.

The big image which takes a huge chunk of the contents page is obviously illustrating the leading article of the magazine. The number and plug which is situated just on the picture allows the audience to quickly skip to the page if they wish, and shows connotations that’s what the magazine want the audience to do.

The actual content listings are split into three sections: “features”, “every month” & “review” this shows a clear structure and means it is easy for the audience to find what they are looking for. These sections are typically headings that a music magazine follow. The titles of each article are in bold block capitals and the numbering is the same but in a different colour, which in this case is red. These colours symbolise and are typical of the rock genre and are conventionally formatted.

This section named the ‘OASIS SPECIAL’ draws attention because firstly the lettering is in bold. However it draws attention of Oasis fans in particular, connoting that there will be a number of pages based on the band.

The choice of the colour theme throughout the contents page is consistent: red,black, white and are colours which are typically associated with the rock genre and in particular males, connoting that the target audience will be teenagers 15+ who listen and are interested in the rock genre.

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The masthead of the page instantly shows what page within the magazine it is ‘Contents’. It is sterotypically placed at the top of the magazine and takes up a lot of the space. Whilst the letters are lower case, the font size is reasonably big and also the fact that the font colour is black means it contrasts against the white background helping to draw attention.

The actual content list is rather small and doesn’t take up much of the contents page. Because it’s a small content list there is only one category and limited articles shown – which are ‘feature articles’. Meaning the mode of address is very poor and only limited audiences may be attracted to the magazine because of this.

There aren’t typical magazine conventions such as issue number or plugs, the only conventional feature like this is the date – which is features just below the masthead of the page, showing month and year – connoting the magazine produces a monthly magazine.

The main image and background along with use of free space take a lot of focus from this content page. Its clear that the image of Katy Perry is seen as the main focus and connotes that she is the leading articles and that their will be a few pages on her. This in turn attracts the attention of her fans making them want to buy the magazine. The use of a ‘long shot’ which shows what Katy Perry is wearing (fashion wise) attracts not only her fans but people that are generally interested in fashion. The unusual image of her holding an inflatable mushroom reflects the artists appearance and the quirkiness engages the audience and makes them want to find out more.

The use of a quote placed at the bottom of ‘Katy Perry’ is giving an exclusive insight from her and again makes her fans and other audiences (teenage girls) want to read on and find out more. This is otherwise known as a ‘call quote’ and is a good way of selling the magazine.

Another typical convention of a magazine is that the image or photography on the main image, which has obviously been processed to have such as impact has been credited.

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The masthead of this page instantly shows what this page is about which is ‘contents’. A typical convention which is the ‘issue date’ is situated upon this and shows month followed by year, this connotes that the brand produce a magazine monthly. Whilst the lettering for contents in lower case the fact the font colour is a vibrant yellow and its placed on a black background meaning it attracts attention.

The contents list is again simple yet effective and doesn’t take up much space and is positioned to the right side of the main image and the page. It is structured to show ‘featured’ articles, in order to attract the audiences attention and make them read on. The main title of each article is in bold text again drawing attention and the page numbers are positioned to the left, with information on each article underneath the title in a smaller font (teasers) to further gain the audiences attention. The pages that they featured have normally not been shown on the front cover. The font colour used ‘black’ contrasts against the white background helping to make the text stand out, appear clear and readable.

There is also an marketing technique used, which makes the audience feel appreciated for buying the magazine, which is that they can claim a free CD for purchasing the magazine. This makes the mode of address much more personal because the audience feel like the magazine is giving something back.

The main image of this page takes up most of the contents page and is obviously illustrating the artists of the leading article within the magazine. The two males are looking directly at camera engaging the audience, making them want to look at the page. The main image is a mid-shot of two young male teenagers obviously following teen trends, meaning the target audience is likely to be male teenagers. However unlike other content pages this isn’t the only image. To the right of this, there is also another image illustrating another feature page, which makes the audience want to buy the magazine so they can find out more. The big page numbers on each of the photo mean the audience can quickly find and skip to the page based on the photos. The white background behind the two artist also makes them stand out more and is a good use of white space.

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5 Double Page Spreads

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The main image of the group ‘The Black Eyed Peas’ takes up the majority of the double page spread, and instantly shows whom the article is based on. The image is a ‘long shot’ meaning the audience can see everything the band members are wearing. However Will.I.Am is sharper than all the members who are in shallow focus, meaning the audiences eyes are drawn to him, the iconography being that he is the main talking point.

The title of the article is a Rhetorical Question based at the audience. This engages the audience and makes them want to read on to find the answer to the question. The title also has reference to Will.I.Am in the form of a ‘pun’. The gold lettering also ties in nicely with ‘Will.I.Am’ – in regards to his outfit.

Typical magazine conventions in small font in the bottom left hand corner – brand name & page number, these in turn help the audience.

There is the use of a pull quote from Will.I.Am which engages and attracts the audience attention. It’s placed on a black background with white text which means its easy to read, however it also stands out from the rest of the text because of this.

There is the use of an arrow to show where the article begins. The arrow again links in wit the overall colour theme of the page. It is replacing the more conventional drop capital.

The use of white space on this double page spread means the overall layout is effective at making sure the main purpose of the article is put across to the audience. The image is conventially positioned to the left of the page providing or illustrating the text which is conventially placed to the right. The use of white space means the page isn’t overwhelming.

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The main image is once again conventially positioned to one side of the text which in this case is the right side. The artists whom is Lilly Allen takes up the majority of the second page and some of the first page, which instantly attracts attention. The mise en scene of her dark black hair, dark make up and checkerd shirt keep in line with the rock theme of the article. The artist is also looking directly out of the page (forward) helping to engage the audience, and her head is tilted to the left encouraging the audience to look at the article on her.

There is another typical convention of a magazine article as there is the use of a ‘drop capital’ at the start of the article, which forces attention on the first word and attracts attention to the article. It also keeps in line with the ‘big, bold, black’ theme of the magazine. The actual article also takes up limited space over the double page spread, and the font size is very small. However the text is readable and does stand out well because it is placed on a white background.

There is the use of a quote in the form of a callout from the artist helping to make the mode of address more personal between the audience and artist. It also the main heading of the double page spread and takes up the majority of the double page spread along with the image. The use of white and black are to very contrasting colours which helps to attract attention and keeps in line with the rock theme. The use of block capital and lower case letters creates a big statement and once again conforms to the rock theme.

There is also the use of stereotypical magazine features such as a by-line – showing the authors name. Credits have been given to the owner of the image and layout. In the bottom corners of the DPS there is also the use of page numbers, so the audience are able to navigate their way through the magazine.

There is also subtext just before the main text, summarising what the text mentions. Certain words are in Bold/Itallic in order to emphasise certain elements.

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There is the use of a ‘drop capital’ at the start of the article – following typical magazine conventions. This attracts the audiences attention to the text and shows where the article begins. The font of the drop capital also keeps in line with the ‘fashionable’ & ‘sophisticated’ feel of the DPS.

The main image takes up most of the first of the double pages, and instantly grabs the attention of the audience. The image is obviously American themed, the mise en scene shows this effectively. Behind the artist is ‘USA’ and she is sitting on an American flag which connotes that this article focuses on here career in America. Her outfit reveals the singers figure and the outfit connotes and fashion statement and has a big impact on the audience. Her red hair, black tight fitting dress and black boots all contrast well and fit in with the overall colour theme of: red, white, black, grey – again applying to American colours.

The main text does not take up much of the DPS and only the second page, the font is small and the text is structured in columns which is typical of an article. The black font also stands out well against the white background.

Also there are typical conventions which are included – as writers and photography credits have been given.

The fact the artist is positioned in front of the text behind which is ‘USA’ suggests or connotes that she as an artists appears to have ‘taken over’ the USA.

There is the use of text which has been used to encourage the audience to want to read on. There is the use of a Rhetorical question, which helps make involve the audience. It makes the mode of address more personal.

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The main image is positioned so it takes up the whole of the first and a little bit of the second page. This is the main element which attracts attention from the audience. All the band members are looking directly forward (at the audience) which helps to engage them. The image continues the colour theme around the page, with the colours being dull, murky brown/white, black colours. The band are also placed on a light but slightly stained backdrop and collectively the mise en scene works effectively in representing the bands image. The overpowering images connotes just how important the bands style is.

There is the use of typical magazine features such as page numbers in the bottom right hand corner and the magazines logo in the top right hand corner. This helps the audience to identify with the article.

Blue diagonal lines have been used in random places around the double page spread, connoting the bands raw representation of a pop band.

There is a ‘callout’ inbetween two separate paragraphs – this quote gives the audience more of an insight into one of the band members and helps make the article more entertaining. The font colour being ‘blue’ means the quote stands out and separates it from the main text and appears more vivid against the dull and slightly dull background – connoting the band members energy.

Image – The two guitarists are holding their guitars helping to represent them as a guitar based band, which is part of their image.

There is the use of a drop capital at the start of two major paragraphs, which draws attention to the text, and is a typical feature of a magazine article. The actual text in itself is split into two separate columns which is another typical layout feature of a magazine article. The actual text only takes up minimal space and the font size is small, however the black text stands out well against the background.

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The main image is again typically positioned to the left side of the magazine article and takes up the first side of double page spread and just goes onto the second page. This attracts the attention of the audience, and the header (which is the bands name) is placed on top of the image and goes along to the second page, which leads the audience to the text through ‘eye-flow’. The mise en scene of the main image also strikers the audience and fits in well with the overall colour theme of the article. The two band member at the back are looking directly at the audience whilst the band member at the front is encouraging the reader to look at the article by looking right. Their dark black clothing conforms to typical rock conventions and the band appeal.

The header takes a large majority of the second page up and although it is not in block capitals, the black font contrasts well against the white background and thus stands out and attracts attention to the main text.

The DPS consists of typical features which includes a page number, date and one of the pictures contains a caption describing the photo.

The main text starts with a drop capital in big bold black font, this is typical of a magazine article and draws the audiences attention to the text. The style and font of the first letter also fits in with the overall theme of the DPS and the colours used such as black, white & grey. The main text is also traditionally split into columns which is typical of a magazine article, and although the text size is small, the black font makes it very readable against the white background on the second page.

Magazine logo, top right corner – audience can identify with page.

There is the use of a ‘callout’ placed on different colour background helping to make the text stand out – this also makes the mode of address more personal.