rert)ay morning, .tune 12, 1001 24/buffalo ny review/buffalo n… · thu buffalo review,...

I. i jl . II IUPIIJIIIII '*■ THU BUFFALO REVIEW, WEET\rERT)AY MORNING, .TUNE 12, 1001 x JMHi — -ww .9- " ■ PPP" 4fc ^Ipr k 1 1 Evans Property. Eroailw&y NOTICES. MichR/an UT-KIUK COUNTY- '■ I D .nl Us, as T:(i'.smv:' of Lillian C. Smith ct No. 1. <• <f a Judgment of fur wins- duly granted by ibis. Court, in the Erie County Clerk’s 2UU day of May, 1901, f, the referee, duly appointed tti art an for smelt purpose, will s.-ilo and sell at public auction, to highest b’ .ddt r therefor at the Uuf- tlo Real Ex-tat© Exchange Hoorn. No. 210 ’earl Stve.t. In the City of Buffalo, toujify of Erie ami State of New York, on the bent DAY OP Jl.-NK. 1001, at 10 o'clock in the fort noon o! that day, the real (state and mortgaged premises directed in ami by said Judgnn nt to be Kidd, and therein dt.-seribed as follows, or m, ithr T thereof as wll ho sufficient to piy the amount due upon said Judgment, i o wit': All *hat tract or parcel of land, situate in the CUy of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York end being part of lot llfty (59) and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point In the easterly line of Armbru-ler Street one hundred feet (100» southerly from the southerly line of Broadway; thence easterly at right angles to Armbruster Street one hundred and thirty-two 0321 feet; thence at right angles southerly eighty (t>0) feet; thence, at right aggies* worn erly one hundred and thirty-two (132) cot to easterly line of Armbru >tcr S.rfet, and thence northerly along tho easterly lino of Armbruster Street eighty .SO) feet to tho place of be- ginning. 'Dated, Buffalo. N. Y., Mav 24th. 1601 JOHN S. DRUAU. Referee. FRED (3RBINBR, Halt: tiffs' -Attorney, 338 Mooney Bldg., Buffalo, N Y. pOUNTY V Henry l Armbruster St., S. of Broadway. C OUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNTY.— William ll. Daniels as Treasurer of Erie County, against Lillian O. Smith, et ah Action No. 2. v In pursuance of a Judgment of fore- closure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered In tho Erie County Clerks Office on the 24th day of May, 1901, I, the undersigned referee duly ap- pointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buf- falo, County of Erie and State of New York, on the i ' 18th DAY C7F JUNE, 1901, ' ' at 10 o’clock In the'forenoon of that day, tho real estato and mortgaged premises directed in and by „said Judgment, to be sold, and'therelng described as follows, or I so much thereof as will be Miffielent to pay tho amount dub upon said judgment, to wit; , *" All that tract oi* parcel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, and being part of lot fifty 50, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a- point In the easterly lino of Armbruster Street one hundred and eighty (180) feet southerly from the southerly line of Broadway; thence east- erly at right angles to Armbruster Street one hundred and thirty-two (132) foet; thence at right angles southerly eighty (80) feet; thence at right angles westerly one hundred and thirty-two (132) feet to easterly line of Armbrustor Street, and thence northerly along tho easterly lino of Armbrustor Street eighty (80) feet to tho place of beginning. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y.. May 24, 1901. WM. R„ DANIELS, Referee. FRED GREINER, Plaintiff’s Attorney, 338 Mooney- Brisbane Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. C OUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNTY.- Charles Beyer, plaintiff, against Jacob Jaeckle, et ah, defendants. Pursuant to a judgment and decree of foreclosure and sale, duly granted by this .Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’s Offico on tho 2K1 day of May, 1901, I, tho undersigned referee, duly ap- pointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest biddor therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, iNo, 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buf- ifalo. County of File and State of New [York, on the 17th DAY OF JUNE, 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of, the real estate and mortgaged promises directed in ahd by, said judgment to be Bdid, and therein described as follows; or ,|B> much thereof .at* will be sufficient to ipay :the amount due* upon said judgment, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land, situate In the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, being part of the cast part of lot number fifty-two in the eleventh towjiship and seventh range of the Holland Land Company’s survey: Bounded on tho north by lands owned by Spencer twenty-one chains soventy- etx links; on the east by a road ono chain wide, four chains sixty links; on the south by a line parallel with the north line of eaid lot No. 52, and nine chains and twen- ty links south therefrom, twenty-one chains and seventy-nine links; on the iwcst by lands owned by Mr. Ilodge, four chains sixty links, containing ten acres, \n.ore or less, according to a plan In a <ked made by John L. Klebrig to Charles Tory, which, deed Is re- corded in Eric County Clerk’s of- ileo, in labor 1>3 of Deeds, at page 102. /There being excepted from the above, how- ever, such parts a3 had theretofore been conveyed by the predecessor in tttle of Christian Flierl, which are moro fully describ' d In two certain deeds, one from Magdalena Becker and John Becker, her husband, to John Weber, dated April 8th, 1868. and recorded In the Erie County Clerk's Office on the 9th day of April, 1868, in Liber £>4 of Deeds, at page 385, and the other from Magdalena Becker and John Becker, her husband, to the Suspension Bridge and Erie Junction Rail- road Company, dated the 3th day of Au- gust, 1870, and recorded in the Erie County Clerk’s Office on ttie 10th day of Septem- ber, 1S70, In Liber 250 of Deeds, at page COURT, ERIE COUNTY'.— D. Klrkovcr, plaintiff, aguiftst Emery T rati l and others, defendants. In pursuance of a Judgment and decree oi foreclosure And sale duly granted by trie Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’s Office on the, 29th day of April, 19tH, 1, the undersigned referee duly ap- pointed in this action for Mich purpose, will ( xpusc for ,rale and sell at piddle auction, to tho highest bidder therefor, at tl.e Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 2D I’carl Street, in the City of -Buf- falo, County of Erie and Slate of New York, on the 14th DA Y OF JUNE, 19)1, at 10 o’clock iii tho fore noon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by said judgment to bo sold, ami llu rein described as follows, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay the amount due upon said judgment, to Wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Hrlo ami State of New York, described as folk ws: Being part of Farm Lot number fifteen (15) in Township number eleven (11), Range eight (8), and In a subdivision of said lot on a map made by A. C. Fill- more, is known as lot number two hun- dred and eight (20S), bounded as follows: Commencing where the west line, of the Indian Reseivatiou Intersects the south line of Seneca Street,; thence westerly running along said south Hue of Seneca Street thirty-five (35) feet; thence south - erly on a right line to a point in north line' Of Carroll (formerly Crow) Street ten (10) feet Westerly from the In- tersection of the west lino of the Indian Reservation witn the north line of Car- roll Street; thence easterly on the said north lino of Carroll Street to tho said W'est lino of the Indian Reservation; thence on the said west lino of the Indian Res- ervation to the place of beginning. Also, all that other piece or parcel of land, situate In the City of Buffalo, Coun- ty of Erie and State of New York, being a portion of the. tract of land known and distinguished as the Buffalo Creek Reser- vation, and being further known and dis- tinguished upon the map and survey of a part of said Reservation mud© by Lovejoy and Emslle as if part of lot number one hundred (100) being that portion thereof bounded and described as follows: Beginning In the southerly line of Sen- eca Street at Its Intersection with the westerly line of said lot;- running thenco southwesterly .along tho westerly line of said lot number ono hundred (100) ono hundred and seventy-eight and twen - ty-hundredths (178.20) feet to the south - west corner of said lot; thence oast on tho south line of said lot twenty-nine (29) feet and nine (9) Inches; thence north- easterly about one hundred and sixty (160) feet and nine (9) inches to tho northwest corner of said, lot the place of beginning. Also, all that tract or parcel o.f land situate in tho City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, being part of lot forty-one (11) Township Eleven (11) Range Seven (7) of. the Holland Land Company’s survey, and In subdivision of part of said Lot 41, mad© by- George 10. Mann, Surveyor, a map of which subdivision is on file in Erie Coun- ty Clerk's offico under cover 241, tho premises hereby conveyed are designated as subdivision lot number throe hundred and seventy-seven (377) and are bounded as follows: Beginning at the point of Intersection of the westerly line of Longneeker Street with tho southerly line of Vanderbilt Street; running thence southerly parallel along said line of Longpeekor Street one hundred twenty (120) feet; thenee wester- ly parallel with said line of Vanderbilt Street thirty (30) feet; thenee northerly parallel with said line of Longneeker Street one hundred and twenty (120) feet to said lino of Vanderbilt Street; thence easterly along said lino of Vanderbilt Street thirty (30) feet to the place of be- ginning. Also, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the Town of Evans, Coun- ty of Erie and State o<f New York, being ! part of lot number fifty-three (53) Town- 1 ship nine (9) Range eight (8) of the Hol- 1 land Land,Company’s survey, and bound- ed and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the edge of the bank of Lake Erie distant twelve hundred (1200) feet northeasterly along the bank of Lake Erie from an oak tree now standing on the said bank; said oak tree being described as being two thousand eight hundred and twenty-live and one-half (2825M») l’eet west of the oast boundary of said Lot No. 53; thenco southerly along the easterly boundary of lands deeded to Robert Keating (deed recorded in County Clerk’s office of Erie County, July 20, 1891, In Liber 028, of Deeds, page 480)—one thou- sand two hundred and eighty-eight (1288) feet to the center of the Lake Road; thence easterly along the center of the Lake Road one hundred ninety-one (191) feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of lands deeded to John S. Andrus and Ilhldah M., his wife (deed recorded In County Clerk’s office of Erie County, November 17, 1891) in Liber 644, of Deeds, pago 98); thence northerly along the westerly boundary of lands deeded to Joint S. Andrus and IIul- dah M., his wife (deed described above) one thousand four hundred thirty-two (1432) feet to the bank of Lake Erie; thence southwesterly along the bank of Lake Erie three hundred forty-two (342) feet or more to the place of beginning, together with the lands to the waters of Lake Erie included between tho east and west lines of said described premises, con- taining seven and llfty-tlvo hundredths (7 55-100) acies of land. Dated, Buffalo. N: Y., April 29th, 1901. CHARLES A. OUR. Referee. LAUGIILIN & F.NVELL, Plaintiff's At- torneys, 1212 Prudential Building, Buf- falo, N. Y. E 'YV VUR/K County • Er -FOUNTY UGUlr o County Savings 10 it 1 r. .... ................ B'ank, 1’la inti if, against Charles M. Kolb and Lena Kolb, his wife, and others, Deft mi- auls. > la imuiuance of a judgment of fore- closure and sale duly granted by tills Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’s mice on the 3rd day of June. '1801; L the innlerslgm d referee, duly appointed in this action lor such, will expose for sale and soil at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Stiaa t, in the (. liy of Bul'Ulo, Coun- ty of .Erie and State of New York, on tho 26th DAY OF JU N E, 1:901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay tho amount due upon said judgment, to wit.: All that cot tain piece or parcel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and Slate of New York, being sub- division lot number forty-three (43) of outer lots numbers ono hundred and twenty-three (.123) and ono hundred and twenty-four (1.24), according' to a jrvap thereof recorded in Elio County Clerk’s office in liber 65 of deeds, at pago 66, bounded as follows: Beginning on the north line of Batavia Street on© hundred, and fffty-three (153) feet east of Michigan Street; thence at right angles with lia- t;avlj Street, northerly, one hundred thirteen and fifty-seven hundredths (113 57-100) feet.; thence easterly on (i line at right angles with, Michigan Street, thirty- four and sixty-four hundredths (31 64-100) feet; thence on a line at right angles with the first mentioned1 line, southerly, ninety six and thirty-two hundredths (96 32-100) foot to Batavia Street, and thence on Batavia Street, westerly thirty (30) feet to the place of beginning. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y„ Juno 5. 1901. J’OHN M. PROVO GST, Referee. MOOT’, SPRAGUE, BROWN e LL & MARCY, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 45 Erie Co. Sav. Bank Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. LEGAL JR&TXCES. Cor. Delaware Ave, and Gary St* S UPREME COURT, ERIE COUNTY. Alicia B. Warren vs. Henry F. Board man, ct al. In pursuance of a judgment in the above entitled action of partition, entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Erie on the 28th day of May, 1901, the under- signed referee duly appointed in said judgment for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, Number 210 Pearl Street, In the City of Buffalo, Coun- ty of Erie, New York, on the 21st DAY OF JUNE, 1901, at ten o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate, lands and premises direct- ed in and by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows: All that tract or parcel of land, situate In the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, being part of inner Lot Number one hundred and sev- enty-one (171) and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Commencing at tho intersection of the westerly line of Delaware Street with.tho northerly line of Cary Street, thence northerly on. said westerly* line of Dclawaro 'Street, thirty-six (36) feet to the land now owned and oc- cupied by the Estato o*f William Lav- eraek, deceased'; thenco westerly on the southerly line of land of said Lavorack Estate and parallel with Cary Street aforesaid one hundred and fifteen (115) feet; thence northerly at right angles to the last named lino twelve (12) feet; thence westerly at right angles and par- allel with Cary Street and along the southerly lino of lands of said Lavorack Estate forty-two (42) feet to an alley four (1) feet wide, thenee southerly along the easterly line of said alley l’orty-cight (48) feet to the northerly lino of Cary Street aforesaid; thence easterly along the northerly line of Cary Street one hundred and fifty-seven (157) feet to the westerly line of Delaware Street aioresaid gt tho point of beginning, be the same moro or less. Also all the rights and interest of the said parties of tho first part in jxnd to the aforesaid alley on the westerly end of said premises. Dated, May 28th, 1901. HARRY L. TAYLOR, Referee. EDWARD M. ’SICARD, Attorney for Plaintiff, 541 Ellieott Square, Buffalo, N. Y. GEORGE B. BAR RE'LL, Attorney for various Defendants. ALEXANDER DAVIDSON, Guardian ad litem. C Exchange J UPREME 0 John R. McCabe and £10. 'Ti There belrig also excepted, all tain pieces or. darccda, of land, the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, 'and on a map re- corded In Erie County Clerk’s Office in Liber 599 of Deetfe, at page 116, designated unil numbered as subdivision lot number In Block No. 4, and subdivision lot *!. . . number 73 in Block No. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y. JOHN M. (PENNEY & SEARS, neys, si Erie County falo, N. Y. Tonawamla St., N. COM NT Y. of et /A OUNTY COURT, E v William H. Daniels, as Treasurer Frio County, against Lillian C. Smith, al. Action No. 3. lr. pursuance of a .judgment of foreclos- ure and sale duly granted by this Court ■and i nteted in tile Erie County Clerk’s Office or. the 24th day of May, 1901, 1, the undersigned referee, duly appointed in this action for such purpose, will expose l‘or sale and sell at public auction, to the 1»ighesr bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Ids late Exchange Room, No. 210 Jhorl Street, in the City of Buffalo, Coun- ty of Elio and State of New York, on tho filth DAY OF JUNE. 1901. at 10 o’clock in tho forenoon of that day, tire real i state and mortgaged premises dlnetoil in and by said judgment to be Fold, ami therein described as follows, or go mu h Iheicof as will be sufficient to pay the amount elite upon said Judgment, t c. wit: All iini tract or parcel of land, situate In the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and Stale (S’ Yew York, known'and disting- uished as lots numbers thirteen and four- teen 113 amt 14) in Block "‘A,” as same St., W. of Michigan St. COURT, ERIE COUNTY.— Kenney, Plaintiff, vs. Hugh others, Defendants. ‘ In pursuance of an interlocutory judg- ment in the above entitled action of par- tition, entered in (lie office of the Clerk of the County of Erie, on the 6th day of June, 1901, l, the undersigned referee, In and by said Judgment for that purpose duly appointed, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bld- tlnwo therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate in s Exchange Room, No. 2t0 Pearl 'Street, in I the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, on tho 29th DAY OF JUNE, 1901, | at 10 o’clock In the forenoon of that day, the lands and premises In said Judgment, directed 4o be sold and therein described as follows, to wit: All that certain picco or parcel of land ■situate, lying and being In tho City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State af New York, being part of Outer 15ot Number Ninety-three, and bounded as follows, to wit; Beginning at a point in tho northerly line of Exchange Street two hundred twenty-eight and 3-12 feet westerly from the westerly lino of Michigan Street; and running thence westerly on the northerly line of Exchange Street twenty-two ond 1-12 fyet; (hence northerly and parallel with Michigan Street, ono hundred twen- ty-one and '/a feet; thence easterly and parallel with Exchange -Street, twenty- two and 1-12 feet; and thenco southerly and parallel with Michigan Street, one Michigan. St., N. of Elk St. BOUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNTY.- Lake View Brewing Company, plain- tiff, against William V. Miller, et al., de- fendants. Tn pursuance of foreclosure this Court, and Clerk’s Office of a judgment and decree and sale duly granted by entered In the Erlb County on the 28th day oif May, , M a y 24, 1901, HU LI., Referee. Plaintiff’s Attor- Bank Bldg,, Buf- of Esser Ave. 11 E 1901, I, the undersigned referee duly ap- pointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for si*l© and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, In tho City of Buf- falo, County of Erio and State of New York, on the 19th DAY OF JUNE, 1901, at. 10 o’clock iff the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will bo sufficient to pay the amount due upon said judgment, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land, situate In the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, being part of outer lot number seventy-four in said city, and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point in the westerly line of Michigan Street at the distance of two hundred and eighty feet northerly from the intersection of said line by the northerly lino of Elk Street; thence run- ning westerly at right angles with Michi- gan Street, one hundred twenty feet; thence northerly parallel with Michigan Street, twenty feet; thence easterly at right angles with Michigan Street, ono hundred and twenty feet to said street, and thence southerly on the lino of said street, twenty feet, to the place of be- ginning. Dated, Buffalo. N. Y., May 28, .1001. JOHN F. PATTERSON, Referee. B REND EL & STANDART, Plaintiff’s At- torneys, 706 Mutual Life Bldg., Buf- falo, N. Y. Frena^jfcJ Strhet. OUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNTY.— William H.. Iffplfteback. plaintiff* against John MoLarou, et al., defendants'. Jn pursuance of tt Ijudgment and decree of foreclosure amt sale, duly granted by this Court and eut«RT,d |n the Erie County (’fork's Office on tho 2l|t day of May, 1901, I, the undersigned. referee, duly appoint- ed in this action for.'jmch purpose, will expose for sale and sen at public auction to the highest bidder therefor at the Buf- falo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, In the. 1/1,1 y of Buffalo, Coun- ty of Erie and State or New York, on the 14th DAY OF JUNE, 1901, nt ten o’clock In the forenoon of (hat day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by said judgment to bo sold and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will be sufficient'to pay the amount duo upon said judgment, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land, situate in tho City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, being known as part of fmt number one hundred and for- ty-four (144) of tho Buffalo Creek Reser - vation (so called) and bounded and de- scribed as follows: Beginning at a point in the 'southerly line of Premitt Street twenty-live (25) feet Westerly from .a point where said line intersoets tho easterly line of said lot one hundred and forty-tour (144); and running thence southerly along a line parallel with said easterly line of said tot about one' hundred and five (105) feet to a point where A H ub drawn -parallel with the Abbott Road from a point in the easterly lino of Bmlt.h Street at a distance of three hundred and seventy-five (375) feet northerly from wutd road would In- tersect said lino; thence westerly along said Intersecting line to a point where a lino drawn parallel with the first men- tioned line from a point In the southerly line of Prenatt Street at a distance of twenty-five (25) feet westerly from the place of beginning would In- tersect the said intqree&ting line; thence northerly parallel with the easterly line of said lot one hundred and forty-four (144) about one hundred and five (105) feet to tho southerly line of Prenatt Street; thence easterly along the southerly line of Prenatt Street twenty-five (25) feet to the place of beginning. Dated, BuuMo, N. Y., May 21, 1901. SEYMOUR ,C. PINCH, Referee. FRANK M, SHT2MILLER, Plaintiff’s Attorney, 31 City, and County Hall, Buf- falo, n . y. Property in. CheektowaRo. Vf E'YV YORK—COUNTY COURT, ERIE l" County.—Charles G. Miller vs. Walter Tate Cody, et al. 1 In pursuance of a judgment of fore- closure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in the« Erie County Clerk’s Office on the 17th‘day of May, 14)01, I, the undersigned referee duly ap- pointed In this action for such purpose, will expose for Sale and <sell at public auction, to tho highest bidder therefor, at tho Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room. No, 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buf- falo. County of Erio and State of New York, on the 3rd DAY OF JULY, 1901, at 10 o’clock in tho forenoon of that day. tho real estato and mortgaged premises directed in and by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as wifi be sufficient to pay the amount due upon said judgment, to wit: All that tract or’ parcel of land situate in the Town of Cheektowaga, County of Erio and State of New York, being part ol’ lot number thirty-two (32), Township eleven (11), Range seven (7) of the Hol- land Land Company’s survey, and de- scribed In a. certain Subdivision map of the Miller Estate Land Company, so called, filed In tho Erie County Clerk’s Office on the 28th day of May, 1888, undor covbr number 298, as subdivision lots numbers thirty-four (34). thirty-five (35) and thirty-six (36) in Block ,“E,” and more particularly bounded and described as follows: a ' Beginning at a point in the northerly lino' of Reiman Street' distant thirty (30) feet westerly from the point of intersec- tion of said line with the westerly line of Wagner Avenue; thbfloe running north erly and parallel with' Wagner Avenue, Ono hundred and twenty -(120) feet; thence westerly and-parallel With Reiman Street eighty-eight , (88) feet'to the line between tho City of Buffalo 'fend the Town of Cheektowaga; thence southerly and along said last mentioned Jiff© one hundred and twenty (120) feet to’the northerly line of Reiman Street; theqqo easterly and along, (he northerly lln.O 6f Reiman Street eighty-eight (88) feet 'to tho place of be- ginning. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., May 17, 1901. PETER MAUL, Referee. ALBERT C. SPANN, Plaintiff's Attorney, 298 Main St., Buffalo',' N. Y. LEGAL NOTICES. N; humirrd place of Dated, and L feet to tho t is onty-ono beginning. Buffalo. N. Y,, June 6th, 1901. EDWARD L. JUNG, Referee. SHIRE & JELLINEK, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 931-911 Prudential Bldg., Buf- falo, N. y. p OUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNTY.— \j Frederick Toisul, plaintiff, against Lind Company arc laid down on a map made for the {Black Rock Land Company, and filed In KrL- County Clerk’s Office, under cover No. 28a ami being the same premises conveyed to A:thur Kimberly by Francis J. Ste- phen and Frederick Ullman as trustees by deed daied December 2tth, 18S8, and re- corded in liber 564 of deeds at pago 1(9; *ai(l lots thirty (30) feet front each and one hundred and twonty-fivo (120) feet deep on th" east side of 'L'nmiwniulu street forty-six 75-Uo (16 75-lOe) feet north of Es- »er Avenue. DaK-d, Buffalo. X. Y.. .Mav 2l!.h, IDOL GUY B. .MOORE, Referee. JfREJ) GREINER Plaintiff’s Attorneys, &K .Mooney ami Brisbane Bldg., Buffalo, Harry, N. Maine, Toisul rind others, Defendants. In pursuance of a judgment and decree of foreclosure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’s Office on the 21th day of Mav, 1901, I, the undersigned referee duly ap- pointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at N. V. Notioo to Creditors. tU ’l! *J * < CUS. KUO. tiC c is til rlaiu. oj Caroline as Noi l late of th ty, dc ec. exhibit tu Of > .o lhe rx.'i o il tic' .-aid Coa swo tho city of foiorft il:c Du ted tho A l E 1: ( Ud L'UR, C \THARIN E C. E.-Pur< u- { io an order of Hen. Louis V. Ma.- l io j„ale of Eric County, N. Y., nc- given to all p: r.-ons having demands against Catharine id3 nora 8 hu.sur, also known ->diuM* r am! EVi.ora Schuster, " City of Buffalo, in a.ib'l coun- tl, Uuu they are required to ■>sumo with thy vouchers theie- umj'-r.- ignod, Aib'.rt Stover, tho Vl \\ last ii, a wi in t;u> *: a 3 « \ \r 0 /1 Buffalo, .’Lh (lay of Jn JSth day of In ijUSRT STOVJ OATS WORTH Ex'eoutd [ am.: tc.s ie o 111.*o ■ 43S .M .iin ;-l said c<vur,iy June, 1901. Dvoeni bar, 10 vac anu.nt of f Fisher, rcet on in or public auction to tho highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in tho City of Buf- falo, County of Eiio and Stato of New York, on tho ’ 9th DAY OF JULY, 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by said judgment lo be | sold and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay the amount tine upon said judgment, i to wit.: ! All that irael or parcel of land, sit.uuto, lying and being in Ihe Town of Tona- ! wamla, County of Eric ami State of New j York, being a part of lot No. 87 of the l twelfth township and eighth tango of the ! Holland Land Company's survey, and i bound J as follows: Beginning on Urn westerly lino cf said lot and (.ast side of the Military Roau, ! four (1) chains ami thirty-five (35) links ! southerly from the north westerly corner I thereof; thenco easterly about thirty-four I (31) chains and sixty-two (.6.1) links to a j point; thenco southerly nine (9! chains 'and ah'nit eighty-eight am! I to a point; the.non westerly with ihe scuta lino about U.bty-fivo <35) nine and 2 3 (79 1 line of said Lot No. :-h’ the Military Kofld ; t h Die lasr mentioned lino i... - . about eighty-eight amt L t>>Aj) links to tiu: place of beginning, containing tlvuty- fonr CM) acres of land, moro or lesat Dated, Buffalo, N. Y.. May H 1901 J in .MLS A. SGKREN3GR, Refer i .i ui) & cLOS.SE Y. Plaintiff’u Attorn b; (58U) links and parallel of said Lot No. 37, ennins and seventy-- inks to the westerly , an.I thf* east side oi i mu- northerly along iino (;> ') chains ami L (U Chicago St., S. of Fulton St. C OUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNTY.- Luko View Brewing Company, plain- tiff, against Julia Quinlivan, et ah, de- fendants. Jn pursuance of a judgment and dec-reo of foreclosure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in tho Erie County Clerk’s Office on tho 2$th day of ‘May, 1901, I, tho undersigned referee, duly ap- pointed in this action for such purpose will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to tho highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 PearP Street, in the City of Buf- falo, County of Erie anti Stato of New York, on tho 19th DAY OF JUNE, 1901, a}. 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, tho real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by said Judgment to bo sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will bo sufficient to pay tho amount duo upon said Judgment, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erio ami State of New York, being part of outer lot No. 71, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the westerly line of Chicago Street at tho distance of twenty-eight (28) feet southerly from the intersection of tho said westerly line of Chicago Street with the southerly line of Fulton Street; running thenco westerly parallel with Fulton Street, ono hundred (500) feet; Ihonco southerly and parallel with Chicago Street, twenty-nino (29) feet; thenee easterly and parallel with Fulton Street, one hundred (100) feet to the west- erly line of Chicago Street, and thenee northerly along I ho said westerly line of Chicago Street., twenty-nine (29) feet to the place of beginning. Being tho same premises conveyed by Elizabeth \V. Green- wood. individually and as trustee, etc., to Martin Quinlivan, by deed dated Novem- ber 12th, ff.iO, and recorded in Erie County Clerk's Office- in Liber 577 of Deeds at page 73. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., May 28, ;l90t. JOHN F. BATTEltSON, Referee. 1 !Hi'k\ DEL K -. STANDART, Blaintiffs At- torneys, 706 Mutual Info, Bldg., Buf- falo, N. Y. Notice to Creditors. o Mil'll, MARY B.- Pursuant to an or- 0 dor of Hon. Louis \Y. Marcus, Surro- gate of Erio County, N. Y., notice is here- by given to all persons having claims or demands against 'Mary B. Smith, la to of ill© City of Buffalo, in said county, d©o<*Med, th a t 1 hey ar« required to exhibit ih« same with the vouchors thereof to the unilersigned, Ira 11. Afy<©rs, tho executor of 1 1 io estate of tho said deceased, at the law office of the said Ira 11. My ess, No. 615 Moomy-iBrislxme Building, in the City of Buffalo, in said county, on or before the 26th day of July, J991. Dated the 18th day of January, 1901. 1UA IT. MYERS, Executor, 515 Mooney- Bulldlue'. Buffalo, EW YORK— ‘COUNTY COURT, ERIE County.^—Charles D, Marshall, plaintiff, against David R. Fogelsonger, Mary E. Fogelaonger and others, defendants. In pursuance of a judgment of fore- closure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’s Office on the 17th day of May, 1901, I, the undersigned referee, duly ap- pointed In this action for such purpose, will expose for sal© and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at th© Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in tho City of Buf- falo, County of Erie and Stato of New York, on the 14th DAY OF JUNE, 1901, at 10 o’clock In th© forenoon of that day, the real estato und mortgaged premises directed in and by said judgment to b© sold, and therein desoribed as follows, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay th© amount duo upon said judgment, to wit:- All that tract or parcel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, being part of farm lot number 53, Township eleven (11), Rang© eight (8), of th© Holland Land Company’s survey, bounded and de- scribed as follows: Beginning at a point In the westerly fine of Main Street two hundred and forty-five (248) feet southerly from the northeast corner of ‘ lot No. 53, which point is two hundred and forty-five (245) feet southerly from the northeast corner of land owned by Welcome Wood, at the time of his decease, and described in the will of the said Welcome Wood, as four (4) acres and twenty'-seveh (27) rods out of the northeast corner of lot No. 53, as aforesaid, which point is about four hun- dred and seven and fifty-five hundredths (407.55) feet north of North Street; run- ning thenee westerly at right angles with Main Street about two hundred and seven- teen and one-half (217^) feet to a point equi-dffctant from Main Street and Lin- wood Avenue; thenco southerly on a lino parallel with Main Street fifty (50) feot; thenco easterly, at right angles with Main Street, about, two hundred and seventeen and one-half (211%) feot to tho westerly lino of Main Street; thence northerly on the westerly lino of Main Street fifty (50) feet to tho place of beginning. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., May 17, j901. CHARLES C. PAGE, Referee. ADOLPH REBADOW, Plaintiff’s Attor- ney, Buffalo Savings Bank Bldg., Buf- falo, N. Y. Best St., Cor. Guilford St. MEW YORK—COUNTY COURT, COUN- H ty of Erie.—Carrie Houck against John P. Zonner, et al, In pursuance bf a judgment of fore- closin'© and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in tho Erio County Cleilc’s Offico on the 29th day of May, 1901, 1, the undersigned referee, duly ap- pointed in this action far such purpose, will expose for sal© and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate .Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in ihe City of Buf- falo, (Jounty of Erie and State of New York, on the 24th DAY OF JUNE, 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directi d In and by said judgment to bo sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will bo sufficient to pay the amount due upon said judgment, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land, situato in the City of Buffalo; County of Erl© and State of New York, being part of farm lot number twenty, in Township eleven and Range eight, of Hie Holland Land Company's survey, and bounded as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of tho southerly line of Best Street, with the easterly line of Guilford Street, and running thence, southerly along said line of Guilford Street one- hundred and thirty- eight and 27-100 038.27) lL t; thence east - erly at right angles with said line of Guilford Street, ninety-four (94) feet; th( nee northerly parallel with said first mentioned boundary, on© hundred and thirty-six (136) feet to said lino of Best Street; thenco westerly along said line of Best Street, ninety-four (91) fret to tho place of beginning'. Being further desig- nated as subdivision lots, numbers one (1), (we (2), three (3) ami fear (I), as the same a to tain down <>n o map *> i the northwest part of said farm lot u umber twenty, filed in Erie County Clerk's Office in map cover No. 283. ft OUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNT**.— v Anthony -Eckert, plaintiff, vs. Freeman M. Vilas and Mary E. Vilas his wife, The Ellieott "Square Bank (£oJ nlei?iy kfloiivfi as tho QdoVn City Bunk), The Merchants’ National Bank'of Plattsburgh, N, Y., de- fendants. in pursuance of a Judgment and decree of foreclosure and salel duly granted by this Court, and eike-rod in the Erie County Clerk's Office on the 11th day ol June, 1897, and duly affirmed by the judgment of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court, which has been duly affirmed by live Court of Appeals of the Rtnte of New York, T, the undersigned referee duly appointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Ex- change Room No. 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and Stato of New York, on th© 28th DAY OF JUNE, 1901, at ten o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed In and by said judgment to be sold and therein desoribed as follows, or so much, thereof a» will be sufficient to pay tho amount duo upon said judgment, to wit: An undivided % share of and interest in All that certain tract or parcel of land, ■situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, being part of a certain township, which, on, a certain map and survey mad© for th© Holland Land Company by Joseph Ellieott, is dis- tinguished as townohip eleven (if) and seventh (7) range, being the -southwest part of lot number forty-six (48) in said township, beginning at the southwest corner of said lot; thence northerly sixty- six (66) degrvefe east, bounding on the turnpike road (now Kensington Avenue), forty-v&oven (47) chains to tha m4ddl& of a road laid out through said lot, now known as Eggert Street; thence north along1said Wffgert Street seven (7) chains, fifty (50) links to a ptost; thenc« south wventy- eight (78) degrees west, nineteen chains and eighteen 08) links to a post; thence south seventy-ono (71) degrees west, thir - ty-three (33) chains, twenty-five (25) links to the west line of said lot; thence south twenty (20) chains and thirty-five (35) links to the place of beginning, contain- ing fifty six (66) acres, more or less, Exceptilng and reserving therefrom four (4) acres from tho northeast part ov said premises formerly sold to ana owned by Joseph Lutiz, &dd premise* hereby con- veyed being the same premises conveyed by Joseph Eckert to Anthony Eck*rt by deed bearing date May 2nd, 1887, and re- corded in th© Erie County Clerk's Office in Liber 267 of Deeds at page 368 on May 7, 1887; being the same premises cm.veyed by Anthony Eckert and wlfo to said Eree- min M. Vilas by warranty deed dated December 1, 1890, and recorded in Erio County Clerk’s Office In Liber 616 of Deeds at page 203. And an undivided three-eights part of and Interest in which premises conveyed by Frveinan M. Vilas and wife to on*1 George F. Brownell, by war- ranty deed dated January 31, 1891, and recorded in the Erie County Clerk’s Of- fice June 23, 1892, in Liber 672 of deeds at page 18, however, excepting and reserving therefrom two and one hundred »lxty-on© one-thousandths acres from the northerly part thereof heretofore conveyed by said Brownell, said Vilas1 and wife and W. Caryl Ely and wife to Austin Roe Pres- ton by deed dated November 14, 18m, and recorded in Erie County Clerk’s Office in Liber 502 of deeds at page 502. Also that certain tract or parcel of land, situate In the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, being part of a certain township whloh on a certain map and survey made for the Holland Land Company by Joseph Ellieott, is dis- tinguished as township eleven dj) and seventh (7) range, being part of lot forty- six (46) In said township, beginning at a point in the easterly line of Bailey Ave- nue distant 1655 and 42-100 feet northerly from the intersection of th© northerly line of Kensington Avenue with said easterly line of Bailey Avenue, which Said point is marked by a stone monument set by Ricker and Wing, Civil Engineers; thence easterly making an angle of ninety (90) degrees, eight minutes, with the easterly line of Bailey Avenue, south of the above described point, 1443 feet to lands con- veyed by Anthony Eckert to Freeman M. Vilas, December 1, 1890, by deed recorded in Liber 615 of deeds at page 203; thence southwesterly along the northerly line of said last mentioned premises to the east- erly line of Bailey Avenue; thenco north- erly along tho easterly lino of Bailey Ave- nue 337 42-100 feet to the place of begin- ning; containing 6.68 acres more or less, and being the parcel marked and design- ated upon tho map annexed to deed from Austin Roo Preston and wife to Freeman M. Vilas, George F. Brownell and W. Caryl Ely, dated, November 14, 1891, and recorded in Erie County Clerk’s Offico in Liber 699 of deeds at page 136 as parcel “A.” Also that certain other piece or parcel o f. land, situate in the City of Buffalo, aforesaid, and being a part of said lot number 46 aforesaid, bounded and de- scribed aa follows: Beginning at a point of intersection of tho center lirie of Eggert Street with the northerly line of Kensington avenue; thence southwesterly along the northerly Una of Kensington Avenue to the afore- said lands conveyed by deed recorded In Erie County Clerk's Office in Liber 615 of deeds at page 203, and formerly owned by Joseph Eckert; thence northerly along the easterly boundary line of said lands to Its intersection with the continuation' of the aforesaid line described in the de- scription of parcel “A” as running from a point in the easterly line of Bailey Ave- nu© distant 1666 and 42-100 feet northerly from the intersection of the northerly line of Kensington Avenue, with the said east- erly line of Bailey Avenue easterly mak- ing an angle of 90 degrees, eight niinutes, with the easterly line of Bailey Avenue south of the last mentioned point; thenee easterly along the continuation of said above described line which extends east- erly from Bailey Avenue to a 'point in the center line of Eggert Street distant ono hundred fobty-slx and two one-hun - dredths feet from Kensington Avenue; thence southerly along the center line of Egger.t Street 146.02 feet to the place of beginning; containing 2,001 acres moro or less; being the parcel marked and de- signated upon the hereinbefore mentioned map as parcel “B.” Which said parcels ,rA" and “B" are the same premises conveyed by said >Aua>tln Roe Presiton and. wife to said Freeman M. Vlla«; George F. Brownell and W. Caryl Ely-by said deed dated November 14, 1891, apd recorded in Erie County Clerk’s Of- fice Jn IJber 599 of deeds at page 136. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., 3rd day of June, 1901. JOHN E. SELKIRK, Referee. MORRIS COHN, Jr., Plaintiff's Attorney, 101 Falls Street, Niagara Fall*, N. Y. LEGAL NOTICES. EJinwpod Ave.* N. of Potouvg6 jkvo. JOVV YORK, COUNTY COURT, ERIE County.—Amos W. Morgan against N William R. Pearce, et aL In pursuance of a judgment of foreclos- ure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered In the Erie County Clerk’s Office on the of June, 1901, I, the undersigned rereroe, duly appointed In this action for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at tho Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 2t0 Pearl 'Street, in the - City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of Netv York, on the 26th DAY OF ^ UNE, 1901, at 10 o’clock In the forenoon of that, day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed In and by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay tho amount due upon said judgment, to wit: Ail that tract Or K^ircel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo County of Erlq and State of New York, described as fol- lows: Beginning at a point in 'the westerly line of Elmwood Avenue distant 160 feet northerly from 'the northerly line of Po- tomac Avenue, running thence westerly and parallel with Potomac Avenue 150 feet; thence northerly and parallel with Elmwood Avenue about..160 feet to lands nvw or, formerly p.wned by Telico John- son; thence eaAterty'a’nd'feibhg the south- erly line: of galdjJannsbh’e land about 160 foot , to the,..westerly fine. of Elmwood Avenue, and (hehfce southerly along the Westerly Huff ait Elm wood Avenue 159' 6-10 foot to the place, of. beginning. Dated, Buffalo, N.' Y., June 3, 1901. IRVIN C. MCDOWELL, Referee. THOMAS A; STONE, Plalidlfrfc Attorney, No. 916 Ellieott flqhare, Buffalo, N. Y. Leamington Plaoo** ,$T/ of Seneoa St. N ew york - county court , brie County.—Henry W. ssprague, aa sol© luur living Executor of th* Last Will and Testament of .William Wilkeson, deceased. Plaintiff, against May L. Crostnwalto and others, Defendants. In pursuance of a judgment of foreclos- ure and ealo duly granted by this Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’* Office on the 8d day of June, 1901, I> tho undersigned referee, duly appointed In this nation for such purobie, will expose for sale and sell at pufblic auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Reial Estate Exchange '' Room, No. 210 Pearl Street.' In the Qitf"' of Buffalo, County or Erlff1 Und @tate df New York, on the' N 26th DAY OF JUNE, 190), at 10 o’clock m the forenoon of , that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by said Judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof 'as will be sufficient to pay the alfiourtt due upon said Judgment, to wit: All that tract or parcffl of land, situate In the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, being part of Lot One (1) of Buffalo Creek Indian Reserva- tion, and on a subdivision map of part of Ivots One (1), and Two (2) made for Harrison Williams by Guthrie and Rock- wood, eurveyors, in September, 1896, filed In the -office of the Clerk of Erie County under Cover 610 off the 29th ctav of March. 1897, is designated Acs Subdivision Lot Number Ten (10) Hn plonk "A,” and is bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northwester- ly line of Leamington Place two hundred and eighty (280) feot northeasterly from its Intersection with the northeasterly line <if Seneca Street; running thence northeasterly along said line of Learning- ton Place thirty (30) feet: running thence northwesterly and at right angles to said last mentioned line, ninety (90) feet; thence southwesterly and at right angles, thirty (30) feet, and thence southeasterly ninety (9u) feet to the point or place of beginning. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., Juns 3d, 1901. RALPH E. HEARD, Referee. MOOT, SPRAGUE, BROWNELL AND MARCY, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 45 Erie Co. Sav. Bank Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. LEGAL. NOTICES. Ilolavpn Avoimo.' C OUNTY COURT -ERIK CCi-INTS Wadsworth J. Hit tel, as County 'JV<* urer, etc., agahurt Herman dm ..... n In Ifiii-suAnoo of a judgment ©f' ton* ; ,j- ure and .sal©'duly granted ftv this Oo-Ufi and entered in th©' Erio Countv Cb dc » Office on lho 10th day of June, fikfi, J fi.o undersigned Referee, duly appointed in this action for such p'urpose, will © ximi , , for .sale add sell at public auction to M . highest bid'deir tjiprefior,. .at tho Suil Real Estato Exchange Room, Nu. ;;j.g Pearl Street, Jn ihe Oily <.f Muff County of Erio and State or N< w Von tho ■ ' 3d DAY OF JULY, 190 j , at 10 o'clock In th© forenoon of thai d?v\ the real estaito and mortgaged , ©mi directed in -and by said Jud> merit to n« sold or so much ihoreof a% w i l l )m .<■ : in- dent to pay the umount diw? upon jvjjd Judgment, to wit: All that troet or parceH of land siuiM- in tho Clay or Buffalo, County of Ed© and State of New York, being pair! of J/Ot No. 44, lith Township*, Range 7y of il,© Holland! J-and Company's surverv, ;nui bounded as follows: South by l/ot 43; n by land heretofore conveyed by i ouJ* Kira ft; north by Delavan Avenue, and west by land conveyed to Anthony r-vid- man, being situate on the south old© of Delftlvan Avenuo with about 181 feet fron and -1,320 feet In depth, containing ahoin five acres of land, be the .sa me more’ 'op leas. Excepting and reserving thofeUYuu th, following described* premises; iR-gfnrtti'K at a point in tho southerly lln© of’Dels van Avenu© 1.498.70 fe«t ©oat ©rly from th easterly ljq« of Badlcy Avenue-; rinmlu thends" southerly l,813,w feel to the north- erly line of Lot 48; th«noo ©tuslerly a!j©n;« th© northerly fine of lx>t 43. 73.w f * thenco northerly and Along the caste ly line of G«n©se© Avenue to iho louthSfi line of Delavan Avenue, 1,318.03 fe t; and thence westerly along the southerly iln of Delavan /.venue 76.80 foot io the* pin of beginning, bertng a street fiO fed, known as Gencrco Avenue; and, all o? sanS mortgaged land Ij lng wwt of said - see Avenue according to a map mad© m part of Lots 43 and, 44 for Hermian ( ner by E. G. SpangeiVberg, and film! ii Brie County Clerk’s office une'er cm. . 384. Also excepting reserving therofi »n a'll 'that tract or parcel of laud sun t< ) the City of Buffalo, County of H>n!o d Btate of NffW York 'and’..upon a e«rU lit subdivision of a part of lyOt 44, in Tb ship 11, Rdtfge 7, made for Herman Uru- ner by E. G. Bpangerinerg, 0, W atod, *nr« veyffr, September, 1890, ami filed in • Coiitity Clerk'S office vmder KCver 384 «nd Are known a a subdivision LcK.$ 24 i both inclusive. Dated at Buffalo, N. Y., June ipth, i90i JOHN P. O'FLAHERTY Referee. MAHAN'Y. Plain tin Prudential Buildlsij', ROWLAND B. Attorney, 1004-6-8 Buffalo, N. Y. S Hudson St., N. E, of Cottage St. OUNTY CWRT, ERI] C OUNTY CWRT, Erie County Savings School St., N. E. of W est Ave. ERIE PR Linus' T. Mudge lluted, JACOB No. 537 Buffalo, N’. L . May 29, 1901. HARRY N. KRAFT, Referee. J. STEIN, l’laRitlif's Attorney, and 538 Mooney'-Brisbane Bldg., N ew york - county court . Oountj©—Walter C. Truman, Plaintiff, against Addle B. Mudge, and others. Defendants. In pursuance of a judgment of fore- closure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’s office on tho 29th day of May, 1901: I, the undersigned referee, duly appointed in this action for such 'purpose, will ex- pose for sale and sell at public auction to tho highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No, 210 Pearl Street, In the City of Buffalo, County of Erio and Stato of New York, on tho 2i2nd DAY OF JUNE, 1901. at 10 o’clock hi tho forenoon of that day, tho real estate and mortgaged premises directed In and by said judgment to bo sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will bo sufficient to pay tho amount duo upon suid judgment, to wit,: All that tract or parcel of land, sltu-ate in tho Oily of Buffalo, County of Erie and S'cato of New York, being part of bb>ck No. 21,1, bounded and described as fol- lows: Commencing on the southeasterly line of School Street (as a four-rod street) at the tIM-anco oif ninety-five and one-half (95 1-2) feet northeasterly from tho north - easterly line of West Avenue (as a four- rod street); running’ thenco southeasterly and parallel with (Vest Avenue ono hun- dred (100) feet; thence northeasterly and parallel with School Street thirty (30) feet; thenco northwesterly and parallel with West Avenue one hundred (100) feet, to tho southeasterly lino of School Street; thenee southwesterly along tho soutn- easterly line of £oheol Street thirty (30) feet, to the place of beginning. Dated, Buffalo. N. Y.,'May 29th, 1901. AARON FYRTJIST-I, Referee, FORD Sr. FERGUSON, Plaintiff’s Attor- neys, 10.1 -102 Erie Co. Sav. Bank Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. Notice to Creditors. M iller , Christina . —Pursuant to an order of Hon. Louis W. Marcus, Surrogate of Erio County, New York, no- tice is hereby given to all persons having claims or demands ’agalnn Christina Miller, lato of the (Tty of Buf- falo, in said county, deceased, that ihey are requested to exhibit tho same with the vouchers thereof to the undersigned. George I.lelsor, the executor of the last will\ and testament of said deceased, at ihe 'office of Norton Brothers, attorneys l’or said executor, No. 519 Mooney-1 q-ls- bano Building, in the City of liulT-ilo, in said county, on or beforo the 27th day September, 1901. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., tho 19th day March, 1901. GEORGE JI, Execute NORTON BROTHERS, Attorneys fpr i eoutor, 519 Mooney-Brisbane Bldg-, B N. il. COUNTY— ank against Mary H. Ney, et al. In pursuance of a Judgment and decree of foreclosure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered In the Erie Coun- ty Clerk’s Office on the 17th day of May, 1901; I the undersigned referee duly ap- pointed in this action, for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Peanl Street, in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, on the llth DAY OF JUNE. 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the- real estate and mortga®ed premises directed in and by said Judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay the amount due upon, sai* Judgment, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New1 York, bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a point In the southerly line of Hudson Street two hundred forty-five and twenty-four one-hundredths (245 24-100) feet north- easterly from the intersection of the said southerly line of Hudson Street with the northeasterly line of Cottage Street; run- ning thence southeasterly at -right angles with Hudson Street ond hundred and fourteen and threertwelfths (114 3-12) feet thenco at right angles northeasterly ant parallel with Hudson Street thirty-three (33) feet; thence at right angles north westerly one hundred and fourteen and three-twelfths (114 3-l2) feet to the said southerly line of Hudson Street; and thence southwesterly along the said southerly line of Hudson Street thirty- three (3i) feet to the place of beginning. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y,, May 20th, 1901. WILLIAM C. FITCH, Referee. MOOT, SPRAGUE, BROWNELL & MARCY, Plaintiff’s Attorneys.' Address 45 Erie County Savings Bank Building, Buffalo. N ' Y. The sale of the above described prem- ises is hereby adjourned until -the 25th day of June, 1901, ht the same time and place. Dated, June llth, 19M. WILLIAM C. (FITCH, Referee. MOOT, SPRAGUE. BROWNELL & MARCY, 'Plaintiff’s Attorneys, Address, 46 Erie County Savings Bank Building, Buffalo, N. Y. _______________________ TATE OF NEW YK)UK- -<H)!i N'l 7. Court. Erie County-'Qhrlstlna Wwj nor against Toofll Gorlacn, .'Maryaiwa G< i lach, Pranchtsek, W-ltkowskl, Julianna Witkowski, Jotef Gerlacn, Emilia Gov- loch, BladtelaU'S Jacii.zkl, Zielinski, Angelica and Antonia Zlellimki. In; pursuance. of a Judgment of f«>n closure and' sale, duly grunted, by tlfis Court, and entered in Erie County Clerk’s offico on tho Eth day of June. 1001, the undjerslrrtedi referee duly appointed la this action for gueh purpose, will expose for salo anrti sell at public auction, to >.ho highest bidder therefor, at tho Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, In the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and Stato of New York, on the 3rd DAY OF JULY, 1001, at 10 o’clock In the forenoon of that d;iy the real estate ana mortgaged premia h , directed in and by said judgment lo be sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will be suflU'lont to pay the amount due upon said) judgment, to wit.: All that tract or parcel of land, situate in the City of Buffwlo, County of Erl© aaid 'State of New York, being part of farm lot number five (5), in the eleventh township and eighth range of the Holland Land Company’s survey and being known as subdivision lot number sixty (60) o- the 'Mills tract, according .to a map mad© by 'M. Davey, surveyor, “for William J. Mills and filed In Erie County (Terk a office under map cover number 863. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., June 01, 1901. CHARLES C. FAWNMAM, Referee. 1. W. OGLE, Plaintiff's Attorney, 400-102 Prudential Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF .1 New York, to Margaret Miller, Kath- arine Perry, Apna Henn, BaptJ&te Guck, Alois Guck, Marie Frederiche, Fred Guck and Marie Bachman*). Whereas, Katherine Rehbaium, late of the City or Buffalo, in the OomRy of Erie, and State or . New York, deceased, left a last Will and Testament, bearing date tho llth day of January, 1897, purporting to relate to real and personal property, and the Bume having been propounded for probate by Charles Henn, executor there- in) named. You, and each of you,, being the heifs and next of kla of said decedent, are therefore cited lb appear before the Sur- rogate of our said County of Erie, at the Surrogate’s Office, In. tho City and Coun- ty Hall, in the CUy o>f Buffalo. In sald> County of Erie, ©n the 1st day of August, ‘ 1901, at ten o’clock In the forenoon of that day, and attend the probate of said will. And that, If any of the above-named per - sons are Infants, that they then and there show cause why a Special guardian should r.ot be appointed to appear, represent and act for them, In 'the proceedings for the probate >f said will. In Testimony Whereof. We have caused the *eal of said (Surrogate’s Court tb b* hereun- to affixed. Witness, Honv Loul* W- 'Mar- cus, Surrogate of our said Counw ty of Erie. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., this 6lh day of Juno, 1901.. LOUIS 'R. HART, Clerk of the Surro- gate'« Court. [L.S.J S TATE Court, OF NEW YOU K—S UPl i E ME County of Erie—Flo^a fl, Sue© against Wong Suee. Action to umill a marriage. To the above-named Defendant: You are hereby summoned lo aim wer the complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your answer on the plaintiff's attorney within twenty days after (he service of this summons, exclusive of the dfey of service; and, in case of your felt ure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for tho relief demanded in.the complaint Trial to be held in the County of Erie, Dated, this 1st day of May, 1901. EUGENE L. DOMINICK, Plaintiff’s . At- torney. Office and P. O. Address, 932 Ellieott Square, Buffalo, N. Y. To Wong Suee: Tho foregoing summons Is served upon you by publication, pursuant lo an order of H-on, Daniel J. Kenefick. Justice Su - preme Court, dated' May 31st. 190(1, and filed with tho complaint In the office of The Clerk of Erie County, at Buffalo, N. Y. EUGENE h, DOMINICK, Plaintiff’s At- torney, 932 Ellieott Square, Buffalo, N. Y. Notice to Creditors. T IMPSON, THOMAS S.—Pursuant to an order of the Honorable Louis IV. Marcus, Surrogate of Erie County," New York, notlco Is hereby given to all persons having claims or demands against Thomas S. Tlmpson, iate of the City « S uffalo in said Couhtw deceased, tBpi ey are required to exhibit the same with tile vouchers thereof to tho urideraluned, Mary H. Tlmpson, thq AdiWlhistratrTx of the Estate of the said deceased, at tho offices of Ivockwood, Hoyt & Greene, 1001- 1007 D. 8. Morgan Bldg.; In the City of Buffalo in said County, on or before tho 8th day of September, 1901. Dated at Buffalo, N. Y„ this 4th day of March, 1901, MARY H, TIMPSON. Administratrix. LOCKWOOD. HOYT & GREENE, Attor- neys for Administratrix, 1004-1007 D. 8. Morgan Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. Notice to Creditors. niCHTER, JULIA.—Pursuant to an or- XI dor of Hon. Louis W. Marcus, Surro- gate of F,rie County, New York, notice L hereby given to all persons having claims or demands against Julia Richter, late of the City of Buffalo, In said county, de- ceased, that they are required to exhibit the name with the vouchers thoreof to tho undersigned August Julius Richter, the executor' of the last will und testament of the said deceased, at the office of Day & Sanders, attorneys for the said executor, No. 1200 Prudential Building, in the CUy of Buffalo, in said county, on or bc-foro th e ’20th day of July, l90l. Dated the llth day of January. 1901. AUGUST JULIUS RICHTER, Executor. DAY & SANDERS, Attorneys for Execu- tor, 1200 Prudential Bldg., Buffalo, X. Y. Notice to Cloreditori. WILSON, SOPHRONIAMPursuant to an order of (Hon. Louts W. Murcm*, Sur- rogate of Erio County, (N. Y., notice i» hereby given to all persons having' clutme or demands against floplironla Wilson, lato of the City of Buffalo, In said county, deceased, thfet they are required to ex- hibit the game with» the vouchers thereof to the und.crMr.ned, Mary A. Cox, the ad* mlnlfttratrix of tho estate of the said dooeased, at the office of the said admin- istratrix, No. m White Bldg., in Iho City of Buffalo, itv «aid county, on or ,bo fore the 21th day of December, JLW1. . 'Dated, tho 10th dirty of June, 190(1. >MA<RY A. COX, Administratrix. ALBERT C. SPANN, Alty. for Admmin- istratrlx, 66 Whlto 'Bldg., Buffalo. N. Y. Notice to Creditor!. 1?ICK, CHAltl.ES.- Pursuant to an order 1? of Hon. Louis W, Marcus, Surrogate of Erie County, New York, notice Is Mere- ly given 10 all person's having claims or demands against Charles Flck, late of Buffalo, that they are required to exhibit tame with vouchers thereof to Kntlmrlno Semrau, executrix of said deceased’s will, at tho office of Hammond & Hammond, In Buffalo. o;\ or before the first day of October, 1901. DAted, March 29, J901. KATHARINE SEMRAU, Executrix. HAMMOND & HAMMOND, Attorneys for Executrix, 85 W. Eagle St., Buffalo, N.Y. <x>ooooooo<x><>o<><><><> ONE CENT ONE CENT IC IO Cent Review Notice to Creditors. WILLIAM O.—Pursuant JARVIS, 0 order of Hon. Louis W. Marcus, to of Of an I ro- | gate of Erio County, N. Y., notice is here- by given to all persons having claims or demands against William O. Jarvis, late of the City of Buffalo, In said county, de- ceased, to exhibit the t-ame with the vouciiora thereof to the undersigned, al the office of said administrator, 73 \V, Eagle Street, in the City of Buffalo, In said county, on or before the 10th day of July, 1001. Dated th« 3d day of January, lik'd. HKNRY D. ,'AUViS. One for The Means a Corning Bargain Every Dav ONE CENT ONE N I IC IC Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: rERT)AY MORNING, .TUNE 12, 1001 24/Buffalo NY Review/Buffalo N… · THU BUFFALO REVIEW, WEET\rERT)AY MORNING, .TUNE 12, 1001 x JMHi— -ww .9- " PPP" 4fc ^Ipr k 1 1 Evans Property



x JMHi— - w w .9- " ■ PPP"


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E v a n s P ro p e r ty . E roailw & y



'■ I D .nl Us, as T :( i'.smv:' of Lillian C. Smith ct

No. 1.<• < f a Judgment of fur w ins- duly granted by ibis. Court, in the Erie County Clerk’s 2UU day of May, 1901, f, the referee, duly appointed tti

art an for smelt purpose, will s.-ilo and sell at public auction, to highest b’.ddt r therefor at the Uuf-

tlo Real Ex-tat© Exchange Hoorn. No. 210 ’earl Stve.t. In the City of Buffalo, toujify of Erie ami State of New York,

on thebent DAY OP Jl.-NK. 1001,

at 10 o'clock in the fort noon o! that day, the real (state and mortgaged premises directed in ami by said Judgnn nt to beKidd, and therein dt.-seribed as follows, or m, ithrT thereof as w ll ho sufficient to p iy the amount due upon said Judgment,i o wit':

All *hat tract or parcel of land, situate in the CUy of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York end being part of lot llfty (59) and bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a point In the easterly line of Arm bru-ler Street one hundred feet (100» southerly from the southerly line of Broadway; thence easterly at right angles to Armbruster Street one hundred and thirty-two 0321 feet; thence at right angles southerly eighty (t>0) feet; thence, at right aggies* worn erly one hundred and thirty-two (132) cot to easterly line of Armbru >tcr S.rfet, and thence northerly along tho easterly lino of Armbruster Street eighty .SO) feet to tho place of be­ginning.

'Dated, Buffalo. N. Y., Mav 24th. 1601JOHN S. DRUAU. Referee.

FRED (3RBINBR, Halt: tiffs ' -Attorney,338 Mooney Bldg., Buffalo, N Y.

pOUNTY V Henry


A rm b ru s te r S t., S. o f B ro a d w a y .

COUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNTY.— William ll. Daniels as Treasurer of Erie County, against Lillian O. Smith,

et ah Action No. 2. vIn pursuance of a Judgment of fore­

closure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered In tho Erie County Clerks Office on the 24th day of May, 1901, I, the undersigned referee duly ap­pointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buf­falo, County of Erie and State of New York, on the

i ' 18th DAY C7F JUNE, 1901, ' 'a t 10 o’clock In the'forenoon of that day, tho real estato and mortgaged premises directed in and by „said Judgment, to be sold, and'therelng described as follows, or

I so much thereof as will be Miffielent to pay tho amount dub upon said judgment, to wit; , *"

All that tract oi* parcel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, and being part of lot fifty 50, and bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a- point In the easterly lino of Armbruster Street one hundred and eighty (180) feet southerly from the southerly line of Broadway; thence east­erly at right angles to Armbruster Street one hundred and thirty-two (132) foet; thence at right angles southerly eighty (80) feet; thence at right angles westerly one hundred and thirty-two (132) feet to easterly line of Armbrustor Street, and thence northerly along tho easterly lino of Armbrustor Street eighty (80) feet to tho place of beginning.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y.. May 24, 1901.WM. R„ DANIELS, Referee.

FRED GREINER, Plaintiff’s Attorney, 338 Mooney- Brisbane Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y.

C OUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNTY.- Charles Beyer, plaintiff, against Jacob

Jaeckle, et ah, defendants.Pursuant to a judgment and decree of

foreclosure and sale, duly granted by this .Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’s Offico on tho 2K1 day of May, 1901, I, tho undersigned referee, duly ap­pointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest biddor therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, iNo, 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buf- ifalo. County of File and State of New [York, on the

17th DAY OF JUNE, 1901, a t 10 o’clock in the forenoon of, the real estate and mortgaged promises directed in ahd by, said judgment to be Bdid, and therein described as follows; or ,|B> much thereof .at* will be sufficient to ipay :the amount due* upon said judgment, to wit:

All that tract or parcel of land, situate In the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, being part of the cast part of lot number fifty-two in the eleventh towjiship and seventh range of the Holland Land Company’s survey:

Bounded on tho north by lands owned by Spencer twenty-one chains soventy- etx links; on the east by a road ono chain wide, four chains sixty links; on the south by a line parallel with the north line of eaid lot No. 52, and nine chains and twen­ty links south therefrom, twenty-one chains and seventy-nine links; on the iwcst by lands owned by Mr. Ilodge, four chains sixty links, containing ten acres, \n.ore or less, according to a plan In a <ked made by John L. Klebrig to Charles Tory, which, deed Is re­corded in Eric County Clerk’s of- ileo, in labor 1>3 of Deeds, at page 102.

/There being excepted from the above, how­ever, such parts a3 had theretofore been conveyed by the predecessor in tttle of Christian Flierl, which are moro fully describ' d In two certain deeds, one from Magdalena Becker and John Becker, her husband, to John Weber, dated April 8th, 1868. and recorded In the Erie County Clerk's Office on the 9th day of April, 1868, in Liber £>4 of Deeds, at page 385, and the other from Magdalena Becker and John Becker, her husband, to the Suspension Bridge and Erie Junction Rail­road Company, dated the 3th day of Au­gust, 1870, and recorded in the Erie County Clerk’s Office on ttie 10th day of Septem­ber, 1S70, In Liber 250 of Deeds, at page

COURT, ERIE COUNTY'.— D. Klrkovcr, plaintiff, aguiftst

Emery T rati l and others, defendants.In pursuance of a Judgment and decree

oi foreclosure And sale duly granted by trie Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’s Office on the, 29th day of April, 19tH, 1, the undersigned referee duly ap­pointed in this action for Mich purpose, will ( xpusc for ,rale and sell at piddle auction, to tho highest bidder therefor, at tl.e Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 2D I’carl Street, in the City of -Buf­falo, County of Erie and Slate of New York, on the

14th DA Y OF JUNE, 19)1, at 10 o’clock iii tho fore noon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by said judgment to bo sold, ami llu rein described as follows, orso m u c h t h e r e o f as wil l be s u f f i c i e n t to p a y the a m o u n t due upon s a id j u d g m e n t , to Wit:

All th a t tract or p ar c e l o f land s i t u a t e in t he C i ty o f Buffa lo , C o u n t y o f Hrlo a m i S t a t e of N e w York, d e s c r ib e d a s f o lk ws :

Being part of Farm Lot number fifteen (15) in Township number eleven (11), Range eight (8), and In a subdivision of said lot on a map made by A. C. Fill­more, is known as lot number two hun­dred and eight (20S), bounded as follows:

Commencing where the west line, of the Indian Reseivatiou Intersects the south line of Seneca Street,; thence westerly running along said south Hue of Seneca Street thirty-five (35) feet; thence south­erly on a right line to a point in north line ' Of Carroll (formerly Crow) Street ten (10) feet Westerly from the In­tersection of the west lino of the Indian Reservation witn the north line of Car- roll Street; thence easterly on the said north lino of Carroll Street to tho said W'est lino of the Indian Reservation; thence on the said west lino of the Indian Res­ervation to the place of beginning.

Also, all that other piece or parcel of land, situate In the City of Buffalo, Coun­ty of Erie and State of New York, being a portion of the. tract of land known and distinguished as the Buffalo Creek Reser­vation, and being further known and dis­tinguished upon the map and survey of a part of said Reservation mud© by Lovejoy and Emslle as if part of lot number one hundred (100) being that portion thereof bounded and described as follows:

Beginning In the southerly line of Sen­eca Street at Its Intersection with the westerly line of said lot;- running thenco southwesterly .along tho westerly line of said lot number ono hundred (100) ono hundred and seventy-eight and twen­ty-hundredths (178.20) feet to the south­west corner of said lot; thence oast on tho south line of said lot twenty-nine (29) feet and nine (9) Inches; thence north­easterly about one hundred and sixty (160) feet and nine (9) inches to tho northwest corner of said, lot the place of beginning.

Also, all that tract or parcel o.f land situate in tho City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, being part of lot forty-one (11) Township Eleven (11) Range Seven (7) of. the Holland Land Company’s survey, and In subdivision of part of said Lot 41, mad© by- George 10. Mann, Surveyor, a map of which subdivision is on file in Erie Coun­ty Clerk's offico under cover 241, tho premises hereby conveyed are designated as subdivision lot number throe hundred and seventy-seven (377) and are bounded as follows:

Beginning at the point of Intersection of the westerly line of Longneeker Street with tho southerly line of Vanderbilt Street; running thence southerly parallel along said line of Longpeekor Street one hundred twenty (120) feet; thenee wester­ly parallel with said line of Vanderbilt Street thirty (30) feet; thenee northerly parallel with said line of Longneeker Street one hundred and twenty (120) feet to said lino of Vanderbilt Street; thence easterly along said lino of Vanderbilt Street thirty (30) feet to the place of be­ginning.

Also, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the Town of Evans, Coun­ty of Erie and State o<f New York, being

! part of lot number fifty-three (53) Town- 1 ship nine (9) Range eight (8) of the Hol- 1 land Land,Company’s survey, and bound­ed and described as follows:

Beginning at a point on the edge of the bank of Lake Erie distant twelve hundred (1200) feet northeasterly along the bank of Lake Erie from an oak tree now standing on the said bank; said oak tree being described as being two thousand eight hundred and twenty-live and one-half (2825M») l’eet west of the oast boundary of said Lot No. 53; thenco southerly along the easterly boundary of lands deeded to Robert Keating (deed recorded in County Clerk’s office of Erie County, July 20, 1891, In Liber 028, of Deeds, page 480)—one thou­sand two hundred and eighty-eight (1288) feet to the center of the Lake Road; thence easterly along the centerof the Lake Road one hundred ninety-one (191) feet, more or less,to the southwest corner of lands deeded to John S. Andrus and Ilhldah M., his wife (deed recorded In County Clerk’s office of Erie County, November 17, 1891) in Liber 644, of Deeds, pago 98); thence northerly along the westerly boundary of lands deeded to Joint S. Andrus and IIul- dah M., his wife (deed described above) one thousand four hundred thirty-two (1432) feet to the bank of Lake Erie; thence southwesterly along the bank of Lake Erie three hundred forty-two (342) feet or more to the place of beginning, together with the lands to the waters of Lake Erie included between tho east and west lines of said described premises, con­taining seven and llfty-tlvo hundredths (7 55-100) acies of land.

Dated, Buffalo. N: Y., April 29th, 1901.CHARLES A. OUR. Referee.

LAUGIILIN & F.NVELL, Plaintiff's At­torneys, 1212 Prudential Building, Buf­falo, N. Y.

E'YV VUR/K County • Er -FOUNTY UGUlr

o County Savings10 it 1 r.

.... ................ B'ank,1’la inti if, against Charles M. Kolb and Lena Kolb, his wife, and others, Deft mi­auls. >

la imuiuance of a judgment of fore­closure and sale duly granted by tills Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’s mice on the 3rd day of June. '1801; L the innlerslgm d referee, duly appointed in this action lor such, will expose for sale and soil at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Stiaa t, in the (. liy of Bul'Ulo, Coun­ty of .Erie and State of New York, on tho

26th DAY OF JUNE, 1:901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by said judgment to be so ld , a nd t h e r e i n d e s c r i b e d as f o l l o w s , or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay tho amount due upon said judgment, to w it.:

All that cot tain piece or parcel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and Slate of New York, being sub­division lot number forty-three (43) of outer lots numbers ono hundred and twenty-three (.123) and ono hundred and twenty-four (1.24), according' to a jrvap thereof recorded in Elio County Clerk’s office in liber 65 of deeds, at pago 66, bounded as follows: Beginning on the north line of Batavia Street on© hundred, and fffty-three (153) feet east of Michigan Street; thence at right angles with lia- t;avlj Street, northerly, one hundred thirteen and fifty-seven hundredths (113 57-100) feet.; thence easterly on (i line at right angles with, Michigan Street, thirty- four and sixty-four hundredths (31 64-100) feet; thence on a line at right angles with the first mentioned1 line, southerly, ninety six and thirty-two hundredths (96 32-100) foot to Batavia Street, and thence on Batavia Street, westerly thirty (30) feet to the place of beginning.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y„ Juno 5. 1901.J’OHN M. PROVO GST, Referee.

MOOT’, SPRAGUE, BROWNe LL &MARCY, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 45 ErieCo. Sav. Bank Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y.


Cor. D e la w a re A ve, a n d G ary St*

S UPREME COURT, ERIE COUNTY.Alicia B. Warren vs. Henry F. Board

man, ct al.In pursuance of a judgment in the above

entitled action of partition, entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Erie on the 28th day of May, 1901, the under­signed referee duly appointed in said judgment for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, Number 210 Pearl Street, In the City of Buffalo, Coun­ty of Erie, New York, on the

21st DAY OF JUNE, 1901, at ten o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate, lands and premises direct­ed in and by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows:

All that tract or parcel of land, situate In the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, being part of inner Lot Number one hundred and sev­enty-one (171) and bounded and described as follows, to wit:

Commencing at tho intersection of the westerly line of Delaware Street with.tho northerly line of Cary Street, thence northerly on. said westerly* line of Dclawaro 'Street, thirty-six (36) feet to the land now owned and oc­cupied by the Estato o*f William Lav- eraek, deceased'; thenco westerly on the southerly line of land of said Lavorack Estate and parallel with Cary Street aforesaid one hundred and fifteen (115) feet; thence northerly at right angles to the last named lino twelve (12) feet; thence westerly at right angles and par­allel with Cary Street and along the southerly lino of lands of said Lavorack Estate forty-two (42) feet to an alley four (1) feet wide, thenee southerly along the easterly line of said alley l’orty-cight (48) feet to the northerly lino of Cary Street aforesaid; thence easterly along the northerly line of Cary Street one hundred and fifty-seven (157) feet to the westerly line of Delaware Street aioresaid gt tho point of beginning, be the same moro or less. Also all the rights and interest of the said parties of tho first part in jxnd to the aforesaid alley on the westerly end of said premises.

Dated, May 28th, 1901.HARRY L. TAYLOR, Referee.

EDWARD M. ’SICARD, Attorney for Plaintiff, 541 Ellieott Square, Buffalo, N. Y.

GEORGE B. BAR RE'LL, Attorney for various Defendants.

ALEXANDER DAVIDSON, Guardian ad litem.


E x c h a n g eJ UPREME 0 John R. McCabe and

£10.■ 'TiThere belrig also excepted, all tain pieces or. darccda, of land, the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, 'and on a map re­corded In Erie County Clerk’s Office in Liber 599 of Deetfe, at page 116, designated unil numbered as subdivision lot number

In Block No. 4, and subdivision lot*!. . . number 73 in Block No. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y.


neys, si Erie County falo, N. Y.

T o n a w a m la St., N.COM NT Y.

of et

/A OUNTY COURT, E v William H. Daniels, as Treasurer Frio County, against Lillian C. Smith, al. Action No. 3.

lr. pursuance of a .judgment of foreclos­ure and sale duly granted by this Court ■and i nteted in tile Erie County Clerk’s Office or. the 24th day of May, 1901, 1, the undersigned referee, duly appointed in this action for such purpose, will expose l‘or sale and sell at public auction, to the 1»ighesr bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Ids late Exchange Room, No. 210 Jhorl Street, in the City of Buffalo, Coun­ty of Elio and State of New York, on tho

filth DAY OF JUNE. 1901. a t 10 o’clock in tho forenoon of that day, tire real i state and mortgaged premises dlnetoil in and by said judgment to be Fold, ami therein described as follows, or go mu h Iheicof as will be sufficient to pay the amount elite upon said Judgment, t c. wit:

All iini■ tract or parcel of land, situate In the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and Stale (S’ Yew York, known'and disting­uished as lots numbers thirteen and four­teen 113 amt 14) in Block "‘A,” as same

St., W . o f M ic h ig a n S t.COURT, ERIE COUNTY.— Kenney, Plaintiff, vs. Hugh others, Defendants.

‘ In pursuance of an interlocutory judg­ment in the above entitled action of par­tition, entered in (lie office of the Clerk of the County of Erie, on the 6th day of June, 1901, l, the undersigned referee, In and by said Judgment for that purpose duly appointed, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bld-

tlnwo therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estatein s Exchange Room, No. 2t0 Pearl 'Street, in

I the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, on tho

29th DAY OF JUNE, 1901,| at 10 o’clock In the forenoon of that day, the lands and premises In said Judgment, directed 4o be sold and therein described as follows, to wit:

All that certain picco or parcel of land ■situate, lying and being In tho City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State af New York, being part of Outer 15ot Number Ninety-three, and bounded as follows, to wit;

Beginning at a point in tho northerly line of Exchange Street two hundred twenty-eight and 3-12 feet westerly from the westerly lino of Michigan Street; and running thence westerly on the northerly line of Exchange Street twenty-two ond 1-12 fyet; (hence northerly and parallel with Michigan Street, ono hundred twen­ty-one and '/a feet; thence easterly and parallel with Exchange -Street, twenty- two and 1-12 feet; and thenco southerly and parallel with Michigan Street, one

M ich igan . S t., N. o f E lk S t.BOUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNTY.-

Lake View Brewing Company, plain­tiff, against William V. Miller, et al., de­fendants.

Tn pursuance of foreclosure this Court, and Clerk’s Office

of a judgment and decree and sale duly granted by entered In the Erlb County on the 28th day oif May,

, M a y 24, 1901,HU LI., Referee. Plaintiff’s Attor- Bank Bldg,, Buf-

o f E sse r Ave.11E

1901, I, the undersigned referee duly ap­pointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for si*l© and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, a t the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, In tho City of Buf­falo, County of Erio and State of New York, on the

19th DAY OF JUNE, 1901, at. 10 o’clock iff the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will bo sufficient to pay the amount due upon said judgment, to wit:

All that tract or parcel of land, situate In the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, being part of outer lot number seventy-four in said city, and bounded as follows, to wit:

Beginning at a point in the westerly line of Michigan Street at the distance of two hundred and eighty feet northerly from the intersection of said line by the northerly lino of Elk Street; thence run­ning westerly a t right angles with Michi­gan Street, one hundred twenty feet; thence northerly parallel with Michigan Street, twenty feet; thence easterly at right angles with Michigan Street, ono hundred and twenty feet to said street, and thence southerly on the lino of said street, twenty feet, to the place of be­ginning.

Dated, Buffalo. N. Y., May 28, .1001.JOHN F. PATTERSON, Referee.

B REND EL & STANDART, Plaintiff’s At­torneys, 706 Mutual Life Bldg., Buf­falo, N. Y.

Frena^jfcJ S trh e t.OUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNTY.— William H.. Iffplfteback. plaintiff*

against John MoLarou, et al., defendants'.Jn pursuance o f tt I judgment and decree

of foreclosure amt sale, duly granted by this Court and eut«RT,d |n the Erie County (’fork's Office on tho 2l|t day of May, 1901, I, the undersigned. referee, duly appoint­ed in this action for.'jmch purpose, will expose for sale and sen at public auction to the highest bidder therefor at the Buf­falo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, In the. 1/1,1 y of Buffalo, Coun­ty of Erie and State or New York, on the

14th DAY OF JUNE, 1901, nt ten o’clock In the forenoon of (hat day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by said judgment to bo sold and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will be sufficient'to pay the amount duo upon said judgment, to wit:

All that tract or parcel of land, situate in tho City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, being known as part of fmt number one hundred and for­ty-four (144) of tho Buffalo Creek Reser­vation (so called) and bounded and de­scribed as follows:

Beginning at a point in the 'southerly line of Premitt Street twenty-live (25) feet Westerly from .a point where said line intersoets tho easterly line of said lot one hundred and forty-tour (144); and running thence southerly along a line parallel with said easterly line of said tot about one' hundred and five (105) feet to a point where A Hub drawn -parallel with the Abbott Road from a point in the easterly lino of Bmlt.h Street a t a distance of three hundred and seventy-five (375) feet northerly from wutd road would In­tersect said lino; thence westerly along said Intersecting line to a point where a lino drawn parallel with the first men­tioned line from a point In the southerly line of Prenatt Street at a distance of twenty-five (25) feet westerly from the place of beginning would In­tersect the said intqree&ting line; thence northerly parallel with the easterly line of said lot one hundred and forty-four (144) about one hundred and five (105) feet to tho southerly line of Prenatt Street; thence easterly along the southerly line of Prenatt Street twenty-five (25) feet to the place of beginning.

Dated, BuuMo, N. Y., May 21, 1901.SEYMOUR ,C. PINCH, Referee.

FRANK M, SHT2MILLER, Plaintiff’s Attorney, 31 City, and County Hall, Buf­falo, n . y . ■

P ro p e r ty i n . C heek tow aR o.Vf E'YV YORK—COUNTY COURT, ERIE l" County.—Charles G. Miller vs. Walter Tate Cody, et al. 1

In pursuance of a judgment of fore­closure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in the« Erie County Clerk’s Office on the 17th‘day of May, 14)01, I, the undersigned referee duly ap­pointed In this action for such purpose, will expose for Sale and <sell at public auction, to tho highest bidder therefor, at tho Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room. No, 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buf­falo. County of Erio and State of New York, on the

3rd DAY OF JULY, 1901, at 10 o’clock in tho forenoon of that day. tho real estato and mortgaged premises directed in and by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as wifi be sufficient to pay the amount due upon said judgment, to wit:

All that tract or’ parcel of land situate in the Town of Cheektowaga, County of Erio and State of New York, being part ol’ lot number thirty-two (32), Township eleven (11), Range seven (7) of the Hol­land Land Company’s survey, and de­scribed In a. certain Subdivision map of the Miller Estate Land Company, so called, filed In tho Erie County Clerk’s Office on the 28th day of May, 1888, undor covbr number 298, as subdivision lots numbers thirty-four (34). thirty-five (35) and thirty-six (36) in Block ,“E,” and more particularly bounded and described as follows: a '

Beginning at a point in the northerly lino' of Reiman Street' distant thirty (30) feet westerly from the point of intersec­tion of said line with the westerly line of Wagner Avenue; thbfloe running north erly and parallel with' Wagner Avenue, Ono hundred and twenty -(120) feet; thence westerly and-parallel With Reiman Street eighty-eight, (88) feet'to the line between tho City of Buffalo 'fend the Town of Cheektowaga; thence southerly and along said last mentioned Jiff© one hundred and twenty (120) feet to ’the northerly line of Reiman Street; theqqo easterly and along, (he northerly lln.O 6f Reiman Street eighty-eight (88) feet 'to tho place of be­ginning.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., May 17, 1901.PETER MAUL, Referee.

ALBERT C. SPANN, Plaintiff's Attorney, 298 Main St., Buffalo',' N. Y.


N ;

h um irrd p l a c e o f

D a te d ,

and L feet to thot is onty-ono beginning.Buffalo. N. Y,, June 6th, 1901. EDWARD L. JUNG, Referee.

SHIRE & JELLINEK, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 931-911 Prudential Bldg., Buf­falo, N. y.

p OUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNTY.— \j Frederick Toisul, plaintiff, against

Lind Company

arc laid down on a map made for the {Black Rock Land Company, and filed In KrL- County Clerk’s Office, under cover No. 28a ami being the same premises conveyed to A :thur Kimberly by Francis J. Ste­phen and Frederick Ullman as trustees by deed daied December 2tth, 18S8, and re­corded in liber 564 of deeds at pago 1(9; *ai(l lots thirty (30) feet front each and one hundred and twonty-fivo (120) feet deep on th" east side of 'L'nmiwniulu street forty-six 75-Uo (16 75-lOe) feet north of Es- »er Avenue.

DaK-d, Buffalo. X. Y.. .Mav 2l!.h, IDOL GUY B. .MOORE, Referee.

JfREJ) GREINER Plaintiff’s Attorneys,&K .Mooney ami Brisbane Bldg., Buffalo,

Harry, N. Maine, Toisulrind o t h e r s , D e f e n d a n t s .

In pursuance of a judgment and decree of foreclosure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’s Office on the 21th day of Mav, 1901, I, the undersigned referee duly ap­pointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at

N. V.

N otioo to C re d ito rs .tU ’l!*J * <CUS. KUO. t iCc is til rlaiu. oj Caroline as Noi l late of th ty, dc ec. exhibi t tuOf >.o lhe rx.'i o i l tic' .-aid Coa swotho city offoiorft il:c

Du ted tho A l

E 1: (

Ud L'UR, C \THARIN E C. E.-Pur< u- { io an order of Hen. Louis V. Ma.- l io j„ale of Eric County, N. Y., nc- given to all p: r.-ons having demands against Catharine

id3 nora 8 hu.sur, also known -> diuM* r am! EVi.ora Schuster, " City of Buffalo, in a.ib'l coun- ■ tl, Uuu they are required to

■> sumo with thy vouchers theie- umj'-r.- ignod, Aib'.rt Stover, tho

Vl 1«► \\last ii, a



t;u>*: a 3«\ \r 0 /1 Buffalo,.’Lh (lay of Jn JSth day of In ijUSRT STOVJ OATS WORTH


[ am.: tc.sie o 111. *o ■43S .M.iin ;-l said c<vur,iy J u n e , 1901. Dvoeni bar,

10 vac

anu.nt of f Fisher,



publicauction to tho highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in tho City of Buf­falo, County of Eiio and Stato of New York, on tho ’

9th DAY OF JULY, 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by said judgment lo be

| sold and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay the amount tine upon said judgment,

i to wit.:! All that irael or parcel of land, sit.uuto,■ lying and being in Ihe Town of Tona- ! wamla, County of Eric ami State of New j York, being a part of lot No. 87 of the l twelfth township and eighth tango of the ! Holland Land Company's survey, and i bound J as follows:

B e g i n n i n g on Urn w e s t e r l y lino c f sa id lot and ( .ast s id e of th e M i l i tar y Roau ,

! four (1) chains ami thirty-five (35) links ! southerly from the north westerly corner I thereof; thenco easterly about thirty-four I (31) chains and sixty-two (.6.1) links to a j point; thenco southerly nine (9! chains 'and ah 'nit eighty-eight am!I to a point; the.non westerly

with ihe scuta lino about U.bty-fivo <35) nine and 2 3 (79 1line of said Lot No. :-h’ the Military Kofld ; t h Die lasr mentioned lino i... - . about eighty-eight amt L t>>Aj) links to tiu: place of beginning, containing tlvuty- fonr CM) acres of land, moro or lesat

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y.. May H 1901 J i n . MLS A. SGKREN3GR, Refer

i .i u i) & cLOS.SE Y. Plaintiff’u Attorn

b; (58U) links and parallel

of said Lot No. 37, ennins and seventy-- inks to the westerly , an.I thf* east side oi i mu- northerly along

iino (;>') chains ami L (U

C h icag o S t., S. o f F u l to n S t.COUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNTY.-

Luko View Brewing Company, plain­tiff, against Julia Quinlivan, et ah, de­fendants.

Jn pursuance of a judgment and dec-reo of foreclosure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in tho Erie County Clerk’s Office on tho 2$th day of ‘May, 1901, I, tho undersigned referee, duly ap­pointed in this action for such purpose will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to tho highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 PearP Street, in the City of Buf­falo, County of Erie anti Stato of New York, on tho

19th DAY OF JUNE, 1901, a}. 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, tho real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by said Judgment to bo sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will bo sufficient to pay tho amount duo upon said Judgment, to wit:

All that tract or parcel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erio ami State of New York, being part of outer lot No. 71, and more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a point in the westerly line of Chicago Street at tho distance of twenty-eight (28) feet southerly from the intersection of tho said westerly line of Chicago Street with the southerly line of Fulton Street; running thenco westerly parallel with Fulton Street, ono hundred (500) feet; Ihonco southerly and parallel with Chicago Street, twenty-nino (29) feet; thenee easterly and parallel with Fulton Street, one hundred (100) feet to the west­erly line of Chicago Street, and thenee northerly along I ho said westerly line of Chicago Street., twenty-nine (29) feet to the place of beginning. Being tho same premises conveyed by Elizabeth \V. Green­wood. individually and as trustee, etc., to Martin Quinlivan, by deed dated Novem­ber 12th, ff.iO, and recorded in Erie County Clerk's Office- in Liber 577 of Deeds at page 73.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., May 28, ;l90t.JOHN F. BATTEltSON, Referee.

1 !Hi'k\ DEL K-. STANDART, Blaintiffs At­torneys, 706 Mutual Info, Bldg., Buf­falo, N. Y.

N o tice to C re d ito rs .o M il'll, MARY B.- Pursuant to an or- 0 dor of Hon. Louis \Y. Marcus, Surro­gate of Erio County, N. Y., notice is here­by given to all persons having claims or demands against 'Mary B. Smith, la to of ill© City of Buffalo, in said county, d©o<*Med, that 1 hey ar« required to exhibit ih« same with the vouchors thereof to the unilersigned, Ira 11. Afy<©rs, tho executor o f 1 1 io e s t a t e of tho said deceased, at the law office of the said Ira 11. My ess, No. 615 Moomy-iBrislxme Building, in the City of Buffalo, in said county, on or before the 26th day of July, J991.

Dated the 18th day of January, 1901. 1UA IT. MYERS, Executor, 515 Mooney-

Bulldlue'. Buffalo,

EW YORK—‘COUNTY COURT, ERIE County.^—Charles D, Marshall, plaintiff,

against David R. Fogelsonger, Mary E. Fogelaonger and others, defendants.

In pursuance of a judgment of fore­closure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’s Office on the 17th day of May, 1901, I, the undersigned referee, duly ap­pointed In this action for such purpose, will expose for sal© and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at th© Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in tho City of Buf­falo, County of Erie and Stato of New York, on the

14th DAY OF JUNE, 1901, at 10 o’clock In th© forenoon of that day, the real estato und mortgaged premises directed in and by said judgment to b© sold, and therein desoribed as follows, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay th© amount duo upon said judgment, to wit:-

All that tract or parcel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, being part of farm lot number 53, Township eleven (11), Rang© eight (8), of th© Holland Land Company’s survey, bounded and de­scribed as follows:

Beginning at a point In the westerly fine of Main Street two hundred and forty-five (248) feet southerly from the northeast corner of ‘ lot No. 53, which point is two hundred and forty-five (245) feet southerly from the northeast corner of land owned by Welcome Wood, at the time of his decease, and described in the will of the said Welcome Wood, as four (4) acres and twenty'-seveh (27) rods out of the northeast corner of lot No. 53, as aforesaid, which point is about four hun­dred and seven and fifty-five hundredths (407.55) feet north of North Street; run­ning thenee westerly at right angles with Main Street about two hundred and seven­teen and one-half (217 ) feet to a point equi-dffctant from Main Street and Lin- wood Avenue; thenco southerly on a lino parallel with Main Street fifty (50) feot; thenco easterly, at right angles with Main Street, about, two hundred and seventeen and one-half (211%) feot to tho westerly lino of Main Street; thence northerly on the westerly lino of Main Street fifty (50) feet to tho place of beginning.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., May 17, j901.CHARLES C. PAGE, Referee.

ADOLPH REBADOW, Plaintiff’s A ttor­ney, Buffalo Savings Bank Bldg., Buf­falo, N. Y.

B e s t S t., Cor. G u ilfo rd S t.MEW YORK—COUNTY COURT, COUN- H ty of Erie.—Carrie Houck against John P. Zonner, et al,

In pursuance bf a judgment of fore­closin'© and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in tho Erio County Cleilc’s Offico on the 29th d a y of May, 1901, 1, the undersigned referee, duly ap­pointed in this action far such purpose, will expose for sal© and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate .Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, in ihe City of Buf­falo, (Jounty of Erie and State of New York, on the

24th DAY OF JUNE, 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directi d In and by said judgment to bo sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will bo sufficient to pay the amount due upon said judgment, to wit:

All that tract or parcel of land, situato in the City of Buffalo; County of Erl© and State of New York, being part of farm lot number twenty, in Township eleven and Range eight, of Hie Holland Land Company's survey, and bounded as follows:

Beginning at the point of intersection of tho southerly line of Best Street, with the easterly line of Guilford Street, and running thence, southerly along said line of Guilford Street one- hundred and thirty- eight and 27-100 038.27) lL t; thence east­erly at right angles with said line of Guilford Street, ninety-four (94) feet; th( nee northerly parallel with said first mentioned boundary, on© hundred and thirty-six (136) feet to said lino of Best Street; thenco westerly along said line of Best Street, ninety-four (91) fret to tho place of beginning'. Being further desig­nated as subdivision lots, numbers one (1), (we (2), three (3) ami fear (I), as the same a to tain down <>n o map *>i the northwest part of said farm lot u umber twenty, filed in Erie County Clerk's Office in map cover No. 283.

ft OUNTY COURT, ERIE COUNT**.— v Anthony -Eckert, plaintiff, vs. Freeman M. Vilas and Mary E. Vilas his wife, The Ellieott "Square Bank (£oJ nlei?iy kfloiivfi as tho QdoVn City Bunk), The Merchants’ National B ank 'of Plattsburgh, N, Y., de­fendants.

in pursuance of a Judgment and decree of foreclosure and salel duly granted by this Court, and eike-rod in the Erie County Clerk's Office on the 11th day ol June, 1897, and duly affirmed by the judgment of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court, which has been duly affirmed by live Court of Appeals of the Rtnte of New York, T, the undersigned referee duly appointed in this action for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate E x ­change Room No. 210 Pearl Street, in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and Stato of N ew York, on th©

28th DAY OF JUNE, 1901, at ten o’clock in the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed In and by said judgment to be sold and therein desoribed as follows, or so much, thereof a» will be sufficient to pay tho amount duo upon said judgment, to wit:

An undivided % share of and interest in All that certain tract or parcel of land,

■situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, being part of a certain township, which, on, a certain map and survey mad© for th© Holland Land Company by Joseph Ellieott, is dis­tinguished as townohip eleven (if) and seventh (7) range, being the -southwest part of lot number forty-six (48) in said township, beginning a t the southwest corner of said lot; thence northerly sixty- six (66) degrvefe east, bounding on the turnpike road (now Kensington Avenue), forty-v&oven (47) chains to tha m4ddl& of a road laid out through said lot, now known as Eggert Street; thence north along1 said Wffgert Street seven (7) chains, fifty (50) links to a ptost; thenc« south wventy- eight (78) degrees west, nineteen chains and eighteen 08) links to a post; thence south seventy-ono (71) degrees west, thir­ty-three (33) chains, twenty-five (25) links to the west line of said lot; thence south twenty (20) chains and thirty-five (35) links to the place of beginning, contain­ing fifty six (66) acres, more or less,

Exceptilng and reserving therefrom four (4) acres from tho northeast part ov said premises formerly sold to ana owned by Joseph Lutiz, &dd premise* hereby con­veyed being the same premises conveyed by Joseph Eckert to Anthony Eck*rt by deed bearing date May 2nd, 1887, and re­corded in th© Erie County Clerk's Office in Liber 267 of Deeds a t page 368 on May 7, 1887; being the same premises cm.veyed by Anthony Eckert and wlfo to said Eree- m in M. Vilas by warranty deed dated December 1, 1890, and recorded in Erio County Clerk’s Office In Liber 616 of Deeds at page 203. And an undivided three-eights part of and Interest in which premises

conveyed by Frveinan M. Vilas and wife to on*1 George F. Brownell, by war­ranty deed dated January 31, 1891, and recorded in the Erie County Clerk’s Of­fice June 23, 1892, in Liber 672 of deeds a t page 18, however, excepting and reserving therefrom two and one hundred »lxty-on© one-thousandths acres from the northerly part thereof heretofore conveyed by said Brownell, said Vilas1 and wife and W. Caryl Ely and wife to Austin Roe Pres­ton by deed dated November 14, 18m, and recorded in Erie County Clerk’s Office in Liber 502 of deeds a t page 502.

Also that certain tract or parcel of land, situate In the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, being part of a certain township whloh on a certain map and survey made for the Holland Land Company by Joseph Ellieott, is dis­tinguished as township eleven dj) and seventh (7) range, being part of lot forty- six (46) In said township, beginning at a point in the easterly line of Bailey Ave­nue distant 1655 and 42-100 feet northerly from the intersection of th© northerly line of Kensington Avenue with said easterly line of Bailey Avenue, which Said point is marked by a stone monument set by Ricker and Wing, Civil Engineers; thence easterly making an angle of ninety (90) degrees, eight minutes, with the easterly line of Bailey Avenue, south of the above described point, 1443 feet to lands con­veyed by Anthony Eckert to Freeman M. Vilas, December 1, 1890, by deed recorded in Liber 615 of deeds at page 203; thence southwesterly along the northerly line of said last mentioned premises to the east­erly line of Bailey Avenue; thenco north­erly along tho easterly lino of Bailey Ave­nue 337 42-100 feet to the place of begin­ning; containing 6.68 acres more or less, and being the parcel marked and design­ated upon tho map annexed to deed from Austin Roo Preston and wife to Freeman M. Vilas, George F. Brownell and W. Caryl Ely, dated, November 14, 1891, and recorded in Erie County Clerk’s Offico in Liber 699 of deeds at page 136 as parcel “A.”

Also that certain other piece or parcel o f . land, situate in the City of Buffalo, aforesaid, and being a part of said lot number 46 aforesaid, bounded and de­scribed aa follows:

Beginning at a point of intersection of tho center lirie of Eggert Street with the northerly line of Kensington avenue; thence southwesterly along the northerly Una of Kensington Avenue to the afore­said lands conveyed by deed recorded In Erie County Clerk's Office in Liber 615 of deeds at page 203, and formerly owned by Joseph Eckert; thence northerly along the easterly boundary line of said lands to Its intersection with the continuation' of the aforesaid line described in the de­scription of parcel “A” as running from a point in the easterly line of Bailey Ave- nu© distant 1666 and 42-100 feet northerly from the intersection of the northerly line of Kensington Avenue, with the said east­erly line of Bailey Avenue easterly mak­ing an angle of 90 degrees, eight niinutes, with the easterly line of Bailey Avenue south of the last mentioned point; thenee easterly along the continuation of said above described line which extends east­erly from Bailey Avenue to a 'point in the center line of Eggert Street distant ono hundred fobty-slx and two one-hun­dredths feet from Kensington Avenue; thence southerly along the center line of Egger.t Street 146.02 feet to the place of beginning; containing 2,001 acres moro or less; being the parcel marked and de­signated upon the hereinbefore mentioned map as parcel “B.”

Which said parcels ,rA" and “B" are the same premises conveyed by said >Aua>tln Roe Presiton and. wife to said Freeman M. Vlla«; George F. Brownell and W. Caryl Ely-by said deed dated November 14, 1891, apd recorded in Erie County Clerk’s Of­fice Jn IJber 599 of deeds at page 136.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., 3rd day of June, 1901.

JOHN E. SELKIRK, Referee. MORRIS COHN, Jr., Plaintiff's Attorney,• 101 Falls Street, Niagara Fall*, N. Y.


E Jinw pod Ave.* N. o f Potouvg6 jkvo.JOVV YORK, COUNTY COURT, ERIE County.—Amos W. Morgan againstN

William R. Pearce, et aLIn pursuance of a judgment of foreclos­

ure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered In the Erie County Clerk’s Office on the of June, 1901, I, the undersigned rereroe, duly appointed In this action for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, a t tho Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 2t0 Pearl 'Street, in the - City of Buffalo, County of Erie and S tate of Netv York, on the

26th DAY OF UNE, 1901, at 10 o’clock In the forenoon of that, day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed In and by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows, or so m u c h t h e r e o f a s wil l b e s u f f i c i e n t to pay tho amount due upon said judgment, to wit:

Ail tha t tract Or K ircel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo County of Erlq and State of New York, described as fol­lows:

Beginning a t a point in 'the westerly line of Elmwood Avenue distant 160 feet northerly from 'the northerly line of Po­tomac Avenue, running thence westerly and parallel with Potomac Avenue 150 feet; thence northerly and parallel with Elmwood Avenue about..160 feet to lands nvw or, formerly p.wned by Telico John­son; thence eaAterty'a’nd'feibhg the south­erly line: of galdjJannsbh’e land about 160 foot , to the,..westerly fine. of Elmwood Avenue, and (hehfce southerly along the Westerly Huff ait Elm wood Avenue 159' 6-10 foot to the place, o f. beginning.

Dated, Buffalo, N.' Y., June 3, 1901.IRVIN C. MCDOWELL, Referee.

THOMAS A; STONE, Plalidlfrfc Attorney,No. 916 Ellieott flqhare, Buffalo, N. Y.

L e a m in g to n Plaoo** ,$T/ o f S en eo a S t.Ne w y o r k - c o u n t y c o u r t , b r i e

County.—Henry W. ssprague, aa sol© luur living Executor of th* Last Will and Testament of .William Wilkeson, deceased. Plaintiff, against May L. Crostnwalto and others, Defendants.

In pursuance of a judgment of foreclos­ure and ealo duly granted by this Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’* Office on the 8d day of June, 1901, I> tho undersigned referee, duly appointed In this nation for such purobie, will expose for sale and sell a t pufblic auction, to the highest bidder therefor, a t the Buffalo Reial Estate Exchange '' Room, No. 210 Pearl Street.' In the Q itf" ' of Buffalo, County or Erlff1 Und @tate df New York, on the' N

26th DAY OF JUNE, 190), at 10 o’clock m the forenoon of , that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed in and by said Judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof 'as will be sufficient to pay the alfiourtt due upon said Judgment, to wit:

All that tract or parcffl of land, situate In the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, being part of Lot One (1) of Buffalo Creek Indian Reserva­tion, and on a subdivision map of part of Ivots One (1), and Two (2) made for Harrison Williams by Guthrie and Rock- wood, eurveyors, in September, 1896, filed In the -office of the Clerk of Erie County under Cover 610 off the 29th ctav of March. 1897, is designated Acs Subdivision Lot Number Ten (10) Hn plonk "A,” and is bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a point in the northwester­ly line of Leamington Place two hundred and eighty (280) feot northeasterly from its Intersection with the northeasterly line <if Seneca Street; running thence northeasterly along said line of Learning- ton Place thirty (30) feet: running thence northwesterly and at right angles to said last mentioned line, ninety (90) feet; thence southwesterly and a t right angles, thirty (30) feet, and thence southeasterly ninety (9u) feet to the point or place of beginning.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., Juns 3d, 1901.RALPH E. HEARD, Referee.

MOOT, SPRAGUE, BROWNELL AND MARCY, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 45 Erie Co. Sav. Bank Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y.


I lo lav p n A voim o.'

COUNTY COURT -ERIK CCi-INTS Wadsworth J. Hit tel, as County 'JV<*

urer, etc., agahurt Herman dm..... nIn Ifiii-suAnoo of a judgment ©f' ton* ; ,j-

ure and .sal©'duly granted ftv this Oo-Ufi and entered in th©' Erio Countv Cb dc » Office on lho 10th day of June, fikfi, J fi.o undersigned Referee, duly appointed in this action for such p'urpose, will ©ximi, , for .sale add sell at public auction to M . highest bid'deir tjiprefior,. .at tho Suil Real Estato Exchange Room, Nu. ;;j.g Pearl Street, Jn ihe Oily <.f Muff County of Erio and State or N< w Von o© tho ■ ' ■

3d DAY OF JULY, 190j, at 10 o'clock In th© forenoon of thai d?v\ the real estaito and mortgaged , ©mi directed in -and by said Jud> merit to n« sold or so m u c h ihoreof a% wi l l )m .<■ : in­den t to pay the umount diw? upon jvjjd Judgment, to wit:

All that troet or parceH of land siuiM- in tho Clay or Buffalo, County of Ed© and State of New York, being pair! of J/Ot No. 44, lith Township*, Range 7y of il,© Holland! J-and Company's surverv, ;nui bounded as follows: South by l/ot 43; n by land heretofore conveyed by i ouJ* Kira f t ; north by Delavan Avenue, and west by land conveyed to Anthony r-vid- man, being situate on the south old© of Delftlvan Avenuo with about 181 feet fron and -1,320 feet In depth, containing ahoin five acres of land, be the .sa me more’'op leas.

Excepting and reserving thofeUYuu th, following described* premises; iR-gfnrtti'K at a point in tho southerly lln© o f’Dels van Avenu© 1.498.70 fe«t ©oat ©rly from th easterly ljq« of Badlcy Avenue-; rinmlu thends" southerly l,813,w feel to the north­erly line of Lot 48; th«noo ©tuslerly a!j©n;« th© northerly fine of lx>t 43. 73.w f * thenco northerly and Along the caste ly line of G«n©se© Avenue to iho louthSfi line of Delavan Avenue, 1,318.03 fe t; and thence westerly along the southerly iln of Delavan /.venue 76.80 foot io the* pin of beginning, bertng a street fiO fed, known as Gencrco Avenue; and, all o? sanS mortgaged land Ij lng wwt of said - see Avenue according to a map mad© m part of Lots 43 and, 44 for Hermian ( ner by E. G. SpangeiVberg, and film! ii Brie County Clerk’s office une'er cm. . 384.

Also excepting reserving therofi »n a'll 'that tract or parcel of laud sun t< ) the City of Buffalo, County of H>n!o d Btate of NffW York 'and’..upon a e«rU lit subdivision of a part of lyOt 44, in Tb ship 11, Rdtfge 7, made for Herman Uru- ner by E. G. Bpangerinerg, 0, W atod, *nr« veyffr, September, 1890, ami filed in • Coiitity Clerk'S office vmder KCver 384 «nd Are known a a subdivision LcK.$ 24 i both inclusive.

Dated at Buffalo, N. Y., June ipth, i90i JOHN P. O 'FLAHERTY

Referee. MAHAN'Y. Plain tin Prudential Buildlsij',

ROWLAND B. Attorney, 1004-6-8 Buffalo, N. Y.


H u d so n S t., N. E , o f C o tta g e S t.OUNTY CW RT, ERI]C OUNTY CW RT,

Erie County Savings

S chool S t., N. E . o f W e s t A ve.ERIE

PRLinus' T. Mudge

l luted,JACOB

No. 537

Buffalo, N’. L . May 29, 1901. HARRY N. KRAFT, Referee.J. STEIN, l ’laRitlif's Attorney, and 538 M o o n e y ' - B r i s b a n e Bldg.,

N e w y o r k - c o u n t y c o u r t .Oountj©—W alter C. Truman, Plaintiff,

against Addle B. Mudge, and others. Defendants.

In pursuance of a judgment of fore­closure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’s office on tho 29th day of May, 1901: I, the undersigned referee, duly appointed in this action for such 'purpose, will ex­pose for sale and sell a t public auction to tho highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No, 210 Pearl Street, In the City of Buffalo, County of Erio and Stato of New York, on tho

2i2nd DAY OF JUNE, 1901. at 10 o’clock hi tho forenoon of that day, tho real estate and mortgaged premises directed In and by said judgment to bo sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will bo sufficient to pay tho amount duo upon suid judgment, to w it,:

All that tract or parcel of land, sltu-ate in tho Oily of Buffalo, County of Erie and S'cato of New York, being part of bb>ck No. 21,1, bounded and described as fol­lows:

Commencing on the southeasterly line of School Street (as a four-rod street) at the tIM-anco oif ninety-five and one-half (95 1-2) feet northeasterly from tho north­easterly line of West Avenue (as a four- rod street); running’ thenco southeasterly and parallel with (Vest Avenue ono hun­dred (100) feet; thence northeasterly and parallel with School Street thirty (30) feet; thenco northwesterly and parallel with West Avenue one hundred (100) feet, to tho southeasterly lino of School Street; thenee southwesterly along tho soutn- easterly line of £oheol Street thirty (30) feet, to the place of beginning.

Dated, Buffalo. N. Y.,'May 29th, 1901.AARON FYRTJIST-I, Referee,

FORD Sr. FERGUSON, Plaintiff’s Attor­neys, 10.1 -102 Erie Co. Sav. Bank Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y.

N o tice to C re d ito rs .

Mi l l e r , Ch r i s t i n a . — Pursuant to an order of Hon. Louis W. Marcus,

Surrogate of Erio County, New York, no­tice is hereby given to all persons having claims or demands ’agalnn Christina Miller, lato of the (Tty of Buf­falo, in said county, deceased, that ihey are requested to exhibit tho same with the vouchers thereof to the undersigned. George I.lelsor, the executor of the last will\ and testament of said deceased, at ihe 'office of Norton Brothers, attorneys l’or said executor, No. 519 Mooney-1 q-ls- bano Building, in the City of liulT-ilo, in said county, on or beforo the 27th day September, 1901.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., tho 19th day March, 1901.

GEORGE JI, Execute NORTON BROTHERS, Attorneys fpr i

eoutor, 519 Mooney-Brisbane Bldg-, B N. il.

COUNTY— ank against

Mary H. Ney, et al.In pursuance of a Judgment and decree

of foreclosure and sale duly granted by this Court, and entered In the Erie Coun­ty Clerk’s Office on the 17th day of May, 1901; I the undersigned referee duly ap­pointed in this action, for such purpose, will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Peanl Street, in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, on the

llth DAY OF JUNE. 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of tha t day, the- real estate and mortga®ed premises directed in and by said Judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay the amount due upon, sai* Judgment, to wit:

All that tract or parcel of land situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New1 York, bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a point In the southerly line of Hudson Street two hundred forty-five and twenty-four one-hundredths (245 24-100) feet north­easterly from the intersection of the said southerly line of Hudson Street with the northeasterly line of Cottage Street; run­ning thence southeasterly a t -right angles with Hudson Street ond hundred and fourteen and threertwelfths (114 3-12) feet thenco at right angles northeasterly ant parallel with Hudson Street thirty-three (33) feet; thence a t right angles north westerly one hundred and fourteen and three-twelfths (114 3-l2) feet to the said southerly line of Hudson Street; and thence southwesterly along the said southerly line of Hudson Street thirty- three (3i) feet to the place of beginning.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y,, May 20th, 1901.WILLIAM C. FITCH, Referee.

MOOT, SPRAGUE, BROWNELL &MARCY, Plaintiff’s Attorneys.' Address45 Erie County Savings Bank Building,Buffalo. N ' Y.The sale of the above described prem­

ises is hereby adjourned until -the 25th day of June, 1901, ht the same time and place.

Dated, June llth, 19M.WILLIAM C. (FITCH, Referee.

MOOT, SPRAGUE. BROWNELL &MARCY, 'Plaintiff’s Attorneys, Address,46 Erie County Savings Bank Building,Buffalo, N. Y._______________________

TATE OF NEW YK)UK- -< H)!i N'l 7. Court. Erie County-'Qhrlstlna Wwj nor

against Toofll Gorlacn, .'Maryaiwa G< i lach, Pranchtsek, W-ltkowskl, Julianna Witkowski, Jo tef Gerlacn, Emilia Gov- loch, BladtelaU'S Jacii.zkl, Zielinski, Angelica and Antonia Zlellimki.

In; pursuance. of a Judgment of f«>n closure and' sale, duly grunted, by tlfis Court, and entered in Erie County Clerk’s offico on tho E th day of June. 1001, the undjerslrrtedi referee duly appointed la this action for gueh purpose, will expose for salo anrti sell a t public auction, to >.ho highest bidder therefor, a t tho Buffalo Real Estate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl Street, In the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and Stato of New York, on the

3rd DAY OF JULY, 1001, at 10 o’clock In the forenoon of that d;iy the real estate ana mortgaged premia h, directed in and by said judgment lo be sold, and therein described as follows, or so much thereof as will be suflU'lont to pay the amount due upon said) judgment, to wit.:

All that tract or parcel of land, situate in the City of Buffwlo, County of Erl© aaid 'State of New York, being part of farm lot number five (5), in the eleventh township and eighth range of the Holland Land Company’s survey and being known as subdivision lot number sixty (60) o- the 'Mills tract, according .to a map mad© by 'M. Davey, surveyor, “for William J. Mills and filed In Erie County (Terk a office under map cover number 863.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., June 01, 1901.C H A R L E S C . F A W N M A M , R e f e r e e .

1. W. OGLE, Plaintiff's Attorney, 400-102 Prudential Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y.

T H E PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF .1 New York, to Margaret Miller, K ath­arine Perry, Apna Henn, BaptJ&te Guck, Alois Guck, Marie Frederiche, Fred Guck and Marie Bachman*).

Whereas, Katherine Rehbaium, late of the City or Buffalo, in the OomRy of Erie, and State or . New York, deceased, left a last Will and Testament, bearing date tho llth day of January, 1897, purporting to relate to real and personal property, and the Bume having been propounded for probate by Charles Henn, executor there­in) named.

You, and each of you,, being the heifs and next of kla of said decedent, are therefore cited lb appear before the Sur­rogate of our said County of Erie, a t the Surrogate’s Office, In. tho City and Coun­ty Hall, in the CUy o>f Buffalo. In sa ld> County of Erie, ©n the 1st day of August, ‘ 1901, a t ten o’clock In the forenoon of that day, and attend the probate of said will. And that, If any of the above-named per­sons are Infants, that they then and there show cause why a Special guardian should r.ot be appointed to appear, represent and act for them, In 'the proceedings for the probate >f said will.

In Testimony Whereof. We have caused the *eal of said (Surrogate’s Court tb b* hereun­to affixed.

Witness, Honv Loul* W- 'Mar­cus, Surrogate of our said Counw ty of Erie. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., this 6lh day of Juno, 1901..

LOUIS 'R. HART, Clerk of the Surro­gate'« Court.


S TATE Court,

OF NEW YOU K —S UPl i E M E County of Erie—Flo^a fl, Sue©

against Wong Suee. Action to umill a marriage.To the above-named Defendant:

You are hereby summoned lo aim wer the complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your answer on the plaintiff's attorney within twenty days after (he service of this summons, exclusive of the dfey of service; and, in case of your felt ure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for tho relief demanded in .the complaint

Trial to be held in the County of Erie, Dated, this 1st day of May, 1901.

EUGENE L. DOMINICK, Plaintiff’s . At­torney. Office and P. O. Address, 932 Ellieott Square, Buffalo, N. Y.

To Wong Suee:Tho foregoing summons Is served upon

you by publication, pursuant lo an order of H-on, Daniel J. Kenefick. Justice Su­preme Court, dated' May 31st. 190(1, and filed with tho complaint In the office of The Clerk of Erie County, at Buffalo, N. Y. EUGENE h, DOMINICK, Plaintiff’s At­

torney, 932 Ellieott Square, Buffalo, N. Y.

N o tice to C re d ito rs .T IMPSON, THOMAS S.—Pursuant to

an order of the Honorable Louis IV. Marcus, Surrogate of Erie County," New York, notlco Is hereby given to all persons having claims or demands against Thomas S. Tlmpson, iate of the City «'»Suffalo in said Couhtw deceased, tBpi

ey are required to exhibit the same with tile vouchers thereof to tho urideraluned, Mary H. Tlmpson, thq AdiWlhistratrTx of the Estate of the said deceased, at tho offices of Ivockwood, Hoyt & Greene, 1001- 1007 D. 8. Morgan Bldg.; In the City of Buffalo in said County, on or before tho 8th day of September, 1901.

Dated at Buffalo, N. Y„ this 4th day of March, 1901,

MARY H, TIMPSON.Administratrix.

LOCKWOOD. HOYT & GREENE, Attor­neys for Administratrix, 1004-1007 D. 8. Morgan Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y.

N o tice to C re d ito rs .niC H T E R , JULIA.—Pursuant to an or- XI dor of Hon. Louis W. Marcus, Surro­gate of F,rie County, New York, notice L hereby given to all persons having claims or demands against Julia Richter, late of the City of Buffalo, In said county, de­ceased, that they are required to exhibit the name with the vouchers thoreof to tho undersigned August Julius Richter, the executor' of the last will und testament of the said deceased, at the office of Day & Sanders, attorneys for the said executor, No. 1200 Prudential Building, in the CUy of Buffalo, in said county, on or bc-foro the’20th day of July, l90l.

Dated the llth day of January. 1901. AUGUST JULIUS RICHTER, Executor.

DAY & SANDERS, Attorneys for Execu­tor, 1200 Prudential Bldg., Buffalo, X. Y.

N o tic e to Cloreditori.WILSON, SOPHRONIAMPursuant to

an order of (Hon. Louts W. Murcm*, Sur­rogate of Erio County, (N. Y., notice i» hereby given to all persons having' clutme or demands against floplironla Wilson, lato of the City of Buffalo, In said county, deceased, thfet they are required to ex­hibit the game with» the vouchers thereof to the und.crMr.ned, Mary A. Cox, the ad* mlnlfttratrix of tho estate of the said dooeased, at the office of the said admin­istratrix, No. m White Bldg., in Iho City of Buffalo, itv «aid county, on or ,bo fore the 21th day of December, JLW1. .

'Dated, tho 10th dirty of June, 190(1.>MA<RY A. COX, Administratrix.

ALBERT C. SPANN, Alty. for Admmin- istratrlx, 66 Whlto 'Bldg., Buffalo. N. Y.

N o tice to C re d ito r ! .1?ICK, CHAltl.ES.- Pursuant to an order 1? of Hon. Louis W, Marcus, Surrogate of Erie County, New York, notice Is Mere­ly given 10 all person's having claims or demands against Charles Flck, late of Buffalo, that they are required to exhibit tame with vouchers thereof to Kntlmrlno Semrau, executrix of said deceased’s will, at tho office of Hammond & Hammond, In Buffalo. o;\ or before the first day of October, 1901.

DA ted, March 29, J901.KATHARINE SEMRAU, Executrix.

HAMMOND & HAMMOND, Attorneys for Executrix, 85 W. Eagle St., Buffalo, N.Y.

< x > o o o o o o o < x > < > o < > < > < > < >O N E C E N TO N E C E N T


C ent

R eviewN o tice to C re d ito rs .

WILLIAM O.—PursuantJARVIS,0 order of Hon. Louis W. Marcus,



an I ro- |

gate of Erio County, N. Y., notice is here­by given to all persons having claims or demands against William O. Jarvis, late of the City of Buffalo, In said county, de­ceased, to exhibit the t-ame with the vouciiora thereof to the undersigned, al the office of said administrator, 73 \V, Eagle Street, in the City of Buffalo, In said county, on or before the 10th day of July, 1001.

Dated th« 3d day of January, lik'd.HKNRY D. ,'AUViS.


for T he

M e a n s a C o r n in g B a r g a in E v e r y D a v


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