republican presidents of the 1920’s

Republican Presidents of the 1920’s Harding and Coolidge won both elections of 1920 and 1924. (This included defeating FDR) The people wanted a return to “normalcy”. The League of Nations was the major campaign issue, and the League was rejected as was Wilson. Coolidge won easily in 1924 after succeeding Harding to the presidency after Harding’s death the previous year.

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Republican Presidents of the 1920’s. Harding and Coolidge won both elections of 1920 and 1924 . (This included defeating FDR) The people wanted a return to “normalcy” . The League of Nations was the major campaign issue, and the League was rejected as was Wilson. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Republican Presidents of the 1920’s

Republican Presidents of the 1920’s• Harding and Coolidge won both elections of 1920

and 1924.– (This included defeating FDR)

• The people wanted a return to “normalcy”.• The League of Nations was the major campaign

issue, and the League was rejected as was Wilson.• Coolidge won easily in 1924 after succeeding

Harding to the presidency after Harding’s death the previous year.

Page 2: Republican Presidents of the 1920’s

Harding• Harding represented the

best and worst of small-town America.

• He was a real “good old boy.”

• proclaimed the traditional virtues of rural America.

• Reality- not very moral, and was considered one of the most incompetent presidents in history!

Page 3: Republican Presidents of the 1920’s

Republican Policies of the Twenties• Both Harding and Coolidge carried out

policies reflecting the times.• Americans were tired of the Progressive

Movement and the restrictions and sacrifices of World War I.

• Americans wanted government and business reconciled.

strikes consumerism

Page 4: Republican Presidents of the 1920’s

Republican Policies of the Twenties• Emphasis was on balancing the budget and

reducing the deficit.• Social and economic needs were shifted to

the states.• Coolidge’s statement “The business of

America is business” was symbol of this period.

Page 5: Republican Presidents of the 1920’s

Harding with Cabinet

Page 6: Republican Presidents of the 1920’s


• Harding’s administration was rocked by scandals!– "My God, this is a hell of a job! I have no trouble

with my enemies . . . but my damned friends... They’re the ones that keep me walking the floor nights."

• *Three major scandals:– In the Veterans' Bureau– In the office of the Alien Property Custodian – In the Departments of the Interior and Justice.

Page 7: Republican Presidents of the 1920’s

Teapot Dome Scandal

• Secretary of the interior Albert Fall– Leased

government oil reserves to private companies

– For $100,000's kickbacks to rich oilmen

Page 8: Republican Presidents of the 1920’s

Teapot Dome Scandal


Page 9: Republican Presidents of the 1920’s

Teapot Dome Scandal

The Senate Investigation of the Teapot Dome Scandal

Page 10: Republican Presidents of the 1920’s

Albert B. Fall with Lawyers

"Sir, if you have a milkshake and I have a milkshake and my straw reaches across the room, I’ll end up drinking your milkshake.” (Fall, on oil scandal)

Page 11: Republican Presidents of the 1920’s

Death of President Harding

Pneumonia, stroke, suicide, murder, or heart attack?

Page 12: Republican Presidents of the 1920’s

Calvin Coolidge Being Sworn In

Page 13: Republican Presidents of the 1920’s


• Coolidge was the opposite of Harding.

• He was honest, taciturn, and religious.

• He wasn’t too active in office.

(Track 46- Coolidge on isolationism and business)

Page 14: Republican Presidents of the 1920’s

Coolidge with Transition Team

Page 15: Republican Presidents of the 1920’s


At Harding’s funeral

With family at White House

Page 16: Republican Presidents of the 1920’s


Page 17: Republican Presidents of the 1920’s

Coolidge with Mellon and Hoover

(Cutting taxes on rich would help everyone?)

Page 18: Republican Presidents of the 1920’s

Coolidge Political Cartoon

Page 19: Republican Presidents of the 1920’s

Herbert Hoover speech, NY

Page 20: Republican Presidents of the 1920’s

President Herbert Hoover

Page 21: Republican Presidents of the 1920’s

President Herbert Hoover

• "We in America today are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land.”– Herbert Hoover, one

year before the Great Depression began!

Page 22: Republican Presidents of the 1920’s

President Herbert Hoover• Within 6 months of taking

office the stock market crashed and the Great Depression began.

• Hoover was unequipped to take the needed actions to relieve suffering:– The unemployed– poor farmers – Didn’t initiate legislation to

remedy the causes of depression.

Activity: (left side) Venn Diagram on Three Prez.