republic of albania law on registration ofОпсеan...

REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA LAW ON REGISTRATION OF IMMOV PROPERTY Translation from the Albanian prepared Simo and David Stanfield, August 26, 1994 from previous translations prepared A1ida Stamo, Norman Singer, Naim Su1a, Romeo Sherko and Maksi

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Page 1: REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA LAW ON REGISTRATION OFОпсеan immovable property has va1id registration, every subsequent transaction involving



Translation from the Albanian prepared Ьу Апnaпd Simo and David Stanfield, August 26, 1994 fromprevious translations prepared Ьу A1ida Stamo, Norman Singer, Naim Su1a, Romeo Sherko and MaksiЬ<;о.

Page 2: REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA LAW ON REGISTRATION OFОпсеan immovable property has va1id registration, every subsequent transaction involving





Section 1. Definitions


Organization of the ImmovabIe Property Registration System

Section 2. lmmovable Property RegistriesSection 3. Chief RegistrarSection 4. ТЬе RegistrarSection 5. Powers of the RegistrarSection 6. Seal of the RegistrySection 7. Liability of Registry Officers

PART 111

Registration of ImmovabIe Property

Section 8. ТЬе Immovable Property RegisterSection 9. Effect of RegistrationSection 10. Priority of Registered InterestsSection 11. Required RegistrationSection 12. Delay in RegistrationSection 13. Power to Compel RegistrationSection 14. Stay ot' Registration.Section 15. Registration of Co-Proprietors of Immovable Properties

PARTIVMaps, Parcels апд Boundaries

Section 16. Registry lndex Мар

Section 17. Согтеспоп ot' the Registry Index Мар and New EditionsSection 18. Вoundaries

Section 19. Maintenance of Вoundary FeaturesSection 20. lnterference with Boundary FeaturesSection 21. Combinations and SubdivisionsSection 22. Transfers of Рап of Фе lmmovable Property


First Registration of ап Immovable Property

Section 23. First Registration


Page 3: REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA LAW ON REGISTRATION OFОпсеan immovable property has va1id registration, every subsequent transaction involving

Section 24. Manner of First RegistrationSection 25. Public NoticeSection 26. Legalization of First RegistrationSection 27. Resoluction of Conflicting Claims in First Registration


Certificates and Searches

Section 28. Certificates of Ownership and Certificates of LeaseSection 29. Lost ог Destroyed CertificatesSection 30. lnspections and CopiesSection 31. Evidence


Registration of Contracts of Lease, Mortgages,"In Use" Titles and Other Interests in Immovable Property

Section 32. Registration of Contracts of Ьеазе

Section 33. Registration of MortgagesSection 34. RegistTation of Legal MortgagesSection 35. Satisfaction of а MortgageSection 36. Registration от' ln Use TitlesSection 37. The Registration от' lmmovable Ргорепу Acquired Ьу PrescriptionSection 38. The Registration of Compulsory Acquisition or Ьу ludgement of the CourtSection 39. ТЬе Registration of а Partition of Co-Owned Immovable Ргорепу

Section 40. Registration of Роееегз of AttorneySection 41. Registration of Instruments Completed Abroad


Servitudes, Restrictive Agreements and Restrictions

Section 42. Registration of ServitudesSection 43. Registration of Restrictive AgreementsSection 44. Regi~tration of RestrictionsSection 45 Notice and Епест of' RestrictionsSection 46. Removal and Variation of RestrictionsSection 47. Release and Modification of Servitudes and Restrictive Agreements


Rectification and Compensation

Section 48. Rectification Ьу the RegistrarSection 49. Procedure for Requesting CompensationSection 50. Amount of Compensation


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Decisions of Registrar and Appea1s

Section 51. Power of Registrar to Маке а StatementSection 52. AppealsSection 53. Effect ot" Арреаl


Fees and Offenses

Section 54. FeesSection 55. Опепзез



Section 56. RulesSection 57. Beginning Operation ot' а RegistrySection 58: (Repeal of contradictory laws)Section 59: (Entering into епесг)


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Оп the basis of Article 16 of La\V No. 7491, dated Apri129, 1991, оп the main di~lЮsitiопs

of the Constitution, "оп proposal of the Council of Ministers" ,



То present ап Immovable Property Registration Act as fol1ows:



Section 1. Definitions

In this Act the fol1owing definitions shal1 apply:

"Chiet'Registrar" means а person appointed who assures that the Registrars of the immovableproperty registries throughout the country manage their Registries in accordance with the law;

"соцп" means the place which resolves disputes conceming immovable ргорепу;

"immovable ргорепу" means land, water sources, buildings as well as other immovableohjects defined in the Civil Code;

"immovable ргорепу registration zone" means а local suhdivision ог geographic агеа

designated Ьу Фе Council of М inisters in col1aboration with the Chief Registrar for purposesof registration of immovable ргорепу under this ог апу other law;

"instrument" includes апу ownership document, courtjudgment, legal state agency documentог other document requiring ог сараЫе of registration under this Act;

**"proprietor" means the person whose пате is registered under this Act as the owner ot"immovable property;

"the register" means the page of the volume of the Register Book which is kept for еасЬ

immovahIe property;

"ю register" means to make ап entry, note ог record in the register kept under the provisionsof this Act;

"Register Вook" means the set of аН registers for immovahIe properties 1П а speciticimmovahIe property registration агеа;

"Registrar" means the person responsihIe for the Immovable Property Registry ot' а defined


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administrative sector;

"Registry" means the immovable ргорепу registry office established under this Act;

"Registry Index Мар" means the тар ог series of maps referred to in Рап 111 of this Act;

"restriction" means an order of the Registrar to restrict the registration and/or dealing of а

particular immovable property;

"restrictive agreement" means а documented restriction оп the use ot' immovable ргорепу;

"survey" means the determination of the boundaries of ап immovable property which isowned, leased ог held in use;

"survey plan" means the document that shows the boundaries of an immovable ргорепу

which is owned, leased ог held in in use.


Organization of the Immovable Property Registration System

Section 2. Jmmovable РгореФ' Registries

There shal1 Ье established and maintained in each administrative сетнег of the ImmovableРгорепу Registration zone defined under the authority of the Council of Ministers, anIттоуаЫе Property Registry. which is а jшidiсiаl person, in which there shal1 Ье kept:

а) Jmmovable Ргорепу Registers, in ассогdanсе with the provisions от' Рап II ofthis Act;

Ь) а Registry Index Мар of the administrative zone, in ассогоапсе with theprovisions of' Рап 11 ( ot" this Act;

с) аН соппасгз of transfer, court judgements, mortgages, inheritances, апё otherlegal documents which affect rights to immovable ргорепу as wel1 as surveyplans от' immovable properties, indices of these records and other recordsnecessary тог the operation ot' an immovable property registry;

Section 3. Chiet' Registrar

The registration of the immovablep-operties throughout territory of the Albanian Republic isdirected Ьу the Chief Registar and his deputy, who are appointedЬу the Council of Ministers.

In the absence, for whatever reason, of the Chief Registrar, the Deputy Registrar тау

exercise anу of the powers vested in the Chief Registrar Ьу this Act.


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Section 4. The Registrar

The Chief Registrar shal1 appoint as тапу Registrars, Assistant Registrars as тау ье

necessary тог carrying out the provisions of this Act in the immovable property registrationzones.

The Registrar тог each immovable ргорепу registration агеа shal1 Ье responsible to the ChiefRegistrar [ог the maintenance от' records and аl1 other aspects ot·the administration of his/herregistry.

Section 5. Powers of the Registrar

The Registrar тау exercise the fol1owing powers in addition to апу other powersсоптеггес оп him/her Ьу this Act:

а) issue certificates of ownership or lease ог of апу other interest recorded оп а

Register от immovable property to а person who makes such а request and isentitled to such а certificate;

Ь) require апу person to produce апу ownership, lease, in use ог mortgagedocument and апу other document and survey plan relating to the immovableproperty, and that person shall Ье obligated to produce it;

с) summon апу person to арреаг before him/her ог а person delegated Ьу himlherand give апу information ог explanation respecting immovable property, а

contract of lease ог а mortgage; present ownership documents, certificate ог

other document ог survey рlап relating to the immovable ргорепу, contract ot'lease ог пюrtgаgе in question, and that person shal1 арреаг and give therequested ппоппапоп ог explanation;

d) suspend registration if not having complete ог delivered апу instrument,certificate or other document, survey plan, ппоппапоп ог explanation requiredto Ье produced ог given is withheld or апу act required to Ье performed underthis Act is not репоппеё;

dh) administer and verify the апосе information;

е) with the authorization of the Chief Registrar, to charge а person who presentsincorrect information to рау to the Registry the expenses which the Registryincurs in the process ot" veritication of that incorrect ппоппапоп.

Section 6. Seal ot' the Registry

ТЬеге shal1 Ье а seзl [ог the Registry. Every document issued Ьу this oftice shou1d containits seзl.

Section 7. Liability of Registry Officers

The Chief Registrar and апу Registrar shall not, пог shall anу other ofticer ot" the Registry,Ье liabIe to апу documented action in respect of апу act ог matter done ог omitted to Ье done


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in good faith in the exercise of the powers anд duties under this Act, ог anу regulations шаёеunder it. Such ofticers shall Ье subject to the prescribed penalties for violations of law.

Section 8. Тhe Immovable Propert.y Register

ЕасЬ volume of ше Register Book in ше immovable property registry shall include а registerfor each publicly owned immovabIe property and а register for еасЬ privately ownedimmovable property.

Section 9. Eftect ot' Registration

Опсе an immovable property has va1id registration, every subsequent transaction involvingright<; to it shall Ье registered in conformity with the provisions of this act.

ТЬе registration of ап immovable property gives а person as individual, co-owner, ог asrepresentative of а family Фе right to enjoy the immovable property in conformity with thelaw.

Every proprietor acquiring апу immovable property, contract ог lease ог mortgage shall Ье

deemed to have had notice ot' every entry in the Registry relating to the immovable property,contract of lease or mortgage.

Section 10. Priority of Registration

Registration рпогпу is defined according to the order in which ше шзтгшпешз which lед totheir registration аге properly presented to the Registrar, irrespective of the dates of executionof' тпе instruments and notwithstanding that the actual entry in Фе register тау Ье delayed.

Section 11. Required Registration

Апу contract or other document atfecting right<; to immovable properties shall Ье presentedfor registration по later than thirty days from the time the instrument or other document isexecuted.

Section 12. Delay in Registration

Where ап instrument is presented more шап thirty days after the date of ше ехесццопof Феinstrument, щеп, in аёёпюп to the registration fee, ап additiona1 fee equa1 to ten рег cent ofthe registration тее shall Ье рауаЫе for each дау which has elapsed since such date.

Section 13. Power to Сотреl Registration

If the Registrar is satisfied that anу person has pruposively failed to register anу instrumentwhich is registerable unдег this Act, the Registrar тау Ьу поЬсе in writing огдег such personto present such instrument for registration, anд thereupon the registration fee апд anу

additiona1 fee рауаЫе sha11 Ьесоте due anд shall Ье рауаЫе Ьу such person whether theinstrument is presented for registration ог not.


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Section 14. Stay of Registration.

А person proposing to deal with registered immovabIe property, with Ше consent in writingof the proprietor, mау apply to Ше Registrar for the suspension of апу ошег transactions ог

actions concerning this ргорепу. If this application for suspension is approved, Ше

registration of апу instrument affecting the immovabIe ргорепу shall Ье stayed for а period(hereinafter referred to as the suspension period) of tifteen days from the time at whichapplication for ше suspension was approved Ьу Ше Registrar, and а note shall Ье made in theregister accordingly.

lf within the suspension period а properly executed instrument is presented for registrationЬу the person who has requested Ше suspension, such instrument shall Ьауе priority over апуother [пзпшпеш which тау Ье presented for registration during the suspension period.

Section 15. Registration ot" Со-Proprietors ofImmovabIe Properties

Every instrument that certities Ше ownership ot" two ог тоге persons, and its registration inthe Registry must show the identity and where possible appropriate тпе share of еасЬ со­



Maps, Parcels апд Boundaries

Section 16. Registry Index Мар

ТЬе Registrar shall Ье responsibIe for and maintain а тар ог series of шарх, to Ье саllед theRegistry Index Мар юг the immovahle ргорепу registration агеа covered Ьу that Registry.

ТЬе Registry lndex Мар shall show the boundaries апд geographical [осапопх of immovabIeproperties as well as ошег теашгех.

ТЬе immovah1e properties have а цпшце identitication number, the same numher being usedto identify Ше immovabIe properties оп their registers апд оп the Registry Iпдех Мар.

А survey plan тау Ье tiled ot" а particular immovabIe ргорепу to augment the штоппапоп

availabIe from the registry index тар, and the tiling of the survey plan shall Ье noted in theregister.

Section 17. Сопесtiоп of Ше Registry Index Мар

and New Editions

ТЬе Registrar тау cause to Ье таде а survey of апу immovabIe ргорепу for the ршрозез

of this Act and, after informing every person affected thereby, тау cause the Registry IndexМар to Ье corrected as а resнlt of the mentioned survey.

ТЬе Registrar тау correct апу error in the Registry lпдех Мар which does not affect theinterest of anу person.


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ТЬе Registrar, тау at anу tiше, direct the preparation of а new Registry Index Мар ог anу

рап шегеот, and there тау Ье omitted from the Мар anу matter which the Registrarconsiders obsolete.

Section 18. Boundaries

ТЬе Registry Index Мар indicates the approximate boundaries, areas and location of theimmovable properties.

When the parties to а dispute conceming а boundary ог boundaries agree to resolve thedispute, the Registrar shall record the agreement оп the Registry Index Мар and оп theaffected registers, and shall file the agreement signed Ьу the parties to the dispute.

Where апу uncertainty ог dispute arises as to the position of anу boundary, and the partiesto the dispute саппот agree concerning such boundary, the Registrar shall instruct them topresent the dispute to the competent court within fifteen (15) days, and shall make а notationоп the Register. If there is по petition to the court within the specified time, the Registrarshall шakе the the appropriate notation.

Section 19. Maintenance of Boundary Features

Every ргорпеюг of immovable property shall maintain in good order anу features whichdemarcate the ргорпеюг'я boundaries.

The Registrar mау in writing order the demarcation within а specified time of anу boundaryin such mannег as he/she mау direct.

The Registrar decides which of adjoining proprietors shall Ье responsible for the саге andmaintenance of апу feature demarcating а соmmоп Ьоuш.lагу, and the person so identifiedwil1 tшvе the responsibility.

Witl1in 30 days the proprietors have the right to арреаl in court against the order of theRegistrar. Н· within this period of time there is по ехегстзе от' this right, ше order isconsidered as accepted.

Section 20. lnterterence with Boundary Features

Апу регхоп convicted of' illegally modifying ог damaging апу boundary whether or not апуpenalty is imposed upon him/her, shall Ье liable to рау the cost of restoring the boundaryfeature, and such cost shall Ье considered as а civil debt Ьу апу person responsible for themaintenance of the feature.

Section 21. Combinations and Subdivisions

Where contiguous immovable properties are owned Ьу the same proprietor and аге subjectin аl1 respect<; to the same rights and obligations, the Registrclf, оп application Ьу theргоргiеtог, шау соmтпе those properties Ьу closing the registers relating to them andopening а new register or registers and revising the Registry Index Мар in respect of theimmovable property or properties resulting from the combination.


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Upon the written application of the proprietor or successors for the division of an immovableproperty into two ог тоге immovable properties, the Registrar shall eft"ect the division Ьу

closing the register relating to the subdivided immovable property and opening new registersand revising the Registry lndex Мар in respect of the new immovable properties resultingfrom the division, and recording in the new registers аН existing entries appearing in theclosed register.

ТЬе Registrar, оп the application of the proprietors of contiguous immovable properties whoаге desirous of changing the boundaries of their properties, and with the consent in writingof аН other persons in whose пате апу right in such properties is registered, тау сапсеl theregisters relating to such properties and update the registers and Registry lndex Мар inaccordance with the revised layout.

lп сахе that the Registrar determines that the ргорозеё reparcellation involves substantialchanges of омпегзшр which should Ье effected Ьу папзтегх, the Registrar тау in his/herdiscretion refuse to effect such reparcellation.

ТЬе Registrar must not allow anу transfer which deletes legal l'ights.

Where а proprietor wishes to subdivide his/her immovahle ргорепу, the Registrar shaHrequire the proprietor to submit а survey рlап of the proposed subdivisions ргерагеё Ьу а

licensed surveyor and certified Ьу the appropriate authority as conforming with therequirements ot' law.

Section 22. Transt'ers ot' Рап 01' the lmmovable РгореПу

No рап of the immovahle ргорепу included in а registel" shall Ье trапsfепеd unless theproprietor has tirst subdivided the immovable ргорепу, in ассогёапсе with the law, апd newregisters have Ьееп орепеd ш respect ot' еасЬ sul)divided рогпоп ot' the iшшоvаblе pгoperty.


First Registration of ап lmmovable Property

Section 23. First Registration

ТЬе first regisuoation of апу imnlOvahle рюреrtу shall requi1"e the ргерarоаtiоп ot" а Registerin accordance with the provisions of this Act, and in accordance with the provisions of anу

other Act which define ownership 01' agreemenl<; ог ohligations which exist for the immovableproperty.

Section 24. Мanпег ot' First Registration

ТЬе Registrar, а pel'son ог апу group designated Ьу the Chief Registrar shall require that theownership and houndaries of еасЬ property to Ье registered shall ье documented, using thefollowing criteria:

а) Ownership and boundaries of immovahle properties shall Ье considered asproperly deti.ned Ьу а title issued under law 7501 ot' 19 о 7.1991, contracts ot'privatization under law 7652 ot' 23.12.1992, decisions ot' the Commissions of


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Restitution under law 7698 of 15.4.1993, other laws, other official instrumentswhich confer private ownership, and Court decisions.

Ь) For those individuals, families and legal persons, private ог state, who possessthe property in conformity with law and do not hold anу ownership documentunder Paragraph а, аге obliged to present to the Registrar an application forregistration of ownership. This application shall contain а notarized, personaldeclaration of ownership, а survey plan of the immovable ргорепу, andnotarized declarations from neighbors and other persons as to the correctnessof the boundaries and as certified copies of different documents which supportthe application тог registration.

с) Provisional registration shall Ье prepared from the information produced fromа) and Ь).

Section 25. Public Notice

А public display of the provisional registration shall take place for 90 days in а prominentand relevant place for public examination within the geographic zone where the propertiesаге located.

Notice shall also Ье provided for that 90 day period in а public mannег designed to notifyindividuals who might make а claim to the immovable properties in question.

During that display period аН errors ог claims shall Ье made known to the Registrar inwriting. No claim presented after that 90 day period will Ье accepted.

Section 26. Legalizatiol1 ot" First Registration

Under the flfst paragraph of Section 25, following the public display period, аН immovableproperties тог which there are по pending claims ot" еггог shaH Ье given valid registration andfrom this moment certificates of ownership and other certificates which mау Ье requestedregarding the content of the registers and the index maps, mау Ье issued Ьу the Registrar.

Section 27. Resolution ot" Conflicting Claims in First Registration

ТЬе Registrar sha11 consult with the parties making claims about the information containedin the Registers ог in the Registry Index Мар to clarify and correct anу errors апд resolveanу disputes. Such corrections and resolutions shall Ье made in а notarized document. Апу

disputes already resolved Ьу апу legaHy constituted commission ог сооо precludes апу furtheraction Ьу the Registrar.

Апу disputes which cannot Ье resolved in this way with the agreement of the parties involvedshall Ье referred to the competent Court, and а notation placed оп the relevant Registersconceming the existence of the disputes and the Court to which the disputes have Ьееп



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Certificates and Searches

Section 28.Certiticates of Ownership and Lease

The Registrar shall, if requested Ьу а proprietor of immovable property ог а lessee whereпо certificate ot' ownership ог certificate of lease has Ьееп issued, issue to the proprietor а

certificate of ownership ог а certiticate of lease ш the prescribed топп showing аН

information in the register affecting that immovable ргорепу ог contract of lease.

Опlу опе certificate of ownership, lease ог mortgage shall Ье issued in respect of eachimmovable ргорепу.

А сегпйсате ot' ownership, lease ог mortgage shaH Ье only prima facie evidence of thematters shown therein, while ownership, lease ог mortgage shall Ье subject to аН entries inthe register whether they аге shown оп the certificate or not.

The date of issue of а certificate of ownership, lease, ог mortgage shall Ье noted in theregister.

Section 29. Lost ог Destroyed Cel1itlcates

lf а certificate issued to а person under Section 28, he/she mау аррlу to the Registrar in theRegistry where the immovable ргорепу is located tor the issuance of а new certificate, andshall produce evidence to satisfy the Registrar of the 10ss ог destruction of' the ргемюц«


lf the Registrar is satisfied with the evidence as to the loss ог destruction о[ the certificate,and after the publication of such notice as the Registra.t" mау think fit, the Regisu'ar mау issueа new certiticate.

When а lost certificate is found, it shall Ье delivered to the Registrar for canceHation.

Section 30. Inspections and Copies

Anу person сan examine and consult anу register and сап request а certified сору ot-it, а рап

of the Registry lndex Мар, anу filed instrument ог survey рlап deposited in the Registry, Ьу

presenting а written request Ьу paying the appropriate теез.

Section 31, Evidence

А сору certitled Ьу the Registrar ot- the Register ог part of the Registry lndex Мар or anу

survey рlап ог instrument filед in the registry shall Ье acceptable with the same value as theoriginal in аН actions and questions regarding it and [ог all persons or parties until thecontrary is рroуед.


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Registration of Contracts of Ьеаве, Mortgages.•In Uзе" Titles and Other Interests in ImmovabIe Property

Section 32. Registration of Contracts of Lease

А contract of lease foг an immovable property for а period less than опе уеаг is not requiredto Ье registered. Апу other contract of- lease for ап immovable property must Ье registeredЬу noting it in the ргорег section of the Register of the lessor's imшоvаblе property.

If а contract of lease is for а рап of а state owned immovable ргорепу and has а durationof опе (1) уеаг ог 10nger, а separate Register shall Ье created for еасЬ рап of the immovableproperty and а потапоп made оп the Registry Index Мар.

Section 33. Registration ot" Mortgages

ТЬе mortgage shall Ье сошртетеё Ьу its registration in the appropriate section of the registerof the immovable ргорепу, ог part of it, which is used as security for the mortgage and theregistration of the регхоп in whose favor it is created as i15 proprietor and Ьу filing theinstruшепt.

Section 34. Registration of Legal Mortgages

The Registrar shall етпег legal mortgages which result пош sale соппастх in the арргорпате

section of the Register of the affected immovable ргорепу which the seller owned.

Section 35. Satisfaction of а Mortgage

The Registrar, based оп а written request prepared in the appropriate form required Ьу lawshall order that the mortgage Ье cancelled from the register of immovable ргорепу when ше

necessary acts гесшгеё Ьу relevant law ог regulations to satisfy the шоrtgаgе аге репоппеё.

Апу request for cancellation of а mortgage must Ье accompanied Ьу the document whichjustities the cancellation and is signed Ьу the Registrar.

Section 36. Registration ot' Iп Use Titles

А sepaгate register shall Ье created and а notation made оп the Registry Index Мар тог anу

"in use" title pertaining to state owned immovable property. The holder of' the in use titleshall Ье noted in the appropriate section of the register and Фе state shall Ье noted as theProprietor.

Section 37. Тhe Registration ot" lттоуаЫе Ргореф

ACQuired Ьу Prescription

Registration 01' iшшоvаblе property acquired Ьу prescription is accomplished Ьу presentingto the Registrar а сору of the decision of the court which has declaгed that ownership hasЬееп achieved through prescription.


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The Registrar, shal1, in accordance with the decision of the court, register the immovableproperty in the пате of the person who has acquired ownership Ьу prescription.

Section 38. The Registration of Transfer of Ownership Ьу Law.Ьу Judgement ot' the Court. or Ьу Administrative Acts

Where the State or anу physical ог legal person has Ьесоте entitled to the right of' ownershipof апу immovable ргорепу, has contracted а lease or has acquired а mortgage based оп а

law, соцп decisions or anу administrative agency, the Registrar shall, оп the application ofanу intere~1ed person supported Ьу such evidence as the Registrar тау require, register theState, physical ог legal person as the proprietor.

Section 39. Thе Registration of а Partitionof Co-Owned lmmovable Property

If аН the co-proprietors agree through а notarial act, partition of immovable ргорепу ownedЬу them тау Ье made.

An application for the partition of co-owned imшоvаblе property тау Ье made in theprescribed form to the Registrar Ьу:

а) апу опе or more of the proprietors; or

Ь) апу person in whose favor ап order has Ьееп made for the sale of ап undividedshare in the immovable ргорепу in execution of а сошт decision.

Partition shall Ье completed Ьу t'ollowing the procedure set out in Section 21.

Section 40. Registration of Powers ot' Attomey

Upon the application of the person giving the power of attomey to another person, suchpower ot' attomey shall Ье entered пт the ownership section of the Registet' of the iшmоvаblе

property [п question, and the original shall Ье stored ш the archive.

Section 41, Registration ot' lпstruшепts Completed Abroad

АН relevant шяпшпешх prepared abroad. when presented for registration, shaH Ье translatedand legalized according to law.


Servitudes, Restrictive Agreements and Restrictions

Section 42. Registration of Servitudes

ТЬе proprietor of an immovable property тау record а servitude through the presentation tothe Regi~1rar of the ас! of the creation of the servitude in the form required Ьу law, whichspecifies:


Page 16: REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA LAW ON REGISTRATION OFОпсеan immovable property has va1id registration, every subsequent transaction involving

а) the nature of ше servitude, ше period for which it is granted and anу

conditions or restrictions intended to affect its enjoyment; and

Ь) the immovable property or part of it affected Ьу the servitude.

ТЬе instrument in legal form which applies for а servitude shall Ье filed and shall include а

survey рlan sufficient to describe the location and extent of such servitude.

ТЬе regi~1ration of Фе servitude shall Ье completed Ьу its notation in ше appropriate sectionof Фе register of the immovable property affected.

Section 43. Registration of Restrictive Ag..eements

Where ап instrument contains а Restrictive Agreement and is presented to the Regi~1rar, Фе

Registrar shaП note Фе restrictive agreement in the appropriate section of Фе register of Феimmovable property burdened Ьу the restrictive agreement, either Ьу entering particulars ofФе agreement or Ьу referring to the instrument containing the agreement, and shall file Феinstrument.

Section 44. Registration 01" Restrictions

For Фе prevention of апу fraud or improper dealing, ше Registrar тау order that а

restriction Ье recorded in the appropriate section of an affected immovable property. Thisorder тау Ье given either with ог without the application of anу person шгегеыеё in Фе

immovable property, contract of lease ог mortgage after directing inquiries to Ье made andnotices to Ье served and hearing of such persons as Фе Registrar thinks fi. That restrictionshall prohibit ог restrict transactions involving the immovable ргорепу.

А геяпспоп тау last:

а) for а particular period; ог

Ь) until the оссшгепсе of а particular event; ог

с) until the making of а further order.

ТЬе Registrar shall order а restriction to Ье entered оп the Register in апу case where itарреагх to the Registrar that the power of the ргорпеюг to deal with the immovable property,contract of lease or mortgage is restricted.

5ection 45. Notice and Eft"ect 01" Restrictions

Upon the entry of а restriction, the Registrar shall give notice in writing to the proprietoraffected thereby.

50 long as anу restriction remains registered, по instrument which is inconsistent with it shallЬе registered except Ьу court decision or Ьу the order of the Registrar.

5ection 46. Removal and Variation of Restrictions

Upon application Ьу anу interested person based оп а notarized instrument certifies that thereis по reason for the restriction being рlасед оп Фе immovable property, Фе Registrar тау


Page 17: REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA LAW ON REGISTRATION OFОпсеan immovable property has va1id registration, every subsequent transaction involving

order the removal or variation of а restriction.

ТЬе owoer affected Ьу the restriction has the right of арреа1 to а court, which will decide thecase.

Section 47. Release and Moditication of Servitudes.and Restrictive Agreements

Upon presentation of а request and appropriate documents Ьу the person in whose favor theservitude has Ьееп granted, or upon the presentation of а request Ьу the parties to therestrictive agreement in the prescribed form, the appropriate registration is done.


Rectification and Compensation

Sectioo 48. Rectification Ьу the Registrar

The Registrar тау rectify the register ог anу instrument presented for registration in thefol1owing cases:

а) in the case of errors or omissions not materiaHy affecting the interest of anу

proprietor;Ь) where anу person has presented а certitied сору ог the court decision which

proves that he/she has асquiгеd ownership Ьу prescription;с) in anу case and at anу time with the consent of аН persons interested; ord) where, цроп resurvey, а dimension or агеа shown in the register ог оп the

registry index шар is found to Ье iпсопесt, but in such case the Registrar shallfll"st give notice to аН persons appearing оп the register who аге iпtегеstеd ог

affected Ьу the Registrar's intention so to rectify.

Upon ргоог of the change of the пате or address of апу ргорпеюг, the RegistraI' shall, опthe written application of the ргорпеюг mak:e ап entry in the register to record the change.

ТЬе Chief Registrar, if so requested, тау review the decision of the RegistTar conceming therectification of the register.

Section 49. Рюсedurе tor Requesting Compensation

Upon the request of anу interested рапу, the Registrar shall mak:e а rapid decision as towhether anу right to compensation should Ье awarded for damages caused, which resultedfrom incorrect information. Upon approval Ьу the Chief Registrar, the the awardedcompeosation for the damages caused will ье defined.

Section 50. Amount of Compensation

When compensation is awarded in respect of апу loss relating to anу interest io immovableproperty, it shall Ье calculated in accordance with the Regulatioos to this Act.


Page 18: REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA LAW ON REGISTRATION OFОпсеan immovable property has va1id registration, every subsequent transaction involving


Decisions of Registrar and Appeals

Section 51. Power of Registrar to Make а Statement

For anу claim or dispute presented to the Chief Registrar concerning the exercise of the dutiesof anу Registrar, the Chief Registrar is required, before making а decision, to request inwriting the statешепt ог the Registrar.

Section 52. Appeals

Апу person aggrieved Ьу а decision, ппеспоп, order, determination ог award of theRegistrar, which has Ьееп reviewed Ьу the Chief Registrar, тау, within thirty days of therendering от' the tinal decision, direction, order, determination or award Ьу the Chiet"Registrar, give notice to the Registrar in the prescribed [опп ot' the intention to appeal to theappropriate court against the decision, direction, order, determination ог award.

Оп receipt of а notice of appeal, the Registrar shall ргераге and send to the appropriate сошт,

with an information сору to the Chief Registrar and to the appellant, and to anу other personappearing to the Registrar from а review of the register to Ье affected Ьу the арреаг, а briefstatement ot" the question in issue.

Where ап aggrieved party requires the Regi~1rar to make а ыатешеш for the opinion of thecourt, such party shall deposit with the Registrar such sum as the Registrar shall considersufficient to шеет the costs of the document compi1ation.

Section 53. Eft"ect of Арреаl

А поте that an appeal to the Chiet' Registrar ог to the court is pending shall Ье made in theregister atIected Ьу the арреаl and anу disposition shall Ье suhject to such notice.


Fees and Offenses

Section 54. Fees

Fees shall Ье рауаЫе in respect ot" certificates for immovahle properties, certificates ot"leases,certified copies, searches, survey plans, printed forms and аН other matters connected withregistration.

ТЬе Registrar shall refuse registration ипы1 the fees аге paid.

А! the end of each financial year, the income in excess of the budget of the RegistrationOftice goes to the central state budget.


Page 19: REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA LAW ON REGISTRATION OFОпсеan immovable property has va1id registration, every subsequent transaction involving

Section 55. Offenses

Any declaration or action which is contraditory with Sections 11, 19, 24, 44, or 45 is anoffense. When the offense does not constitute а penal act, the Registrar shal1 apply а finefrош 5,000 lek to 50,000 lek. Ап арреа] against the decision of the Registrar шust ье

presented within 5 days from the day of the notification of the fine in the court of the districtwhere the offense occurred.

ТЬе review of the administrative offenses and administrative decisions аге made under the"Law of Administrative Offenses".



Section 56. Rules

The Council of Ministers sha11 issue legal rules for the application of the provisions of thislaw.

Section 57. Вeginning Operation of а Registry

The date for entering into operation of anу Registry under this law is defined Ьу а decisionof the Council of Ministers. Upon beginning to function of а Registry, а11 existinginstruments and оосшпешз under Section 24 from а11 appropriate agencies from before theapproval of this law shall pass to the administration of the Registry.

Section 58:

АН dispositions whicb are contrary to this Law аге repealed.

Section 59.

This law enters into епесг ftfteen days after its puh1ishing in the Fletoren Zyrtare.

Tirana, 13.7.1994No. of Law: 7843

