republic act no. 8371.doc

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  • 8/14/2019 REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8371.doc






    Section 1. Short Title.- This Act shall be known as "The I!ieo#$ Peo%le$ Riht$ A&t o'())*."

    Sec. . De&l+r+tio o' St+te Poli&ie$.- The State shall !eco"ni#e an$ %!o&ote all the !i"hts o'In$i"eno(s C(lt(!al Co&&(nities)In$i"eno(s Peo%les *ICCs)IPs+ he!e(n$e! en(&e!ate$within the '!a&ewo!k o' the Constit(tion,

    a+ The State shall !eco"ni#e an$ %!o&ote the !i"hts o' ICCs)IPs within the '!a&ewo!k o'

    national (nit an$ $eelo%&ent/

    b+The State shall %!otect the !i"hts o' ICCs)IPs to thei! ancest!al $o&ains to ens(!e thei!

    econo&ic0 social an$ c(lt(!al well bein" an$ shall !eco"ni#e the a%%licabilit o' c(sto&a!laws "oe!nin" %!o%e!t !i"hts o! !elations in $ete!&inin" the owne!shi% an$ etent o'ancest!al $o&ain/

    c+ The State shall !eco"ni#e0 !es%ect an$ %!otect the !i"hts o' ICCs)IPs to %!ese!e an$$eelo% thei! c(lt(!es0 t!a$itions an$ instit(tions. It shall consi$e! these !i"hts in the'o!&(lation o' national laws an$ %olicies/

    $+ The State shall "(a!antee that &e&be!s o' the ICCs)IPs !e"a!$less o' se0 shall e2(all

    en3o the '(ll &eas(!e o' h(&an !i"hts an$ '!ee$o&s witho(t $istinctions o!$isc!i&inations/

    e+ The State shall take &eas(!es0 with the %a!tici%ation o' the ICCs)IPs conce!ne$0 to%!otect thei! !i"hts an$ "(a!antee !es%ect 'o! thei! c(lt(!al inte"!it0 an$ to ens(!e that&e&be!s o' the ICCs)IPs bene'it on an e2(al 'ootin" '!o& the !i"hts an$ o%%o!t(nitieswhich national laws an$ !e"(lations "!ant to othe! &e&be!s o' the %o%(lation an$

    ' The St+te re&oi-e$ it$ oli+tio$ to re$%o! to the $tro e%re$$io o' the ICC$/IP$

    'or lt#r+l iterit0 0 +$$#ri 1+i1#1 ICC/IP %+rti&i%+tio i the !ire&tio o'education, he+lth, +$ 2ell +$ other $er3i&e$ o' ICC$/IP$, i or!er to re!er $#&h $er3i&e$

    1ore re$%o$i3e to the ee!$ +! !e$ire$ o' the$e &o11#itie$.

    Towa!$s these en$s0 the State shall instit(te an$ establish the necessa! &echanis&s toen'o!ce an$ "(a!antee the !eali#ation o' these !i"hts0 takin" into consi$e!ation thei!c(sto&s0 t!a$itions0 al(es0 belie's0 thei! !i"hts to thei! ancest!al $o&ains.

    CHAPTER ll


    Sec. 7. De'iitio o' Ter1$.- 5o! %(!%oses o' this Act0 the 'ollowin" te!&s shall &ean,

    a+ A&e$tr+l Do1+i$- S(b3ect to Section 89 he!eo'0 !e'e! to all a!eas "ene!all

    belon"in" to ICCs)IPs co&%!isin" lan$s0inlan$ wate!s0 coastal a!eas0 an$ nat(!al!eso(!ces the!ein0 hel$ (n$e! a clai& o' owne!shi%0 occ(%ie$ o! %ossesse$ bICCs)IPs0 the&seles o! th!o("h thei! ancesto!s0 co&&(nall o! in$ii$(all since

  • 8/14/2019 REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8371.doc


    ti&e i&&e&o!ial0 contin(o(sl to the %!esent ece%t when inte!!(%te$ b wa!0'o!ce &a3e(!e o! $is%lace&ent b 'o!ce0 $eceit0 stealth o! as a conse2(ence o'"oe!n&ent %!o3ects o! an othe! ol(nta! $ealin"s ente!e$ into b "oe!n&entan$ %!iate in$ii$(als0 co!%o!ations0 an$ which a!e necessa! to ens(!e thei!

    econo&ic0 social an$ c(lt(!al wel'a!e. It shall incl($e ancest!al lan$0 'o!ests0%ast(!e0 !esi$ential0 a"!ic(lt(!al0 an$ othe! lan$s in$ii$(all owne$ whethe!

    alienable an$ $is%osable o! othe!wise0 h(ntin" "!o(n$s0 b(!ial "!o(n$s0 wo!shi%a!eas0 bo$ies o' wate!0 &ine!al an$ othe! nat(!al !eso(!ces0 an$ lan$s which &ano lon"e! be ecl(siel occ(%ie$ b ICCs)IPs b(t '!o& which thei! t!a$itionall ha$access to 'o! thei! s(bsistence an$ t!a$itional actiities0 %a!tic(la!l the ho&e!an"es o' ICCs)IPs who a!e still no&a$ic an$)o! shi'tin" c(ltiato!s/

    b+ A&e$tr+l L+!$ - S(b3ect to Section 89 he!eo'0 !e'e!s to lan$ occ(%ie$0

    %ossesse$ an$ (tili#e$ b in$ii$(als0 'a&ilies an$ clans who a!e &e&be!s o' theICCs)IPs since ti&e i&&e&o!ial0 b the&seles o! th!o("h thei! %!e$ecesso!s-in-

    inte!est0 (n$e! clai&s o' in$ii$(al o! t!a$itional "!o(% owne!shi%0contin(o(sl0 tothe %!esent ece%t when inte!!(%te$ b wa!0 'o!ce &a3e(!e o! $is%lace&ent b

    'o!ce0 $eceit0 stealth0 o! as a conse2(ence o' "oe!n&ent %!o3ects an$ othe!

    ol(nta! $ealin"s ente!e$ into b "oe!n&ent an$ %!iate in$ii$(als)co!%o!ations0incl($in"0 b(t not li&ite$ to0 !esi$ential lots0 !ice te!!aces o! %a$$ies0 %!iate'o!ests0 swi$$en 'a!&s an$ t!ee lots/

    c+ Certi'i&+te o' A&e$tr+l Do1+i Title - !e'e!s to a title 'o!&all !eco"ni#in" the!i"hts o' %ossession an$ owne!shi% o' ICCs)IPs oe! thei! ancest!al $o&ains

    i$enti'ie$ an$ $elineate$ in acco!$ance with this law/

    $+ Certi'i&+te o' A&e$tr+l L+!$ Title 4 !e'e!s to a title 'o!&all !eco"ni#in" the

    !i"hts o' ICCs)IPs oe! thei! ancest!al lan$s/

    e+ Co11#+l Cl+i1$ - !e'e! to clai&s on lan$0 !eso(!ces an$ !i"hts the!eon0

    belon"in" to the whole co&&(nit within a $e'ine$ te!!ito!

    '+ C#$to1+r0 L+2$- !e'e! to a bo$ o' w!itten an$)o! (nw!itten !(les0 (sa"es0

    c(sto&s an$ %!actices t!a$itionall an$ contin(all !eco"ni#e$0 acce%te$ an$obse!e$ b !es%ectie ICCs)IPs/

    "+ Free +! Prior I'or1e! Co$et 4 as (se$ in this Act shall &ean the consens(so' all &e&be!s o' the ICCs)IPs to/ be $ete!&ine$ in acco!$ance with thei!!es%ectie c(sto&a! laws an$ %!actices0 '!ee '!o& an ete!nal &ani%(lation0inte!'e!ence an$ coe!cion0 an$ obtaine$ a'te! '(ll $isclosin" the intent an$ sco%e o'the actiit0 in a lan"(a"e an %!ocess (n$e!stan$able to the co&&(nit/

    h+ I!ieo#$ C#lt#r+l Co11#itie$/I!ieo#$ Peo%le$ 4 !e'e! to a "!o(% o' %eo%leo! ho&o"eno(s societies i$enti'ie$ b sel'-asc!i%tion an$ asc!i%tion b othe!0 whohae contin(o(sl lie$ as o!"ani#e$ co&&(nit on co&&(nall bo(n$e$ an$

    $e'ine$ te!!ito!0 an$ who hae0 (n$e! clai&s o' owne!shi% since ti&e i&&e&o!ial0occ(%ie$0 %ossesse$ c(sto&s0 t!a$ition an$ othe! $istinctie c(lt(!al t!aits0 o! who

    hae0 th!o("h !esistance to %olitical0 social an$ c(lt(!al in!oa$s o' coloni#ation0non-in$i"eno(s !eli"ions an$ c(lt(!e0 beca&e histo!icall $i''e!entiate$ '!o& the&a3o!it o' 5ili%inos. ICCs)IPs shall likewise incl($e %eo%les who a!e !e"a!$e$ asin$i"eno(s on acco(nt o' thei! $escent '!o& the %o%(lations which inhabite$ theco(nt!0 at the ti&e o' con2(est o! coloni#ation0 o! at the ti&e o' in!oa$s o' non-in$i"eno(s !eli"ions an$ c(lt(!es0 o! the establish&ent o' %!esent state bo(n$a!ies0who !etain so&e o! all o' thei! own social0 econo&ic0 c(lt(!al an$ %olitical

    instit(tions0 b(t who &a hae been $is%lace$ '!o& thei! t!a$itional $o&ains o!who &a hae !esettle$ o(tsi$e thei! ancest!al $o&ains/

  • 8/14/2019 REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8371.doc


    i+ I!ieo#$ Politi&+l Str#&t#re 4 !e'e! to o!"ani#ational an$ c(lt(!al lea$e!shi%sste&s0 instit(tions0 !elationshi%s0 %atte!ns an$ %!ocesse$ 'o! $ecision-&akin" an$%a!tici%ation0 i$enti'ie$ b ICCs)IPs s(ch as0 b(t not li&ite$ to0 Co(ncil o' El$e!s0Co(ncil o' Ti&(as0 :o$on" Hol$e!0 o! an othe! t!ib(nal o! bo$ o' si&ila! nat(!e/

    3+ I!i3i!#+l Cl+i1$ 4 !e'e! to clai&s on lan$ an$ !i"hts the!eon which hae been

    $eole$ to in$ii$(als0 'a&ilies an$ clans incl($in"0 b(t not li&ite$ to0 !esi$entiallots0 !ice te!!aces o! %a$$ies an$ t!ee lots/

    k+ N+tio+l Co11i$$io o I!ieo#$ Peo%le$ 5NCIP 4 !e'e!s to the o''ice c!eate$(n$e! this Act0 which shall be (n$e! the O''ice o' the P!esi$ent0 an$ which shall bethe %!i&a! "oe!n&ent a"enc !es%onsible 'o! the 'o!&(lation an$ i&%le&entationo' %olicies0 %lans an$ %!o"!a&s to !eco"ni#e0 %!otect an$ %!o&ote the !i"hts o'ICCs)IPs/

    l+ N+ti3e Title 4 !e'e!s to %!e-con2(est !i"hts to lan$s an$ $o&ains which0 as 'a!back as &e&o! !eaches0 hae been hel$ (n$e! a clai& o' %!iate owne!shi% b

    ICCs)IPs0 hae nee! been %(blic lan$s an$ a!e th(s in$is%(tabl %!es(&e$ to hae

    been hel$ that wa since be'o!e the S%anish Con2(est/

    &+ Noo3er1et Or+i-+tio 4 !e'e!s to a %!iate0 non%!o'it ol(nta!o!"ani#ation that has been o!"ani#e$ %!i&a!il 'o! the $elie! o' a!io(s se!icesto the ICCs)IPs an$ has an establishe$ t!ack !eco!$ 'o! e''ectieness an$acce%tabilit in the co&&(nit whe!e it se!es/

    n+ Peo%le6$ Or+i-+tio 4 !e'e!s to a %!iate0 non%!o'it ol(nta! o!"ani#ation o'&e&be!s o' an ICC)IP which is acce%te$ as !e%!esentatie o' s(ch ICCs)IPs/

    o+ S#$t+i+le Tr+!itio+l Re$o#r&e Riht$ 4 !e'e! to the !i"hts o' ICCs)IPs tos(stainabl (se0&ana"e0 %!otect an$ conse!e a+ lan$0 ai!0 wate!0 an$ &ine!als/ b+

    %lants0 ani&als an$ othe! o!"anis&s/ c+ collectin"0 'ishin" an$ h(ntin" "!o(n$s/ $+sac!e$ sites/ an$ e+ othe! a!eas o' econo&ic0 ce!e&onial an$ aesthetic al(e inacco!$ance with thei! in$i"eno(s knowle$"e0 belie's0 sste&s an$ %!actices/ an$

    %+ Ti1e I11e1ori+l - !e'e!s to a %e!io$ o' ti&e when as 'a! back as &e&o! can "o0

    ce!tain ICCs)IPs a!e known to hae occ(%ie$0 %ossesse$ in the conce%t o' owne!0 an$(tili#e$ a $e'ine$ te!!ito! $eole$ to the&0 b o%e!ation o' c(sto&a! law o! inhe!ite$

    '!o& thei! ancesto!s0 in acco!$ance with thei! c(sto&s an$ t!a$itions.


    Sec. ;. Co&e%t o' A&e$tr+l L+!$/Do1+i$.- Ancest!al lan$s)$o&ains shall incl($e s(chconce%ts o' te!!ito!ies which coe! not onl the %hsical eni!on&ent b(t the totaleni!on&ent incl($in" the s%i!it(al an$ c(lt(!al bon$s to the a!ea which the ICCs)IPs

    %ossess0 occ(% an$ (se an$ to which the hae clai&s o' owne!shi%.

    Sec. 8. I!ieo#$ Co&e%t o' O2er$hi%.4In$i"eno(s conce%t o' owne!shi% s(stains theiew that ancest!al $o&ains an$ all !eso(!ces 'o(n$ the!ein shall se!e as the &ate!ialbases o' thei! c(lt(!al inte"!it. The in$i"eno(s conce%t o' owne!shi% "ene!all hol$s thatancest!al $o&ains a!e the ICC

  • 8/14/2019 REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8371.doc


    Sec. 9. Co1%o$itio o' A&e$tr+l L+!$/Do1+i$.4 Ancest!al lan$s an$ $o&ains shallconsist o' all a!eas "ene!all belon"in" to ICCs)IPs as !e'e!!e$ (n$e! Sec. 70 ite&s *a+ an$*b+ o' this Act.

    Sec. =. Riht$ to A&e$tr+l Do1+i$.4 The !i"hts o' owne!shi% an$ %ossession o' ICCs)IPs t

    thei! ancest!al $o&ains shall be !eco"ni#e$ an$ %!otecte$. S(ch !i"hts shall incl($e,

    a. Riht$ o' O2er$hi%.4 The !i"ht to clai& owne!shi% oe! lan$s0 bo$ies o' wate!t!a$itionall an$ act(all occ(%ie$ b ICCs)IPs0 sac!e$ %laces0 t!a$itional h(ntin" an$'ishin" "!o(n$s0 an$ all i&%!oe&ents &a$e b the& at an ti&e within the $o&ains/

    b. Riht to De3elo% L+!$ +! N+t#r+l Re$o#r&e$.- S(b3ect to Section 89 he!eo'0 !i"ht to$eelo%0 cont!ol an$ (se lan$s an$ te!!ito!ies t!a$itionall occ(%ie$0 owne$0 o! (se$/ to

    &ana"e an$ conse!e nat(!al !eso(!ces within the te!!ito!ies an$ (%hol$ the !es%onsibilities'o! '(t(!e "ene!ations/ to bene'it an$ sha!e the %!o'its '!o& allocation an$ (tili#ation o' the

    nat(!al !eso(!ces 'o(n$ the!ein/ the !i"ht to ne"otiate the te!&s an$ con$itions 'o! thee%lo!ation o' nat(!al !eso(!ces in the a!eas 'o! the %(!%ose o' ens(!in" ecolo"ical0

    eni!on&ental %!otection an$ the conse!ation &eas(!es0 %(!s(ant to national an$

    c(sto&a! laws/ the !i"ht to an in'o!&e$ an$ intelli"ent %a!tici%ation in the 'o!&(lation an$i&%le&entation o' an %!o3ect0 "oe!n&ent o! %!iate0 that will a''ect o! i&%act (%on theancest!al $o&ains an$ to !eceie 3(st an$ 'ai! co&%ensation 'o! an $a&a"es which thes(stain as a !es(lt o' the %!o3ect/ an$ the !i"ht to e''ectie &eas(!es b the "oe!n&ent to%!eent an inte!'e!e with0 alienation an$ enc!oach&ent (%on these !i"hts/

    c. Riht to St+0 i the Territorie$- The !i"ht to sta in the te!!ito! an$ not be !e&oe$the!e'!o&. No ICCs)IPs will be !elocate$ witho(t thei! '!ee an$ %!io! in'o!&e$ consent0 no!

    th!o("h an &eans othe! than e&inent $o&ain. >he!e !elocation is consi$e!e$ necessa!as an ece%tional &eas(!e0 s(ch !elocation shall take %lace onl with the '!ee an$ %!io!in'o!&e$ consent o' the ICCs)IPs conce!ne$ an$ whenee! %ossible0 the shall be"(a!antee$ the !i"ht to !et(!n to thei! ancest!al $o&ains0 as soon as the "!o(n$s 'o!

    !elocation cease to eist. >hen s(ch !et(!n is not %ossible0 as $ete!&ine$ b a"!ee&ent o!th!o("h a%%!o%!iate %!oce$(!es0 ICCs)IPs shall be %!oi$e$ in all %ossible cases with lan$so' 2(alit an$ le"al stat(s at least e2(al to that o' the lan$ %!eio(sl occ(%ie$ b the&0s(itable to %!oi$e 'o! thei! %!esent nee$s an$ '(t(!e $eelo%&ent. Pe!sons th(s !elocate$

    shall likewise be '(ll co&%ensate$ 'o! an !es(ltin" loss o! in3(!/

    $. Riht i C+$e o' Di$%l+&e1et.- In case $is%lace&ent occ(!s as a !es(lt o' nat(!al

    catast!o%hes0 the State shall en$eao! to !esettle the $is%lace$ ICCs)IPs in s(itable a!easwhe!e the can hae te&%o!a! li'e s(%%o!t sste&, P!oi$e$0 That the $is%lace$ ICCs)IPsshall hae the !i"ht to !et(!n to thei! aban$one$ lan$s (ntil s(ch ti&e that the no!&alcan$ sa'et o' s(ch lan$s shall be $ete!&ine$, P!oi$e$0 '(!the!0 That sho(l$ thei! ancest!al$o&ain cease to eist an$ no!&alc an$ sa'et o' the %!eio(s settle&ents a!e not

    %ossible0 $is%lace$ ICCs)IPs shall en3o sec(!it o' ten(!e oe! lan$s to which the haebeen !esettle$, P!oi$e$0 '(!the!&o!e0 That basic se!ices an$ lielihoo$ shall be %!oi$e$to the& to ens(!e that thei! nee$s a!e a$e2(atel a$$!esse$,

    e. Riht to Re#l+te Etr0 o' Mir+t$.- Ri"ht to !e"(late the ent! o' &i"!ant settle!s an$o!"ani#ations into the $o&ains/

    '. Riht to S+'e +! Cle+ Air +! 7+ter.- 5o! this %(!%ose0 the ICCs)IPs shall hae accessto inte"!ate$ sste&s 'o! the &ana"e&ent o' thei! inlan$ wate!s an$ ai! s%ace/

    ". Riht to Cl+i1 P+rt$ o' Re$er3+tio$.- The !i"ht to clai& %a!ts o' the ancest!al $o&ainswhich hae been !ese!e$ 'o! a!io(s %(!%oses0 ece%t those !ese!e$ an$ inten$e$ 'o!

    co&&on an$ %(blic wel'a!e an$ se!ice/ an$

  • 8/14/2019 REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8371.doc


    h. Riht to Re$ol3e Co'li&t.- Ri"ht to !esole lan$ con'licts in acco!$ance with c(sto&a!laws o' the a!ea whe!e the lan$ is locate$0 an$ onl in $e'a(lt the!eo' shall the co&%laintsbe s(b&itte$ to a&icable settle&ent an$ to the Co(!ts o' ?(stice whenee! necessa!.

    Sec. @. Riht$ to A&e$tr+l L+!$.- The !i"ht o' owne!shi% an$ %ossession o' the ICCs)IPs0

    to thei! ancest!al lan$s shall be !eco"ni#e$ an$ %!otecte$.

    a. Riht to tr+$'er l+!/%ro%ert0.- S(ch !i"ht shall incl($e the !i"ht to t!ans'e! lan$ o!%!o%e!t !i"hts to)a&on" &e&be!s o' the sa&e ICCs)IPs0 s(b3ect to c(sto&a! laws an$t!a$itions o' the co&&(nit conce!ne$.

    b. Riht to Re!e1%tio.- In cases whe!e it is shown that the t!ans'e! o' lan$)%!o%e!t !i"htsb i!t(e o' an a"!ee&ent o! $eise0 to a non-&e&be! o' the conce!ne$ ICCs)IPs istainte$ b the itiate$ consent o' the ICCs)IPs0o! is t!ans'e!!e$ 'o! an (nconscionableconsi$e!ation o! %!ice0 the t!ans'e!o! ICC)IP shall hae the !i"ht to !e$ee& the sa&e within

    a %e!io$ not ecee$in" 'i'teen *18+ ea!s '!o& the $ate o' t!ans'e!.

    Sec. . Re$%o$iilitie$ o' ICC$/IP$ to their A&e$tr+l Do1+i$.- ICCs)IPs occ(%in" a $(l

    ce!ti'ie$ ancest!al $o&ain shall hae the 'ollowin" !es%onsibilities,

    a. 6aintain Ecolo"ical :alance- To %!ese!e0 !esto!e0 an$ &aintain a balance$ ecolo" inthe ancest!al $o&ain b %!otectin" the 'lo!a an$ 'a(na0 wate!she$ a!eas0 an$ othe!!ese!es/

    b. Resto!e 4en($e$ A!eas- To actiel initiate0 (n$e!take an$ %a!tici%ate in the!e'o!estation o' $en($e$ a!eas an$ othe! $eelo%&ent %!o"!a&s an$ %!o3ects s(b3ect to

    3(st an$ !easonable !e&(ne!ation/ an$

    c. Obse!e Laws- To obse!e an$ co&%l with the %!oisions o' this Act an$ the !(les an$

    !e"(lations 'o! its e''ectie i&%le&entation.

    Sec. 1B. U+#thori-e! +! Ul+2'#l Itr#$io.- na(tho!i#e$ an$ (nlaw'(l int!(sion (%on0

    o! (se o' an %o!tion o' the ancest!al $o&ain0 o! an iolation o' the !i"hts he!ein be'o!een(&e!ate$0 shall be %(nishable (n$e! this law. 5(!the!&o!e0 the Goe!n&ent shall take&eas(!es to %!eent non-ICCs)IPs '!o& takin" a$anta"e o' the ICCs)IPs c(sto&s o! lacko' (n$e!stan$in" o' laws to sec(!e owne!shi%0 %ossession o' lan$ belon"in" to sai$


    Sec. 11. Re&oitio o' A&e$tr+l Do1+i Riht$.- The !i"hts o' ICCs)IPs to thei! ancest!al

    $o&ains b i!t(e o' Natie Title shall be !eco"ni#e$ an$ !es%ecte$. 5o!&al !eco"nition0when solicite$ b ICCs)IPs conce!ne$0 shall be e&bo$ie$ in a Ce!ti'icate o' Ancest!al4o&ain Title *CA4T+0 which shall !eco"ni#e the title o' the conce!ne$ ICCs)IPs oe! thete!!ito!ies i$enti'ie$ an$ $elineate$.

    Sec. 1. O%tio to Sere Certi'i&+te o' Title #!er Co11o2e+lth A&t (8(, +$ +1e!e!,or the L+! Rei$tr+tio A&t 8)9.- In$ii$(al &e&be!s o' c(lt(!al co&&(nities0 with

    !es%ect to in$ii$(all-owne$ ancest!al lan$s who0 b the&seles o! th!o("h thei!%!e$ecesso!s-in -inte!est0 hae been in contin(o(s %ossession an$ occ(%ation o' the sa&e

    in the conce%t o' owne! since the i&&e&o!ial o! 'o! a %e!io$ o' not less than thi!t *7B+ea!s i&&e$iatel %!ece$in" the a%%!oal o' this Act an$ (nconteste$ b the &e&be!s o'the sa&e ICCs)IPs shall hae the o%tion to sec(!e title to thei! ancest!al lan$s (n$e! the%!oisions o' Co&&onwealth Act 1;10 as a&en$e$0 o! the Lan$ Re"ist!ation Act ;9.

    5o! this %(!%ose0 sai$ in$ii$(all-owne$ ancest!al lan$s0 which a!e a"!ic(lt(!al in cha!acte!an$ act(all (se$ 'o! a"!ic(lt(!al0 !esi$ential0 %ast(!e0 an$ t!ee 'a!&in" %(!%oses0 incl($in"

    those with a slo%e o' ei"hteen %e!cent *1@D+ o! &o!e0 a!e he!eb classi'ie$ as alienable

    an$ $is%osable a"!ic(lt(!al lan$s.

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    The o%tion "!ante$ (n$e! this Section shall be ee!cise$ within twent *B+ ea!s '!o& thea%%!oal o' this Act.


    Sec. 17. Sel'4Go3er+&e.- The State !eco"ni#es the inhe!ent !i"ht o' ICCs)IPs to sel'-"oe!nance an$ sel'-$ete!&ination an$ !es%ects the inte"!it o' thei! al(es0 %!actices an$instit(tions. Conse2(entl0 the State shall "(a!antee the !i"ht o' ICCs)IPs to '!eel %(!s(ethei! econo&ic0 social an$ c(lt(!al $eelo%&ent.

    Sec. 1;. S#%%ort 'or A#too1o#$ Reio$.- The State shall contin(e to st!en"then an$s(%%o!t the a(tono&o(s !e"ions c!eate$ (n$e! the Constit(tion as the &a !e2(i!e o!

    nee$. The State shall likewise enco(!a"e othe! ICCs)IPs not incl($e$ o! o(tsi$e 6(sli&6in$anao an$ the Co!$ille!a to (se the 'o!& an$ content o' thei! was o' li'e as &a be

    co&%atible with the '(n$a&ental !i"hts $e'ine$ in the Constit(tion o' the Re%(blic o' thePhili%%ines an$ othe! inte!nationall !eco"ni#e$ h(&an !i"hts.

    Sec. 18.:#$ti&e S0$te1, Co'li&t Re$ol#tio I$tit#tio$ +! Pe+&e B#il!i Pro&e$$e$.- TheICCs)IPs shall hae the !i"ht to (se thei! own co&&onl acce%te$ 3(stice sste&s0 con'lict!esol(tion instit(tions0 %eace b(il$in" %!ocesses o! &echanis&s an$ othe! c(sto&a! lawsan$ %!actices within thei! !es%ectie co&&(nities an$ as &a be co&%atible with thenational le"al sste& an$ with inte!nationall !eco"ni#e$ h(&an !i"hts.

    Sec. 19. Riht to P+rti&i%+te i De&i$io 4M+;i.- ICCs)IPs hae the !i"ht to %a!tici%ate

    '(ll0 i' the so choose0 at all leels o' $ecision-&akin" in &atte!s which &a a''ect thei!!i"hts0 lies an$ $estinies th!o("h %!oce$(!es $ete!&ine$ b the& as well as to &aintain

    an$ $eelo% thei! own in$i"eno(s %olitical st!(ct(!es. Conse2(entl0 the State shall ens(!ethat the ICCs)IPs shall be "ien &an$ato! !e%!esentation in %olic-&akin" bo$ies an$othe! local le"islatie co(ncils.

    Sec. 1=. Riht to Deter1ie +! De&i!e Prioritie$ 'or De3elo%1et.- The ICCs)IPs shallhae the !i"ht to $ete!&ine an$ $eci$e thei! own %!io!ities 'o! $eelo%&ent a''ectin" thei!lies0 belie's0 instit(tions0 s%i!it(al well-bein"0 an$ the lan$s the own0 occ(% o! (se. The

    shall %a!tici%ate in the 'o!&(lation0i&%le&entation an$ eal(ation o' %olicies0 %lans an$%!o"!a&s 'o! national0 !e"ional an$ local $eelo%&ent which &a $i!ectl a''ect the&.

    Sec. 1@. Tri+l B+r++0$.- The ICCs)IPs liin" in conti"(o(s a!eas o! co&&(nities whe!ethe 'o!& the %!e$o&inant %o%(lation b(t which a!e locate$ in &(nici%alities0 %!oinces o!cities whe!e the $o not constit(te the &a3o!it o' the %o%(lation0 &a 'o!& o! constit(te ase%a!ate ba!an"a in acco!$ance with the Local Goe!n&ent Co$e on the c!eation o' t!ibalba!an"as.

    Sec. 1. Role o' Peo%le$ Or+i-+tio$.- The State shall !eco"ni#e an$ !es%ect the !ole o'

    in$e%en$ent ICCs)IPs o!"ani#ations to enable the ICCs)IPs to %(!s(e an$ %!otect thei!le"iti&ate an$ collectie inte!ests an$ as%i!ations th!o("h %eace'(l an$ law'(l &eans.

    Sec. B. Me+$ 'or De3elo%1et /E1%o2er1et o' ICC$/IP$.- The Goe!n&ent shallestablish the &eans 'o! the '(ll $eelo%&ent)e&%owe!&ent o' the ICCs)IPs own instit(tionsan$ initiaties an$0 whe!e necessa!0 %!oi$e the !eso(!ces nee$e$ the!e'o!.


    Sec. 1. E

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    nite$ Nations0 the nie!sal 4ecla!ation o' H(&an Ri"hts incl($in" the Conention on theEli&ination o' 4isc!i&ination A"ainst >o&en an$ Inte!national H(&an Ri"hts Law0 theState shall0 with $(e !eco"nition o' thei! $istinct cha!acte!istics an$ i$entit0 acco!$ to the&e&be!s o' the ICCs)IPs the !i"hts0 %!otections an$ %!iile"es en3oe$ b the !est o' the

    citi#en!. It shall eten$ to the& the sa&e e&%lo&ent !i"hts0 o%%o!t(nities0 basicse!ices0 educationalan$ othe! !i"hts an$ %!iile"es aailable to ee! &e&be! o' the

    societ. Acco!$in"l0 the State shall likewise ens(!e that the e&%lo&ent o' an 'o!& o''o!ce o' coe!sion a"ainst ICCs)IPs shall be $ealt with b law.

    The State shall ens(!e that the '(n$a&ental h(&an !i"hts an$ '!ee$o&s as ensh!ine$ inthe Constit(tion an$ !eleant inte!national inst!(&ents a!e "(a!antee$ also to in$i"eno(swo&en. Towa!$s this en$0 no %!oision in this Act shall be inte!%!ete$ so as to !es(lt in the$i&in(tion o' !i"hts an$ %!iile"es al!ea$ !eco"ni#e$ an$ acco!$e$ to wo&en (n$e!

    eistin" laws o' "ene!al a%%lication.

    Sec. . Riht$ !#ri Ar1e! Co'li&t.- ICCs)IPs hae the !i"ht to s%ecial %!otection an$

    sec(!it in %e!io$s o' a!&e$ con'lict. The State shall obse!e inte!national stan$a!$s0 in%a!tic(la!0 the 5o(!th Genea Conention o' 1;0 'o! the %!otection o' ciilian %o%(lations

    in ci!c(&stances o' e&e!"enc an$ a!&e$ con'lict0 an$ shall not !ec!(it &e&be!s o' theICCs)IPs a"ainst thei! will into a!&e$ 'o!ces0 an$ in %a!tic(la!0 'o! the (se a"ainst othe!ICCs)IPs/ not !ec!(it chil$!en o' ICCs)IPs into the a!&e$ 'o!ces (n$e! an ci!c(&stance/no! 'o!ce in$i"eno(s in$ii$(als to aban$on thei! lan$s0 te!!ito!ies an$ &eans o's(bsistence0 o! !elocate the& in s%ecial cente!s 'o! &ilita! %(!%oses (n$e! an$isc!i&inato! con$ition.

    Sec. 7. Free!o1 'ro1 Di$&ri1i+tio +! Riht to E

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    the +re+$ o' e1%lo01et, 3o&+tio+l tr+ii +! retr+ii, ho#$i, $+it+tio, he+lth +!$o&i+l $erit0. P+rtil+r +ttetio $h+ll e %+i! to the riht$ +! $%e&i+l ee!$ o'i!ieo#$ 2o1e, el!erl0, 0o#th, &hil!re +! !i''eretl04+le! %er$o$. A&&or!il0, theSt+te $h+ll #+r+tee the riht o' ICC$/IP$ to o3er1et 6$ +$i& $er3i&e$ 2hi&h $h+ll

    i&l#!e, #t ot li1ite! to 2+ter +! ele&tri&+l '+&ilitie$, education, he+lth +!i'r+$tr#&t#re.

    Sec. 9. 7o1e.- ICC)IP wo&en shall en3o e2(al !i"hts an$ o%%o!t(nities with &en0 as!e"a!$s the social0 econo&ic0 %olitical an$ c(lt(!al s%he!es o' li'e. The %a!tici%ation o'in$i"eno(s wo&en in the $ecision-&akin" %!ocess in all leels0 as well as in the$eelo%&ent o' societ0 shall be "ien $(e !es%ect an$ !eco"nition.

    The State shall provide full access to education0 &ate!nal an$ chil$ ca!e0 health an$n(t!ition0 an$ ho(sin" se!ices to in$i"eno(s wo&en. Vocational0 technical0 %!o'essional

    an$ othe! 'o!&s o' t!ainin" shall be %!oi$e$ to enable these wo&en to '(ll %a!tici%ate inall as%ects o' social li'e. As 'a! as %ossible0 the State shall ens(!e that in$i"eno(s wo&en

    hae access to all se!ices in thei! own lan"(a"es.

    Sec. =. Chil!re +! ?o#th.- The State shall !eco"ni#e the ital !ole o' the chil$!en an$o(th o' ICCs)IPs in nation-b(il$in" an$ shall %!o&ote an$ %!otect thei! %hsical0 &o!al0s%i!it(al0 &o!al0 s%i!it(al0 intellect(al an$ social well-bein". Towa!$s this en$0 the Stateshall s(%%o!t all "oe!n&ent %!o"!a&s inten$e$ 'o! the $eelo%&ent an$ !ea!in" o' thechil$!en an$ o(th o' ICCs)IPs 'o! ciic e''icienc an$ establish s(ch &echanis&s as &a be

    necessa! 'o! the %!otection o' the !i"hts o' the in$i"eno(s chil$!en an$ o(th.

    Sec. @. Iter+te! S0$te1 o' E!#&+tio.- The State shall0 th!o("h the NCIP0 %!oi$e a

    complete, adeuate and inte!"ated #$#tem o% education0 !eleant to the nee$s o' thechil$!en an$ o(n" %eo%le o' ICCs)IPs.



    Sec. . Prote&tio o' I!ieo#$ C#lt#re, tr+!itio$ +! i$tit#tio$.- The state shall!es%ect0 !eco"ni#e an$ %!otect the !i"ht o' the ICCs)IPs to %!ese!e an$ %!otect thei!

    c(lt(!e0 t!a$itions an$ instit(tions. It shall consi$e! these !i"hts in the 'o!&(lation o'national %lans an$ %olicies.

    Sec. 7B. E!#&+tio+l S0$te1$.- The State shall %!oi$e e2(al access to a!io(s c(lt(!alo%%o!t(nities to the ICCs)IPs th!o("h the e$(cational sste&0 %(blic o! c(lt(!al entities0schola!shi%s0 "!ants an$ othe! incenties witho(t %!e3($ice to thei! !i"ht to establish an$cont!ol thei! educational systemsan$ instit(tions b %!oi$in" e$(cation in thei! ownlan"(a"e0 in a &anne! a%%!o%!iate to thei! c(lt(!al &etho$s o' teachin" an$ lea!nin".

    In$i"eno(s chil$!en)o(th shall hae the !i"ht to all leels an$ 'o!&s o' e$(cation o' theState.

    Sec. 71. Re&oitio o' C#lt#r+l Di3er$it0.4The State shall en$eao! to hae the $i"nit an$

    $ie!sit o' the c(lt(!es0 t!a$itions0 histo!ies an$ as%i!ations o' the ICCs)IPs a%%!o%!iatel!e'lecte$ in all forms of education0 %(blic in'o!&ation an$ c(lt(!al-e$(cational echan"e.Conse2(entl0 the State shall take e''ectie &eas(!es0 in cons(ltation with ICCs)IPsconce!ne$0 to eli&inate %!e3($ice an$ $isc!i&ination an$ to %!o&ote tole!ance0(n$e!stan$in" an$ "oo$ !elations a&on" ICCs)IPs an$ all se"&ents o' societ.5(!the!&o!e0 the Goe!n&ent shall take e''ectie &eas(!es to ens(!e that State-owne$&e$ia $(l !e'lect in$i"eno(s c(lt(!al $ie!sit. The State shall likewise ens(!e the%a!tici%ation o' a%%!o%!iate in$i"eno(s lea$e!s in schools0 co&&(nities an$ inte!national

    coo%e!atie (n$e!takin"s like 'estials0 con'e!ences0 se&ina!s an$ wo!ksho%s to %!o&otean$ enhance thei! $istinctie he!ita"e an$ al(es.

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    Sec. 7. Co11#it0 Itelle&t#+l Riht$.4ICCs)IPs hae the !i"ht to %!actice an$ !eitali#ethei! own c(lt(!al t!a$itions an$ c(sto&s. The State shall %!ese!e0 %!otect an$ $eelo% the%ast0 %!esent an$ '(t(!e &ani'estations o' thei! c(lt(!es as well as the !i"ht to the!estit(tion o' c(lt(!al0 intellect(al0 !eli"io(s0 an$ s%i!it(al %!o%e!t taken witho(t thei! '!ee

    an$ %!io! in'o!&e$ consent o! in iolation o' thei! laws0 t!a$itions an$ c(sto&s.

    Sec. 77. Riht$ to Reliio#$, C#lt#r+l Site$ +! Cere1oie$.- ICCs)IPs shall hae the !i"htto &ani'est0 %!actice0 $eelo% teach thei! s%i!it(al an$ !eli"io(s t!a$itions0 c(sto&s an$ce!e&onies/ the !i"ht to &aintain0 %!otect an$ hae access to thei! !eli"io(s an$ c(lt(!alsites/ the !i"ht to (se an$ cont!ol o' ce!e&onial ob3ect/ an$ the !i"ht to the !e%at!iation o'h(&an !e&ains. Acco!$in"l0 the State shall take e''ectie &eas(!es0 in coo%e!ation withthe b(!ial sites0 be %!ese!e$0 !es%ecte$ an$ %!otecte$. To achiee this %(!%ose0 it shall be(nlaw'(l to,

    a. E%lo!e0 ecaate o! &ake $i""in"s on a!cheolo"ical sites o' the ICCs)IPs 'o! the %(!%oseo' obtainin" &ate!ials o' c(lt(!al al(es witho(t the '!ee an$ %!io! in'o!&e$ consent o' the

    co&&(nit conce!ne$/ an$

    b. 4e'ace0 !e&oe o! othe!wise $est!o a!ti'acts which a!e o' "!eat i&%o!tance to theICCs)IPs 'o! the %!ese!ation o' thei! c(lt(!al he!ita"e.

    Sec. 7;. Riht to I!ieo#$ @o2le!e S0$te1$ +! Pr+&ti&e$ +! to De3elo% o2S&ie&e$ +! Te&holoie$.- ICCs)IPs a!e entitle$ to the !eco"nition o' the '(ll owne!shi%an$ cont!ol an$ %!otection o' thei! c(lt(!al an$ intellect(al !i"hts. The shall hae the !i"ht

    to s%ecial &eas(!es to cont!ol0 $eelo% an$ %!otect thei! sciences0 technolo"ies an$ c(lt(!al&ani'estations0 incl($in" h(&an an$ othe! "enetic !eso(!ces0 see$s0 incl($in" $e!iaties

    o' these !eso(!ces0 t!a$itional &e$icines an$ health %!actices0 ital &e$icinal %lants0ani&als an$ &ine!als0 in$i"eno(s knowle$"e sste&s an$ %!actices0 knowle$"e o' the%!o%e!ties o' 'a(na an$ 'lo!a0 o!al t!a$itions0 lite!at(!e0 $esi"ns0 an$ is(al an$ %e!'o!&in"a!ts.

    Sec. 78. A&&e$$ to Bioloi&+l +! Geeti& Re$o#r&e$.- Access to biolo"ical an$ "enetic!eso(!ces an$ to in$i"eno(s knowle$"e !elate$ to the conse!ation0 (tili#ation an$

    enhance&ent o' these !eso(!ces0 shall be allowe$ within ancest!al lan$s an$ $o&ains o' theICCs)IPs onl with a '!ee an$ %!io! in'o!&e$ consent o' s(ch co&&(nities0 obtaine$ in

    acco!$ance with c(sto&a! laws o' the conce!ne$ co&&(nit.

    Sec. 79. S#$t+i+le Aro4Te&hi&+l De3elo%1et.- The State shall !eco"ni#e the !i"ht o'ICCs)IPs to a s(stainable a"!o-technolo"ical $eelo%&ent an$ shall 'o!&(late an$i&%le&ent %!o"!a&s o' action 'o! its e''ectie i&%le&entation. The State shall likewise%!o&ote the bio-"enetic an$ !eso(!ce &ana"e&ent sste&s a&on" the ICCs)IPs an$ shallenco(!a"e coo%e!ation a&on" "oe!n&ent a"encies to ens(!e the s(ccess'(l s(stainable

    $eelo%&ent o' ICCs)IPs.

    Sec. 7=. F#!$ 'or Ar&heoloi&+l +! Hi$tori&+l Site$. 4The ICCs)IPs shall hae the !i"ht to

    !eceie '!o& the national "oe!n&ent all '(n$s es%eciall ea!&a!ke$ o! allocate$ 'o! the&ana"e&ent an$ %!ese!ation o' thei! a!cheolo"ical an$ histo!ical sites an$ a!ti'acts with

    the 'inancial an$ technical s(%%o!t o' the national "oe!n&ent a"encies.


    Sec. 7@. N+tio+l Co11i$$io o I!ieo#$ C#lt#r+l Co11#itie$ /I!ieo#$ Peo%le$

    5NCCP.- to ca!! o(t the %olicies he!ein set 'o!th0 the!e shall be c!eate$ the National

    Co&&ission on ICCs)IPs *NCIP+0 which shall be the %!i&a! "oe!n&ent a"enc !es%onsible'o! the 'o!&(lation an$ i&%le&entation o' %olicies0 %lans an$ %!o"!a&s to %!o&ote an$

  • 8/14/2019 REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8371.doc


    %!otect the !i"hts an$ well-bein" o' the ICCs)IPs an$ the !eco"nition o' thei! ancest!al$o&ains as well as thei! !i"hts the!eto.

    Sec. 7. M+!+te.- The NCIP shall %!otect an$ %!o&ote the inte!est an$ well-bein" o' theICCs)IPs with $(e !e"a!$ to thei! belie's0 c(sto&s0 t!a$itions an$ instit(tions.

    Sec. ;B. Co1%o$itio.- The NCIP shall be an in$e%en$ent a"enc (n$e! the O''ice o' theP!esi$ent an$ shall be co&%ose$ o' seen *=+ Co&&issione!s belon"in" to ICCs)IPs0 one*1+ o' who& shall be the Chai!%e!son. The Co&&issione!s shall be a%%ointe$ b theP!esi$ent o' the Phili%%ines '!o& a list o' !eco&&en$ees s(b&itte$ b a(thentic ICCs)IPs,P!oi$e$0 That the seen *=+ Co&&issione!s shall be a%%ointe$ s%eci'icall '!o& each o' the'ollowin" ethno"!a%hic a!eas, Re"ion I an$ the Co!$ille!as/ Re"ion II/ the !est o' L(#on/Islan$ G!o(%s incl($in" 6in$o!o0 Palawan0 Ro&blon0 Pana an$ the !est o' the Visaas/No!the!n an$ >este!n 6in$anao/ So(the!n an$ Easte!n 6in$anao/ an$ Cent!al 6in$anao,

    P!oi$e$0 That at least two *+ o' the seen *=+ Co&&issione!s shall be wo&en.

    Sec. ;1. #+li'i&+tio$, Te#re, Co1%e$+tio.- The Chai!%e!son an$ the si *9+

    Co&&issione!s &(st be nat(!al bo!n 5ili%ino citi#ens0 bona'i$e &e&be!s o' ICCs)IPs as

    ce!ti'ie$ b his)he! t!ibe0 e%e!ience$ in ethnic a''ai!s an$ who hae wo!ke$ 'o! at least ten*1B+ ea!s with an ICC)IP co&&(nit an$)o! an "oe!n&ent a"enc inole$ in ICC)IP0 atleast 78 ea!s o' a"e at the ti&e o' a%%oint&ent0 an$ &(st be o' %!oen honest an$inte"!it, P!oi$e$0 That at least two *+ o' the seen *=+ Co&&issione!s shall be the&e&be!s o' the Phili%%ine :a!, P!oi$e$0 '(!the!0 That the &e&be!s o' the NCIP shall hol$

    o''ice 'o! a %e!io$ o' th!ee *7+ ea!s0 an$ &a be s(b3ect to !e-a%%oint&ent 'o! anothe!te!&, P!oi$e$0 '(!the!&o!e0 That no %e!son shall se!e 'o! &o!e than two *+ te!&s.

    A%%oint&ent to an acanc shall onl be 'o! the (ne%i!e$ te!& o' the %!e$ecesso! an$ inno case shall a &e&be! be a%%ointe$ o! $esi"nate$ in a te&%o!a! o! actin" ca%acit,

    P!oi$e$0 'inall0 That the Chai!%e!son an$ the Co&&issione!s shall be entitle$ toco&%ensation in acco!$ance with the Sala! Stan$a!$i#ation Law.

    Sec. ;. Re1o3+l 'ro1 O''i&e.- An &e&be! o' the NCIP &a be !e&oe$ '!o& o''ice bthe P!esi$ent0 on his own initiatie o! (%on !eco&&en$ation b an in$i"eno(s co&&(nit0be'o!e the e%i!ation o' his te!& 'o! ca(se an$ a'te! co&%lin" with $(e %!ocess!e2(i!e&ent o' law.

    Sec. ;7. A%%oit1et o' Co11i$$ioer$.- The P!esi$ent shall a%%oint the seen *=+Co&&issione!s o' the NCIP within ninet *B+ $as '!o& the e''ectiit o' this Act.

    Sec. ;;. Po2er$ +! F#&tio$.- To acco&%lish its &an$ate0 the NCIP shall hae the'ollowin" %owe!s0 3(!is$iction an$ '(nction,

    a+ To se!e as the %!i&a! "oe!n&ent a"enc th!o("h which ICCs)IPs can seek

    "oe!n&ent assistance an$ as the &e$i(&0 tho!o("h which s(ch assistance &a beeten$e$/

    b+ To !eiew an$ assess the con$itions o' ICCs)IPs incl($in" eistin" laws an$ %olicies

    %e!tinent the!eto an$ to %!o%ose !eleant laws an$ %olicies to a$$!ess thei! !ole in national$eelo%&ent/

    c+ To 'o!&(late an$ i&%le&ent %olicies0 %lans0 %!o"!a&s an$ %!o3ects 'o! the econo&ic0social an$ c(lt(!al $eelo%&ent o' the ICCs)IPs an$ to &onito! the i&%le&entation the!eo'/

    $+ To !e2(est an$ en"a"e the se!ices an$ s(%%o!t o' e%e!ts '!o& othe! a"encies o'"oe!n&ent o! e&%lo %!iate e%e!ts an$ cons(ltants as &a be !e2(i!e$ in the %(!s(it o'

    its ob3ecties/

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    e+ To iss(e ce!ti'icate o' ancest!al lan$)$o&ain title/

    '+ S(b3ect to eistin" laws0 to ente! into cont!acts0 a"!ee&ents0 o! a!!an"e&ent0 with

    "oe!n&ent o! %!iate a"encies o! entities as &a be necessa! to attain the ob3ecties o'this Act0 an$ s(b3ect to the a%%!oal o' the P!esi$ent0 to obtain loans '!o& "oe!n&ent

    len$in" instit(tions an$ othe! len$in" instit(tions to 'inance its %!o"!a&s/

    "+ To ne"otiate 'o! '(n$s an$ to acce%t "!ants0 $onations0 "i'ts an$)o! %!o%e!ties inwhatee! 'o!& an$ '!o& whatee! so(!ce0 local an$ inte!national0 s(b3ect to the a%%!oal o'the P!esi$ent o' the Phili%%ines0 'o! the bene'it o' ICCs)IPs an$ a$&iniste! the sa&e inacco!$ance with the te!&s the!eo'/ o! in the absence o' an con$ition0 in s(ch &anne!consistent with the inte!est o' ICCs)IPs as well as eistin" laws/

    h+ To coo!$inate $eelo%&ent %!o"!a&s an$ %!o3ects 'o! the a$ance&ent o' the ICCs)IPsan$ to oe!see the %!o%e! i&%le&entation the!eo'/

    i+ To conene %e!io$ic conentions o! asse&blies o' IPs to !eiew0 assess as well as %!o%ose%olicies o! %lans/

    3+ To a$ise the P!esi$ent o' the Phili%%ines on all &atte!s !elatin" to the ICCs)IPs an$ tos(b&it within sit *9B+ $as a'te! the close o' each calen$a! ea!0 a !e%o!t o' itso%e!ations an$ achiee&ents/

    k+ To s(b&it to Con"!ess a%%!o%!iate le"islatie %!o%osals inten$e$ to ca!! o(t the %olicies

    (n$e! this Act/

    l+ To %!e%a!e an$ s(b&it the a%%!o%!iate b($"et to the O''ice o' the P!esi$ent/

    &+ To iss(e a%%!o%!iate ce!ti'ication as a %!e-con$ition to the "!ant o' %e!&it0 lease0 "!ant0o! an othe! si&ila! a(tho!it 'o! the $is%osition0 (tili#ation0 &ana"e&ent an$ a%%!o%!iationb an %!iate in$ii$(al0 co!%o!ate entit o! an "oe!n&ent a"enc0 co!%o!ation o!s(b$iision the!eo' on an %a!t o! %o!tion o' the ancest!al $o&ain takin" into consi$e!ationthe consens(s a%%!oal o' the ICCs)IPs conce!ne$/

    n+ To $eci$e all a%%eals '!o& the $ecisions an$ acts o' all the a!io(s o''ices within the


    o+ To %!o&(l"ate the necessa! !(les an$ !e"(lations 'o! the i&%le&entation o' this Act/

    %+ To ee!cise s(ch othe! %owe!s an$ '(nctions as &a be $i!ecte$ b the P!esi$ent o' theRe%(blic o' the Phili%%ines/ an$

    2+ To !e%!esent the Phili%%ine ICCs)IPs in all inte!national con'e!ences an$ conentions$ealin" with in$i"eno(s %eo%les an$ othe! !elate$ conce!ns.

    Sec. ;8.A&&e$$iilit0 +! Tr+$%+re&0.- S(b3ect to s(ch li&itations as &a be %!oi$e$ blaw o! b !(les an$ !e"(lations %!o&(l"ate$ %(!s(ant the!eto0 all o''icial !eco!$s0$oc(&ents an$ %a%e!s %e!tainin" to o''icial acts0 t!ansactions o! $ecisions0 as well as!esea!ch $ata (se$ as basis 'o! %olic $eelo%&ent o' the Co&&ission shall be &a$eaccessible to the %(blic.

    Sec.;9. O''i&er$ 2ithi the NCIP.- The NCIP shall hae the 'ollowin" o''ices which shall be

    !es%onsible 'o! the i&%le&entation o' the %olicies he!ein a'te! %!oi$e$,

    a. A&e$tr+l Do1+i$ O''i&e- The Ancest!al 4o&ain O''ice shall be !es%onsible 'o! the

    i$enti'ication0 $elineation an$ !eco"nition o' ancest!al lan$)$o&ains. It shall also be

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    !es%onsible 'o! the &ana"e&ent o' ancest!al lan$s)$o&ains in acco!$ance with the &aste!%lans as well as the i&%le&entation o' the ancest!al $o&ain !i"hts o' the ICCs)IPs as%!oi$e$ in Cha%te! III o' this Act. It shall also iss(e0 (%on the '!ee an$ %!io! in'o!&e$consent o' the ICCs)IPs conce!ne$0 ce!ti'ication %!io! to the "!ant o' an license0 lease o!

    %e!&it 'o! the e%loitation o' nat(!al !eso(!ces a''ectin" the inte!ests o' ICCs)IPs in%!otectin" the te!!ito!ial inte"!it o' all ancest!al $o&ains. It shall likewise %e!'o!& s(ch

    othe! '(nctions as the Co&&ission &a $ee& a%%!o%!iate an$ necessa!/

    b. O''i&e o Poli&0, Pl+i +! Re$e+r&h 4The O''ice on Polic0 Plannin" an$ Resea!chshall be !es%onsible 'o! the 'o!&(lation o' a%%!o%!iate %olicies an$ %!o"!a&s 'o! ICCs)IPss(ch as0 b(t not li&ite$ to0 the $eelo%&ent o' a 5ie-ea! 6aste! Plan 'o! the ICCs)IPs.S(ch %lan shall (n$e!"o a %!ocess s(ch that ee! 'ie ea!s0 the Co&&ission shallen$eao! to assess the %lan an$ &ake !a&i'ications in acco!$ance with the chan"in"

    sit(ations. The O''ice shall also (n$e!take the $oc(&entation o' c(sto&a! law an$ shallestablish an$ &aintain a Resea!ch Cente! that wo(l$ se!e as a $e%osito! o' ethno"!a%hic

    in'o!&ation 'o! &onito!in"0 eal(ation an$ %olic 'o!&(lation. It shall assist the le"islatieb!anch o' the national "oe!n&ent in the 'o!&(lation o' a%%!o%!iate le"islation bene'itin"


    c. O''i&e o' E!#&+tio, C#lt#re +! He+lth - The O''ice on C(lt(!e0 E$(cation an$ Healthshall be !es%onsible 'o! the e''ectie i&%le&entation o' the e$(cation0 c(lt(!al an$ !elate$!i"hts as %!oi$e$ in this Act. It shall assist0 %!o&ote an$ s(%%o!t co&&(nit schools0 both'o!&al an$ non-'o!&al0 'o! the bene'it o' the local in$i"eno(s co&&(nit0 es%eciall ina!eas whe!e eistin" e$(cational 'acilities a!e not accessible to &e&be!s o' the in$i"eno(s

    "!o(%. It shall a$&iniste! all schola!shi% %!o"!a&s an$ othe! e$(cational !i"hts inten$e$ 'o!ICC)IP bene'icia!ies in coo!$ination with the 4e%a!t&ent o' E$(cation0 C(lt(!e an$ S%o!ts

    an$ the Co&&ission on Hi"he! E$(cation. It shall (n$e!take0 within the li&its o' aailablea%%!o%!iation0 a s%ecial %!o"!a& which incl($es lan"(a"e an$ ocational t!ainin"0 %(blichealth an$ 'a&il assistance %!o"!a& an$ !elate$ s(b3ects.

    It shall also i$enti' ICCs)IPs with %otential t!ainin" in the health %!o'ession an$ enco(!a"ean$ assist the& to en!oll in schools o' &e$icine0 n(!sin"0 %hsical the!a% an$ othe! allie$co(!ses %e!tainin" to the health %!o'ession.

    Towa!$s this en$0 the NCIP shall $e%lo a !e%!esentatie in each o' the sai$ o''ices whoshall %e!sonall %e!'o!& the 'o!e"oin" task an$ who shall !eceie co&%laints '!o& the

    ICCs)IPs an$ co&%el action '!o& a%%!o%!iate a"enc. It shall also &onito! the actiities o'the National 6(se(& an$ othe! si&ila! "oe!n&ent a"encies "ene!all inten$e$ to &ana"e

    an$ %!ese!e histo!ical an$ a!cheolo"ical a!ti'acts o' the ICCs )IPs an$ shall be !es%onsible'o! the i&%le&entation o' s(ch othe! '(nctions as the NCIP &a $ee& a%%!o%!iate an$necessa!/

    $. O''i&e o So&io4E&oo1i& Ser3i&e$ +! S%e&i+l Co&er$ - The O''ice on Socio-Econo&icSe!ices an$ S%ecial Conce!ns shall se!e as the O''ice th!o("h which the NCIP shallcoo!$inate with %e!tinent "oe!n&ent a"encies s%eciall cha!"e$ with the i&%le&entation

    o' a!io(s basic socio-econo&ic se!ices0 %olicies0 %lans an$ %!o"!a&s a''ectin" theICCs)IPs to ens(!e that the sa&e a!e %!o%e!l an$ $i!ectl en3oe$ b the&. It shall also be

    !es%onsible 'o! s(ch othe! '(nctions as the NCIP &a $ee& a%%!o%!iate an$ necessa!/

    e. O''i&e o' E1%o2er1et +! H#1+ Riht$ - The O''ice o' E&%owe!&ent an$ H(&anRi"hts shall ens(!e that in$i"eno(s socio- %olitical0 c(lt(!al an$ econo&ic !i"hts a!e!es%ecte$ an$ !eco"ni#e$. It shall ens(!e that ca%acit b(il$in" &echanis&s a!e instit(te$an$ ICCs)IPs a!e a''o!$e$ ee! o%%o!t(nit0 i' the so choose0 to %a!tici%ate in all leel$ecision-&akin". It shall likewise ens(!e that the basic h(&an !i"hts0 an$ s(ch othe! !i"hts

    as the NCIP &a $ete!&ine0 s(b3ect to eistin" laws0 !(les an$ !e"(lations a!e %!otecte$an$ %!o&ote$/

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    '.A!1ii$tr+ti3e O''i&e 4The A$&inist!atie O''ice shall %!oi$e the NCIP with econo&ical0e''icient an$ e''ectie se!ices %e!tainin" to %e!sonnel0 'inance0 !eco!$s0 e2(i%&ent0sec(!it0 s(%%lies0 an$ !elate$ se!ices. It shall also a$&iniste! the Ancest!al 4o&ains5(n$/ an$

    ". Le+l A''+ir$ O''i&e - The!e shall be a Le"al A''ai!s O''ice which shall a$ice the NCIP on

    all le"al &atte!s conce!nin" ICCs)IPs an$ which shall be !es%onsible 'o! %!oi$in" ICCs)IPswith le"al assistance in liti"ation inolin" co&&(nit inte!est. It shall con$(ct %!eli&ina!inesti"ation on the basis o' co&%laints 'ile$ b the ICCs)IPs a"ainst a nat(!al o! 3(!i$ical%e!son beliee$ to hae iolate$ ICCs)IPs !i"hts. On the basis o' its 'in$in"s0 it shall initiatethe 'ilin" o' a%%!o%!iate le"al o! a$&inist!atie action to the NCIP.

    Sec. ;=. Other O''i&e$.- The NCIP shall hae the %owe! to c!eate a$$itional o''ices as it &a$ee& necessa! s(b3ect to eistin" !(les an$ !e"(lations.

    Sec. ;@. Reio+l +! Fiel! O''i&e$.- Eistin" !e"ional an$ 'iel$ o''ices shall !e&ain to'(nction (n$e! the st!en"thene$ o!"ani#ational st!(ct(!e o' the NCIP. Othe! 'iel$ o''ice shall

    be c!eate$ whe!ee! a%%!o%!iate an$ the sta''in" %atte!n the!eo' shall be $ete!&ine$ b

    the NCIP, P!oi$e$0 That in %!oinces whe!e the!e a!e ICCs)IPs b(t witho(t 'iel$ o''ices0 theNCIP shall establish 'iel$ o''ices in sai$ %!oinces.

    Sec. ;. O''i&e o' the Eeti3e Dire&tor.4The NCIP shall c!eate the O''ice o' the Eec(tie4i!ecto! which shall se!e as its sec!eta!iat. The o''ice shall be hea$e$ b an Eec(tie4i!ecto! who shall be a%%ointe$ b the P!esi$ent o' the Re%(blic o' the Phili%%ines (%on the

    !eco&&en$ation o' the NCIP on a %e!&anent basis. The sta''in" %atte!n o' the o''ice shallbe $ete!&ine$ b the NCIP s(b3ect to eistin" !(les an$ !e"(lations.

    Sec. 8B. Co$#lt+ti3e Bo!0.4 A bo$ consistin" o' the t!a$itional lea$e!s0 el$e!s an$!e%!esentaties '!o& the wo&en an$ o(th secto!s o' the $i''e!ent ICCs)IPs shall beconstit(te$ b the NCIP '!o& the ti&e to ti&e to a$ise it on &atte!s !elatin" to the

    %!oble&s0 as%i!ations an$ inte!ests o' the ICCs)IPs.


    Sec. 81. Delie+tio +! Re&oitio o' A&e$tr+l Do1+i$.- Sel'-$elineation shall be"(i$in" %!inci%le in the i$enti'ication an$ $elineation o' ancest!al $o&ains. As s(ch0 the

    ICCs)IPs conce!ne$ shall hae a $ecisie !ole in all the actiities %e!tinent the!eto. TheSwo!n State&ent o' the El$e!s as to the Sco%e o' the te!!ito!ies an$ a"!ee&ents)%acts&a$e with nei"hbo!in" ICCs)IPs0 i' an0 will be essential to the $ete!&ination o' theset!a$itional te!!ito!ies. The Goe!n&ent shall take the necessa! ste%s to i$enti' lan$swhich the ICCs)IPs conce!ne$ t!a$itionall occ(% an$ "(a!antee e''ectie %!otection o'

    thei! !i"hts o' owne!shi% an$ %ossession the!eto. 6eas(!es shall be taken in a%%!o%!iatecases to sa'e"(a!$ the !i"hts o' the ICCs)IPs conce!ne$ to lan$ which &a no lon"e! beecl(siel occ(%ie$ b the&0 b(t to which the hae t!a$itionall ha$ access 'o! thei!

    s(bsistence an$ t!a$itional actiities0 %a!tic(la!l o' ICCs)IPs who a!e still no&a$ic an$)o!shi'tin" c(ltiato!s.

    Sec. 8. Delie+tio Pro&e$$.- The i$enti'ication an$ $elineation o' ancest!al $o&ains shallbe $one in acco!$ance with the 'ollowin" %!oce$(!es,

    a.A&e$tr+l Do1+i$ Delie+te! Prior to thi$ A&t - The %!oisions he!e(n$e! shall not a%%lto ancest!al $o&ains)lan$s al!ea$ $elineate$ acco!$in" to 4ENR A$&inist!atie O!$e! No.

    0 se!ies o' 170 no! to ancest!al lan$s an$ $o&ains $elineate$ (n$e! an othe!

    co&&(nit)ancest!al $o&ain %!o"!a& %!io! to the enact&ent o' his law. ICCs)IPsenact&ent o' this law shall hae the !i"ht to a%%l 'o! the iss(ance o' a Ce!ti'icate o'

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    once a week 'o! two *+ consec(tie weeks to allow othe! clai&ants to 'ile o%%ositionthe!eto within 'i'teen *18+ $as '!o& the $ate o' s(ch %(blication, P!oi$e$0 That in a!easwhe!e no s(ch news%a%e! eists0 b!oa$castin" in a !a$io station will be a ali$ s(bstit(te,P!oi$e$0 '(!the!0 That &e!e %ostin" shall be $ee&e$ s(''icient i' both news%a%e! an$ !a$io

    station a!e not aailable/

    h.E!or$e1et to NCIP 4>ithin 'i'teen *18+ $as '!o& %(blication0 an$ o' the ins%ection%!ocess0 the Ancest!al 4o&ains O''ice shall %!e%a!e a !e%o!t to the NCIP en$o!sin" a'ao!able action (%on a clai& that is $ee&e$ to hae s(''icient %!oo'. Howee!0 i' the %!oo'is $ee&e$ ins(''icient0 the Ancest!al 4o&ains O''ice shall !e2(i!e the s(b&ission o'a$$itional ei$ence, P!oi$e$0 That the Ancest!al 4o&ains O''ice shall !e3ect an clai& thatis $ee&e$ %atentl 'alse o! '!a($(lent a'te! ins%ection an$ e!i'ication, P!oi$e$0 '(!the!0That in case o' !e3ection0 the Ancest!al 4o&ains O''ice shall "ie the a%%licant $(e notice0

    co% '(!nishe$ all conce!ne$0 containin" the "!o(n$s 'o! $enial. The $enial shall bea%%ealable to the NCIP, P!oi$e$0 '(!the!&o!e0 That in cases whe!e the!e a!e con'lictin"

    clai&s0 the Ancest!al 4o&ains O''ice shall ca(se the conten$in" %a!ties to &eet an$ assistthe& in co&in" (% with a %!eli&ina! !esol(tion o' the con'lict0 witho(t %!e3($ice to its '(ll

    a$3($ication acco!$in" to the selection below.

    i. T#ro3er o' Are+$ 7ithi A&e$tr+l Do1+i$ M++e! 0 Other Go3er1et Ae&ie$ -The Chai!%e!son o' the NCIP shall ce!ti' that the a!ea coe!e$ is an ancest!al $o&ain. Thesec!eta!ies o' the 4e%a!t&ent o' A"!a!ian Re'o!&0 4e%a!t&ent o' Eni!on&ent an$ Nat(!alReso(!ces0 4e%a!t&ent o' the Inte!io! an$ Local Goe!n&ent0 an$ 4e%a!t&ent o' ?(stice0the Co&&issione! o' the National 4eelo%&ent Co!%o!ation0 an$ an othe! "oe!n&ent

    a"enc clai&in" 3(!is$iction oe! the a!ea shall be noti'ie$ the!eo'. S(ch noti'ication shallte!&inate an le"al basis 'o! the 3(!is$iction %!eio(sl clai&e$/

    3. I$$#+&e o' CADT - ICCs)IPs whose ancest!al $o&ains hae been o''iciall $elineate$ an$$ete!&ine$ b the NCIP shall be iss(e$ a CA4T in the na&e o' the co&&(nit conce!ne$0containin" a list o' all those i$enti'ie$ in the cens(s/ an$

    k. Rei$tr+tio o' CADT$ - The NCIP shall !e"iste! iss(e$ ce!ti'icates o' ancest!al $o&aintitles an$ ce!ti'icates o' ancest!al lan$s titles be'o!e the Re"iste! o' 4ee$s in the %lacewhe!e the %!o%e!t is sit(ate$.

    Sec. 87. I!eti'i&+tio, Delie+tio +! Certi'i&+tio o' A&e$tr+l L+!$.4

    a. The allocation o' lan$s within an ancest!al $o&ain to in$ii$(al o! in$i"eno(s co!%o!ate*'a&il o! clan+ clai&ants shall be le't to the ICCs)IPs conce!ne$ to $eci$e in acco!$ancewith c(sto&s an$ t!a$itions/

    b. In$ii$(al an$ in$i"eno(s co!%o!ate clai&ants o' ancest!al lan$s which a!e not within

    ancest!al $o&ains0 &a hae thei! clai&s o''iciall establishe$ b 'ilin" a%%lications 'o! thei$enti'ication an$ $elineation o' thei! clai&s with the Ancest!al 4o&ains O''ice. Anin$ii$(al o! !eco"ni#e$ hea$ o' a 'a&il o! clan &a 'ile s(ch a%%lication in his behal' o! in

    behal' o' his 'a&il o! clan0 !es%ectiel/

    c. P!oo's o' s(ch clai&s shall acco&%an the a%%lication 'o!& which shall incl($e thetesti&on (n$e! oath o' el$e!s o' the co&&(nit an$ othe! $oc(&ents $i!ectl o! in$i!ectlattestin" to the %ossession o! occ(%ation o' the a!eas since ti&e i&&e&o!ial b thein$ii$(al o! co!%o!ate clai&ants in the conce%t o' owne!s which shall be an o' thea(thentic $oc(&ents en(&e!ate$ (n$e! Sec. 8 *$+ o' this act0 incl($in" ta $ecla!ationsan$ %!oo's o' %a&ent o' taes/

    $. The Ancest!al 4o&ains O''ice &a !e2(i!e '!o& each ancest!al clai&ant the s(b&issiono' s(ch othe! $oc(&ents0 Swo!n State&ents an$ the like0 which in its o%inion0 &a she$li"ht on the e!acit o' the contents o' the a%%lication)clai&/

  • 8/14/2019 REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8371.doc


    e. %on !ecei%t o' the a%%lications 'o! $elineation an$ !eco"nition o' ancest!al lan$ clai&s0the Ancest!al 4o&ains O''ice shall ca(se the %(blication o' the a%%lication an$ a co% o'each $oc(&ent s(b&itte$ incl($in" a t!anslation in the natie lan"(a"e o' the ICCs)IPsconce!ne$ in a %!o&inent %lace the!ein 'o! at least 'i'teen *18+ $as. A co% o' the

    $oc(&ent shall also be %oste$ at the local0 %!oincial0 an$ !e"ional o''ices o' the NCIP an$shall be %(blishe$ in a news%a%e! o' "ene!al ci!c(lation once a week 'o! two *+

    consec(tie weeks to allow othe! clai&ants to 'ile o%%osition the!eto within 'i'teen *18+$as '!o& the $ate o' s(ch %(blication, P!oi$e$0 That in a!eas whe!e no s(ch news%a%e!eists0 b!oa$castin" in a !a$io station will be a ali$ s(bstit(te, P!oi$e$0 '(!the!0 That&e!e %ostin" shall be $ee&e$ s(''icient i' both news%a%e!s an$ !a$io station a!e notaailable

    '. 5i'teen *18+ $as a'te! s(ch %(blication0 the Ancest!al 4o&ains O''ice shall inesti"ate

    an$ ins%ect each a%%lication0 an$ i' 'o(n$ to be &e!ito!io(s0 shall ca(se a %a!cella! s(!eo' the a!ea bein" clai&e$. The Ancest!al 4o&ains o''ice shall !e3ect an clai& that is

    $ee&e$ %atentl 'alse o! '!a($(lent a'te! ins%ection an$ e!i'ication. In case o' !e3ection0the Ancest!al 4o&ains o''ice shall "ie the a%%licant $(e notice0 co% '(!nishe$ all

    conce!ne$0 containin" the "!o(n$s 'o! $enial. The $enial shall be a%%ealable to the NCIP. In

    case o' con'lictin" clai&s a&on" in$ii$(al o! in$i"eno(s co!%o!ate clai&ants0 the Ancest!al$o&ains O''ice shall ca(se the conten$in" %a!ties to &eet an$ assist the& in co&in" (%with a %!eli&ina! !esol(tion o' the con'lict0 witho(t %!e3($ice to its '(ll a$3($icationacco!$in" to Sec. 9 o' this Act. In all %!ocee$in"s 'o! the i$enti'ication o! $elineation o' theancest!al $o&ains as he!ein %!oi$e$0 the 4i!ecto! o' Lan$s shall !e%!esent the inte!est o'the Re%(blic o' the Phili%%ines/ an$

    ". The Ancest!al 4o&ains O''ice shall %!e%a!e an$ s(b&it a !e%o!t on each an$ ee!

    a%%lication s(!ee$ an$ $elineate$ to the NCIP0 which shall0 in t(!n0 eal(ate o! co!%o!ate*'a&il o! clan+ clai&ant oe! ancest!al lan$s.

    Sec. 8;. Fr+#!#let Cl+i1$.- The Ancest!al 4o&ains O''ice &a0 (%on w!itten !e2(est '!o&

    the ICCs)IPs0 !eiew eistin" clai&s which hae been '!a($(lentl ac2(i!e$ b an %e!sono! co&&(nit. An clai& 'o(n$ to be '!a($(lentl ac2(i!e$ b0 an$ iss(e$ to0 an %e!son o!co&&(nit &a be cancelle$ b the NCIP a'te! $(e notice an$ hea!in" o' all %a!tiesconce!ne$.

    Sec. 88. Co11#+l Riht$.- S(b3ect to Section 89 he!eo'0 a!eas within the ancest!al

    $o&ains0 whethe! $elineate$ o! not0 shall be %!es(&e$ to be co&&(nall hel$, P!oi$e0That co&&(nal !i"hts (n$e! this Act shall not be const!(e$ as co-owne!shi% as %!oi$e$ in

    Re%(blic Act. No. 7@90 othe!wise known as the New Ciil Co$e.

    Sec. 89. Ei$ti Pro%ert0 Riht$ Rei1es.- P!o%e!t !i"hts within the ancest!al $o&ainsal!ea$ eistin" an$)o! este$ (%on e''ectiit o' this Act0 shall be !eco"ni#e$ an$


    Sec. 8=. N+t#r+l Re$o#r&e$ 2ithi A&e$tr+l Do1+i$.4The ICCs)IPs shall hae the %!io!it!i"hts in the ha!estin"0 et!action0 $eelo%&ent o! e%loitation o' an nat(!al !eso(!ces

    within the ancest!al $o&ains. A non-&e&be! o' the ICCs)IPs conce!ne$ &a be allowe$ totake %a!t in the $eelo%&ent an$ (tili#ation o' the nat(!al !eso(!ces 'o! a %e!io$ o' not

    ecee$in" twent-'ie *8+ ea!s !enewable 'o! not &o!e than twent-'ie *8+ ea!s,P!oi$e$0 That a 'o!&al an$ w!itten a"!ee&ent is ente!e$ into with the ICCs)IPs conce!ne$o! that the co&&(nit0 %(!s(ant to its own $ecision &akin" %!ocess0 has a"!ee$ to allows(ch o%e!ation, P!oi$e$0 'inall0 That the all et!actions shall be (se$ to 'acilitate the$eelo%&ent an$ i&%!oe&ent o' the ancest!al $o&ains.

    Sec. 8@. E3iro1et+l Co$i!er+tio.- Ancest!al $o&ains o! %o!tion the!eo'0 which a!e'o(n$ necessa! 'o! c!itical wate!she$s0 &an"!oes wil$li'e sanct(a!ies0 wil$e!ness0%!otecte$ a!eas0 'o!est coe!0 o! !e'o!estation as $ete!&ine$ b the a%%!o%!iate a"encies

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    Sec. 9;. Re1e!i+l Me+$#re$.- E%!o%!iation &a be !eso!te$ to in the !esol(tion o' con'lictso' inte!est 'ollowin" the %!inci%le o' the Fco&&on "oo$F. The NCIP shall take a%%!o%!iatele"al action 'o! the cancellation o' o''iciall $oc(&ente$ titles which we!e ac2(i!e$ ille"all,P!oi$e$0 That s(ch %!oce$(!e shall ens(!e that the !i"hts o' %ossesso!s in "oo$ 'aith shall

    be !es%ecte$, P!oi$e$0 '(!the!0 That the action 'o! cancellation shall be initiate$ within two*+ ea!s '!o& the e''ectiit o' this Act, P!oi$e$0 'inall0 That the action 'o! !econeance

    shall be a %e!io$ o' ten *1B+ ea!s in acco!$ance with eistin" laws.


    Sec. 98. Pri1+r0 o' C#$to1+r0 L+2$ +! Pr+&ti&e$.- >hen $is%(tes inole ICCs)IPs0c(sto&a! laws an$ %!actices shall be (se$ to !esole the $is%(te.

    Sec. 99. :#ri$!i&tio o' the NCIP.- The NCIP0 th!o("h its !e"ional o''ices0 shall hae3(!is$iction oe! all clai&s an$ $is%(tes inolin" !i"hts o' ICCs)IPs/ P!oi$e$0 howee!0

    That no s(ch $is%(te shall be b!o("ht to the NCIP (nless the %a!ties hae eha(ste$ all!e&e$ies %!oi$e$ (n$e! thei! c(sto&a! laws. 5o! this %(!%ose0 a ce!ti'ication shall be

    iss(e$ b the Co(ncil o' El$e!s)Lea$e!s who %a!tici%ate$ in the atte&%t to settle the $is%(tethat the sa&e has not been !esole$0 which ce!ti'ication shall be a con$ition %!ece$ent tothe 'ilin" o' a %etition with the NCIP.

    Sec. 9=.A%%e+l$ to the Co#rt o' A%%e+l$.- 4ecisions o' the NCIP shall be a%%ealable to the

    Co(!t o' A%%eals b wa o' a %etition 'o! !eiew.

    Sec. 9@. Eetio o' De&i$io$, A2+r!$, Or!er$.4 %on e%i!ation o' the %e!io$ he!e

    %!oi$e$ an$ no a%%eal is %e!'ecte$ b an o' the conten$in" %a!ties0 the Hea!in" O''ice! o'the NCIP0 on its own initiatie o! (%on &otion b the %!eailin" %a!t0 shall iss(e a w!it o'eec(tion !e2(i!in" the she!i'' o! the %!o%e! o''ice! to eec(te 'inal $ecisions0 o!$e!s o!awa!$s o' the Re"ional Hea!in" O''ice! o' the NCIP.

    Sec. 9. #+$i4:#!i&i+l Po2er$ o' the NCIP.4The NCIP shall hae the %owe! an$ a(tho!it,

    a. To %!o&(l"ate !(les an$ !e"(lations "oe!nin" the hea!in" an$ $is%osition o' cases 'ile$

    be'o!e it as well as those %e!tainin" to its inte!nal '(nctions an$ s(ch !(les an$ !e"(lationsas &a be necessa! to ca!! o(t the %(!%oses o' this Act/

    b. To a$&iniste! oaths0 s(&&on the %a!ties to a cont!oe!s0 iss(e s(b%oenas !e2(i!in" theatten$ance an$ testi&on o' witnesses o! the %!o$(ction o' s(ch books0 %a%e!s0 cont!acts0!eco!$s0 a"!ee&ents an$ othe! $oc(&ent o' si&ila! nat(!e as &a be &ate!ial to a 3(st$ete!&ination o' the &atte! (n$e! inesti"ation o! hea!in" con$(cte$ in %(!s(ance o' thisAct/

    c. To hol$ an %e!son in conte&%t0 $i!ectl o! in$i!ectl0 an$ i&%ose a%%!o%!iate %enalties

    the!e'o!/ an$

    $. To en3oin an o! all acts inolin" o! a!isin" '!o& an case %en$in" the!e'o!e it which0 i'

    not !est!aine$ 'o!thwith0 &a ca(se "!ae o! i!!e%a!able $a&a"e to an o' the %a!ties tothe case o! se!io(sl a''ect social o! econo&ic actiit.

    Sec. =B. No !est!ainin" O!$e! o! P!eli&ina! In3(nction - No in'e!io! co(!t o' the Phili%%inesshall hae the 3(!is$iction to iss(e an !est!ainin" o!$e! o! w!it o' %!eli&ina! in3(nctiona"ainst the NCIP o! an o' its $(l a(tho!i#e$ o! $esi"nate$ o''ices in an case0 $is%(te o!cont!oe!s to0 o! inte!%!etation o' this Act an$ othe! %e!tinent laws !elatin" to ICCs)IPs

    an$ ancest!al $o&ains.

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    O''ice!s an$ e&%loees who a!e to be %hase$-o(t as a !es(lt o' the &e!"e! o' thei! o''icesshall be entitle$ to "!at(it a !ate e2(ialent to one an$ a hal' *1 1)+ &onths sala! 'o!ee! ea! o' contin(o(s an$ satis'acto! se!ice !en$e!e$ o! the e2(ialent nea!est'!action the!eo' 'ao!able to the& on the basis o' the hi"hest sala! !eceie$. I' the a!e

    al!ea$ entitle$ to !eti!e&ent bene'its o! the "!at(it he!ein %!oi$e$. O''ice!s an$e&%loees who &a be !einstate$ shall !e'(n$ s(ch !eti!e&ent bene'its o! "!at(it

    !eceie$, P!oi$e$0 'inall That abso!be$ %e!sonnel &(st still &eet the 2(ali'ications an$stan$a!$s set b the Ciil Se!ice an$ the Place&ent Co&&ittee he!ein c!eate$.

    Sec. =8. Tr+$itio Perio!.- The ONCC)OSCC shall hae a %e!io$ o' si *9+ &onths '!o& thee''ectiit o' this Act within which to win$ (% its a''ai!s an$ to con$(ct a($it o' its 'inances.

    Sec. =9. Tr+$'er o' A$$et$/Pro%ertie$.- All !eal an$ %e!sonal %!o%e!ties which a!e este$ in0o! belon"in" to0 the &e!"e$ o''ices as a'o!estate$ shall be t!ans'e!!e$ to the NCIP witho(t

    '(!the! nee$ o' coneance0 t!ans'e! o! assi"n&ent an$ shall be hel$ 'o! the sa&e %(!%oseas the we!e hel$ b the 'o!&e! o''ices, P!oi$e$0 That all cont!acts0 !eco!$s an$

    $oc(&ents shall be t!ans'e!!e$ to the NCIP. All a"!ee&ents an$ cont!acts ente!e$ into bthe &e!"e$ o''ices shall !e&ain in '(ll 'o!ce an$ e''ect (nless othe!wise te!&inate$0

    &o$i'ie$ o! a&en$e$ b the NCIP.

    Sec. ==. Pl+&e1et Co11ittee.- S(b3ect to !(les on "oe!n&ent !eo!"ani#ation0 aPlace&ent Co&&ittee shall be c!eate$ b the NCIP0 in coo!$ination with the Ciil Se!iceCo&&ission0 which shall assist in the 3($icio(s selection an$ %lace&ent o' %e!sonnel in

    o!$e! that the best 2(ali'ie$ an$ &ost $ese!in" %e!sons shall be a%%ointe$ in the!eo!"ani#e$ a"enc. The %lace&ent Co&&ittee shall be co&%ose$ o' seen *=+

    co&&issione!s an$ an ICCs)IPs !e%!esentatie '!o& each o' the 'i!st an$ secon$ leele&%loees association in the O''ices 'o! No!the!n an$ So(the!n C(lt(!al Co&&(nities

    *ONCC)OSCC+0 non"oe!n&ent o!"ani#ations *NGOs+ who hae se!e$ the co&&(nit 'o!at least 'ie *8+ ea!s an$ %eo%les o!"ani#ations *POs+ with at least 'ie *8+ ea!s o'eistence. The shall be "(i$e$ b the c!ite!ia o' !etention an$ a%%oint&ent to be %!e%a!e$

    b the cons(ltatie bo$ an$ b the %e!tinent %!oisions o' the ciil se!ice law.


    Sec. =@. S%e&i+l Pro3i$io.- The Cit o' :a"(io shall !e&ain to be "oe!ne$ b its Cha%te!

    an$ all lan$s %!oclai&e$ as %a!t o' its townsite !ese!ation shall !e&ain as s(ch (ntilothe!wise !eclassi'ie$ b a%%!o%!iate le"islation, P!oi$e$0 That %!io! lan$ !i"hts an$ titles

    !eco"ni#e$ an$)o! !e2(i!e$ th!o("h an 3($icial0 a$&inist!atie o! othe! %!ocesses be'o!ethe e''ectiit o' this Act shall !e&ain ali$, P!oi$e$0 '(!the!0 That this %!oision shall nota%%l to an te!!ito! which beco&es %a!t o' the Cit o' :a"(io a'te! the e''ectiit o' thisAct.

    Sec. =.A%%ro%ri+tio$.- The a&o(nt necessa! to 'inance the initial i&%le&entation o' thisAct shall be cha!"e$ a"ainst the c(!!ent ea!

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    Sec. @. Se%+r+ilit0 Cl+#$e.4In case an %!oision o' this Act o! an %o!tion the!eo' is$ecla!e$ (nconstit(tional b a co&%etent co(!t0 othe! %!oisions shall not be a''ecte$the!eb.

    Sec. @7. Re%e+li Cl+#$e.- P!esi$ential 4ec!ee NO. ;1B0 Eec(tie O!$e! Nos. 1-: an$

    1-C0 an$ all othe! laws0 $ec!ees0 o!$e!s0 !(les an$ !e"(lations o! %a!ts the!eo'

    inconsistent with this Act a!e he!eb !e%eale$ o! &o$i'ie$ acco!$in"l.

    Sec. @;. E''e&ti3it0.- This Act shall take e''ect 'i'teen $as *18+ $as (%on its %(blication inthe O''icial Ga#ette o! in an two *+ news%a%e!s o' "ene!al ci!c(lation.

    A%%ro3e! Octobe! 1=.